Influence of Air-Abrasion and Subsequent Heat Treatment On Bonding Between Zirconia Framework Material and Indirect Composites
Influence of Air-Abrasion and Subsequent Heat Treatment On Bonding Between Zirconia Framework Material and Indirect Composites
Influence of Air-Abrasion and Subsequent Heat Treatment On Bonding Between Zirconia Framework Material and Indirect Composites
Department of Anatomy and Functional Restorations, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical
Sciences, 2-3, Kasumi 1-Chome, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8553, Japan
Division of General Dentistry, Nagasaki University Hospital, 1-7-1, Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852-8501, Japan
Department of Biomaterials Science, Division of Molecular Medical Science, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 2-3,
Kasumi 1-Chome, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8553, Japan
Corresponding author, Saiji SHIMOE; E-mail:
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of air-abrasion and subsequent heat treatment on the shear bond strength
of the bond between indirect composites and a zirconia material. Four surface preparations were employed; ground flat, then heated
to regenerate the crystal phase (C); air-abraded with alumina for 10 s (S10), for 20 s (S20), and air-abraded for 10 s and heated (H).
Disks were primed with Alloy Primer and bonded either with Estenia or with Gradia composite. XRD analysis suggested that the
monoclinic zirconia content was increased by air-abrasion, and decreased by heating. The surface roughness of S10, S20 and H disks
was similar. Nevertheless, H groups showed lower bond strengths than the S10 and S20 groups both before and after thermal cycling.
Although alumina air-abrasion considerably enhanced bonding between zirconia and indirect composites, subsequent heat treatment
had a negative effect on the durability of bond strength.
using a CAD/CAM system (Cercon Smart Ceramics, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses
Dentsply International). After firing at 1,350°C for six The degree of transformation induced by air-abrasion
hours, disk-shaped specimens 10 mm in diameter and and heat treatment was determined by measuring the
2.5 mm in thickness were prepared. Two types of high- peak intensity ratios in the XRD patterns of the disk-
strength indirect composite materials (Estenia C&B, shaped specimens (n=5 per group). XRD data were
Kuraray Medical Inc., Tokyo, Japan; and Gradia, GC collected with a θ/2θ diffractometer (XD-D1, Shimadzu,
Corp., Tokyo, Japan) originally designed for metal-based Kyoto, Japan) using Cu-Kα radiation at 30 kV and 30
or free restoration were chosen for testing as layering mA. Diffractograms were obtained from 26° to 36° at
materials. A single-liquid primer containing phosphate a scan speed of 1°/min. The monoclinic peak intensity
monomer (Alloy Primer, Kuraray Medical Inc.) was ratio, Xm, was calculated using the Garvie and Nicholson
selected as the adhesion promoter. method17) as follows:
tracing speed 0.05 mm/s and sampling length 2.5 mm. results of the monoclinic zirconia content derived from
The value for each specimen was obtained by measuring the XRD and the surface roughness values were initially
at three arbitrary points and averaging the values. Three analyzed with the Levene test for the evaluation of
specimens were evaluated for each different treatment equality of variance. The means of each group were also
method. analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Scheffé or Tukey HSD
post hoc pairwise comparison tests (α=0.05).
Shear bond strength (SBS) testing and failure analysis The SBS results were compared with three-way
16 disk-shaped specimens were prepared for each of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) after the Levene test for
four surface preparations (C, S10, S20, H). A piece of the evaluation of equality of variance. Then, for each
double-sided tape with a circular hole 5 mm in diameter thermocycling status, the values of each treatment-
was positioned on the surface of each zirconia specimen indirect composite were compared by one-way ANOVA,
to define the bonding area. Then the Alloy Primer was and post-hoc Scheffé tests were performed with the value
applied to the zirconia surfaces of all 4×16 disks using a of statistical significance set at α=0.05. In addition, to
sponge pellet. analyze the influence of the thermal cycling, the results
A thin layer of one of two opaque resins (Gradia FO, of the samples from an identical surface treatment
GC Corp., or Estenia C&B OA3, Kuraray Medical Inc.) subjected to 0 or 20,000 thermal cycles were compared
was applied to each zirconia surface and exposed to light using Mann-Whitney’s U tests with the value of
for 60 s (Gradia) or 90 s (Estenia C&B) in a polymerizing statistical significance set at α=0.05 for each treatment.
unit (Hi Light power, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, All analyses were carried out using IBM SPSS 19.0 (IBM
Germany). An additional opaque material (Gradia OA3, Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan).
GC Corp., Estenia C&B OA3, Kuraray Medical Inc.)
was applied twice on top of the primary opaque resin, RESULTS
each of which was exposed to light for the same duration
as the first layer. After light-exposure, a brass ring XRD results
(6 mm inside diameter, 2 mm length, and 1 mm wall The XRD patterns after grinding followed by heating
thickness) was placed surrounding the opaque resin. to regenerate the crystal phase (C), air-abrasion for 10
The ring was filled with a dentin shade of the indirect or 20 s (S10 or S20), and heat treatment after abrasion
composite material (Gradia DA3, GC Corp., Estenia for 10 s (H) are shown in Fig. 1. The diffraction peaks
C&B DA3, Kuraray Medical Inc.). All specimens were
then light cured with the polymerization unit for 300 s,
and the Estenia specimens received a further final heat-
polymerization at 110°C for 15 min in an oven (KL-100,
J. Morita Corp.).
Thirty minutes after preparation, the specimens
were immersed in water at 37°C for 24 h, and this state
was defined as thermal cycle 0. Each set of 16 disks was
then divided into two groups of 8 specimens: half (four
sets of 8 specimens) were tested to determine the 24-h
SBS without thermal cycling. The remaining specimens
were placed in a thermal cycling apparatus (Thermal
Cycler, Nissin Seiki Co. Ltd., Hiroshima, Japan) and
cycled between 4°C and 60°C water, with a 1-min dwell
time per bath, for 20,000 cycles.
