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Psychiatry Review

The Predictive Coding Account of Psychosis

Philipp Sterzer, Rick A. Adams, Paul Fletcher, Chris Frith, Stephen M. Lawrie, Lars Muckli,
Predrag Petrovic, Peter Uhlhaas, Martin Voss, and Philip R. Corlett

Fueled by developments in computational neuroscience, there has been increasing interest in the underlying neu-
rocomputational mechanisms of psychosis. One successful approach involves predictive coding and Bayesian
inference. Here, inferences regarding the current state of the world are made by combining prior beliefs with incoming
sensory signals. Mismatches between prior beliefs and incoming signals constitute prediction errors that drive new
learning. Psychosis has been suggested to result from a decreased precision in the encoding of prior beliefs relative
to the sensory data, thereby garnering maladaptive inferences. Here, we review the current evidence for aberrant
predictive coding and discuss challenges for this canonical predictive coding account of psychosis. For example,
hallucinations and delusions may relate to distinct alterations in predictive coding, despite their common co-
occurrence. More broadly, some studies implicate weakened prior beliefs in psychosis, and others find stronger
priors. These challenges might be answered with a more nuanced view of predictive coding. Different priors may be
specified for different sensory modalities and their integration, and deficits in each modality need not be uniform.
Furthermore, hierarchical organization may be critical. Altered processes at lower levels of a hierarchy need not be
linearly related to processes at higher levels (and vice versa). Finally, canonical theories do not highlight active
inference—the process through which the effects of our actions on our sensations are anticipated and minimized. It is
possible that conflicting findings might be reconciled by considering these complexities, portending a framework for
psychosis more equipped to deal with its many manifestations.
Keywords: Bayesian brain, Cognition, Delusions, Hallucinations, Learning, Perception, Predictive coding,

There is a pressing need to understand and better treat psy- a posterior probability (posterior). The posterior corresponds to
chosis (i.e., psychotic symptoms and psychotic disorders). the percept that is most likely, given the prior and the likelihood
While dopamine antagonists are effective, many patients (9). This may be implemented in the brain through predictive
experience residual symptoms (1). They have poor functional coding, but there are alternatives (10,11). Predictive coding
outcome and a high risk of suicide (2). Furthermore, the side conceives of the brain as a hierarchy whose goal is to maxi-
effects of many antipsychotics can lead to poor adherence. mize the evidence for its model of the world by comparing prior
Here, we argue that single-level accounts of psychosis, such beliefs with sensory data, and using the resultant prediction
as the dopamine hypothesis, are too reductionist on their own errors (PEs) to update the model (Figure 1). Model evidence
and will achieve full value only when embedded in a more can also be maximized through active inference—that is, by
complex explanatory framework that unites several levels of acting on the world (and thus selecting sensory evidence) to
explanation [e.g., Maia and Frank (3)]. Predictive coding and minimize PEs (12). Moreover, hierarchical Bayesian inference
Bayesian inference (4–6) may provide such a framework, link- entails modeling ourselves as agents who change the world:
ing the neurobiology of psychosis with its clinical phenome- indeed, in this scheme, experiences such as agency and
nology by way of computational processes. We will critically selfhood are inferred from the consequences of our own ac-
evaluate this framework and suggest future lines of inquiry. tions (13).
In terms of neural implementation (14,15), predictive signals
may be sent from higher hierarchical levels predominantly via
PREDICTIVE CODING AS HIERARCHICAL BAYESIAN glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)
INFERENCE signaling; any disparity between prior belief and sensory data is
Von Helmholtz’s (7) idea of unconscious inference held that the then signaled as a PE to the higher levels, mostly via gluta-
brain uses learned predictions to infer the causes of incoming matergic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic
sensory data. This process can be formalized as Bayesian acid receptors. Animal and human studies of vision support this
inference (5,8), whereby a probabilistic prediction (prior) is hypothesis (16–19). In Bayesian terms, the PE corresponds to the
combined with observed sensory data (likelihood) to compute difference between the means of the prior and the likelihood

634 ª 2018 Society of Biological Psychiatry. This is an open access article under the
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Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2018; 84:634–643 ISSN: 0006-3223
Predictive Coding and Schizophrenia Psychiatry

