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CICS External Interface

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CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

CICS External Interfaces Guide


CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

CICS External Interfaces Guide


Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices on page iii.

Second Edition (March 1999) This edition applies to Release 3 of the IBM licensed program CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all subsequent versions, releases, and modications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Consult the latest edition of the applicable IBM system bibliography for current information on this product. This book is based on the following manual, which remains current for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2: v CICS Internet and External Interfaces Guide, SC33-1944 Order publications through your IBM representative or IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. At the back of the publication is a page entitled Sending your comments to IBM. If you want to make comments, but the methods described are not available to you, please address them to: IBM United Kingdom Laboratories, Information Development, Mail Point 095, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England, SO21 2JN. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, 1998. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Programming License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us.

Programming interface information

This book is intended to help you use the external interfaces provided by the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390. This book documents General-use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information provided by CICS. General-use programming interfaces allow the customer to write programs that obtain the services of CICS. This book also documents Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information and Diagnosis, Modication or Tuning Information provided by CICS. Product-sensitive programming interfaces allow the customer installation to perform tasks such as diagnosing, modifying, monitoring, repairing, tailoring, or tuning of CICS. Use of such interfaces creates dependencies on the detailed design or implementation of the IBM software product. Product-sensitive programming interfaces should be used only for these specialized purposes. Because of their dependencies on detailed design and implementation, it is to be expected that programs written to such interfaces may need to be changed in order to run with new product releases or versions, or as a result of service. Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information is identied, where it occurs, by an introductory statement to a chapter or section. Diagnosis, Modication, or Tuning Information is provided to help you diagnose problems in your CICS system. Note: Do not use this Diagnosis, Modication, or Tuning Information as a programming interface. Diagnosis, Modication, or Tuning Information is identied, where it occurs, by an introductory statement to a chapter or section.

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CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

What this book is about
This book describes how you can make the CICS transaction processing services of CICS TS for OS/390 available to a variety of external users.

How to use this book

Read Part 1. Overview on page 1 for planning information, and for guidance about which other parts of the book to consult.

What you need to know to understand this book

This book assumes that you are familiar with CICS, either as a system administrator or as a system or application programmer. Some parts of the book assume additional knowledge about CICS and other products.

Notes on terminology
When the term CICS is used without any qualication in this book, it refers to the CICS element of IBM CICS Transaction Server for OS/390.

Determining if a publication is current

IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When rst published, both hardcopy and BookManager softcopy versions of a publication are usually in step. However, due to the time required to print and distribute hardcopy books, the BookManager version is more likely to have had last-minute changes made to it before publication. Subsequent updates will probably be available in softcopy before they are available in hardcopy. This means that at any time from the availability of a release, softcopy versions should be regarded as the most up-to-date. For CICS Transaction Server books, these softcopy updates appear regularly on the Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit CD-ROM, SK2T-0730-xx. Each reissue of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix (the -xx part). For example, collection kit SK2T-0730-06 is more up-to-date than SK2T-0730-05. The collection kit is also clearly dated on the cover. Updates to the softcopy are clearly marked by revision codes (usually a # character) to the left of the changes.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming interface information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . What this book is about . . . . . . . How to use this book . . . . . . . . What you need to know to understand this Notes on terminology . . . . . . . . Determining if a publication is current . . . . . . . . book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii iv iv vii vii vii vii vii vii xvii xvii xvii xviii xviii

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 . . . . . . . CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for Other CICS books . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . OS/390 . . .

Summary of changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Changes for this edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix

Part 1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . General concepts . . . . . . . . Distributed computing . . . . . . . Security support . . . . . . . . TCP/IP protocols . . . . . . . . . TCP/IP internet addresses and ports Programming models . . . . . . . Comparing mechanisms . . . . . . ONC and DCE . . . . . . . . EXCI . . . . . . . . . . . . The 3270 bridge . . . . . . . . The 3270 Bridge and FEPI . . . . Application design . . . . . . . . Separating business and presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 12 12 13 13 14

Chapter 2. How to use this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Part 2. Bridging to 3270 transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 3. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Components of the 3270 bridge . . . . . . . Bridge implementations provided . . . . . . . Running 3270 transactions in a bridge environment . Simple terminal transactions . . . . . . . . Pseudoconversational transactions . . . . . . Conversational transactions . . . . . . . . . Implementing a 3270 bridge environment . . . . . Determining the bridge environment model . . . Using the long running monitor model to implement
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the 3270

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bridge .

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Using the two task model to implement the 3270 bridge . . . . . . . . 35 Using a single message model to implement the 3270 bridge . . . . . . 37 Using the direct model to implement the 3270 bridge . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 4. The Bridge environment . . . User transaction programming considerations Dening the user transaction . . . . . . TRANSACTION resource denition . . . PROFILE resource denition . . . . . Inquiring about the bridge environment. . . ASSIGN command . . . . . . . . . INQUIRE TASK command . . . . . . INQUIRE TRANSACTION command . . CEMT INQUIRE TASK. . . . . . . . CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION . . . . XPI commands . . . . . . . . . . The bridge facility . . . . . . . . . . QUERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET TERMINAL/NETNAME . . . . . . Bridge facility global user exit . . . . . Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits . The TS/TD supplied bridge exit . . . . Using the DFH0CBRE exit . . . . . The Web bridge exit . . . . . . . . Using the Web bridge exit . . . . . Data formats for the supplied bridge exits. BRDATA format . . . . . . . . . Message data format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41 46 46 47 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 52 52 53 54 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 61 77 77 77 78 78 78 80 81 81 81 82 84 84 85 86 91 92 96 97 99 99 100 100 105 105

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs . . Designing your own bridge solution . . . . . . . Is a new bridge exit needed? . . . . . . . . Is a new formatter needed? . . . . . . . . . Writing your own bridge exit. . . . . . . . . . Transaction calls to the bridge exit . . . . . . Message calls to the bridge exit . . . . . . . API calls to the bridge exit . . . . . . . . . Writing your own formatter . . . . . . . . . . Calls to the formatter . . . . . . . . . . . Return codes from the formatter . . . . . . . Bridge exit and formatter programming considerations Bridge exit area (BRXA) . . . . . . . . . . . BRXA header area . . . . . . . . . . . . BRXA transaction area. . . . . . . . . . . BRXA command area . . . . . . . . . . . BRXA command area - common . . . . . . . BRXA command area - terminal control . . . . BRXA command area - BMS . . . . . . . . BRXA command area - interval control . . . . . BRXA command area - syncpoint. . . . . . . BRXA command area - MSG . . . . . . . . ADS descriptor area . . . . . . . . . . . Supplied copybooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Copybook example (DFHBRACD) . . . . . .

CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 7. Problem determination. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . Dening the problem . . . . . Documentation about the problem Using messages and codes . . . . Using Trace. . . . . . . . . . Dump and trace formatting . . . . Debugging the bridge exit . . . . IDENTIFIER . . . . . . . . EDF . . . . . . . . . . . Trace . . . . . . . . . . . Debugging the supplied bridge exit . Abend codes and Trace . . . . Message validation . . . . . .

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107 107 107 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 110 110 110 110

Part 3. External CICS Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface . Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The programming interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . Illustrations of the external CICS CALL interface . . . Illustration of the EXCI EXEC CICS interface . . . . Resource recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using RRMS with the external CICS interface . . . . Taking a syncpoint in the client program . . . . . . Requirements for the external CICS interface . . . . . Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface . . . . . . The CALL interface commands . . . . . . . . Initialize_User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allocate_Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open_Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPL_Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Close_PIPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deallocate_Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . Response code values. . . . . . . . . . . . Return area for the EXCI CALL interface . . . . . Return area and function call EQUATE copybooks Return codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dpl_retarea return codes . . . . . . . . . . Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters . . . Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface . . . . . EXEC CICS LINK command . . . . . . . . . Retries on an EXEC CICS LINK command . . . . Translation required for EXEC CICS LINK command Chapter 11. Dening connections to CICS . . . CONNECTION resource denition . . . . . . . SESSIONS resource denitions for EXCI connections Inquiring on the state of EXCI connections . . . . Chapter 12. The EXCI user-replaceable module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 113 113 115 117 117 118 121 121 123 123 124 127 129 132 140 142 144 144 145 145 145 146 149 150 154 156 159 159 161 164

. . . . . . . . . . . 165

Chapter 13. External CICS interface options table, DFHXCOPT . . . . . 167



Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The external CICS interface stub, DFHXCSTB . . . . . . . . The required linkage editor modes . . . . . . . . . . . The CICS-supplied procedures for the external CICS interface . . Language considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PL/I considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting the return code (R15) at termination . . . . . . . . Sample application programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of the sample applications . . . . . . . . . . Installing the EXCI sample denitions . . . . . . . . . . Running the EXCI sample applications . . . . . . . . . . Results of running the EXCI sample applications . . . . . . Job control language to run an EXCI client program . . . . . . Chapter 15. Security . . . . . . MRO logon and bind-time security . Dening DFHAPPL FACILITY class Link security . . . . . . . . . User security . . . . . . . . . Surrogate user checking . . . . . . . . . . . proles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for an EXCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for . . . . . . . . . . region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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173 173 173 173 174 174 174 175 175 175 178 178 179 184 187 187 188 188 189 189 191 191 191 192 192 192 192 193 196 196 197 211 211 211 212 213 216

Chapter 16. Problem determination . . . . . Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formatting GTF trace . . . . . . . . . . System dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formatting system dumps . . . . . . . . Capturing SYSMDUMPs . . . . . . . . . Using the MVS DUMP command at the console MVS 04xx abends for the external CICS interface. The EXCI service trap, DFHXCTRA . . . . . . Problem determination with RRMS . . . . . . EXCI trace entry points . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . on . . . . .

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned Reason code for response: OK . . . . . . . . Reason codes for response: WARNING . . . . . Reason codes for response: RETRYABLE . . . . Reason codes for response: USER_ERROR . . . Reason codes for response: SYSTEM_ERROR . .

EXCI calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 18. Messages and Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Part 4. CICS ONC RPC support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227

Chapter 19. Introduction to ONC RPC CICS ONC RPCa brief summary . . Introduction to ONC RPC. . . . . . RPC . . . . . . . . . . . . ONC . . . . . . . . . . . . TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . ONC RPC facilities . . . . . . . . XDR routines . . . . . . . . . RPCGEN compiler . . . . . . . ONC RPC API library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 229 230 230 230 231 231 231 232 233


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

ONC RPC naming and routing . . Procedure zero . . . . . . Registration and the Portmapper Routing . . . . . . . . . Types of remote procedure call

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234 234 234 235 235 237 237 237 238 238 238 238 238 239 239 239 239 241 242 242 242 243 244 247 247 247 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 249 249 250 250 252 252 252 252 253 253 253 254 254 255 256 256

Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC . . . . . ONC RPC remote procedures and CICS programs . . Identifying the CICS program . . . . . . . . . Where the CICS program might be . . . . . . . CICS ONC RPC transactions . . . . . . . . . . Connection manager (CRPC) . . . . . . . . . Server controller (CRPM). . . . . . . . . . . Alias (CRPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User-replaceable programs . . . . . . . . . . . XDR routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resource checker module . . . . . . . . . . Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control ow in a client request . . . . . . . . . . Updating recoverable resources . . . . . . . . Data ow in a client request. . . . . . . . . . . From client to CICS program . . . . . . . . . Data format in the CICS program communication area From CICS program to client . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 21. Setting up CICS ONC RPC . . . . . . . Prerequisites for using CICS ONC RPC . . . . . . . Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCP/IP for MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCP/IP for MVS 2.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCP/IP for MVS 3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . CICS ONC RPC setup tasks . . . . . . . . . . . Creating the CICS ONC RCP data set . . . . . . . JCL entry for dump formatting . . . . . . . . . . Migrating between CICS versions. . . . . . . . . Dening CICS ONC RPC resources to CICS . . . . . Transaction denitions for CICS ONC RPC transactions Transaction denitions for extra alias transactions. . . Program denitions for CICS ONC RPC programs . . Program denitions for user-written programs . . . . Mapset denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transient data denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . XLT denitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modifying TCP/IP for MVS data sets . . . . . . . .

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager. What the connection manager is for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When CICS ONC RPC is disabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When CICS ONC RPC is enabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting the connection manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using the connection manager BMS panels . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting the connection manager when CICS ONC RPC is disabled . . . Starting the connection manager when CICS ONC RPC is enabled . . .


Updating CICS ONC RPC status . . . . . . . Changing the CICS ONC RPC status . . . . Enabling CICS ONC RPC . . . . . . . . . Setting and modifying options . . . . . . . Validating, saving, and activating options . . . Dening, saving, modifying, and deleting 4-tuples . Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple . . . . . Saving new 4-tuple denitions . . . . . . . Modifying existing 4-tuple denitions. . . . . Deleting existing 4-tuple denitions . . . . . Registering the 4-tuples . . . . . . . . . . Limits on registration . . . . . . . . . . Unregistering 4-tuples . . . . . . . . . . . Unregistering 4-tuples one by one . . . . . Unregistering 4-tuples from a list . . . . . . Disabling CICS ONC RPC . . . . . . . . . On CICS normal shutdown . . . . . . . . On CICS immediate shutdown . . . . . . . Updating the CICS ONC RPC data set. . . . . Updating the CICS ONC RPC denition record. Working with a list of 4-tuples . . . . . . . Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple . . . . . Processing the alias list . . . . . . . . . .

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257 258 259 259 261 261 262 266 266 266 267 267 268 268 269 270 271 271 272 273 274 275 277 279 279 281 281 281 282 283 283 285 285 288 291 291 293 296 301 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 305 305 305 306 307 308

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC . . . Developing an ONC RPC application for CICS ONC RPC. Step 1Decide what data is to be sent . . . . . . . Step 2Decide the format of the communication area . . Step 3Write the XDR routines . . . . . . . . . . Code page conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 4Write the converter . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasks that can be performed by a converter . . . . . Organizing the converter . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing a converter in C . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing a converter in COBOL . . . . . . . . . . Using converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reference information for the converter functions . . . . Getlengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Encode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 5Writing a resource checker . . . . . . . . . Step 6Compile and link . . . . . . . . . . . . Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XDR routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resource checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 7Make CICS denitions . . . . . . . . . . Step 8Make a connection manager entry . . . . . . Chapter 24. Security . . . . . . . . . . . Security in ONC RPC . . . . . . . . . . . Security in CICS and its effect on CICS ONC RPC Using RACF Secured Sign-on . . . . . . . Writing the resource checker . . . . . . . . Reference information for the resource checker

. . . . . . . . operations . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 25. Problem determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Recovery procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . MVS task control blocks (TCBs) used . . . . . . . Task-related user exit (TRUE) . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dening the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . Documentation about the problem . . . . . . . Using messages and codes . . . . . . . . . . . CMAC (online help facility for messages and codes). CICS ONC RPC trace information . . . . . . . . Numeric values of response and reason codes. . . Dump and trace formatting . . . . . . . . . . . Debugging the user-replaceable programs . . . . . XDR routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Converter and resource checker . . . . . . . . Operational problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 26. Performance and tuning. The client . . . . . . . . . . . The network . . . . . . . . . . TCP/IP for MVS resources . . . . . CICS ONC RPC . . . . . . . . . The user-replaceable programs . . . The converter . . . . . . . . . The resource checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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311 312 312 312 312 313 314 314 314 314 315 315 315 316 316 317 317 317 317 317 317 317 318

Part 5. Using CICS as a DCE server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319

Chapter 27. Introduction to the What is DCE? . . . . . . . Remote procedure call (RPC) Directory Service . . . . . Security Service . . . . . Time Service . . . . . . File Service . . . . . . . Threads . . . . . . . . CICS support for DCE . . . . Distributed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computing Environment?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 321 321 322 322 322 323 323 323 325 325 326 326 327 327

Chapter 28. DCE remote procedure calls . . Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What CICS server programs can do . . . . . What you need for DCE RPC to a CICS server DCE terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . Where to nd more information . . . . . .

Chapter 29. Dening CICS programs as DCE servers . . . . . . . . . 329 Interface denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Interface installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Chapter 30. Application programming for DCE remote procedure calls . . 331 The DCE client program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 The CICS server program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

Part 6. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333

Appendix. Routing program-link requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335


Static routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Dynamic routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Sending your comments to IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICS CICS CICS CICS CICS CICS Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Server Server Server Server Server Server for for for for for for OS/390: Planning for Installation OS/390 Release Guide OS/390 Migration Guide OS/390 Installation Guide OS/390 Program Directory OS/390 Licensed Program Specication
GC33-1789 GC34-5352 GC34-5353 GC33-1681 GI10-2506 GC33-1707

CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

General CICS Master Index CICS Users Handbook CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Glossary (softcopy only) Administration CICS System Denition Guide CICS Customization Guide CICS Resource Denition Guide CICS Operations and Utilities Guide CICS Supplied Transactions Programming CICS Application Programming Guide CICS Application Programming Reference CICS System Programming Reference CICS Front End Programming Interface Users Guide CICS C++ OO Class Libraries CICS Distributed Transaction Programming Guide CICS Business Transaction Services Diagnosis CICS Problem Determination Guide CICS Messages and Codes CICS Diagnosis Reference CICS Data Areas CICS Trace Entries CICS Supplementary Data Areas Communication CICS Intercommunication Guide CICS Family: Interproduct Communication CICS Family: Communicating from CICS on System/390 CICS External Interfaces Guide CICS Internet Guide Special topics CICS Recovery and Restart Guide CICS Performance Guide CICS IMS Database Control Guide CICS RACF Security Guide CICS Shared Data Tables Guide CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide CICS DB2 Guide SC33-1704 SX33-6104 GC33-1705 SC33-1682 SC33-1683 SC33-1684 SC33-1685 SC33-1686 SC33-1687 SC33-1688 SC33-1689 SC33-1692 SC34-5455 SC33-1691 SC34-5268 GC33-1693 GC33-1694 LY33-6088 LY33-6089 SC34-5446 LY33-6090 SC33-1695 SC33-0824 SC33-1697 SC33-1944 SC34-5445 SC33-1698 SC33-1699 SC33-1700 SC33-1701 SC33-1702 SC33-1777 SC33-1939

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

General CICSPlex SM Master Index CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide CICSPlex SM View Commands Reference Summary Administration and Management CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference CICSPlex SM Monitor Views Reference CICSPlex SM Managing Workloads CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage CICSPlex SM Managing Business Applications Programming CICSPlex SM Application Programming Guide CICSPlex SM Application Programming Reference Diagnosis CICSPlex SM Resource Tables Reference CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes CICSPlex SM Problem Determination SC33-1812 GC33-0786 SC33-0788 SX33-6099 SC34-5401 SC33-0789 SC34-5402 SC33-1807 SC33-1808 SC33-1809 SC34-5457 SC34-5458 SC33-1220 GC33-0790 GC33-0791

Other CICS books

CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II) CICS Application Migration Aid Guide CICS Family: API Structure CICS Family: Client/Server Programming CICS Family: General Information CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide CICS/ESA 3.3 XRF Guide
SC33-0674 SC33-0768 SC33-1007 SC33-1435 GC33-0155 SC33-1173 SC33-0661

If you have any questions about the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 library, see CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation which discusses both hardcopy and softcopy books and the ways that the books can be ordered.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Summary of changes
| | | This book is based on the CICS Internet and External Interfaces Guide for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2. Changes from that edition are marked by vertical lines to the left of the changes.

Changes for this edition

| The major changes to CICS that affect this book are: v The addition of CICS support for MVS recoverable resource management services (RRMS) for applications that use the external CICS interface (EXCI). See Part 3. External CICS Interface on page 111. v Enhancements to the 3270 Bridge function currently provided, including a new START command option to simplify the establishment of the Bridge environment, and relaxation of some restrictions. v Program-link requests received from outside CICS can now be dynamically routed. See Appendix. Routing program-link requests on page 335. Changes to the book for this edition are: v The parts have been reordered as follows: Part 2. Bridging to 3270 transactions on page 19 Part 3. External CICS Interface on page 111 Part 4. CICS ONC RPC support on page 227 Part 5. Using CICS as a DCE server on page 319 v Chapter 1. Introduction on page 3 has been expanded to include general information from other parts of the book.

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Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Part 1. Overview
This part of the book outlines some the ways in which you can make CICS transaction processing services available to a variety of external users. This part contains: v Chapter 1. Introduction on page 3 v Chapter 2. How to use this book on page 17

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This book describes the following sources of external requests, and the routes that they can use into CICS: MQSeries users MQSeries users can use the 3270 CICS bridge to access CICS transactions. See Part 2. Bridging to 3270 transactions on page 19 MVS applications Applications running in MVS address spaces can use the External CICS Interface (EXCI) to access CICS programs. See Part 3. External CICS Interface on page 111. ONC RPC clients ONC RPC clients can use CICS ONC RPC support to access CICS programs. See Part 4. CICS ONC RPC support on page 227 DCE RPC clients DCE RPC clients use the Application Support (AS) server to access CICS programs. See Part 5. Using CICS as a DCE server on page 319. The following types of external requests are described in other books: User socket applications User socket applications can use the CICS Sockets feature of CICS TS. See TCP/IP for MVS Version 3.1 CICS TCP/IP Socket Interface Guide and Reference. Web browsers Web browsers can use a variety of methods: CICS Web support The CICS Web support is a CICS-provided facility for supporting Web browsers. See the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 CICS Internet Guide. IBM Websphere The IBM Websphere Application Server for OS/390 is an MVS application that supports Web browsers and routes their requests into CICS. CICS Transaction Gateway The CICS Internet Gateway is a workstation application that can accept requests from Web browsers and route them into CICS. It uses a CICS client and the EPI. JVM applications Java Virtual Machine applications can use a local gateway connection that uses the EXCI to pass requests to CICS. See CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 CICS Internet Guide. Java-enabled Web browsers Java-enabled Web browsers can use applets that communicate with CICS. Writers of applets can use CICS-provided Java classes to construct external call interface (ECI) and external presentation interface (EPI) requests. The Web browsers communicate with Web servers, and with one of the following: CICS Transaction Gateway The CICS Transaction Gateway, a workstation application that uses a CICS client to route ECI and EPI requests to a CICS server.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998

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CICS Transaction Gateway (MVS) The CICS Transaction Gateway (MVS), a version of the CICS Transaction Gateway that runs in an MVS address space, and uses the CICS external CICS interface (EXCI) to pass requests to CICS. The CICS Transaction Gateway (MVS) supports the use of ECI requests, but not EPI requests. See the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 CICS Internet Guide. CICS client applications CICS client applications use a CICS client and the ECI or the EPI. See CICS Family: Client/Server Programming. CICS programs Programs running in CICS Servers on any platform can use EXEC CICS LINK to call a CICS program, or can use transaction routing to send transaction requests to CICS TS. Programs running in CICS TS can use the CICS front end programming interface (FEPI) to start transactions in the same or another instance of CICS TS. See CICS Front End Programming Interface Users Guide. Telnet clients Telnet clients can use TN3270 to start transactions. 3270 users Users of the IBM 3270 Display System can start transactions. This is the most familiar method of introducing work to CICS TS. Figure 2 on page 5 shows the principal ways of using CICS transaction processing services from outside CICS.

Key to figure 2 TC TR DPL EXCI ECI EPI CWP = = = = = = = Terminal Control Transaction Routing Distributed Program Link EXternal CICS Interface External Call Interfaces External Presentation Interface CICS WebServer Plugin

= Sources of external requests

= Targets of external requests

= CICS provided interfaces

= CICS components

= Other product components

Figure 1.

CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS Transaction Server environment

IBM 3270 T C TN3270

CICS TX Series

Target 3270 Transaction




CICS client application

CICS Transaction Server

CICS Transaction Gateway

Java Web browser


MQ CICS bridge

3270 Bridge

Web Sphere

Web browser


CICS Web support

Web 3270 interface

MVS environment


MQ CICS bridge

CICS business logic interface

Any MVS application JVM Java application AS Server CWP WebSphere CICS Transaction Gateway Web browser Java DCE RPC client

L D User Socket application CICS sockets I P N K Target COMMAREA Program


ONC RPC client


CORBA client


CORBA support

Java class


CICS client application

CICS Transaction Server

CICS TX Series

Figure 2. Client access to existing business logic

Chapter 1. Introduction

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General concepts
All the mechanisms described in this book follow a similar pattern. A client is the source of the external request which comes into CICS over a network using a variety of transport protocols, or from another CICS region, using Inter Region Communication (IRC). CICS (or another product) provides a transport-specic listener (a long-running task) that starts another task (a facilitator such as an alias or a mirror), to process the incoming request. The facilitator uses CICS services to access the application. The priorities of different alias transactions can be adjusted to determine the service that a client request receives. There must be enough free tasks to service the alias transactions as they are started by the listener. The CICS programs that service the client requests are subject to contention for resources in the CICS system, and to transmission delays if they are remote from the CICS system, or if they request the use of remote resources by function shipping or distributed program link. The CICS server is independent of the application model (2/3-tier, 2/3 platforms). The listener/facilitator deals with the different transports used and sets the rules for which programming models are supported.

Distributed computing
Distributed computing involves the cooperation of two or more machines communicating over a network. The machines participating in the system can range from personal computers to super computers; the network can connect machines in one building or on different continents. The main benet of distributed computing is that it enables you to optimize your computing resources for both responsiveness and economy. For example, it enables you to: v Share the cost of expensive resources, such as a typesetting and printing service, across many desktops. It also gives you the exibility to change the desktop-to-server ratio, depending on the demand for the service. v Allocate an applications presentation, business, and data logic appropriately. Often, the desktop is the best place to perform the presentation logic, as it is nearest to the end user and can provide highly responsive processing for such actions as drag and drop GUI interfaces. Conversely, you may feel that the best place for the database access logic is close to the actual storage device - that is, on an enterprise or departmental server. The most appropriate place for the business logic may be less clear, but there is much to be said for placing this too in the same node as the data logic, thus allowing a single desktop request to initiate a substantial piece of server work without intervening network traffic. Distributed computing enables you to make such trade-offs in a exible way. Along with the advantages of distributed computing come new challenges. Examples include keeping multiple copies of data consistent, keeping clocks in individual machines synchronized, and providing network-wide security. A system that provides distributed computing support must address these new issues. CICS supports distributed computing and the client/server model by means of:

CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) CORBA clients can access CICS Java servers using IIOP. Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) The remote procedure call model implemented by the Open Software Foundations DCE is supported in CICS. Distributed program link (DPL) This is similar to a DCE remote procedure call. A CICS client program passes parameters to a remote CICS server program and waits for the server to send data in reply. Parameters and data are exchanged by means of a communications area. The external CICS interface (EXCI) An MVS client program links to a CICS server program. Again, this is similar to a DCE RPC. The external call interface (ECI) The ECI enables CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 server programs to be called from client programs running on a variety of operating systems. For information about CICS Clients, see the CICS Family: Client/Server Programming manual. Function shipping The parameters for a single CICS API request are intercepted by CICS code and sent from the client system to the server. The CICS mirror transaction in the server executes the request, and returns any reply data to the client program. This can be viewed as a specialized form of remote procedure call. Asynchronous transaction processing A CICS client transaction uses the EXEC CICS START command to initiate another CICS transaction, and pass data to it. The START request can be intercepted by CICS code, and function shipped to a server system. The client transaction and started transactions execute independently. This is similar to a remote procedure call with no response data. Distributed transaction processing A program in the client system establishes a conversation with a complementary program in the server, and exchanges messages. The programs may use the APPC protocols. Transaction routing Terminals owned by one CICS system to run transactions owned by another. The CICS family of products runs on a variety of operating systems, and provides a standard set of functions to enable members to communicate with each other. For information about the CICS family, see the CICS Family: Interproduct Communication manual.

Security support
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 supports: v A single network signon (through the ATTACHSEC option of the DEFINE CONNECTION command) v Authentication of the client system through bind-time security. RACF or an equivalent security manager provides mechanisms similar to the DCE access control lists and login facility.

Chapter 1. Introduction

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There is no CICS concept similar to the DCE Directory Service. In all the above scenarios the client environment must know which server CICS system to communicate with. This is normally done by specifying the name of the required remote CICS system in the denition of the relevant remote CICS resource, or in the client application program.

TCP/IP protocols
TCP/IP is a communication protocol used between physically separated computer systems. TCP/IP can be implemented on a wide variety of physical networks. TCP/IP is a large family of protocols that is named after its two most important members, Transmission Control Protocol and Interface Protocol. Figure 3 shows the TCP/IP protocols used by CICS ONC RPC in terms of the layered Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. For CICS users, who may be more accustomed to SNA, the left side of Figure 3 shows the SNA layers that correspond very roughly to the OSI layers.

SNA Application Presentation Data flow Transmission Path control Data link Physical 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

OSI Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data link

TCP/IP family RPC XDR Sockets (empty) TCP or UDP IP interface

subnetwork Physical

Figure 3. TCP/IP protocols compared to the OSI and SNA models

The protocols used by TCP/IP are shown in the right-hand box in Figure 3. Internet Protocol (IP) In terms of the OSI model, IP is a network-layer protocol. It provides a connectionless data transmission service, and supports both TCP and UDP. Data is transmitted link by link; an end-to-end connection is never set up during the call. The unit of data transmission is the datagram. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) In terms of the OSI model, TCP is a transport-layer protocol. It provides a connection-oriented data transmission service between applications, that is, a connection is established before data transmission begins. TCP has more error checking that UDP. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) UDP is also a transport-layer protocol and is an alternative to TCP. It provides a connectionless data transmission service between applications. UDP has less error checking than TCP. If UDP users want to be able to respond to errors, the communicating programs must establish their own protocol for error handling. With high-quality transmission networks, UDP errors are of little concern.

CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

ONC RPC and XDR XDR and ONC RPC correspond to the sixth and seventh OSI layers. Sockets interface The interface between the fourth and higher layers is the sockets interface. In some TCP/IP implementations, the sockets interface is the API that customers use to write their higher-level applications.

TCP/IP internet addresses and ports

TCP/IP provides for process-to-process communication, which means that calls need an addressing scheme that species both the physical host connection (Host A and Host B in Figure 4) and the software process or application (C, D, E, F, G, and H). The way this is done in TCP/IP is for calls to specify the host by an internet address and the process by a port number. You may nd internet addresses also referred to elsewhere as internet protocol (IP) addresses or host IDs.

Host A

Host B

Host address

Port numbers








Figure 4. How applications are addressed

Internet addresses
Each host on a TCP/IP internet is identied by its internet address. An internet address is 32 bits, but it is usually displayed in dotted decimal notation. Each byte is converted to a decimal number in the range 0 to 255, and the four numbers are separated by dots thus: Remember that an internet is a collection of networks hence the internet address must specify both the network and the individual host. How this is done varies with the size of the network. In the example just given, 129.126 species the network, 178.99 species the host on that network.

Port numbers (for servers)

An incoming connection request species the server that it wants by specifying the servers port number. For instance, in Figure 4, a call requesting port number 21 on host A is directed to process C.

Well-known ports identify servers that carry standard services such as the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Telnet. The same service is always allocated the same port number, so, for example, FTP is always 21 and Telnet always 23. Networks generally reserve port numbers 1 through 255 for well-known ports.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Port numbers (for clients)

Client applications must also identify themselves with port numbers so that server applications can distinguish different connection requests. The method of allocating client port numbers must ensure that the numbers are unique; such port numbers are termed ephemeral port numbers. For example, in Figure 4 on page 9, process F is shown with port number 3300 on host B allocated.

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Programming models
The programming models implemented in CICS are inherited from those designed for 3270s, and exhibit many of the characteristics of conversational, terminal-oriented applications. There are basically three styles of programming model: v Terminal-initiated, that is, the conversational model v Distributed program link, that is, the RPC model v START, that is, the queuing model. Once initiated, the applications typically use these and other methods of continuing and distributing themselves, for example, with pseudoconversations, RETURN IMMEDIATE or DTP. The main difference between these models is in the way that they maintain state ( for example, security), and hence state becomes an integral part of the application design. This presents the biggest problem when you attempt to convert to another application model. A pseudoconversational model is mostly associated with terminal-initiated transactions and was developed as an efficient implementation of the conversational model. With increased use of 1-in and 1-out protocols such as HTTP, it is becoming necessary to add the pseudoconversational characteristic to the RPC model. State management and its associated token management, which were previously controlled by the terminal, now need additional techniques to support this move. Similarly, when START requests are disassociated from the terminal, difficulties arise in returning the requests to their starting point.

Comparing mechanisms
This section contrasts the different mechanisms by listing some of the characteristics and benets of each interface.


DCE RPC is different from ONC RPC in many ways. For example, DCE RPC does not limit the number of parameters on the call, whereas an ONC RPC call is limited to one input and one output parameter (but these may be structures that contain many elds, including pointers to other data).


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS Transaction Server


Client call DCE IDL module with C parms Client

COBOL CICS pr ogr am


ONC: Client call CICS ONC RPC with C parms Client


Figure 5. Remote procedures provided for DCE RPC and ONC RPC

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Figure 5 shows how the two CICS RPC implementations provide the same function. CICS programs that act as servers for DCE RPC must be written in VS COBOL II. You provide a denition of the clients parameter list in the interface denition language (IDL) provided as a part of DCE RPC. The DCE IDL module maps the incoming parameters into a CICS communication area, so the communication area format is dened by the clients parameter list. CICS ONC RPC CICS programs can be written in any CICS-supported programming language, and the conversion from client format to communication area is done by the Decode function of the converter. With ONC RPC you get more exibility, but you have more work to do. CICS programs that are used as servers for DCE RPC clients can also be used as servers for ONC RPC clients. You need to write a Decode function that converts the incoming data structure into the predened communication area, and converts the incoming data from C types to VS COBOL II types.

DCE provides a high-level, coherent environment for developing and running applications on a distributed system. The DCE components fall into two categories: tools for developing distributed applications and services for running them. The tools, such as Remote Procedure Calls and Threads, assist in the development of an application. The services, like the Directory Service, Security Service, and Time Service, provide support in a distributed system that is analogous to the support an operating system provides in a centralized system. DCE includes management tools for administering all of the DCE services and many aspects of the distributed environment itself. DCE is oriented towards heterogeneous rather than homogeneous systems. The DCE architecture allows for different operating systems and hardware platforms. Using DCE, a process running on one computer can interoperate with a process on a second computer, even when the two computers have different hardware or operating systems.

Chapter 1. Introduction


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DCE is oriented towards heterogeneous rather than homogeneous systems. The DCE architecture allows for different operating systems and hardware platforms. Using DCE, a process running on one computer can interoperate with a process on a second computer, even when the two computers have different hardware or operating systems.

The external CICS interface makes CICS applications more easily accessible from non-CICS environments. Programs running in MVS can issue an EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM command to call a CICS application programs running in a CICS region. Alternatively, the MVS programs can use the CALL interface when it is more appropriate to do so. The provision of this programming interface means that, for example, MVS programs can: v Update resources with integrity while CICS is accessing them. v Take CICS resources offline, and back online, at the start and end of an MVS job. For example, you can: Open and close CICS les. Enable and disable transactions in CICS (and so eliminate the need for a master terminal operator during system backup and recovery procedures). The external CICS interface opens up a new way to implement client/server applications, where the client program in a non-CICS environment calls a server program running in the CICS address space. The external CICS interface benets not only TSO and batch applications, but allows you to extend the use of CICS application programs in an open client/server environment. Although the CICS external interface operates over CICS MRO links, the client program can run on non-MVS platforms, and pass requests to CICS over an open system interface (OSI) using the IBM OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment Application Support MVS/ESA CICS feature (OE DCE AS/CICS). In this way the external CICS interface provides an open interface to a wide variety of other application platforms.

The 3270 bridge

The 3270 bridge allows you to introduce new GUI front ends to access existing 3270-based CICS applications without modifying them. This means that you can concentrate your efforts on the new user interfaces and avoid, or at least postpone, rewriting stable mainframe applications. You do not need to restructure your applications to separate the business logic from the presentation logic; the bridge effectively does this for you. The same applications can be used both by 3270 terminals, and by the new client applications. This allows a phased migration of users from the 3270 applications to the new client applications. Applications written for 3270 terminals can be run on CICS systems without VTAM. The bridge can process commands faster than existing front-end methods, such as FEPI and EPI, because the terminal emulation is part of the same CICS


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transaction. Unlike other front-end methods, there is only a single unit of work. This means that the bridge can use a recoverable MQSeries queue. This greatly simplies recovery. For BMS user transactions, there is no need to convert BMS data to 3270 format, because the client application receives the BMS Application Data Structure, rather than a 3270 datastream. This provides an easier method for the application programmer to interface with the user transaction compared to FEPI. A utility program (DFHBMSUP) is provided to recreate map source code from existing load modules, so that installations that do not have access to the original source code can still exploit the new ADS descriptor provided by the BMS macros.

The 3270 Bridge and FEPI

To help you decide between the 3270 bridge technology and FEPI, the following table summarizes the major characteristics.
Table 1. Comparision between 3270 bridge technology and FEPI
Bridge Enabling technology Based on application data structure Enables optimization due to integral knowledge of the target Efficient; no terminal control involved Single COMMAREA API and user replaceable program CICS specic: source and target must be in the same region Driven exit decides method of communication with the client Knowledge of UOW Ideal when the routing is done elsewhere Available only for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 and later FEPI An application programming interface Based on the 3270 data stream Easier to create generic driver (data structure is architected) VTAM managed connection between source and target Requires system programming and VTAM skills Ideal for driving remote applications, not just CICS Can be freed from the workings of the target; terminal emulation No coordination Sysplex support requires three regions Available for CICS/ESA 3.3 and later

Application design
You can access existing applications originally designed for other environments by using the bridging facilities described, or write new ones specically for a new environment. In general, it is good practice to split applications into a part containing the business code that is reusable, and a part responsible for presentation to the client. This technique enables you to improve performance by optimizing the parts separately, and allows you to reuse your business logic with different forms of presentation. When separating the business and presentation logic, you need to consider the following: v Avoid affinities between the two parts of the application. v Be aware of the DPL-restricted API; see CICS Application Programming Reference for details.

Chapter 1. Introduction


v Be aware of hidden presentation dependencies, such as EIBTRMID usage.

Separating business and presentation logic

Figure 6 illustrates a simple CICS application that accepts data from an end user, updates a record in a le, and sends a response back to the end user. The transaction that runs this program is the second in a pseudoconversation. The rst transaction has sent a BMS map to the end users terminal, and the second transaction reads the data with the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command, updates the record in the le, and sends the response with the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command. The EXEC CICS RECEIVE and EXEC CICS SEND MAP commands are part of the transactions presentation logic, while the EXEC CICS READ UPDATE and EXEC CICS REWRITE commands are part of the business logic.

Transaction program ... EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP . . . ... EXEC CICS READ UPDATE . . . ... EXEC CICS REWRITE . . . ... EXEC CICS SEND MAP . . . ...

Figure 6. CICS functions in a single application program

A sound principle of modular programming in CICS application design is to separate the presentation logic from the business logic, and to use a communication area and the EXEC CICS LINK command to make them into a single transaction. Figure 7 on page 15 illustrates this approach to application design.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Presentation logic ... EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP . . . ... EXEC CICS LINK . . . ... EXEC CICS SEND MAP . . . ...


Figure 7. Separation of business and presentation logic

Once the business logic of a transaction has been isolated from the presentation logic and given a communication area interface, it is available for reuse with different presentation methods. For example, you could use CICS Web support with the CICS business logic interface, to implement a two-tier model where the presentation logic is HTTP-based.

