BBU Technical Specifications (V100R019C10 - 01) (PDF) - EN
BBU Technical Specifications (V100R019C10 - 01) (PDF) - EN
BBU Technical Specifications (V100R019C10 - 01) (PDF) - EN
Technical Specifications
Issue 01
Date 2023-03-09
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The BBU is a baseband unit that centrally manages the entire base station system.
● Unless otherwise specified, in this document, G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is
short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, and M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N is short for NR,
N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD.
● Unless otherwise specified, the specifications of GSM and multi-RAT concurrency including
GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF
modules. In this scenario, the baseband resource processing function is implemented by RF
● This document describes only the technical specifications of the BBUs used by macro base
stations. For details about the technical specifications of the BBUs used by LampSite base
stations, see LampSite BBU Technical Specifications.
● Unless otherwise specified, the specifications described in this document refer to the
maximum values.
Product Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
● Network planning engineers
● Onsite engineers
● System engineers
1.2 Board Technical Specifications
A BBU can be configured with the main control board, baseband processing unit,
power and environment monitoring board, and fan. This document describes the
technical specifications of main control boards and baseband processing units. For
technical specifications of other boards, see the related BBU hardware description.
1.3 BBU5900 Technical Specifications
The BBU5900 can be configured with 1–2 main control boards and 2–6 baseband
processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900 vary
with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units
configured. This section describes the capacity specifications, signaling
specifications, and equipment specifications of the BBU5900 working in different
RATs in typical board configurations.
1.4 BBU5900A Technical Specifications
The BBU5900A can be configured with 1 main control board and 1–3 baseband
processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900A vary
with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units
configured. This section describes the capacity specifications, signaling
specifications, and equipment specifications of the BBU5900A working in different
RATs in typical board configurations.
1.5 BBU5900C Technical Specifications
01 (2023-03-09)
This is the first commercial release.
Compared with Draft B (2023-02-08), this issue does not include any new topics.
Compared with Draft B (2023-02-08), this issue includes the following changes.
Topic Change Description
Compared with Draft B (2023-02-08), this issue does not exclude any topics.
Draft B (2023-02-08)
This is a draft.
Compared with Draft A (2022-12-30), this issue does not include any new topics.
Compared with Draft A (2022-12-30), this issue includes the following changes.
Topic Change Description LTE Technical Added descriptions to state that the cell number
Specifications of specifications of baseband processing units in
Baseband Processing 32T32R/64T64R scenarios are not backward
Units compatible with the specifications in scenarios of NR Technical 8T8R or lower configurations.
Specifications of
Baseband Processing
Units Multimode
Technical Specifications
of Baseband Processing
Compared with Draft A (2022-12-30), this issue does not exclude any topics.
Draft A (2022-12-30)
This is a draft.
Compared with Issue 07 (2022-10-25) of V100R018C10, this issue includes the
following new topics:
● 1.5 BBU5900C Technical Specifications
Compared with Issue 07 (2022-10-25) of V100R018C10, this issue includes the
following changes.
Table 1-1 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing
units and the BBU5900
Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU5900
Table 1-2 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported
by the BBU5900A.
Table 1-2 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing
units and the BBU5900A
Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU5900A
Table 1-3 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported
by the BBU3910.
Table 1-3 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing
units and the BBU3910
Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU3910
Table 1-4 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported
by the BBU3900.
Table 1-4 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing
units and the BBU3900
When working in GSM mode, the main control board supports two OM modes:
LegacyOM and SingleOM. In LegacyOM mode, the GSM base station is operated
and maintained through the base station controller. In SingleOM mode, the GSM
base station is operated and maintained through the OSS. Different main control
boards support different OM modes.
The GTMU supports only the LegacyOM mode. The following table lists the
number of carriers supported by a GTMU.
In GSM scenarios, the UMPT supports only the SingleOM mode. The following
table lists the number of carriers supported by the UMPT.
The following table lists the specifications per main control board in LTE FDD
Table 1-7 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD mode
The following table lists the specifications per main control board in LTE TDD
Table 1-8 Specifications per main control board in LTE TDD mode
Table 1-9 Specifications per main control board in LTE NB-IoT mode
Board Number of UEs Number of Signaling
in RRC Attached UEs Specifications
Connected Mode (BHCA)
UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE FDD, number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT,
and signaling specifications dynamically change based on the main control
resource usage. The following table lists the specifications per main control board.
Table 1-10 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode
Board Number of Number of UEs in LTE FDD Signaling
UEs in RRC RRC Connected Specifications + LTE
Connected Mode for LTE FDD + NB-IoT Signaling
Mode(1) Number of Attached Specifications
(1): The number of UEs in RRC connected mode is the maximum number
supported by the board in concurrency scenarios.
Table 1-11 Specifications per main control board in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode
Board Number of UEs in Number of UEs in RRC LTE TDD
RRC Connected Connected Mode for LTE Signaling
Mode(1) TDD + Number of Specifications +
Attached UEs for LTE LTE NB-IoT
NB-IoT Signaling
(1): The number of UEs in RRC connected mode is the maximum number
supported by the board in concurrency scenarios.
Table 1-12 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD+TDD mode
When the main control board works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes
at the same time, LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share main
control resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE (FDD+TDD),
number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT, and signaling specifications dynamically
change based on the main control resource usage. The following table lists the
specifications per main control board.
Table 1-13 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode
(1): The number of UEs in RRC connected mode is the maximum number
supported by the board in concurrency scenarios.
The following table lists the specifications per main control board in NR FDD
Board LTE NR
Board LTE NR
Board GSM NR
UMPTb1/ 72 BBU3900: 24
UMPTb2/ BBU3910/BBU5900: 48
UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ 72 BBU3900: 24
UMPTe3 BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A:
UMPTga1/ 72 BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A:
UMPTga2/ 48
UMPTg1/ 72 BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A:
UMPTg2/UMPTg3 48
UBBPd1/UBBPd2/ 24 12
UBBPd5 36 18
UBBPd6 48 24
The following tables list the technical specifications per baseband processing unit
in UMTS mode.
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam
Optimization, UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is
configured is the same as the 4R cell number specification. For details about the
cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see UMTS Beamforming Feature
Parameter Description.
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
Category Description
This part describes the maximum number of cells supported by each baseband
processing unit with different cell bandwidths and antenna configurations. The
capabilities of baseband processing units for mixed configuration of cells with
different antenna configurations are as follows:
● Unless otherwise specified, the LBBP does not support mixed configuration of
2T2R and 4T4R cells.
● Unless otherwise specified, the UBBPe/UBBPg supports mixed configuration of
2T2R and 4T4R cells. The maximum number of cells that can be configured in
mixed configuration scenarios is calculated as follows: Min (number of 2T2R-
only cells, number of 4T4R-only cells).
● Unless otherwise specified, the UBBPe/UBBPg does not support mixed
configuration of 2T2R, 4T4R, and 32T32R cells.
● Unless otherwise specified, a baseband processing unit that supports 2T2R
cells is compatible with 1T1R and 1T2R cells by default. And the number of
supported 1T1R and 1T2R cells is the same as that of supported 2T2R cells.
● Unless otherwise specified, a baseband processing unit that supports 4T4R
cells is compatible with 2T4R cells by default. And the number of supported
2T4R cells is the same as that of supported 4T4R cells.
The number of in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers that can be deployed on LTE FDD cells
for each baseband processing unit working in LTE FDD mode is as follows:
● For an LBBPd, one in-band LTE NB-IoT carrier can be deployed on each LTE
FDD cell.
● For a UBBPd, one in-band LTE NB-IoT carrier can be deployed on each LTE
FDD cell.
● For a UBBPe, four in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers can be deployed on each LTE
FDD cell.
● For a UBBPg, four in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers can be deployed on each LTE
FDD cell.
For the mapping between baseband processing units and AAU5726e modules, see
AAU5726e Technical Specifications.
The following tables list the maximum number of cells per baseband processing
unit in LTE FDD mode.
Table 1-37 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode (1)
Board Number of Cells
UE Number Specifications
In LTE FDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in
a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the number of UEs supported by cells with different
bandwidths in LTE FDD scenarios.
(1): If a sector split group configured on the UBBPg contains multiple 32T32R
cells, the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode in each sector split
group is 2400.
The following table lists the number of UEs supported by each baseband
processing unit in LTE FDD scenarios when cells with different bandwidths are
(1): The number of UL synchronized UEs supported by an LBBP can reach 3600
by specifying the MaxSyncUserNumPerBbi parameter. The increase of UEs,
however, may cause user experience and system performance to deteriorate.
