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C2 Grammar

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How are adjectives used at the C2 level?

C2 adjectives is not just a list of vocabulary that C2 students can use. The adjectives are used in
combination with infinitives, comparative clauses, noun phrases etc. to allow a greater amount of detail.

C2 adjectives with infinitives

At the C2 level, English users can express modality and give emphasis using infinitives after adjectives in
complex ways such as with negation and comparative clauses:

You must make sure not to miss anything.

It is not uncommon to see them.

I’m not so naïve as to think it doesn’t happen

C2 comparing with adjectives

it’s not that much bigger .

It should be no higher than a normal home.

It’s not any thicker than a cable.

The contents are so great a mystery that she did not mention them.

New Year is as good a time as any to quit smoking

C2 adjectives + nouns

Negation can be followed by superlative structures before nouns

He never expected I would be the slightest bit interested

We don’t have the faintest idea what to do with them

Vocabulary usually used in other parts of speech can also become adjectives before nouns to give

I’ll stay until the very end .

His major role was in a film

Single adjectives or lists of adjectives can premodify or postmodify nouns in focussing devices:

The only thing is that I do not drive.

Charities local, national and international will benefit.

How does the C2 level use adverbs?

When it comes to C2 adverbs, we are not talking about adverbs that only C2students can use. We are
talking about the rarer positions they can be put into, and the fine meanings they carry there too

C2 adverbs in the middle position.

C2 grammar has an increasing range of adverbs after auxiliary verbs and before the main verb,
sometimes including modal adverbs such as ‘indeed’ and ‘surely. ’There also can be rare adverbs of
indefinite frequency, split infinitives and adverbs that distance the writer from what they say.

They would eventually become the government.

It would normally take a day.

Companies must indeed change.

Somebody must surely know

.My wife is permanently living in Thailand.

They are persistently asking the same question.

He was always playing soccer.

They were constantly being interrupted.

You’re going to absolutely love it.

This effect is apparently caused by the nervous system

C2 adverbs + inversion

At the C2 level, users can invert present and past perfect (have|has|had) and the modal (must) auxiliary
verbs with the subject after fronted adverbs as focusing devices, and then use conjunctions to introduce
clauses in the same sentences. This also often includes negation.
Not only have they been coming from the east, but they’re coming fromthe northern side as well.

Hardly had he arrived when she told him to take off his shoes.

Not only must we be prepared, but we must also be ready for the challenges.

Never must we forget them.

C2 adverb phrases

The programs focus almost exclusively on buildings.

How quickly they forget!

Do you like it? Definitely.

How to use clauses at the C2 level

C2 non-finite clauses

Contrast can be expressed with subordinating conjunctions introducing past-participle clauses:

Though separated by thousands of kilometres, India and Germany have had an influence on each

Background explanations can take the form of non-finite perfect passivesubordinate clauses or
complements of prepositions:

I feel like the luckiest person in the world, having been born at this time.

A month after having been laid , the eggs hatch.

Complex subordinators with non-finite clauses can be used to make comparisons.

She studied the bracelet as if trying to estimate its fair market value.

There are different sizes as if to suggest a kind of perspective.

C2 conditional clauses

Infinitive clauses can also be used with conditional structures. In formal contexts, the hypothetical
subjunctive ‘were’ can be used with or without inversion replacing ‘if’. This is also the case with ‘for +
noun phrase’. These are similar to the ‘second conditional sentences ESL students might be familiar with.
Auxiliary verbs such as ‘should’ and ‘had’ can also be inverted to replace ‘if’ in

the subordinate clause. Notice that every main clause contains the modal verb‘would’.
If it were to happen , everything would be history.

Were you to handle this problem, there would be no doubt you’re theman we want.

None of us would be here if it weren’t for you.

Were it not for the asteroid, humans would not be the dominant species.

Had I known that it would be that simple, I would have done it years ago.

I would be pleased should you attend.

The ‘first conditional’ or ‘future conditional’ sentences appear at lower levels, but they are rare
using ‘shall’ instead of ‘will’. It is more British than American too.

If we don’t share ideas, how shall we discuss these problems?

Other complex subordinating conjunctions can also be used to introduce conditional clauses:

So long as they keep to themselves, it makes no difference to me.

The building is left to the city on the condition that it will never be demolished.

I’m here to protect your information in the event that someone tries to steal it.

Alternative conditions can be expressed with the ‘whether or not structure. Inthe following
example, it means ‘it doesn’t matter which possibility is truebecause something negative
will happen anyway.’

Whether we like it or not , motivation comes and motivation goes

2 ‘focus’ with relative & cleft clauses

Here are C2 level English examples of the unusual arrangement of the elementsof a sentence for
focus. ‘Many’ can be inverted. The pronoun ‘one’ + relativeclause in the subject position and the
typical ‘it cleft clause’ are often used toemphasise the subject. ‘

Question words’ as the subjects of cleft clauses is alsopossible.

Many are the times that I sat in pain.

The one that comes in the box makes your face red.

The ones that make you look older are engaging.

It’s individuals who are to blame.