Chapter 1. Introduction



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 2. How to use this book

The rest of the manual is organized as follows: v Part 2. Bridging to 3270 transactions on page 19 describes how to use the transaction bridging facilities. v Part 3. External CICS Interface on page 111 describes how to use the CICS EXCI. v Part 4. CICS ONC RPC support on page 227 describes support for ONC RPC clients. v Part 5. Using CICS as a DCE server on page 319 describes the use of the Application Support server with DCE RPC clients.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Part 2. Bridging to 3270 transactions

This part of the book describes the 3270 bridge. It covers the following topics: v Chapter 3. Introduction on page 21 v Chapter 4. The Bridge environment on page 41 v Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits on page 57 v Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs on page 77 v Chapter 7. Problem determination on page 107

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Bridging to 3270 transactions


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 3. Introduction
This part of the book describes the function that allows you to run CICS 3270-based transactions without a 3270 terminal. It covers the following topics: v Overview v Running 3270 transactions in a bridge environment on page 29 v Implementing a 3270 bridge environment on page 32 v The 3270 bridge on page 12

The 3270 bridge provides an interface so that you can run 3270-based CICS transactions without a 3270 terminal. Commands for the 3270 terminal are intercepted by CICS and replaced by a messaging mechanism that provides a bridge between the end-user and the CICS transaction. | | | With the bridge feature, a client application that may be executing outside the CICS environment can use transport mechanisms such as MQSeries or the Internet to access and run a CICS 3270-based user transaction. The client application can also be a CICS transaction, using, for example, a temporary storage queue to pass 3270 requests and data to a user transaction executing in the same CICS region. This provides an similar function to the FEPI interface. The user transaction can be an existing 3270 or BMS-based CICS transaction. It runs unchanged as if it were being driven by a real terminal. | | | | | | | The following diagram shows the ow of a client request in a bridge environment. The client application requests execution of 3270 transactions by sending a message to a bridge monitor transaction , over a transport mechanism (which can be any method supported by CICS, including the Web, MQ, CICS BTS, and CICS transient data or temporary storage queues). Components of the 3270 bridge on page 22 describes all the components of the bridge environment shown in this diagram.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Figure 8. The 3270 bridge environment

Components of the 3270 bridge

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Before you plan to use the 3270 bridge, you need to understand the following terms: v v v v v v v v v v v The bridge mechanism The user transaction The client application The transport mechanism Bridge messages The bridge monitor The The The The The bridge environment bridge exit bridge exit area bridge facility FACILITYLIKE denition

The CICS 3270 bridge mechanism The CICS 3270 bridge mechanism is the CICS function that allows a user transaction to be run without a VTAM 3270 terminal. Terminal input/output commands are intercepted by a bridge exit that emulates the terminal by passing the commands, packaged as messages to the end-user or client application. The user transaction A user transaction is a 3270 CICS transaction.


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The client application A client application is a program, usually executing outside CICS, and possibly outside MVS/ESA, that uses the CICS 3270 bridge mechanism to run a user transaction. The transport mechanism A transport mechanism is used by the client application to pass messages to CICS. MQSeries; the Web; CICS BTS and CICS temporary storage and transient data, are all examples of transport mechanisms. Some transport mechanisms have separately denable queues. Messages A message contains information that provides all or part of the data needed to run a 3270 user transaction. Data originally written to the 3270 screen by the user transaction is packaged into messages and sent to the client application. Data originally read from the 3270 screen by the user transaction is obtained from messages sent by the client application. The bridge monitor A bridge monitor is usually a long-running CICS task that is associated with a specic transport mechanism, or a specic queue in a transport mechanism. When a message arrives requesting a CICS user transaction, the bridge monitor issues a START BREXIT TRANSID command to start the requested user transaction in a bridge environment where it will execute in association with the specied bridge exit. The bridge monitor must ensure that the requested transaction is started, and started only once. It can receive conrmation messages from the bridge exit after a successful start. A bridge monitor can be is designed as a long running CICS task, to start any user transaction, or it can be designed to start only a single transaction. The bridge environment The bridge environment is established by CICS so that the user transaction can be executed and certain commands intercepted. A bridge exit and a bridge facility are essential components of the bridge environment. The bridge exit A bridge exit is a user-replaceable program that emulates the 3270 terminal API. It does this by packaging data originally intended for the 3270 screen into messages and passing them to the transport mechanism, for delivery to the client application. Response messages from the client application are returned to the user transaction to satisfy terminal requests. A bridge exit is usually designed to work with a specic transport mechanism. A bridge exit can be generic if it is designed to run any user transaction, or specic if it is designed to work with a single user transaction. In CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2, all 3270 terminal API requests were passed to the bridge exit. This provided a simple interface for specic bridge exits, but is very complicated in the generic case.

Chapter 3. Introduction


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To reduce the complexity, the bridge exit can be designed to handle some of the requests, with all the terminal API requests being passed to another user-replaceable program, known as a formatter. If used, the name of the formatter is obtained from the BRXA_FORMATTER eld in the BRXA and the bridge exit is only called for requests that require input or output of data. If a formatter is not specied, the bridge exit is called for all requests. The bridge exit is always called for the following requests: v User transaction initialization v v v v v User transaction bind User transaction termination User transaction abnormal termination Read and Write message Syncpoint (optional)

A formatter is called for the following requests: v v v v v SEND (Terminal Control and BMS) RECEIVE (Terminal Control and BMS) CONVERSE FREE ISSUE DISCONNECT

v ISSUE ERASEAUP v RETRIEVE (in some cases) All requests made in a bridge exit are run as part of the same unit of work as the user transaction. Therefore, any recoverable requests made by the bridge exit are committed or rolled back at the same time as the user transaction resources. The abend termination handler in the bridge exit is called when the user transaction terminates abnormally, so that the client application can be informed of the abend. The bridge exit can issue only non-recoverable requests in this call. The interface between the bridge exit (the BRXA) and CICS is described fully in Bridge exit area (BRXA) on page 84. This interface is dened by CICS and must be used by all bridge exits. The messaging interface between the bridge exit and the remote resource or the end-user is not formally dened. You may dene this interface to suit your own environment. However, an interface has been dened that is used by both MQSeries, and the CICS TS/TD supplied exits. This interface is described in Message data format on page 61. You can use this interface denition as a basis for your own implementation using other transport mechanisms. Formatter A formatter is a user-replaceable program that can (optionally) be used in association with a bridge exit. The formatter performs all the message building and analysis functions otherwise done in the bridge exit. Separation of this function simplies the logic of the bridge exit and allows the formatting code to be used by many different bridge exits.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

The bridge exit area The bridge exit area (BRXA) is the communication area between the bridge exit and CICS. It is a CICS COMMAREA (subject to normal length constraints) containing a number of sub-areas that are used by the bridge exit to process each call, and retain information between calls. It contains the following subareas: Header This area contains version information and pointers to some of the following areas. Transaction area This area is used by bridge exit initialization processing. It contains information about the user transaction that CICS runs, and the real 3270 that it expects to use. Command area This area provides details of the command request. For CICS API requests it provides a simplied description of the command and response elds. User area This area is used to store data between calls to the bridge exit. It acts as a user input area to store the messages needed to satisfy RECEIVE and RETRIEVE requests, and also as a user output area to store the messages from SEND requests so that they can all be sent together when the user transaction terminates. ADS descriptor This area contains the ADS descriptor for BMS SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP requests. If the user application issues a BMS command, the bridge exit is called and passed (in the user area) the BMS Application Data Structure (ADS). This is another name for the symbolic map that is generated by the BMS macros used to dene the mapping of the 3270 screen. For BMS programs this gives the client application a simplied interface to the terminal data, without the need to understand 3270 data streams. The ADS descriptor allows the exit to interpret the BMS Application Data Structure (ADS), without requiring that the copybook for the Application Data Structure (or DSECT) be included in the source for the exit program at compile time. The ADS descriptor is generated as part of the mapset load module produced by the map denition macros, provided these are assembled using the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 or later macro library. Mapsets generated with previous CICS releases do not contain the ADS descriptor. If the mapset does not contain the ADS descriptor, a null pointer is set in the bridge exit area. | | | | | The ADS descriptor can be generated in short or long form, by specifying the DSECT option on the DFHMSD macro. The long form, ADSL, contains all elds aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This is required if the transport mechanism that you are using is MQSeries, or cross-platform. Note: If you are unable to reassemble the mapset because you do not have the source, you can use the DFHBMSUP utility provided by
Chapter 3. Introduction


CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 to recreate source statements from your mapset load module. See the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide for information about DFHBMSUP. During initialization, the bridge exit can set an indicator in the bridge exit area to control whether or not the ADS descriptor should be passed to the exit on BMS SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP calls. (If the ADS descriptor is required, the CICS interface code has to load the mapset and locate the descriptor, thus increasing the path-length.) The format of the BRXA is dened in Bridge exit area (BRXA) on page 84. The bridge facility The bridge facility is a virtual terminal, replacing a real 3270, which is visible only to the user transaction and does not appear in response to CEMT I TERM or CEMT I TASK. It has a dynamically created TERMID that can be used, for example, as the basis of a unique name for a TD or TS queue. The bridge facility emulates a real terminal in the following EXEC CICS interfaces: v v v v ASSIGN Terminal control and BMS API EIB INQUIRE TASK

v INQUIRE TERMINAL Note: EXEC CICS INQUIRE TERMINAL and INQUIRE TASK return information about a bridge facility only if issued from within the user transaction. The bridge facility is not visible outside the user transaction. | | | | | The bridge facility is discarded at the end of the user transaction when the bridge exit (during termination processing) sets the keep time to zero. The keep time denes how long the bridge facility should be retained after the transaction terminates. The bridge exit must specify a non-zero value if the bridge facility is to be kept for the next part of a pseudoconversation. The bridge facility can have a TCTUA (Terminal Control Table User Area), which can be accessed by EXEC CICS ADDRESS TCTUA in the normal way. The TCTUA is initialized to nulls when the bridge facility is created. A global user exit (GLUE) called XFAINTU is called when a bridge facility is created and discarded. XFAINTU is passed the address of the TCTUA, so you can use this exit to initialize the TCTUA. The characteristics of a bridge facility are copied from a FACILITYLIKE denition, with the addition of preset security. The FACILITYLIKE denition FACILITYLIKE is the name of a real terminal denition that is used as a template for some of the properties of the bridge facility. The name of the FACILITYLIKE denition to be used can be passed to CICS in one of three ways (the rst non-blank value found is used):


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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v The bridge exit can return the FACILITYLIKE name in the BRXA_FACILITYLIKE parameter of the bridge exit initialization call. v The parameter can be obtained from the PROFILE denition for the user transaction. v The default is CBRF, a denition supplied by CICS to support the bridge. Once the bridge facility has been dened, its FACILITYLIKE template cannot be changed. Therefore, if the bridge facility is reused in a pseudoconversation, CICS does not search for a new FACILITYLIKE value. Note: If you are running in a CICS system started with the VTAM=NO system initialization parameter, the resource denition specied by FACILITYLIKE must be dened as REMOTE. A default denition of CBRF, dened as REMOTE, is provided in the group DFHTERM.

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Bridge implementations provided

The following bridge programs are provided: DFH0CBRE A COBOL bridge exit program that uses CICS temporary storage or transient data queues to pass messages (in MQCIH format ) to the end user application (another CICS application). DFH0CBRF A COBOL bridge exit formatter designed to work with DFH0CBRE. This builds and interprets BRMQ message vectors. DFH0CBAC A COBOL client application that uses CICS BTS CONTAINERs to run an end-user application as a CICS BTS ACTIVITY. See the CICS Business Transaction Services for further information about this application. DFH0CBAI A COBOL program that is used in DFH0CBAC to obtain message input. It uses a TS queue to obtain the input, so the program can be used by the BRCB transaction in the CA1E SupportPak. DFH0CBAO A COBOL program that is used in DFH0CBAC to send message output. It uses a TS queue to send the output, so the program can be used by the BRCB transaction in the CA1E SupportPak. DFH0CBAE A COBOL bridge exit program that uses CICS BTS CONTAINERs to pass messages (in MQCIH format) to the client application (DFH0CBAC). DFHWBLT An object code bridge exit that allows you to access a CICS transaction from the World Wide Web. This exit uses the CICS Web Interface support described in the CICS Internet Guide. An MQ exit An object code bridge exit that allows you to access a CICS transaction from MQSeries. This exit is provided as part of the MQSeries - CICS/ESA bridge feature of MQSeries for MVS/ESA Version 2.1

Chapter 3. Introduction


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The following copybooks are provided: DFH0CBRD COBOL copybook used by DFH0CBRE, and DFH0CBAE. DFH0CBRU COBOL copybook used by DFH0CBRF DFHBRSDx Copybooks in all supported languages dening the interface between the bridge monitor and the bridge exit. DFHBRMHx Copybooks in all supported languages dening the message header included in all messages passed between the supplied bridge exit and the client application. Constants are also supplied for these copybooks. DFHBRMQx Copybooks in all supported languages dening the command vectors in the messages passed between the supplied bridge exit and the client application. Constants are also supplied for these copybooks. See Data formats for the supplied bridge exits on page 59 for more information about the formats of message headers and vectors.

Resource denitions
The following resource denition groups are provided: DFH$BR resource denitions to support the DFH0CBRE bridge implementation. DFH$BABR resource denitions to support the DFH0CBAC CICS BTS bridge implementation.

The CA1E SupportPak

The CA1E SupportPak is a support package providing the CICS 3270 Bridge Passthrough tool. This allows you to run a CICS 3270 user transaction from a 3270 terminal, using the CICS 3270 Bridge facility rather than standard CICS terminal control function. You can then evaluate whether a CICS 3270 transaction is suitable to be driven using the 3270 bridge. The Passthrough transactions also allow you to examine the 3270 data streams created by the bridge exit, and log them for further analysis. You can then use this information to write your own end-user application to drive the CICS 3270 transaction instead of a real 3270 terminal. The CA1E SupportPak can be obtained from the Web, at the following URL:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Running 3270 transactions in a bridge environment

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A user transaction is started directly by a bridge monitor transaction using the START BREXIT TRANSID command. The user transaction is initialized in a bridge environment; all 3270 terminal commands are intercepted and passed to the named bridge exit that emulates the 3270 terminal by packaging the commands into messages and passing them to the transport mechanism for delivery to a client application. A formatter may be used to package the commands into messages, to simplify the role of the bridge exit as a message handler only. The bridge monitor transaction is normally a long running task associated with a message queue. It looks at the contents of each message to search for requests for new work, and identies the name of the user transaction to run. It then starts the requested transaction and checks that it has started successfully. The client application, which may be executing anywhere accessible by the transport mechanism, extracts the 3270 data from the messages and constructs reply messages, containing 3270 data and commands, to pass to the bridge exit to satisfy the 3270 terminal commands.

Simple terminal transactions

A simple terminal transaction is one in which all user data required to run the transaction is available before the transaction has started. There is a single input screen and one or more output screens. It may issue recoverable requests. The following example of a simple inquiry or update transaction shows how a bridge exit is called to process various requests, and is passed a structured COMMAREA containing the full description of the request.

Figure 9. A simple terminal transaction

Chapter 3. Introduction


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CICS transaction manager

The following example shows a simple inquiry or update transaction when a formatter is used.
Bridge exit

Init Transaction Initialise UOW User transaction Link application program RECEIVE MAP(map) INTO(area) SEND MAP(map) FROM(area) RETURN Formatter Receive: copy from message to area Send: copy from area to message

Init: in brdata out bridge_facility formatter Bind: Read message VERIFY USERID

UOW Prepare UOW Commit

Term:Write message

Figure 10. A simple terminal transaction using a formatter

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Pseudoconversational transactions
A pseudoconversation normally involves a series of transactions, each initiated by the previous transaction, which may also pass some data. The name of the next transaction to be run can be dened by the user transaction in different ways: 1. EXEC CICS RETURN TRANSID 2. EXEC CICS RETURN TRANSID IMMEDIATE 3. EXEC CICS START TRANSID TERMID 4. EXEC CICS SET TERMINAL/NETNAME NEXTTRANSID 5. Terminal data Note: Transactions initiated by START TERMID are not necessarily pseudoconversational. Here we are considering only those transactions initiated by a START to the principal facility (the bridge facility) where the STARTING and STARTED applications are associated in a pseudoconversation. In this case, START TERMID must specify the bridge facility. Commands 1-4 all cause the bridge mechanism to pass the next transaction identier and the START code in the bridge exit area (BRXA) on the termination and abend calls, with an indicator showing the source of the next TRANSID. This indicator can have 3 settings: IMMEDIATE The next TRANSID value came from a RETURN IMMEDIATE. STARTED The next TRANSID value cam from a START TERMID. NORMAL The next TRANSID value came from a RETURN TRANSID or SET command. The BRXA_STARTCODE eld is also set to the start code appropriate for the next transaction.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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At transaction termination, the bridge exit is called and passed the BRXA containing the next TRANSID and START code, and the indicator. It can then issue an EXEC CICS START BREXIT command for the next TRANSID, or return the next transaction information to the client application. You can design the bridge exit to provide any of the following options for the client application, when issuing a message for a subsequent transaction: v Copy the next TRANSID in the output message to the TRANSID eld in the new input message. In this case the specied next TRANSID (from whatever source) will be run. v Put a different TRANSID in the TRANSID eld of the new input message. This provides a mechanism for cancelling the existing ow; the equivalent of logging or powering the terminal off. The existing next transaction and all the start requests are discarded. An exception trace entry is written. To preserve the pseudoconversational environment, the bridge exit requests that its bridge facility be kept by specifying a keep time value. A bridge facility token is returned to the client application. Subsequent transaction requests in the pseudoconversation must contain this token. Note: The same bridge facility must be used by all transactions in the pseudoconversation. Pseudoconversational and terminal information (the COMMAREA and TCTUA) are saved and associated with the bridge facility. The TERMID is preserved for the lifetime of the bridge facility. This means that transactions that set up TS or TD queues using a TERMID as part of the name can be run in a bridge environment. Note: If the next TRANSID is set (or defaulted) by the bridge exit to the same value as the next TRANSID saved in the bridge facility, CICS treats the transaction as part of a pseudoconversation. The user application can issue EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK STARTCODE to nd out if it is part of a pseudoconversation. The startcode TO is returned for the rst transaction and TP for subsequent transactions in the pseudoconversation.

Conversational transactions
The bridge exit can handle conversational user transactions that involve multiple terminal input screens resulting from the transaction issuing multiple RECEIVEs. These transactions can by handled by the bridge mechanism in two ways: v The client application provides the bridge exit with all of the input necessary to satisfy all of the RECEIVE requests. In effect, this turns a conversational transaction into a non-conversational transaction. This is possible only if all of the data necessary to satisfy all input requests is known before starting the transaction. v It is more usual for the end-user to analyze information from a previous SEND before responding to a subsequent RECEIVE. To support this the bridge exit sends a message requesting more data to the client application.

Chapter 3. Introduction


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Implementing a 3270 bridge environment

The bridge mechanism is very exible, but most implementations fall into a few basic models. This section tells you how to identify the model that ts the requirements of your system and applications. It then presents examples of each model, which you can use as checklists when preparing your own client programs, bridge exits and monitors. It covers the following topics: v Determining the bridge environment model v Using the long running monitor model to implement the 3270 bridge on page 33 v Using the two task model to implement the 3270 bridge on page 35 v Using a single message model to implement the 3270 bridge on page 37 v Using the direct model to implement the 3270 bridge on page 39

Determining the bridge environment model

There are basically four models: v Long running monitor v Two-task model v Single message monitor v Direct (without a bridge monitor) From the questions asked in the following sections, you can determine what kind of model is required to run the bridge in your implementation: Is the client application a CICS transaction? YES use the Direct model. The client program can issue the EXEC CICS START BREXIT command itself, and does not need a bridge monitor.

Can the bridge exit send and receive messages directly from the client application? NO use the Two-task model.

Is a new transaction started when a message arrives in CICS? YES use a Single message model.

Otherwise, a Long-running monitor model should be used.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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Using the long running monitor model to implement the 3270 bridge
In this model, the client can be anywhere, but is usually outside CICS, possibly on a workstation platform. The client application sends a message to CICS, and waits for a response. The bridge monitor: v Identies that there is a new message (It could be POSTed, or browse a queue) v Browses the message to obtain the user TRANSID and FACILITYTOKEN, if present v Issues an EXEC CICS START TRANSID() BREXIT() BRDATA() This runs the user transaction. The bridge exit is called to read and write messages directly from/to the client application. The bridge monitor does not (usually) need any further involvement in this request, but remains waiting for new requests. Note: The bridge monitor must not get a lock on the message as the message must be readable by the bridge exit. The messages can be recoverable.


Long running Bridge Monitor Transaction

Client Application

Bridge Exit

User Transaction

Figure 11. The long running monitor model

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Client application design

1. Set initial FACILITYTOKEN to nulls 2. Create a message header containing: v TRANSID v FACILITYTOKEN v FACILITYLIKE v USERID (optional) v output message and/or queue identier 3. Loop until end of transaction and NEXTTRANSID is blank:
Chapter 3. Introduction


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v Create message vectors containing information to satisfy each expected CICS API request (this is usually just a RECEIVE or RETRIEVE vector) v Create a message containing the message header plus zero or more vectors v Output message v Input message reply (either with a wait option, or a loop) v Copy the input message header to the next output message v Extract message vectors from the input message v Process these and get futher input from the user if necessary v If next transid is set then copy next transid to TRANSID 4. End of loop

Bridge monitor design

1. Get startup information (for example, queue identier) 2. Initialize queues 3. Loop until shutdown request v Wait for new message v Browse new message header (without locking it) v Extract following from the message header TRANSID FACILITYTOKEN FACILITYLIKE (optional) USERID (optional) output message and/or queue identier

v Create brdata containing (see DFHBRSD for example) input message and/or queue identier output message and/or queue identier FACILITYTOKEN or nulls if new request FACILITYLIKE if new request (default to blanks) v EXEC CICS START TRANSID(transid) BREXIT(bridge exit) BRDATA(brdata) v Check if task shutdown 4. End of loop 5. Shutdown process

Bridge exit design

The supplieds DFH0CBRE and DFH0CBRF can be used with the following changes (if necessary): v Change the transport mechanism specic calls v If a message header other than MQCIH is used change this in DFH0CBRF v If message vectors other than the BRMQ vectors are used, change these in DFH0CBRF


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Using the two task model to implement the 3270 bridge

In this model, the client can be anywhere, but is usually outside CICS, possibly on a workstation platform The bridge monitor is started by a message arriving in CICS. The bridge monitor then: v Browses the message to obtain the user TRANSID and FACILITYTOKEN, if present v Issues an EXEC CICS START TRANSID() BREXIT() BRDATA() The bridge exit cannot read or write the messages directly using the transport mechanism, so the bridge monitor and bridge exit communicate with each other using ECBs. When the bridge exit wants to write a message, it stores the message in memory, or on a non recoverable TS queue, and posts the bridge monitor. The bridge monitor then gets the message and sends it to the client. This model is the most complex, and the messages are not recoverable.

Bridge Monitor Transaction

Client Application

Bridge Exit

User Transaction

Figure 12. The two-task model

| | | | | | | | | | | |

Bridge monitor design

1. 2. 3. 4. Get startup instance information (for example, message and queue identier) Get shared storage for message buffers Initialise queues Read new message header (if possible without locking it) Extract following from the message header v TRANSID v FACILITYTOKEN

v FACILITYLIKE (optional) v USERID (optional) v output message and/or queue identier 5. Create brdata containing (see DFHBRSD for example) v input message buffer address
Chapter 3. Introduction


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

v v v v v

output message buffer address FACILITYTOKEN or nulls if new request FACILITYLIKE if new request (default to blanks) ecb address message buffer address

6. EXEC CICS START TRANSID(transid) BREXIT(bridge exit) BRDATA(brdata) 7. Loop until message indicates end of transaction v Wait on ecb v Get message from bridge exit v Write message v If message is a request for more data: Read next message (wait for response from client) Send message to bridge exit Post ecb

Bridge exit design

The supplieds DFH0CBRE and DFH0CBRF can be used with the following changes (if necessary): v Change the transport mechanism specic calls to use the post/wait mechanism v If a message header other than MQCIH is used change this in DFH0CBRF v If message vectors other than the BRMQ vectors are used, change these in DFH0CBRF


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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Using a single message model to implement the 3270 bridge

In this model, the client can be anywhere, but is usually outside CICS, possibly on a workstation platform The bridge monitor is started by a message arriving in CICS. The bridge monitor may read the message recoverably, but in this case should issue a syncpoint before issuing the START request. The bridge monitor then: v Browses the message to obtain the user TRANSID and FACILITYTOKEN, if present v Issues an EXEC CICS START TRANSID() BREXIT() BRDATA() After the monitor has issued the START it has no further involvement, so can terminate. When the bridge exit is called to read and write messages, it communicates directly with the client application. The messages can be recoverable.

Bridge Monitor Transaction

Client Application

Bridge Exit

User Transaction

Figure 13. The single message model

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Bridge monitor design

1. 2. 3. 4. Get start-up instance information (for example, message and queue identier) Initialize queues Read new message header (if possible without locking it) Extract the following from the message header: v TRANSID v FACILITYTOKEN

v FACILITYLIKE (optional) v USERID (optional) v output message and/or queue identier 5. Create brdata containing (see DFHBRSD for example): v input message and/or queue identier
Chapter 3. Introduction


| | | | |

v output message and/or queue identier v FACILITYTOKEN or nulls if new request v FACILITYLIKE if new request (default to blanks) 6. EXEC CICS START TRANSID(transid) BREXIT(bridge exit) BRDATA(brdata)


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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Using the direct model to implement the 3270 bridge

In this model, a CICS application directly starts a user transaction running in the bridge environment. This model has been known in the past as the user bridge. The client application, which is a CICS transaction: v Writes a message on a queue (probably a TS queue) v Creates brdata (probably consisting of the TS queue name and a null FACILITYTOKEN) v Issues an EXEC CICS START TRANSID() BREXIT() BRDATA() The client application then waits for data on the output queue. When the bridge exit is called to read and write messages, it communicates directly with the client application. If Temporary Storage (TS) queues are used for the transport mechanism, they must not be recoverable as they are used by both the client and the bridge exit. If the same exit is used, communication between the client and bridge exit is synchronized by repeated EXEC CICS DELAY commands to wait for messages on the TS queue. If this is not efficient enough, this can be changed to an ECB mechanism.

Client Application


Bridge Exit

User Transaction

Figure 14. The Direct model

| | | |

Client Application (CICS transaction) design

1. Create new message v First transid in pseudo conversation v Null FACILITYTOKEN
Chapter 3. Introduction


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v FACILITYLIKE or blank 2. Loop until end of pseudo conversation: v Write message to TS queue v Create brdata (using DFHBRSD) containing: Input and output queue names FACILITYLIKE and FACILITYTOKEN from message v EXEC CICS START TRANSID(from message) BREXIT(bridge exit) BRDATA(dfhbrsd) v Loop until end of transaction: Loop until message obtained: - Read message from TS queue - Wait a second Process message (such as send response to client) If request for more data - Create next message - Write message to TS queue v If there is a next TRANSID Copy next TRANSID to TRANSID in message

Bridge exit design

DFH0CBRE and DFH0CBRF can be used unchanged.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment

| | | | The bridge environment is established when CICS receives a START BREXIT TRANSID call. The transaction specied by TRANSID is associated with the bridge exit specied by BREXIT (or specied on the TRANSACTION resource denition), and a virtual 3270 terminal, the bridge facility, is created. The transaction executes in the usual way, but all terminal commands are intercepted and passed to the bridge exit. The user transaction is unchanged, but because of the way it now executes in the bridge environment, there are some restrictions on what it can do, and some limitations on how it can use the bridge facility, because it is not a real terminal. This chapter describes these special characteristics of the user transaction. It covers the following topics: v User transaction programming considerations v Dening the user transaction on page 46 v Inquiring about the bridge environment on page 47 v The bridge facility on page 52

User transaction programming considerations

The user transaction runs unchanged, with the following limitations. Abend information The bridge facility name is not used as the TERMID in any diagnostic information produced as the result of an abend, except in a transaction dump. ASSIGN If the user transaction issues ASSIGN NETNAME, the value returned is the TERMID. The name is not visible outside the user transaction, and may contain characters that are not allowed in a VTAM netname denition. You can only use ASSIGN to request information about BMS attributes such as MAPCOLUMN, MAPHEIGHT, MAPLINE, and MAPWIDTH, if an ADS descriptor is present in the mapset, and BRXA_LOAD_ADS_DESCRIPTOR is set to Y in the bridge exit area. SeeBridge exit area (BRXA) on page 84 for details of the elds in the bridge exit area. BMS requests The 3270 bridge supports the following BMS commands. If other BMS functions that require a principal facility are used, they cause the user transaction to abend ABR3.

RECEIVE commands:


Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Note: TERMINAL is implied if neither TERMINAL nor FROM is specied.

SEND commands:


Note: TERMINAL is implied if none of TERMINAL, SET, or PAGING is specied.

Routing to real terminals from a transaction running on a bridge facility is supported, but it is not possible to route to a bridge facility, nor to specify a bridge facility as ERRTERM on ROUTE. If ERRTERM without a name is specied on a ROUTE request issued in a bridge environment, the INVERRTERM condition is raised. PAGING is supported only under routing.

Partition related commands and options are supported, but are treated in the same way as they would be for a real terminal that does not support partitions. SEND PARTNSET Supported, but the bridge exit is not invoked. RECEIVE PARTN Supported; the bridge exit is invoked with bridge exit area command elds set up for a terminal control RECEIVE. INPARTN Accepted but ignored; not passed to the bridge exit. OUTPARTN Accepted but ignored; not passed to the bridge exit. ACTPARTN Accepted but ignored; not passed to the bridge exit. CICS-supplied transactions CEDF, CEDX, CSFE, and CSGM cannot run as user transactions.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

DB2 authorization check The RCT allows AUTHTYPE=TERMID or OPID which means that security checking is done against the corresponding name. This fails in a bridge environment, and AUTHTYPE=USERID must be used instead. This is the preferred method in all environments. External security customization TERMID/OPID/TCTUA information is not passed in the DFHXSID parameter list. Global User Exits The following global user exits (GLUEs) are not driven because the bridge facility is not a real terminal. | | | | XBMIN to intercept a RECEIVE MAP request. XBMOUT to intercept a SEND MAP request. XTCATT before a task attach (TCAM). XTCIN after an input event (TCAM). XTCOUT before an output event (TCAM). XZCATT before a task attach (VTAM). XZCIN after an input event (VTAM). XZCOUT before an output event (VTAM). XZCOUT1 before a message is broken into RUs (VTAM). The XALTENF and XICTENF exits can be driven if a request is made for a bridge facility. The terminal-not-found condition is raised because the bridge facility is not a real terminal. The standard user exit parameter list eld UEPTERM that points to the TERMID are not set for exits invoked under a bridge task. ISSUE PRINT ISSUE PRINT is not supported and results in a no-op. A NORMAL condition is returned. Monitoring A 3270 bridge transaction identier has been added to monitoring records. Remote DLI requests No security check of the PSB against the terminal is done for function-shipped DLI requests. Security Processing When a bridge facility is created, it is signed on as a preset USERID terminal. The USERID is the value returned on the bridge exit initialization call. If no value is returned, the USERID with which the transaction was started is used. As with other preset terminals, the SIGNON and SIGNOFF commands are not permitted, and INVREQ is raised.

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment


The bridge facility is signed off when it is discarded. It remains signed on if the user transaction ends and the bridge exit species a keep time value. When the bridge exit initialization call returns a bridge facility token, a check is made that the USERID is the same as that specied when the bridge facility was created. No other security check is made. If a greater level of security is required, such as validation of every message, this can be done in the bridge exit by issuing a VERIFY PASSWORD command. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | START The user transaction can issue EXEC CICS START requests for its own bridge facility. This allows existing menu-driven and pseudo-conversational applications that use this interface to work in a bridge environment. See Pseudoconversational transactions on page 30 for a description of START TERMID where TERMID species the bridge facility. The time delay options, (INTERVAL, TIME, AFTER, AT, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS) are not normally used in the bridge environment. If any of these options are specied, they are saved with the other START data and passed in the BRXA to the TERM call of the bridge exit. It is then the responsibility of the bridge exit to take account of them. They could also be passed back to the end user application and used there in some way. The INTERVAL and AFTER values are used to put the STARTs for a particular bridge facility in time order, but the exact delays requested are not implemented. TIME and AT specications are ignored completely. Other options on the START command are not fully supported because they are not required in the bridge environment: TERMID You can only specify the name of the bridge facility for this transaction. Any other name will result in a TERMIDERR. USERID USERID and TERMID are mutually exclusive. The CICS translator rejects START requests with both USERID and TERMID specied. TRANSID If the TRANSID cannot be dened as REMOTE. The TERMID will not be found if the request is shipped to a remote system. SYSID Routing of START requests is not possible in a bridge environment. This option is not supported, unless the value of the SYSID is the local SYSID. If you specify any other value, the request will be shipped and the TERMID will not be found on the remote system. NOCHECK This option only applies to shipped start requests and is ignored. PROTECT If you specify the PROTECT option on a START request for a bridge facility, and the starting task abends before taking a syncpoint, the START request is discarded. PROTECT normally delays the starting of the new task until a SYNCPOINT has occurred. This happens automatically for a task issuing a START for its own facility because the START cannot take effect until the starting task has terminated and freed up its bridge facility.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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ATTACH This option applies only to non-terminal starts. The CICS translator rejects START ATTACH requests when TERMID is specied. BREXIT The BREXIT option applies only to non-terminal starts. The CICS translator rejects START BREXIT requests when TERMID is specied. STARTed transactions Some menu applications use START to initiate subsequent transactions. Started transactions are identied by specifying the appropriate value in BRXA_STARTCODE the bridge exit initialization call. This value is used to return the correct response to ASSIGN STARTCODE and INQUIRE TASK STARTCODE commands issued by the user transaction. User transactions that are initiated by START may issue one or more RETRIEVEs to obtain data passed on the START. If there is no data, CICS does not immediately return ENDDATA, but calls the bridge exit, which can then provide data to satisfy the request, or return the ENDDATA condition. Storage violation counts No storage violation counts will be kept in a bridge facility. SYNCPOINT If the user transaction issues an explicit SYNCPOINT, or an implicit SYNCPOINT occurs, as in CREATE, DISCARD CONNECTION, DISCARD TDQUEUE, DISCARD TERMINAL, or in a DLI TERM psb, the bridge exit is called (if the BRXA_CALL_FOR_SYNC parameter is set to BRXA_YES), and reissues the SYNCPOINT, or ignores it. The bridge exit is permitted to do recoverable work before and/or after the SYNCPOINT, so it can do recoverable work in either unit of work. If the bridge exit does not reissue the SYNCPOINT, the logic of the transaction could be affected. There is no specic call to the bridge exit for the implicit syncpoint at the end of the user transaction; this is handled by the termination and/or abend calls. The exit does not need to issue a SYNCPOINT request in the termination call, and must not issue a SYNCPOINT request in the abend call.

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| |

TCTUA The TCTUA is available after the INIT call to the bridge exit. Transaction restart RESTART(NO) is forced for user transactions because CICS has no way of restoring the initial input message.

| | | |

Transaction Routing Transaction Routing is not supported. TWA The TWA is available after the INIT call to the bridge exit.

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment


Dening the user transaction

Keywords are provided in the following resource denitions to dene the default bridge exit and facility. v TRANSACTION v PROFILE

TRANSACTION resource denition

| | | | | A user transaction denition can have an additional parameter, BREXIT, to dene a default bridge exit. The named bridge exit is used when the transaction is specied in a START TRANSID BREXIT command, where the BREXIT name is blank. When the transaction is executed in the usual way, BREXIT is ignored.
TRansaction ==> Group ==> DEScription ==> PROGram ==> TWasize ==> PROFile ==> PArtitionset ==> STAtus ==> PRIMedsize ==> TASKDAtaloc ==> TASKDATAKey ==> STOrageclear ==> RUnaway ==> SHutdown ==> ISolate ==> Brexit ==> REMOTE ATTRIBUTES DYnamic ==> ... ... .... ........ ................................................ ........ 00000 0-32767 DFHCICST ........ Enabled Enabled | Disabled 00000 0-65520 Below Below | Any User User | CICS No No | Yes System System | 0-2700000 Disabled Disabled | Enabled Yes Yes | No ........ No No | Yes

Figure 15. The DEFINE panel for the TRANSACTION resource denition

| | | | | | |

BREXIT This is an optional parameter that denes the name of the default bridge exit to be associated with this transaction, if it is started in the 3270 bridge environment with a START BREXIT command, and BREXIT species no name. The name may be up to 8 characters in length. If BREXIT is dened, REMOTESYSTEM, REMOTENAME, DYNAMIC(YES), and RESTART(YES) should not be specied, and are ignored.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

PROFILE resource denition

The PROFILE provides terminal-related information for a transaction, including the FACILITYLIKE parameter. The PROFILE of a user transaction can specify FACILITYLIKE to dene the default terminal denition values to be used for the bridge facility.
PROFile ==> ........ Group ==> ........ DEScription ==> ................................................ Scrnsize ==> Default Default|Alternate Uctran ==> No No | Yes MOdename ==> ........ Facilitylike ==> .... PRIntercomp ==> No No | Yes ... ...

Figure 16. The DEFINE panel for the PROFILE resource denition

FACILITYLIKE This is an optional parameter that species the name of an installed terminal resource denition to be used as a template for the bridge facility. It can be overridden by specifying FACILITYLIKE in the bridge exit. There is no default value for this parameter, but if it is not dened here or in the bridge exit area, CICS uses CBRF. If you are running in a CICS system started with the VTAM=NO System initialization (SIT) parameter, the resource denition specied by FACILITYLIKE must be dened as a remote terminal.

Inquiring about the bridge environment

| | | | | | | | | | You can use the following commands and interfaces to determine whether a transaction or task is executing in a bridge environment, and if so, to obtain information about the bridge monitor transaction that issued a START TRANSID BREXIT command to start the user transaction and its associated exit: v ASSIGN v INQUIRE TASK v INQUIRE TRANSACTION v CEMT v The exit programming interface (XPI)

ASSIGN command
Request values from outside the application program local environment.

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment


ASSIGN BRIDGE(4-character data-area)

Figure 17. ASSIGN (extract)

| | | | | | | | BRIDGE This parameter returns the transaction name (TRANSID) of the bridge monitor transaction that initiated the user transaction issuing this request. A value of blanks is returned if : v The user transaction was not started by a bridge monitor transaction. v This command was issued by a program started by a distributed program link (DPL) request.



The INQUIRE TASK command returns information about a given task.


INQUIRE TASK(data-value) BRIDGE(data-area) IDENTIFIER(data-area)

Figure 18. INQUIRE TASK (extract)

| | | | | | | | | | BRIDGE(data-area) returns the 4-character name of the bridge monitor transaction that issued a START BREXIT TRANSID command to start this task. If this task is not currently running in the 3270 bridge environment, blanks are returned. IDENTIFIER(data-area) returns a 48-character eld containing user data provided by the bridge exit, if the task was initiated in the bridge environment, or blanks, otherwise. This eld is intended to assist in online problem resolution. For example, it could contain the MQ correlator for the MQ bridge, or a Web token.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide



The INQUIRE TRANSACTION command returns information about a named transaction.