Therefore, it is not recommended that this parameter be used to increase the
number of supported UEs to over 1200.
LBBPc 5400
LBBPd1/LBBPd2/ 10800
UBBPd3/UBBPd4/ 10800
UBBPe1/UBBPe2/ 10800
UBBPe6 14400
UBBPei 14400
UBBPex2 7200
UBBPe18 10800
UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 10800
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 14400
UBBPg3 28800
Throughput Specifications
In LTE FDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a
cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the throughput per cell with different configurations in
LTE FDD mode.
The following tables list the throughput per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD
Signaling Specifications
The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit
in LTE FDD mode.
LBBPc 63000
LBBPd1/LBBPd2 126000
LBBPd3/LBBPd5 144000
UBBPd3/UBBPd4 270000
UBBPd5/UBBPd6 396000
UBBPe1/UBBPe2 270000
UBBPe3/UBBPe4 432000
UBBPe5 540000
UBBPe6 648000
UBBPei 648000
UBBPex2 432000
UBBPe18 432000
UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 432000
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 720000
UBBPg3 1296000
The following tables list the number of CA UEs and the number of VoLTE UEs per
baseband processing unit.
Table 1-56 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per LBBP in LTE FDD
LBBPc 0 0 0 0 270
Table 1-57 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per UBBPd in LTE FDD
Board Number Number Number Number Number of
of 2CC of 3CC of 4CC of 5CC VoLTE UEs
Table 1-58 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per UBBPe in LTE FDD
Board Number Number Number Number Number of
of 2CC of 3CC of 4CC of 5CC VoLTE UEs
Table 1-59 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per UBBPg in LTE FDD
In LTE TDD co-BBP scenarios, the Frame Offset parameter must be set to the same value
for LTE TDD cells.
Category Description
This part describes the maximum number of cells supported by each baseband
processing unit with different cell bandwidths and antenna configurations. Unless
otherwise specified, the cell number specifications are supported when the
subframe configuration is SA1 or SA2.
The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE
TDD mode.
(1): The UBBPf1/UBBPf3 cannot be used with the UMPTb. The UBBPf1/UBBPf3/
UBBPfw1 supports only SA2.
Note: The cells before and after the plus sign (+) form a group, indicating that
mixed channel configurations are allowed for these cells. In mixed channel
configurations, all cells must be bound to baseband equipment. If cell setup
fails, reset the BBP for resource regrouping. Only SA2 is supported when 32T32R
or 64T64R cells are configured or when 32T32R and 64T64R cells are configured
(1): Mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth
is supported.
(2): The BBP.WM parameter must be set to HYBRID_BALANCE(Mixed
configuration balancing) for the baseband processing unit.
(3): The BBP.WM parameter must be set to
HYBRID_MMCELL_ENHANCE(Mixed configuration enhanced MM) for the
baseband processing unit.
(4): When PUCCHCfg.DeltaShift is set to DS1_DELTA_SHIFT(ds1), the
UBBPg3b supports nine massive MIMO cells. When PUCCHCfg.DeltaShift is set
to DS2_DELTA_SHIFT(ds2) or DS3_DELTA_SHIFT(ds3), the UBBPg3b supports
six massive MIMO cells.
UE Number Specifications
In LTE TDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in
a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the number of UEs per cell with different bandwidths in
LTE TDD mode.
(1): If a sector split group configured on the BBP contains multiple 8T8R
intelligent multi-beam cells, the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected
mode in each sector split group is 1200.
The following tables list the number of UEs supported by each baseband
processing unit in LTE TDD scenarios when cells with different bandwidths are
UBBPd6 10800
UBBPd9 10800
UBBPe4 10800
UBBPe6 14400
UBBPe18 10800
UBBPem 7200
UBBPei 14400
UBBPf1 10800
UBBPfw1 21600
UBBPf3 10800
UBBPg1 10800
UBBPg1a 10800
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 14400
UBBPg3 28800
UBBPg4 14400
Signaling Specifications
LBBPc 63000
LBBPd2 126000
LBBPd4 126000
LBBPd5 126000
UBBPd4 270000
UBBPd6 396000
UBBPd9 396000
UBBPe4 432000
UBBPe6 648000
UBBPe18 432000
UBBPem 648000
UBBPei 648000
UBBPea 648000
UBBPf1 648000
UBBPfw1 1296000
UBBPf3 648000
UBBPg1 432000
UBBPg1a 432000
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 720000
UBBPg3 1296000
UBBPg4 864000
Throughput Specifications
In LTE TDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a
cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the throughput per cell with different configurations in
LTE TDD mode.
The following tables list the throughput per baseband processing unit.
● 3x200 kHz 4T4R. If 3x200 kHz 4T4R is configured, 400 kHz cells cannot be
● 3x400 kHz 2T2R. If 3x400 kHz 2T2R is configured, 4T4R cells cannot be
A single cell on the UBBP supports flexible carrier configuration. That is, a cell can
be configured with any number of carriers within the board specifications (number
of cells and number of carriers). The number of cells supported by a baseband
processing unit is expressed by A carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R/4T4R) over B cells, where
A indicates the number of carriers and B indicates the number of cells. A 200 kHz
2T2R/4T4R carriers can be allocated to B cells and each cell is allocated a number
of carriers.
Different series of baseband processing units have the following restrictions in LTE
NB-IoT flexible carrier configuration scenarios:
● For the UBBPd/UBBPe working in LTE NB-IoT only, a maximum of eight
carriers can be configured for a single cell. In multimode concurrency with LTE
NB-IoT included, a maximum of two carriers can be configured for a single
● For the UBBPg in LTE NB-IoT single-mode or multimode scenarios, a
maximum of eight carriers can be configured for a single cell.
When mixed configuration of cell number specifications exists, the cell number
specifications are connected by using a plus sign (+).
The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE
NB-IoT mode.
(1): If a CPRI cable is between 20 km and 40 km, the LBBPd3 supports the
maximum configuration of 3x200 kHz 2T2R.
UE Number Specifications
In LTE NB-IoT scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs
in a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the number of UEs per cell in LTE NB-IoT mode.
The following tables list the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and the
number of attached UEs per baseband processing unit.
Throughput Specifications
In LTE NB-IoT scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a
cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the throughput per cell in LTE NB-IoT mode.
The following table lists the throughput per baseband processing unit.
Signaling Specifications
The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit.
LBBPd1/LBBPd2 189000
LBBPd3/LBBPd5 216000
UBBPd3/UBBPd4 405000
UBBPd5/UBBPd6 594000
UBBPe1/UBBPe2 405000
UBBPe3/UBBPe4 648000
UBBPe5 810000
UBBPe6 972000
UBBPe18 648000
UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 648000
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 1080000
UBBPg3 1944000
The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies
with that in single-RAT scenarios.
(1): 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R is the LTE FDD cell
number specification, and 3x200 kHz 2T2R is the LTE NB-IoT cell number
(1): During mixed configuration of LTE FDD 2T2R and 4T4R cells on the
UBBPd5, the maximum number of cells that can be configured does not exceed
the number of 4R cells.
(2): 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R is the LTE FDD cell
number specification, and 3 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells is the LTE NB-
IoT cell number specification.
(3): 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R is the LTE FDD cell
number specification, and 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells is the LTE NB-
IoT cell number specification.
UE Number Specifications
When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT
modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The
number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE FDD and the number of attached
UEs for LTE NB-IoT dynamically change based on the baseband resource usage.
This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage.
The following tables list the number of UEs per baseband processing unit in both
LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE FDD cell bandwidth is
20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz.
Throughput Specifications
The following tables list the throughput of the baseband processing units working
in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE FDD cell
bandwidth is 20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz.
When the UBBPd is used to serve LTE NB-IoT cells, the maximum throughput of the board
decreases. The decrease in the maximum throughput is proportional to the decrease in the
total bandwidth of LTE FDD cells.
Signaling Specifications
When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT
modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The
signaling specifications of LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT vary dynamically based on the
baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource
The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit
in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes.