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of Bayesian predictive

coding as an explanatory framework for psychosis. (A)
Predictions are encoded at higher levels of a hierarchical
system and are sent as predictive signals to lower levels
(downward arrows on the left). Whenever the incoming
sensory data violate these predictions, a prediction error
signal is sent to update the predictive model at higher
levels (upward arrow on the right). Formalized as
Bayesian inference, predictions (prior) and sensory data
(likelihood) are represented in the form of probability
distributions. The posterior results from the combination
of prior and likelihood according to Bayes’ rule, weighted
by their respective precisions p (which is the inverse of
their variance s; see first equation), and updates the
predictive model (third equation). The fourth equation
rearranges the third to show that the new posterior mean
is simply the old prior mean added to a precision-
weighted prediction error. (B) In psychosis, the balance
between predictions and sensory data has been pro-
posed to be disrupted, with a decreased precision in the
representation of priors and increased precision of the
likelihood (59). This imbalance biases Bayesian inference
toward the likelihood and away from the prior, resulting
in the abnormally strong weighting of prediction error.
Candidate mechanisms for decreased prior and
increased likelihood precisions are hypofunction of glu-
tamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA-Rs)
and increased dopamine (DA) activity, respectively.
Some psychotic phenomena may be explained by a
compensatory increase in feedback signaling at higher
levels of the hierarchy (bold arrow, upper left).

distributions and is weighted by their relative precisions (20), violation of predictions leads to enhanced responses
whereby precision corresponds to the inverse variances of their compatible with PE signaling (26). Electrophysiological
respective probability distributions (Figure 1A). Roughly, this can studies investigating neural responses to deviant stimuli,
be thought of as the relative reliability of priors or sensory data, such as the mismatch negativity, suggest a hierarchical or-
the extent to which each colors current inference and learning by ganization of prediction and PE signaling (32–34). In the
weighting the impact of PEs (20). Precision is thought to be time-frequency domain, oscillatory signals have been related
signaled by neuromodulators such as dopamine and acetyl- to predictive coding, with feedback signaling of predictions
choline, depending on the particular inferential hierarchy (21–23). being mediated predominantly by the alpha/beta frequency
Perturbations in these neuromodulators are thus candidates for bands and feedforward PE signaling by gamma-band
the profound departures from consensual reality that charac- activity (14,35–37).
terize psychotic states (24). There is a deep relevance of this account to psychosis, in
Functional magnetic resonance imaging has shown that terms of both neurobiology (glutamatergic and dopaminergic
feedback from higher- to lower-level sensory cortices carries systems in schizophrenia, acetylcholine in hallucinosis) and
spatiotemporally precise and context-specific predictions phenomenology (perception, beliefs, agency, and ipseity). We
(25–29). When predictions are confirmed by sensory input, now outline previous theories of psychosis that are highly
this leads to a dampening of neural responses (30,31), while relevant to the predictive coding account (38).

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Psychiatry Predictive Coding and Schizophrenia

PRECURSOR THEORIES OF PREDICTIVE CODING precision-weighted PE in case of a mismatch will be greater,

