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Unit 1 - The Online World V5 MS

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Autumn 2016

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First in

Information and Creative Technology
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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July 2016
20560E_Version 5 _MS
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General Marking Guidance
 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners
must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they
mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgment is required, mark schemes will provide
the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the
mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must
be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.

ICT Unit 1 Version 5 Mark Scheme

Question Answer Mark

1 HTML (1)

Question Answer Mark

2 Read only
Full control (2)

Question Answer Mark

3(a) Award one mark for any of the following: (1)

 Anti-virus (software)
 Encryption
 Passwords
 Levels of permitted access

Question Answer
Number Mark
3(b) Award one mark for any of the following:

 prevents unauthorised access/hacking

(must imply unauthorised/unwanted/
without permission – not just ‘people’)
 filters/monitors information
 stops/blocks anything considered
 controls what data can and cannot
pass through the system.

Accept any other relevant


Question Answer Mark

4(a) Router (1)

Question Answer Mark
4(b) Connects to a web server (1)

Question Answer Mark

5 Path name
Domain name (2)

Question Answer Mark

HTTP (2)

Question Answer Mark

7(a) Award one mark for any of the following, up
to a maximum of two marks.

Collaborative working/ more than one person

can work on the file.
Automatic back up/save.
Users can access files if they have internet
All users will have the same version of the
Online software can be free
Saves storage space on your device
Not device dependent.

Accept any other relevant

phrasing/wording. (2)

Question Answer
Number Mark
7(b) Award one mark for any of the following, up
to a maximum of two marks.

Each document is only accessible to certain

Confidential files have restricted access.
Only certain people should be able to (2)

edit/amend/delete documents.
It will help to maintain the integrity of the
Maintain version control.

Accept any other relevant


Question Answer Mark

8 Mouse (1)

Question Answer Mark

9 Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion.

Ensure workers are on track/task/ doing the

right thing (1) so they are not wasting the
company’s resources/time (1).

Telephone calls to customers can be listened

to/recorded (1) so that the quality of
customer service can be assessed/any
criminal activity can be detected / sharing
data inappropriately (1).

Emails can be read (1) so that employers can

determine whether email is being used
appropriately/quality of customer service can
be assessed/any criminal activity / sharing
data inappropriately (1).

To make sure emails/computer systems are

used properly (1) to prevent computer
viruses entering the system (1).

To make sure the internet is used properly

(1) so employees are not accessing
inappropriate materials (1).

To ensure costs are appropriate and money is

not wasted (1) due to loss of production/time
taken to download information (1).

Accept any other relevant

phrasing/wording. (2)

Question Answer Mark
10 Relationship
Table (2)

Question Answer Mark

11 Phishing
Identity theft (2)

Question Answer Mark

12 Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion.

Type of back up (1) full back up/incremental/

differential (1).

Full back up (1) all data backed up every time

the system runs (1).

Incremental (1) only the data that has been

created or changed since the last back up (1).

Differential (1) only the data that has

changed since the previous full back up (1).

Amount of data (to be backed up) (1) so that

the school can decide the suitable
medium/device for back up, e.g. magnetic
tape (1).

Location of back up (1) on-site, offsite, cloud


Security of back up (1) so that unauthorised

access is prevented/ online may be more
vulnerable (1).

Scheduling of back up (1) time of day so the

back up is not running while students are
using the computers (1). (4)

Frequency of back up (1) as they may wish to
back up student and system data at different
intervals (1).

Accept any other relevant


Question Answer Mark

13(a) Can transfer large files quickly (1)

Question Answer Mark

13(b) Specialist software is required (1)

Question Answer Mark

14 Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion, up
to a maximum of four marks.

High data transfer rate (1) so large files/web

pages are uploaded/downloaded more quickly

Smoother experience (1) so that more

applications can be run at one time (1).

More users/devices can be online at the same

time (1) without affecting connectivity (1).

Accept any other relevant

phrasing/wording. (4)

Question Answer Mark
15 Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion.

 More information can be stored (1) so

the additional information can be used
to improve planning/stock control (1).