INQUIRE TRANSACTION(data-value) BREXIT(data-area) FACILITYLIKE(data-area)

Figure 19. INQUIRE TRANSACTION (extract)

BREXIT(data-area) returns the 8-character name of the bridge exit dened by the BREXIT parameter of the named transaction resource denition. If BREXIT is not dened, blanks are returned. FACILITYLIKE(data-area) returns the 4-character name of the terminal dened by the FACILITYLIKE parameter of the PROFILE associated with the named transaction resource denition. If FACILITYLIKE is not dened, blanks are returned.



CEMT INQUIRE TASK returns information about a given task.

CEMT Inquire TAsk BRidge(value) IDentifier(value)

Figure 20. CEMT INQUIRE TASK (extract)

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment


| | | | | | | | | | | | | BRidge(value) returns the 4-character name of the bridge monitor transaction that issued a START BREXIT TRANSID command to start this task. Otherwise, blanks are returned. IDentier(value) returns a 48-character eld containing user data provided by the bridge exit, if the task was initiated in the bridge environment, or blanks, otherwise. This eld is intended to assist in online problem resolution. For example, it could contain the MQ correlator for the MQ bridge, or a Web token. This eld can contain hexadecimal values. The CICS Supplied Transactions manual tells you how to display these elds and provides more information about CEMT.


CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION returns information about a named transaction.

CEMT Inquire TRAnsaction BRexit(value) FAcilitylike(value)


BRexit(value) returns the 8-character name of the bridge exit dened by the BREXIT parameter of the named transaction resource denition. If BREXIT is not dened, blanks are returned. FAcilitylike(value) returns the 4-character name of the terminal dened by the FACILITYLIKE parameter of the PROFILE associated with the named transaction resource denition. If FACILITYLIKE is not dened, blanks are returned.

XPI commands
The parameter BREXIT is provided on the INQUIRE_TRANDEF function, returning the following value:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

BREXIT(name8) returns the name of the bridge exit program. If there is no bridge exit, blanks are returned. name8 The name of an 8-byte location to receive the name of the bridge exit program.

A new function, INQUIRE_CONTEXT has been created, returning the following values: BRIDGE_EXIT_PROGRAM(name8) returns the name of the bridge exit program used by this task. If CONTEXT returns NORMAL, the contents of this eld are meaningless. name8 The name of an 8-byte location to receive the name of the bridge exit program. BRIDGE_FACILITY_TOKEN(name4) returns a token that contains the address of the bridge facility used by this task. This has the same format as a TCTTE and can be mapped using the DSECT DFHTCTTE. If CONTEXT returns NORMAL, the contents of this eld are meaningless. name4 The name of a 4-byte location to receive the token. | | | | | | | | BRIDGE_TRANSACTION_ID(name4) returns the name of the bridge monitor transaction used to start this user transaction. If CONTEXT returns NORMAL, the contents of this eld are meaningless. name4 The name of a 4-byte location to receive the name of the bridge transaction. BRXA_TOKEN(name4) returns a token that contains the address of the bridge exit area (BRXA) used by this task. The format of BRXA is dened by the DFHBRARx copy book. If CONTEXT returns NORMAL, the contents of this eld are meaningless. name4 The name of a 4-byte location to receive the token. CONTEXT(byte1) returns, in a 1-byte location (byte1), the type of environment in which the transaction is running. NORMAL A transaction that is not running in a bridge environment. BRIDGE A user transaction that was started using a bridge. BREXIT A bridge exit program. See the CICS Customization Guide for more information about the XPI.

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment


The bridge facility

The user transaction can retrieve information about the bridge facility using INQUIRE and ASSIGN. A user transaction can issue INQUIRE TERMINAL or INQUIRE NETNAME for its bridge facility, or can issue INQUIRE TASK for itself. The TERMID can be obtained from EIBTRMID or from ASSIGN FACILITY, and the NETNAME can be obtained from ASSIGN NETNAME. Any other task issuing these commands for the bridge transaction facility receives TERMIDERR. Bridge facilities do not appear in response to INQUIRE TERMINAL browses. All keywords of ASSIGN and INQUIRE are supported and return the values that have been set for the bridge facility from the FACILITYLIKE terminal denition, or that have been set during the execution of the transaction. Some keywords return values xed by CICS for the bridge environment. These are:
Table 2. INQUIRE TERMINAL values

Table 3. INQUIRE TASK values

Keyword FACILITY FACILITYTYPE STARTCODE Returned value the bridge facility TERM or TASK S,SD,TO,TP

The keywords listed below represent terminal attributes that can be set by the 3270 Query function at logon time for a real device:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide





If the real FACILITYLIKE terminal is logged on when the bridge facility is created, the QUERY will have been performed and the values returned will apply to the bridge facility. If the real FACILITYLIKE terminal is not logged on at the time that the bridge facility is created, the QUERY will not have been performed and the bridge facility will be created using values from the FACILITYLIKE resource denition.

The following table shows the effect of each of the SET TERMINAL/NETNAME keywords when issued by a user transaction for its bridge facility. Unless otherwise specied, the response is DFHRESP(NORMAL).
KEYWORD ACQSTATUS ALTPRINTER ALTPRTCOPYST EFFECT Ignored. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Works as for normal 3270. Ignored Ignored. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Ignored. Ignored. Works as for normal 3270. Works as for normal 3270. Works as for normal 3270. Works as for normal 3270. Ignored. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Ignored. Ignored. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Works as for normal 3270. Returns INVREQ, as for normal 3270. Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Ignored.

| |


Chapter 4. The Bridge environment



EFFECT Value is SET, and is returned on INQUIRE, but is never used by CICS. Ignored. Works as for normal 3270. Ignored.

Bridge facility global user exit

When enabled, XFAINTU (FAcility INitialization and Tidy Up) is called when a bridge facility is created or deleted: v Just after a new bridge facility has been built. v Just before a bridge facility is deleted. This may be at the end of a task when zero keep time is specied, or when a keep time expires before the facility is reused. XFAINTU is needed to carry out any auditing or initialization that is normally done at LOGON/LOGOFF or AUTOINSTALL/DELETE. This could be TCTUA setup or data collection that the 3270 user transaction relies upon. | | | The initialization call to XFAINTU is made outside the unit-of-work environment. You should not invoke any services from the bridge exit that would require a unit-of-work environment. (Such as Recovery services). See the CICS Customization Guide for more information about global user exits.

When invoked Just after a bridge facility is created and just before it is freed. Exit-specic parameters UEPFAREQ Address of a 1-byte eld that indicates why the exit has been called. Possible values are: UEPFAIN Initialization. UEPFATU Tidy-up. UEPFATUT Address of a 1-byte eld that indicates the type of tidy-up required. Possible values are: UEPFANTU Normal tidy-up. UEPFAETU Expired tidy-up. UEPFANAM Address of the bridge facility name. UEPFATYP Address of a 1-byte eld that indicates the facility type. The value is always:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

UEPFABR 3270 bridge facility. UEPFAUAA Address of the bridge facility user area (TCTUA). UEPFAUAL Address of a one-byte eld containing the length of the bridge facility user area. Return codes UERCNORM Continue processing. | | | XPI calls All can be used, except those that use Recovery Manager services. API calls All can be used except those that invoke task-related user exits, or use Recovery Manager services.

Chapter 4. The Bridge environment



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits

This section tells you aboutsome of the IBM supplied bridge solutions listed in Bridge implementations provided on page 27. It covers the following topics: v The TS/TD supplied bridge exit v The Web bridge exit on page 58 v Data formats for the supplied bridge exits on page 59 | | |

The TS/TD supplied bridge exit

EXCI APPC Driver / Bridge Monitor task TD START with data


3270 transaction under bridge Exit


Figure 22. The supplied TS/TD bridge exit

| | | | | | | | | |

This exit, DFH0CBRE (and its associated formatter, DFH0CBRF),is supplied in COBOL source. It uses CICS temporary storage (TS) or transient data (TD) queues to pass input and output from and to the client application (another CICS application). You can modify this exit to support other transport mechanisms. DFH0CBRE is the most general of the supplied exits. To run a transaction using this exit, you simply issue a START TRANSID() BRDATA() BREXIT(DFH0CBRE) command. The formats of the interfaces and messages used in this bridge exit are described inData formats for the supplied bridge exits on page 59. The TS/TD supplied bridge exit is an example of the Direct model.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


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Using the DFH0CBRE exit

Before using the DFH0CBRE bridge exit to run an existing CICS transaction, you need to perform the following steps: 1. Translate and compile DFH0CBRE and DFH0CBRE using an appropriate COBOL compiler. 2. Link DFH0CBRE and DFH0CBRF as standard CICS application programs into a CICS load library used by the CICS system on which you will run the user transaction. 3. Dene DFH0CBRE and DFH0CBRF as programs to CICS. Sample denitions are supplied in the DFH$BR group. 4. Dene and install transient data queues if required. 5. Write a client requester program. This is an application program, written by you in any of the supported languages (Assembler, COBOL, PLI, C). It should issue a START TRANSID BREXIT BRDATA command to start the required user transaction, passing BRDATA data formatted as described in BRDATA format on page 60. It should write data to the TS/TD queue named, to provide 3270 terminal data for the 3270 user transaction, formatted as described in Message data format on page 61, and read responses back from the queue. 6. Dene and install the end-user requester program and transaction. 7. Run the end-user requester transaction.

The Web bridge exit


CWI Server Controller (CWBM)


Alias transaction (CWBA) or BLI under mirror ENCODE COMMAREA



BLI request

3270 transaction under bridge Web bridge exit DFHWBLT User transaction RECEIVE (MAP) SEND (MAP)

Figure 23. The Web supplied bridge exit

| | |

This exit, DFHWBLT, is an object code exit that allows you to access a CICS transaction from the World Wide Web. It uses the CICS Web support described in the CICS Internet Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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DFHWBLT works in conjunction with a long running server transaction, CWBM, which monitors the TCP/IP interface for incoming requests, and a bridge monitor, DFHWBTTA. The formats of the interfaces and messages used in this bridge exit are the same as in the TS/TD bridge and are described in Data formats for the supplied bridge exits. The Web bridge exit is an example of the two task monitor model.

Using the Web bridge exit

Use of this exit is fully described in the CICS Internet Guide. After installation, you do not need to provide any user code to use this solution, but it can be customized. A more detailed implementation description can be found in the Redbook CICS Transaction server for OS/390: Web Interface and 3270 Bridge, order number SG24-5243.

Data formats for the supplied bridge exits

There are two interfaces between the supplied bridge exits and the client application. They are: BRDATA BRDATA is passed to the bridge exit when the user transaction and its associated bridge exit are started with a START TRANSID BREXIT BRDATA command. The main purpose of BRDATA is to pass information required for bridge exit initialization (facility token and facilitylike) and data required to identify the message queue and message. The names of the parameters and constants in the BRDATA data, translated into appropriate forms for the different programming languages supported, are dened in the following copybook les supplied as part of the 3270 bridge.
Table 4. START data copybooks

Messages The messages passed between the bridge exit and the client application via TS and TD queues, to satisfy SEND and RECEIVE requests from the 3270 user application. The names of the parameters and constants in the message data, translated into appropriate forms for the different programming languages supported, are dened in the following copybook les supplied as part of the 3270 bridge.
Table 5. Message data copybooks

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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All user messages must begin with a standard message header, MQCIH. The names of the parameters and constants in MQCIH, translated into appropriate forms for the different programming languages supported, are dened in the following copybook les supplied as part of the 3270 bridge.
Table 6. MQCIH message header copybooks

BRDATA format
An EXEC CICS START BREXIT() BRDATA() command is issued to run a transaction in the bridge environment. To use the supplied bridge exits, the BRDATA data must conform to the following format. Note that the parameter names shown are in COBOL format with a dash - name separator, rather than the underscore _ required for other languages.

BRSD-STRUCID An eye-catcher. This must be set to the constant brsd-struc-id in the DFHBRSCx copy book. BRSD-VERSION The version number of the start data. This must be set to the constant brsd-version-2 in the DFHBRSCx copy book.


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BRSD-STRUCLENGTH The length of the start data. This must be set to the constant brsd-length-1 BRSD-OUTPUT-TYPE An indicator showing whether the output queue is temporary storage (TS) or Transient data (TD). This must be set to either the constant BRSD-TS or BRSD-TD in the DFHBRSCx copy book. BRSD-TS-OUTPUT-QUEUE The 8 or 16-byte name of the queue, if the output queue is a TS queue. BRSD-TD-OUTPUT-QUEUE The 4 byte name of the queue, if the output queue is a TD queue. BRSD-INPUT-TYPE The queue type, either TS or TD. This must be set to the constant BRSD-TS or BRSD in the DFHBRSCx copy book. BRSD-INPUT-ITEM The rst item number in the TS queue. A value of binary zeroes means next. BRSD-TS-INPUT-QUEUE The 8 or 16-byte name of the queue, if the input queue is a TS queue. BRSD-TD-INPUT-QUEUE The 4 byte name of the queue, if the input queue is a TD queue. BRSD-FACILITY-TOKEN The 8-byte bridge facility token. This value is nulls for a new facility. BRSD-FACILITYLIKE The name of an installed terminal that is to be used as a model for the bridge facility, when BRSD-FACILITY-TOKEN is nulls.

Message data format

Messages sent to the supplied bridge exits by the client application must all conform to the following format: All messages must begin with a message header, MQCIH, followed by a variable number of self dening vectors. Each vector contains a vector header that identies the vector type and length so that the bridge exit can interpret the content of each message. There are three types of vector: OUTBOUND REPLY This type of vector ows from the user transaction to the end-user transaction carrying a reply. No further input is requested. OUTBOUND REQUEST This type of vector ows from the user transaction to the end-user transaction requesting further input. There is only one in each message and it must be last. INBOUND This type of vector ows from the end-user transaction to the user transaction carrying data to satisfy a user transaction RECEIVE or RETRIEVE. Processing is more efficient if the order of RETRIEVE and RECEIVE vectors in the rst message matches the order of CICS commands in the user transaction, but this is not essential.

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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RETRIEVE vectors can only ow in the rst message. If there are more RETRIEVEs than can t in a single message, they can be sent in multiple messages , provided that: v All of the RETRIEVE vectors are sent before any RECEIVE vectors v All of the messages are written to the queue before the START BREXIT is issued. Note: All elds have a minimum length of four bytes. Data is left justied and padded with blanks if necessary. Field names are shown with - (dash) separators, as used in COBOL. Other languages require _ (underscore) separators.

Header MQCIH

Vector#1 BRMQ


Vector#n BRMQ

Figure 24. Message format

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MQCIH Message header:


MQCIH-STRUCID The identier for the CICS information header structure. This is an input eld.


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MQCIH-VERSION The version number for the CICS information header structure. This must be MQCIH-VERSION-2. This is an input eld. MQCIH-STRUCLENGTH The length of the CICS information header structure. This must be MQCIH-LENGTH-2. This is an input eld. MQCIH-GETWAITINTERVAL The maximum wait interval for message input (in milliseconds). This is an input eld. MQCIH-FACILITYKEEPTIME The length of time that the bridge facility will be kept after the user transaction has ended (in seconds). This is an input eld. MQCIH-ADSDESCRIPTOR An indicator specifying whether ADS descriptors should be sent on SEND and RECEIVE BMS requests. The MQCADSD-MSGFORMAT value indicates that the longform of the ADSD is used. Valid values are: MQCADSD-NONE MQCADSD-SEND MQCADSD-RECV MQCADSD-SEND+MQCADSD-RECV MQCADSD-SEND+MQCADSD-RECV+MQCADSD-MSGFORMAT This is an input eld. MQCIH-CONVERSATIONALTASK An indicator specifying whether the task should be allowed to issue requests for more information, or should abend. Valid values are: MQCCT-YES MQCCT-NO This is an input eld. MQCIH-TASKENDSTATUS The value returned on output messages showing the status of the user transaction. One of the following values will be returned: MQCTES-NOSYNC The user transaction has not yet completed, and has not syncpointed. MQCTES-COMMIT The user transaction has not yet completed, but has syncpointed the rst unit of work. MQCTES-BACKOUT The user transaction has not yet completed. The current unit of work will be backed out. MQCTESENDTASK The user transaction has ended (or abended). This is an output eld. MQCIH-FACILITY The 8-byte bridge facility token. This value is returned on output messages when a keep time is specied. This is an input/output eld.

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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MQCIH-ABENDCODE The abend code returned if the transaction abends, otherwise this eld is set to blanks. This is an output eld. MQCIH-AUTHENTICATOR The password or passticket for the specied USERID. This is an input eld. MQCIH-TRANSACTIONID The transaction identier of the user transaction. MQCIH-FACILITYLIKE The name of an installed terminal that is to be used as a model for the bridge facility. A value of blanks means that the FACILITYLIKE is taken from the bridge transaction prole denition, or a default value is used. This is an input eld. MQCIH-ATTENTIONID The initial value of the AID key when the transaction is started. This is a 1-byte value, left justied. It is an input eld. MQCIH-STARTCODE An indicator set on output from CICS with the start code that is appropriate for the next transaction. Valid values are: MQCSC-START MQCSC-STARTDATA MQCSC-TERMINPUT MQCSC-NONE This is an input eld. MQCIH-CANCELCODE The abend code to be used to terminate the transaction (normally a conversational transaction that is requesting more data). Otherwise this eld is set to blanks. This is an input eld. MQCIH-NEXTTRANSACTIONID The name of the next transaction returned by the user transaction (usually by EXEC CICS RETURN TRANSID). If there is no next transaction, this eld is set to blanks. This is an output eld. MQCIH-CURSORPOSITION The initial cursor position when the transaction is started. Subsequently, for conversational transactions, the cursor position is in the RECEIVE vector. This is an input eld. MQCIH-ERROROFFSET The position of invalid data detected by the bridge exit. This eld provides the offset from the start of the message to the location of the invalid data. MQCIH-INPUTITEM The current TS queue item number being processed by the bridge exit.

Standard header for all vectors:



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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BRMQ-VECTOR-LENGTH The length of the vector. On output, this is always rounded up to the next multiple of 4, to facilitate full word alignment of subsequent vectors in the message. On input to the bridge exit, it is advisable to round up to the next multiple of 4 for the same reason. BRMQ-VECTOR-DESCRIPTOR An indicator to dene the CICS command associated with this vector. Valid values are: 0402 0404 0406 0418 100A 1802 1804 1806 1812 RECEIVE SEND CONVERSE ISSUE ERASEAUP RETRIEVE RECEIVE MAP SEND MAP SEND TEXT SEND CONTROL

BRMQ-VECTOR-TYPE The vector type. Valid values are: I O Inbound to the bridge exit. Outbound from the bridge exit.

BRMQ-VECTOR-VERSION The vector version number. Valid values are: X00000000 The rst version.

Outbound reply vectors

Outbound vectors carry reply messages owing from the user transaction to the end-user transaction.


BRMQ-SE-ERASE-INDICATOR The type of ERASE specied by the CICS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are:
Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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BRMQ-SE-CTLCHAR The CTLCHAR value specied by the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. If CTLCHAR is not specied, the default XC3 is sent. BRMQ-SE-STRFIELD-INDICATOR The presence of STRFIELD on the SEND command. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N STRFIELD specied. STRFIELD not specied.

BRMQ-SE-DEFRESP-INDICATOR The presence of DEFRESP on the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N DEFRESP specied. DEFRESP not specied.

BRMQ-SE-INVITE-INDICATOR The presence of INVITE on the send command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N INVITE specied. INVITE not specied.

BRMQ-SE-LAST-INDICATOR The presence of LAST on the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N LAST specied. LAST not specied.

BRMQ-SE-WAIT-INDICATOR The presence of WAIT on the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N WAIT specied. WAIT not specied.

BRMQ-SE-DATA-LEN The length of the data associated with the FROM option of the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. This is explicitly dened in the LENGTH or FLENGTH option, or derived from the length of the eld. data Character eld of length BRMQ-SE-DATA-LEN containing the data addressed by the FROM option of the SEND command.

SEND CONTROL: The elds in this vector are included also in SEND MAP and SEND TEXT.
Offset Hex (0) Type STRUCTURE Len 52 Name BRMQ-SEND-CONTROL


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Offset Hex (0) (10) (14) (18) (1C) (20) (24) (28) (2C) (30)


Len 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


BRMQ-SC-ERASE-INDICATOR The type of ERASE specied by the CICS BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: N E A D No ERASE ERASE ERASE ALTERNATE ERASE DEFAULT

BRMQ-SC-ERASEAUP-INDICATOR The presence of ERASEAUP on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N ERASEAUP specied. ERASEAUP not specied.

BRMQ-SC-FREEKB-INDICATOR The presence of FREEKB on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N FREEKB specied. FREEKB not specied.

BRMQ-SC-ALARM-INDICATOR The presence of ALARM on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid values are: Y N ALARM specied. ALARM not specied.

BRMQ-SC-FRSET-INDICATOR The presence of FRSET on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N FRSET specied. FRSET not specied.

BRMQ-SC-LAST-INDICATOR The presence of LAST on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N LAST specied. LAST not specied.

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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BRMQ-SC-WAIT-INDICATOR The presence of WAIT on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N WAIT specied. WAIT not specied.

BRMQ-SC-CURSOR The presence of CURSOR or CURSOR(data-value) on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: -1 -2 other CURSOR specied with dynamic cursor positioning. Neither CURSOR nor CURSOR(data-value) specied. The value of CURSOR(data-value) specied.

BRMQ-SC-MSR-DATA The value of the MSR option specied on the BMS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid values are: X00000000 MSR option not specied. other The value of the MSR option specied.


Fields BRMQ-SC-ERASE-INDICATOR to BRMQ-SC-MSR-DATA are dened in SEND CONTROL on page 66. BRMQ-SM-MAPSET The value of the MAPSET option specied by the SEND MAP command that caused the exit to be called. BRMQ-SM-MAP The value of the MAP option specied by the SEND MAP command that caused the exit to be called.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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BRMQ-SM-DATA-INDICATOR The presence of MAPONLY and DATAONLY options on the SEND MAP command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: D M N DATAONLY specied. MAPONLY specied. Neither DATAONLY nor MAPONLY specied.

BRMQ-SM-DATA-LEN The length of the data associated with the FROM option on the SEND MAP command that caused the exit to be called. This is the length of the symbolic map or ADS (application data structure). BRMQ-SM-DATA-OFFSET The offset from the beginning of the SEND MAP vector to the data associated with the FROM option of the SEND MAP command that caused the exit to be called. BRMQ-SM-ADSD-LEN The length of the ADS descriptor associated with this map. This length is zero if the ADSD is not available, or was not requested. See ADS descriptor area on page 100 for a description of the ADS. BRMQ-SM-ADSD-OFFSET The offset from the beginning of the SEND MAP vector to the ADSD. This is zero if the ADSD is not available, or was not requested. data Character eld of length BRMQ-SM-DATA-LEN containing the data specied by the FROM option of the SEND MAP command, in ADS (Application Data Structure) format. This is followed by an ADS descriptor for this data, of length BRMQ-SM-ADSD-LEN, if an ADS descriptor was requested.


Fields BRMQ-SC-ERASE-INDICATOR to BRMQ-SC-MSR-DATA are dened in SEND CONTROL on page 66. BRMQ-ST-TEXT-TYPE The presence of MAPPED or NOEDIT options on the SEND TEXT command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are:
Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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MAPPED specied. NOEDIT specied.

blank Neither MAPPED nor NOEDIT specied. BRMQ-ST-DATA-LEN The length of the text associated with the FROM option of the SEND TEXT command that caused the exit to be called. data Character eld of length BRMQ-ST-DATA-LEN containing the data specied by the FROM option of the SEND TEXT command that caused the exit to be called. For SEND TEXT MAPPED, the additional 4 bytes created by the SEND MAP command, are included in this eld, but the additional length is not included in BRMQ-ST-DATA-LEN.


BRMQ-IE-WAIT-INDICATOR The presence of the WAIT option on the ISSUE ERASEAUP command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N WAIT specied. WAIT not specied.

Outbound request vectors

Outbound request vectors ow from the user transaction to the end-user transaction requesting further input. There is only one in each message and it must be last.


BRMQ-RER-BUFFER-INDICATOR The presence of the BUFFER option on the RECEIVE request that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N BUFFER specied. BUFFER not specied.




CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Offset Hex (20) (24)


Len 4

Name BRMQ-RMR-ADSD-LEN variable length data

BRMQ-RMR-MAPSET The value of the MAPSET option on the RECEIVE MAP command that caused the exit to be called. BRMQ-RMR-MAP THE value of the MAP option on the RECEIVE MAP command that caused the exit to be called. BRMQ-RMR-ADSD-LEN The length of the ADS descriptor associated with this map. This length is zero if the ADSD is not available, or was not requested (MQCIH-ADSDESCRIPTOR set to MQCADSD-NONE). data The ADS descriptor associated with the requested map. No data is sent if BRMQ-RMR-ADSD-LEN is zero.


BRMQ-COR-ERASE-INDICATOR The type of ERASE specied by the CICS SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are: N E A D No ERASE. ERASE. ERASE ALTERNATE. ERASE DEFAULT.

BRMQ-COR-CTLCHAR The CTLCHAR value specied by the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. If CTLCHAR is not specied, the default XC3 is sent. BRMQ-COR-STRFIELD-INDICATOR The presence of STRFIELD on the SEND command. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N STRFIELD specied. STRFIELD not specied.

BRMQ-COR-DEFRESP-INDICATOR The presence of DEFRESP on the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. Valid character values, left justied, are:
Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


DEFRESP specied. DEFRESP not specied.

BRMQ-COR-DATA-LEN The length of the data associated with the FROM option of the SEND command that caused the exit to be called. This is explicitly dened in the LENGTH or FLENGTH option, or derived from the length of the eld. data Character eld of length BRMQ-COR-DATA-LEN containing the data addressed by the FROM option of the CONVERSE command.

Inbound vectors
Inbound vectors ow from the end-user transaction to the user transaction carrying data to satisfy a user transaction RECEIVE, CONVERSE, or RETRIEVE.


BRMQ-RE-TRANSMIT-SEND-AREAS A ag indicating whether previously generated, but not yet transmitted, SEND areas are to be preserved. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N Preserve untransmitted SEND areas. Delete untransmitted SEND areas.

BRMQ-RE-BUFFER-INDICATOR A ag indicating whether the data provided in the inbound vector is in a format to be received by a CICS RECEIVE command with the BUFFER option. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N Data in BUFFER format. Data not in BUFFER format.

BRMQ-RE-AID The AID key that was simulated to generate data in response to the RECEIVE command. The rst byte of this eld contains equivalent values to EIBAID, as dened by DFHAID. The remaining three bytes are padded with blanks. This value is inserted into the EIBAID eld. BRMQ-RE-CPOSN The offset of the cursor at the time the RECEIVE data was generated. This value is inserted in EIBCPOSN for the transaction issuing the EXEC CICS RECEIVE. BRMQ-RE-DATA-LEN The length of the data provided in this vector in response to the RECEIVE command. This value is copied into the LENGTH or FLENGTH eld.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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data Character eld of length BRMQ-RE-DATA-LEN to be copied into the INTO area, or referenced by the SET option, of the RECEIVE command that caused the exit to be called.


BRMQ-RM-TRANSMIT-SEND-AREAS A ag indicating whether previously generated, but not yet transmitted, SEND areas are to be preserved. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N Preserve untransmitted SEND areas. Delete untransmitted SEND areas.

BRMQ-RM-MAPSET The name of the MAPSET to be used to present the data. If this is blank, the data is to be presented to the next RECEIVE MAP command, regardless of the MAPSET value specied by the command. BRMQ-RM-MAP The name of the MAP to be used to present the data. If this is blank, the data is to be presented to the next RECEIVE MAP command, regardless of the MAP value specied by the command. BRMQ-RM-AID The AID key that was simulated to generate data in response to the RECEIVE command. The rst byte of this eld contains equivalent values to EIBAID, as dened by DFHAID. The remaining three bytes are padded with blanks. This value will be inserted into the EIBAID eld for the transaction issuing the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP. BRMQ-RM-CPOSN The offset of the cursor at the time the RECEIVE data was generated. This value will be inserted into the EIBCPOSN eld for the transaction issuing the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP. BRMQ-RM-DATA-LEN The length of the data provided in this vector in response to the RECEIVE MAP command that caused the exit to be called. This value is copied into the LENGTH or FLENGTH eld. data Character eld of length BRMQ-RM-DATA-LEN, in ADS (Application Data Structure) format equivalent to the MAP and MAPSET specied by the RECEIVE command.

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits


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BRMQ-CO-TRANSMIT-SEND-AREAS A ag indicating whether previously generated, but not yet transmitted, SEND areas are to be preserved. Valid character values, left justied, are: Y N Preserve untransmitted SEND areas. Delete untransmitted SEND areas.

BRMQ-CO-AID The AID key that was simulated to generate data in response to the RECEIVE command. The rst byte of this eld contains equivalent values to EIBAID, as dened by DFHAID. The remaining three bytes are padded with blanks. This value is inserted into the EIBAID eld. BRMQ-CO-CPOSN The offset of the cursor at the time the RECEIVE data was generated. This value is inserted in EIBCPOSN for the transaction issuing the EXEC CICS RECEIVE. BRMQ-CO-DATA-LEN The length of the data provided in this vector in response to the RECEIVE command. This value is copied into the LENGTH or FLENGTH eld. data Character eld of length BRMQ-CO-DATA-LEN to be copied into the INTO area, or referenced by the SET option, of the CONVERSE command that caused the exit to be called.


BRMQ-RT-RTRANSID The value to be returned in the RTRANSID eld, to the program that issued the RETRIEVE. A blank indicates that there is no RTRANSID. BRMQ-RT-RTERMID The value to be returned in the RTERMID eld, to the program that issued the RETRIEVE. A blank indicates that there is no RTERMID.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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BRMQ-RT-QUEUE The value to be returned in the QUEUE eld, to the program that issued the RETRIEVE. A blank indicates that there is no QUEUE. BRMQ-RT-DATA-LEN The length of the data provided in this vector in response to the RETRIEVE command that caused the exit to be called. This value is copied into the LENGTH or FLENGTH eld. data Character eld of length BRMQ-RT-DATA-LEN to be copied into the INTO area, or referenced by the SET option of the RETRIEVE command. Note: The RETRIEVE vector is only valid in the rst inbound message. It is ignored in other messages.

Chapter 5. Supplied 3270 bridge exits



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs

If you do not want to use the IBM supplied bridge exits and monitors, you can modify them, or write your own. This chapter tells you how you can modify the supplied exits and about the interfaces that are dened by CICS that you must support in your own programs. It covers the following topics: v Designing your own bridge solution v Writing your own bridge exit on page 78 v Writing your own formatter on page 81 v Bridge exit and formatter programming considerations on page 84 v Bridge exit area (BRXA) on page 84 v Supplied copybooks on page 105 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Designing your own bridge solution

The bridge mechanism is very exible, but most implementations fall into a few basic models. Implementing a 3270 bridge environment on page 32 tells you how to identify the model that ts the requirements of your system and applications. It then presents examples of each model, which you can use as checklists when preparing your own client programs, bridge exits and monitors.

Is a new bridge exit needed?

If you want to use a transport mechanism other than TS or TD, or you want to use a message format that doesnt have MQCIH as the message header, it may be simpler to modify DFH0CBRE, rather than write your own complete solution. Changing the transport mechanism The supplied exit has three sections marked transport mechanism specic. These should be changed to replace the TS/TD code with transport specic code. The brdata may also need to change. This is contained in the DFHBRSCO and DFHBRSDO copybooks, and in the INIT routine. Changing the message header The only user of the MQCIH message header is the DFH0CBRE bridge exit. It is not used in the formatter, or the common code. Therefore if you want to simplify the MQCIH, for example to hard code most of the values in the exit, and have a reduced header, this can be done by changing the DFHMQMHO and DFHMQMCO copy books in the message header sections and routines marked as MSG-HDR SPECIFIC ROUTINES. If you want a much simpler interface which is tailored for a specic(type) of application, then you should consider writing your own bridge exit that is specically designed for a single transaction (or a number of transactions with identical interfaces). An example of this approach is described in the Dallas System Center Redbook.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


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Is a new formatter needed?

If you want to use a message format that doesnt use BRMQ message vectors, it may be simpler to modify DFH0CBRF, rather than write your own complete solution. Changing the message vectors The only user of the BRMQ message vectors is the DFH0CBRF formatter. It is not used in the bridge exit, or the common code. Therefore if you want to simplify the BRMQ vectors, for example to hard code values in the exit, and have a reduced header, this can be done by changing the DFHBRMQ copy book in the message structures section, and occurances of the BRMQ eld If you want a much simpler interface which is tailored for a specic(type) of application, then you should consider writing your own formatter that is specically designed for a single transaction (or a number of transactions with identical interfaces). The data can be read by the bridge exit as normal, but the formatter can be tailored for only those API interfaces that are specically required.

Writing your own bridge exit

Your bridge exit is always called for the following requests: v User transaction initialization v v v v User transaction bind User transaction termination User transaction abnormal termination Syncpoint (optional)

If a formatter is specied in the INIT call, then the bridge exit is also called for Read and Write message requests. If a formatter is specied in the INIT call, it is called for the following requests. Otherwise, if a formatter is not used, the bridge exit is also called for these requests: v SEND (Terminal Control and BMS) v RECEIVE (Terminal Control and BMS) v CONVERSE v v v v FREE ISSUE DISCONNECT ISSUE ERASEAUP RETRIEVE (in some cases)

Transaction calls to the bridge exit

The following calls are made at transaction initialization, termination, syncpoint and abend: INIT (Initialization) call This call is made by the CICS transaction manager during the establishment of the bridge environment for the user transaction. The bridge facility is identied and a FACILITY_TOKEN created. If a null FACILITY_TOKEN is supplied, the bridge exit establishes a new bridge facility and creates a new token; if a valid FACILITY_TOKEN is supplied, the bridge exit uses the existing bridge facility, and the parameters USERID, STARTCODE and FACILITYLIKE are ignored.


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This call also processes the BRDATA passed on the START command, storing the passed data in the Bridge Exit Area (BRXA) for subsequent use during the execution of the user transaction. The following values can be set in the transaction and common area of the BRXA on this call. Any other values are ignored.
Table 7. Init call parameters

The INIT call can only issue CICS API commands that do not explicitly or implicity use resources that could be recoverable. Invalid commands are: v File commands v Temporary storage commands v Transient data commands v v v v v Task related user exit requests CREATE commands SYNCPOINT commands ENQ commands CICS Business Transaction Services (BTS) commands

BIND call This call is made by the CICS transaction manager during task initalization, when the Unit of Work (UOW) is created. It is used to open queues and possibly obtain the message to run the user transaction. You can also use the EXEC CICS VERIFY command in this call to validate a password or pass-ticket in the message. The following BRXA parameters can be set in the BIND call:
Table 8. Init call parameters

SYNCPOINT call This is only called if the eld BRXA_CALL_EXIT_FOR_SYNCPOINT is set.

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


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BRXA_SYNC_COMMAND is set to indicate whether the SYNCPOINT is a rollback. This call allows the exit to write a request to the client before and/or after the syncpoint call. Note that if the call is a rollback, the write request should not be recoverable. The SYNCPOINT call must be reissued exactly the same as the original call. TERM (termination) call This call is made by the CICS transaction manager when the user transaction issues a RETURN command. On this call the bridge exit sends the response message back to the client application. This can be done by a direct interface to the transport mechanism, for example, by issuing an MQPUT command to an MQ response queue, or indirectly by passing the response message to the bridge monitor for transmission. This call also identies the next transaction to be run if this has been specied and can then issue an EXEC CICS START BREXIT command for the next TRANSID, or return the next transaction information to the client application. The following values can be set in the transaction and common area of the BRXA on this call. Any other values are ignored. v BRXA_FACILITY_KEEP_TIME v BRXA_USER_ABEND_CODE ABEND call This call is made if the user transaction abends, so that the bridge exit can send non-recoverable messages to the client application. For example, a non-syncpointing MQPUT can be issued for the MQ bridge. Recoverable requests cannot be made in this call. BRXA_USER_ABEND_CODE can not be set in this call. The following values can be set in the transaction and common areas on this call. Any other values are ignored. v BRXA_FACILITY_KEEP_TIME

Message calls to the bridge exit

The following calls are made if a formatter is specied in the INIT call: brxa-read-message-nowait The purpose of this call is to read the next message if there already is one available. It is only used if the client application writes more than one message at a time. When a message is read, the bridge exit could check the password or pass-ticket in the message using an EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD to ensure that the message came from an authorized source. brxa-read-message-wait The purpose of this call to to get the next message. This is usually done by sending a message to the client, requesting the next message, and waiting for a reply. When a message is read, the bridge exit could check the password or pass-ticket in the message using an EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD to ensure that the message came from an authorized source. brxa-write-message The purpose of this call is to write a message. This is an intermediate message due to either a ush request, or the message buffer being full.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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API calls to the bridge exit

These calls are only made if a formatter is not specied in the INIT call: SEND call This call is made to the bridge exit when the user transaction issues a SEND command. This is the reverse of what happens in a RECEIVE command. In this case the bridge exit copies data from the command area to a message to be returned to the client application. RECEIVE call This call is made to the bridge exit when the user transaction issues a RECEIVE command. Using the input obtained from BRDATA (or from a client application message), data is copied to the INTO or SET storage for the user transaction RECEIVE command. For RECEIVE MAP calls, this is the ADS. The bridge exit can set the following elds in the command area: v The EIBRESP/EIBRESP2 values (defaults to NORMAL) v The EIBAID value (defaults to ENTER) v The EIBCPOSN value (defaults to 0) CONVERSE This call combines the function of SEND and RECEIVE. FREE After this call has been made, no further API calls should be made. ISSUE DISCONNECT After this call has been made, no further API calls should be made. ISSUE ERASEAUP RETRIEVE RETRIEVE calls are normally only used in the rst leg of a pseudoconversation, when a startcode of SD is returned. All other RETRIEVE requests should return ENDDATA.

Writing your own formatter

If the bridge exit species a formatter, the formatter is called for the following requests: v SEND (Terminal Control and BMS) v RECEIVE (Terminal Control and BMS) v v v v v CONVERSE FREE ISSUE DISCONNECT ISSUE ERASEAUP RETRIEVE (in some cases)

Calls to the formatter

Your formatter must handle the following calls: RECEIVE call This call is made to the formatter when the user transaction issues a RECEIVE command. Using the input obtained from BRDATA (or from a client application message), data is copied to the INTO or SET storage for the user transaction
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


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RECEIVE command. For RECEIVE MAP calls, this is the ADS. The bridge exit can set the following elds in the command area: v The EIBRESP/EIBRESP2 values (defaults to NORMAL) v The EIBAID value (defaults to ENTER) v The EIBCPOSN value (defaults to 0) If the RECEIVE does not have data to answer a receive request (for a conversational transaction), then if the client can send more than one message at a time, this call can return a response of BRXA-FMT-READ-MESSAGENOWAIT to CICS to ask if the next message has already arrived. CICS then calls the formatter again. If a message was available the formatter will be called again for the same request. This time there should be a information to process the command. If there is (still) nothing in the message to answer the receive request, this call can add a vector to the end of the message, requesting more data, and return a response of BRXA-FMT-REQUEST-NEXT-MESSAGE to CICS. The bridge exit will write the current message, and read the next message when it arrives. When the message is read, the formatter will be called again. This time there should be information to process the command. SEND call This call is made to the bridge exit when the user transaction issues a SEND command. This is the reverse of what happens in a RECEIVE command. In this case the bridge exit copies data from the command area to a message to be returned to the client application. If the message is too large to process, the send call returns a response of BRXA-FMT-OUTPUT-BUFFER-FULL to CICS. This results in the bridge exit being called to send the message and free the buffer space. The formatter will be called again for the same request. If the SEND results in the current message being ushed, this call should return a response of BRXA-FMT-WRITE-MESSAGE. The formatter will not be called again for the same request. CONVERSE This call combines the function of SEND and RECEIVE. FREE After this call has been made, no further API calls should be made. ISSUE DISCONNECT After this call has been made, no further API calls should be made. ISSUE ERASEAUP RETRIEVE RETRIEVE calls are normally only used in the rst leg of a pseudoconversation, when a startcode of SD is returned. All other RETRIEVE requests should return ENDDATA.