Where they differ is in their levels.

Why they didn’t shave is unknown.

How you choose to leave this world is up to you.

C2 exclamative & imperative clauses

‘How’ as an intensifier can also be fronted. Negation with imperatives and thepronoun ‘you’ can
make instructions stronger or give warnings. Imperative ‘let’with third-person pronouns can be
used to transfer responsibility.

How I wish I could do that!

Don’t you tell me to calm down!

Let them find him.

other C2 conjunctions

More specific explanations in a subordinating clause can be added withcomplex conjunctions.

It’s strange in that it is a team and individual sport.

Surprising information or contrast can be added to the second phrase or clause

It’s simple yet effective.

The book is useless and yet you come all the way back to Berlin to get it.

C2 determiners

C2 possession

More than one possessive ‘s can be used in a noun phrase.

Read the vehicle’s owner’s manual for important information.

The possessive ‘s can be used without a following noun by the C2 English level.

It was Luke‘s and his father ‘s before him.

The possessive apostrophe without s can be used for zero plural singular nouns ending in

We don’t know this species‘ closest relative.

Demonstrative ‘this’ can be used in noun phrases with possessive pronouns to highlight

The students have noticed this war of his.

In this world of theirs , nothing is bad.

C2 demonstratives

Demonstrative ‘this’ can also be used for immediacy in a narrative.

I read the story, and there was this guy who went to jail for a crime he didn’t commit.

There’s this girl at school named Stacey…

Demonstrative ‘that’ and ‘those’ can be used for emotional distance ordisapproval.

That kind of pressure is not helpful.

You need to get rid of those unwanted pounds.

C2 focus C2 quantity

The quantity determiner ‘many’ before an indefinite article can be used foremphasis or focus.

Many a time , life doesn’t seem fair.

I’ve spent many an hour talking with them.

Quantity pronouns can also be used in the subject position for focus.

Much has been said about the election.

A lot depends on your answer.

C2 fixed expressions

The possessive pronoun ‘myself’ can be used in a fixed discourse markingphrase to give a
personal opinion or for focus.

As for myself , I have some ideas about where we went wrong.

At the C2 level, more than one fixed expression can be fronted for focus.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a van appeared.

C2 co-ordinating negative clauses

In addition to all the other focus points mentioned in other categories, ‘nor’ and‘neither’ with
inversion can also be used by the C2 level for focus.

It’s none of my business, nor is it any of yours.

I will never give them that and neither should you.

C2 future

C2 future simple

‘Shall’ can be used for predictions or in formal contexts. ‘Shall’ or ‘will’ can beused for long-
term intentions.

We shall have no peace until she goes.

We shall have no liability to you.

I will never leave you.

I will always love you.

C2 grammar includes future perfect simple questions and future perfectcontinuous assumptions
about the present.

How will we have made this friend feel?

We know you guys will have been working hard today.

C2 students can invert ‘will’ after an ‘only when’ + present simple clause.

Only when you really care , will they leave their fears behind.

Similarly, conditional ‘should’ can be inverted in a clause + a ‘would’ clause toexpress possible
future outcomes in formal or polite contexts.

Should they come , that would be a tricky situation for us.

I would be pleased should you attend

Finally, scheduled events in the future from a past point can be expressed with apast form of ‘BE’ + ‘due

My contract was due to expire two weeks later.

The band were due to play four shows across the UK this September.

can’t | couldn’t + very well + INFINITIVE

would sooner + INFINITIVE

verb + adverb + verb + adverb + verb

modal verb + YET

may | might + as well

‘AS’ + pronoun + ‘USED’ + to-infinitive

WOULD + adverb (wide range)

adjective + NOT TO + infinitive (be careful not to disturb them)

used not to

IF clause + SHALL clause


NEED I SAY MORE? (modality question)


Try as ‘someone’ might

not only | never | nor + must + (inversion)

couldn’t have + PAST PARTICIPLE

however | whoever | whatever + may + seem

must not have been

SHALL (formal & predictions)


OUGHT (negative OR questions)

‘BE’ + to infinitive | ‘BE’ + due to infinitive

didn’t dare

MUST + modal adverb

how can (reflections)

ought to (semi modal)

If it hadn’t been for / had it not been for + modal

can’t | couldn’t + very well + INFINITIVE

Don’t get me wrong


adjective + NOT TO + infinitive (be careful not to disturb them)

used not to


not only | never | nor + must + (inversion)


must not have been

NEGATIVE CLAUSE + nor | neither‘

He’s not that much better’ (not that much + COMPARATIVE)

slightest | faintest + NOUNNO |

NOT ANY + comparative


NOT A + noun

OUGHT (negative OR questions)

will (not) have been verbing

didn’t dare

If it hadn’t been for / had it not been for + modal

If only + past perfect simple negative


SELF-word (hyphenated prefix)

give vent to | vent their anger

on the verge of


ample | anecdotal | convincing | documentary | supporting + EVIDENCE‘

little or no’ + NOUN (complex noun phrase)

NOUN + of + his | hers | theirs


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