Towards A Personal Automatic Music Playlist Genera

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Towards a Personal Automatic Music Playlist Generation Algorithm: The Need

for Contextual Information

Article · January 2007


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4 authors:

Gordon Reynolds Dan Barry

TU Dublin University College Dublin


Ted Burke Eugene Dermot Coyle

TU Dublin TU Dublin


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Towards a Personal Automatic Music Playlist Generation Algorithm:
The Need for Contextual Information

Gordon Reynolds, Dan Barry, Ted Burke and Eugene Coyle

The Audio Research Group,

School of Electrical Engineering Systems,
Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin St, D8, Ireland

{gordon.reynolds | dan.barry | ted.burke | eugene.coyle}

Abstract. Large music collections afford the listener flexibility in the form of choice, which enables the listener to choose the
appropriate piece of music to enhance or complement their listening scenario on-demand. However, bundled with such a large music
collection is the daunting task of manually searching through each entry in the collection to find the appropriate song required by the
listener. This often leaves the listener frustrated when trying to select songs from a large music collection. In this paper, an overview
of existing methods for automatically generating a playlist is discussed. This discussion outlines advantages and disadvantages
associated with such implementations.

The paper then highlights the need for contextual and environmental information, which ultimately defines the listener’s listening
scenario. Environmental features, such as location, activity, temperature, lighting and weather have great potential as meta-data.
Here, the key processes of a basic system are outlined, in which the extracted music features and captured contextual data are
analysed to create a personalised automatic playlist generator for large music collections.

1. Introduction attributes are: 1) the individual songs contained within the

With the aid of cost affordable storage and greater device inter- playlist, 2) the order in which these songs are played and 3) the
connectivity, a listener’s personal music collection is capable of number of songs in the playlist.
growing at an extraordinary rate. When faced with such large The Individual Songs in the playlist are the very reason for
music collections, listeners can often become frustrated when generating such a playlist. It is therefore essential that each song
trying to select their music. Hence, it becomes increasingly contained within the playlist satisfies the expectations of the
difficult for a listener to find music suited for a particular listener. These expectations are formed based upon the listener’s
occasion. mood, which in turn is influenced by the environment.
To further the problem of music selection, today’s culture of The Order in which the songs are played provides the playlist
mobile technology enables the listener to transport an entire with a sense of balance which a randomly generated playlist can
music collection in the pocket. Mobile music players now boast not produce. In addition to balance, an ordered playlist can
of song storage of up to 40,000 songs. As a result, many provide a sense of progression such as, a playlist progressing
listeners will plan and prepare playlists for mobile activity that from slow to fast or a playlist progressing from loud to soft.
corresponds to a specific activity or mood, such as travelling and The Number of Songs in a playlist determines the time duration
exercising. However, according to Suchman [1], plans alone do of the playlist. An understanding of the length of a playlist is
not dictate actions but only provide a framework that individuals important, as song ordering and song balancing of the playlist is
can use to organise action. This implies that the listener attempts unachievable otherwise.
to execute previously prepared plans while continuously
adapting their actions to the environment [2]. This scenario has 2.2. Playlist Implementations
led to a study of context-aware music devices [2] and the As catagorised by Vossen [3], the current status of research
examination of the role of emotion in music selection. involving automatic playlist generation is portrayed under two
This paper discusses a design proposal to further the research major types of impletmentations. These implementations are 1)
area of context-aware and emotion-aware music devices. In Recommender Based Playlists and 2) Constraint Based Playlists.
particular, how environmental data may be used to infer a
listener‘s mood and how such information may integrate into the 2.2.1. Recommender-Based Playlists
process of automatically generating a music playlist. A Recommender-Based System estimates the user’s music
preference from a localised music collection and then generates
2. Overview of Existing Playlist Methodologies a set of songs based on these estimates from a wider music
This section provides a definition of a playlist and presents collection. There are two common approaches to implement a
playlist attributes asscociated with such a definition. The Recommender-Based System, these are 1) Content-Based
automatic playlist generation process is then discused with an Learning and 2) Collaborative Filtering.
overview of its major themes.
Content-Based Learning analyses each song in the music
collection and then matches songs which have musically similar
2.1. Defining a Playlist
attributes, such as tempo, instrumentation or genre. If a listener
A playlist may be defined as a finite sequence of songs which is
likes a particular song, usually indicated by the user listening to
played as a complete set. Based upon this definition there are
the entire song, then the Content-Based System will recommend
three important attributes associated with a playlist. These

