Reviewer Comms
Reviewer Comms
Reviewer Comms
Chapter 7. Digital Communication Techniques 3. The telephone system, the largest and most
o Digital Transmission of Data widely used communication system, has been
o Parallel and Serial Transmission converting from analog to digital over the
o Data Conversion years.
o Pulse Modulation Proliferation of Computers
o Digital Signal Processing - Some common examples of computer data
Different Communication Systems communication include:
o File transfer
o Electronic mail (e-mail)
o Computer-peripheral links
o Internet access
o Local area networks (LANs)
Noncomputer Uses of Digital Communication
- Among the non-computer applications of digital
o TV remote control
o Garage door opener
o Carrier current controls
o Radio control of models
o Remote keyless entry
Benefits of Digital Communication
- Noise Immunity: Digital signals, which are
usually binary, are more immune to noise than
analog signals.
- Error Detection and Correction: With digital
communication, transmission errors can usually
be detected and corrected.
- Compatibility with Time-Division
Multiplexing: Digital data communication is
adaptable to time division multiplexing schemes.
7-1: Digital Transmission of Data Multiplexing is the process of transmitting two or
- Since the mid-1970s, digital methods of more signals simultaneously on a single channel.
transmitting data have slowly replaced analog.
- Radio communication has remained primarily
analog because the type of information to be
conveyed is analog and because of the high
frequencies involved.
- Today, digital circuits are fast enough to handle
the processing of radio signals.
- Digital processing is more cost-effective and
- Data refers to information to be communicated.
- Data is in digital form if it comes from a - Digital ICs: Digital ICs are smaller and easier to
computer. make than linear ICs, so therefore can be more
- If analog (e.g. voice), it can be converted into complex and provide greater processing
digital form before it is transmitted. capability.
- Digital communication was initially limited to the - Digital Signal Processing (DSP): DSP is the
transmission of data between computers. processing of analog signals by digital methods.
- Networks (e.g. local area networks or LANs) are This involves converting an analog signal to
formed to support communication between digital and then processing with a fast digital
computers. computer. Processing means filtering,
- There are three primary reasons for the growth of equalization, phase shifting, mixing, and other
digital communication systems: traditionally analog methods.
1. Increased use of computers has made it Disadvantages of Digital Communication
necessary to find a way for computers to - Considerable bandwidth size is required by a
communicate and exchange data. digital signal
2. Digital transmission methods offer some - Digital communication circuits are usually more
major benefits over analog communication complex than analog circuits.
techniques. 7-2: Parallel and Serial Transmission
- There are two ways to move binary bits from one - The serial data word is transmitted over the
place to another: communication link and is received by another
1. Transmit all bits of a word simultaneously shift register.
(parallel transfer). - Serial data can typically be transmitted faster over
2. Send only 1 bit at a time (serial transfer). longer distances than parallel data.
Parallel Transfer - Serial buses are now replacing parallel buses in
- Parallel data transmission is extremely fast computers, storage systems, and
because all the bits of the data word are telecommunication equipment where very high
transferred simultaneously. speeds are required.
- Parallel data transmission is impractical for - Serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial data
longdistance communication because of: conversion circuits are also referred to as
o cost. serializer-deserializers (serdes).
o signal attenuation.