Return codes from the formatter

If the formatter cannot fully process a command, it passes a return code back to CICS in the eld BRXA_FMT_RESPONSE. This gives the formatter the option of calling the bridge exit. CICS also passes state information to the formatter in elds BRXA_READ_NOWAIT_ISSUED and BRXA_REQUEST_NEXT_ISSUED.

The following output values can be returned to CICS in BRXA_FMT_RESPONSE


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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BRXA_FMT_NONE (default) No action. The formatter has processed the request. BRXA_FMT_OUTPUT_BUFFER_FULL There is no room to add the next vector. Call the bridge exit to write the message, clear the buffer, then call the formatter again. BRXA_FMT_WRITE_MESSAGE The request required data to be ushed. Call the bridge exit to write the message. BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE The formatter has processed all the data in the message. Call the bridge exit to read another message, then call the formatter again. BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT The formatter has processad all the data in the message. Check to see if there is a new message before requesting any further input. Call the bridge exit to read a message, then call the formatter again.

The following values are passed to the formatter in BRXA_READ_NOWAIT_ISSUED. This eld is used by the formatter to check if it has already returned a BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT for this command. BRXA_NO A BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT has not been returned for this command. BRXA_YES A BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT has been returned for this command.

The following values are passed to the formatter in BRXA_REQUEST_NEXT_ISSUED. This eld is used by the formatter to check if it has already returned a BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE for this command. BRXA_NO A BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE has not been returned for this command. BRXA_YES A BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE has been returned for this command.

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


Bridge exit and formatter programming considerations

Before you plan to write a 3270 bridge exit, you need to know about the following programming constraints: Language support A bridge exit can be written in Assembler, C, COBOL, or PL/I. Copybooks les to support these languages are listed in Supplied copybooks on page 105. The bridge exit area parameters described in this book are shown with an underscore, _, as a name separator. In COBOL programs, this underscore is replaced by a dash, -. TWA The bridge exit and the user transaction access the same Transaction Work Area (TWA), so you should take care if making any changes to it. The TWA is created after the user transaction initialization call to the exit. Before that, it has zero length. Storage The bridge exit is a user replaceable program. This means that all local and SET storage will not be accessible after the exit call has completed. You should store any state data in storage obtained using GETMAIN. Recoverable resources All requests made in a bridge exit are run as part of the same unit of work as the user transaction. Therefore, any recoverable requests made by the bridge exit are committed or rolled back at the same time as the user transactions resources. Resource sharing The bridge exit should not attempt to share resources such as VSAM records or ENQ names with the user transaction. Abend The exit should not issue an EXEC CICS ABEND to simulate existing transaction abends because abend handling is modied in the user replaceable program environment. Abends occurring in the bridge exit are trapped by CICS and the user transaction is abnormally terminated with ABRQ. If the bridge exit needs to force an abend, it should set the eld BRXA_USER_ABEND.

Bridge exit area (BRXA)

This section contains Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information. | | | | | | | | The bridge exit area (BRXA) is the interface between the bridge exit or the formatter and CICS. This is an interface dened by CICS, and must be used by all bridge exits and formatters. It is a CICS COMMAREA, accessed by ADDRESS COMMAREA, which is passed to the bridge exit or formatter by CICS whenever it is called. The names of the parameters and constants, translated into appropriate forms for the different programming languages supported, are supplied in the copybook les listed in Supplied copybooks on page 105.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

The BRXA contains a number of sub-areas that are used by the bridge exit and formatter to process each call, and retain information between calls. It consists of the following sub-areas: Header This area contains version information and pointers to some of the following areas. Transaction area This area is used by bridge exit initialization processing. It contains information about the user transaction that CICS will run, and the real 3270 that it expects to use. Command area This area provides details of the command request. For CICS API requests it provides a simplied description of the command and response elds. User area This area is used to store data between calls to the bridge exit. It acts as a user input area to store the messages needed to satisfy RECEIVE and RETRIEVE requests, and also as a user output area to store the messages from SEND requests so that they can all be sent together when the user transaction terminates. ADS descriptor This area contains an ADS descriptor for BMS SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP requests, if the mapset has been assembled with CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 or later release and an ADS descriptor has been created. | | | | The ADS descriptor is created by the BMS macros in either a long or a short form. Long data has the same content as short data, but the elds are word aligned to support those transport mechanisms, such as MQSeries, that require all message elds to be word aligned.

BRXA header area


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The BRXA header contains the following elds:

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


BRXA_HEADER_EYECATCHER An eye-catcher to identify the area as an BRXA. This is initialized by CICS to the value BRXA_HEADER_EYE (>BRAREA ), which is dened in the DFHBRACx copy books. BRXA_HEADER_LENGTH The length of the header. BRXA_HEADER_VERSION_NO The version number of the BRXA. This allows future releases to extend the BRXA. This is initialized by CICS to the value of BRXA_CURRENT_VERSION_NO in the DFHBRACx copybook. BRXA_TRANSACTION_AREA_PTR The address of the transaction subarea, BRXA_TRANSACTION_AREA. This is set by CICS, and should not be modied by the bridge exit code. BRXA_TRANSACTION_AREA_LEN The length of the transaction subarea, BRXA_TRANSACTION_AREA. This is set by CICS, and should not be modied by the bridge exit code. BRXA_COMMAND_AREA_PTR The address of the command subarea, BRXA_COMMAND_AREA, This is set by CICS, and should not be modied by the bridge exit code. BRXA_COMMAND_AREA_LEN The length of the command subarea, BRXA_COMMAND_AREA. This is set by CICS, and should not be modied by the bridge exit code. BRXA_USER_AREA_PTR A eld that allows the address of a user area to be saved across bridge exit calls within a task. The user area should be obtained using an EXEC CICS GETMAIN. BRXA_USER_AREA_LEN A eld in which the exit can save the length of the user area. | | | | | | | | | | BRXA_INPUT_MSG_PTR A eld used to save the address of an input message. This eld is intended to be used in conjunction with a formatter. BRXA_INPUT_MSG_LEN A eld used to save the current length of the input message. BRXA_OUTPUT_MSG_PTR A eld used to save the address of an output message. This eld is intended to be used in conjunction with a formatter. BRXA_OUTPUT_MSG_LEN A eld used to save the current length of the output message.

BRXA transaction area



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Offset Hex (20) (28) (30) (32) (33) (34) (38) (3C) (44) (46) (48) (4A) (4C) (7C) (84) (85) (86) (8C) (94) (98) (9C) (A0) (A4) (A8) (AC) (B0) (B1) (B2)


Len 8 8 2 1 1 4 4 8 2 2 2 2 48 8 1 1 6 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2


The transaction area contains the following elds: BRXA_TRAN_AREA_EYECATCHER An eye-catcher to identify the area as a BRXA transaction area. This is set by CICS, before passing control to the bridge exit, to the value BRXA_TRAN_AREA_EYE (>BRTRANA), dened in the DFHBRACx copy books. | | | | BRXA_BRIDGE_TRANID The transaction identier of the bridge monitor transaction that issued a START TRANSID BREXIT command to start this bridge exit and its associated user transaction. BRXA_TRANID The transaction identier of the user transaction. BRXA_NEXTTRANID The transaction identier of the next transaction. This is set by CICS from the TRANSID value provided in the nal RETURN command of the user transaction; from the value provided by a SET TERMINAL NEXTTRANSID command, or from the TRANSID of the rst START issued by the user transaction for the bridge facility. This eld contains blanks (X40) if no next transaction has been specied.

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


BRXA_ABEND_CODE The abend code if the bridge transaction abends before initializing the user transaction, or if the user transaction abends. If the transaction has not abended, this eld is blanks. BRXA_CALLING_PROG The name of the program in the user transaction which issued the command causing the bridge exit to be invoked. For the initialization, termination, and abend calls, this eld is set to blanks. BRXA_USERID The USERID under which the user transaction is running. BRXA_STARTCODE This eld is set to the start code appropriate to the next transaction returned in BRXA_NEXTTRANID. The following start codes are possible: brxa_start START command without data. brxa_startdata START command with data. brxa_terminput Terminal input (default). The initial value of this eld is blanks. BRXA_LOAD_ADS_DESCRIPTOR A 1-character eld that tells CICS whether or not to provide the ADS descriptor on subsequent SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP commands. If this eld is set to Y (BRXA_YES) when the user transaction issues a SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP command, CICS loads the mapset, locates the ADS descriptor for the map, and provides its address in BRXA_ADS_DESCRIPTOR_PTR in the command subarea. The ADS descriptor format is explained in ADS descriptor area on page 100. If this eld has any value other than Y, then CICS does not attempt to load the mapset and locate the descriptor, and BRXA_ADS_DESCRIPTOR_PTR is set to null. BRXA_TRACE A 1-character eld that is set to Y (BRXA_YES) if level-2 tracing is set on for the bridge. The bridge can use this ag to trace input and output data, for example, for diagnostic purposes. Note that for BR level tracing, the BRXA is already traced by CICS on input and output. BRXA_FACILITYLIKE The name of an installed 3270 terminal to be used as a template terminal denition for the bridge facility. The exit sets this value during the initialization call. If the exit does not provide a value, CICS looks for a value specied as FACILITYLIKE in the user transactions prole. If this value is also blanks, CICS uses the CICS-supplied denition CBRF (based on model DFHLU2).


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

If the specied FACILITYLIKE does not exist, CICS abends the transaction ABRJ. It is not possible to change the FACILITYLIKE denition after the terminal has been created, so this parameter is ignored if BRXA_FACILITY_TOKEN is specied. | | If the real FACILITYLIKE terminal is logged on when the bridge facility is created, any values returned by QUERY will apply also to the bridge facility. BRXA_FACILITY_KEEP_TIME The time (in seconds) that the bridge facility is kept after the user transaction terminates. If a non-zero value is set in this eld the bridge facility and its pseudo-conversational data are retained. CICS sets this value to zero before the bridge exit initialization call. The exit can set it at any time; CICS does not use the value until the exit returns from the task termination call. If the value is zero, CICS discards the bridge facility; if non-zero, CICS retains the facility and associated data. The maximum value is one week (604800 seconds). If a value larger than this is specied, CICS retains the bridge facility for one week. BRXA_FACILITY_TOKEN A token representing the bridge facility to be used. CICS initializes this value to nulls but the exit can set it in the initialization call. Specifying a value implies reusing a bridge facility kept from a previous transaction. The default value of nulls results in CICS dynamically allocating a new bridge facility. The name of the bridge facility is accessible to the user transaction in the EIBTRMID eld of the EIB. No other TERMIDs in the system are the same, although the name may be reused almost immediately when the user transaction nishes, if BRXA_FACILITY_KEEP_TIME is set to zero. BRXA_SCREEN_HEIGHT The current screen height. BRXA_SCREEN_WIDTH The current screen width. BRXA_ALTERNATE_SCREEN_HEIGHT The alternate screen height. BRXA_ALTERNATE_SCREEN_WIDTH The alternate screen width. BRXA_IDENTIFIER A 48-character eld provided by the bridge exit. The intended use of this eld is for task-specic information to assist in on-line problem resolution. It could contain, for example, the MQ correlator for the MQ bridge, or a Web token. | | | BRXA_FORMATTER An 8- byte character eld to be used by the bridge exit to specify the name of a user replaceable program to be used as a formatter. If a program name is

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

specied in this eld, then the it is called for all BMS, terminal, and interval control requests. The bridge exit is only called for XM, SYNC and MSG requests. BRXA_CALL_EXIT_FOR_SYNC A 1-character eld that tells CICS whether or not to call the bridge exit for SYNCPOINT requests. If this eld is set to Y (BRXA_YES), then the bridge exit is called; if it is set to N (BRXA_NO), then the bridge exit is not called. BRXA_NEXTTRANID_SOURCE A 1-character eld that indicates how the next transaction was specied. This indicator can have three settings: BRXA_IMMEDIATE The next TRANSID value came from a RETURN IMMEDIATE command. BRXA_STARTED The next TRANSID value came from a START TERMID command. BRXA_NORMAL The next TRANSID value came from a RETURN TRANSID or SET TERMINAL/NETNAME command. BRXA_BRDATA_PTR A fullword (4-byte) eld that contains the address of the data specied by the BRDATA parameter on the START TRANSID BREXIT command. BRXA_BRDATA_LEN A fullword (4-byte) eld that contains the length of the data specied by the BRDATA parameter on the START TRANSID BREXIT command. BRXA_INTERVAL A 4-character eld containing the INTERVAL value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility. BRXA_TIME A 4-character eld containing the TIME value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility. BRXA_HOURS A fullword (4-byte) eld containing the HOURS value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility. BRXA_MINUTES A fullword (4-byte) eld containing the MINUTES value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility. BRXA_SECONDS A fullword (4-byte) eld containing the SECONDS value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility. BRXA_START_AFTER A 1-character eld containing the AFTER value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility. BRXA_START_AT A 1-character eld containing the AT value specied by the user transaction on a START for its bridge facility.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

BRXA command area

The command area contains information relating to the command that has caused the bridge exit to be called. Common elds appear in the rst common section of the command area, and elds specic to a particular command, or group of commands, follow. The following diagrams show the various elds in the BRXA_COMMAND_AREA, and the commands for which they are valid. An I in the table indicates that the eld is an input parameter to the exit; it is set by CICS before passing control to the exit, and any changes to the value made by the exit are ignored by CICS. An O in the table indicates that the eld is an output parameter from the exit; the exit must set this value before return (unless the default value is acceptable), because CICS uses the value in completing the command. A - or a blank in the table indicates that the eld is not applicable to that command. The values on entry to the exit are undened, and CICS ignores any value set in the eld by the exit.
Table 9. BRXA command area eld usage








Field name brxa_command_common brxa_function_code brxa_command_code brxa_user_abend_code brxa_from_ptr brxa_from_len brxa_into_ptr brxa_into_len brxa_resp brxa_resp2 brxa_cposn brxa_aid brxa_erase_indicator brxa_last_indicator brxa_wait_indicator brxa_tc_command brxa_ctlchar brxa_buffer_indicator


I I O O O O O O O -



I I O O O -

I I O O O -




I I O O O O O O O -

I I O O O O O O O -

I I O O O -

I -

I -

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs






Table 9. BRXA command area eld usage (continued)









Field name brxa_streld_indicator brxa_defresp_indicator brxa_invite_indicator brxa_bms_command brxa_mapset brxa_map brxa_ads_descriptor_ptr brxa_cursor brxa_msr_data brxa_data_indicator brxa_eraseaup_indicator brxa_freekb_indicator brxa_alarm_indicator brxa_msr_indicator brxa_frset_indicator brxa_text_type brxa_ic_command brxa_rtermid brxa_rtransid brxa_queue brxa_sync_command brxa_explicit brxa_rollback


I I -

-. -

I I I I I I I I I I I -

I I I I I I I -


I I I -


BRXA command area - common



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide





| | |

Offset Hex (22) (24) (26) (27) (28) (29) (2A) (2B) (2C) (2D)


Len 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3


BRXA_COMMAND_AREA_EYECATCHER An eye-catcher to identify the area as a bridge command area. This is set by CICS, before passing control to the bridge exit, to the value BRXA_COMMAND_AREA_EYE (>BRCOMMA), which is dened in the DFHBRACx copy book. BRXA_FUNCTION_CODE A 2-character code identifying the CICS function for which the bridge exit was called. For calls to initialize a transaction, terminate a transaction and abend a transaction, this is 00. For all other requests, this is the 2-digit value in the rst byte of EIBFN converted to character form. Valid EBCDIC characters are used for the function and command code to simplify testing of the values in user transaction exit programs written in all the supported languages, and to simplify passing of the codes to other systems. A constant with a meaningful name is provided for all the supported languages to simplify testing. The value is:

BRXA_COMMAND_CODE A two-character code identifying the CICS command for which the bridge exit was called. For transaction initialization this is 02, for transaction termination this is 04 and, for transaction abend this is 06. For all other requests, this is the value in the second byte of EIBFN converted to character form. See the CICS Application Programming Reference for information about EIBFN values. Valid EBCDIC characters are used for the function and command code to simplify testing of the values in user transaction exit programs written in all the supported languages, and to simplify passing of the codes to other systems. Constants with meaningful names are provided for all the supported languages to simplify testing. The values are:
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs



BRXA_USER_ABEND_CODE The abend code. CICS initializes this value to blanks. If the exit changes it to any other value, CICS generates a transaction abend with this code. BRXA_FROM_PTR The address of the FROM data in SEND, CONVERSE, SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, and START commands. This is zero for other commands, or if FROM is not specied on the command. BRXA_FROM_LEN The length of the FROM data in SEND, CONVERSE, SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, and START commands. This is zero for other commands, or if FROM is not specied on the command. BRXA_INTO_PTR The address of the INTO data in RECEIVE, CONVERSE, RECEIVE MAP and RETRIEVE commands. This must be set by the bridge exit, and CICS copies data from this address into the INTO area specied on the command, or copies the address into the SET parameter specied on the command. Note: The exit must GETMAIN storage for INTO input because local storage could be reused on return from the bridge exit. BRXA_INTO_LEN The length of the INTO data in RECEIVE, CONVERSE, RECEIVE MAP, and RETRIEVE commands. This must be set by the user transaction exit, and CICS copies this value into the LENGTH, FLENGTH, or INTOLENGTH parameter specied on the command, and uses the value when copying data into the INTO area. Note: CONVERSE is the only command which has both FROM and INTO, and the BRXA_FROM_PTR and BRXA_INTO_PTR (and corresponding lengths) could be replaced by a single BRXA_DATA_PTR (and BRXA_DATA_LEN). For CONVERSE, the exit replaces the FROM address and length by the INTO address and length. | | | | | | | | BRXA_RESP The resp code to be set (by CICS) in EIBRESP. This will be set to zero by CICS before calling the exit, and the exit must set this value if anything other than a normal response is required. CICS will generate an ABRN transaction abend if the value returned is not one that could normally be produced by CICS for this command. If this value is zero on return, CICS may itself set the EIBRESP value and raise a condition. BRXA_RESP2 The RESP2 code CICS returns and stores in EIBRESP2. This is set to zero by CICS before calling the exit, and the exit must change this value if anything other than a normal response is required.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS does not check the value specied for consistency with the command. If this value is zero on return, CICS may itself set the EIBRESP2 value and raise a condition. BRXA_CPOSN The cursor position to be set (by CICS) in EIBCPOSN for RECEIVE, CONVERSE, and RECEIVE MAP commands. This is set to zero by CICS before calling the exit, and the exit must change this value if the user transaction uses the value in EIBCPOSN. BRXA_AID The attention identier (PF key code) to be set (by CICS) in EIBAID for RECEIVE, CONVERSE, and RECEIVE MAP commands. This is set to ENTER (X7D) by CICS before calling the exit, and the exit must change this value if the user transaction expects another value in EIBAID. The exit can use the values dened in DFHAID copy books to set the value (these are EBCDIC values of the 3270 AID characters). BRXA_ERASE_INDICATOR A 1-character value which is set (by CICS) to indicate whether ERASE, ERASE ALTERNATE, or ERASE DEFAULT is specied on SEND, CONVERSE SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, or SEND CONTROL commands. Constants with meaningful names are provided for all languages to allow the bridge exit to test this value if necessary. The values are:

BRXA_LAST_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether LAST is specied on a SEND command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_WAIT_INDICATOR A one-character eld indicating whether WAIT is specied on a SEND command, or on a RETRIEVE command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

BRXA_FMT_RESPONSE This eld is used by the formatter to tell the CICS that the bridge exit should be called to read or write a message. Possible values are: BRXA_FMT_NONE No action. The formatter has processed the request. BRXA_FMT_OUTPUT_BUFFER_FULL There is no room to add the next vector. Call the bridge exit to write the message, clear the buffer, then call the formatter again. BRXA_FMT_WRITE_MESSAGE The request required data to be ushed. Call the bridge exit to write the message. BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT The formatter has processed the data in the message. Check to see if there is a new message before requesting any further input. Call the bridge exit to read a message, then call the formatter again.
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE The formatter has processed the data in the message. Call the bridge exit to read a message, then call the formatter again. BRXA_READ_NOWAIT_ISSUED This eld is used by the formatter to check if it has already returned a BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT for this command. Possible values are: BRXA_NO BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT has not been returned for this command. BRXA_YES BRXA_FMT_READ_MESSAGE_NOWAIT has been returned for this command. BRXA_REQUEST_NEXT_ISSUED This eld is used by the formatter to check if it has already returned a BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE for this command. Possible values are: BRXA_NO BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE has not been returned for this command. BRXA_YES BRXA_FMT_REQUEST_NEXT_MESSAGE has been returned for this command.

BRXA command area - terminal control

The terminal control command area denes some terminal control specic parameters. Commands supported are SEND, RECEIVE, and CONVERSE.

BRXA_CTLCHAR The 3270 Write Control Character (WCC) passed on SEND and CONVERSE commands as CTLCHAR. If not specied on the command, the default value (XC3- unlock keyboard, reset MDT ags) is passed to the exit. BRXA_BUFFER_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether BUFFER was specied on a RECEIVE command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

BRXA_STRFIELD_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether STRFIELD was specied on a SEND or CONVERSE command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_DEFRESP_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether DEFRESP was specied on a SEND or CONVERSE command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_INVITE_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether INVITE was specied on a SEND command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA command area - BMS

The BMS command interface denes some BMS specic parameters. Commands supported are SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, SEND CONTROL, and RECEIVE MAP.

BRXA_MAPSET The (unsuffixed) mapset name specied on SEND MAP or RECEIVE MAP. BRXA_MAP The map name specied on SEND MAP or RECEIVE MAP. BRXA_ADS_DESCRIPTOR_PTR The address of the ADS descriptor for BMS SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP commands. This is set by CICS, if the bridge exit has set the ag indicating that the descriptor should be loaded, and if the relevant mapset has been reassembled under CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 to include the descriptor. Otherwise this pointer is set to 0.
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


BRXA_CURSOR A halfword value containing the CURSOR position specied on SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, or SEND CONTROL command, which identies where the cursor is to be positioned on the 3270 screen. A value of -1 is passed if the application specied CURSOR with no value on SEND MAP command, indicating that symbolic cursor positioning is required, that is, that the cursor is to be positioned in the rst eld in the application data structure that has a value of -1 in the corresponding length eld. A value of -2 is passed if the application did not specify CURSOR on the SEND MAP command. BRXA_MSR_DATA The 4-character value specied in MSR on a SEND MAP, SEND CONTROL, or SEND TEXT command. Constants are provided in the copy book DFHMSRCA that allow the exit to test the values specied. Note: If you assume that a BFB will always be constructed as if its TYPETERM were dened with MSRCONTROL(NO), then this parameter could be omitted, because BMS ignores the MSR eld specied on the command for a 3270 terminal for which MSRCONTROL(NO) is specied. BRXA_DATA_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether DATAONLY, MAPONLY, or neither is specied on the SEND MAP command. Valid values are D (DATAONLY), M (MAPONLY) or N (neither specied); the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

(Note that if MAPONLY is specied, the FROM pointer and length are zero, because there is no application data structure in this case.) BRXA_ERASEAUP_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether ERASEAUP is specied on a SEND MAP or SEND CONTROL command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_FREEKB_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether FREEKB is specied on a SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, or SEND CONTROL command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_ALARM_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether ALARM is specied on a SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, or SEND CONTROL command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_MSR_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether MSR is specied on a SEND MAP, SEND TEXT, or SEND CONTROL command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

BRXA_FRSET_INDICATOR A 1-character eld indicating whether FRSET is specied on a SEND MAP or SEND CONTROL command. Valid values are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA_TEXT_TYPE A 1-character eld indicating whether NOEDIT or MAPPED is specied on a SEND TEXT command. Valid values are blank (neither NOEDIT nor MAPPED specied), N (NOEDIT specied) and M (MAPPED specied); the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

BRXA command area - interval control

The interval control command area denes some interval control specic parameters. The only command supported is RETRIEVE.

BRXA_RTERMID The value of RTERMID specied on a START command. For the RETRIEVE command, this is a eld that the bridge exit can set to pass the RTERMID value back to the application issuing the RETRIEVE. BRXA_RTRANSID The value of RTRANSID specied on a START command. For the RETRIEVE command, this is a eld that the bridge exit can set to pass the RTRANSID value back to the application issuing the RETRIEVE. BRXA_QUEUE The value of QUEUE specied on START command. For the RETRIEVE command this is a eld in which the bridge exit can set the QUEUE value to be used by the application issuing the RETRIEVE,

BRXA command area - syncpoint

The syncpoint command area denes actions at SYNCPOINT and SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK. BRXA_EXPLICIT is used to indicate that this request originated from an explicit EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT command, or that it is an implicit syncpoint generated by CICS. It is set to Y or N before the exit is invoked; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:

Valid values for BRXA_ROLLBACK are Y or N; the following constants are provided for the exit to test this eld:
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs



BRXA command area - MSG

This command area denes actions when the bridge exit is called to read or write a message. These functions are only used if the bridge exit specied a formatter on initialization. This command area denes actions at initialization. Relevant elds are in the common part of the command area. The layout of the MSG section of the command area is :
Offset Hex (0) Type STRUCTURE Len 48 Name BRXA_MSG_COMMAND

ADS descriptor area

The ADS descriptor allows interpretation of the BMS Application Data Structure (the symbolic map used by your application program for the data in SEND and RECEIVE MAP requests) - without requiring your program to include the relevant DSECT or copybook at compile time. The ADS descriptor contains a header with general information about the map, and a eld descriptor for every eld that appears in the ADS, corresponding to every named eld in the map denition macro. It can be located in the mapset from an offset eld in DFHMAPDS. The ADS descriptor is available only if the map load module has been reassembled (using CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 or a later release) to include the descriptor, and CICS attempts to locate the descriptor only if the BRXA_LOAD_ADS_DESCRIPTOR indicator is set to BRXA_YES in the bridge exit initialization call. | | | | | The ADS descriptor is created by the BMS macros in either a long or a short form. Long data has the same content as short data, but the elds are aligned on 4-byte boundaries to support those transport mechanisms, such as MQSeries, that require all message elds to be word aligned. The long form is supported only in the C language. The ADS descriptor is dened below in both short and long format.

ADS descriptor header

| | The ADS descriptor header contains general information about the map and a pointer to the rst of a variable number of chained eld descriptions.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Short form:

ADSD_LENGTH The length of the ADS descriptor. ADSD_EYECATCHER An eye-catcher (ADSD) to identify this as an ADS descriptor. ADSD_MAP_INDEX The index number of the map within the mapset. This is needed to determine the HTML template corresponding to the map. ADSD_FIELD_COUNT The number of elds within the ADS; that is, the number of named elds in the map denition. A separate eld is counted for each element of an array dened with the OCCURS parameter, but subelds of group elds (GRPNAME) are not counted. The eld count may be zero, in which case there are no eld descriptors following the header. ADSD_STRUCTURE_LENGTH The length of the application data structure. ADSD_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER The number of extended attributes in each eld of the ADS; that is, the number of attributes specied in DSATTS in the map denition. ADSD_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODES a 1-character code for the attribute types in each eld, in order, derived from DSATTS: C = COLOR P = PS H = HILIGHT V = VALIDN O = OUTLINE S = SOSI T = TRANSP

Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


ADSD_MAP_JUSTIFY_HOR The horizontal justication for the map, either L (LEFT) or R (RIGHT) from the JUSTIFY operand on the map denition. ADSD_MAP_JUSTIFY_VER The vertical justication for the map, from the JUSTIFY operand on the map denition. This can have the values F (FIRST), L (LAST), B (BOTTOM), or blank (no vertical JUSTIFY operand). ADSD_MAP_STARTING_LINE The starting line for the map, from the LINE operand on the DFHMDI macro, (LINE = NEXT gives a value of 255; LINE = SAME gives a value of 254.) ADSD_MAP_STARTING_COLUMN The starting column for the map, from the COLUMN operand on the DFHMDI macro. (COLUMN = NEXT gives a value of 255; COLUMN = SAME gives a value of 254.) ADSD_MAP_LINES The number of lines in the map from the SIZE= operand. ADSD_MAP_COLUMNS The number of columns in the map from the SIZE= operand. ADSD_WRITE_CONTROL_CHAR The 3270 encoded WCC derived from the CONTROL= operand. ADSD_FIRST_FIELD The rst eld descriptor. The address of ADSD_FIRST_FIELD can be used as the initial value of the pointer for the eld descriptor (unless ADSD_FIELD_COUNT is 0). | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Long form:

ADSDL_LENGTH The length of the ADS descriptor. ADSDL_EYECATCHER An eye-catcher (ADSL) to identify this as an ADS descriptor.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

ADSDL_MAP_INDEX The index number of the map within the mapset. This is needed to determine the HTML template corresponding to the map. ADSDL_FIELD_COUNT The number of elds within the ADS; that is, the number of named elds in the map denition. A separate eld is counted for each element of an array dened with the OCCURS parameter, but subelds of group elds (GRPNAME) are not counted. The eld count may be zero, in which case there are no eld descriptors following the header. ADSDL_STRUCTURE_LENGTH The length of the short application data structure. ADSDL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER The number of extended attributes in each eld of the ADS; that is, the number of attributes specied in DSATTS in the map denition. ADSDL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODES a 1-character code for the attribute types in each eld, in order, derived from DSATTS: C = COLOR P = PS H = HILIGHT V = VALIDN O = OUTLINE S = SOSI T = TRANSP ADSDL_MAP_JUSTIFY_HOR The horizontal justication for the map, either L (LEFT) or R (RIGHT) from the JUSTIFY operand on the map denition. ADSDL_MAP_JUSTIFY_VER The vertical justication for the map, from the JUSTIFY operand on the map denition. This can have the values F (FIRST), L (LAST), B (BOTTOM), or blank (no vertical JUSTIFY operand). ADSDL_MAP_STARTING_LINE The starting line for the map, from the LINE operand on the DFHMDI macro, (LINE = NEXT gives a value of 255; LINE = SAME gives a value of 254.) ADSDL_MAP_STARTING_COLUMN The starting column for the map, from the COLUMN operand on the DFHMDI macro. (COLUMN = NEXT gives a value of 255; COLUMN = SAME gives a value of 254.) ADSDL_MAP_LINES The number of lines in the map from the SIZE= operand. ADSDL_MAP_COLUMNS The number of columns in the map from the SIZE= operand. ADSDL_WRITE_CONTROL_CHAR The 3270 encoded WCC derived from the CONTROL= operand. ADSDL_FIRST_FIELD The rst eld descriptor. The address of ADSD_FIRST_FIELD can be used as the initial value of the pointer for the eld descriptor (unless ADSD_FIELD_COUNT is 0).
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


ADS eld descriptor

After the header, the ADS descriptor contains a variable number of eld descriptors.

Short form:

ADSD_FIELD_NAME The unsuffixed eld name padded with blanks. ADSD_FIELD_NAME_LEN The number of characters in the eld name. ADSD_OCCURS_INDEX When OCCURS is specied for a eld denition there is a separate eld descriptor for each element of the array, and ADSD_OCCURS_INDEX indicates the array index for the particular eld. If OCCURS is not specied, then ADSD_OCCURS_INDEX is 0. ADSD_FIELD_OFFSET The offset of the eld within the ADSDL. The offset is to the beginning of the (fullword) length eld, and you must add 4 (for the length eld) + 4 (for the 3270 attribute) + 8 fullwords for the extended attributes to obtain the offset of the data part of the eld. ADSD_FIELD_DATA_LEN The length of the eld in the ADS. ADSD_FIELD_JUSTIFY A 1-character eld Indicating whether the data is to be justied left L or right R if the supplied length is less than the length in the ADS. ADSD_FIELD_FILL_CHAR The character (blank or 0) to be used to pad the remainder of the eld in the ADS. ADSD_NEXT_FIELD The next eld descriptor. The address of ADSD_NEXT_FIELD can be used to update a pointer for the eld descriptor. | | | | | | | | | |

Long form:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Offset Hex (30) (31) (32) (34)


Len 1 1 2 *


ADSD_LONG_FIELD_NAME The unsuffixed eld name padded with blanks. ADSDL_FIELD_NAME_LEN The number of characters in the eld name. ADSDL_OCCURS_INDEX When OCCURS is specied for a eld denition there is a separate eld descriptor for each element of the array, and ADSD_OCCURS_INDEX indicates the array index for the particular eld. If OCCURS is not specied, then ADSD_OCCURS_INDEX is 0. ADSDL_FIELD_OFFSET The offset of the eld within the ADS. The offset is to the beginning of the (halfword) length eld, and you must add 2 (for the length eld) + 1 (for the 3270 attribute) + attribute_number (for the extended attributes specied in DSATTS) to obtain the offset of the data part of the eld. ADSDL_FIELD_DATA_LEN The length of the eld in the ADS. ADSDL_FIELD_JUSTIFY A 1-character eld Indicating whether the data is to be justied left L or right R if the supplied length is less than the length in the ADS. ADSDL_FIELD_FILL_CHAR The character (blank or 0) to be used to pad the remainder of the eld in the ADS. ADSDL_NEXT_FIELD The next eld descriptor. The address of ADSD_NEXT_FIELD can be used to update a pointer for the eld descriptor.

Supplied copybooks
The names of the parameters and constants, translated into appropriate forms for the different programming languages supported, are dened in les supplied as part of the 3270 bridge. The les or copybooks for the various languages are listed in the following table.
Table 10. BRXA copybooks

Copybook example (DFHBRACD)

The following constants are provided for use by an assembler language bridge exit to set and interpret values in the BRXA.
Chapter 6. Writing your own bridge programs


API function codes are character equivalent constants of the rst byte of the EIBFN values documented in the CICS Application Programming Reference manual.
* function codes BRXA_XM EQU C'00' BRXA_TC EQU C'04' BRXA_IC EQU C'10' BRXA_SYNC EQU C'16' BRXA_BMS EQU C'18' BRXA_MSG EQU C'01'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


C'N' C'F' C'W' C'Q' C'R'

API command codes are character equivalent constants of the second byte of the EIBFN values documented in the CICS Application Programming Reference manual. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 7. Problem determination

This chapter contains Diagnosis, Modication, or Tuning Information. This chapter helps you debug problems in the CICS 3270 bridge exit user-replaceable program, the IBM-supplied parts of the CICS 3270 bridge, and in the system setup of the CICS 3270 bridge. If you suspect that you have a problem in another part of CICS, refer to the CICS Problem Determination Guide. The 3270 user program should be tested with a real 3270 terminal before transferring to a bridge environment. Diagnostic information is designed to provide rst failure data capture, so that if an error occurs, enough information about the error is available directly without having to reproduce the error situation. The information is presented in the following forms: Messages The CICS 3270 bridge provides CICS messages. These messages are listed in CICS Messages and Codes. Trace The CICS 3270 bridge produces system trace entries containing all the important information required for problem diagnosis. Dump Dump formatting is provided for data areas relating to the CICS 3270 bridge. Abend codes Transaction abend codes are standard 4-character names. The abend codes produced by the CICS 3270 bridge are listed in CICS Messages and Codes.

This section provides some hints on troubleshooting. It follows the general outline: 1. Dene the problem. 2. Obtain information (documentation) on the problem.

Dening the problem

When you have a problem, rst try to dene the circumstances that gave rise to it. If you need to report the problem to the IBM software support center, this information is useful to the support personnel. 1. What is the system conguration? v CICS Transaction Server release v Release of any other products providing transport mechanisms for the 3270 bridge, such as MQSeries. v LE/370 release v OS/390 release 2. When did the problem rst occur? 3. What were you trying to accomplish at the time the problem occurred? 4. What changes were made to the system before the occurrence of the problem? v To the OS/390 system v To the bridge exit
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


v To the CICS user program being accessed by the bridge v To the end-user program v To the transport mechanisms v To CICS Transaction Server 5. What is the problem? v v v v v v v Incorrect output Hang/Wait: Use CEMT INQUIRE to display details of the transaction. Loop: Use CEMT INQUIRE to display the details of the transaction. Abend in the bridge exit Abend in a CICS program Abend in the IBM-supplied part of the CICS 3270 bridge Performance problem

v Storage violation v Logic Error 6. At what point in the processing did the problem occur?

Documentation about the problem

To investigate most problems, you must look at the dumps, traces, and logs provided with MVS and CICS. v v v v v System Dump: This contains the CICS internal trace CICS auxiliary trace, if enabled TCP/IP for MVS trace, if relevant GTF trace, if enabled Console log

v CSMT log v CICS job log To identify which are likely to be useful for your problem, try to work out the area of the CICS 3270 bridge giving rise to the problem.

Using messages and codes

CICS 3270 bridge messages have identiers of the form DFHBRnnnn, where nnnn are four numeric characters. These numbers indicate which component generated the message, as shown in CICS Messages and Codes. When the CICS 3270 bridge issues a message as a result of an error, it also makes an exception trace entry. The CICS 3270 bridge also generates information messages, for instance during enable processing and disable processing. CICS 3270 bridge messages are supplied in English, Kanji, and Chinese. The CICS message editing utility can be used to translate them into other languages supported by CICS.

Using Trace
The CICS 3270 bridge creates CICS system trace, which is formatted using software supplied as part of CICS.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

You can request level 2 tracing using SET TRACETYPE or the CETR supplied transaction. This gives a full trace of data being transmitted between the user transaction and the end-user application. You should request level 2 tracing for the bridge by specifying BR in the SET TRACETYPE or CETR command. CICS sets BRXA_TRACE to Y if level 2 tracing is requested, but the bridge exit should create exception trace entries even if this ag is not set. CICS trace output is described in the CICS Problem Determination Guide, and details of the contents of each trace points are given in the CICS Users Handbook.

Dump and trace formatting

To control dump formatting of CICS 3270 bridge data areas, you change the CICS VERBEXIT in the IPCS control statement for dump formatting as follows:
IPCS VERBEXIT CICS520 BR=0|1|2|3, TR=1|2

The parameters have these meanings: BR=0 BR=1 BR=2 BR=3 TR=1 TR=2 Suppress system dump for the 3270 bridge. Produce system dump summary listing for the 3270 bridge. Produce system dump for the 3270 bridge. Produce system dump summary listing and a system dump for the 3270 bridge. Produce an abbreviated trace. Produce a full trace.

Full details of these and other parameters are described in the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide. CICS 3270 bridge output in the formatted dump consists of the major control blocks of the CICS 3270 bridge, with interpretation of some of the elds. The CICS 3270 bridge output can be found in the IPCS output by searching for ==BR. It is under the heading BRIDGE FACILITY SUMMARY.

Debugging the bridge exit

The following aids are provided to help you resolve problems occurring in the bridge exit while bridging to a 3270 user transaction:

The bridge exit constructs a 48-byte identier eld, containing information to aid problem determination. This can contain relevant elds taken from the START data. You can access the identier with INQUIRE TASK, or CEMT INQUIRE TASK.

