Sales FBS232492
Sales FBS232492
Sales FBS232492
No. Services
I Gst Output 41,706.00
Total I 2,73,406.00
Amount Chargeable (in words) E. & O.E
INR Two Lakh Seventy Three Thousand Four Hundred Six Only
HSN/SAC Taxable IGST Total
Value Rate Amount Tax Amount
997319 2,11,700.00 18% 38,106.00 38,106.00
998519 20,000.00 18% 3,600.00 3,600.00
Total 2,31,700.00 41,706.00 41,706.00
Tax Amount (in words) : INR Forty One Thousand Seven Hundred Six Only
Declaration for Farmers Bio Energy Solutions
We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the
goods described and that all particulars are true and correct.
Prepared by Verified by Authorised Signatory