Towards a Personal Automatic Music Playlist Generation Algorithm: The Need for Contextual Information

songs that are similar to that song. Figure 1 outlines the From Figure 2, Listener A has a lot in common with Listener B
Content-Based Playlist generation procedure. in terms of their music collections, compared to Listener C. As a
As shown in Figure 1, the user is required to specify a seed song result, the Collaborative-Filtering System will recommend songs
and the number of songs required in the playlist. The seed song from Listeners B collection to listener A and recommend songs
represents the type of music that the listener wants to listen to. from Listeners A collection to listener B. Nothing is
The system then filters the music collection based on similarity recommended from Listeners C collection to either Listener A
to the seed song. A similarity song space is hence created from or Listener B. The system assumes that since Listener A and
which a playlist is generated. Listener B have so much music in common that their
preferences must be the same, i.e. they have the same musical
taste. Hence, Listener A would enjoy Listener B’s music
collection and vice-versa.

2.2.2. Constraint Based Playlist

In the Constraint-Based approach, song order in the playlist
becomes a primary focus and hence to date, the only systems
that consider the three requirements for a playlist, these are 1)
Songs, 2) Order and 3) Length. This is achieved by forming a
rule set which defines the song order in a playlist. An overview
of such a procedure is given in Figure 3.

Figure 1: The Content-Based Playlist Generation Procedure.

In a Content-Based System, a significant disadvantage is that

song order has no meaning since all the songs are similar. This
may also suggest that the playlist may seem dull due the lack of
song variation. However, such a system may be useful in
circumstances where a themed playlist is required.

Collaborative-Filtering is a community process, as it employs

a multi-user approach that uses explicit preference to match
songs to a specific user. The system then expands this set of
songs by finding another user with a similar taste in music. The
system then recommends songs from this user back to the
original user [4].
Figure 2 outlines the basic principle of Collaborative-Filtering in
a Venn diagram. With Collaborative-Filtering, song order is not
Figure 3: Overview of the Constraint-Based Process.
taken into account. However, Collaborative-Filtering does
provide a varied playlist which may be more interesting to listen The rule set provides a set of definitions to which a song must
to when compared to a Content-Based Learning system. adhere to before being selected. An example of a rule set, as
implemented by Vossen in [3], defines a global rule by the
requirement that the tempo for each song in the playlist must be
above a desired value. Other examples of constraint rules
include, that no two adjacent songs in the playlist can be from
the same artist or same album. Once the appropriate song is
found in the music collection it is inserted into the suitable
playlist location. The system then searches for a song to fit the
rule set of the next playlist location.

Based on the previously presented playlist implementations, this

project is currently investigating the compatability of a
Constraint-Based approach in its implementation. The
Constraint-Based approach provides the most flexibility yet
strict framework for creating an algorithm for automaticlly
generating a music playlist.

3. The Need for Contextual/Environment Data

The selection process is dominently ruled by the emotional state
and attitude of the individual. Individuals are a function of mood
[5] and music selection is no different. Therefore, to provide a
Figure 2: A Venn Diagram Indicating Collaborative-Filtering. listener with a meaningful personalised automatic playlist

Towards a Personal Automatic Music Playlist Generation Algorithm: The Need for Contextual Information