Anticipating the focus of predictive coding accounts on and vice versa (Figure 1A)—just as in classical statistical
perceptual inference, and in line with phenomenological inference, the t statistic is greater if the standard error of the
observations (39–41), early theories of psychosis empha- data is smaller. Furthermore, the degree to which a prior
sized altered perception. Maher (42) highlighted the failure belief will change in response to a PE is also determined by
to integrate sensory input with learned expectations, which its own precision: an imprecise prior will update more than a
was further developed by Gray et al. (43) and Hemsley and precise one will. It is crucial to represent accurately the
Garety (44). Hemsley and Garety (44) put forth the first precisions of both prior beliefs and sensory data, as a failure
explicitly Bayesian analysis of delusions, suggesting how to do so will lead to false inferences (just as overestimating
belief, evidence, and their disrupted interaction could garner the precision of the data causes type I errors). Psychosis
aberrant inference. Hemsley and Garety (44) and Gray et al. has been related to a decreased precision of prior beliefs
(43) argued that perception proceeded through modeling of and/or increased precision of sensory data (13,24,58–61).
the world and that neural signals normally evoked by sur- This imbalance in precisions shifts the posterior toward the
prising events are inappropriately engaged in psychosis. As sensory data and away from the prior (Figure 1B), and
a consequence, patients attend to and learn about events inference is thus driven more strongly by the sensory data.
that others would ignore, forming the grounds for both This notion, which we here refer to as canonical predictive
hallucinations and delusions. A similar idea was later coding account of psychosis, is supported by several lines of
developed in the wake of fundamental discoveries regarding evidence. For example, psychosis has been associated with a
the role of dopamine in motivational salience and reward PE greater resistance to visual illusions (which rely on prior beliefs
signaling (45,46). Heinz (47) and Kapur (48) proposed that for their effects), a failure to attenuate sensory consequences
excessive dopamine signaling results in a misattribution of of self-generated actions, impaired smooth visual pursuit of a
salience to normally inconspicuous events, which then demand moving target, but improved tracking of unpredictable changes
explanation, culminating in delusions. Another influential theory in target motion, a decreased influence of stimulus predict-
of psychosis, the comparator model, suggested impaired pre- ability on brain responses [e.g., N400, P300, mismatch nega-
dictive signaling as a key mechanism underlying hallucinations tivity; but see Erickson et al. (62)], and a loss of corticothalamic
(49) and later so-called passivity phenomena, such as the connectivity [for reviews, see Adams et al. (59) and Notredame
experience of one’s actions or thoughts being externally et al. (61)]. The main neurotransmitter alterations that are
controlled (50). The comparator model proposes a failure to thought to underlie this predictive coding abnormality are
predict one’s own actions owing to impaired corollary discharge, hypofunction of cortical NMDARs and gamma-aminobutyric
which normally serves to predict and explain away the sensory acidergic neurons as well as elevated striatal dopamine D2
consequences of self-initiated actions. Later versions suggested receptor activity, as reviewed elsewhere (24,59,63). The
that the consequences of any action are predicted by a neural resulting aberrant encoding of precision could lead to an
forward model (51) and that it is the reduced precision of abnormally strong weighting of PEs, which in turn leads to
these predictions that leads to the experience of alien aberrant learning and the formation of delusional beliefs
control (13,52). (53,58,59,64). This canonical predictive coding account of
Most of these models focused on one specific symptom psychosis is not without controversy. Some frank psychotic
dimension. However, the above-chance co-occurrence of a symptoms have been related to increased prior precision and
number of characteristic phenomena in psychotic disorders therefore a stronger impact of prior beliefs. We return to this
demands theories that can accommodate multiple symptoms. issue below.
Moreover, most earlier theories failed to integrate the multitude One strength of predictive coding is that it is more
of documented neurobiological abnormalities and focused on generalized than earlier accounts, which tended to localize
one particular mechanism while disregarding others. For the pathology to a specific brain area or psychological
instance, while the idea of salience misattribution related de- function, e.g., the pathway connecting the subiculum to the
lusions primarily to dopamine dysfunction, more recent ac- nucleus accumbens (43), striatal dopamine release (47,48),
counts along these lines have provided a broader picture by or altered corollary discharge (50). By providing a generic
outlining how dopaminergic dysfunction may be linked to framework compatible with previous neurocognitive theories
altered glutamatergic and gamma-aminobutyric acidergic and neurobiological data, predictive coding also holds
neurotransmission (53,54). Meanwhile, neurocognitive theories promise of accounting for more than one psychotic symp-
have made advances largely at the conceptual level. Empirical tom. It provides a plausible explanation not only for delu-
tests of these theories could yield evidence for a theory or sional mood and paranoid delusions, akin to the aberrant
against it but could not provide quantitative, mechanistic evi- salience account (47,48), but also for hallucinations (61,63)
dence. Predictive coding can provide such mechanistic evi- and passivity phenomena (13,59). On the predictive coding
dence by estimating model parameters at the level of the view, corollary discharge becomes a prediction of the sen-
individual (55–57), and relating those parameters to the severity sory consequences of action. A failure of that prediction
and type of psychotic symptoms. renders those consequences surprising, garnering the
inference that actions were under external control rather than
A PREDICTIVE CODING ACCOUNT OF PSYCHOSIS While predictive coding thus has the potential to unify
In Bayesian predictive coding schemes, the PE is affected accounts of psychosis (59) and integrate empirical evi-
by the precision of the sensory data: if it is high, the dence at different levels of observation and within a formal

