Important Question Bank BD
Important Question Bank BD
Important Question Bank BD
Q1. List out the different kind of Digital Data.
Q2. How to overcome the Challenges of Conventional System in Data Analysis?
Q3. Explain about the Big Data Architecture and its Characteristics.
Q4. Discuss the various Big Data Features in terms of Security, Protection and Auditing.
Q5. List any five big data platforms, and also discuss the importance and application of Big
Q6. Detail about the analysis vs. reporting while introducing the Big Data.
Q7. Elaborate various components of Big Data architecture.
Q8 Explain about modern data analytic tools & write any two industry examples for Big
Q9. Explain History of Big Data & Hadoop.
Q10. Discuss about 5 V’s of Big Data in details.
Q1. Discuss the detailed architecture of Map-Reduce
Q2. Discuss the detailed architecture of YARN along with its components.
Q3. Explain Hadoop ecosystem in detail.
Q4. Explain three benefits of MapReduce.
Q5. Discuss the Working of Map Reduce and it’s Characteristics.
Q6. Explain the various Job Scheduling Techniques used in the Map Reduce.
Q7. What is the role of Sort & Shuffle in Map-Reduce?
Q8. Differentiate “Scale up and Scale out” Explain with an example How Hadoop uses Scale
out feature to improve the Performance.
Q9. What is the block size of a HDFS? Name the two type of nodes in Hadoop.
Q10. How Data format of Hadoop is important? And Explain Distributed File System.
Q1. Write the Benefits and Challenges of Hadoop Distributed File System in detail.
Q2. Discuss the Security issues in Hadoop and why it is important for Data analysis?
Q3. Discuss the New Features implemented in Hadoop 2.0 Version.
Q4. Discuss the use of Data Replication.
Q5. Illustrate the concept of HDFS Monitoring and Maintenance Process.
Q6. Demonstrate the design of HDFS and concept in detail.
Q7. Discuss in brief about the cluster specification. Describe how to setting up a Hadoop
Q8. Examine the process of reading and writing data in HDFS by a client.
Q9. Differentiate between flume and Sqoop.
Q10. Define data replication in Hadoop distributed file system.
Q1. Classify and detail the different types of NoSQL
Q2. Summarize the role of indexing in MongoDB using an example.
Q3. With the help of suitable example, explain how CRUD operations are performed in
Q4. Does MongoDB support ACID properties? Justify your answer.
Q5. Compare and Contrast No SQL Relational Databases.
Q6. Explain briefly about the schedulers.
Q7. State features of Apache Spark and also explain three ways of how Spark can be built
with Hadoop components.
Q8. State difference between Java and Scala. Also explain various features of Scala.
Q9. List the Data Type used in Mango DB.
Q10. Explain the Various Ecosystem Components used in Hadoop with proper example.
Q1. Explain the Process of building the applications with Zookeeper.
Q2. Explain the various IBM Big Data Strategies used now a days.
Q3. Explain the Process of Apache Hive installation Process and its Architecture in detail.
Q4. Write the Applications of Big Data using Pig.
Q5. Explain the architecture of HIVE. Also explain data flow in HIVE.
Q6. Compare and Contrast
(i) Apache Pig vs Map-Reduce
(ii) Pig vs SQL
(iii)Pig vs HIVE
Q7. Discuss Meta store in HIVE in brief.
Q8. Explore various execution models of PIG.
Q9. Differentiate between Map-Reduce, PIG and HIVE
Q10. Describe schema.