LBBPd1/LBBPd2 88000+56000
LBBPd3/LBBPd5 100000+64000
UBBPd3/UBBPd4 189000+121000
UBBPd5/UBBPd6 277000+177000
UBBPe1/UBBPe2 189000+121000
UBBPe3/UBBPe4 302000+193000
UBBPe5 378000+242000
UBBPe6 454000+292000
UBBPe18 302000+193000
UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 302000+193000
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 504000+324000
UBBPg3 907000+583000
● For LTE (TDD+NB-IoT) specifications, LTE TDD must support both SA1 and SA2. Unless
otherwise specified, both the LTE TDD SA1 and SA2 support this specification.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in both
LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes.
UE Number Specifications
When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT
modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The
number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE TDD and the number of attached
UEs for LTE NB-IoT dynamically change based on the baseband resource usage.
This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage.
The following tables list the number of UEs per baseband processing unit in both
LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE TDD cell bandwidth is
20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz.
Throughput Specifications
The following tables list the throughput per baseband processing unit in both LTE
TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE TDD cell bandwidth is 20
MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz.
Signaling Specifications
When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT
modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The
signaling specifications of LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT vary dynamically based on the
baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource
The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit
in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes.
UBBPe4 302000+193000
UBBPe6 454000+292000
UBBPe18 302000+193000
UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 302000+193000
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ 504000+324000
UBBPg3 907000+583000
In LTE FDD+TDD co-BBP scenarios, the Frame Offset parameter must be set to the same
value for LTE FDD and LTE TDD cells.
Category Description
● LTE FDD+TDD specifications are supported only when the LTE TDD subframe
configuration is SA1 or SA2. Unless otherwise specified, both the LTE TDD SA1 and SA2
support this specification.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
The following tables list the cell number specifications per baseband processing
unit in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes.
UE Number Specifications
The following tables list the UE number specifications per baseband processing
unit in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes.
UBBPd6 3600
UBBPe4 3600
UBBPe5 3600
UBBPe6 4800
UBBPe18 3600
UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 3600
UBBPg2 4800
UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b 4800
UBBPg3 9600
● For LTE (FDD+TDD+NB-IoT) specifications, LTE TDD must support both SA1 and SA2.
Unless otherwise specified, both the LTE TDD subframe configurations SA1 and SA2
support this specification.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
When the baseband processing unit works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT
modes, the number of cells is expressed as A+B+C, where A, B, and C indicate the
number of cells supported by LTE FDD, that supported by LTE TDD, and that
supported by LTE NB-IoT, respectively. For example, in 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz
4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells,
"6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R" indicates the number of LTE FDD cells,
"6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R" indicates the number of LTE TDD cells, and "9 carriers
(200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells" indicates the number of LTE NB-IoT cells.
Different series of baseband processing units have the following restrictions in LTE
NB-IoT flexible carrier configuration scenarios:
● For the UBBPd/UBBPe working in LTE NB-IoT only, a maximum of eight
carriers can be configured for a single cell. In multimode concurrency with LTE
NB-IoT included, a maximum of two carriers can be configured for a single
● For the UBBPg in LTE NB-IoT single-mode or multimode scenarios, a
maximum of eight carriers can be configured for a single cell.
The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE
FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes.
Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number
of LTE NB-IoT Cells
Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number
of LTE NB-IoT Cells
Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number
of LTE NB-IoT Cells
UE Number Specifications
When the baseband processing unit works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT
modes, these modes dynamically share the baseband resources.
● LTE FDD and LTE TDD share the number of UEs in RRC connected mode.
● The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE FDD+TDD and the
number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT dynamically change based on the
baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical
resource usage.
This part uses 20 MHz bandwidth for LTE FDD or LTE TDD cells and 200 kHz
bandwidth for LTE NB-IoT cells as an example to describe the UE number
specifications supported by each baseband processing unit.
The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE
FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes.
For the mapping between baseband processing units and AAU5726e modules, see
AAU5726e Technical Specifications.
(1): The UBBPg1 and UBBPg1a do not support NR when used in a BBU3900.
UE Number Specifications
In NR FDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a
cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the number of UEs in RRC connected mode per cell with
different configurations in NR FDD mode.
The following table lists the number of UEs in RRC connected mode per baseband
processing unit.
UBBPg1 600
UBBPg1a 1200
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 2400
UBBPg3b 3600
UBBPg3 4800
Throughput Specifications
In NR FDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in an
NR FDD cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the throughput per cell with different cell configurations
in NR FDD mode.
The following table lists the throughput per baseband processing unit in NR FDD
mode. The throughput of a baseband processing unit is related to the cell
bandwidth and antenna configuration of the baseband processing unit. The
following provides the maximum throughput in various scenarios.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit
in NR FDD mode.
UBBPg1 108000
UBBPg1a 216000
UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 432000
UBBPg3b 648000
UBBPg3 864000
The following tables list the maximum number of cells per baseband processing
unit in different spectrum type, bandwidth, and antenna configurations. The
baseband processing unit supports the following slot configurations: 8:2 and 4:1.
Unless otherwise specified, the cell number specifications are supported when the
slot configuration is 8:2 or 4:1.
UE Number Specifications
In NR TDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a
cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the number of UEs in RRC connected mode per cell with
different band types in NR TDD mode.
The following tables list the number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by
each baseband processing unit.
UBBPfw1 1200
UBBPg2a 2400
UBBPg3b 3600
Throughput Specifications
In NR TDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a
cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the throughput specifications (theoretical values) of NR
TDD cells with different band types, bandwidths, and antenna configurations
using the slot configuration of 4:1 as an example.
The following tables list the throughput specifications per baseband processing
unit. The throughput of a baseband processing unit is related to the cell
bandwidth, antenna configuration, spectrum, and CPRI protocol type of the
baseband processing unit. The following provides the maximum throughput in
various scenarios.
Signaling Specifications
The following tables list signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in
NR TDD mode.
UBBPfw1 216000
UBBPg2a 432000
UBBPg3b 648000
Category Description
(1): 32T32R/64T64R indicates that 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same
bandwidth are configured together.
(1): 32T32R/64T64R indicates that 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same
bandwidth are configured together.
(2): 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/
2T4R/4T4R is the NR FDD cell number specification, and
3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R is the NR TDD cell number
UE Number Specifications
This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage.
The following table lists the UE number specifications per baseband processing
unit in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes.
Signaling Specifications
This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage.
The following table lists the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit
in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes.
● In this document, G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE
FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for
NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD.
● Co-BBP scenarios comply with the specifications of each single RAT.
● To simplify the description, the maximum number of cells is displayed in co-
BBP scenarios for each single RAT, instead of the cell number specifications in
all TX/RX modes. Take the UBBPe4 as an example. In UL co-BBP scenarios, the
maximum number of LTE FDD cells is 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R, and the
cell number specifications in 2T4R, 2T2R, 1T2R, and 1T1R are not enumerated.
3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T4R/2T2R/1T2R/1T1R is supported by default.
● Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended that the BBP.WM parameter be
set to NORMAL(Normal) for the UBBP and to FDD(Frequency Division
Duplex) for other types of boards.
● The BBP.SRT parameter can be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance),
NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance), NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2), or
UMTS_ENHANCE(UMTS Enhance) for some UBBP boards working in
multiple RATs. Such setting allows LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, NR, or
UMTS to occupy more baseband resources. Unless otherwise specified, the
specifications refer to the co-BBP specifications when the BBP.SRT parameter
is set to DEFAULT(Default).
● The cell number specifications of baseband processing units in 32T32R/
64T64R scenarios are not backward compatible with the specifications in
scenarios of 8T8R or lower configurations. If a baseband processing unit
supports specifications in 32T32R/64T64R scenarios and those in scenarios of
8T8R or lower configurations, these specifications will be described separately
in this document.