636 Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2018; 84:634–643

Predictive Coding and Schizophrenia Psychiatry

quantitative model, a number of important challenges high-level prior beliefs modulate perceptual processes is
remain. controversial (71). However, recent neural data suggest that
they do (72,73), and that the impact of priors on perception
The Heterogeneity of Psychosis may be enhanced in those with hallucinations (74–76).
The heterogeneity of psychosis and the fact that delusions and
hallucinations co-occur, but to varying degrees, demands Hallucinations: Strong or Weak Priors, or Both?
explanation. However, an overly flexible or general theory that Hallucinations represent a challenge, as two apparently
explains everything will be of little use. In our view, predictive opposing aberrations have been proposed and there is evi-
coding puts forward a skeletal understanding of how, given a dence supporting both. One view has linked hallucinations to a
perturbation to a component of the model, the phenomeno- failure to attenuate sensory precision, including the sensory
logical outcome has particular characteristics. In other words, consequences of inner speech, analogous to the mechanism
predictive coding does not reduce psychosis to a single cause, that is thought to underlie delusions of control (58,77–80). This
but rather attempts to show how different underlying patho- would correspond to the notion of low precision of priors
physiologies could perturb the system in ways that produce relative to a disproportionately high precision of neural signals
overlapping phenomenologies. that encode inner speech in auditory cortex, akin to the ca-
This challenge is exemplified by arguments as to whether a nonical predictive coding account. Indeed, hallucination
single deficit within a predictive coding model can explain both severity in patients with schizophrenia is associated with a
perceptual and cognitive aspects of psychotic symptoms. The failure to attenuate predictable signals in the somatosensory
two-factor account (65) invokes both perceptual and cognitive cortex (81). Similarly, a model-based functional magnetic
problems in the genesis of some delusions, based on the resonance imaging study using probabilistic presentation of
observation of both abnormal percepts and bizarre explana- speech stimuli found diminished auditory cortex PE-related
tions of these percepts. According to predictive coding, activations and deactivations to the unexpected presence or
reduced precision of priors could potentially account for both absence of speech, respectively, in patients with hallucina-
factors, given that it would alter perceptual inference and make tions, suggesting aberrant PE signaling (82).
cognitive explanations for altered percepts less constrained Alternatively, hallucinations may result from enhanced
(58). Recent neurobiological work, however, has raised the rather than weakened top-down predictive signaling (i.e.,
question of whether a loss of prior precision (e.g., prefrontal increased precision of priors) on neural activity in sensory
hypoconnectivity) and gain in sensory precision (e.g., sensory cortices (83). Perception would therefore rely less on the
hyperconnectivity) may indeed be two separate factors in the sensory input and more on beliefs. Supporting this notion,
illness (66,67). These observations might be reconciled by directional bottom-up connectivity from Wernicke’s to Broca’s
adding some nuance to the single-layer predictive coding areas is reduced in individuals who hear voices (84). Top-down
example outlined above. Predictive coding actually takes place predictions from Broca’s area may thus be less constrained by
across large multilevel hierarchies in which the precision sensory information. Recently, people who hear voices were
weighting of PEs may be controlled—at least in part— found to be more susceptible to conditioning-induced hallu-
independently at different levels and in different sensory mo- cinations, and accordingly, modeling in a Bayesian framework
dalities (68). Thus, NMDAR (or other neuromodulatory) showed stronger perceptual priors (74). Another recent study
dysfunction may have widespread and diverse effects on the investigated the perception of auditory stimuli under different
precision of prior beliefs in perceptual and cognitive domains. levels of uncertainty (75). Hallucinations in schizophrenia pa-
Furthermore, NMDAR-mediated interneuron dysfunction may tients correlated with a perceptual bias that reflected increased
not only disinhibit (i.e., amplify) sensory areas, but also reduce weighting of prior beliefs. This bias could be pharmacologically
the stability of more sustained representations in higher areas induced by amphetamine and strongly correlated with striatal
(i.e., reduce the signal-to-noise ratio), leading to increased dopamine release. Together, these findings favor a strong-
sensory and decreased prior precision, respectively. prior account of hallucinations and thus call into question the
A recent study emphasized the importance of analyzing the suggestion that aberrant salience of inner speech confers the
different weightings of priors that may be implemented at content of voices.
different hierarchical levels. The authors probed the use of prior How can these apparently contradictory findings be
knowledge to perceive the gist versus the details of ambiguous reconciled? The auditory system may have a strong prior for
images in a healthy population with varying degrees of hallu- speech—perhaps because this is a highly salient signal for our
cination and delusion proneness (69). Hallucination proneness species—and as such, noisy signals in the auditory cortex are
correlated with stronger employment of global (gist) and local resolved by that prior into perceived speech (akin to our pro-
(detail) priors, whereas delusion proneness was associated pensity to see faces in clouds, for example). At the same time,
with less reliance on local priors. This raises a hitherto un- corollary discharge (i.e., descending predictions regarding the
derappreciated mechanism through which the heterogeneity in consequences of action) may still have a role, in ascribing
psychotic phenomenology could be explained, namely differ- agency to those experiences. In this case, disruption of corollary
ential weightings of specific hierarchical levels in different discharge as a form of predictive signaling may be more broadly
psychotic symptoms (70). The neural circuits and neuro- relevant for both hallucinations and delusions, which entail
chemical mechanisms of these effects ought to be established. aberrant inferences about both agency and the intentions of
Where to draw the line between perceptual and conceptual others. This may explain the lack of specificity of corollary
processing remains a challenge, and indeed, whether and how discharge deficits to specific positive symptoms (85,86).