The CEDX transaction provides EDF for non-terminal tasks. This allows you to use EDF with the bridge exit (which is a non terminal task). You should issue CEDX

Chapter 7. Problem determination


against the bridge transaction to see the initialization call to the bridge exit, otherwise you should issue CEDX against the user transaction. Note that bridge facilities are not EDF-able. The supplied bridge exit program, DFH0CBRE, is dened with EDF disabled; you will need to modify this is you intend to use CEDX. See the CICS Supplied Transactions for more information about the use of CEDX.

Trace records are written during execution of the bridge exit. See theCICS Users Handbook for a description of the trace entries. Level 2 trace will show you the messages transmitted, so you can verify that the user transaction and end-user application are cooperating correctly. You can also use the ENTER TRACENUM command in the bridge exit to write user records to the CICS trace.

Debugging the supplied bridge exit

The supplied bridge exit, DFH0CBRE, is very well commented. You are recommended to read the source carefully before use. The following aids are provided to help you resolve problems:

Abend codes and Trace

The supplied exit creates trace and exception trace entries during execution. It also returns some abend codes (ABXx). The bridge mechanism validates correct use of BRXA, and ABRx abends result from incorrect usage. These codes and the trace points are all fully documented in the comments within DFH0CBRE. Note: If you change the supplied exit, you can change the ABR prex. You need to activate the level-2 tracing with SET TRACETYPE or CETR, specifying the BR component.

Message validation
If CICS detects an invalid character in an input message, the MQCIHERROROFFSET eld is set to the offset of the invalid character, counted from the start of the message.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Part 3. External CICS Interface

This part of the book describes the external CICS interface. This part contains: v Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface on page 113 v Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface on page 123 v Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface on page 149 v Chapter 11. Dening connections to CICS on page 159 v Chapter 12. The EXCI user-replaceable module on page 165 v Chapter 13. External CICS interface options table, DFHXCOPT on page 167 v Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs on page 173 v Chapter 15. Security on page 187 v Chapter 16. Problem determination on page 191 v Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211 v Chapter 18. Messages and Codes on page 223.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


External CICS Interface


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface

This chapter gives a brief overview of the external CICS interface (EXCI), covering the following topics: v Overview v Resource recovery on page 117 v EXCI on page 12 v Requirements for the external CICS interface on page 121

The external CICS interface is an application programming interface that enables a non-CICS program (a client program) running in MVS to call a program (a server program) running in a CICS region and to pass and receive data by means of a communications area. The CICS application program is invoked as if linked-to by another CICS application program. This programming interface allows a user to allocate and open sessions (or pipes1) to a CICS region, and to pass distributed program link (DPL) requests over them. The multiregion operation (MRO) facility of CICS interregion communication (IRC) facility supports these requests, and each pipe maps onto one MRO session, with a limit of 100 pipes per EXCI address space. | | | | | | The client program and the CICS server region (the region where the server program runs or is dened) must be in the same MVS image unless: v The CICS region is running in a sysplex that supports cross-system MRO (XCF/MRO). v All DPL requests issued by the client program specify the SYNCONRETURN option. Although the external CICS interface does not support the cross-memory access method, it can use the XCF access method provided by the CICS XCF/MRO facility. See the CICS Intercommunication Guide for information about XCF/MRO. A client program that uses the external CICS interface can operate multiple sessions for different users (either under the same or separate TCBs) all coexisting in the same MVS address space without knowledge of, or interference from, each other. Where a client program attaches another client program, the attached program runs under its own TCB.

The programming interfaces

The external CICS interface provides two forms of programming interface: the EXCI CALL interface and the EXEC CICS interface.

1. pipe. A one-way communication path between a sending process and a receiving process. In an external CICS interface implementation, each pipe maps onto one MRO session, where the client program represents the sending process and the CICS server region represents the receiving process. Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


The EXCI CALL interface: This interface consists of six commands that allow you to: v Allocate and open sessions to a CICS system from non-CICS programs running under MVS v Issue DPL requests on these sessions from the non-CICS programs v Close and deallocate the sessions on completion of the DPL requests. The six EXCI commands are: v Initialize-User v Allocate_Pipe v v v v Open_Pipe DPL call Close_Pipe Deallocate_Pipe

The EXEC CICS interface: The external CICS interface provides a single, composite commandEXEC CICS LINK PROGRAMthat performs all six commands of the EXCI CALL interface in one invocation. | This command is similar but not identical to the distributed program link command of the CICS command-level application programming interface.

API restrictions for server programs A CICS server program invoked by an external CICS interface request is restricted to the DPL subset of the CICS application programming interface. This subset (the DPL subset) of the API commands is the same as for a CICS-to-CICS server program. See the CICS Application Programming Guide for details of the DPL subset for server programs.

Choosing between the EXEC CICS and the CALL interface

As illustrated in the various language versions of the CICS-supplied sample client program (see Sample application programs on page 175 for details), you can use both the CALL interface (all six commands) and the EXEC CICS LINK command in the same program, to perform separate requests. As a general rule, it is unlikely that you would want to do this in a production program. Each form of the external CICS interface has its particular benets. v For low-frequency or single DPL requests, you are recommended to use the EXEC CICS LINK command. It is easier to code, and therefore less prone to programming errors. Note that each invocation of an EXEC CICS LINK command causes the external CICS interface to perform all the functions of the CALL interface, which results in unnecessary overhead. v For multiple or frequent DPL requests from the same client program, you are recommended to use the EXCI CALL interface. This is more efficient, because you need only perform the Initialize_User and Allocate_Pipe commands once, at or near the beginning of your program, and the Deallocate_Pipe once on completion of all DPL activity. In between these


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

functions, you can open and close the pipe as necessary, and while the pipe is opened, you can issue as many DPL calls as you want.

Illustrations of the external CICS CALL interface

The diagrams in Figure 25 through Figure 28 on page 116 illustrate the external CICS interface using the EXCI CALL interface.
MVS Client Application CICS Server Region

External CICS user environment established


Figure 25. Stage 1: Status after an INITIALIZE_USER call

Notes: 1. In Figure 25, the target CICS region is running with IRC open, and one EXCI connection with three sessions installed, at the time the client application program issues an INITIALIZE_USER call. 2. The client application program address space is initialized with the EXCI user environment. There is no MRO activity at this stage, and no pipe exists.

MVS Client Application

CICS Server Region

Pipe allocated


Figure 26. Stage 2: Status after the rst ALLOCATE_PIPE call

Note: In Figure 26, the external CICS interface logs on to MRO, identifying the target CICS server region.

Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface


MVS Client Application

CICS Server Region

Pipe opened


Figure 27. Stage 3: Status after the OPEN_PIPE call

Notes: 1. In Figure 27, the external CICS interface connects to the CICS server region, and the pipe is now available for use. 2. The remaining two EXCI sessions are free, and can be used by further open pipe requests from the same, or a different, client application program (provided the connection is generic).

MVS Client Application DPL Request and data Pipe opened Response and data

CICS Server Region


Figure 28. Stage 4: Status with one open pipe, processing a DPL call

Note: In Figure 28, the external CICS interface passes the DPL request over the open pipe, with any associated data. The CICS server region returns a response and data over the open pipe.

Closing pipes: When the client application program closes a pipe, it remains allocated ready for use by the same user, and the status is as shown in Figure 26 on page 115. At this stage, the MRO session is available for use by another open pipe request, from the same or from a different client application program (provided the connection is generic). Deallocating pipes: When the client application program deallocates a pipe, it logs off from MRO and frees all the storage associated with the session. This leaves the status as shown in Figure 25 on page 115.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Illustration of the EXCI EXEC CICS interface

Figure 29 illustrates the EXEC CICS interface, and how it resolves to the six EXCI CALLs.
MVS Client Application


The EXEC Interface Stub (DFHXCSTB) The stub calls the EXCI EXEC interface program. EXEC interface program issues following calls: INITIALIZE_USER ALLOCATE_PIPE OPEN_PIPE DPL CLOSE_PIPE DEALLOCATE_PIPE pipe to CICS server region is allocated > pipe opened > Request and data sent and response and data received pipe closed

Figure 29. Illustration of the external CICS interface using the EXEC CICS command

Resource recovery
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Resource recovery consists of the protocols and program interfaces that allow an application program to make consistent changes to multiple protected resources. The external CICS interface supports resource recovery. A CICS server program that is invoked by an external CICS interface request can update recoverable resources; the changes are committed when the mirror transaction in the CICS server region takes a syncpoint. The client program can determine when syncpointing should occur. There are two options: v Resource recovery controlled by the CICS server regions. In this case, changes to recoverable resources are committed at the completion of each DPL request, independently of the client program. Also, in addition to the syncpoint taken when the server program returns control to CICS (the SYNCONRETURN option), the server program can take explicit syncpoints during execution. v Resource recovery controlled by the EXCI client program with the support of recoverable resource management services (RRMS). When the client program requests it, updates made by the server program in successive DPL requests are committed together. To support this option, CICS and the external CICS interface both make use of resource recovery services (RRS), the OS/390 syncpoint manager2,which is an

2. RRMS comprises three OS/390 components: registration services, context services, and resource recovery services (RRS) Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

MVS component of recoverable resource management services (RRMS). In the context of RRMS, CICS is a resource manager; the client program may issue requests to other resource managers, and have resources owned by those resource managers committed in the same unit-of-recovery (UR).3 These options are controlled as follows: v By the DPL_opts parameter of the DPL_request. v By the SYNCONRETURN option, either specied or omitted, on the EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM command. If you specify SYNCONRETURN, a syncpoint is taken on completion of each DPL request. If SYNCONRETURN is omitted, a syncpoint is taken when the client program requests it using the interfaces described in Taking a syncpoint in the client program on page 121.

Using RRMS with the external CICS interface

To use RRMS to coordinate DPL requests, ensure that: v The EXCI client and the CICS region to which it sends DPL requests are running in the same MVS image (this is an RRMS restriction, and does not apply to DPL requests that specify SYNCONRETURN). v The CICS region that receives the DPL requests is started with RRMS=YES specied as a system initialization parameter (the default is RRMS=NO). v RRS is running in the MVS image where CICS and the client program execute. See OS/390 MVS Programming: Resource Recovery. For an illustration of the concept of the external CICS interface and CICS using RRMS, see Figure 30 on page 119.

3. A unit of recovery is analogous to a CICS unit of work


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

MVS MVS Batch Region External CICS Interface EXCI Client Program
Server reply (4) Recovery Manager Recoverable EXCI domain Get Token (2) Syncpoint request (5) Syncpoint request (6) Registration (1)

CICS Server Region

DPL_Request + token (3)

CICS Mirror

CICS application program

Syncpoint manager (RRS) Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS)

Figure 30. Conceptual view of EXCI client and CICS server region using RRMS. The main (numbered) steps within a unit-of-recovery are described in the list following the diagram

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

1. If the CICS system initialization parameter RRMS=YES is specied, CICS registers with RRMS as a resource manager. This registration occurs during CICS initialization. 2. When the EXCI client program issues a DPL_Request call in 2-phase commit mode (a call that omits the SYNCONRETURN option), it receives from RRMS: v A unit-of-recovery identier (URID) v A context token v A pass token 3. The URID and the tokens obtained by EXCI on behalf of the client program are included on the DPL request passed to the CICS server region. If the DPL request is the rst one within the UR, CICS calls RRS to express an interest in the UR, attaches a new mirror transaction, and validates the tokens. If the request is valid, the mirror program links to the specied server application program. The server program completes its work, which is all performed within the unit-of-recovery. This work can include updating recoverable resources in the local server region, or daisy-chaining to other CICS regions. 4. When the server program completes, it returns the communications area (COMMAREA) and return codes to the client program. Note: Steps 3 and 4 can repeated many times for the same UR. 5. When the EXCI client program is ready to commit or back out its changes, the program invokes RRS to begin the 2-phase commit protocol. 6. RRS acts as coordinator and either: v Asks the resource managers to prepare to commit all updates within the UR. (Note that resource managers other than the CICS server region may also have expressed an interest in the UR.) If all vote yes, RRS tells them to go ahead and commit the changes. If any vote no, all resource managers are told to perform backout.

Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface


| | | | | | | | | | | | |

v Tells all the resource managers that expressed an interest in the UR to perform backout of all the changes made with the UR. The UR is now complete and CICS detaches the mirror task. If the EXCI client sends any new DPL requests after this point, EXCI starts a new unit-of-recovery and CICS attaches a new mirror transaction. Each DPL request that species the SYNCONRETURN option attaches a new mirror task in the target CICS region. The rst DPL request that does not specify SYNCONRETURN also attaches a new mirror task , but subsequent requests are directed to the same mirror task. When a syncpoint takes place, the mirror task ends, and the next non-SYNCONRETURN request attaches a new mirror. To see the effect of mixing DPL requests with and without the SYNCONRETURN option, see Figure 31.

Figure 31. Effect of mixing DPL requests with and without SYNCONRETURN

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

1. Client issues DPL request omitting SYNCONRETURN. Because no mirror transaction is running, a new mirror (mirror 1) is attached. 2. The DPL request completes, and because it was issued without the SYNCONRETURN option, the mirror transaction waits for another request. 3. Client issues DPL request with the SYNCONRETURN option. 4. 5. 6. 7. A new mirror transaction (mirror 2) is attached. On completion of the DPL request, resources updated by the mirror transaction are committed, and the mirror transaction ends. Client issues another DPL request omitting SYNCONRETURN. Mirror 1 receives and executes the DPL request. The DPL request completes, and once again the mirror transaction waits for another request. Client issues DPL request with the SYNCONRETURN option. A new mirror transaction (mirror 3) is attached.

8. On completion of the DPL request, resources updated by the mirror transaction are committed, and the mirror transaction ends. 9. The client program requests a syncpoint. Resources updated by mirror 1 are committed, and the transaction ends.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Taking a syncpoint in the client program

To commit changes instigated by the client program, use one of the following MVS callable services: Application_Commit_UR (SRRCMIT) For a description of Application_Commit_UR, see OS/390 MVS Programming: Callable Services for HLL. Commit_UR (ATRCMIT) For a description of Commit_UR, see OS/390 MVS Programming: Resource Recovery. To backout changes in the client program, use one of the following services: Application_Backout_UR (SRRBACK) For a description of Application_Backout_UR, see OS/390 MVS Programming: Callable Services for HLL. Backout_UR (ATRBACK) For a description of Backout_UR, see OS/390 MVS Programming: Resource Recovery. If none of these interfaces is used, changes are committed or backed out explicitly when the client program either ends normally or abends. The use of implicit commit or backout is not recommended: v The client program has no way of knowing if updates were committed or backed out; even if the program ends normally, a resource manager may choose to backout any changes. v The run time environment for high level languages may intercept errors that would otherwise result in an operating system abend. If an error is intercepted in this way, and the client program does not take any explicit action, the program may terminate normally and updates committed. Your client program should be coded to ensure that resources are committed or backed out correctly in these situations. For example, a PL/I program might include an ON unit that issues SRRBACK when errors are encountered. A COBOL program might use the ON phrase on statements that could encounter errors to achieve the same result.

Requirements for the external CICS interface

Client programs running in an MVS address space can communicate only with CICS server regions running under Version 4 of CICS for MVS/ESA, or a later release. Also, the client program can connect to the server CICS region only through the Version 4 of CICS for MVS/ESA (or later) level of the interregion communication program, DFHIRP. For information about DFHIRP, and its requirement to be installed in the MVS extended link pack area (ELPA), see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide. When you use RRMS to coordinate DPL requests, the server CICS region must be running CICS TS Release 3 or later.

Chapter 8. Introduction to the external CICS interface



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface

The EXCI CALL interface consists of six commands that allow you to: v Allocate and open sessions to a CICS system from non-CICS programs running under MVS v Issue distributed program link (DPL) requests on these sessions from the non-CICS programs v Close and deallocate sessions on completion of DPL requests. The six EXCI commands are: v Initialize_User v v v v v Allocate_Pipe Open_Pipe DPL_Request Close_Pipe Deallocate_Pipe

The application program stub, DFHXCSTB: The EXCI commands invoke the external CICS interface via an application programming stub provided by CICS, called DFHXCSTB. You must include this stub when you link-edit your non-CICS program.

The CALL interface commands

In the description of each command that follows, the syntax box illustrates the assembler form of the command. The syntax shows VL,MF=(E,(1)) for each command, indicating the execute form of the CALL macro, with the parameter list storage area addressed by Register 1. The commands are also supported by C/370, COBOL, and PL/I programming languages, using the CALL conventions appropriate for these languages. There are examples of these CALLs, in all the supported languages, in the sample client programs provided by CICS. See Sample application programs on page 175 for information about these.

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Initialize the user environment. This includes obtaining authority to use IRC facilities. The environment is created for the lifetime of the TCB, so the command needs to be issued only once per user per TCB. Further commands from this user must be issued under the same TCB. Note: A user is a program that has issued an Initialize_user request (or for which an Initialize_User request has been issued), with a unique name per TCB. For example: v A simple client program running under MVS can be a single user of the external CICS interface. v A client program running under MVS can open several pipes and issue external CICS interface calls over them sequentially, on behalf of different vendor packages. In this case, from the viewpoint of the client program, each of the packages is a user, identied by a unique user name. Thus a single client program can operate on behalf of multiple users. v A program running under MVS can attach several TCBs. Under each TCB, a vendor package issues external CICS interface calls on its own behalf. Each package is a client program in its own right, and runs under its own TCB. Each is also a user, with a unique user name.

CALL DFHXCIS,(version_number, return_area, user_token, call_type,



version_number A fullword binary input area indicating the version of the external CICS interface parameter list being used. It must be set to 1 in the client program.
The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is VERSION_1. See page 145 for copybook details.

return_area A 5-word output area to receive response and reason codes, and a message pointer eld. For more details see Return area for the EXCI CALL interface on page 144. user_token A 1-word output area containing a 32-bit token supplied by the CICS external interface to represent the client program.
The user token corresponds to the user-name parameter. The client program must pass this token on all subsequent external CICS interface commands made for the user dened on the user_name parameter.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

call_type A 1-word input area indicating the function of the command. It must be set to 1 in the client program to indicate that this is an Initialize_User command.
The equated value for this call in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is INIT_USER. See page 145 for copybook details.

user_name An input area holding a name that identies the user of the external CICS interface. Generally, this is the client program. If this user is to use a specic pipe, then the value in user_name must match that of the NETNAME attribute of the CONNECTION denition for the specic pipe.

Responses and reason codes

For all non-zero response codes, a unique reason code value identies the reason for the response. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are in decimal. The following is a summary of the response and reason codes that the external CICS interface can return on the Initialize_User call: Response OK Command executed successfully (RC 0). Reason code: 0 Normal response

Response WARNING The command executed successfully, but with an error (RC 4). Reason codes: 3 4 VERIFY_BLOCK_FM_ERROR WS_FREEMAIN_ERROR

Response RETRYABLE The command failed because of setup errors but can be reissued (RC 8). Reason code: 201 NO_CICS_IRC_STARTED


Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface





For more information about response codes, see Response code values on page 144. For information about the reason codes, see Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Allocate a single session, or pipe, to a CICS region. This command does not connect the client program to a CICS region; this happens on the Open_Pipe command. You can allocate up to 100 pipes in an EXCI address space.

CALL DFHXCIS,(version_number, return_area, user_token, call_type,


CICS_applid, null_ptr,



version_number A fullword binary input area indicating the version of the external CICS interface parameter list being used. It must be set to 1 in the client program.
The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is VERSION_1. See page 145 for copybook details.

return_area A 5-word output area to receive response and reason codes, and a message pointer eld. For more details see Return area for the EXCI CALL interface on page 144. user_token The 1-word token returned on the Initialize_User command. call_type A 1-word input area indicating the function of the command. It must be set to 2 in the client program to indicate that this is an Allocate_Pipe command.
The equated value for this call in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is ALLOCATE_PIPE. See page 145 for copybook details.

pipe_token A 1-word output area. CICS returns a 32-bit token in this area to represent the allocated session. This token must be used on any subsequent command that uses this session. CICS_applid (or null_ptr) An 8-byte input area containing the generic applid of the CICS system to which the allocated session is to be connected.
Although an applid is required to complete the Allocate_Pipe function, this parameter is optional on the Allocate_Pipe call. You can either specify the applid on this parameter to the Allocate_Pipe call, or in the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM, using the URMAPPL parameter (DFHXCURM is always invoked during Allocate_Pipe processing). You can also use the URMAPPL
Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


parameter in DFHXCURM to override an applid specied on the Allocate_Pipe call. See Chapter 12. The EXCI user-replaceable module on page 165 for information about the URMAPPL parameter. If you omit the applid from the call, you must ensure that the CALL parameter list contains a null address for CICS_applid. How you do this depends on the language you are using for the non-CICS client program. For an example of a call that omits an optional parameter, see Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146.

allocate_opts A 1-byte input area to represent options specied on this command. The options specify which type of session is to be usedspecic or generic. X'00' represents a specic session. X'80' represents a generic session.
The equated value for these options in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) are SPECIFIC_PIPE and GENERIC_PIPE. See page 145 for copybook details.

Responses and reason codes

For all non-zero response codes, a unique reason code value identies the reason for the response. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are in decimal. The following is a summary of the response and reason codes that the external CICS interface can return on the Allocate_Pipe call: Response OK Command executed successfully (RC 0). Reason code: 0 Normal response

Response USER_ERROR The command failed because of an error in either the client or the server (RC 12). Reason codes: 401 402 404 421 INVALID_CALL_TYPE INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER INVALID_USER_TOKEN RUNNING_UNDER_AN_IRB


For information about response codes, see Response code values on page 144. For information about the reason codes, see Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Cause IRC to connect an allocated pipe to a receive session of the appropriate connection dened in the CICS region named either on the Allocate_Pipe command, or in DFHXCURM. The appropriate connection is either: v The EXCI connection with a NETNAME value equal to the user_name parameter on the Initialize_User command (that is, you are using a specic connection, dedicated to this client program), or v The EXCI connection dened as generic. Note: This command should be used only when there is a DPL call ready to be issued to the CICS server region. When not in use, EXCI sessions should not be left open. If you shut down CICS without the support of the CICS-supplied shutdown-assist transaction (CESD) or an equivalent, and sessions are left open, CICS may not be able to shut its IRC facility in an orderly manner. A normal shutdown of CICS without the support of the shutdown assist transaction waits if any EXCI sessions are not closed. CICS issues message DFHIR2321 indicating the following information: v The netname of the session if it is on a specic connection v The word GENERIC if the open sessions are on a generic connection. If you use the CICS-supplied shutdown-assist transaction, CESD, sessions left open do not present a problem to normal shutdown, because CESD issues an immediate close of IRC. Provided that at least one DPL_Request call has been issued on the session, message DFHIR2321 also shows the job name, step name, and procedure name of the client job that is using the session, and the MVS ID of the MVS image on which the client program is running.

CALL DFHXCIS,(version_number, return_area, user_token, call_type,



version_number A fullword binary input area indicating the version of the external CICS interface parameter list being used. It must be set to 1 in the client program.
The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is VERSION_1. See page 145 for copybook details.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


return_area A 5-word output area to receive response and reason codes, and a message pointer eld. For more details, see Return area for the EXCI CALL interface on page 144. user_token The 1-word token returned on the Initialize_User command. call_type A 1-word input area indicating the function of the command. This must be set to 3 in the client program to indicate that this is an Open_pipe command.
The equated value for this call in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is OPEN_PIPE. See page 145 for copybook details.

pipe_token A 1-word output area containing the token passed by CICS on the Allocate_Pipe command. It represents the pipe being opened on this command.

Responses and reason codes

For all non-zero response codes, a unique reason code value identies the reason for the response. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are in decimal. The following is a summary of the response and reason codes that the external CICS interface can return on the Open_Pipe call: Response OK Command executed successfully (RC 0). Reason code: 0 NORMAL

Response WARNING The command executed successfully, but with an error (RC 4). Reason codes: 1 PIPE_ALREADY_OPEN

Response RETRYABLE The command failed because of setup errors but can be reissued (RC 8). Reason codes: 202 203 NO_PIPE NO_CICS

Response USER_ERROR The command failed because of an error in either the client or the server (RC 12). Reason codes: 401 402 404 418 421 INVALID_CALL_TYPE INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER INVALID_USER_TOKEN INVALID_PIPE_TOKEN RUNNING_UNDER_AN_IRB


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide


For information about response codes, see Response code values on page 144. For information about the reason codes, see Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


Issue a distributed program link request across an open pipe connected to the CICS system on which the server (or target) application program resides. The command is synchronous, and the TCB waits for a response from CICS. Once a pipe is opened, any number of DPL requests can be issued before the pipe is closed. To the server program, the link request appears just like a standard EXEC CICS LINK request from another CICS region, and it is not aware that it is sent from a non-CICS client program using EXCI.

CALL DFHXCIS,(version_number, return_area, user_token, call_type,



COMMAREA, null_ptr,



transid, null_ptr,

uowid, null_ptr,

userid, null_ptr,


DPL_opts null_ptr


version_number A fullword binary input area indicating the version of the external CICS interface parameter list being used. It must be set to 1 in the client program.
The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is VERSION_1. See page 145 for copybook details.

return_area A 5-word output area to receive response and reason codes, and a message pointer eld. For more details, see Return area for the EXCI CALL interface on page 144. user_token A 1-word input area specifying the user token returned to the client program on the Initialize_User command. call_type A 1-word input area indicating the function of the command. This must be set to 6 in the client program to indicate that the pipe is now being used for the DPL_Request call.
The equated value for this call in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is DPL_REQUEST. See page 145 for copybook details.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

pipe_token A 1-word input area specifying the token returned by EXCI on the Allocate_Pipe command. It represents the pipe being used for the DPL_Request call. pgmname The 8-character name of the CICS application program being called as the server program.
This is either the name as specied on a predened PROGRAM resource denition installed in the CICS server region, or as it is known to a user-written autoinstall program if the program is to be autoinstalled. The program can be dened in the CICS server region as a local program, or it can be dened as remote. Programs dened as remote enable daisy-chaining, where EXCI-CICS DPL calls become EXCI-CICS-CICS DPL calls.

COMMAREA (or null_ptr) A variable length input area for the communications area (COMMAREA) between the client and server programs. The length is dened by COMMAREA_len.
This is the storage area that contains the data to be sent to the CICS application program. This area is also used to receive the updated COMMAREA from the CICS application program (the server program). This parameter is optional. If it is not required, you must ensure that the CALL parameter list contains a null address for this parameter. How you do this depends on the language you are using for the non-CICS client program. For an example of a call that omits an optional parameter, see Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146.

COMMAREA_len A fullword binary input area. This parameter species the length of the COMMAREA. It is also the length of the server programs COMMAREA (EIBCALEN).
If you specify a COMMAREA, you must also specify this parameter to dene the length. If you dont specify a COMMAREA, this parameter is ignored.

data_len A fullword binary input area. This parameter species the length of contiguous storage, from the start of the COMMAREA, to be sent to the server program.
This parameter restricts the amount of data sent to the server program, and should be used to optimize performance if, for example, the COMMAREA is large but the amount of data being passed is small. Note that on return from the server program, the EXCI data transformer program ensures that the COMMAREA in the non-CICS client program is the same as that of the server program. This caters for the following conditions: v The data returned is more than the data passed in the original COMMAREA. v The data returned is less than the data passed in the original COMMAREA. v There is no data returned because it is unchanged. v The server is returning null data.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


The value of data_len must not be greater than the value of COMMAREA_len. A value of zero is valid and results in no data being sent to the server program. If you dont specify a COMMAREA, this parameter is ignored.

transid (or null_ptr) A 4-character input area containing the id of the CICS mirror transaction under which the server program is to run. This transaction must be dened to the CICS server region, and its denition must observe the following rules: v It must not specify the server program as the initial program of the transaction v It must specify the mirror program DFHMIRS, and the prole DFHCICSA.
Failure to specify DFHMIRS as the initial program means that a COMMAREA passed from the client application program is not passed to the CICS server program. Furthermore, the DPL request fails and the client application program receives a response of SYSTEM_ERROR and reason SERVER_PROTOCOL_ERROR. The DFHCICSA prole species the correct value for the INBFMH parameter, which must be specied as INBFMH(ALL) for a mirror transaction. When the CICS server region receives a DPL request, it attaches the mirror transaction and invokes DFHMIRS. The mirror program then passes control to the requested server program, passing the COMMAREA supplied by the client program. The COMMAREA passed to the server program is primed with the data only, the remainder of the COMMAREA being set to nulls. The purpose of the transid parameter is to distinguish between different invocations of the server program. This enables you to run different invocations of the server program under transactions that specify different attributes. For example, you can vary the transaction priorities, or the security requirements. A transid is optional. By default, the CICS server region uses the CICS-supplied mirror transaction, CSMI. If you dont want to specify transid, you must ensure that the CALL parameter list contains a null address for this parameter. How you do this depends on the language you are using for the non-CICS client program. For an example of a call that omits an optional parameter, see Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146. | | | | | | | | | | | If you issue multiple requests in the same MVS unit-of-recovery, the same transid must be used in all of them.

uowid (or null_ptr) An input area containing a unit-of-work identier, using the APPC architected format, that is passed on the DPL_Request for correlation purposes.
For DPL requests that are committed when the CICS program returns control to the MVS application, this parameter is optional. For DPL requests that are part of an RRMS unit-of-recovery, null_ptr must be specied. The unit-of-work identier that is already associated with the RRMS unit-of-recovery is used, if there is one; if not, CICS (or another RRMS resource manager) generates a unique unit-of-work identier and associates it with the RRMS unit-of-recovery.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

If you dont want to specify uowid, you must ensure that the CALL parameter list contains a null address for this parameter. How you do this depends on the language you are using for the non-CICS client program. For an example of a call that omits an optional parameter, see Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146. The uowid parameter is passed to the CICS server region, which uses it as the UOWID for the rst unit of work executed by the CICS server program. If the server program issues intermediate syncpoints before returning to the client program, CICS uses the supplied uowid for the subsequent units of work, but with the two-byte sequence number incremented for each new logical unit of work. If the CICS server program updates remote resources, the client-supplied UOWID is distributed to the remote systems that own the resources. The uowid parameter is supplied on the EXCI CALL interface for correlation purposes only, to allow units of work that originated from a particular client program to be identied in CICS. The uowid is not provided for recovery purposes between CICS and the client program. The uowid can be a maximum of 27 bytes long and has the following format: v A 1-byte length eld containing the overall length of the UOWID (excluding this eld). v A 1-byte length eld containing the length of the logical unit name (excluding this eld). v A logical unit name eld of variable length up to a maximum of 17 bytes. To conform to APPC architecture rules, the LUNAME must be of the form AAAAAAAA.BBBBBBBB, where AAAAAAAA is optional and: AAAAAAAA and BBBBBBBBare 18byte names separated by a period If AAAAAAAA is omitted, the period must also be omitted AAAAAAAA and BBBBBBBB must be type1134 symbol strings (that is, character strings consisting of one or more EBCDIC uppercase letters AZ and 09, the rst character of which must be an uppercase letter). v The clock valuethe middle 6 bytes of an 8-byte store clock (STCK) value. v A 2-byte sequence number. | | If you omit a unit-of-work identier (by specifying a null pointer), and the DPL request is not part of an RRMS unit-of-recovery, the external CICS interface generates one for you, consisting of the following: v A 1-byte length eld set to X'1A'. v A 1-byte LU length eld set to X'11'. v A 17-byte LU name consisting of: An 8-byte eyecatcher set to DFHEXCIU. A 1-byte eld containing a period (.) A 4-byte eld containing the MVS system identier (SYSID), in characters, under which the client is running. A 4-byte eld containing the address space id (ASID) in which the MVS client program is running. The eld contains the four character EBCDIC representation of the twobyte hex address space id. v The clock valuethe middle 6 bytes of an 8-byte store clock (STCK) value v A twobyte sequence number set to X'0001'.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


userid (or null_ptr) An 8-character input area containing the RACF userid for user security checking in the CICS region. The external CICS interface passes this userid to the CICS server region for user resource and command security checking in the server application program.
A userid is required only if the MRO connection species the ATTACHSEC(IDENTIFY) attribute. If the connection species ATTACHSEC(LOCAL), the CICS server region applies link security checking. See the CICS RACF Security Guide for information about link security on MRO connections. See also Chapter 15. Security on page 187 for information about external CICS interface security considerations. This parameter is optional. However, if you dont specify a userid, the external CICS interface passes the security userid under which the client program is running. For example, if the client program is running as an MVS batch job, the external CICS interface obtains and passes the userid specied on the USER parameter of the JOB statement. If you specify a userid and SURROGCHK=YES is specied in the EXCI options table DFHXCOPT, the userid under which the EXCI job is running is subject to a surrogate user check. This check is performed by the external CICS interface to ensure that the client job userid is authorized to use the userid specied on the DPL call. For more information about surrogate user security checking, see Chapter 15. Security on page 187. If you want to let userid default, you must ensure that the CALL parameter list contains a null address for this parameter. How you do this depends on the language you are using for the non-CICS client program. For an example of a call that omits an optional parameter, see Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146. | | | | If you issue multiple requests in the same MVS unit-of-recovery, the same userid must be used in all of them. If the unit-of-recovery also includes EXEC CICS calls, you should allow the userid on all DPL_requests to default to the security userid under which the client program is running.

dpl_retarea A 12-byte output area into which the DPL_Request processor places responses to the DPL request. Generally, these responses are from CICS, but in some cases the error detection occurs in the external CICS interface, which returns exception conditions that are the equivalent of those returned by an EXEC CICS LINK command.
This eld is only meaningful in the following circumstances: v The response eld of the EXCI return-area has a zero value, or v The EXCI return-area indicates that the server program has abended (response=USER_ERROR and reason=SERVER_ABENDED). The 12 bytes form three elds, providing the following information:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Field 1 (fullword value) This eld is a fullword containing a RESP value from the DPL_Request call. See Error codes on page 152 for the RESP values that can be returned on a DPL_Request call. If the DPL_Request call reaches CICS, this eld contains the EIBRESP value, otherwise it contains an equivalent response set by the external CICS interface. If this eld is set by the external CICS interface, RESP is further qualied by a RESP2 value in the second eld. A zero value is the normal response, which equates to EXEC_NORMAL in the return codes copybooks. Field 2 (fullword value) This eld is a fullword that may contain a RESP2 value from the link request, further qualifying the RESP value in eld 1. If the DPL_Request call reaches CICS, the RESP2 eld generally is null (CICS does not return RESP2 values across MRO links). However, if the RESP eld indicates SYSIDERR (value 53), this eld provides a reason code. SeeDpl_retarea return codes on page 145 for more information. If the RESP eld is set by the external CICS interface, it is further qualied by a RESP2 value in this second eld. For example, if the data_len parameter species a value greater than the COMMAREA_len parameter, the external CICS interface returns the RESP value 22 (which equates to EXEC_LENGERR in the return codes copybooks), and a RESP2 value of 13. See the LINK conditions in the CICS Application Programming Reference for full details of the possible RESP and RESP2 values. Note: The data transformer program makes special use of the RESP2 eld. If any error occurs in the transformer, the error is returned in RESP2. Field 3 (fullword value) The third eld, a 4-character eld, contains: v The abend code if the server program abended v Four blanks if the server program did not abend. If a server program abends, it is backed out to its last syncpoint which may be the start of the task, or an intermediate syncpoint. The server program can issue intermediate syncpoints because SYNCONRETURN is forced. | | | | | | | | | |

DPL_opts (or null_ptr) A 1-byte input area indicating options to be used on the DPL_Request call.
If you omit this parameter, it defaults to the value X00 (see below). If you want to omit DPL_opts and let it default, ensure that the CALL parameter list contains a null address for this parameter. How you do this depends on the language you are using for the non-CICS program. For an example of a call that omits an optional parameter, see Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146. Currently, the DPL_opts parameter applies only to resource recovery, using the following values:
Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Indicates that you want the client batch program to control resource recovery, using 2-phase commit protocols supported by MVS RRS. With this option, the CICS server region does not perform a syncpoint when the server program returns control to CICS. Furthermore, the CICS server application program must not take any explicit syncpoints, otherwise it is abended by CICS. For more information, see Resource recovery on page 117. indicates that SYNCONRETURN is required in the CICS server region. SYNCONRETURN species that the server region is to take a syncpoint on successful completion of the server program, independently of the client program. This option does not prevent a server program from taking its own explicit syncpoints.


The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is SYNCONRETURN. See page 145 for copybook details.

Responses and reason codes

For all non-zero response codes, a unique reason code value identies the reason for the response. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are in decimal. The following is a summary of the response and reason codes that the external CICS interface can return on the DPL call: Response OK Command executed successfully (RC 0). Reason code: 0 NORMAL

Response WARNING The command executed successfully, but with an error (RC 4). Reason codes: 6 7 IRP_IOAREA_FM_FAILURE SERVER_TERMINATED

Response RETRYABLE The command failed because of setup errors but can be reissued (RC 8). Reason codes: 203 | | 204 205 NO_CICS WRONG_MVS_FOR_RRMS RRMS_NOT_AVAILABLE

Response USER_ERROR The command failed because of an error in either the client or the server (RC 12). Reason codes: 401 402 404 406 INVALID_CALL_TYPE INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER INVALID_USER_TOKEN PIPE_NOT_OPEN


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

407 408 409 414 415 416 417 418 421 422 423 | 425



For information about response codes, see Response code values on page 144. For information about the reason codes, see Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


Disconnect an open pipe from CICS. The pipe remains in an allocated state, and its tokens remain valid for use by the same user. To reuse a closed pipe, the client program must rst reissue an Open_Pipe command using the pipe token returned on the Allocate_Pipe command for the pipe. Pipes should not be left open when not in use because this prevents CICS from shutting down its IRC facility in an orderly manner. Therefore, the Close_Pipe command should be issued as soon as possible after all DPL_Request calls have completed.

CALL DFHXCIS,(version_number, return_area, user_token, call_type,



version_number A fullword binary input area indicating the version of the external CICS interface parameter list being used. It must be set to 1 in the client program.
The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is VERSION_1. See page 142 for copybook details.

return_area A 5-word output area to receive response and reason codes, and a message pointer eld. For more details, see Return area for the EXCI CALL interface on page 144. user_token The 1-word input area specifying the token, returned to the client program by EXCI on the Initialize_User command, that represents the user of the pipe being closed. call_type A 1-word input area indicating the function of the command. This must be set to 4 in the client program to indicate that this is a Close_Pipe command.
The equated value for this call in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is CLOSE_PIPE. See page 145 for copybook details.

pipe_token A 1-word input area specifying the token, returned to the client program by EXCI on the original Allocate_Pipe command, that represents the pipe being closed.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Responses and reason codes

For all non-zero response codes, a unique reason code value identies the reason for the response. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are in decimal. The following is a summary of the response and reason codes that the external CICS interface can return on the Close_Pipe call: Response OK Command executed successfully (RC 0). Reason code: 0 NORMAL

Response WARNING The command executed successfully, but with an error (RC 4). Reason codes: 2 PIPE_ALREADY_CLOSED

Response USER_ERROR The command failed because of an error in either the client or the server (RC 12). Reason codes: 401 402 404 418 421 INVALID_CALL_TYPE INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER INVALID_USER_TOKEN INVALID_PIPE_TOKEN RUNNING_UNDER_AN_IRB

Response SYSTEM_ERROR The command failed (RC 16). Reason codes: 610 622 623 IRC_DISCONNECT_FAILURE ESTAE_SETUP_FAILURE ESTAE_INVOKED

For information about response codes, see Response code values on page 144. For information about the reason codes, see Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


Deallocate a pipe from CICS. On completion of this command, the pipe can no longer be used, and its associated tokens are invalid. This command should be issued for pipes that are no longer required. This command frees storage associated with the pipe.