The following table lists the LN (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
UBBPg2a 6x1.4/3/5/10 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 Sub-6 1200 DL: 2160
/15/20 MHz 1008 1200 00 GHz: 2250 00
4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 3x20/30/ UL:
2160 600 40/50/60/ 340
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
20 MHz: 4T4R
UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/10 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
/15/20 MHz 1008 1200 00 GHz: 2250 00
4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 3x20/30/ UL:
2160 600 40/50/60/ 340
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
20 MHz: 4T4R
UBBPg3b( 3x1.4/3/5/10 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 1940 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
2) /15/20 MHz 504 600 00 GHz: 3000 00
4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 3x20/30/ UL:
1080 225 40/50/60/ 450
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
20 MHz: 8T8R
UBBPg3b( 3x1.4/3/5/10 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 1940 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
2) /15/20 MHz 504 600 00 GHz: 6000 00
4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 3x20/30/ UL:
1080 225 40/50/60/ 900
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
20 MHz: 32T32R/
1200 64T64R
UBBPg3 ● 12x1.4/3/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 6480 Sub-6 2400 DL: 4320
5/10/15/2 2016 2400 00 GHz: 4500 00
0 MHz ● 3 MHz: UL: 3x20/30/ UL:
4T4R 4320 1200 40/50/60/ 680
● 6x1.4/3/5/ 70/80/90/
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
10/15/20 20 MHz:
MHz 8T8R 8T8R
UBBPg3(1 6x1.4/3/5/10 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 Sub-6 2400 DL: 4320
) /15/20 MHz 1008 1200 00 GHz: 9000 00
4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 3x20/30/ UL:
2160 600 40/50/60/ 910
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
20 MHz: 32T32R/
3600 64T64R
UBBPg3(1 3x1.4/3/5/10 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 Sub-6 2400 DL: 4320
) /15/20 MHz 504 600 00 GHz 9000 00
4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: +SUL: UL:
1080 225 3x20/30/ 1350
● 5 MHz: 70/80/90/
1800 100 MHz
● 10/15/20 32T32R/
MHz: 64T64R
3600 + 3x20
UBBPg3 ● 12x1.4/3/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 6480 Sub-6 2400 DL: 4320
5/10/15/2 2016 2400 00 GHz: 3000 00
0 MHz ● 3 MHz: UL: 6x20/30/ UL:
4T4R 4320 1200 40/50/60/ 450
● 6x1.4/3/5/ 70/80/90/
● 5/10/15/ 100 MHz
10/15/20 20 MHz:
MHz 8T8R 4T4R
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
(2): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2) for the baseband
processing unit.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
UBBPg1a 3x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 1380 3x5/10/15 600 DL: 1080
10/15/20 504 600 00 /20 MHz 600 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
1080 225 300
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg2/ 6x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 6x5/10/15 1200 DL: 2160
UBBPg2a 10/15/20 1008 1200 00 /20 MHz 1200 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
2160 600 600
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg2/ 9x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 3x5/10/15 600 DL: 1080
UBBPg2a( 10/15/20 1512 1200 00 /20 MHz 600 00
1) MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
3240 600 300
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg2/ 3x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 1940 9x5/10/15 1800 DL: 3240
UBBPg2a( 10/15/20 504 600 00 /20 MHz 1800 00
2) MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
1080 225 900
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg2/ 6x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 3x25/30/4 1200 DL: 2160
UBBPg2a 10/15/20 1008 1200 00 0 MHz 1200 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
2160 600 600
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg2/ 3x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 3x5/10/15 1200 DL: 2160
UBBPg2a 10/15/20 1008 1200 00 /20 MHz 800 00
MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: UL: 8T8R UL:
2160 600 300
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg2/ 3x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 1940 3x25/30/4 1200 DL: 2160
UBBPg2a( 10/15/20 504 600 00 0 MHz 1200 00
2) MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
1080 225 +3x5/10/1 600
5/20 MHz
● 5/10/15/ 4T4R
20 MHz:
UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 6x5/10/15 1800 DL: 3240
10/15/20 1008 1200 00 /20 MHz 1200 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
2160 600 600
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3b( 9x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 3x5/10/15 900 DL: 1620
1) 10/15/20 1512 1200 00 /20 MHz 600 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
3240 600 300
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3b( 3x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 1940 9x5/10/15 1800 DL: 3240
2) 10/15/20 504 600 00 /20 MHz 1800 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
1080 225 900
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 3x25/30/4 1800 DL: 3240
10/15/20 1008 1200 00 0 MHz 1200 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
2160 600 600
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3b 3x1.4/3/5/ ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 3600 3x5/10/15 1200 DL: 2160
10/15/20 1008 1200 00 /20 MHz 800 00
MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: UL: 8T8R UL:
2160 600 300
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 6480 12x5/10/1 2400 DL: 4320
/10/15/20 2016 2400 00 5/20 MHz 2400 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
4320 1200 1200
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3(3 18x1.4/3/5 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 9720 6x5/10/15 1200 DL: 2160
) /10/15/20 3024 3600 00 /20 MHz 1200 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3/5/10/1 UL: 4T4R UL:
5/20 1800 600
UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 6480 6x25/30/4 2400 DL: 4320
/10/15/20 2016 2400 00 0 MHz 2400 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
4320 1200 1200
● 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 6480 3x25/30/4 2400 DL: 4320
/10/15/20 2016 2400 00 0 MHz 2400 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3 MHz: UL: 4T4R UL:
4320 1200 + 6x5/10/ 1200
● 5/10/15/ MHz
20 MHz: 4T4R
UBBPg3(3 18x1.4/3/5 ● 1.4 MHz: DL: 9720 3x25/30/4 2400 DL: 4320
) /10/15/20 3024 3600 00 0 MHz 2400 00
MHz 4T4R ● 3/5/10/1 UL: 4T4R UL:
5/20 1800 1200
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance) for the
baseband processing unit.
(2): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2) for the
baseband processing unit.
(3): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE2(FDD Enhance 2) for the
baseband processing unit.
The following table lists the TN (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
UBBPg2a 6x5/10/15/2 2400 DL: 900 3600 Sub-6 1200 DL: 2160
0 MHz 4T4R UL: 120 00 GHz: 2250 00
(SA2) 3x20/30/ UL:
40/50/60/ 340
100 MHz
UBBPg2a 6x5/10/15/2 2400 DL: 900 3600 Sub-6 1200 DL: 2160
0 MHz 8T8R UL: 120 00 GHz: 1740 00
(SA2) 3x20/30/ UL:
40/60 280
UBBPg2a( 3x5/10/15/2 1200 DL: 450 2160 Sub-6 1200 DL: 2160
2) 0 MHz 8T8R UL: 60 00 GHz: 2350 00
(SA2) 3x20/30/ UL:
40/50/60/ 370
80 MHz
UBBPg3b 6x5/10/15/2 2400 DL: 900 3600 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
0 MHz 4T4R UL: 120 00 GHz: 2250 00
(SA2) 3x20/30/ UL:
40/50/60/ 340
100 MHz
UBBPg3b( 3x10/15/20 1600 DL: 976 2880 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
1) MHz UL: 160 00 GHz: 6000 00
32T32R/ 3x20/30/ UL:
64T64R 40/50/60/ 900
(SA2) 70/80/90/
100 MHz
UBBPg3b 6x5/10/15/2 2400 DL: 900 3600 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
0 MHz 8T8R UL: 120 00 GHz: 1740 00
(SA2) 3x20/30/ UL:
40/60 280
UBBPg3b( 3x5/10/15/2 1200 DL: 450 2160 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
2) 0 MHz 8T8R UL: 60 00 GHz: 3000 00
(SA2) 3x20/30/ UL:
40/50/60/ 450
100 MHz
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
(2): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2) for the baseband
processing unit.
The following table lists the TN (FDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
UBBPg2a 6x5/10/15/2 2400 DL: 900 3600 Sub-6 1200 DL: 2160
0 MHz 8T8R UL: 120 00 GHz: 1200 00
(SA2) 6x5/10/1 UL:
5/20 MHz 600
UBBPg3b 6x5/10/15/2 2400 DL: 900 3600 Sub-6 1800 DL: 3240
0 MHz 8T8R UL: 120 00 GHz: 1200 00
(SA2) 6x5/10/1 UL:
5/20 MHz 600
The following table lists the LN (FDD) N (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
NR TDD Number of Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz:
Cells 3x20/30/40/5 6x20/30/40/5 3x20/30/40/5 3x20/30/40/5
0/60/70/80/90 0/60/70/80/90 0/60/70/80/90 0/60/70/80/90
/100 MHz /100 MHz /100 MHz /100 MHz
32T32R/ 4T4R 8T8R 8T8R
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
The following table lists the LMN (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
Table 1-176 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (TDD) mode (1)
Number ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008
of UEs in 1008 2016 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 2160
RRC ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3/5/10/1
Connect ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz:
● 5/10/15/20 5/20 2520
ed Mode MHz: ● 10/15/20
MHz: 2520
3360 MHz: 2520
LTE NB-IoT Number 6 carriers (200 9 carriers 3 carriers (200 6 carriers (200 kHz,
of Cells kHz, 4T4R) over (200 kHz, kHz, 4T4R) over 4T4R) over 6 cells
6 cells 4T4R) over 3 cells
6 cells
Number 1800, which can 1800, which 1800, which can 1800, which can be
of UEs in be shared with can be be shared with shared with LTE
RRC LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 FDD; ≤ 3600 in
Connect in total LTE FDD; ≤ in total total
ed Mode 4800 in
NR TDD Number Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz+SUL: Sub-6 GHz:
of Cells 3x20/30/40/50/ 3x20/30/40/ 3x20/30/40/50/6 3x20/30/40/50/60/7
60/70/80/90/10 50/60/70/80 0/70/80/90/100 0/80/90/100 MHz
0 MHz 4T4R /90/100 MHz 32T32R/ 32T32R/64T64R
MHz 8T8R 64T64R + 3x20
MHz 2R/4R
Table 1-177 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (TDD) mode (2)
RAT Item UBBPg3 UBBPg3b UBBPg3b(2) UBBPg3b(2)
Number ● 1.4 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz:
of UEs in MHz: ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 1080 504
RRC 2016 ● 3 MHz: 1080
Connecte ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: ● 5/10/15/20
● 3/5/10/ 2520 MHz: 1200 ● 5/10/15/20
d Mode 15/20 MHz: 1200
LTE NB- Number 9 carriers 6 carriers (200 kHz, 3 carriers (200 3 carriers (200
IoT of Cells (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells kHz, 4T4R) over kHz, 4T4R)
4T4R) 3 cells over 3 cells
over 6
Number 1800, 1800, which can be 600, which can 600, which can
of UEs in which can shared with LTE FDD; ≤ be shared with be shared with
RRC be shared 3600 in total LTE FDD; ≤ 1200 LTE FDD; ≤
Connecte with LTE in total 1200 in total
d Mode FDD; ≤
4800 in
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
(2): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2) for the
baseband processing unit.