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Psychiatry Predictive Coding and Schizophrenia

Furthermore, priors at low and high hierarchical levels may complicated by the possibility that such changes over time are
be differentially affected. Neurobiologically, this may be not limited to aspects of brain development and learning, but
mediated by the higher density of recurrent connections in rather involve ongoing neurobiological and environmental in-
higher-level association cortices, compared with primary sen- fluences, including effects of antipsychotic medication and
sory regions, such that a psychotogenic perturbation that im- drug use. Current data are consistent with the idea that with
pacts excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance may have more chronicity, prefrontal glutamate signaling may progress from
profound effects higher rather than lower in the hierarchy (87) an excess to an insufficiency. Future work with magnetic
[see Jardri and Deneve (10) for a detailed exposition of the resonance spectroscopy and electrophysiological markers of
role of E/I balance in learning, inference, and psychosis]. In E/I balance could track these changes and pinpoint their ef-
brief, the E/I relationships may implement exactly the predic- fects on predictive coding (100). More broadly, in predictive
tive cancellation mechanisms that underlie predictive coding. coding, the brain is involved in a dynamic prediction-based
Blocking NMDARs (with ketamine for example) profoundly al- negotiation with the world, which evolves as the person tries
ters E/I balance (88,89), thus altering the balance between out new models of reality. While they eventually settle on be-
priors and PEs (24), perhaps differently at different hierarchical liefs that become engrained, one would expect the patient’s
levels (87). Many findings in psychotic or psychosis-prone in- priors to evolve across time.
dividuals point to weak priors that are implemented at low
levels [e.g., visual illusions; see above and (24,59,63)]. Impaired
predictive coding at low levels may result in perceptual un- The Persistence of Psychotic Experiences
certainties that may be (partly) compensated by reliance on An important unresolved question is how aberrant predictive
high-level abstract or semantic prior beliefs (Figure 1B). This coding might account not only for the emergence of delusions,
may result in a top-down enhancement of signals in sensory but also for their persistence. It is a defining feature of de-
cortices, thus facilitating hallucinations. There are even data lusions that they persist despite contradicting evidence. This
suggesting that psychotic individuals with and without hallu- suggests an excessive influence of delusional beliefs on the
cinations utilize different priors to different extents in the same perception of new information [e.g., (101)], which would entail
task. Powers et al. (74) found that people with hallucinations an increased precision of delusion-related priors. In contrast,
had strong perceptual priors that were not present in psychotic the emergence of delusions might result from decreased pre-
patients who did not hallucinate and who, indeed, may have cision of priors as outlined above (24,58,59) (Figure 1B). Evi-
had weak priors. The presence of strong priors and their im- dence from experiments using the NMDAR antagonist
munity to updating were associated with strong insula and ketamine, which has been previously shown to induce aberrant
hippocampal responses, respectively (74). These psychologi- PEs, suggests a link between PE signaling and memory
cal and circuit observations should be replicated, manipulated reconsolidation, which could strengthen delusional beliefs and
with transcranial magnetic stimulation (90) or real-time neuro- foster their persistence (102,103). An additional (or comple-
feedback (91), and the mediating role of glutamate and E/I mentary) mechanism could be related to an imbalance be-
balance at different hierarchical levels should be explored in tween priors at low and high levels of the predictive coding
human pharmacological and patient studies as well as animal hierarchy, as suggested by a series of studies investigating
models. perceptual inference in relation to delusions (72,104–106). In
contrast to weak low-level priors, the effects of more abstract
high-level priors may be abnormally strong (Figure 1B). Such a
Changes in Psychotic Phenomenology Over Time mechanism could sculpt perception into conformity with
Another important challenge for theories of psychosis is that delusional beliefs and thus contribute to their persistence. An
the pathophysiology may change over the course of the un- increased influence of learned high-level beliefs in relation to
derlying disorder (92). While changes of symptomatology over psychotic symptoms was also reported for the perception of
time were emphasized by phenomenologists (93,94), they are images with impoverished sensory information where
largely neglected by current classification systems. For perceptual inference relies strongly on priors (107). Differential
example, delusions are often highly fixed and incorrigible in roles of priors at low and high levels of the hierarchy are also
chronic patients, while they are still malleable in early psy- suggested by recent evidence relating delusion proneness to
chosis (24). With time and treatment, they may become less reduced usage of prior beliefs in perceptual but not cognitive
impactful on function. Thus, the underlying pathophysiology decision making (108).
may also change over time and differentially contribute to Furthermore, aberrant predictive coding could render other
psychopathology at different stages of illness. Evidence from people unreliable, to be treated with suspicion. This could
magnetic resonance spectroscopy suggests that alterations in account for the social content of psychotic symptoms, but
glutamatergic neurotransmission may change over the course may also explain why they persist, and even strengthen, in the
of schizophrenia (95,96). Indeed, ketamine infusion in healthy face of efforts to refute them (109). Perceptible social cues may
volunteers may better mimic the E/I dysbalance and hierar- be more uncertain than nonsocial ones, because they may or
chical perturbations observed in first-episode patients than in may not serve as reliable signals of others’ intentions, which
those with more chronic illness (97). We note with interest that we can never fully know (110). Consequently, high-level social
the metabotropic glutamate agonist pomaglumetad appears to priors may be particularly influential in the perception and
have efficacy in early rather than chronic schizophrenia, sug- beliefs of those with psychotic symptoms (109). There may
gesting that hyperglutamatergia is more involved around the also be a motivated quality to psychotic inferences (111). That
onset and early phases of illness (98,99). The issue is further is, psychotic symptoms may provide a form of personal