CALL DFHXCIS,(version_number, return_area, user_token, call_type,



version_number A fullword binary input area indicating the version of the external CICS interface parameter list being used. It must be set to 1 in the client program.
The equated value for this parameter in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is VERSION_1. See page 145 for copybook details.

return_area A 5-word output area to receive response and reason codes, and a message pointer eld. For more details, see Return area for the EXCI CALL interface on page 144. user_token A 1-word input area containing the token returned on the Initialize_User command. call_type A 1-word input area indicating the function of the command. This must be set to 5 in the client program to indicate that this is a Deallocate_Pipe command.
The equated value for this call in the CICS-supplied copybook DFHXCPLx (where x indicates the language) is DEALLOCATE_PIPE. See page 145 for copybook details.

pipe_token A 1-word input area containing the token passed back on the original Allocate_Pipe command, that represents the pipe now being deallocated.

Responses and reason codes

For all non-zero response codes, a unique reason code value identies the reason for the response. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are in decimal.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

The following is a summary of the response and reason codes that the external CICS interface can return on the Deallocate_Pipe call: Response OK Command executed successfully (RC 0). Reason code: 0 NORMAL

Response WARNING The command succeeded successfully, but with an error (RC 4). Reason codes: 5 6 XCPIPE_FREEMAIN_ERROR IRP_IOAREA_FM_FAILURE

Response USER_ERROR The command failed because of an error in either the client or the server (RC 12). Reason codes: 401 402 404 405 418 421 INVALID_CALL_TYPE INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER INVALID_USER_TOKEN PIPE_NOT_CLOSED INVALID_PIPE_TOKEN RUNNING_UNDER_AN_IRB

Response SYSTEM_ERROR The command failed (RC 16). Reason codes: 611 622 623 IRC_LOGOFF_FAILURE ESTAE_SETUP_FAILURE ESTAE_INVOKED

For information about response codes, see Response code values on page 144. For information about the reason codes, see Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


Response code values

The values that can be returned in the response eld are shown in Table 11 (all values are in decimal).
Table 11. EXCI response codes (returned in response eld of return_area) ValueMeaning Explanation
0 OK For all EXCI CALL commands other than the DPL_request, the call was successful. If an OK response is received for a DPL_request, you must also check dpl_retarea to ensure CICS did not return a condition code. If the EIBRESP eld of Dpl_retarea is zero, the DPL call was successful. The external CICS interface detected an error, but this did not stop the CALL command completing successfully. The reason code eld describes the error detected. The EXCI CALL command failed. This class of failure relates to errors in the setup of the system environment, and not errors in the external CICS interface or client program. The reason code documents the specic error in the environment setup. The external CICS interface command can be reissued without changing the client program once the environment error has been corrected. The environmental errors concerned are ones that do not require an MVS re-IPL. Each reason code value for a RETRYABLE response documents whether the CALL can be reissued directly, or whether the pipe being used has to be closed and reopened rst. The EXCI CALL command failed. This class of error means there is an error either in the client program, or in the CICS server program, or in the CICS server region. An example of an error in the CICS server system would be a failed security check, or an abend of the CICS server program, in which case the abend code is set in the abend code eld of dpl_retarea. Each reason code value for a response of USER_ERROR explains whether the command can be reissued directly, or whether the pipe being used has to be closed and reopened rst. The EXCI CALL command failed. This class of error means that the external CICS interface has detected an error. The reason code value identies the specic error. If the error can be corrected, then the command can be reissued. Each reason code value for a SYSTEM_ERROR response explains whether the command can be reissued directly, or whether the pipe being used has to be closed and reopened rst.







Return area for the EXCI CALL interface

The format of the 5-word return area for the EXCI CALL interface is as follows: 1. 1word response eld. 2. 1word reason eld. 3. Two 1word subreason eldssubreason eld-1 and subreason eld-2. 4. 1word CICS message pointer eld. This is zero if there is no message present. If a message is present, this eld contains the address of the storage area containing the message, which is formatted as follows: v A 2-byte LL eld. LL is the length of the message plus the length of the LLBB eld.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

v A 2-byte BB eld, set to binary zero. v A variable length eld containing the text of the message.

Return area and function call EQUATE copybooks

CICS provides four language-specic copybooks that map the storage areas for the return_area and dpl_retarea parameters of the EXCI CALL commands. The copybooks also provide EQUATE statements for each type of EXCI CALL. These copybooks, and the libraries they are supplied in for the supported languages, are shown in Table 12.
Table 12. Supplied copybooks of return areas and equated names

Return codes
All the possible return codes are contained in a CICS-supplied copybook, which you must include in the program source of your external, non-CICS program. The names of the copybooks for the supported languages, and the libraries they are supplied in, are shown in Table 13.
Table 13. Supplied copybooks of RESPONSE and REASON codes

| | | |

OS/390 provides copybooks for use with the interfaces described on Taking a syncpoint in the client program on page 121. These are described in OS/390 MVS Programming: Resource Recovery and OS/390 MVS Programming: Callable Services for HLL.

Dpl_retarea return codes

These are the same as for CICS-to-CICS EXEC CICS DPL commands but with the following additions for the EXCI call interface:
Table 14. Exceptional conditions. RESP and Condition RESP2 LENGERR 22 LENGERR 23 RESP2 values returned to dpl_retarea Meaning COMMAREA_LEN_TOO_BIG COMMAREA_BUT_NO_COMMAREA_LEN

| | | |

SYSIDERR also can be returned on an EXCI DPL_Request, if the DPL_Request species a program dened in the CICS server region as a remote program, and the link between the server and the remote CICS region is not open. In this situation, SYSIDERR is returned in the rst word of the DPL_Retarea (code 53).
Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface


| | | | | | |

The reason code qualifying SYSIDERR is placed in the second word of this area (the equivalent of a RESP2 value).For SYSIDERR, the information stored in this eld is derived from bytes 1 and 2 of the CICS EIBRCODE eld. For example, if a remote link is not available, the EIBRCODE value stored in bytes 2 and 3 of the DPL_Retarea RESP2 eld is X'0800'. For a list of the SYSIDERR reason codes that can be returned in the RESP2 eld, see the SYSIDERR section of the notes on EIBRCODE in the CICS Application Programming Reference manual. TERMERR also may be returned on an EXCI DPL request if the DPL request was to a program dened as remote, and an unrecoverable error occurs during conversation with the mirror on the remote CICS system. For example, suppose client program BATCH1 issues an EXCI DPL request to CICSA for program PROG1, which is dened as remote, and the request is function-shipped to CICSB where the program resides. If the session between CICSA and CICSB fails, or CICSB itself fails whilst executing the program PROG1, then TERMERR is returned to CICSA, and in turn to BATCH1. No unique EXCI_DPL_RESP2 values are returned for TERMERR, PGMIDERR, NOTAUTH, and ROLLBACK.

Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters

If you omit an optional parameter, such as userid on a DPL_Request, you must ensure that the parameter list is built with a null address for the missing parameter. The example that follows illustrates how to issue an EXCI DPL_Request with the userid and uowid parameters omitted in a COBOL program. DPL CALL without userid and uowid (COBOL): In this example, the DPL parameters used on the call are dened in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION, as follows:
DPL parameter version_number return_area user_token call_type pipe_token COBOL variable 01 VERSION-1 01 EXCI-RETURN-CODE. 01 USER-TOKEN 03 DPL-REQUEST 01 PIPE-TOKEN 01 01 01 01 01 TARGET-PROGRAM COMMAREA. COMM-LENGTH DATA-LENGTH TARGET-TRANSID Field denition PIC S9(8) COMP (structure) PIC S9(8) COMP PIC S9(8) COMP PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE 1. VALUE ZERO. VALUE 6. VALUE ZERO.

pgmname commarea commarea_len data_len transid dpl_retarea dpl_opts

PIC X(8) VALUE DFHAXCS. (structure) PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE 98. PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE 18. PIC X(4) VALUE EXCI. (structure) PIC X VALUE X'80'.


The variable used for the null address is dened in the LINKAGE SECTION, as follows: LINKAGE SECTION. 01 NULL-PTR


Using the data names specied in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION as described above, and the NULL-PTR name as described in the LINKAGE


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

SECTION, the following invocation of the DPL function omits the uowid and the userid parameters, and replaces them in the parameter list with the NULL-PTR variable:

This example is taken from the CICS-supplied sample external CICS interface program, DFH0CXCC, which is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHSAMP. For an example of how to omit the same parameters from the DPL call in the other supported languages, see the following sample programs: DFH$AXCC The assembler sample DFH$PXCC The PL/I sample DFH$DXCC The C/370 sample.

Chapter 9. The EXCI CALL interface



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface

This chapter describes the EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM command for the external CICS interface. It covers the following topics: v EXEC CICS LINK command on page 150 v Retries on an EXEC CICS LINK command on page 154 v Translation required for EXEC CICS LINK command on page 156 The external CICS interface provides this as a single, composite command, to invoke all the calls of the EXCI CALL interface. Each time you issue an EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM command in a client application program, the external CICS interface invokes on your behalf each of the six EXCI calls.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


EXEC CICS LINK command Purpose

Link from an MVS client program to the specied server program in a server CICS region.








With the exception of the APPLID and RETCODE parameters, the external CICS interface parameters for an EXEC CICS LINK command are the same as for a CICS-CICS DPL command. This book describes only those parameters that you can use with the external CICS interface. For programming information about the EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM command, see the CICS Application Programming Reference manual. Note that the LENGTH and DATALENGTH parameters specify halfword binary values, unlike the corresponding COMMAREA_len and data_len parameters of the EXCI CALL interface, which specify fullword values. An external CICS interface EXEC CICS LINK command always uses a generic connection.

The parameters that you can use on the external CICS interface form of the LINK command, are as follows: APPLID(name) Species the generic APPLID of the target CICS server region.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Although an applid is required for an external CICS interface command, this parameter is optional on the LINK command itself because you can also specify it in the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM. If you omit the generic APPLID from the LINK command, you must ensure it is specied by the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM, on the URMAPPL parameter. You can also use the URMAPPL parameter in DFHXCURM to override an applid specied on the LINK command. See Chapter 12. The EXCI user-replaceable module on page 165 for information about the URMAPPL parameter. COMMAREA(data-area) Species a communication area that is to be made available to the invoked program. In this option, a pointer to the data area is passed. See the CICS Application Programming Guide for more information about passing data to CICS application programs. DATALENGTH(data-value) Species a halfword binary value that is the length of a contiguous area of storage, from the start of the COMMAREA, to be passed to the invoked program. If the amount of data being passed in a COMMAREA is small, but the COMMAREA itself is large so that the linked-to program can return the requested data, you should specify DATALENGTH in the interest of performance. LENGTH(data-value) Species a halfword binary value that is the length in bytes of the communication area. PROGRAM(name) Species the program name (1-8 characters) of the CICS server application program to which control is to be passed unconditionally. The specied name must either have been dened as a program to CICS, or the CICS server region must be capable of autoinstalling a denition for the named program. Note the use of quotes:

PROGX is in quotes because it is the program name.


DAREA is not in quotes because it is the name of a data area that contains the 8-character program name. RETCODE(data-area) Species a 20-byte area into which the external CICS interface places return code information. This area is formatted into ve 1word elds as follows: RESP The primary response code indicating whether the external CICS interface LINK command caused an exception condition during its execution. RESP2 The secondary response code that further qualies, where necessary, some of the conditions raised in the RESP parameter. ABCODE Contains a valid CICS abend code if the server program abended in the server region.

Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface


MSGLEN Indicates the length of the message (if any) issued by the CICS server region during the execution of the server program. Note that the length is the actual length of the message text only, and does not include this 1word length eld. MSGPTR This is the address of the message text returned by the CICS server region. Note: MSGLEN and MSGPTR are only valid on a LINKERR condition, with the RESP2 value 414. SYNCONRETURN Species that the CICS server region, named on the APPLID parameter, is to take a syncpoint on successful completion of the server program. TRANSID(name) Species the name of the mirror transaction that the remote region is to attach, and under which it is to run the server program. If you omit the TRANSID option, the CICS server region attaches CSMI. Note: The TRANSID option specied on the LINK command overrides any TRANSID option specied on the program resource denition installed in the CICS server region. While you can specify your own name for the mirror transaction initiated by DPL requests, the transaction must be dened in the server region, and the transaction denition must specify the mirror program, DFHMIRS. Dening your own transaction to invoke the mirror program gives you the freedom to specify appropriate values for some other options on the transaction resource denition. See also the important rules about specifying transid with a DPL_Request on page 134.

Error codes
Most of the exception conditions that are returned on the external CICS interface LINK command are the same as for the CICS-to-CICS distributed program link command. Those that are the same, and their corresponding numeric values are as follows: LENGERR 22 PGMIDERR 27 SYSIDERR 53 NOTAUTH 70 TERMERR 81 ROLLEDBACK 82


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

These exception condition codes are returned in the RESP eld.

RESP and RESP2 References to the RESP and RESP2 elds in this section are to the rst two elds of the RETCODE parameter. The exception conditions that are specic to the external CICS interface are as follows: v The RESP2 values on the error condition LENGERR is specic to the external CICS interface. v The exception conditions WARNING and LINKERR are specic to the external CICS interface. The WARNING and LINKERR exceptions are a result of responses to individual EXCI calls issued by the external CICS interface in response to an EXEC CICS LINK command. These WARNING and LINKERR exceptions correspond to EXCI call responses as follows: WARNING (RESP value 4) This is returned when the EXCI module handling the EXEC CICS LINK request receives a USER_ERROR or SYSTEM_ERROR response to a Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe request issued on behalf of an EXEC CICS LINK command. The RESP value is set to WARNING because the DPL request to CICS completed successfully, but an error occurred in subsequent processing. The RESP2 eld is set to the EXCI reason code, which gives more information about the error. LINKERR (RESP value 88) This is returned when the EXCI module handling the EXEC CICS LINK request receives a RETRYABLE, USER_ERROR, or SYSTEM_ERROR response to an EXCI call issued on behalf of the EXEC CICS LINK command. The DPL request has failed. The RESP2 eld is set to the EXCI reason code, which gives more information about the error. See Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls on page 211 for descriptions of EXCI reason codes. Note: The external CICS interface ignores any WARNING conditions that occur in response to EXCI calls it issues on behalf of an EXEC CICS LINK command. It treats the WARNING on an EXCI call as a good response and continues normally. If no other errors occur, the EXEC CICS command completes with a zero response in the EXEC_RESP eld.

| |

Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface


Retries on an EXEC CICS LINK command

If the external CICS interface receives a RETRYABLE response on an EXCI call that it makes on behalf of an EXEC CICS LINK command, it automatically retries the EXEC CICS LINK command up to ve times, providing more serious errors do not occur. If the RETRYABLE response is still received after the fth retry, the RESP eld is set to LINKERR, and the reason returned on the EXCI CALL request that causes the exception is returned in the RESP2 eld. The external CICS interface retries the EXEC CICS LINK command by rst closing and deallocating the pipe, then reissuing the six EXCI CALL commands. During Allocate_Pipe processing, the EXCI CALL interface calls the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM, to give you the opportunity to change the APPLID of the CICS system to which the request has been sent. See Chapter 12. The EXCI user-replaceable module on page 165 for details of DFHXCURM. Table 15 lists all the exception conditions and RESP2 values that are specic to the EXEC CICS LINK command for the external CICS interface.
Table 15. Exceptional conditions. RESP and RESP2 values returned from the EXEC API. Condition RESP2 Meaning (RESP)
LENGERR (22) WARNING (4) 22 23 401 402 404 405 418 421 610 611 622 623 LINKERR (88) 201 202 203 COMMAREA length greater than 32763 bytes specied COMMAREA specied but no LENGTH parameter specied Invalid call_type parameter value specied on Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe call Invalid version_number parameter specied on Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe call Invalid user_token specied on Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe call A Deallocate_Pipe call has been issued against a pipe that is not yet closed An invalid pipe token has been issued on a Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe call A Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe command has been issued under an IRB There has been a CICS IRP logoff failure on a Deallocate_Pipe call There has been a CICS IRC disconnect failure on a Close_Pipe call There has been an MVS ESTAE setup failure on a Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe call A program check on a Close_Pipe or Deallocate_Pipe call has caused the ESTAE to be invoked Command has been issued on an MVS image which has had no IRC activity since the previous IPL There are no available sessions CICS has not yet been brought up, or (2) has not yet opened IRC, or (3) no generic connection is installed, or (4) no specic connection is installed with the required netname. An EXEC CICS LINK command without the SYNCONRETURN option has been issued specifying a CICS system on a different MVS image. An EXEC CICS LINK command without the SYNCONRETURN option has been issued when RRS is not available Invalid parameter


205 401


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 15. Exceptional conditions (continued). RESP and RESP2 values returned from the EXEC API. Condition RESP2 Meaning (RESP)
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 Invalid version number User name is all blanks Invalid address in user token Command has been issued against a pipe that is not closed Command has been issued against a pipe that is not open Userid of all blanks has been passed Error in UOWID parameter Transid consisting of all blanks or zero has been passed Load of message module, DFHMEBM, failed Load of message module, DFHMET4E, failed Load of DFHXCURM failed Load of DFHXCTRA failed If run as a CICS-to-CICS linked-to program, this server program would have resulted in an error with an appropriate message sent to the terminal. Running the program as an EXCI server program returns the message addressed by the MSGPTR eld of the RETCODE area. Target connection is an MRO connection, not an EXCI connection Command has been issued against a CICS region running under a release of CICS earlier than CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1 Command has been issued against a pipe in the MUST CLOSE state. Further EXCI EXEC CICS LINK commands will have unpredictable results and are, therefore, not permitted Pipe_token does not address an XCPIPE control block, or there is a mismatch between user_token and pipe_token CICS runs, or did run, under the TCB that this command is attempting to use. This is not permitted and the command fails Load of DFHXCOPT failed The command has been issued under an MVS IRB, which is not permitted The server has abended Surrogate user check failed An EXEC CICS LINK command without the SYNCONRETURN option has been issued on a system that does not support RRMS A DPL request omitted the SYNCONRETURN option, but specied a value of UOWID. A GETMAIN of working storage failed. This error leads to user abend 408 A GETMAIN failed. This error leads to user abend 403. A GETMAIN failed. This error leads to user abend 410 A GETMAIN failed A GETMAIN for the VERIFY block failed. This error leads to user abend 409. An SSI verify request (to obtain CICS SVC instruction) failed. This error leads to user abend 405. An SVC call failed. This error leads to user abend 406. Logon to IRP failed Connect to IRP failed Disconnect from IRP failed Logoff from IRP failed Invalid data input to transformer_1 Invalid data input to transformer_4
Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface


415 416 417

418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425

| | | | |

601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613


Table 15. Exceptional conditions (continued). RESP and RESP2 values returned from the EXEC API. Condition RESP2 Meaning (RESP)
LINKERR (88) 614 615 616 617 619 620 621 CICS has responded but has not sent any data CICS cannot satisfy the request IRP_SWITCH_PULL request (to read data sent from CICS into a larger input/output area) has failed A GETMAIN for a larger input/output area failed IRP has had a problem with the input/output area passed from the client program IRP has disconnected from EXCI A DISCONNECT command is issued in an error situation following an IRP CONNECT. The DISCONNECT has failed, indicating a serious error. XCPRH ESTAE setup command failed This error leads to user abend 402. XCPRH ESTAE invoked due to program check during the processing of this command. ESTAE attempts backout and takes a SYSMDUMP. Further requests are permitted although the pipe is now in a MUST CLOSE state. The DPL request has been passed to CICS but the time specied in DFHXCOPT has been exceeded. The request is aborted. An MVS STIMERM macro call failed An MVS STIMERM CANCEL request failed The CICS SVC is at the incorrect level. This error leads to user abend 407. DFHIRP is at the incorrect level An unexpected return code was received from RRMS when processing an EXEC CICS LINK command without the SYNCONRETURN option . An unexpected error was encountered when processing an EXEC CICS LINK command without the SYNCONRETURN option. A GETMAIN for DFHXCGURs working storage failed while processing an EXEC CICS LINK command without the SYNCONRETURN option . AN XCEIP ESTAE setup command failed The server program abended with the abend code in the ABCODE eld of the RETCODE area An XCEIP ESTAE invoked

622 623

624 625 626 627 628 630

| | | | | | | |

631 632

903 904 905

See Return codes on page 145 for details of the various copybooks that contain full details of all response and reason codes, including equated values. Note: All numeric response and reason code values are shown in decimal.

Translation required for EXEC CICS LINK command

Application programs that use the EXEC CICS LINK form of the external CICS interface command must translate their programs before assembly or compilation. You do this using the version of the CICS translator that is appropriate for the language of your client program, specifying the translator option EXCI. The translator option EXCI is mutually exclusive with the CICS and DLI options.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

For more information about translating programs that contain EXEC CICS commands, see the CICS Application Programming Guide. For information about compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs, see page 173.

Chapter 10. The EXEC CICS interface



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 11. Dening connections to CICS

Connections between an EXCI client program and a CICS region require connection denitions in the CICS region. You dene these using the CONNECTION and the SESSIONS resource denition facilities provided by CICS. The following options are provided specically for the external CICS interface: v CONNTYPE on the CONNECTION resource denition v EXCI on the PROTOCOL attribute of the CONNECTION and SESSIONS resource denitions. The following topics are covered in this chapter: v CONNECTION resource denition v SESSIONS resource denitions for EXCI connections on page 161 v Inquiring on the state of EXCI connections on page 164

CONNECTION resource denition

The EXCI option is provided on the PROTOCOL attribute of the CONNECTION resource denition to indicate that the connection is for use by an MVS program using the external CICS interface. The CONNTYPE attribute is provided on the CONNECTION resource denition. For EXCI connections, this indicates whether the connection is generic or specic. It is not to be used for any protocol other than the external CICS interface. The following gure illustrates the DEFINE CONNECTION panel for dening a connection using RDO. You can also use the DEFINE command with the DFHCSDUP batch utility program to dene the connection. For full details of dening resources using RDO or the batch utility, see theCICS Resource Denition Guide.
Connection ==> .... Group ==> ........ DEscription ==> ..................................................... CONNECTION IDENTIFIERS Netname ==> ........ INDsys ==> .... REMOTE ATTRIBUTES ... CONNECTION PROPERTIES ACcessmethod ==> IRC Protocol ==> EXCI Conntype ==> SInglesess ==> No ... Vtam | IRc | INdirect | Xm Appc | Lu61 | EXCI Generic | Specific No | Yes

Figure 32. The DEFINE panel for CONNECTION

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


CONNTYPE({SPECIFIC|GENERIC}) For external CICS interface connections, indicates the nature of the connection. SPECIFIC The connection is for communication from a non-CICS client program to the CICS region, and is specic. A specic connection is an MRO link with one or more sessions dedicated to a single user in a client program. Note: A user is a program that has issued an Initialize_User request (or for which an Initialize_User request has been issued), with a unique name per TCB. For example: v A simple client program running under MVS can be a single user of the external CICS interface. v A client program running under MVS can open several pipes and issue external CICS interface calls over them sequentially, on behalf of different vendor packages. In this case, from the viewpoint of the client program, each of the packages is a user, identied by a unique user name. Thus a single client program can operate on behalf of multiple users. v A program running under MVS can attach several TCBs, under each of which a vendor package issues external CICS interface calls on its own behalf. Each package is a client program in its own right, and runs under its own TCB. Each is also a user, with a unique user name. For a specic connection, NETNAME is mandatory. GENERIC The connection is for communication from a non-CICS client program to the CICS system, and is generic. A generic connection is an MRO link with a number of sessions to be shared by multiple EXCI users. For a generic connection you cannot specify the NETNAME attribute. Note: You must install only one generic EXCI connection in a CICS region. NETNAME For an external CICS interface connection, NETNAME corresponds to the name of the user of a specic pipe, as specied on the user_name parameter of an INITIALISE_USER call. For an external CICS interface specic pipe, you must specify a NETNAME. For external CICS interface generic pipes, you must leave NETNAME blank. PROTOCOL({APPC|LU61|EXCI|blank}) The type of protocol that is to be used for the link. blank For MRO between CICS regions. You must leave the PROTOCOL blank for MRO, and on the SESSIONS denition you must specify LU6.1 as the PROTOCOL. APPC (LUTYPE6.2 protocol) Advanced program-to-program communication, or APPC protocol. This is the default value for ACCESSMETHOD(VTAM). Specify this for CICS-CICS ISC.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

LU61 LUTYPE6.1 protocol. Specify this for CICS-CICS ISC or CICS-IMS ISC, but not for MRO. EXCI The external CICS interface. Specify this to indicate that this connection is for use by a non-CICS client program using the external CICS interface. If you specify PROTOCOL(EXCI), you must also specify ACCESSMETHOD(IRC). EXCI is implemented in MRO using the CICS interregion communication program, DFHIRP, and cannot use MRO links that use MVS cross-memory services (XM). EXCI can use also XCF MRO links, which also work through DFHIRP.

SESSIONS resource denitions for EXCI connections

You indicate on the PROTOCOL attribute of the SESSIONS resource denition whether the sessions allocated on the MRO connection are for use by the external CICS interface. The following gure illustrates the DEFINE SESSIONS panel for dening sessions using RDO. You can also use the DEFINE command with the DFHCSDUP batch utility program to dene the required sessions.
Sessions ==> ........ Group ==> ........ DEscription ==> ................................................ SESSION IDENTIFIERS Connection ==> .... SESSName ==> .... NETnameq ==> ........ MOdename ==> ........ SESSION PROPERTIES Protocol ==> Appc ... ... PRESET SECURITY USERId ==> ........ Appc | Lu61 | EXCI

Figure 33. The DEFINE panel for SESSIONS

PROTOCOL({APPC|LU61|EXCI}) Indicates the type of protocol that is to be used for an intercommunication link (ISC or MRO). APPC (LUTYPE6.2) Advanced program-to-program communication (APPC) protocol. Specify this for CICS-CICS ISC. LU61 LUTYPE6.1 protocol. Specify this for CICS-CICS ISC, for CICS-IMS, or for MRO. EXCI The external CICS interface. Specify this to indicate that the sessions are for use by a non-CICS client program using the external CICS interface. If you specify EXCI, you must leave SENDCOUNT blank.

Chapter 11. Dening connections to CICS


RECEIVECOUNT({blank|number}) The number of MRO, LUTYPE6.1, or EXCI sessions that usually receive before sending. For MRO, receive sessions can only receive before sending. blank These sessions can send only; there are no receive sessions.

number Species the number of receive sessions on connections that specify blank, LU61, or EXCI on the protocol parameter of the CONNECTION denition. CICS uses the number to generate the last two or three characters of the session names (see RECEIVEPFX for details).
If you are using the default receive prex (<), or your own 1-character prex, specify a number in the range 1 through 999. If you specify a 2-character prex, the number is restricted to the range 1 through 99. Except for external CICS interface (EXCI) connections, the RECEIVECOUNT in this system should equal SENDCOUNT in the other system. RECEIVEPFX(<|prex) Species a 1- or 2-character prex that CICS is to use as the rst 1 or 2 characters of the receive session names (the names of the terminal control table terminal entries (TCTTEs) for the sessions). Prexes must not cause a conict with an existing connection or terminal name. < (MRO and EXCI sessions) For MRO sessions, if you do not specify your own receive prex, CICS enforces the default prexthe less-than symbol (<), which is used in conjunction with the receive count to generate receive session names. CICS creates the last three characters of the session names from the alphanumeric characters A through Z, and 1 through 9. These 3-character identiers begin with the letters AAA, and continue in ascending sequence until the number of session entries reaches the limit set by the RECEIVECOUNT value. Note that receive session names are generated after the send sessions, and they follow in the same sequence. For example, if the last session name generated for the send sessions is <AAJ, using the default prex (<) CICS generates the receive session names as <AAK, <AAL, <AAM, and so on. (This method of generation of session identiers is the same as for APPC sessions, except for the initial prex symbol.) Note: If you specify your own prex, CICS generates the session names as in earlier releases, which is the same as for LUTYPE6.1 sessions.

prex (LUTYPE6.1 sessions) If the sessions are on LUTYPE6.1 ISC connections, you must specify a 1or 2-character prex. Do not use the default < symbol for LUTYPE6.1 sessions.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

For LUTYPE6.1 sessions (and MRO if you specify your own 1- or 2-character prex) CICS generates session names by appending a number to the prex, either in the range 1 through 99, or 1 through 999. The number begins with 1 and is incremented by 1 until the specied RECEIVECOUNT is reached. SENDCOUNT(blank|number) The number of MRO or LUTYPE6.1 sessions that usually send before receiving. For MRO, send sessions must send before they can receive. blank These sessions can receive only; there are no send sessions. You must leave this eld blank when the sessions are on an external CICS interface (EXCI) connection.

number Species the number of send sessions on connections that specify blank or LU61 on the protocol parameter of the CONNECTION denition. CICS uses the number to generate the last two or three characters of the session names (see SENDPFX for details).
If you are using the default send prex (>), or your own 1-character prex, specify a number in the range 1 through 999. If you specify a 2-character prex, the number is restricted to the range 1 through 99. Except for external CICS interface (EXCI) connections the SENDCOUNT in the sending system should equal RECEIVECOUNT in the receiving system. SENDPFX(>|prex) Species a 1- or 2-character prex that CICS is to use as the rst 1 or 2 characters of the send session names (the names of the terminal control table terminal entries (TCTTEs) for the sessions). Prexes must not cause a conict with an existing connection or terminal name. > (MRO sessions) For MRO sessions, if you do not specify your own send prex, CICS enforces the default prexthe greater-than symbol (>), which is used in conjunction with the send count to generate send session names. CICS creates the last three characters of the session names from the alphanumeric characters A through Z, and 1 through 9. These 3-character identiers begin with the letters AAA, and continue in ascending sequence until the number of session entries reaches the limit set by the SENDCOUNT value. For example, using the default prex (>) CICS generates session names as >AAA, >AAB, >AAC, and so on. (This method of generation of session identiers is the same as for APPC sessions, except for the initial symbol.) Note: If you specify your own prex, CICS generates the session names as in earlier releases, which is the same as for LUTYPE6.1 sessions.
Chapter 11. Dening connections to CICS


prex (for LUTYPE6.1 sessions) If the sessions are on LUTYPE6.1 ISC connections, you must specify a 1or 2-character prex. Do not use the default > symbol for LUTYPE6.1 sessions.
For LUTYPE6.1 sessions (and MRO if you specify your own 1- or 2-character prex) CICS generates session names by appending a number to the prex, either in the range 1 through 99, or 1 through 999. The number begins with 1 and is incremented by 1 until the specied SENDCOUNT is reached. USERID(userid) The preset user identier to be used for link security checking. If you do not specify a preset userid for link security, CICS uses the userid passed from the remote user as the userid for link security, which in the case of an external CICS interface link is the client userid.

Inquiring on the state of EXCI connections

If you have access, through a CICS terminal, to the CICS server region, you can inquire about batch jobs that are running a client application program, and which are using the external CICS interface to link to a server program in CICS. To obtain this information about batch jobs linked to CICS through MRO, you use the CEMT INQUIRE EXCI command. This command enables you to identify the names of external CICS interface batch jobs currently connected to CICS through the interregion communication (IRC) facility. CICS returns job identications in the form:
jobname.stepname.procname - mvsid

Either stepname, or procname, or both may not be present, indicated by the periods (.) being adjacent to one another. The mvsid identies the MVS system on which the job is running. If XCF/MRO is in use, the job can reside on a different MVS image from that on which CICS is running. Information about jobs using the external CICS interface is available only when the job has issued at least one DPL request. A non-zero task number indicates that a DPL request is currently active. A zero task number indicates an external CICS interface session is still open (connected) for that job, although no DPL request is currently active. See the CICS Supplied Transactions manual for more information about the CEMT command.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 12. The EXCI user-replaceable module

This chapter contains Product-sensitive Programming Interface information. The external CICS interface provides a user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM. The load module is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI, and the source in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHSAMP. DFHXCURM is invoked in the non-CICS region during the processing of Allocate_Pipe commands, and after the occurrence of any retryable error. The retryable responses are: v The target CICS region is not available v There are no pipes available on the target CICS region v There has been no IRC activity since the MVS IPL. As supplied, DFHXCURM is effectively a dummy program because of a branch instruction that bypasses the sample logic and returns control to the external CICS interface caller. To use the sample logic, remove the branch instruction and assemble and link-edit the module. Customizing DFHXCURM allows you to do the following: v When invoked during Allocate_Pipe processing, you can change the specied CICS APPLID, in order to route the request to another CICS system. v When invoked after a retryable error you can store information regarding CICS availability. You can then use this information on the next invocation of DFHXCURM for Allocate_Pipe processing, so that you can decide to which CICS system to route the request. DFHXCURM is called using standard MVS register conventions, with register 1 containing the address of the parameter list, and register 14 the return address of the caller. The parameters addressed by register 1 are mapped in the EXCI_URM_PARMS DSECT, which is contained within the DFHXCPLD copybook. The parameters passed to DFHXCURM are as follows: URMINV The address of a fullword that contains the reason for the invocation of DFHXCURM, dened by the following equates:
URM_ALLOCATE EQU 1 This invocation is for an Allocate_Pipe URM_NO_CICS EQU 2 The target CICS region is not available URM_NO_PIPE EQU 3 There are no pipes available URM_NO_CICS_IRC EQU 4 There has been no IRC activity since the MVS IPL

URMCICS The address of an 8-byte area that contains the generic APPLID of the target CICS system, as specied on the CICS_applid parameter of the Allocate_Pipe command, or on the APPLID parameter of the EXEC CICS LINK command. When specied by one of these commands, you can change the APPLID to that of a different target CICS region. If the CICS_applid parameter is omitted from the Allocate_Pipe call, or APPLID is omitted from the EXEC CICS LINK command, the eld addressed by this parameter contains 8 blanks. In this case, you must specify an APPLID in DFHXCURM before returning control to the caller. URMAPPL The address of an 8-byte area that contains the client programs user name as
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


specied on the my_name parameter of the Initialize_User command. Note that if DFHXCURM is invoked for an EXEC CICS LINK command, this name is always set to DFHXCEIP. URMPROG The address of an 8-byte area that contains the name of the target program (if available). This name is available only if DFHXCURM is invoked for an EXEC CICS LINK command. For an external CICS interface Allocate_Pipe command, the program name is not known until the DPL call is issued. URMOPTS The address of a 1-byte area that contains the allocate options, which can be X'00' or X'80', as specied on the allocate_opts parameter. This address is valid for an Allocate_Pipe request only. URMANCH The address of a 4-byte area that is provided for use by DFHXCURM only. A typical use for this is to store a global anchor address of an area used to save information across a number of invocations of DFHXCURM. For example, you can GETMAIN the necessary storage and save the address in the 4-byte area addressed by this parameter. The initial value of the 4-byte area is set to zero.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 13. External CICS interface options table, DFHXCOPT

The EXCI options table, generated by the DFHXCOPT macro, enables you to specify a number of parameters that are required by the external CICS interface. CICS provides the default DFHXCOPT table in source form, which you can tailor to your own requirements. The source of the default table is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHSAMP, and the load module is in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI. You assemble and link-edit the modied DFHXCOPT table into a suitable library in the STEPLIB concatenation of the job that runs the MVS client program. You can use your own version of the CICS DFHAUPLE procedure to assemble and link-edit your customized options table. The DFHAUPLE procedure is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHINST. Unlike the tables you specify for CICS regions, the DFHXCOPT table cannot be suffixed, and the external CICS interface component loads the rst table of this name that it nds in the STEPLIB concatenation. Table 16 shows the format of the DFHXCOPT macro and its parameters.
Table 16. The DFHXCOPT macro parameters DFHXCO TYPE={CSECT|DSECT} [,CICSSVC={0|number}] [,CONFDATA={SHOW|HIDETC}] [,DURETRY={30|number-of-seconds}] [,GTF={OFF|ON}] [,MSGCASE={MIXED|UPPER}] [,SURROGCHK={YES|NO}] [,TIMEOUT={0|number}] [,TRACE={OFF|1|2}] [,TRACESZE={16|number-of-kilobytes}] [,TRAP={OFF|ON}]
You must terminate your parameters with the following END statement. END DFHXCOPT

TYPE={CSECT|DSECT} Indicates the type of table to be generated. CSECT A regular control section that is normally used. DSECT A dummy control section. CICSSVC={0|number} Species the CICS type 3 SVC number being used for MRO communication. The external CICS interface must use the same SVC number that is in use by the CICS MRO regions that reside in the MVS image in which the client program is running. If you do not specify a specic CICS SVC number, the external CICS interface determines the SVC in use for MRO by means of an MVS VERIFY command.
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Specify zero to indicate that the external CICS interface is to obtain the CICS SVC number from MVS. This is the default. You should only specify 0 when you are sure that at least one CICS region has logged on to DFHIRP during the life of the MVS IPL.

number Specify the CICS SVC number, in the range 200255, that is in use for CICS interregion communications. This must be the SVC number that is installed in the MVS image in which the client program is running (the local MVS).
If no MRO CICS regions have ever logged on to DFHIRP in the local MVS during the life of the IPL, you must specify the SVC number. If you allow this parameter to default, and the external CICS interface requests the SVC from MVS, the request will fail if no CICS region has logged on to DFHIRP. This parameter is required in those MVS images that do not run any CICS regions, and the client program is issuing DPL requests to a server CICS region that resides in another MVS. In these circumstances, the client program logs on to the local DFHIRP using the locally dened SVC, and communicates with the remote CICS region using XCF/MRO. Note: All CICS regions using MRO within the same MVS image must use the highest level of both DFHIRP and the CICS SVC, DFHCSVC. If your MRO CICSplex consists of CICS regions at different release levels, the DFHIRP and DFHCSVC installed in the LPA must be from highest release level of CICS within the CICSplex. MVS client programs using the external CICS interface can communicate only with server regions running under CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1 or later. CONFDATA={SHOW|HIDETC} Code this parameter to indicate whether the external CICS interface is to suppress (hide) user data that might otherwise appear in EXCI trace entries output to GTF or in EXCI dumps. This option applies to the tracing of the COMMAREA owing between the EXCI client program and the CICS server program. SHOW Data suppression is not in effect. User data is traced. HIDETC This species that you want EXCI to hide user COMMAREA data from trace entries. Instead of the COMMAREA data, the trace entry contains a character string stating that the data has been suppressed. DURETRY={30|number-of-seconds|0} Species the total time, in seconds, that the external CICS interface is to continue trying to obtain an MVS system dump using the SDUMP macro. DURETRY allows you to control whether, and for how long, the external CICS interface is to reissue the SDUMP if another address space in the same MVS system is already taking an SDUMP when the external CICS interface issues an SDUMP request. In the event of an SDUMP failure, the external CICS interface reacts as follows:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

v If MVS is already taking an SDUMP for another address space, and the DURETRY parameter is nonzero, the external CICS interface issues an MVS STIMERM macro to wait for ve seconds, before retrying the SDUMP macro. The external CICS interface issues a message to say that it will retry the SDUMP every ve seconds until the DURETRY time limit. v If the SDUMP fails for any other reason such as: There are no SYS1.DUMP data sets available, or There are I/O errors preventing completion of the dump, or The DURETRY limit expires while retrying SDUMP the external CICS interface issues a message to inform you that the SDUMP has failed, giving the reason why. 30 30 seconds allows the external CICS interface to retry up to six times (once every ve seconds).

number-of-seconds Code the total number of seconds (up to 32767 seconds) during which you want the external CICS interface to continue retrying the SDUMP macro. The external CICS interface retries the SDUMP, once every ve seconds, until successful or until retries have been made over a period equal to or greater than the DURETRY value.
0 Code a zero value if you do not want CICS to retry the SDUMP.