The following tables list the LMN (FDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
Table 1-178 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) mode (1)
RAT Item UBBPg2/ UBBPg2/UBBPg2a(1) UBBPg3
LTE Number 6 carriers (200 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R)
NB-IoT of Cells kHz, 4T4R) over over 6 cells over 6 cells
6 cells
Number 1800, which can 1800, which can be shared 1800, which can be
of UEs in be shared with with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in shared with LTE FDD; ≤
RRC LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 total 4800 in total
Connecte in total
d Mode
Table 1-179 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) mode (2)
RAT Item UBBPg3b UBBPg3b(1) UBBPg2/UBBPg2a UBBPg3b
Numb ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz:
er of 1008 ● 3/5/10/15/20 ● 3 MHz: 2160 1008
UEs in ● 3 MHz: 2160 MHz: 2520 ● 3 MHz: 2160
RRC ● 5/10/15/20 MHz:
Conne ● 5/10/15/20 1680 ● 5/10/15/20
cted MHz: 1680 MHz: 1680
LTE Numb 6 carriers (200 6 carriers (200 6 carriers (200 kHz, 6 carriers (200
NB-IoT er of kHz, 4T4R) over kHz, 4T4R) over 4T4R) over 6 cells kHz, 4T4R)
Cells 6 cells 6 cells over 6 cells
Numb 1800, which can 1800, which can 1800, which can be 1800, which
er of be shared with be shared with shared with LTE FDD; can be shared
UEs in LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 ≤ 3600 in total with LTE FDD;
RRC in total in total ≤ 3600 in total
Table 1-180 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) mode (3)
RAT Item UBBPg1a UBBPg3(3) UBBPg2/UBBPg2a(2) UBBPg3b(2)
Numb ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504
er of 504 3024 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080
UEs in ● 3 MHz: ● 3/5/10/15/2
RRC ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: ● 5/10/15/20 MHz:
1080 0 MHz: 1200 1200
Conne 5040
cted ● 5/10/15/20
Mode MHz: 1260
LTE Numb 3 carriers 6 carriers (200 3 carriers (200 kHz, 3 carriers (200 kHz,
NB-IoT er of (200 kHz, kHz, 4T4R) 4T4R) over 3 cells 4T4R) over 3 cells
Cells 4T4R) over 3 over 6 cells
Numb 1800, which 1800, which 600, which can be 600, which can be
er of can be shared can be shared shared with LTE shared with LTE FDD;
UEs in with LTE FDD; with LTE FDD; FDD; ≤ 1200 in total ≤ 1200 in total
RRC ≤ 1800 in ≤ 3600 in total
Conne total
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance) for the
baseband processing unit.
(2): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2) for the
baseband processing unit.
(3): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE2(FDD Enhance 2) for the
baseband processing unit.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
Table 1-181 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) N (TDD) mode
Number ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz:
of UEs ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 1008 1008
in RRC ● 3 MHz: ● 3 MHz:
Connect ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 1800
2160 2160
ed ● 10/15/20 MHz: ● 10/15/20 MHz:
Mode 2520 2520 ● 5/10/15/2 ● 5/10/15/2
0 MHz: 0 MHz:
3600 3600
LTE NB- Number 3 carriers (200 3 carriers (200 kHz, 6 carriers 6 carriers
IoT of Cells kHz, 4T4R) over 3 4T4R) over 3 cells (200 kHz, (200 kHz,
cells 4T4R) over 6 4T4R) over 6
cells cells
Number 1800, which can 1800, which can be 1800, which 1800, which
of UEs be shared with LTE shared with LTE FDD; can be can be
in RRC FDD; ≤ 3600 in ≤ 3600 in total shared with shared with
Connect total LTE FDD; ≤ LTE FDD; ≤
ed 3600 in total 3600 in total
NR TDD Number Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz:
of Cells 3x20/30/40/50/60/ 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/ 3x20/30/40/5 3x20/30/40/5
70/80/90/100 MHz 80/90/100 MHz 4T4R 0/60/70/80/9 0/60/70/80/9
32T32R/64T64R 0/100 MHz 0/100 MHz
8T8R 8T8R
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
(1): In UL co-BBP scenarios, the UBBPe3/UBBPe4/UBBPei does not support deployment of LTE NB-
IoT in-band carriers on LTE FDD cells.
(2): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
(3): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance) for the baseband
processing unit.
(2): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
Item Num Num Numb Num Number Number Num Numb Throu Sign
ber ber er of ber of of Cells ber of er of ghput alin
of of UL/DL of HSDPA/ Attac UEs in (Mbit/ g
2R 4R CEs HSD HSUPA hed RRC s) Spec
Cells Cells PA UEs UEs Conne ifica
(1) Code cted tion
s Mode s
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
Item Num Num Numb Num Number Number Num Numb Throu Sign
ber ber er of ber of of Cells ber of er of ghput alin
of of UL/DL of HSDPA/ Attac UEs in (Mbit/ g
2R 4R CEs HSD HSUPA hed RRC s) Spec
Cells Cells PA UEs UEs Conne ifica
(1) Code cted tion
s Mode s
Item Num Num Numb Num Number Number Num Numb Throu Sign
ber ber er of ber of of Cells ber of er of ghput alin
of of UL/DL of HSDPA/ Attac UEs in (Mbit/ g
2R 4R CEs HSD HSUPA hed RRC s) Spec
Cells Cells PA UEs UEs Conne ifica
(1) Code cted tion
s Mode s
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
Item Num Num Numb Num Number Number Num Numb Throu Sign
ber ber er of ber of of Cells ber of er of ghput alin
of of UL/DL of HSDPA/ Attac UEs in (Mbit/ g
2R 4R CEs HSD HSUPA hed RRC s) Spec
Cells Cells PA UEs UEs Conne ifica
(1) Code cted tion
s Mode s
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
(1): In GL co-BBP scenarios, the UBBPd3 and UBBPd4 do not support the deployment of in-band
LTE NB-IoT carriers on LTE FDD cells.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam Optimization,
UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is the same as the 4R cell
number specification. For details about the cell number specifications in specific scenarios, see
UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
Number of 4R Carriers 6
Number of 4R Cells(1) 3
(1): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam
Optimization, UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is
the same as the 4R cell number specification. For details about the cell number
specifications in specific scenarios, see UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
The following tables list the ULM co-BBP specifications per UBBP.
● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode co-BBP scenarios
complies with that in single-RAT scenarios.
● The specifications-related configuration principles and restrictions in single-RAT
scenarios, for example, those regarding antenna configurations and cell bandwidths,
apply to multimode co-BBP scenarios. Take the cell number specifications as an
example. NR FDD supports any mixed configuration of cells with 5/10/15/20 MHz
bandwidth and 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R antenna configuration in single-RAT scenarios
and it also supports such mixed configuration in LN (FDD) co-BBP scenarios. NR TDD
does not support mixed configuration of different bandwidths in single-RAT scenarios
and it also does not support such mixed configuration in LN (TDD) co-BBP scenarios.