generation system, it is ideal for the system to consider the 3.1. Choosing Appropriate Environmental Features
listeners mood. Measuring such a parameter directly from the It is required to identify and categorise environmental features
listener borders on impossibility. However, with the that may affect a listener’s mood or music selection process. As
establishment of attitude theory in the 1930’s, strong links have an example of how environmental features can affect mood, an
been forged between an individuals environment and attitude, investigation into to the effect of lighting on office workers [9]
which in turn defines mood and behaviour [6]. The experience discovered that natural lighting reduces stress and promotes a
of an individual in the outside world reflects how they feel on general sense of good being compared to artificial lighting. It is
the inside [5]. also suggested that the type of lighting combined with the
With such strong defined theoritical links between an intensity of the artificial light may determine the level of
individuals environemnt and their behaviour, it may be possible negative effects experienced. In addition, it has also been
to reduce the need to infer mood from a listener in order to documented that the weather appears to influence mood and
create an automatic playlist of songs to suit that mood. Such an productivity [10].
approach may circumvent problems raised by Tolos et al. in [7], To commence, it is proposed to consider seven environemnetal
such as defining a set of moods that is relatively unabigous, features. These features are 1) Time and Date, 2) Weather, 3)
widely accepted and useful for the average user. Lighting Conditions, 4) Humidity Conditions, 5) Temperature
It is proposed to design a system that will monitor a listeners Conditions, 6) Noise Conditions and 7) the Listener’s Activity.
environment and observe their choices in music selection.
Analogous to a basic input/output black box system, given the 3.2. Capturing Environment Data
inputs (environmental features) and the outputs (the selected A brief outline on how each of the environmental features may
songs) one is required to reconstruct the transfer process, i.e the be captured is given in this chapter.
listeners mood or behaviour, Figure 4.
. 3.2.1. Time and Date
It is possible to capture time and date using the system clock of
the proposed music player, which is a PC based device. With the
availability of time and date, it is possible to expand the analysis
to include day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, .... ), month of
the year (Janruary, February, .... ), time of the day (morning,
afternoon, .... ) and season (Winter, Summer, Autumn and

3.2.2. Weather
It is proposed to obtain weather data through an available
METAR service online due to its strict and compact data format.
METAR data is available from all airports and it is regularly
Figure 4: A black box approach, given the inputs and the updated on a thirty minute schedule.
outputs, one is required to reconstruct the transfer process.
3.2.3. Lighting, Temperature, Humidity and Noise Conditions
It should be noted that this process is not equivelent to With the use of an appropriate sensing device, lighting,
extracting the musical mood or the musical emotional state of a temperature, humidity and noise conditions can be monitered
composition as implemented by Liu et al. [8]. With the aid of and captured. An array of hardware devices exist to capture such
music theory, Liu et al. showed with the implementation of an parameters. Hardware considerations are discussed further in
algorithm, that a composition may occupy a particular emotional Chapter 5.
space, musically speaking.
However, each individual listener subjectively interperates the 3.2.4. Activity
emotional or mood space of a composition based on their It is proposed to determine a listeners activity in two forms,
experience. Hence, the same composition is capable of causing a these are 1) social scheduling and 2) using an accelerometer.
diverse array of emotions within the listening community. Such Social scheduling is based upon calender events which involves
an example of this is a composition by Carl Orff titled Carmina taking advantage of predictable behavour such as working
Burana. A classical enthusiast and non-horror movie viewer schedules, travelling schedules, excercising schedules and
may recognise and perceive the piece in the appropriate classical relaxing schedules. Further information on a listener’s activity
context it was written in. However, the non-classical lover and may be captured electronically with the use of an accelerometer,
horror movie fanatic will recognise the piece as the theme tune such as the E-LIS3L02AS4 from STMICROELECTRONICS.
to the horror movie ‘The Omen’. In this case, hearing the music An accelerometer is capable of measuring a listener’s physical
piece out of context may induce a sense of fear, uneasiness and movement, such as walking, running and jumping.
terror for the listener. This is because the listener only associates
this theme with horror. To summerise, environmental parameters have a significant
The long term consistancy and reliability of using envionmental affect on mood and hence influences the music selection
data in the selection process of automatic playlist generation is process. Therefore, environmental features have great potential
founded upon the habitual qualities of human nature. Covey as meta-data to allow the listener greater flexibility when
explains, that an individual’s action and re-action is pre- searching or accessing a music collection. In addition,
conditioned by their environment [5]. Also, as outlined by environmental features may provide a valuable source of
Ostrom in [6], an individuals attitude, which is a description of information for an automatic playlist generation algorithm in the
their behaviour and formed through experience in their generation of playlists to suit a listener’s mood.
environemnt, operates to make the individuals world predictable
and orderly.

