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Pharmacia 71: 1–6

DOI 10.3897/pharmacia.71.e117712

Research Article

Formulation, characterization and

evaluation of vildagliptin and metformin
combined tablets
Asmaa Abdelaziz Mohamed1, Hiba Ezzat Hamed2, Firas Aziz Rahi2
1 College of Pharmacy, Al-Zahraa University for Women, Karbala, Iraq
2 Department of Pharmacy, Al-Nisour University College, Baghdad, Iraq

Corresponding author: Asmaa Abdelaziz Mohamed (

Received 22 December 2023 ♦ Accepted 29 March 2024 ♦ Published 26 April 2024

Citation: Mohamed AA, Hamed HE, Rahi FA (2024) Formulation, characterization and evaluation of vildagliptin and metformin
combined tablets. Pharmacia 71: 1–6.

The current study was conducted to formulate and assess combined vildagliptin (VD) and metformin hydrochloride (MET) tablets.
The formulations were developed by wet granulation to overwhelm the reduced compressibility of MET powder. Polymers like
Kollidon K30 and K90 were used to prepare formulations. Micromeritics characteristics of blends were assessed. Subsequently, the
tablets that had been manufactured were assessed for post-compression characteristics. The composition formula F7 was optimal due
to having the best hardness, friability and good dissolution.

metformin, vildagliptin, release, HPLC

blood glucose by lowering liver glucose production and re-
lease and boosting insulin sensitivity. There is a growing
Amongst non-communicable diseases, diabetes mellitus awareness that type 2 diabetes care should focus on lowering
(DM) is the most chronic and endemic on a global scale, blood glucose and the consequences of severe adverse car-
with minimal and gradual eradication efforts and lifelong diovascular events (Dihoum et al. 2023). Vildagliptin inhib-
complications. In 2019, the Diabetes Atlas Ninth Edition its DPP-4 selectively, reversibly and competitively, enhanc-
of the International Diabetes Federation determined that ing pancreatic sensitivity to glucose and inhibiting glucagon.
around 463 million people are affected by diabetes. Effective Metformin reduces hepatic glucose synthesis without boost-
management aims to achieve optimal glycaemic control and ing insulin secretion. Therefore, vildagliptin and metformin
mitigate the risk of micro- and macrovascular complications. synergistically enhance efficacy and have low adverse effects
Although several additional considerations should be taken (Ding et al. 2022). The most often recommended combina-
into account before commencing treatment, such as the ef- tion of VD and MET is at 50/500, 50/850 and 50/1000 mg.
ficacy profile, duration of treatment, adverse effects and as- Combining VD with MET significantly decreased the mean
sociated complications, many more contribute to a more ef- HbA1c levels by 1.34% (Das 2021).
fective and secure therapeutic approach (Pheiffer et al. 2018) The solubility of MET and VD is good in water (Polyako-
Metformin, a biguanide oral antidiabetic, is often the pri- va et al. 2022; Yu et al. 2022). However, the most hindering
mary type 2 diabetes treatment. Its complex process decreases step-facing formulation of MET is the lower compressibility

Copyright Mohamed AA et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
2 Mohamed AA et al.: Formulation and evaluation of vildagliptin and metformin combined tablets

of metformin (Chaturvedi et al. 2023) due to its reduced bulk Linearity

density, inadequate flow characteristics and reduced com-
pressibility (Bhatt et al. 2020). Therefore, our study formulat- MET and VD were assessed in the range of 200–1750 and
ed eight VD and MET blends by wet granulation using Kol- 20–175 µg/ml. Slope, y-intercept and coefficient (R2) were
lidon K 30, 90 to obtain compressible blends to have tablets assessed. Linearity refers to the capacity to achieve out-
with appropriate hardness and friability. The micromeritics comes directly correlated to the strength. The average area
characteristics were evaluated, assessed and characterised. was then graphed against the strength, where an R2 value
exceeding 0.998 is considered to be evidence of a suitable fit.