Number of 4R Cells(2) 6
Number of UEs in RRC 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total
Connected Mode
UMTS Number of 6 6 6 6 6
2R Cells
Number of 3 6 6 6 6
4R Cells(2)
Number of ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 MHz: ● 1.4 ● 1.4 MHz:
UEs in RRC 504 504 1008 MHz: 504
Connected ● 3 MHz: ● 3 MHz: ● 3 MHz: 1008 ● 3 MHz:
Mode 1080 1080 2160 ● 3 MHz: 1080
● 5 MHz: ● 5 MHz: ● 5/10/15/2 2160 ● 5 MHz:
1800 1800 0 MHz: ● 5/10/15 1800
● 10 MHz: ● 10 MHz: 2520 /20 ● 10 MHz:
2520 2520 MHz: 2520
Throughput DL: 255 DL: 300 DL: 600 DL: 1200 DL: 300
(Mbit/s) UL: 112.5 UL: 112.5 UL: 300 UL: 600 UL: 112.5
Number of 1800, which 1800, which 1800, which 1800, 1800, which
UEs in RRC can be can be can be which can can be shared
Connected shared with shared with shared with be shared with LTE FDD;
Mode LTE FDD; ≤ LTE FDD; ≤ LTE FDD; ≤ with LTE ≤ 3600 in total
3600 in 3600 in 3600 in total FDD; ≤
total total 3600 in
Throughput DL: 0.318 DL: 0.318 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.318
(Mbit/s) UL: 0.6 UL: 0.6 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 0.6
UMTS Number of 6 6 6 3 12
2R Cells
Number of 6 6 6 3 6
4R Cells(2)
Throughput DL: 600 DL: DL: 1200 DL: 1200 DL: 2400
(Mbit/s) UL: 225 1200 UL: 600 UL: 600 UL: 1200
Throughput DL: 0.318 DL: DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.942
(Mbit/s) UL: 0.6 0.666 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.8
UL: 1.2
(1): The BBP.SRT parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance) for the
baseband processing unit.
(2): The UMTS cell number specification in scenarios when the UMTS 4T Beam
Optimization, UMTS Smart 8T Beam, or UMTS 32T Beamforming feature is configured is
the same as the 4R cell number specification. For details about the cell number
specifications in specific scenarios, see UMTS Beamforming Feature Parameter Description.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900 in GSM mode.
(1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a
maximum of 12 cells.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GSM mode.
(1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a
maximum of 12 cells.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900 in UMTS mode.
Signaling Specifications
When the BBU5900 works in UMTS mode, its signaling specifications are related
to the main control board and baseband processing unit. The signaling
specification of a single BBU cannot exceed 1500 CNBAPS.
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in UMTS mode
in different board configurations.
1 UMPT + 1
1 UMPT + 2 700
1 UMPT + 3 900
1 UMPT + 4 1100
1 UMPT + 5 1300
1 UMPT + 6 1500
1 UMPT + 4 1500
1 UMPT + 1 500
1 UMPT + 2 700
1 UMPT + 3 900
1 UMPT + 4 1100
1 UMPT + 5 1300
1 UMPT + 6 1500
1 UMPT + 1 600
1 UMPT + 2 900
1 UMPT + 3 1200
1 UMPT + 4 1500
(1): The signaling specification has reached the maximum 1500 CNBAPS. The
signaling specification of the BBU is still 1500 CNBAPS even if a new baseband
processing unit is added.
Capacity Specifications
The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE FDD mode is limited by the main
control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with
different main control boards.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE FDD
mode in typical board configurations.
Capacity Specifications
The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE TDD mode is limited by the main
control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with
different main control boards.
Board Capacity
Board Capacity
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE TDD
mode in typical board configurations.
1 UMPTb + 2 540000
1 UMPTb + 2 792000
1 UMPTb + 2 792000
1 UMPTb + 4 1440000
Capacity Specifications
The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE NB-IoT mode is limited by the main
control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 configured with
different main control boards.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE NB-IoT
mode in typical board configurations.
1 UMPTb1/UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells
and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800
1 UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells
and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800
1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells
and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400
1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells
and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400
1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD
cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800
The capacity of a BBU5900 working in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes is
limited by the main control board. When the main control board works in both
LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT share the number of
cells and the number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by the main
control board. The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900
configured with different main control boards.
1 UMPTb1/UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells
and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800
1 UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells
and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800
1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells
and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400
1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells
and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400
1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD
cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 in NR FDD mode in typical
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR FDD mode
in typical scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 in NR TDD mode in typical
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR TDD mode
in typical scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode in
typical scenarios.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR (FDD
+TDD) mode in typical scenarios.
1 UMPTg + 3 1728000
UBBPg3_N(FDD) + 3
Capacity Specifications
● G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for
LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N
(TDD) is short for NR TDD.
● Assume that the BBU5900/BBU5900A works in multiple modes including
GSM. For GSM, each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site
supports a maximum of 12 cells. Assume that the BBU3900/BBU3910 works
in multiple modes including GSM. For the GSM GBTS, each cell supports a
maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site supports a maximum of 32 cells. For
the GSM eGBTS, each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site
supports a maximum of 12 cells.
Signaling Specifications
● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs (S24/24/24), each TRX can be configured
with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs (S8/8/8), each TRX
can be configured with three SDCCHs.
● The following specifications are met only in typical configurations. For
example, the number of SCTP links required for GSM can be reached only
when the typical configuration is used.
● LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the
main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the signaling
specifications of the main control board.
● In typical GL/UL/GUL scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS
remain unchanged, the allocation of LTE FDD signaling specifications of the
main control board is affected after NB-IoT is introduced because LTE FDD
and NB-IoT share the LTE signaling specifications on the main control board.
On commercial networks, it is recommended that 30% of LTE signaling
processing specifications be allocated to LTE NB-IoT.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
1 UMPTe + 4 ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R or 12x20 MHz 8T8R cells,
UBBPe4_L + 2 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg2a_N(TDD) ● NR TDD: 6x100 MHz 8T8R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC
connected mode
1 UMPTga + 3 ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R, 18x20 MHz 8T8R, or 9x20
UBBPg2a_L + 3 MHz 32T32R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R
cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode
Signaling Specifications
The following tables list the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
1 UMPTe + 4 ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R or 12x20 MHz 8T8R cells,
UBBPe4_L + 2 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg2a_N(FDD) ● NR FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R, 12x20 MHz 8T8R, or 6x20
MHz 32T32R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode
1 UMPTga + 3 ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R, 18x20 MHz 8T8R, or 9x20
UBBPg2a_L + 3 MHz 32T32R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R, 18x20 MHz 8T8R, or 9x20
MHz 32T32R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following tables list the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following tables list the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GU co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900 adopts GU co-MPT deployment.
Input Power
The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU5900.
Item Specifications
Item Specifications
Item Specifications
Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU5900.
Compliance Standards
The following table lists the compliance standards for a BBU5900.
Item Standard
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications per BBU5900A in GSM mode.
1 UMPT 72 TRXs
(1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a
maximum of 12 cells.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GSM mode.
1 UMPT 72 TRXs
(1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a
maximum of 12 cells.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in UMTS mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in UMTS mode
in typical board configurations.
1 UMPT + 3 900
1 UMPT + 3 1200
1 UMPT + 3 1200
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in LTE FDD mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE FDD
mode in typical board configurations.
Capacity Specifications
The capacity specifications of the BBU5900A working in LTE TDD mode are
restricted by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity
specifications per BBU configured with different main control boards.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE TDD
mode in typical board configurations.
1 UMPTe + 2 1296000
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in LTE NB-IoT mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE NB-IoT
mode in typical board configurations.
1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells
and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800
TDD+NB-IoT specifications are supported only when TDD subframe configuration 1 or 2 is used.
When the BBU5900A works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and
LTE NB-IoT share the specifications of the main control board. The following table
lists the capacity per BBU5900A.
1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells
and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells)
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data
rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s.
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in NR FDD mode in typical
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR FDD
mode in typical scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in NR TDD mode in typical
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR TDD
mode in typical scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in NR (FDD+TDD) mode in
typical scenarios.
(1): In the board configuration, the number of UEs in RRC connected mode does
not exceed 4800 in NR FDD and 9600 in NR TDD.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR (FDD
+TDD) mode in typical scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
● G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for
LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N
(TDD) is short for NR TDD.