638 Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2018; 84:634–643

Predictive Coding and Schizophrenia Psychiatry

identity, and personal-level data may be assumed to be more related to weak low-level priors and hallucinations are related
reliable than those from others. Finally, beliefs have value in to strong high-level priors.
and of themselves. Psychotic symptoms may be seen as at- Another important direction will be research into neural
tempts to garner some advantage, perhaps by convincing markers of hierarchical feedback and feedforward processing
others of their veracity (111). This renders them susceptible to and their relation to the precisions of prior beliefs and PEs,
the same biases and asymmetries in updating observed with respectively, in Bayesian inference. Recent advances in the
nondelusional beliefs (111). These asymmetries can be neuroimaging of laminar anatomical projection patterns will
explained with a Bayesian model, if we allow agents to derive help in this regard (29,36). Computational modeling should be
utility from their beliefs (112). used to examine how precision is reflected in neural mea-
surements, and rigorous state-of-the-art model comparison is
needed to probe predictive coding against other models of
A ROADMAP FOR FUTURE RESEARCH message passing. Pharmacological models are a promising
Predictive coding was not conceived to explain psychosis. It is approach to probe the roles of candidate neurotransmitter
a general theory of brain function. If it is a useful theory of how systems. Their direct comparison with neural predictive coding
the brain works, then it should also be useful to account for alterations in relation to specific psychotic symptom di-
states of aberrant brain function such as psychosis. The mensions will help to address key challenges in psychosis
question is therefore not whether there is one specific abnor- research, such as the phenomenological heterogeneity of
mality in predictive coding that can explain psychosis, but psychosis. Animal models should be further developed into an
rather whether predictive coding provides a framework that additional pillar of psychosis research, as important insights
can help us to better understand psychosis. We believe that its are expected from a more targeted manipulation of specific
greatest strength is that it can be formulated in computational brain circuits and transmitter systems. For example, opto-
terms and therefore lends itself to rigorous quantitative testing. genetic manipulation of E/I balance (113) could be used to
However, while there is abundant empirical evidence explore the computations underlying predictive coding. Simi-
compatible with a predictive coding account, more research is larly, models that identify how genes relate to brain develop-
needed that explicitly tests (and potentially falsifies) predictions ment (114) and changes the canonical microcircuits (14)
derived from this theory. We therefore advocate research that involved in aberrant predictive coding are warranted. Ideally,
addresses the outlined challenges head-on, in a hypothesis- different levels of investigation should be translationally inte-
driven way, and with the methodological rigor that is pro- grated within a common computational modeling framework.
vided by the computational framework. At the level of symptoms, we need a better understanding of
One key question that has received too little attention re- the processes underlying specific psychotic symptoms and their
lates to the hierarchical nature of predictive coding. Potentially interrelationships. For example, delusion- and hallucination-
different roles of high and low levels of the hierarchy were related processes should be investigated at the same time in
highlighted throughout our discussion of important challenges the same patients to examine how these neural and symptom
to predictive coding. Such differences may resolve apparent processes are organized. Intriguing epidemiological data suggest
