Mihalache Openloop ATEE 2013 06563389
Mihalache Openloop ATEE 2013 06563389
Mihalache Openloop ATEE 2013 06563389
Open-loop control of hybrid stepper motor with two phases using voltage to
frequency converter
7 780
3 authors, including:
G. Livint
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi
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All content following this page was uploaded by G. Livint on 13 July 2021.
Abstract- Positioning systems are powered by different types of This study refers to a hybrid stepper motor controlled by
electric motors. A special category of electric motors, which are the pulse train coming from a voltage-frequency converter
increasingly used in systems, are hybrid stepper motors (the
most common example are with two phases). Due the simplicity (V/F converter) simulated in Matlab-Simulink software using
of construction, command and control, they are used even in full step sequence (one-phase-on).
other electric drive systems. This paper presents a new method II. THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE HSM
of Matlab simulation of a controller driver for a hybrid stepper
motor with full step sequence, using a voltage to frequency The mathematical model of HSM used is described in [1-
converter. The results of the simulation of the proposed control 5]. Motor differential equations are:
scheme are quite satisfactory.
Keywords: full step, combinational logic, hybrid stepper motor dia 1
= [U a − Ra ia + k m ω sin( N R θ )] ,
dt La
The Hybrid Stepper Motors (HSM) are motors that convert dib 1
a digital pulse train in precise incremental movements [1-5].
= [U b − Rb ib − k m ω cos( N R θ )] ,
dt Lb
The above properties show that HSM motor is compatible dω 1
with digital command and control systems[3-4]. = [− k m ia sin( N R θ ) + k m ib cos( N R θ ) − Bω − k D − Mr ] ,
dt J
Most popular HSM are composed of a stator and two
rotors. The motor stator has two control windings, each is =ω . (1)
placed on two diametrically opposed statoric poles. Rotors dt
are spaced axially by a permanent magnet at the periphery,
which shows teeth uniform distributed and the first rotor is where: ia and ib are the phase currents, Ua and Ub are the
radially shifted with on tooth [3]. phase voltages, La and Lb are the phase inductances, Ra and
The HSM develops mechanical torque higher than the Rb are the phase resistances, Nr are the number of rotor teeth,
torque produced by stepper motors with variable reluctance J is the rotor inertia, B is the viscous friction constant, km is
[3][4]. the rotor torque constant, ω is the rotor speed, θ is the rotor
The HSM is commanded in the following modes: wave position and Mr is the load torque. [1],[3-5]. The
drive, normal full step, half step[3-5]. Wave drive mode kD·sin(4Nr·θ) represents the produced torque due to the
involves a single phase power sequential alternating voltage permanent rotor magnet interacting with the magnetic
phases. Normal full step mode involves of two phases power material of the stator poles and kD is typically 5% to 10% of
alternating voltage phases. Half step mode involves alternated the value of km·i0, where i0 is the rated current [3],[5].
one phase - two phases-one phase power [3-4]. Implementation of differential equations described in (1) in in
Matlab-Simulink is illustrated in Fig 1.
B. Pulse Generator for Full Step Sequence Fig. 4. Out signals A, B and C.
The motor is powered using one phase only [3-4]. Supply In practice this can be done easily using two D-type
phase sequence is: B1, A2, B2, A1, B1…. bistabiles or a count [9].
For microcontroller, the command pulses for the driver are Minimization function was accomplished using the
generated according to the power phase sequency. diagram Karnaugh [9-10]. Simulink Implementation of the
Determination drivers command pulses was achieved using minimized functions for the driver command pulses are
combinational logic [3]. They are comprised of basic logic illustrated in Fig. 5 and also in fig. 6. Is illustrates control
gates whose operation is described by Boolean algebra. signals for the driver full step sequence.
The HSM used has the following parameters (described in
[3]): La=Lb=12 mH, Ra=Rb=11 Ω, B=0.025 Nm/rad/s, Nr=50,
J=1.125×10-4 kgm2, km=0.22 Nm/A, Mr=0.07 N, kd=0.022
Performance simulation was done at different input
voltages (input voltage frequency converter is HSM speed).
Fig. 5. Functions to minimize the driver command pulses. Below are presented the experimental results of the motor
with a frequency of 20Hz.
Fig. 8. illustrates the waveforms of the current through the
motor phases. From Fig. 8. it can seen that the current has the
same form as the supply voltage.