● Assume that the BBU5900/BBU5900A works in multiple modes including
GSM. For GSM, each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site
supports a maximum of 12 cells. Assume that the BBU3900/BBU3910 works
in multiple modes including GSM. For the GSM GBTS, each cell supports a
maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site supports a maximum of 32 cells. For
the GSM eGBTS, each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site
supports a maximum of 12 cells.
● The UL capacity of a UL base station is the same as that of a GUL base
● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically
share the LTE specifications of the main control board.
● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios where the specifications of GSM
and UMTS remain unchanged, the LTE FDD capacity of the main control
board is affected after LTE NB-IoT is introduced. That is, LTE FDD and LTE NB-
IoT share the number of LTE FDD cells and number of UEs in RRC connected
mode of the main control board before LTE NB-IoT is introduced.
● Both LTE and NR cells support multiple bandwidths. For example, LTE FDD
cells support bandwidth configurations of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz,
15 MHz, and 20 MHz. For simplicity, the cell number specifications of LTE and
NR cells in this section only use the maximum bandwidth. For example, the
20 MHz bandwidth is used for LTE FDD cells.
● The BBU capacity specification is the smaller value between the total
specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing
unit. There are many multi-RAT configuration combinations. The following
multi-RAT capacity specifications are provided only in typical configurations.
Signaling Specifications
● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs (S24/24/24), each TRX can be configured
with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs (S8/8/8), each TRX
can be configured with three SDCCHs.
● The following specifications are met only in typical configurations. For
example, the number of SCTP links required for GSM can be reached only
when the typical configuration is used.
● LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the
main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the signaling
specifications of the main control board.
● In typical GL/UL/GUL scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS
remain unchanged, the allocation of LTE FDD signaling specifications of the
main control board is affected after NB-IoT is introduced because LTE FDD
and NB-IoT share the LTE signaling specifications on the main control board.
On commercial networks, it is recommended that 30% of LTE signaling
processing specifications be allocated to LTE NB-IoT.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
1 UMPTg + 1 ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R or 6x20 MHz 8T8R cells,
UBBPg2_L + 2 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R
cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
1 UMPTg + 1 ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R or 6x20 MHz 8T8R cells,
UBBPg2_L + 2 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● NR FDD: 48x20 MHz 4T4R, 24x20 MHz 8T8R, or
12x20 MHz 32T32R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC
connected mode
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
1 UMPTg + 1 ● LTE TDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R or 6x20 MHz 8T8R cells,
UBBPg2_T + 2 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R
cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
1 UMPTg + 1 ● LTE TDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R or 6x20 MHz 8T8R cells,
UBBPg2_T + 2 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode
UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● NR FDD: 48x20 MHz 4T4R, 24x20 MHz 8T8R, or
6x20 MHz 32T32R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GU co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900A adopts GU co-MPT deployment.
Input Power
The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU5900A.
Item Specifications
Item Specifications
Item Specifications
Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU5900A.
Item Specifications
Item Specifications
6 5 6.5 5.5 7 45
1 <1 2 1 2 55
Compliance Standards
The following table lists the compliance standards for a BBU5900A.
Item Standard
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900C in GSM mode.
BBU5900C 24 TRXs
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900C in GSM mode.
BBU5900C 24 TRXs
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900C in UMTS mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900C in UMTS mode.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900C in LTE FDD mode.
In the cell number specifications for LTE FDD, the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration
indicate the maximum values supported for ease of description. That means, the supported
bandwidths and antenna modes are not enumerated in the cell number specifications. For
example, given the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD, the
supported bandwidths are 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and the
antenna configuration can be 1T1R, 1T2R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900C in LTE FDD
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900C in LTE NB-IoT mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900C in LTE NB-IoT
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900C in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-
IoT modes.
In the cell number specifications for LTE FDD, the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration
indicate the maximum values supported for ease of description. That means, the supported
bandwidths and antenna modes are not enumerated in the cell number specifications. For
example, given the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD, the
supported bandwidths are 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and the
antenna configuration can be 1T1R, 1T2R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900C in both LTE
FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts GU co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UMTS.
In the cell number specifications for LTE FDD, the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration
indicate the maximum values supported for ease of description. That means, the supported
bandwidths and antenna modes are not enumerated in the cell number specifications. For
example, given the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD, the
supported bandwidths are 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and the
antenna configuration can be 1T1R, 1T2R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R.
(1): A single BBU5900C supports a maximum of 12 cells and each cell supports
a maximum of 24 TRXs.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts GU co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UMTS.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts GL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for LTE FDD.
In the cell number specifications for LTE FDD, the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration
indicate the maximum values supported for ease of description. That means, the supported
bandwidths and antenna modes are not enumerated in the cell number specifications. For
example, given the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD, the
supported bandwidths are 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and the
antenna configuration can be 1T1R, 1T2R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R.
(1): A single BBU5900C supports a maximum of 12 cells and each cell supports
a maximum of 24 TRXs.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts GL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for LTE FDD.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
In the cell number specifications for LTE FDD, the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration
indicate the maximum values supported for ease of description. That means, the supported
bandwidths and antenna modes are not enumerated in the cell number specifications. For
example, given the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD, the
supported bandwidths are 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and the
antenna configuration can be 1T1R, 1T2R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts GUL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UL.
In the cell number specifications for LTE FDD, the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration
indicate the maximum values supported for ease of description. That means, the supported
bandwidths and antenna modes are not enumerated in the cell number specifications. For
example, given the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD, the
supported bandwidths are 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and the
antenna configuration can be 1T1R, 1T2R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R.
(1): A single BBU5900C supports a maximum of 12 cells and each cell supports
a maximum of 24 TRXs.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU5900C adopts GUL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UL.
Input Power
The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU5900C.
Item Specifications
Power -48 V DC
input type
Item Specifications
Dimension 350 mm x 210 mm x 113 mm (13.78 in. x 8.27 in. x 4.45 in.) (8 L)
s (H x W x
Item Specifications
Typical 110 W
● Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge
waveform of 8/20 μs.
● All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer
to Nominal discharge current.
Item Specifications
Item Specifications
Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU5900C.
Item Specifications
Relative 5% RH to 100% RH
Ingress IP65
Compliance Standards
The following table lists the compliance standards for a BBU5900C.
Item Standard
Security ● IEC 60950-1: 2005 (Second Edition) + A1: 2009 + National &
standards Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology
equipment - Safety Part 1: General requirements
● IEC 60950-22: 2005 (First Edition) + National & Group
Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment -
Safety - Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors
● IEC 60215 (1987) + A1: 1990 + A2: 1993 + National & Group
Differences per CB Bulletin Safety requirement for radio
transmitting equipment
● IEC 62368-1 ED3
Item Standard
Ingress IP65
Item Standard
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity and signaling specifications per BBU3900/
BBU3910 in GSM mode in typical configurations.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in
GSM mode in typical configurations.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in UMTS mode in
typical configurations.
Signaling Specifications
The signaling specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in UMTS mode are
related to the main control board and baseband processing unit as well as the
(4): When the BBU3900 or BBU3910 is configured with the UMPT and WBBP/
UBBP, the maximum signaling specifications are 1500 CNBAPS.
Capacity Specifications
The capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE FDD mode is limited by the
main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with
different main control boards.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE
FDD mode in typical board configuration scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
The capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE TDD mode is limited by the
main control board. The following table lists the capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910
working in LTE TDD mode when different main control boards are configured.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE
TDD mode in typical board configuration scenarios.
Capacity Specifications
The capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE NB-IoT mode is limited by
the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured
with different main control boards.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE
NB-IoT mode in typical board configuration scenarios.
BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE
FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and
downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode:
The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main
control boards.
BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE
TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT
● Throughput: The sum of uplink and
downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20
● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode:
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910 in NR FDD mode in typical
Board Capacity
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR FDD mode
in typical scenarios.
1 UMPTg + 6 1728000
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR TDD mode
in typical scenarios.
Board Capacity
Signaling Specifications
1 UMPTg + 6 1728000
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode in
typical scenarios.
(1): In the board configuration, the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected
mode does not exceed 7200 in both NR FDD and NR TDD.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR (FDD
+TDD) mode in typical scenarios.
1 UMPTg + 3 1728000
DD) + 3
Capacity Specifications
● G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for
LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N
(TDD) is short for NR TDD.
