312009-Programming in 'C' Language - 240109 - 232135
312009-Programming in 'C' Language - 240109 - 232135
312009-Programming in 'C' Language - 240109 - 232135
C language is basic programming language for enhancing logical and problem solving ability of student . This
course enhances and builds confidence in programming skills of diploma students. This course will enable students
to inculcate programming concepts and methodology to solve engineering problems.
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 1/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be declared
as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. * Self learning includes micro project / assignment / other activities.
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 2/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 3/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 4/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
i) call by value
LLO 11.1 Implement call by
11 2 CO3
value and call by reference ii) call by reference
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 5/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
LLO 16.1 Use structures to percentage
16 2 CO5
store multiple data types.
Write a program to take data of three students and
display the same.
LLO 17.1 Create a C program Write C program to create, initialize, assign and
17 2 CO5
for implementing pointers access a pointer variable
Note : out of above suggestive LLOs -
Virtual Labs
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 6/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
Micro project
Unit Convertor: Each batch will prepare a menu driven program to perform different operations unit conversion.
Patterns: Each batch will prepare a program to display different number patterns
Basic Mathematical Functions: Each batch will prepare a menu driven program to perform following operations: i)
Pascal triangle ii) Armstrong No. iii) Floyd’s triangle iv) HCF and LCM.
Number Conversion System: Each batch will prepare a menu driven program to convert decimal number system to
i) binary ii) Octal iii) Hexadecimal number system
a) Bus Reservation System: Each batch will prepare a menu driven program to following operations i) Book a
Ticket ii) List the information of all the tickets booked.
Note :
Microproject topics are suggestive topics, faculty can design the microproject topics as per the CO. The
microproject has to be application based, laboratory-based or field-based as suggested by Teacher. Similar micro-
projects can be added by concerned faculty. For this course 2 hr per week are allocated for SL (Self Learning) in
learning scheme. By conside2ring 30 hr self learning work course teacher has to allocate one or two task may be
combination of assignments and / or micro projects t. Microproject is expected to complete as a group activity.
Course teacher can assign specific learning or any other skill development task . According to task assign , course
teacher can set rubrics for continuous ( formative ) type assessment. SLA marks shall be awarded as per
continuous assessment record.
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 7/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 8/9
11/3/23, 3:18 PM 312009-PROGRAMMING IN 'C' LANGUAGE
Semester - 2, K Scheme
https://services.msbte.edu.in/scheme_digi/pdfdownload/download_draft/ 9/9