Prior to SBS testing, the specimens were positioned
in steel molds, and seated in a shear-testing jig. SBS
were determined by means of a mechanical testing
device (AGS-J, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) at a crosshead
speed of 0.5 mm/min. The fractured interfaces were
observed with an optical microscope (×8; S300II, Inoue
Attachment Corp., Tokyo, Japan) and the failure modes
were recorded as either: adhesive failure at the zirconia-
resin interface (A), a combination of cohesive and
adhesive failures (AC), or cohesive failure within the
resin (C). Representative specimens were observed with
a scanning electron microscope (SEM, VE-8800, Keyence
Corp., Osaka, Japan).
Fig. 1 XRD patterns of zirconia after each treatment.
Statistical analysis (C) ground flat; (S10) air-abraded with alumina
For all tests, the mean and standard deviation (SD) for 10 s; (S20) for 20 s; (H) air-abraded for 10 s
for each set of surface treatments was calculated. The and heated.
754 Dent Mater J 2012; 31(5): 751–757
due to monoclinic zirconia increased after both of the S20, H) showed significantly higher Ra values than
air-abrasion treatments (S10 or S20) as compared with the control group (C) (p<0.05). The surface roughness
C group samples, and the peaks for tetragonal zirconia increased with increasing air-abrasion time, with the
decreased conversely. In contrast, the XRD pattern S20 group showing significantly higher Ra than the S10
of H group samples showed an increase in the peaks group (p<0.05). Comparison between samples with or
corresponding to tetragonal zirconia. The peaks of the without heat treatment after air-abrasion for same time
H group samples after heat treatment were nearly (10 s, i.e. the S10 group and the H group) showed that
identical to those of the C group before air-abrasion. there was no significant difference in Ra value (p>0.05).
The monoclinic zirconia contents derived from the
XRD patterns using equations (1) and (2) are shown in SBS and failure results
Table 2. The monoclinic zirconia contents of S10 and S20 Means and standard deviations of SBS in MPa for the
groups were significantly larger than those of the C and different sample groups and percentages of each failure
H groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference mode are shown in Table 3. The SBS values for both
in monoclinic content between H group and C group indirect composites, with both thermal cycling statuses,
(p>0.05). were significantly higher for the S10 and S20 groups than
the C groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference
Surface roughness results between S10 and S20 groups (p>0.05). However, the H
The surface roughness values of the zirconia surfaces group showed significantly lower bond strength than
tested are shown in Table 2. Air-abraded groups (S10, S10 and S20 groups (p<0.05). Some differences were
seen with thermal cycling - the strengths of C (Gradia)
and H (Estenia, Gradia) groups at 20,000 thermal
cycles were significantly lower than the corresponding 0
Table 2 Means and standard deviations of monoclinic thermal cycle data (p<0.05). The number of combination
content and surface roughness values (Ra) for adhesive and cohesive failures (AC) was reduced for all
each group groups by application of thermal cycling. All specimens
in the H groups for both indirect composites showed
Monoclinic content Surface roughness
Groups adhesive failure (A) after thermal cycling.
(SD) (vol%) (SD) (μm)
Electron micrographs of representative thermally
C 0.74 (0.15)A 0.05 (0.01)a cycled and debonded composite-zirconia surfaces are
shown in Fig. 2. When Gradia was used after air-
S10 4.61 (1.02)B 0.45 (0.02)b
abrasion (S10, S20 groups), composite residues are
S20 5.44 (0.49)B 0.50 (0.03)c identified on the zirconia surface (Figs. 2f and g).
Complete detachment from the zirconia surface occurred
H 0.99 (0.25)A 0.46 (0.03)b in almost all specimens except for the abovementioned
Within the same column, different letters indicate groups groups (Figs. 2 a–e, and h).
that are statistically different (p<0.05).
C 1.1 (0.1) A
100% – – 1.2 (0.4) a
100% – –
C 18.3 (1.0) D
– 100% – 1.4 (0.2) * a
87.5% 12.5% –
Within the same column at each composite, mean with the different letters are statistically different (p<0.05), *: significant
difference from 0 thermal cycle bond strength at the same group (p<0.05). A: adhesive; AC: combination of cohesive and
adhesive; C: cohesive.
Dent Mater J 2012; 31(5): 751–757 755
Fig. 2 Scanning electron micrographs of representative thermally cycled and debonded composite-
zirconia fracture surfaces:
(a) Estenia-C group; (b) Estenia-S10 group; (c) Estenia-S20 group; (d) Estenia-H group; (e)
Gradia-C group; (f) Gradia-S10 group; (g) Gradia-S20 group; (h) Gradia-H group.
756 Dent Mater J 2012; 31(5): 751–757
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