● Assume that the BBU5900/BBU5900A works in multiple modes including
GSM. For GSM, each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site
supports a maximum of 12 cells. Assume that the BBU3900/BBU3910 works
in multiple modes including GSM. For the GSM GBTS, each cell supports a
maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site supports a maximum of 32 cells. For
the GSM eGBTS, each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs and a single site
supports a maximum of 12 cells.
● The UL capacity of a UL base station is the same as that of a GUL base
● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically
share the LTE specifications of the main control board.
● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios where the specifications of GSM
and UMTS remain unchanged, the LTE FDD capacity of the main control
board is affected after LTE NB-IoT is introduced. That is, LTE FDD and LTE NB-
IoT share the number of LTE FDD cells and number of UEs in RRC connected
mode of the main control board before LTE NB-IoT is introduced.
● Both LTE and NR cells support multiple bandwidths. For example, LTE FDD
cells support bandwidth configurations of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz,
15 MHz, and 20 MHz. For simplicity, the cell number specifications of LTE and
NR cells in this section only use the maximum bandwidth. For example, the
20 MHz bandwidth is used for LTE FDD cells.
● The BBU capacity specification is the smaller value between the total
specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing
unit. There are many multi-RAT configuration combinations. The following
multi-RAT capacity specifications are provided only in typical configurations.
Signaling Specifications
● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs (S24/24/24), each TRX can be configured
with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs (S8/8/8), each TRX
can be configured with three SDCCHs.
● The following specifications are met only in typical configurations. For
example, the number of SCTP links required for GSM can be reached only
when the typical configuration is used.
● LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the
main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the signaling
specifications of the main control board.
● In typical GL/UL/GUL scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS
remain unchanged, the allocation of LTE FDD signaling specifications of the
main control board is affected after NB-IoT is introduced because LTE FDD
and NB-IoT share the LTE signaling specifications on the main control board.
On commercial networks, it is recommended that 30% of LTE signaling
processing specifications be allocated to LTE NB-IoT.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GU co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GU co-MPT deployment.
Input Power
The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910.
Item Specifications
Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910.
Item Specifications
Relative 5% RH to 95% RH
Ingress IP20
Item Specifications
Compliance Standards
The following table provides the standards compliance for a BBU3900/BBU3910.
Item Standard
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in GSM mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in GSM mode.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in UMTS mode.
BBU Capacity
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in UMTS mode.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in LTE FDD mode.
BBU Capacity
(1): The BBU3910A1 does not support mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells.
(2): The BBU3910A2 supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. In this
configuration, a maximum of three cells are supported.
(3): The BBU3910A3 supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. In this
configuration, a maximum of three 2R cells and three 4R cells are supported.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE FDD
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in LTE TDD mode.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE TDD
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in LTE NB-IoT mode.
BBU Capacity
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE NB-IoT
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-
IoT modes.
BBU Capacity
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in both LTE
FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts UL co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts UM co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts UM co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts ULM co-MPT deployment.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts ULM co-MPT deployment.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts GL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for LTE FDD.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts GL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for LTE FDD.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts GU co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UMTS.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts GU co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UMTS.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UL.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UL.
Input Power
The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU3910A.
Power –48 V DC
input type
Dimensions 400 mm x 300 mm x 100 mm (15.75 in. x 11.81 in. x 3.94 in.)
(H x W x D)
● Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge
waveform of 8/20 μs.
● All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer
to Nominal discharge current.
Surge 20 kA
Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU3910A.
Relative 5% RH to 100% RH
Compliance Standards
The following table lists the standards compliance for a BBU3910A.
Security ● IEC 60950-1: 2005 (Second Edition) + A1: 2009 + National &
standards Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology
equipment - Safety Part 1: General requirements
● IEC 60950-22: 2005 (First Edition) + National & Group
Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment -
Safety - Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors
● IEC 60215 (1987)+A1: 1990+A2: 1993 + National & Group
Differences per CB Bulletin Safety requirement for radio
transmitting equipment
Ingress IP65
Item Standard
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910C in GSM mode.
BBU Capacity
BBU3910C1 24 TRXs
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910C in GSM mode.
BBU3910C1 24 TRXs
The following table lists the capacity and signaling specifications per BBU3910C in
UMTS mode.
Capacity Specifications
BBU Capacity
Signaling Specifications
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910C in LTE FDD mode.
BBU Capacity
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910C in LTE FDD
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910C adopts GU co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UMTS.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910C adopts GU co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for UMTS.
Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910C adopts GL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for LTE FDD.
Signaling Specifications
The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when
the BBU3910C adopts GL co-MPT deployment and baseband resources are
configured for LTE FDD.
Input Power
The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU3910C.
Typical power ● 60 W (on the assumption that the PoE heat consumption is
consumption excluded)
● 105 W (on the assumption that the PoE load power
consumption is 40 W)
Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU3910C.
Relative 5% RH to 100% RH
● Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge
waveform of 8/20 μs.
● All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer
to Nominal discharge current.
Item Specifications
Surge 20 kA
Compliance Standards
The following table lists the standards compliance for a BBU3910C.
Item Standard
Security ● IEC 60950-1: 2005 (Second Edition) + A1: 2009 + National &
standards Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology
equipment - Safety Part 1: General requirements
● IEC 60950-22: 2005 (First Edition) + National & Group
Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment
- Safety - Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors
● IEC 60215 (1987)+A1: 1990+A2: 1993 + National & Group
Differences per CB Bulletin Safety requirement for radio
transmitting equipment
Ingress IP65
Item Standard
Item Standard
of such data cards. UEs in this traffic model are characterized by long online
duration, low mobility, and a large number of large-packet data services.
Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) is the number of calls attempted at a busy hour.
Signaling procedures required for completing a call may include call setup and
release (including CS fallback if it occurs) and the following activities during the
on-hold call: handover, tracking area update (TAU), bearer setup and release, and
switching between the in-synchronization state and the out-of-synchronization
state. BHCA indicates the signaling processing capabilities of a system. A busy-
hour call initiated on different operator networks involves different types and
numbers of signaling procedures and therefore consumes different amounts of
eNodeB resources. As a result, the BHCA capability varies depending on the call
Based on the definition of traffic model 1, one BHCA (that is, one combined PS
call) is defined by taking every item in traffic model 1 divided by the PS call
density. The details of one BHCA are listed below.
PS Call Attempts 1
Syn2Unsyn Attempts 0
Unsyn2Syn Attempts 0
A3 Reports 0
IM 15.00 5 0.7
Other 8.85 50 1
The following table describes the user-plane specifications for traffic model 2.
Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) is the number of calls attempted at a busy hour.
Signaling procedures required for completing a call may include call setup and
release (including CS fallback if it occurs) and the following activities during the
on-hold call: handover, tracking area update (TAU), bearer setup and release, and
switching between the in-synchronization state and the out-of-synchronization
state. BHCA indicates the signaling processing capabilities of a system. A busy-
hour call initiated on different operator networks involves different types and
numbers of signaling procedures and therefore consumes different amounts of
eNodeB resources. As a result, the BHCA capability varies depending on the call
Based on the definition of traffic model 1, one BHCA (that is, one combined PS
call) is defined by taking every item in traffic model 1 divided by the PS call
density. The details of one BHCA are listed below.
PS Call Attempts 1
Syn2Unsyn Attempts 0
Unsyn2Syn Attempts 0
A3 Reports 0
IM 15.00 5 0.7
Other 8.85 50 1
The following table describes the user-plane specifications for traffic model 2.
24 40%
2 40%
1 15%
0.5 5%
0 (0 dB) 100%
1 (10 dB) 0%
2 (20 dB) 0%
● (1):
@BH means "at busy hours". Traffic models described in the table are obtained during
busy hours.
● (2): The value of the TAU timer is extended to 310 hours.
Table 1-423 User-plane traffic model in the NR TDD massive MIMO scenario
Service Type PS Call Attempt DL Traffic DL:UL Traffic
Ratio (%) Volume per PS Volume Ratio
Call (KB)
Video 3 25000 50
uploading &
SNS 15 200 4
IM 15 5 0.7
Other 5.5 50 1
Table 1-424 User-plane traffic model (in NR TDD non-massive MIMO and NR
FDD scenarios)
Service Type PS Call Attempt DL Traffic DL:UL Traffic
Ratio (%) Volume per PS Volume Ratio
Call (KB)
SNS 15 200 4
IM 15 5 0.7
Other 8.85 50 1