Materials and methods Accuracy refers to the degree of proximity between the
Materials predicted and observed values. The calculation deter-
mines the MET’s and VD’s recovery percentage (R%).
Vildagliptin and metformin (Sigma-Aldrich, USA), Kol- Three sequential studies were performed using three dif-
lidon K30, K90 (BTC Europe GmbH/ BASF) and Avicel ferent strengths (400, 500 and 600) µg/ml of MET. At the
PH 101 (FMC BioPolymer, Ireland). Wadi Elrafideen for same time, the concentration of VD is 25 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml
pharmaceuticals provided Explotab, magnesium stearate and 75 µg/ml. The acceptable average recuperation lies be-
and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Acetonitrile for tween 90% and 100%. The accuracy of the percent recov-
HPLC (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Alcohol 96% was ery was determined using three replicates of three distinct
purchased from Fluka Chemika, Switzerland. spike concentrations.

Chromatographic conditions
We examined the precision and repeatability of the HPLC
Column used: L 10 column (Nitrile groups chemically method for MET and VD at the intermediate level. The re-
bonded to porous silica particles 25 cm in length, 5 µm peatability was ascertained by performing six analyses on
in diameter). the test concentration. In order to highlight the interme-
diate level of accuracy, three distinct analysers measured
Development of the HPLC method six concentrations and the %RSD was computed. A test’s
precision is defined as the degree to which separate analy-
Buffer solution preparations: 3 g potassium dihydrogen ses of several duplicates, conducted over three days, yield
phosphate was dissolved into 900 ml purified water, ad- results that are consistent with one another. In order to
justed to pH 3 with orthophosphoric acid, complete 1000 ascertain the intraday precision, six replicates containing
ml with the water and filter. varying concentrations of MET and VD were analysed on
Mobile phase: 25% Acetonitrile: 75% Buffer pH (3.0) the same day. The inter-day precision was evaluated by as-
The system comprised an Agilent HPLC apparatus. A sessing the MET and VD concentrations of six replicates
L 10 or CN (5 μm, 25 cm × 4.6 mm) column with dual over the course of three days.
ultraviolet at 254 nm and 203 nm flow of 1.5 ml/min with
10.0 ml injection volume. Specificity
Standard solution preparation: Dissolve accurately The specificity was intended to reveal the capacity to dif-
weighed 50 mg VD and 500 mg MET into a 100 ml volu- ferentiate the main peaks from any other associated peaks
metric flask, add about 90 ml of water, sonicate for about and the placebo. The specificity was evaluated to verify
5 min, complete to volume, then dilute with the mobile that there was no interference.
phase as required.
Validation The limit of detection (LOD) refers to the minimum
The validation was conducted in adherence to the United strength of a substance that may be detected, although it
States Pharmacopoeia (USP 2020) and the ICH Harmo- may not be accurately quantified. On the other hand, the
nization Guidance for validation of analytical procedures limit of quantification (LOQ) is the minimum strength of
(ICH 2005). a substance that can be measured with adequate accura-
cy. The LOD and LOQ were computed using LOD = 3.3
System suitability X SD/S and LOQ = 10 X SD/S, where SD represents the
The suitability of a standard solution with a one hundred standard deviation and S represents the slope.
percent strength was assessed using five injections utilis-
ing an Agilent HPLC apparatus. The evaluated parame- Robustness
ters, including theoretical plates, tailing factor and reso- Robustness is the ability to withstand minor changes and
lution, are expected to satisfy the acceptance standards set achieve reliable results. The evaluation of robustness in-
by the FDA (Al Jamal et al. 2023). volved changes in wavelength and flow rate.
Pharmacia 71: 1–6 3