GTF={OFF|ON} Species whether all trace entries normally written to the external CICS interface internal trace table are also to be written to an MVS generalized trace facility (GTF) data set (if GTF tracing is active). OFF Code this if trace entries are not to be written to GTF. ON Code this if trace entries are to be written to GTF. MSGCASE={MIXED|UPPER} Species whether the DFHEXxxxxmessages are to be issued in mixed or uppercase. MIXED Code this if messages are to be issued in mixed case. UPPER Code this if messages are to be issued in uppercase. SURROGCHK={YES|NO} Species whether the external CICS interface is to perform surrogate user checks against the client job user id (the user ID under which the EXCI job is running). YES The external CICS interface is to perform a surrogate user check to verify that the user ID under which the EXCI client job is running is authorized as a surrogate for the user ID specied on a DPL call. The check is made only when the client user ID is different from the user ID on the DPL call. The client user ID must be authorized to the appropriate prole in the SURROGAT general resource class. You do this by giving the client user ID

Chapter 13. External CICS interface options table, DFHXCOPT


READ authority to a prole named userid.DFHEXCI in the SURROGAT general resource class, where userid is the user ID specied on the DPL call. See Surrogate user checking on page 189 for an example of how to authorize the batch region user ID as a surrogate user for a DPL user ID. NO Surrogate user checks are not to be performed. TIMEOUT={0|number} Species the time interval, in hundredths of a second, during which the external CICS interface waits for a DPL command to complete. 0 Species that you do not want any time limit applied, and that the external CICS interface is to wait indenitely for a DPL command to complete.

number Species the time interval, in hundredths of a second, that the external CICS interface is to wait for a DPL command to complete. The number represents hundredths of a second, from 1 up to a maximum of 2 147 483 647. For example: 6000 Represents a timeout value of one minute

30000 Represents a timeout value of ve minutes 60000 Represents a timeout value of ten minutes. TRACE={OFF|1|2} Species whether you want external CICS interface internal tracing, and at what level. OFF External CICS interface internal tracing is not required. However, even with normal tracing switched off, exception trace entries are always written to the internal trace table. 1 2 Exception and level-1 trace entries are written to the internal trace table. Exception, level-1, and level-2 trace entries are written to the internal trace table.

TRACESZE={16|number-of-kilobytes} Species the size in kilobytes of the internal trace table for use by the external CICS interface. This table is allocated in virtual storage above the 16MB line. You should ensure that there is enough virtual storage for the trace table by specifying a large enough region size on the MVS REGION parameter. 16 16KB is the default size of the trace table, and also the minimum size.

number-of-kilobytes The number of kilobytes of storage to be allocated for the internal trace table, in the range 16KB through 1 048 576KB. Subpool 1 is used for the trace table storage, which exists for the duration of the jobstep TCB. The table is page-aligned and occupies a whole number of pages. If the value specied is not a multiple of the page size (4KB), it is rounded up to the next multiple of 4KB.
TRAP={OFF|ON} Species whether the service trap module, DFHXCTRA, is to be used. DFHXCTRA is supplied as a user-replaceable module, in which IBM service personnel can add code to trap errors.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

OFF Code this if you do not want to use DFHXCTRA. ON Code this if you require DFHXCTRA.

Chapter 13. External CICS interface options table, DFHXCOPT



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs
This chapter discusses the following topics: v The external CICS interface stub, DFHXCSTB v The CICS-supplied procedures for the external CICS interface v Language considerations v Sample application programs v Job control language to run an EXCI client program.

The external CICS interface stub, DFHXCSTB

All programs that use the external CICS interface to pass DPL requests to a CICS server region must include the CICS-supplied program stub, DFHXCSTB. The stub intercepts all external CICS interface commands, whether they are EXCI CALL interface commands, or EXEC CICS LINK commands, and ensures they are passed to the appropriate external CICS interface routine for processing. DFHXCSTB is a common stub, designed for inclusion in programs written in all the supported languages. It is supplied in the CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI library. Note: The CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI also contains entries for DFHXCIE and DFHXCIS, which are aliases for DFHXCSTB. To help you ensure that the stub is included, CICS provides a number of procedures, one for each language, which you can use for translating, compiling, and link-editing.

The required linkage editor modes

You must specify AMODE(31) for your EXCI client program. The CICS-supplied procedures for compiling and link-editing client programs include the following parameters on the PARM statement of the linkage editor job step:

The CICS-supplied procedures for the external CICS interface

CICS provides seven procedures to enable you to translate, compile, and link-edit your client programs. Four of these are for use with specic language compilers or assembler, the other three being for use with Language Environment/370. These procedures, with the four language-specic procedures shown rst, are: DFHEXTAL The assembler procedure for assembler versions of client programs DFHEXTDL The C procedure for C versions of client programs DFHEXTPL The PL/I procedure for PL/I versions of client programs

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DFHEXTVL The COBOL procedure for VS COBOL II versions of client programs. DFHYXTDL The procedure for C versions of client programs running under Language Environment/370 DFHYXTPL The procedure for PL/I versions of client programs running under Language Environment/370 DFHYXTVL The procedure for VS COBOL II versions of client programs running under Language Environment/370. To ensure that the EXCI stub is included with your client program, all these procedures include a step, COPYLINK, that unloads the stub into a temporary data set dened with a block length suitable for the linkage-editor. This temporary data set is then concatenated with the temporary data set containing your object program on the SYSLIN DD statement in the LKED step. These procedures are supplied in the CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHPROC library. You are recommended to copy these to SYS1.PROCLIB or another suitable procedure library.

Language considerations
There are some language requirements that apply to writing an MVS client program that uses the external CICS interface. These affect programs written in PL/I and C. Also, for all languages, consider how you handle return codes before terminating your MVS client program.

PL/I considerations
PL/I programs written to the external CICS interface must provide their parameters on the CALL to DFHXCIS in the form of an assembler-style parameter list. The EXCI copybook for PL/I, DFHXCPLL, contains the necessary denition of the DFHXCIS entry point, as follows:

The same rule applies for the EXCI LINK command, and in this case the CICS translator ensures that the correct parameter list is built. For an example of an EXCI client program written in PL/I, see the source of the sample program, DFH$PXCC.

C considerations
C programs written to the external CICS interface must provide their parameters on the CALL to DFHXCIS in the form of an assembler-style parameter list. You ensure this by declaring the entry point to DFHXCIS with OS LINKAGE. The EXCI copybook for PL/I, DFHXCPLH, contains the necessary denition of the DFHXCIS entry point, as follows:
#pragma linkage(dfhxcis,OS)


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

The same rule applies for the EXCI LINK command, and in this case the CICS translator ensures that the correct parameter list is built. For an example of an EXCI client program written in C, see the source of the sample program, DFH$DXCC.

Setting the return code (R15) at termination

The external CICS interface does not clear register 15 at termination, regardless of whether your client program executes normally or not. Therefore, even if your MVS client program terminates normally after successfully using the external CICS interface, the job step could end with an undened return code. To ensure a meaningful return code is given at termination, set the job step return code before terminating your program. The sample client programs illustrate how you can do this, using the saved response code from last call to the external CICS interface. For example, the COBOL sample DFH0CXCC program moves SAVED-RESPONSE to special register RETURN-CODE before terminating.

Sample application programs

CICS provides a number of sample programs that are designed to help you in writing your own application programs. To help with writing programs that use the external CICS interface, CICS provides sample MVS client programs and a sample CICS server program. The samples show you how to code client applications that use both the EXCI CALL interface and EXEC CICS LINK command.

Description of the sample applications

The sample external CICS interface programs are included on the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 distribution tape. | | Two sample MVS client programs are supplied. One is provided in assembler language, VS COBOL II, C/370, and PL/I. The other is only provided in assembler. The sample CICS server program is provided in assembler only. Assembler language programs are in source and executable form. COBOL, PL/I, and C/370 programs are provided in source form only. Each version of the client program has basically the same function, but programming methods vary somewhat according to the language used. The sample programs, shown in Table 17 on page 176, are supplied in source form in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHSAMP. The sample assembler server program is also supplied in executable form in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHLOAD. The assembler client program is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI. Note: The assembler versions of the client program use BSAM, which requires the programs to be link-edited in RMODE(24). The assembler source code includes the required RMODE(24) statement. Normally, EXCI client programs run AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY).

Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs


Table 17. The external CICS interface sample programs

Language Assembler Name DFH$AXCC DFH$ATXC DFH$AXCS DFH0CXCC DFH$PXCC DFH$DXCC Type of program Client program Client program Server program Client program Client program Client program

Assembler Assembler COBOL PL/I C/370

The sample client programs show you how to code a simple MVS client application using the EXCI CALL interface and the EXEC CICS LINK command. Each version of the client is divided into three separate sections as follows: 1. The rst section issues a single EXEC CICS LINK command to inquire on the state of the sample VSAM le, FILEA, in the target CICS system. If the le is in a suitable state, processing continues to sections two and three, which together provide complete examples of the use of the EXCI CALL interface. 2. The second section initiates a specic MRO connection to the target CICS system and, once the pipe is open, performs a series of calls that each retrieve a single sequential record from the sample VSAM le, until no more records are available. 3. The third section is a simple routine to close the target sample le once processing of the data is complete. It also terminates the MRO connection now that the link is no longer required. Some of the parameters used on the EXCI CALL and EXEC CICS LINK commands in the client program need to be tailored for your own target CICS server region. Change these as required, then retranslate, compile (or assemble), and link-edit the program. The variables and their values specied in the sample programs are given in Table 18.
Table 18. Parameters used in the sample client programs

The assembler versions of the client programs are supplied pregenerated in an executable form. All versions of the program accept two run-time parameters, as follows: 1. The rst (TARGET_SYSTEM) species the server region APPLID.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

For the pregenerated assembler versions this avoids you having to reassemble the programs to specify the applid of your own CICS server region. You can also use the sample client programs with different CICS regions without needing to modify the programs each time. 2. The second species the user ID to be used on the call interface DPL_request. You specify these positional parameters on the PARM statement, separated by a comma.

Using the COMMAREA in the sample programs

Data is passed between the sample client and server programs using a standard CICS communications area (COMMAREA) for passing data between programs. The denitions of this COMMAREA are identical on each side of the EXCI link to ensure that data is mapped correctly. The sample client program DFH$AXCC minimizes data transmission by specifying a specic data length to avoid sending the whole COMMAREA over the link. The data length option species a binary value that is the length of a contiguous area of storage, from the start of the COMMAREA, to be passed to the server program. This is because the amount of data being passed to the server is small, but the COMMAREA itself is much larger so that the server can return the requested records from FILEA. Specifying a data length when the amount of data being passed is smaller than the COMMAREA improves performance. | | | Sample program DFH$ATXC passes the full COMMAREA to the server program because it makes changes to the le records and the whole of the changed record needs to be passed to the server. The rst and third sections of the sample client programs dene the COMMAREA as only 18 bytes (no data is requested from the server in these sections). For the second section, the sample client program denes the COMMAREA as 98 bytes, the extra 80 bytes being required for the sample server program to return a record from FILEA. In all sections, the data length is dened as 18 bytes. The COMMAREA structure is dened in the sample programs as follows:
Bytes 0-3 4-11 12-17 18-97 Data type Fullword Char(8) Char(6) Char(80) Field description Call type code. Target le name. Rideld identier. FILEA record data area.

Note that, although the COMMAREA structure is described in both the client and server programs, the actual size of the COMMAREA made available by CICS to the server is determined by the client program. If you modify the sample programs to work with one of your own application programs, make sure you specify a COMMAREA large enough to handle the maximum amount of data the server is expected to return to the client. The server must not attempt to return data that is larger than the COMMAREA specied by the client. For more information about using a COMMAREA for passing data between CICS programs, see the CICS Application Programming Guide.

Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs


Installing the EXCI sample denitions

Resource denitions that support the EXCI sample programs are included in the CICS system denition le (CSD) in groups DFH$EXCI and DFH$FILA. Note that the sample denitions, while included in the CSD, are not included in the IBM-dened group list DFHLIST. Thus, if CICS is initialized with GRPLIST=DFHLIST, you must install the EXCI resource denition groups before using the samples. Alternatively, you can add the sample groups to your startup group list, so that they are installed automatically at system initialization. The resource denition groups that must be installed are as follows: DFH$EXCI This contains denitions for the sample server transaction, server program, EXCI connections, and sessions. Only one server program is includedin assembler language, called DFH$AXCS. The sample application is designed to run the transaction EXCI, which is dened to invoke the DFHMIRS mirror program and references prole DFHCICSA. The required transaction denition for EXCI is included in the group. Sample CONNECTION and SESSIONS denitions for specic and generic connections are included. Note: Both the generic and specic connection denitions supplied in the sample group DFH$EXCI specify ATTACHSEC(IDENTIFY). This security option causes the server program DFH$EXCS to fail with an ATCY abend if you run the sample programs in an environment that does not have RACF, or an equivalent external security manager (ESM), installed and active. If you want to run the external CICS interface sample programs without any security active, you must alter the connection resource denitions to specify ATTACHSEC(LOCAL). DFH$FILA This contains the denition for the supplied sample VSAM le, FILEA, which is referenced by the EXCI sample programs. Once these are installed, you must ensure that interregion communication (IRC) is open. If IRC is not opened during CICS initialization, set it open using the CEMT SET IRC OPEN command.

Running the EXCI sample applications

If you want to use the COBOL, PL/I, or C/370 version of the EXCI client program, you must translate, compile, and link-edit the program into a suitable library. You can use the sample JCL shown in Figure 40 on page 184 as a basis for creating your own batch job to run the client program. If you use the pregenerated assembler version, to specify the APPLID of your target CICS server region as a parameter on the EXEC statement for the client program, as follows:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

//*===============================================================* //ASM EXEC PGM=DFH$AXCC,PARM='applid,userid'

Where: applid is the applid of the CICS server region userid is the userid for the DPL_request call. Note: If you omit applid, you must keep the comma preceding the userid. | | Change PGM=DFH$AXCC to PGM=DFH$ATXC to run the other client sample program.

Results of running the EXCI sample applications

An example of the output produced by successful execution of the pregenerated assembler version of the client program, DFH$AXCC, is shown in Figure 34 on page 180. If an error occurs while running the application, then, assuming the error is not severe, messages are written to the SYSPRINT output log displaying the reasons and/or return codes that cause processing to be aborted. Several examples of error-invoked output are shown in Figure 35, Figure 36, and Figure 37 on page 181.

Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs


*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================* * * * EXEC Level Processor. * * Setting up the EXEC level call. * * The Link Request has successfully completed. * * Server Response: * * The file is set to a browsable state. * * * * CALL Level Processor. * * Initialize_User call complete. * * Allocate_Pipe call complete. * * Open_Pipe call complete. * * The connection has been successful. * * The target file follows: * * * *=========================== Top of File ======================================* 000102F. ALDSON WARWICK, ENGLAND 9835618326 11 81$1111.11Y00007300 000104S. BOWLER LONDON,ENGLAND 1284629326 11 81$0999.99Y00007400 000106B. ADAMS CROYDON, ENGLAND 1948567326 11 81$0087.71Y00007500 000111GENE BARLOWE SARATOGA,CALIFORNIA 4612075301 02 74$0111.11Y00007600 000762GEORGE BURROW SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA 2231212101 06 74$0000.00Y00007700 000983H. L. L. CALL WASHINGTON, DC 3451212021 04 75$9999.99Y00007800 003210B.CREPIN NICE, FRANCE 1234567026 11 81$3349.99Y00008100 003214HUBERT C HERBERT SUNNYVALE, CAL. 3411212000 06 73$0009.99N00008200 003890PHILIPPE SMITH, JR NICE, FRANCE 0000000028 05 74$0009.99N00008300 004004STAN SMITH DUBLIN, IRELAND 7111212102 11 73$1259.99N00008400 004445S. GALSON SOUTH BEND, S.DAK. 6121212026 11 81$0009.99N00008500 004878D.C. CURRENT SUNNYVALE, CALIF. 3221212010 06 73$5399.99N00008600 005005J. S. LAVERENCE SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 0000000101 08 73$0009.99N00008700 005444JEAN LAWRENCE SARATOGA, CALIF. 6771212020 10 74$0809.99N00008800 005581JOHN ALDEN III BOSTON, MASS. 4131212011 04 74$0259.99N00008900 006016DR W. T. KAR NEW DELHI, INDIA 7033121121 05 74$0009.88Y00009000 006670WILLIAM KAPP NEW YORK, N.Y. 2121212031 01 75$3509.88N00009100 06968D. CONRAD WARWICK, ENGLAND 5671382126 11 81$0009.88Y00009200 007248B. C. WILLIAMSON REDWOOD CITY, CALF. 3331212111 10 75$0009.88N00009400 007779MRS. W. WELCH SAN JOSE, CALIF. 4151212003 01 75$0009.88Y00009500 100000G. NEADS TORONTO, ONTARIO 0341512126 11 81$0010.00Y00009600 111111C. MEARS OTTAWA, ONTARIO 5121200326 11 81$0011.00Y00009700 200000A. BONFIELD GLASCOW, SCOTLAND 6373829026 11 81$0020.00Y00009900 300000K. TRENCHARD NEW YORK, U.S. 6473980126 11 81$0030.00Y00010000 333333D. MYRING CARDIFF, WALES 7849302026 11 81$0033.00Y00010100 400000W. TANNER MILAN, ITALY 2536373826 11 81$0040.00Y00010200 444444A. FISHER CALGARY, ALBERTA 7788982026 11 81$0044.00Y00010300 500000J. DENFORD MADRID, SPAIN 4445464026 11 81$0000.00Y00010400 555555C. JARDINE KINGSTON, N.Y. 3994442026 11 81$0005.00Y00010500 600000F. HUGHES DUBLIN, IRELAND 1239878026 11 81$0010.00Y00010600 666666A. BROOKMAN LA HULPE, BRUSSELS 4298384026 11 81$0016.00Y00010700 700000A. MACALLA DALLAS, TEXAS 5798432026 11 81$0002.00Y00010800 777777D. PRYKE WILLIAMSBURG, VIRG. 9187613126 11 81$0027.00Y00010900 800000H. BRISTOW WESTEND, LONDON 2423338926 11 81$0030.00Y00011000 888888B. HOWARD NORTHAMPTON, ENG. 2369163926 11 81$0038.00Y00011100 900000D. WOODSON TAMPA, FLA. 3566812026 11 81$0040.00Y00011200 999999R. JACKSON RALEIGH, N.Y. 8459163926 11 81$0049.00Y00011300 *=========================== End of File ======================================* * * * Closing Dpl Request has been attempted. * * Close_Pipe call complete. * * Deallocate_Pipe call complete. * * * *=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*

Figure 34. Successful execution


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================* * * * EXEC Level Processor. * * Setting up the EXEC level call. * * The Link Request has failed. Return codes are; * * Resp = 00000088 Resp2 = 00000203 Abend Code: * * >>>> Aborting further processing <<<< * * * *=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*

Figure 35. No CICS return code. The target CICS region specied by the client program is not found, or IRC was not opened.
*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================* * * * EXEC Level Processor. * * Setting up the EXEC level call. * * The Link Request has successfully completed. * * Server Response: * * The file could not be found. * * >>>> Aborting further processing <<<< * * * *=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*

Figure 36. No le found. The target le name to the server program was not found on the target CICS system.
*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================* * * * EXEC Level Processor. * * Setting up the EXEC level call. * * The Link Request has failed. Return codes are; * * Resp = 00000088 Resp2 = 00000414 Abend Code: * * A message was received from the target CICS system: * * * DFHAC2001 04/29/93 16:43:03 IYAHZCAZ Transaction 'BAD_' is unrecognized. Check that the transaction name is correct. * * * >>>> Aborting further processing <<<< * * * *=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*

Figure 37. Incorrect transaction identier. The target transid passed in the external CICS interface call is not dened on the target CICS system. Note the message received from the target CICS system.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

An example of the output produced by a successful execution of the pregenerated assembler version of the client program DFH$ATXC is shown in Figure 38 on page 182. If an error occurs while running the application, errors are produced as for DFH$AXCC. After running DFH$ATXC, program DFH$AXCC should be re-run. The output should be as shown in Figure 39 on page 183. The changes up to and including records with RIDFLD values of 500000 were committed using an SRRCMIT call to tell RRS to tell CICS to perform commit processing. Later changes were backed out by issuing an SRRBACK call. This caused RRS to tell CICS to perform a ROLLBACK of these changes. Clearly, FILEA is changed as a result of running DFH$ATXC. It should be restored to its original state by running the LOADFILE step of DFHDEFDS.
Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs


*==================== TEXCI Sample Batch Client Program =======================* * * EXEC Level Processor. * Setting up the EXEC level call. * The Link Request has successfully completed. * Server Response: * The file is set to a browsable state. * * CALL Level Processor. * Initialise_User call complete. * Allocate_Pipe call complete. * Open_Pipe call complete. * The connection has been successful. * The changed target file follows: * *=========================== Top of File ======================================* 000100W. DAVIS SURREY, ENGLAND 3215677826 11 81$0100.11COMMITTED 000102F. ALDSON WARWICK, ENGLAND 9835618326 11 81$1111.11COMMITTED 000104S. BOWLER LONDON,ENGLAND 1284629326 11 81$0999.99COMMITTED 000106B. ADAMS CROYDON, ENGLAND 1948567326 11 81$0087.71COMMITTED 000111GENE BARLOWE SARATOGA,CALIFORNIA 4612075301 02 74$0111.11COMMITTED 000762GEORGE BURROW SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA 2231212101 06 74$0000.00COMMITTED 000983H. L. L. CALL WASHINGTON, DC 3451212021 04 75$9999.99COMMITTED 003210B.CREPIN NICE, FRANCE 1234567026 11 81$3349.99COMMITTED 003214HUBERT C HERBERT SUNNYVALE, CAL. 3411212000 06 73$0009.99COMMITTED 003890PHILIPPE SMITH, JR NICE, FRANCE 0000000028 05 74$0009.99COMMITTED 004004STAN SMITH DUBLIN, IRELAND 7111212102 11 73$1259.99COMMITTED 004445S. GALSON SOUTH BEND, S.DAK. 6121212026 11 81$0009.99COMMITTED 004878D.C. CURRENT SUNNYVALE, CALIF. 3221212010 06 73$5399.99COMMITTED 005005J. S. LAVERENCE SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 0000000101 08 73$0009.99COMMITTED 005444JEAN LAWRENCE SARATOGA, CALIF. 6771212020 10 74$0809.99COMMITTED 005581JOHN ALDEN III BOSTON, MASS. 4131212011 04 74$0259.99COMMITTED 006016DR W. T. KAR NEW DELHI, INDIA 7033121121 05 74$0009.88COMMITTED 006670WILLIAM KAPP NEW YORK, N.Y. 2121212031 01 75$3509.88COMMITTED 006968D. CONRAD WARWICK, ENGLAND 5671382126 11 81$0009.88COMMITTED 007248B. C. WILLIAMSON REDWOOD CITY, CALF. 3331212111 10 75$0009.88COMMITTED 007779MRS. W. WELCH SAN JOSE, CALIF. 4151212003 01 75$0009.88COMMITTED 100000G. NEADS TORONTO, ONTARIO 0341512126 11 81$0010.00COMMITTED 111111C. MEARS OTTAWA, ONTARIO 5121200326 11 81$0011.00COMMITTED 200000A. BONFIELD GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 6373829026 11 81$0020.00COMMITTED 300000K. TRENCHARD NEW YORK, U.S. 6473980126 11 81$0030.00COMMITTED 333333D. MYRING CARDIFF, WALES 7849302026 11 81$0033.00COMMITTED 400000W. TANNER MILAN, ITALY 2536373826 11 81$0040.00COMMITTED 444444A. FISHER CALGARY, ALBERTA 7788982026 11 81$0044.00COMMITTED 500000J. DENFORD MADRID, SPAIN 4445464026 11 81$0000.00COMMITTED 555555C. JARDINE KINGSTON, N.Y. 3994442026 11 81$0005.00BACKEDOUT 600000F. HUGHES DUBLIN, IRELAND 1239878026 11 81$0010.00BACKEDOUT 666666A. BROOKMAN LA HULPE, BRUSSELS 4298384026 11 81$0016.00BACKEDOUT 700000A. MACALLA DALLAS, TEXAS 5798432026 11 81$0002.00BACKEDOUT 777777D. PRYKE WILLIAMSBURG, VIRG. 9187613126 11 81$0027.00BACKEDOUT 800000H. BRISTOW WESTEND, LONDON 2423338926 11 81$0030.00BACKEDOUT 888888B. HOWARD NORTHAMPTON, ENG. 2369163926 11 81$0038.00BACKEDOUT 900000D. WOODSON TAMPA, FLA. 3566812026 11 81$0040.00BACKEDOUT *=========================== End of File ======================================* * * Closing Dpl Request has been attempted. * Close_Pipe call complete. * Deallocate_Pipe call complete. * *================== End of TEXCI Sample Batch Client Program ==================*

Figure 38. Output from DFH$ATXC


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

*===================== EXCI Sample Batch Client Program =======================* * * EXEC Level Processor. * Setting up the EXEC level call. * The Link Request has successfully completed. * Server Response: * The file is set to a browsable state. * * CALL Level Processor. * Initialise_User call complete. * Allocate_Pipe call complete. * Open_Pipe call complete. * The connection has been successful. * The target file follows: * *=========================== Top of File ======================================* 000100W. DAVIS SURREY, ENGLAND 3215677826 11 81$0100.11COMMITTED 000102F. ALDSON WARWICK, ENGLAND 9835618326 11 81$1111.11COMMITTED 000104S. BOWLER LONDON,ENGLAND 1284629326 11 81$0999.99COMMITTED 000106B. ADAMS CROYDON, ENGLAND 1948567326 11 81$0087.71COMMITTED 000111GENE BARLOWE SARATOGA,CALIFORNIA 4612075301 02 74$0111.11COMMITTED 000762GEORGE BURROW SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA 2231212101 06 74$0000.00COMMITTED 000983H. L. L. CALL WASHINGTON, DC 3451212021 04 75$9999.99COMMITTED 003210B.CREPIN NICE, FRANCE 1234567026 11 81$3349.99COMMITTED 003214HUBERT C HERBERT SUNNYVALE, CAL. 3411212000 06 73$0009.99COMMITTED 003890PHILIPPE SMITH, JR NICE, FRANCE 0000000028 05 74$0009.99COMMITTED 004004STAN SMITH DUBLIN, IRELAND 7111212102 11 73$1259.99COMMITTED 004445S. GALSON SOUTH BEND, S.DAK. 6121212026 11 81$0009.99COMMITTED 004878D.C. CURRENT SUNNYVALE, CALIF. 3221212010 06 73$5399.99COMMITTED 005005J. S. LAVERENCE SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 0000000101 08 73$0009.99COMMITTED 005444JEAN LAWRENCE SARATOGA, CALIF. 6771212020 10 74$0809.99COMMITTED 05581JOHN ALDEN III BOSTON, MASS. 4131212011 04 74$0259.99COMMITTED 06016DR W. T. KAR NEW DELHI, INDIA 7033121121 05 74$0009.88COMMITTED 006670WILLIAM KAPP NEW YORK, N.Y. 2121212031 01 75$3509.88COMMITTED 006968D. CONRAD WARWICK, ENGLAND 5671382126 11 81$0009.88COMMITTED 007248B. C. WILLIAMSON REDWOOD CITY, CALF. 3331212111 10 75$0009.88COMMITTED 007779MRS. W. WELCH SAN JOSE, CALIF. 4151212003 01 75$0009.88COMMITTED 100000G. NEADS TORONTO, ONTARIO 0341512126 11 81$0010.00COMMITTED 111111C. MEARS OTTAWA, ONTARIO 5121200326 11 81$0011.00COMMITTED 200000A. BONFIELD GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 6373829026 11 81$0020.00COMMITTED 300000K. TRENCHARD NEW YORK, U.S. 6473980126 11 81$0030.00COMMITTED 333333D. MYRING CARDIFF, WALES 7849302026 11 81$0033.00COMMITTED 400000W. TANNER MILAN, ITALY 2536373826 11 81$0040.00COMMITTED 444444A. FISHER CALGARY, ALBERTA 7788982026 11 81$0044.00COMMITTED 500000J. DENFORD MADRID, SPAIN 4445464026 11 81$0000.00COMMITTED 555555C. JARDINE KINGSTON, N.Y. 3994442026 11 81$0005.00Y00010500 600000F. HUGHES DUBLIN, IRELAND 1239878026 11 81$0010.00Y00010600 666666A. BROOKMAN LA HULPE, BRUSSELS 4298384026 11 81$0016.00Y00010700 700000A. MACALLA DALLAS, TEXAS 5798432026 11 81$0002.00Y00010800 777777D. PRYKE WILLIAMSBURG, VIRG. 9187613126 11 81$0027.00Y00010900 800000H. BRISTOW WESTEND, LONDON 2423338926 11 81$0030.00Y00011000 888888B. HOWARD NORTHAMPTON, ENG. 2369163926 11 81$0038.00Y00011100 900000D. WOODSON TAMPA, FLA. 3566812026 11 81$0040.00Y00011200 *=========================== End of File ======================================* * * Closing Dpl Request has been attempted. * Close_Pipe call complete. * Deallocate_Pipe call complete. * *=================== End of EXCI Sample Batch Client Program ==================*

Figure 39. Successful execution of DFH$AXCC after DFH$ATXC has been successfully executed.

Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs


Job control language to run an EXCI client program

An EXCI client program runs in an MVS address space, for example, as a batch job. Note the following requirements when writing the JCL for your client program: v Include in the STEPLIB concatenation those libraries that contain the CICS-supplied external CICS interface modules and also the client program. The external CICS interface modules are supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI, which contains the following: DFH$AXCC DFHMEBM DFHMET4E DFHXCEIX DFHXCIE (alias of DFHXCSTB) DFHXCIS (alias of DFHXCTSB) DFHXCOPT DFHXCPRX DFHXCSTB DFHXCTRA DFHXCURM v You are recommended to include a DD statement for SYSMDUMP. The external CICS interface uses SYSMDUMP for some error conditions. v The REGION parameter must specify a large enough region size to allow for the size of the internal trace table specied by the TRACESZE parameter in the DFHXCOPT options table. v Include a SYSPRINT or equivalent DD statement for any output from the client program. Figure 40 shows a sample job that you can use or modify to start a client program.
//EXCI JOB (accounting_information),CLASS=A,TIME=1440, // USER=userid,PASSWORD=pswd,REGION=100M //*===============================================================* //* JCL to execute an external CICS interface client program * //*===============================================================* // EXEC PGM=pgmname //STEPLIB DD DSN=CICSTS13.CICS.EXCI.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI,DSIP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSMDUMP DD DSN=SYS1.SYSMDP00,VOL=SER=volid,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), DISP=OLD,UNIT=3390

Figure 40. Sample job for starting an EXCI client program

Notes: 1. The job user ID, specied on the USER parameter, must be dened to RACF, or an equivalent external security manager (ESM). 2. In addition to being used for job step initiation security, the job user ID is also used for MRO logon and bind-time security checking. See Chapter 15. Security on page 187 for information about security when using the external CICS interface. 3. See Installing the EXCI sample denitions on page 178 for information about modifying the sample connection denitions before you run the sample


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

application programs in an environment that does not have RACF, or an equivalent external security manager (ESM), installed and active.

Chapter 14. Compiling and link-editing external CICS interface client programs



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 15. Security

CICS applies security checks in a number of ways against requests received from an MVS client program. These are described in the following topics: v MRO logon and bind-time security v Link security v User security v Surrogate user checking.

MRO logon and bind-time security

DFHIRP, the CICS interregion communication program, performs two security checks against users that want to: 1. Log on to IRP (specic connections only) 2. Connect to a CICS region (also referred to as bind-time security).

Generic EXCI connections The discussion about logon security checking in this chapter applies only to EXCI connections that are dened as SPECIFIC. The MRO logon security check is not performed for generic connections. The MVS client program is treated just the same as another CICS region as far as MRO logon and connect (bind-time) security checking is concerned. This means that when the client program logs on to the interregion communication program, IRP performs logon and bind-time security checks against the user ID under which the client program is running. In the remainder of this chapter, we refer to this as the batch regions user ID. To enable your client program to log on successfully to IRP, and to connect to the target server region, rst ensure that you dene the batch regions user ID in a user prole to RACF. When you have dened the batch regions user ID to RACF, you can then give the batch region the appropriate logon and bind-time authorizations. 1. Logon authorization Authorize the batch regions user ID to the DFHAPPL.user_name RACF FACILITY class prole, with UPDATE authority. The user_name part of the prole name is the user name dened on the INITIALIZE_USER command. Failure to authorize the batch regions user ID to the DFHAPPL prole of the specic user ID logging on to IRP causes Allocate_Pipe processing to fail with RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(IRC_LOGON_FAILURE). The subreason eld-1 for a logon security check failure returns decimal 204. See Dening DFHAPPL FACILITY class proles for an EXCI region on page 188 for information about FACILITY class proles for an EXCI client program. 2. Bind-time authorization Authorize the batch regions user ID to the DFHAPPL.applid RACF FACILITY class prole of the target CICS server region, with READ authority.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Failure to authorize the batch regions user ID to the CICS server regions DFHAPPL.applid prole causes Open_Pipe processing to fail with RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(IRC_CONNECT_FAILURE). The subreason eld-1 for a bind-time security check failure returns decimal 176. See the CICS RACF Security Guide for information about the MRO logon and bind-time security checks, and for examples of how to dene the RACF DFHAPPL proles.

Dening DFHAPPL FACILITY class proles for an EXCI region

Dene the user_name part of the DFHAPPL prole name as follows: v For the EXCI CALL interface, the user_name must be the name you specify on the user_name parameter of the INITIALIZE_USER command. Dene FACILITY class proles, with appropriate authorizations, for each user name specied in a client program if the program has INITIALIZE_USER commands for more than one user name. For example, if the user_name dened on an INITIALIZE_USER command is DCEUSER1, dene the DFHAPPL prole in the FACILITY class as follows:

If the batch regions user ID is CLIENTA, authorize the batch region to log on to IRP as follows:

v For the EXEC CICS LINK command, the user_name is preset by the external CICS interface as DFHXCEIP. This does not require authorization for IRP logon, because the EXEC CICS LINK interface uses a generic connection to which the logon security check does not apply.

Link security
The target CICS server region performs link security checking against requests from the client program. These security checks cover transaction attach security (when attaching the mirror transaction), and resource and command security checking within the server application program. The link user ID that CICS uses for these security checks is the batch regions user ID. To ensure these link security checks do not cause security failures, you must ensure that the link user ID is authorized to the following resource proles, as appropriate: v The prole for the mirror transaction, either CSMI for the default, or the mirror transaction specied on the transid parameter. This is required for transaction attach security checking. v The proles for all the resources accessed by the CICS server application programles, queues (transient data and temporary storage), programs, and so on. This is required for resource security checking. v The CICS command proles for the SPI commands issued by the CICS server application programINQUIRE, SET, DISCARD and so on. This is required for command security checking. See the CICS RACF Security Guide for information about MRO link security checking.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

User security
The target CICS server region performs user security checking against the user ID passed on a DPL_ Request call. User security checking is performed only when connections specify ATTACHCSEC(IDENTIFY). User security is performed in addition to any link security. For user security, in addition to any authorizations you make for link security, you must also authorize the user ID specied on the DPL_Request call. Note that there is no provision for specifying a user ID on the EXEC CICS LINK command. In this case, the external CICS interface passes the batch regions user ID. User security checking is therefore performed against the batch regions user ID if the connection denition species ATTACHSEC(IDENTIFY). Note: If your connection resource denitions for the external CICS interface specify ATTACHSEC(IDENTIFY), your server programs will fail with an ATCY abend if you run them in an environment that does not have RACF, or an equivalent external security manager (ESM), installed and active. If you want to run external CICS interface server programs without any security active, you must specify ATTACHSEC(LOCAL).

Surrogate user checking

A surrogate user check is performed to verify that the batch regions user ID is authorized to issue DPL calls for another user (that is, is authorized as a surrogate of the user ID specied on the DPL_Request call). EXCI client jobs are subject to surrogate user checking if SURROGCHK=YES (the default) is specied in the EXCI options table, DFHXCOPT. If you specify SURROGCHK=YES (or allow it to default) authorize the batch regions user ID as a surrogate of the user ID specied on all DPL_Request calls. This means the batch regions user ID must have READ access to a prole named userid.DFHEXCI in the SURROGAT general resource class (whereuserid is the user ID specied on the DPL call). For example, the following commands dene a surrogate prole for a DPL userid, and grant READ access to the EXCI batch region:

If surrogate user checking is enabled (SURROGCHK=YES), but no user ID is specied on the DPL_Request call, no surrogate user check is performed, because the user ID on the DPL_Request call defaults to the batch regions user ID. For this bypass of surrogate user checking to be successful, ensure that you have correctly omitted the user ID on the DPL_Request call. See Example of EXCI CALLs with null parameters on page 146 for information about the correct way to specify a null pointer when omitting an EXCI call parameter. If you dont want surrogate user security checking, specify SURROGCHK=NO in the DFHXCOPT options table (note that SURROGCHK=YES is the default). Surrogate user checking is useful when the batch regions user ID is the same as the CICS server region user ID, in which case the link security check (see Link
Chapter 15. Security


security on page 188) is bypassed. In this case, a surrogate user check is recommended, because the user ID specied on the DPL_Request call is not an authenticated user ID (no password is passed). If the batch regions user ID and the CICS region user ID are different, link security checking is enforced. With link security, a non-authenticated user ID passed on a DPL_Request call cannot acquire more authority than that allowed by the link security check. It can acquire only the same, or less, authority than that allowed by the link security check.

Further information For more information about CICS security, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 16. Problem determination

This chapter contains Diagnosis, Modication or Tuning information. This chapter describes some of the aids to problem determination provided by the external CICS interface. It covers: v Trace v System dumps v MVS 04xx abends for the external CICS interface v The EXCI service trap, DFHXCTRA v EXCI trace entry points Details of the external CICS interface messages and abend codes are given in Chapter 18. Messages and Codes on page 223.

The external CICS interface writes trace data to two destinations: an internal trace table and an external MVS GTF data set. The internal trace table resides in the non-CICS MVS address space. Trace data is formatted and included in any dumps produced by the external CICS interface. Trace entries are issued by the external CICS interface destined for the internal trace table, an MVS GTF data set, or both. They are listed in EXCI trace entry points on page 197. To use GTF for external CICS interface tracing, GTF user tracing must be active, GTF must be started in the MVS image, and you must specify GTF=ON in the DFHXCOPT options table. If you use GTF trace for both the CICS server region and the external CICS interface region, the trace entries are interleaved, which can help you with problem determination in the CICSEXCI environment. Note: The external CICS interface maintains a separate trace table for each user TCB in an external CICS interface application program. The external CICS interface does not support any form of auxiliary trace.

Formatting GTF trace

To format external CICS interface trace entries written to GTF, you can use the standard CICS DFHTR530 trace formatting routine. To format external CICS interface trace entries you use the same FID and ID as for CICS (that is, FID=X'EF', and ID=X'F6C').

