Instructional Plan

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Km. 15, Central Highway

Tawala, Panglao, Bohol
6340, Philippines
/Fax(038) 502-8408/ (038) 502-8409

DATE: Learning Area/Course: Grade/Year Level: Module No. Duration:
English Grade 7 1 hour


Compose a capsule biography of a person interviewed

Key Concepts / Understanding the purpose and structure of a capsule biography.

Understandings to be
 Knowledge
Identify the characteristics and structure of a capsule biography.

 Skills
Organize information in a concise and coherent manner for a capsule biography.

 Values
Appreciate the importance of respecting and valuing the experiences and stories of

2. CONTENT Characteristics of a capsule biography.


 Introductory
Activity The class will start with an opening prayer. Greetings, classroom management, and
checking of attendance will follow

 Activity
The teacher will assign each student a partner and provide them with a list of
interview questions related to a person of interest (e.g., family member, friend,
community member). Students will conduct interviews with their partners, focusing
on gathering key information about the person's background, experiences, and

 Analysis

The students will actively listen to the teacher’s discussion on the key features of a
Capsule Biography. The teacher shall encourage them to participate during class
discussion and probe for questions that will test students’ understanding of the topic
being discussed.

 Abstraction
The teacher review the key components of a capsule biography: introduction, main
body, and conclusion.

Discuss strategies for selecting and organizing key information obtained from the

 Application
The teacher instruct students to use the information gathered from their interviews to
compose a capsule biography of the person they interviewed.

The teacher provides graphic organizer templates to help students organize their
ideas and information.

 Assessment The teacher evaluate students' capsule biographies based on criteria such as
relevance of information, organization, clarity, and language usage.
Capsule Biography Rubric

Criteria Description

How well-organized is the capsule biography?

Are there clear sections for introduction, main body,
Organization and conclusion?
Is the information presented clearly and concisely?
Clarity Are sentences well-constructed and easy to understand?
Does the biography contain relevant and significant information
about the person interviewed?
Are key events, experiences, and achievements highlighted
Content effectively?
Did the student come prepared with thoughtful and relevant
interview questions?
Preparation Did questions elicit detailed responses from the interviewee?
Did the student demonstrate active listening skills during the
interview, asking follow-up questions and
Active Listening seeking clarification when necessary?

Did the student communicate clearly and effectively during the

Communication interviews, using appropriate language and tone?
Scoring Guide:

4: Excellent - The student demonstrates exceptional proficiency in the criteria.

3: Good - The student demonstrates proficiency in the criteria with minor areas for

2: Fair - The student demonstrates basic proficiency in the criteria but shows some
inconsistencies or weaknesses.

1: Needs Improvement - The student demonstrates limited proficiency in the criteria

and requires significant improvement.

5. REFLECTIONS It shows the effectiveness of the instructional activities in helping students

understand and apply the concepts of composing a capsule biography.

Rosario B. Reapor

Signed: __________________
Cooperating Teacher

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