Stressed degradation Table 1. Formulations (each containing 500 mg MET, 50 mg

VD, Explotab 20 mg, magnesium stearate 10 mg).
Base hydrolysis: 500 mg MET and 50 mg VD were dis- Composition* Formulation
solved in 5 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in a F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
100 ml volumetric flask (VF) and then placed in a 90 °C PVP K90 10 15 20 25
water bath for 2 h. Cool, neutralised by adding 0.1 M hy- PVP K30 10 15 20 25
Avicel PH 101 70 70 65 65 60 60 55 55
drochloric acid (HCl), completed to 100 ml with water,
Ethanol 96% 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
diluted and analysed by HPLC. Water 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Acid hydrolysis: 500 mg MET and 50 mg VD were dis-
* Kollidon K 90, 30, Avicel PH 101 are in g; ethanol and water are in ml.
solved in 15 ml of 1.0 M HCl in a 100 ml VF, then placed Solvents were evaporated during the preparation.
in a 90 °C water bath for about 3 h, cooled, neutralised by
the addition of 1.0 M NaOH and complete to 100 ml with Micromeritics characteristics
water then diluted and analysed by HPLC.
Oxidative Degradation: Weigh 500 mg MET and 50 mg
VD accurately dissolved in 20 ml of solvent in a 100 ml The compressibility index or Carr’s index (CI) and Hausner
VF. Add 0.5 ml of 50% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), left ratio can be computed using the following equations, which
for about 60 minutes and complete to 100 ml with water, use the initial volume (V0) and the tapped volume (Vf):
diluted and inject the solution into HPLC. Vo Vt
Dry Heat Degradation: Weigh 500 mg MET and CI 100 (Equation 1)
50 mg VD accurately dissolved in 20 ml solvent. Agitate,
then subject to thermal treatment in an 80 °C water bath Results of 5–15% indicate excellent flow, 16–25% sug-
for approximately 3 hours. After cooling, add water to gest good flow and ≥ 26% reveal poor flow (Sawafta et al.
the solution until it reaches a total volume of 100 ml. 2021).
Then, diluted and finally, injected the resulting solution
into the HPLC. Hausner ratio = V0/ Vf (Equation 2)
Photolytic Degradation: Weigh accurately 500 mg
MET and 50 mg VD dissolve in 20 ml water, shake, then The angle of repose was found by assessing the inclina-
allow standing in a Photostability chamber (under the flu- tion of the powder’s top with the horizontal plane, using
orescent lamp and UV lamp at 254 nm) for 24 h and then equation 3:
complete to 100 ml with water, diluted with the mobile
phase and analysed by HPLC. Tan(α) = Height /0.5 base (Equation 3)

Preparation of tablets The 2.5 cm height of the funnel was maintained

throughout all the investigations. The diameters of the
The wet granulation method is selected because it built base were measured precisely. Each formula’s blend
produces high-dose tablets that improve cohesion and flowed down the funnel without any assistance. All of the
flow characteristics (Kafedjiiski 2022). The ingredients cones created exhibited symmetry. The powder’s flowabil-
are weighed and sieved via a pore size of 0.8 mm. ity was evaluated by estimating the angle of repose. The
MET, ½ Avicel PH 101, ½ Explotab kneading with angle of repose is a dependable indicator used to assess the
a Kollidon K90 dissolved hydro-alcoholic solution flow characteristics of a substance. Values ranging from α
(water: alcohol 50:50). The moist particles are passed = 25° to 30° represent a state of flow that is very effortless,
through a USP sieve using a 2.0 mm mesh, then dried α = 30° to 38° suggest a state of flow that is relatively easy
in an oven at temperatures of up to 50 °C, ensuring and α > 38° indicates a state of flow that is of low quality
that the remaining moisture content is ≤ 3% and then (Darusman et al. 2023).
sifted using a 1.2 mm filter. The remaining amount of
Avicel PH 101 and Explotab were incorporated into the Characterisation of tablets
granules obtained and well blended. Subsequently, the
lubricant was introduced and the micromeritics study Hardness—Done using the United States Pharmacopoeia
was performed. (USP).
The blends were compressed using a single punch ma- Disintegration time—Done using the United States
chine on an oblong punch 14 mm, resulting in tablets Pharmacopoeia (USP).
weighing 650 mg [Erweka, Germany]. The formulae are Friability—Done using the United States Pharmaco-
disclosed in Table 1. Punches: The punches are convex poeia (USP).
oblong with a diameter of 14 mm. Each tablet has an av- Drug content (Assay)—Twenty tablets of each formu-
erage mass of 650 mg ± 5.0% (ranging from 617.5 mg to lation were weighed to determine the mean weight, then
682.5 mg). The hardness should be at least 4 kg/cm3 and a known weight was taken and analysed by the developed
the friability should not exceed 1.0%. HPLC method.
4 Mohamed AA et al.: Formulation and evaluation of vildagliptin and metformin combined tablets