 RFID chips have more uses (1) so can

be read on multiple devices from a
distance, e.g. security sensors and toll
booth scanners (1).

 RFID chips are more robust (1) which

makes them more reliable than
barcodes (1).

 RFID chips lead to greater efficiency in

many warehouse tasks (1) because
RFID can identify/scan multiple items
at once (1).

 RFID scanning has a greater first time

pass accuracy (1) which reduces the
number of errors that are generated

Accept any other relevant

phrasing/wording. (4)

Question Answer Mark

16(a) Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion.

SMTP transmits messages to the recipients'

email server (1) for later retrieval/store and
forward system (1).

SMTP provides codes that identify the

different sections of the (outgoing) message
(1) for the receiving email server to
understand (1).

Accept any other relevant

phrasing/wording. (2)

Question Answer
Number Mark
16(b) Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion.

POP3 messages can only be accessed on one

device (1) as POP3 stores/downloads
messages onto the user’s computer (1).

IMAP stores messages on the server (1)

which allows the user to access messages on
multiple devices/synchronises (1).
Accept any other relevant
phrasing/wording. (2)

Question Answer Mark

17 Award one mark for identification and one
additional mark for appropriate expansion.

Generic responses for server side scripting,

browser independent (1) because all
processing is done on the web server (1)

More efficient (1) complex code does not

have to be run on the user’s computer (1).

Speed of user’s computer not of concern (1)

because all processing is done on the web
server (1).

Related to submitting an online form -

Users can’t bypass validation (1) which
means all data sent is checked on the server

Complete form submitted (1) without

interruptions (1).

Accept any other relevant

phrasing/wording. (2)

Question Indicative Content Mark
18 Benefits
 VoIP broadband phone providers
charge a much lower fee for long
distance calls than traditional phone
 VoIP broadband phone service
provides a virtual phone number that
can be a number with an area code
different from where you reside, so
that other restaurants will only be
charged for local calls when they call
Tom’s virtual number.
 Cost and time implications of travelling
long distances mean it is very
expensive and the time taken means
that no work can be done, so less
 Cost of appropriate software and

 VoIP service is usually bundled with
features (such as caller ID with name,
call waiting, conference calls, call
 Some VoIP providers (Skype) provide
free PC to PC calls using their
software, which would mean that Tom
could see the managers with the
advantages of face-to-face
meetings/use of audio, video.
 Can send attachments through VoIP
 Meetings can be recorded for future

 Online meetings can be more
convenient to set up than organising a
venue etc.
 Mobility and portability. Tom can use
the VoIP service anywhere with a
broadband/internet connection and not
just from the office. All he needs is a
laptop and a headset or a VoIP phone
 VoIP means that more than one
employee can be in conference call.
 More ‘user friendly’ than email as it is
more personal than writing everything (8)

in an email.

 Call quality can be affected by the
quality of the broadband connection.
 All hardware and software need to be
running properly or the quality of the
meeting could be poor.
 Security issues with VoIP are identity
and service theft, viruses and
malware, denial of service, spamming,
call tampering and phishing attacks.
 Need access to appropriate software
and hardware.
 Lack of personal interaction.
 There can be a time delay using VoIP

Any other appropriate response is

Level/Band Descriptor Marks
0 No rewardable material. 0
1 A few points identified, or one point described
in some detail. The answer is likely to be in
the form of a list. Only one viewpoint
considered (positive or negative). Points
made will be superficial/generic and not
applied/directly linked to the situation in the
question. 1-3 marks
2 Some points identified, or a few points
described. Consideration of more than one
viewpoint (positive and negative) but there
will be more emphasis on one of them. The
answer is unbalanced. Most points made will
be relevant to the situation in the question,
but the link will not always be clear. 4-6 marks
3 Range of points described, or a few points
explained in depth. All sides of the case are
considered and the answer is well balanced,
giving weight to both viewpoints (positive and
negative). The majority of points made will
be relevant and there will be a clear link to
the situation in the question. 7-8 marks


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