Towards a Personal Automatic Music Playlist Generation Algorithm: The Need for Contextual Information

4. Integrating Contextual/Environment Data into 4.2.1. Global Timbre

an Automatic Playlist Generation System Timbre is a percepual audio characteristic which allows listeners
Textual meta-data such as artist’s name, song title and music to perceive or distinguish between two sounds with the same
genre were initially the only mechanism a listener had for pitch and same intensity [12]. The term Global Timbre refers to
indexing their music collection. However, in recent years, the timbre description covering the full duration of a
musicians and technologists established the research field of composition and not just at a particular instant in time nor
Music Information Retrieval (MIR). One of the principle particualr instrument.
achievements of MIR was to extend the available meta-data to In [13], Aucoutrier implements a music similarity technique that
include musical features extracted directly from acoustic signals. employs the use of Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients with
These musical features include tempo, key and timbre. These Gausian Mixture Models. Based on subject evaluation,
features allow the user to express music selection and indexing Aucoutrier found 80% of the songs suggested by the system as
based on actual acoustic information rather than tagged textual being similar was also identified as being similar by the test
information. users. Logan has also used this type of method to indicate music
It is proposed to develop a system that will extend the range of similarity with similar positive results.
meta-data further. It proposes to use environmental information
4.2.2. Tempo
to represent the listeners listening scene and mood. With the
Tempo is defined as the speed at which a musical composition is
consideration of such environmental features, Figure 5 outlines
played at [12]. Experiments concerning musical tempo have
three unique feature spaces which may be used to represent a
conveyed its’ effects on people in the areas of performance of
music collection, namely textual descriptions, musical features
track athletes [14] and on general spatial awareness, arousal and
and environmental features.
mood [15].
Leue uses Spectral Energy Flux in combination with a Comb
Kernal Filter Bank to deduce tempo from a composition [16].
With such a system, Leue acheived accuracies of 80% for pop
music and 63% for classical music. Pop music generally
produces the more accurate result with tempo detection due to
the heavey percussive nature of pop music compared to classical
music. Alonso et al. has also investigated tempo tracking and
extraction using a similar method and has obtained accuracies of
up to 89.7%.

4.2.3. Musical Key

Musical key may be defined as the relative pitches or notes
contained within a composition [12]. Determining the key of a
composition has several applications including mood induction.
They mode of the key is deemed to provide a specific emotional
connatation [17].
Using a Chroma-based estimation technique, Peeters uses
Harmonic Peak Subtraction with a Hidden Markov Model to
extract a key from a composition [18]. Confined to the following
Figure 5: Outlines three unique feature spaces in which a classical categories, keyboard, chamber and orchrastra an
listener’s music collection may be indexed. accuracy of 90.3%, 94% and 85.3% was obtained respectively.
Pauws also introduced a key extraction algorithm based on
chromagrams with an accuracy of 75.1% for classical music
4.1. Existing Meta-Data [19].
Meta-data is described as everything that is not essence, that is,
it is data about data [11]. In audio terms, it usually means data 4.3. Using Intelligence
that describes, relates to, or structures essence. To date, the use The heart of the proposed system requires the implementation of
meta-data is the most dominant means that allows a listener to an intelligent engine capable of learning and applying the
search a music collection. The search criteria can be specified by learned information to intelligently make a decision. Intelligent
artist’s name, album name, album genre and release date – only systems currently being investigated are Artificial Neural
to name a few. Networks and Hidden Markov Models.
Given the vast range and availability of meta-data, the proposed However, due to the complexity of the system it is expected that
audio system will integrate such information into its music several intelligent systems are required. For example, in music
selection process in combination with environmental features feature extraction, Gaussian Mixture Models are reported to
and music features. provide the most efficient performance in calculating song
similarity were as, Hidden Markov Models are noted for their
4.2. Music Feature Extraction performance in segmentation [20].
The proposed system will initially consider three music features. In the context of an automatic playlist generation algorithm,
These features are 1) Global Timbre – generally used to describe several different intelligent models have been used. Jin
the similarity of two compositions, 2) Tempo – which describes describes a process using Hidden Markov Models and
the speed of a compoition and 3) Musical Key – which describes experiences an 83% improvement in retrieval time when
the relative pitches between notes. compared to a forward searching algorithm [21].
However, as the system develops additional music features will
be examined, for example music dynamics, temporal features 4.4. System Process Overview
and spectral features. This section provides a high-level overview of the processes
required within the proposed system. This overview is described