Dissolution testing—The USP dissolution tester [Dis- Table 2. Validation characteristics.

solution Apparatus Veego, India] performed the release Criteria MET VD
test in buffer phosphate at 37 °C at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and Linearity Correlation coefficient R2 ≥ 0.98 0.9998 0.9989
45 min intervals. Aliquots, each 5 ml in size, were taken Slope 2.93 7.44
Intercept 41.14 19.52
from Apparatus II (paddle), rotating at a speed of 50 rpm
Regression equation 2.93x + 41.14 7.44x + 19.52
(USP 2020). The withdrawn samples were filtered, appro- System Tailing factor < 2 0.95 0.87
priately diluted and subjected to an established HPLC as- suitability Plates > 2000 6000
say. In order to preserve sink conditions, comparable vol- capacity factor (k’ ) > 2 6.2
Resolution > 2 2.2
umes of media were added to the dissolving media (Rahi
Accuracy Mean% recovery 99.9% 99.85%
et al. 2021). (95% to 105%)
RSD ≤ 2% 0.36% 0.29%
Statistical analysis Precision Repeatability (RSD% ≤ 5%)
Intermediate precision (RSD%
≤ 10%)
To assess a reliable p-value for linearity, a one-way analysis Sensitivity LOD (µg/ml) 12.26 4.78
of variance (ANOVA) was utilised. LOQ (µg/ml) 37.17 14.49
Forced 1 M HCl 84.92% 98%
degradation 1 M NaOH 89.85% 89.8%

Results and discussion

10% H2O2 51.89% 80%
Dry heat 89.3% 95%
Photolytic 84.1% 94%
Validation Robustness RSD% at 253 nm 0.31% –
RSD% at 252 nm 0.29% –
System suitability RSD% at 204 nm – 0.24%
RSD% at 202 nm – 0.18%
A newly-developed and verified high-performance liq- RSD% at pH 2.8 0.12% 0.15%
uid chromatography (HPLC) technique for analysing RSD% at pH 3.2 0.29% 0.25%
MET and VD was used. The validation process adhered
to the parameters outlined in the International Council
for Harmonization (ICH) and United States Pharmaco- Furthermore, the linear equations for the relation-
peia (USP). Before analysing the samples, an evaluation of ship between MET and VD are as follows: y = 2.934x
the system’s suitability was performed. In this evaluation, + 41.141 and y = 7.440x + 19.52, respectively, where y
the resolution was assessed to be larger than 2, the tailing refers to the area and x indicates the concentration, as
factor (T) was assessed to ensure it did not exceed a value shown in Table 2 and Figs 2, 3. The intercept was 41.14
of 2, the capacity factor (k’) was found to be greater than 2 and 19.52 for MET and VD and the p-values were 0.005
and the plates were verified to be greater than 2000 (San- and 0.005. The parameters satisfied the constraints out-
gani et al. 2024). The observed attributes comply with the lined in Table 2. Fig. 1 depicts the MET and VD chro-
specified limitations (Table 2). Fig. 1 illustrates the chro- matogram.
matogram of MET and VD.
Linearity Examining a placebo and a reference solution verified
The regression analysis yielded results that indicated the specificity. The remarkable specificity was confirmed
a strong linear relationship, as evidenced by R2 values by the observation of zero peaks around the retention
> 0.999, which was statistically significant at p < 0.05. periods of MET and VD.

Figure 1. HPLC of MET and VD at a retention time of 2.194 and 3.945 min, respectively, for 500 µg/ml and 50 µg/ml. Conditions: a
CN (5 μm, 25 cm × 4.6 mm) column and 25% Acetonitrile: 75% Buffer pH (3.0) as the mobile phase were detected at 254 and 203 nm.
Pharmacia 71: 1–6 5

LOD and LOQ 100


Sensitivity was demonstrated by revealing that the MET 80

and VD LOD and LOQ were 12.26, 37.17, 4.78 and 70

%Dissolved MET
14.49 µg/ml, respectively. A placebo was injected and MET 60
and VD retention durations showed no peaks. Degradation 50
in 1M NaOH, 1M HCl and 10% H2O2, dry heat and photo- 40
lytic was 10.2%, 15.1%, 48.11%, 10.7% and 15.9% for MET, 30
while for VD was 15.2%, 2%, 20%, 5% and 6%, respectively. 20
In addition, the approach demonstrated robustness, as the 10
relative standard deviation (RSD) remained below 0.4% de- 0
spite minor variations and the results are shown in Table 2. 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (min.)
y = 2.934x + 41.141
Figure 4. Release of MET from tablets.
5000 R² = 0.9998