inconsistencies regarding weak versus strong priors, help to a hierarchy from hallucinations to delusions (115). Indeed, what
understand the heterogeneity in the phenomenology of psy- we learn about these processes should be applied at the level of
chosis, and explain changes in symptomatology over time. diagnostic entities, with a number of possible implications. First,
Table 1 summarizes the theory and controversy regarding the understanding the predictive coding mechanisms underlying
predictive coding alterations underlying hallucinations and psychosis may lead to the delineation of new entities within and
delusions. Experimental tasks are needed that reliably pinpoint across existing diagnostic groups such as schizophrenia and
predictive coding at low versus high levels of the hierarchy. bipolar disorder. Second, models are needed that distinguish
Such tasks could then be used in conjunction with computa- psychosis from other psychiatric syndromes. For example, cur-
tional modeling [for a recent example, see Weilnhammer et al. rent models of autism are strikingly similar to the predictive
(100)] to directly test, e.g., the hypothesis that delusions are coding account of psychosis (116–118). Future investigations

Table 1. Predictive Coding and Positive Symptoms: Theory and Controversy

Symptom Feature Theory Literature Controversy
Hallucinations Percepts without external stimulus Strong perceptual priors Powers et al. (120) Entails weak and strong prior
Speech from external agents Weak corollary discharge Thakkar et al. (86) beliefs—for perception and
action—in the same brain
at the same time
Delusions Delusional mood/aberrant salience Weak perceptual priors Corlett et al. (121) Necessitates a transition from
Fixed in the face of Strong memory reconsolidation/ Corlett et al. (103); weak to strong priors as
contradictory evidence strong conceptual priors Schmack et al. (72) delusions form, foment, and
become ingrained
Here we highlight the facets of hallucinations and delusions that have been addressed by predictive coding–based theories. Each has garnered
empirical support; however, overarching theories—grounded in a broader multisensory and enactive framework that can accommodate the
evolution and trajectories of positive symptoms—are required. We focus here on hallucinations and delusions. For consideration of other
psychotic symptoms such as thought disorder and passivity phenomena from the viewpoint of predictive coding, please see Griffin and Fletcher
(109) and Sterzer et al. (13).

Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2018; 84:634–643 639

Psychiatry Predictive Coding and Schizophrenia

should examine differences and commonalities in neural com- Edinburgh, Edinburgh; Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (LM, PU), Institute
putations in individuals with psychosis and those with autism of Neuroscience & Psychology, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life
Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; Department of
(117). Third, predictive coding can relate psychosis to “normal”
Clinical Neuroscience (PP), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; and
brain function, which may help to destigmatize the disorder (92): the Department of Psychiatry (PRC), Yale University, New Haven,
psychosis may be understood as a variety of brain function, in Connecticut.
line with the so-called continuum view (119), which considers Address correspondence to Philip R. Corlett, Ph.D., Yale University,
psychotic symptoms as extreme expressions of normal traits. Department of Psychiatry, 34 Park St, New Haven, CT 06519; E-mail: philip.
“False inferences” made by psychotic individuals may be
Received Nov 15, 2017; revised May 14, 2018; accepted May 15, 2018.
rendered comprehensible given the premises of predictive cod-
ing. As Adams et al. (59) stated, “From the point of view of the
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