Towards a Personal Automatic Music Playlist Generation Algorithm: The Need for Contextual Information

in two parts, 1) the Learning Process and 2) the Operational 4.4.2. Operational Process
Process. The trained system, Figure 7, operates without the need for the
listener’s interaction, since the intelligent engine functions under
4.4.1. The Learning Process the same set of parameters and definitions in which it was
Figure 6 overviews the learning process of the proposed playlist trained. When the listener requires to listen to music, the trained
generation system with integrated environmental meta-data. As system will analyse the current listening environment through a
the listener selects the required music manually, the system sensor array. Based upon the systems previous training, the
monitors all events in the background which involves the captured environmental data is matched and assigned to
capturing of environmental features. These environmental appropriate music features. The music collection is then filtered
features are then added to the chosen songs as new meta-data. according to the required features and a song selection algorithm
As different songs are selected, the system identifies and generates the appropriate playlist.
quantifies how each selected song is similar and how they differ.
MIR algorithms then use this information to find other songs 5. Hardware Considerations
deemed musically similar to the chosen songs within the bounds It is important that the development and test hardware platform
of a similarity threshold. Once identified, these songs are also for the proposed music player is mobile, unobtrusive and does
tagged with the same environmental meta-data. The not contribute to the listener’s mood. In addition, the music
identification process is based upon existing meta-data and device must have appropriate storage capacities and processing
music features extracted from each song as previously described power. As a result, a small form factor PC such as the Samsung
in Section 4.2. All results are then catalogued within the system Q1b – Ultra Mobile PC is currently being used as a testbed. This
for future reference. device is portable and highly inter-connectable with the
availability of onboard LAN, WLAN, Bluetooth and USB
services. The system uses a 7” touch screen and operates under
Windows XP Tablet Edition or Windows Vista rather than a
scaled version of Windows such as PocketPC.
A hardware consideration for sensors to allow the capture of
environmental data includes the HOBO U12 data logger which
is currently being used. This device is compact, portable and
self-contains temperature, light and humidity sensors. The unit
also has an available external data channel which allows the
connection of an external noise level sensor. The data logger is
accessible through a standard USB connection and is compatible
with the Keyspan USB Server allowing access via Ethernet or
To detect and monitor a listener’s movement, an Olimex
accelerometer (MOD-MMA7260Q) is currently being used.
This is a 3-axis device and is pre-mounted on a development
board which includes the appropriate support ICs. A mini-USB
connection is required to interface with the accelerometer.
Figure 6: Learning Process of the Proposed Playlist Generator.

Once the system has gained enough experience of the listener’s

6. Conclusions
The concept of an automatic music playlist generation system is
selection process, the system is then capable of automatically
presented in this paper. An overview of existing playlist
generating a meaningful music playlist to suit the listeners
listening environment and hence their listening needs. Such a generation techniques is discussed were advantages and
disadvantages are outlined.
process is proposed in Figure 7.
A Constraint-Based approach was identified as an appropriate
playlist generation method. This is due to the fact that it
completely encapsulates the entire definition of a playlist and it
provides a flexible yet strict framework to work within.
In addition, the key processes of a proposed system were
outlined, in which meta-data, the extracted music features and
captured environmental data are analysed to create a
personalised automatic playlist generator for large music
To further research in this area, a survey has been created to
gather appropriate information. This survey can be found on the
Audio Research Group’s website at All participation is
To conclude, this paper has shown that mood determines the
listeners music selection process. Also in reverse, it was shown
how music may induce mood in a listener. But more
importantly, this paper has discussed and demonstrated that an
individual’s environment strongly influences mood and hence
the listeners music selection process. Based upon these strong
Figure 7: Operational Process of the Playlist Generator. influences, it is concluded that environmental features pertaining
to a listeners environment has significant potential as meta-data

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