Peak Area of MET


3000 80


%Dissolved VD
0 40 F3
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Concentration (µg/ml)
20 F7
Figure 2. MET Calibration curve.
1000 0
y = 7.4398x + 19.52 0 10 20 30 40 50
900 Time (min.)
R² = 0.9997
Figure 5. Release of VD from tablets.
VD Peak Area

500 Table 3. Rheology of blends.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Angle of repose (°) 38 42 32 39 28.5 40 25.1 39.2
Carr’ s index (%) 37.5 43.7 31.25 33 25 28.75 13.75 12.5
Hausner index 1.6 2 1.45 1.70 1.33 1.33 1.4 1.14
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Concentration (µg/ml)
In vitro release
Figure 3. VD Calibration curve.
The in vitro system was performed by dissolving the
Micromeritics of blends innovator (Galvus Met 50/500 mg tablets) and prepar-
According to the findings presented in Table 3, the blends’ ing formulations. Formulations containing Kollidon
flowability was improved in formulations containing Kol- K90 showed dissolving more than 80%. However, the
lidon K 90. Additionally, the flowability of powders was fastest release was F7, which released > 90% of both
found to improve when the proportion of Kollidon K 90 drugs within 30 minutes; moreover, F7 released more
in the kneading process was raised. The results may be at- MET and VD compared to the innovator (Galvus Met
tributed to the greater binding capacity of Kollidon K 90 50/500) which released only about 80% of both drugs
compared to K30 (Sawafta et al. 2021). (Figs 4, 5).
In this study, all the prepared formulations exhib-
Physical characteristics of tablets ited rapid disintegration when compared to the inno-
The average weight was within the limit and there was ac- vator (Galvus Met 50/500) and dissolved faster than
ceptable variation. Disintegration was within 1 min, while Galvus Met 50/500, except F3. Many scholars, such as
Galvus Met disintegrated within 10 min. The hardness Chaturvedi et al. (2023) performed co-processing MET
of tablets prepared with Kollidon K30 was ≤ 4 and broke with hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC-L) to improve its
with capping on the hardness tester (Erweka, Germany) compressibility compared to pure MET without alter-
(Table 4). Moreover, on the friability testing, they fractured ation of the solubility of MET. Moreover, Srinivasan et
into parts, while the tablets prepared by Kollidon K90, al. (2023) prepared MET by direct compression em-
such as F3, F5 and F7, had good friability and hardness in ploying Explotab, croscarmellose and mannitol. The
comparison to other formulations (Njega et al. 2018) pre-compression studies reveal that the medicinal
6 Mohamed AA et al.: Formulation and evaluation of vildagliptin and metformin combined tablets

Table 4. Characteristics of tablets.

Formula Galvus Met F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Average weight (mg)* – 651 ± 0.5% 649 ± 2.9% 652 ± 1.5% 648 ± 2.6% 651 ± 0.7% 645 ± 3.5% 652 ± 1.1% 657 ± 3%
Drug content (%) 99.3 99.5 101.4 99.9 101.1 99.8 99.6 100.7 99.8
Disintegration time (s) 600 50 91 65 85 57 70 45 60
Hardness (kg/cm3) – 5 3 8 3.1 11 3.3 13 4
Friability(%) – 1 – 0.9 – 0.2% – 0.1% 3
*Values are stated as mean ± SD.

excipients perform well together and compress hanced micromeritic characteristics and, after compres-
effectively. F7 demonstrated the fastest disintegration sion, the tablets produced have lower friability, good hard-
(45 s) and >95% release of MET and VD in 30 minutes. ness and good dissolution.

Conclusion Acknowledgements
Incorporating MET and VD into tablets using Kollidon The authors feel grateful to Al-Zahraa University for
K 90 and wet granulation could produce blends with en- women for their extended support.

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