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


System dumps
The external CICS interface produces MVS SYSMDUMPs for some error conditions and MVS SDUMPs for other, more serious conditions. These dumps contain all the external CICS interface control blocks, as well as trace entries.

Formatting system dumps

You can use the CICS IPCS verb exit, DFHPD530, to format the system dumps. The following keywords are available for use when formatting an external CICS interface dump using DFHPD530: KE Formats PSW and registers, and all external CICS interface control blocks. LD Formats a load map of where the external CICS interface modules are loaded in the address space, and gives their PTF level. MRO Formats the MRO control blocks for the external CICS interface address space, including common control blocks that reside in the MVS common service area (CSA). This option also formats some MRO blocks that reside in the CICS address space for pipes connected to CICS. TR Formats the external CICS interface trace table. You can format the trace table in abbreviated and full forms (TR=1 gives you the abbreviated trace). SU Produces a dump summary.

Multiple TCBs
If the external CICS interface takes a system dump when there is more than one TCB in use, it dumps only the control blocks and trace table for the TCB that requested the dump. If you take a dump of the external CICS address space using a console command, the CICS verb exit routine, DFHPD530 formats the control blocks and trace tables for every TCB it nds in the dump.

Capturing SYSMDUMPs
To capture SYSMDUMPs produced by the external CICS interface, ensure you always include a DD statement for the SYSMDUMP data set in the client application programs JCL.

Using the MVS DUMP command at the console for dumps

In addition to the dumps taken automatically by the external CICS interface, you can also force a dump of an address space running a client application program by means of an MVS DUMP command entered at the console. You can use the CICS IPCS verb exit routine DFHPD530 to format dumps taken in this way. Note: You can also issue the DUMP command from TSO, SDSF, or NetView.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

You can use the console to issue the DUMP command also to dump the CICS server address space as well as the client address space, and use the CICS IPCS verb exit routine DFHPD530 to format both address space dumps together.

MVS 04xx abends for the external CICS interface

The following MVS 04xx abends can occur when you are running an external CICS interface job:
0401 Explanation: An external CICS interface (EXCI) request was issued using the CALL API or the EXEC API, and the EXCI stub DFHXCSTB link-edited with the application detected that it was running in AMODE 24. The external CICS interface only supports calls made in AMODE 31. System Action: The application terminates abnormally. User Response: Change the application so that EXCI calls are made in AMODE 31, or relink-edit the application AMODE 31. Module: DFHXCSTB 0402 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued an MVS ESTAE macro to establish a recovery environment, but a nonzero return code was returned from MVS. System Action: The application terminates abnormally with a dump. User Response: Examine the dump and any associated MVS messages produced to determine why the MVS ESTAE request failed. If the error occurred while processing an INITIALIZE_USER request on behalf of the application, an attempt to format the dump using the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output. This is because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0403 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued an MVS GETMAIN request to obtain storage for its XCGLOBAL block, but a nonzero return code was returned from MVS. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0403 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(XCGLOBAL_GETMAIN_ERROR) in its return area. The subreason1 eld of the return area contains the R15 return code from MVS indicating why the GETMAIN failed. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(602). User Response: Use the MVS R15 return code obtained from the application or from the dump to determine why the MVS GETMAIN request failed. If the reason is insufficient storage, increase the region size of the batch application. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0404 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH needed to take an MVS SDUMP for an earlier reported problem. However the error has occurred too early in EXCI initialization for EXCI dump services to be available. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0404 which invokes its ESTAE routine from which a SYSMDUMP is taken instead of an SDUMP to capture the earlier reported problem. User Response: Examine the SYSMDUMP to determine the cause of the earlier reported problem. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0405 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued an IEFSSREQ SSI verify request to MVS to determine the number of the CICS SVC type 3 SVC to use. The SSI VERIFY request failed. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0405 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is
Chapter 16. Problem determination


taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(SSI_VERIFY_FAILED) in its return area. The subreason1 eld of the return area contains the R15 return code from MVS indicating why the SSI verify failed. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(606). User Response: Use the MVS R15 return code obtained from the application or from the dump to determine why the SSI VERIFY request failed. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0406 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH called the CICS SVC to initialize the EXCI environment. The CICS SVC call failed. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0406 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(CICS_SVC_CALL_FAILURE) in its return area. The subreason1 eld of the return area contains the R15 return code from the CICS SVC indicating why it failed. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(607). User Response: Use the MVS R15 return code obtained from the application or from the dump to determine why the CICS SVC call failed. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0407 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued a call to the CICS SVC to check whether the SVC in use is at the correct level to be used with the external CICS interface. The check failed indicating that the CICS SVC is not at the correct level. System Action: Message DFHEX0100 is output, and module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0407 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives

RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(INCORRECT_SVC_LEVEL) in its return area. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(627). User Response: See the explanation of message DFHEX0100 for guidance. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0408 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued an MVS GETMAIN request for its working storage but a nonzero return code was returned from MVS. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0408 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(WS_GETMAIN_ERROR) in its return area. The subreason1 eld of the return area contains the R15 return code from MVS indicating why the GETMAIN failed. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(601). User Response: Use the MVS R15 return code obtained from the application or from the dump to determine why the MVS GETMAIN request failed. If the reason is insufficient storage, increase the region size of the batch application. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0409 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued an MVS GETMAIN request for storage required for its SSI VERIFY request, but a nonzero return code was returned from MVS. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0409 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(VERIFY_BLOCK_GM_ERROR) in its return area. The subreason1 eld of the return area contains the R15 return code from MVS indicating why the


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

GETMAIN failed. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(605). User Response: Use the MVS R15 return code obtained from the application or from the dump to determine why the MVS GETMAIN request failed. If the reason is insufficient storage, increase the region size of the batch application. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCPRH 0410 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issued an MVS GETMAIN request for an XCUSER block but a nonzero return code was returned from MVS. System Action: Module DFHXCPRH issues an MVS abend with abend code 0410 which invokes its ESTAE routine to clear up its environment. A SYSMDUMP is taken before returning control to the application. An application using the EXCI CALL API receives RESPONSE(SYSTEM_ERROR) REASON(XCUSER_GETMAIN_ERROR) in its return area. The subreason1 eld of the return area contains the R15 return code from MVS indicating why the GETMAIN failed. An application using the EXCI EXEC API receives RESP(LINKERR) RESP2(603). User Response: Use the MVS R15 return code obtained from the application or from the dump to determine why the MVS GETMAIN request failed. If the reason is insufficient storage, increase the region size of the batch application. Module: DFHXCPRH 0411 Explanation: The external CICS interface dump module DFHXCDMP was attempting to call the CICS SVC in order for an MVS SDUMP to be taken to capture an earlier problem. DFHXCDMP was unable to call the SVC as no SVC number was available. DFHXCDMP issued an 0411 abend in order that the callers ESTAE routine is invoked which takes a SYSMDUMP instead. System Action: A SYSMDUMP is taken instead of an SDUMP for an earlier reported problem. User Response: Use the SYSMDUMP produced to diagnose the earlier reported problem. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred

too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCDMP 0412 Explanation: The external CICS interface dump module DFHXCEIP was processing an EXCI EXEC API request and detected that the EXEC parameter list passed to it contained a function that is not supported by the external CICS interface. System Action: The application is abnormally terminated with a dump. User Response: This error indicates that the parameter list being passed to the EXCI has not been generated by the CICS translator. The translator should always be used. Correct the application to specify the correct EXCI EXEC API command. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter may not produce any formatted output for the job if this was the rst EXCI request for this TCB. Module: DFHXCEIP 0413 Explanation: The external CICS interface dump module DFHXCEIP was processing an EXCI EXEC API request and detected that the EXEC parameter list passed to it did not require the mandatory RETCODE parameter in which return codes are returned to the application. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter may not produce any formatted output for the job if this was the rst EXCI request for this TCB. System Action: The application is abnormally terminated with a dump. User Response: This error indicates that the parameter list being passed to the EXCI has not been generated by the CICS translator. The translator should always be used. Correct the application to specify RETCODE. Module: DFHXCEIP 0414 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCEIP issued an MVS ESTAE macro to establish a recovery environment but a nonzero return code was returned from MVS. System Action: The application terminates abnormally with a dump. User Response: Examine the dump and any

Chapter 16. Problem determination


associated MVS messages to determine why the MVS ESTAE request failed. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter may not produce any formatted output for the job if this was the rst EXCI request for this TCB. Module: DFHXCEIP 0415 Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCEIP detected an error early in EXCI initialization before EXCI dump services were available. DFHXCEIP issues abend 0415 so that its ESTAE routine is invoked

from where an SYSMDUMP is taken instead to capture the error. System Action: The application terminates abnormally with a dump. User Response: Examine the SYSMDUMP to determine the cause of the earlier reported error. An attempt to format the SYSMDUMP produced with the CICS IPCS dump formatter does not produce any formatted output for the job because the error occurred too early in EXCI initialization for there to be any control blocks. Module: DFHXCEIP

The EXCI service trap, DFHXCTRA

A user-replaceable program, DFHXCTRA, is available for use under the guidance of IBM service personnel. It is the equivalent of DFHTRAP used in CICS. It is invoked every time the external CICS interface writes a trace entry. DFHXCTRA can perform one or all of the following actions: 1. Request the external CICS interface to write a trace entry on its behalf 2. Instruct the external CICS interface to take an SDUMP 3. Instruct the external CICS interface to skip writing the current trace entry to GTF 4. Instruct the external CICS interface to disable DFHXCTRA The CICS-supplied sample version of DFHXCTRA performs all four of the above functions if it detects a trace entry that indicates that a FREEMAIN error occurred while trying to free an EXCI pipe control block. The source for DFHXCTRA is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHMAC. The parameter list passed to DFHXCTRA is dened in the copybook DFHXCTRD, which is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHMAC. DFHXCTRD also denes all the external CICS interface trace points for use by DFHXCTRA.

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Problem determination with RRMS

When Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS) is used to coordinate DPL requests, you can obtain additional problem determination information from RRMS. To do this, you use ISPF dialogs provided by Resource Recovery Services (RRS). The dialogs enable you to: v v v Browse the RRS log streams Display information about RRS resource managers Display information about RRS Units of Recovery

Please refer to OS/390 MVS Programming: Resource Recovery for information about how to install and use the dialogs.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

EXCI trace entry points

Reviewer Additional trace points. surrogate user checking - EX2009 and EX200A
Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries
Point ID EX 0001 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type PIPE_ALREADY_OPEN Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token EX 0002 DFHXCPRH Exc PIPE_ALREADY_CLOSED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token EX 0003 DFHXCPRH Exc VERIFY_BLOCK_FM_ERROR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0005 DFHXCPRH Exc XCPIP_ FM_ERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token EX 0006 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_IOAREA_FM_ERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0008 DFHXCPRH Exc XFRASTG1_FM_ERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0201 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type NO_CICS_IRC_STARTED Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0202 DFHXCPRH Exc NO_PIPE 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Target CICS applid EX 0203 DFHXCPRH Exc NO_CICS_ON_OPEN 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Target CICS applid EX 0204 DFHXCPRH Exc NO_CICS_ON_DPL_1 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Target CICS applid EX 0205 DFHXCPRH Exc NO_CICS_ON_DPL_2 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Target CICS applid EX 0206 DFHXCPRH Exc NO_CICS_ON_DPL_3 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Target CICS applid


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0403 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type INVALID_APPL_NAME Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0405 DFHXCPRH Exc PIPE_NOT_CLOSED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token EX 0406 DFHXCPRH Exc PIPE_NOT_OPEN 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token EX 0407 DFHXCPRH Exc INVALID_USERID 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name EX 0408 DFHXCPRH Exc INVALID_UOWID 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. UOWID EX 0409 DFHXCPRH Exc INVALID_TRANSID 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name EX 0414 DFHXCPRH Exc ABORT_RECEIVED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. Message to be returned EX 0415 DFHXCPRH Exc INVALID_CONNECTION 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Connection name 5. Target CICS applid EX 0416 DFHXCPRH Exc INVALID_CICS_RELEASE 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0417 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type PIPE_MUST_CLOSE Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Pipe token EX 0418 DFHXCPRH Exc INVALID_PIPE_TOKEN 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Pipe token EX 0422 DFHXCPRH Exc SERVER_ABENDED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. DPL return area EX 0423 DFHXCPRH Exc SURROGATE_CHECK_FAILED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Job user ID 5. Surrogate resource name 6. ESM return code and reason code EX 0603 DFHXCPRH Exc XCUSER_GM_ERROR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0604 DFHXCPRH Exc XCPIPE_GM_ERROR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0605 DFHXCPRH Exc VERIFY_BLOCK_GM_ERROR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0606 DFHXCPRH Exc SSI_VERIFY_FAILED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0607 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type SVC_CALL_FAILED Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0608 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_LOGON_FAILURE 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Target CICS applid 6. Logon name EX 0609 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_CONNECT_FAIL 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Target CICS applid EX 0610 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_DISC_FAIL 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Target CICS applid 6. Pipe token EX 0611 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_LOGOFF_FAILED 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Target CICS applid 6. Pipe token EX 0612 DFHXCPRH Exc TRANSFORM_1_ERROR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0613 DFHXCPRH Exc TRANSFORM_4_ERROR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0614 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type IRP_NULL_DATA Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Target CICS applid EX 0615 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_NEG_RESPONSE 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Target CICS applid EX 0616 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_SWITCH_PULL_ERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Target CICS applid 6. Pipe token EX 0617 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_IOAREA_GM_ERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0619 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_BAD_IOAREA 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. IOAREA address EX 0620 DFHXCPRH Exc IRP_PROTOCOL_ERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. Pipe token EX 0621 DFHXCPRH Exc PIPE_RECOVERY_FAILURE 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. Pipe token EX 0622 DFHXCPRH Exc ESTAE_SETUP_FAIL 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0623 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type ESTAE_INVOKED Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. MVS abend code EX 0624 DFHXCPRH Exc TIMEDOUT 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Server program name 5. Target CICS applid EX 0625 DFHXCPRH Exc STIMER_SETUP_FAIL 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0626 DFHXCPRH Exc STIMER_CANCEL_FAIL 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer EX 0627 DFHXCPRH Exc INCORRECT_SVC_LEVEL 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. SVC instruction EX 0800 DFHXCPRH Exc RESP shows LENGERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. COMMAREA length 6. Data length EX 0801 DFHXCPRH Exc RESP shows INVREQ 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. DPL options specied EX 0802 DFHXCPRH Exc RESP shows PGMIDERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Program name 5. Target CICS applid

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 0803 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl Exc Type RESP shows ROLLEDBACK Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Program name 5. Target CICS applid EX 0804 DFHXCPRH Exc RESP shows NOTAUTH 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Program name 5. Target CICS applid EX 0805 DFHXCPRH Exc RESP shows SYSIDERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Program name 5. Target CICS applid 6. DPL_Retarea EX 0806 DFHXCPRH Exc RESP shows TERMERR 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Program name 5. Target CICS applid EX 0904 EX 0905 DFHXCTRP DFHXCTRA Exc Exc Overlength trace data eld DFHXCTRA trace entry 1. XCTRP parameter list 1. User specied data


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 1000 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl EX 1 Type Entry Data For INIT_USER commands: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Callers register 14 For Allocate_Pipe requests: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. CICS name 5. Allocate options 6. Callers register 14 For Open, Close, and Deallocate requests: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. CICS name 5. Pipe token 6. Callers register 14 For DPL requests: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. CICS name 5. Pipe token 6. Program name 7. Callers register 14

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 1001 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl EX 1 Type Exit Data For INIT_USER, OPEN, CLOSE, and DEALLOCATE requests: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Callers register14 For Allocate requests: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Return codes and message pointer 5. Pipe token 6. Callers register 14 For DPL requests: 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS system 5. Pipe token EX 1010 DFHXCEIP EX 1 Entry 1. Program name 2. Target CICS applid 3. Transaction ID 4. Callers register 14 5. Up to the rst 100 bytes of COMMAREA (if passed) 6. COMMAREA length, if COMMAREA passed 7. Data length, if COMMAREA passed EX 1011 DFHXCEIP EX 1 Exit 1. EXEC retarea 2. Program name 3. Target CICS applid 4. Transaction ID 5. Callers register 14 6. Up to the rst 100 bytes of COMMAREA (if passed) 7. COMMAREA length, if COMMAREA passed


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 2000 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl EX 2 Type IRP_LOGON Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. IRP user ID 6. SLCB address 7. Connection name EX 2001 DFHXCPRH EX 2 IRP_CONN 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. IRP user ID 6. IRP thread ID 7. SCCB address EX 2002 DFHXCPRH EX 2 IRP_DISC 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. Pipe token EX 2003 DFHXCPRH EX 2 IRP_LOGOFF 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Pipe token 5. IRP user ID EX 2004 DFHXCPRH EX 2 IRP_SWITCH 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. IRP user ID 6. IRP user thread EX 2005 DFHXCPRH EX 2 IRP_SWITCH_DATA 1. Users appl name 2. Pipe token 3. Request header 4. Bind data 5. UOWID/USERID FMH 6. Transformed DPL request to CICS (up to 1000 bytes) 7. Final 1000 bytes of transformed DPL request

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 2006 Module DFHXCPRH Lvl EX 2 Type IRP_DATA Data 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Target CICS applid 5. Length of data returned 6. Data (rst 1000 bytes) 7. Data (nal 1000 bytes) EX 2007 DFHXCPRH EX 2 PRE_URM 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Parameters passed to DFHXCURM 5. URMINV, reason for calling URM 6. URMCICS, target CICS applid 7. URMANCH, URM anchor point address EX 2008 DFHXCPRH EX 2 POST_URM 1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Parameters passed to DFHXCURM 5. URMINV, reason for calling URM 6. URMCICS, target CICS applid 7. URMANCH, URM anchor point address

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EX 2009


EX 2


1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Userid 5. Surrogate resource name 6. RACROUTE parameter list

EX 200A


EX 2


1. Callers parameter list 2. Call type 3. Callers user name 4. Userid 5. Surrogate resource name 6. RACROUTE parameter list

EX 3000




1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. MVS return code

EX 3001 EX 3002


Exc Exc


1. Return area (20 bytes) 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Call type


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 3003 Module DFHXCEIP Lvl Exc Type INV_VNUM_ON_INIT Data 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Version number EX 3004 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_APPL_NAME_ON_INIT 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. User name EX 3005 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_CTYPE_ON_ALLOC 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Call type EX 3006 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_VNUM_ON_ALLOC 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Version number EX 3007 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_UTOKEN_ON_ALLOC 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. User token EX 3008 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_CTYPE_ON_OPEN 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Call type EX 3009 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_VNUM_ON_OPEN 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Version number EX 3010 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_UTOKEN_ON_OPEN 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. User token EX 3011 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_PTOKEN_ON_OPEN 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3012 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_CTYPE_ON_DPL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Call type EX 3013 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_VNUM_ON_DPL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Version number EX 3014 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_UTOKEN_ON_DPL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. User token EX 3015 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_PTOKEN_ON_DPL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3017 EX 3018 DFHXCEIP DFHXCEIP Exc Exc INV_USERID_ON_DPL PIPE_NOT_OPEN_ON_DPL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3019 DFHXCEIP Exc PIPE_MUST_CLOSE_ON_DPL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3020 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_CTYPE_ON_CLOSE 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Call type EX 3021 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_VNUM_ON_CLOSE 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Version number EX 3022 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_UTOKEN_ON_CLOSE 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. User token

Chapter 16. Problem determination


Table 19. External CICS interface trace entries (continued)

Point ID EX 3023 Module DFHXCEIP Lvl Exc Type INV_PTOKEN_ON_CLOSE Data 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3024 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_CTYPE_ON_DEALL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Call type EX 3025 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_VNUM_ON_DEALL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Version number EX 3026 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_UTOKEN_ON_DEALL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. User token EX 3027 DFHXCEIP Exc INV_PTOKEN_ON_DEALL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3028 DFHXCEIP Exc PIPE_NOT_CLOSED_ON_DEALL 1. Return area (20 bytes) 2. Pipe token EX 3029 EX 3030 DFHXCEIP DFHXCEIP DFHXCGUR DFHXCGUR DFHXCGUR DFHXCGUR DFHXCGUR DFHXCGUR DFHXCGUR Exc Exc EX 1 EX 2 EX 1 EX 1 Exc Exc Exc XCEIP_RETRYING SURROGATE_CHECK_FAILED Entry Exit PRE_SVC1 POST_SVC RRMS_NOT_SUPPORTED RRMS_ERROR SVC_EXCEPTION 1. Return area (20 bytes) 1. Return area (20 bytes) 1. DFHXCGUR parameter list 1. DFHXCGUR parameter list 1. SVC parameter list 1. SVC parameter list 1. None 1. None 1. SVC return code

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EX 4000 EX 4001 EX 4002 EX 4003 EX 4004 EX 4005 EX 4006


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls

This chapter gives details of the reason codes for the responses returned on the EXCI call interface. Note: All numeric response and reason code values shown are in decimal.

Reason code for response: OK


Explanation: Call completed normally.

Reason codes for response: WARNING

1 PIPE_ALREADY_OPEN is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. The Initialize_User request continues unaffected. User Response: If the problem persists, take a dump of the batch region and use the dump, together with the return code from the MVS FREEMAIN to determine why the FREEMAIN is failing. 5 XCPIPE_FREEMAIN_ERROR Explanation: An Open_Pipe request has been issued for a pipe that is already open. System Action: None. The pipe remains open. User Response: If this response is unexpected, investigate whether an incorrect pipe token has been used on the Open_Pipe call. 2 PIPE_ALREADY_CLOSED

Explanation: An attempt to FREEMAIN pipe storage has resulted in an MVS FREEMAIN error. System Action: The return code from the FREEMAIN is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. However, the external CICS interface continues processing the Deallocate_Pipe request. If the request fails with another error, this reason code is overwritten. User Response: If the problem persists, take a dump of the client application program address space, and use the dump, with the return code from the MVS FREEMAIN to determine why the FREEMAIN is failing. 6 IRP_IOAREA_FM_FAILURE

Explanation: A Close_Pipe request has been issued for a pipe that is already closed. System Action: The external CICS interface ignores the request and the pipe remains closed. User Response: If the response is unexpected, check that the Close_Pipe call is specifying the correct pipe token. 3 VERIFY_BLOCK_FM_ERROR

Explanation: Initialize_User processing requires storage below 16MB to build the parameter list for the SSI Verify call, and an error has occurred during the FREEMAIN for this area. System Action: The return code from the FREEMAIN is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. The Initialize_User request continues unaffected. User Response: If the problem persists, take a dump of the batch region and use the dump, together with the return code from the MVS FREEMAIN, to determine why the FREEMAIN is failing. 4 WS_FREEMAIN_ERROR

Explanation: An attempt to FREEMAIN an MRO I/O area has resulted in an MVS FREEMAIN error. System Action: The return code from the FREEMAIN is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1, but the DPL request continued to completion. Reason IRP_IOAREA_FM_FAILURE is returned to your application only if the DPL request completes, otherwise it is overwritten by subsequent response and reason codes. User Response: If the problem persists, take a dump of the batch region and use it with the return code from the MVS FREEMAIN to determine why the FREEMAIN is failing.

Explanation: An attempt to FREEMAIN working storage has resulted in an MVS FREEMAIN error. System Action: The return code from the FREEMAIN
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



Explanation: The CICS session, on which the server program has been executing, has been freed by CICS. System Action: The CICS application server program has been detached at some point in its processing, and control is returned to the external CICS interface, which writes a trace entry for this error. User Response: The most likely reason for this error is that the server program has caused CICS to terminate, perhaps by an EXEC CICS PERFORM SHUTDOWN command. During shutdown, CICS frees EXCI sessions so that shutdown can complete. 8 XFRASTG1_FM_FAILURE

System Action: The return code from the FREEMAIN is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1 but the DPL request continued to completion. Reason XFRASTG1_FM_FAILURE is returned to your application only if the DPL request completes, otherwise it is overwritten by subsequent response and reason codes. User Response: If the problem persists, take a dump of the batch region and use it with the return code from the MVS FREEMAIN to determine why the FREEMAIN is failing.

Explanation: An attempt to FREEMAIN the transmission area has resulted in an MVS FREEMAIN error.

Reason codes for response: RETRYABLE

201 NO_CICS_IRC_STARTED Explanation: An Initialize_User command has been issued on an MVS image that has had no IRC activity since the previous IPL, and the external CICS interface cannot determine the CICS SVC number. System Action: The Initialize_User call fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM. User Response: Ensure that a CICS region in the MVS image has logged on to IRC (that is, has started up with the system initialization parameter IRCSTRT=YES or has started IRC dynamically with an OPEN IRC command). Alternatively, if there is no local CICS region in the MVS image, you must specify the SVC parameter that the external CICS interface is to use, by coding a CICSSVC parameter in the DFHXCOPT table. This situation can occur if you are using XCF to communicate to a CICS region in another MVS image. Once the problem has been resolved, re-issue the Initialize_User request. are recommended to specify a larger RECEIVECOUNT value than is theoretically necessary when dening the SESSIONS resource denition to CICS. The application program can reissue the Open_Pipe request. 203 (on Open_Pipe call) NO_CICS Explanation: An attempt has been made to open a pipe but the target CICS system is not available, or hasnt yet opened IRC, or the target connection is out of service, or the relevant EXCI connection denition is not installed in the target CICS. System Action: The open pipe request fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM. User Response: If subreason eld-1 is non-zero (the IRP response code (R15)), subreason eld-2 contains the IRP reason code. For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the DFHIRSPScopybook, listed under the heading IRC. When you have corrected the problem, your client application program can reissue the Open_Pipe call.

202 NO_PIPE Explanation: An attempt has been made to open a pipe, but the target CICS system associated with the pipe has no free receive sessions. System Action: The Open_pipe call fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM. User Response: This situation can occur even if the client application program has allocated (using Allocate_Pipe calls) no more pipes than the number of receive sessions dened on the target connection. This is because CICS can be in the process of cleaning up a pipe from a Close_Pipe request. For this reason, you

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Explanation: A DPL request omitting the SYNCONRETURN option has been made specifying a CICS region that is on a different MVS system from the batch program. Because the Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS) context is not recognised in the target system, the request is rejected. System Action: The DPL request fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replacable module, DFHXCURM.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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User Response: Ensure that the batch program that issued the DPL request and the CICS region it was sent to are on the same MVS system. 205 RRMS_NOT_AVAILABLE

| -| Note: RRS is a part of Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS). | | | | | | | |

System Action: The DPL request fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replacable module, DFHXCURM. User Response: Retry the DPL request when Resource Recovery Services has restarted since the last DPL request omitting the SYNCONRETURN option, and there has been no intervening syncpoint.

Explanation: A DPL request omitting the SYNCONRETURN option has been made when the Resource Recovery Services (RRS) is not available. There are two cases: v When Resource Recovery Services (RRS) is not available. v When Resource Recovery Services has restarted since the last DPL request omitting the SYNCONRETURN option, and there has been no intervening syncpoint.

Reason codes for response: USER_ERROR

401 INVALID_CALL_TYPE 404 INVALID_USER_TOKEN Explanation: An invalid call-type parameter value is specied on this EXCI request. System Action: The request is rejected. User Response: Check your EXCI client program and ensure the call_type parameter species the appropriate value for the EXCI call, as follows. 1 2 3 4 5 6 402 Initialize_User Allocate_Pipe Open_Pipe Close_Pipe Deallocate_Pipe DPL INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER 405 PIPE_NOT_CLOSED Explanation: A Deallocate_Pipe request has been issued against a pipe that has not yet been closed. System Action: The external CICS interface ignores the request and the pipe remains open. User Response: Check the client application program, and ensure that the Deallocate_Pipe request is intended. If so, issue a Close_Pipe request for the pipe before issuing the Deallocate_Pipe request. 406 PIPE_NOT_OPEN Explanation: The client application program has issued an EXCI request using a user token that is unknown to the external CICS interface. System Action: The request is rejected. User Response: The Initialize_User call returns a 4-byte token that must be used on all further requests for the that user. Check the client application program and correct the error to ensure that the correct token is passed.

Explanation: The version_number parameter does not specify a value of 1. System Action: The request is rejected. User Response: Check the client application program and ensure that all EXCI calls specify the value of 1 for the version number. 403 INVALID_APPL_NAME

Explanation: A DPL call has been issued on a pipe that is not open. System Action: The external CICS interface rejects the DPL request. User Response: Check the client application program, and ensure that an Open_Pipe request is issued before using the pipe on a DPL request. If an Open_Pipe has been issued by the application program, check that it has not been closed inadvertently before all the DPL requests have been made.

Explanation: The user_name parameter consists of all blank characters (X'40'). System Action: The call is rejected. User Response: Change the application program to specify a valid, non-blank user name.

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls




the STEPLIB concatenation, and restart the client application program. 411 DFHMET4E_LOAD_FAILED

Explanation: A DPL request has been issued with a USERID parameter that consists of all blanks. System Action: The DPL request is rejected. User Response: Check the EXCI client program and ensure that the DPL request passes a valid USERID parameter. If you dont want to specify a userid, code the call parameter list with a null address for userid. If you pass a null address, the external CICS interface passes the userid under which the client application program is running (the batch regions userid). 408 INVALID_UOWID

Explanation: The load of message module, DFHMET4E, has failed. During Initialize_User processing, the external CICS interface attempted to load its message table in preparation for issuing messages. The load of this module failed. System Action: The Initialize_User call is rejected. The return code from the MVS load macro (R15) is returned in the subreason eld-1. The external CICS interface handles the error, and returns the abend (R0) that would have occurred in the subreason eld-2. User Response: Using the MVS reason code, determine why the load failed. The most likely reason is that the message table, DFHMET4E, is not in any library included in the STEPLIB of the batch job. Ensure the CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI library is included in the STEPLIB concatenation, and restart the client application program. 412 DFHXCURM_LOAD_FAILED

Explanation: A DPL request has been issued with a uowid parameter that has invalid length elds. System Action: The DPL request is rejected. User Response: Check the client application program and ensure that the DPL request passes a valid uowid parameter. If you dont want to specify a unit of work id, code the call parameter list with a null address for uowid, in which case the external CICS interface generates a unit of work id for you. 409 INVALID_TRANSID

Explanation: A DPL request has been issued with a transid parameter that consists of all blanks. System Action: The DPL request is rejected. User Response: Check the client application program and ensure that the transid parameter is specied correctly or has not been overwritten in some way. If you dont want to specify your own transid, code the call parameter list with a null address for transid, in which case the external CICS interface uses the default CICS mirror transaction, CSMI. 410 DFHMEBM_LOAD_FAILED

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, the external CICS interface attempted to load the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM. The load of this module failed. System Action: The Initialize_User call is rejected. The return code from the MVS load macro (R15) is returned in the subreason eld-1. The external CICS interface handles the error, and returns the abend (R0) that would have occurred in the subreason eld-2. User Response: Using the MVS reason code, determine why the load failed. The most likely reason is that module DFHXCURM is not in any library included in the STEPLIB of the batch job. Ensure the library containing the module is included in the STEPLIB concatenation, and restart the client application program. 413 DFHXCTRA_LOAD_FAILED

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, the external CICS interface attempted to load the main message module in preparation for issuing external CICS interface messages, and the load of this module failed. System Action: The Initialize_User call is rejected. The return code from the MVS load macro (R15) is returned in the subreason eld-1. The external CICS interface handles the error, and returns the abend (R0) that would have occurred in the subreason eld-2. User Response: Using the MVS return code, determine why the load failed. The most likely reason is that the message module, DFHMEBM, is not in any library included in the STEPLIB of the batch job. Ensure the CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHEXCI library is included in

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, the external CICS interface attempted to load the trap module (DFHXCTRA). The load of this module has failed. System Action: The Initialize_User call is rejected. The return code from the MVS load macro (R15) is returned in the subreason eld-1. The external CICS interface handles the error, and returns the abend (R0) that would have occurred in the subreason eld-2. User Response: Using the MVS reason code, determine why the load failed. The most likely reason is that DFHXCTRA is not in any library included in the STEPLIB of the batch job. Ensure the library containing the module is included in the STEPLIB concatenation,


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

and restart the client application program. 414 IRP_ABORT_RECEIVED



Explanation: A DPL request has been issued on a pipe that is in a must close state. System Action: The DPL request is rejected. User Response: Some EXCI errors are serious enough to require that the pipe be closed and reopened in order to restore the pipe to a point where it can be used for further DPL requests. Others, more minor errors, allow further calls without closing and reopening the pipe. A previous error on this pipe has been of the more serious variety and the pipe is now in a must close state. Close and reopen the pipe and reissue the DPL request. 418 INVALID_PIPE_TOKEN

Explanation: Whilst processing a DPL request, an error occurred in the CICS server region, resulting in an abort FMH7 ow being returned to the external CICS interface. System Action: A message is returned to the client application program. This is the message that would have been issued to the terminal if the server program had been initiated from a terminal. A pointer to the message is returned to the client application program in the message pointer eld of the EXCI return area. See the description of the EXCI return areas for the exact denition of the message format. The pipe is put into a must close state. User Response: Use the message to determine the cause of the error. A typical example is where the server transaction cannot be attached, either because is disabled, or it has not been dened, or because of a security failure. Correct the problem, close and reopen the pipe, and reissue the DPL request. 415 INVALID_CONNECTION_DEFN

Explanation: An Open_Pipe, Close_Pipe, Deallocate_Pipe, or DPL request has been issued, but the pipe token passed on the call is either not a valid pipe, or is not a valid pipe allocated for this user (that is, there is mismatch between the user token and the pipe token). System Action: The call is rejected.

Explanation: A DPL request has been rejected by CICS because the target connection is not dened for use by an external CICS client application program. System Action: The DPL request is rejected and the pipe is put into a must close state. User Response: The most likely reason for this is that the connection denition in the CICS server region has been dened incorrectly as a CICS-to-CICS MRO connection, instead of an EXCI connection. Ensure that PROTOCOL(EXCI) is specied on the appropriate CONNECTION and SESSIONS resource denitions. You must close and reopen the pipe before reissuing the DPL request. 416 INVALID_CICS_RELEASE

User Response: Ensure that the pipe token has not been overwritten and is being passed correctly on the call. Also ensure there is no mismatch between the user token and the pipe token. 419 CICS_AFCB_PRESENT

Explanation: An Initialize_User request has been issued on a TCB that has already been used by CICS or by CICS batch shared database. The external CICS interface cannot share a TCB with CICS, ensuring that a CICS application program cannot issue EXCI requests. System Action: The Initialize_User request is rejected. User Response: To use the external CICS interface, you must create a new TCB (or daughter TCB), and issue the EXCI calls under that unique TCB. 420 DFHXCOPT_LOAD_FAILED

Explanation: A DPL request has been rejected by the target CICS server region because it doesnt recognize the request. System Action: The DPL call is rejected and the pipe is put into a must close state. User Response: The most likely reason for this is that the client application program has specied a target CICS server region that does not support the external CICS interface. CICS regions earlier than CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1 do not recognize EXCI call requests. Correct the problem, close and reopen the pipe and then reissue the DPL request.

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, the external CICS interface attempted to load its options module, DFHXCOPT. The load of this module failed. System Action: The Initialize_User call is rejected. The return code from the MVS load macro (R15) is returned in the subreason eld-1. The external CICS interface handles the error, and returns the abend (R0) that would have occurred in the subreason eld-2. User Response: Using the MVS reason code, determine why the load failed. The most likely reason is that DFHXCOPT is not in any library included in the

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls


STEPLIB of the batch job. Correct the problem and restart the client application program. 421 RUNNING_UNDER_AN_IRB

User Response: If you want surrogate user checking, ensure that the EXCI batch regions userid has READ access to the prole userid.DFHEXCI in the SURROGAT general resource class, where userid is the userid specied on the DPL call. If you dont want surrogate user security checking, specify SURROGCHK=NO in the DFHXCOPT options table. See Surrogate user checking on page 189 for more information.

Explanation: The EXCI call is issued under an MVS IRB, which is not permitted. System Action: The call is rejected. User Response: Determine why the call was issued under an IRB and change the client application program.

422 SERVER_ABENDED Explanation: Whilst processing a DPL request, the CICS server application program abended without handling the error. System Action: The server application program is abended and backout out. The abend code is returned in the abend code eld of the EXCI return area. User Response: Determine why the server program abended and x the problem. 423 SURROGATE_CHECK_FAILED



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Explanation: A DPL request omitting the SYNCONRETURN option has been made on a system that is not running OS/390 Release 5 (or a later, upward-compatible, release). Reviewer: Add a reference here to whichever book species the pre-req software. Is this the CICS Program Directory? System Action: The call is rejected. User Response: Ensure that the batch program is run on a system that is running the correct level of OS/390. 425 UOWID_NOT_ALLOWED

Explanation: A DPL request has been issued specifying a USERID parameter. The userid specied was subject to a surrogate user security because SURROGCHK=YES is specied in the EXCI options table, DFHXCOPT. The surrogate user check failed. The surrogate security check veries whether the EXCI batch regions userid is authorized as a surrogate of the userid specied on the DPL call. System Action: The DPL call is rejected. The MVS external security managers return code and reason code are returned in subreason eld-1 and eld-2. For RACF, these documented in the External Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro Reference for MVS, GC23-3733.

Explanation: A DPL request omitted the SYNCONRETURN option, but specied a value of UOWID. This combination of parameters is not permitted on a DPL request. System Action: The DPL_Request is rejected. User Response: Check the client application program and ensure that the correct combination of parameters is used on the DPL call.

Reason codes for response: SYSTEM_ERROR

601 WS_GETMAIN_ERROR Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, a GETMAIN for working storage failed. System Action: Processing cannot continue without working storage, so the request is terminated. At this point the external CICS interface trace and dump services are not available to provide diagnostic information, therefore EXCI issues an MVS abend (U0408) to force a SYSMDUMP. The return code from the MVS GETMAIN request is returned in the return area. User Response: Locate the GETMAIN return code in the dump, and use this and the rest of the dump to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason for this is that the region size specied for the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the client application program. 602 XCGLOBAL_GETMAIN_ERROR

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, a GETMAIN failed for a critical control block (XCGLOBAL). System Action: Processing cannot continue without this control block, and the request is terminated. At this point the external CICS interface trace and dump services are not available to provide diagnostic information, therefore EXCI issues an MVS abend (U0403) to force a SYSMDUMP. The return code from


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

the MVS GETMAIN request is returned in the return area. User Response: Locate the GETMAIN return code in the dump, and use this and the rest of the dump to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason for this is that the region size specied for the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the client application program. 603 XCUSER_GETMAIN_ERROR

the dump, and use this and the rest of the dump to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason for this is that the region size specied for the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the client application program. 606 SSI_VERIFY_FAILED

Explanation: A VERIFY call to the MVS subsystem interface (SSI) to obtain the current CICS SVC number failed. System Action: The Initialize_User request is terminated. The return code from the SSI call is returned in subreason eld-1 of the return area. This error occurs before the external CICS interface dump services are initialized, therefore EXCI issues an MVS user abend (0405) to force a SYSMDUMP. User Response: Locate the return code in the dump, and use this with the rest of the dump and SSI documentation to determine why the VERIFY request failed. When the problem is resolved, restart the client application program. 607 CICS_SVC_CALL_FAILURE

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, a GETMAIN request failed for the user control block (XCUSER). System Action: Initialize_User processing is terminated. The return code from the GETMAIN is returned in subreason eld-1 of the return area. The external CICS interface issues message DFHEX0003 and issues an MVS user abend (0410) to force a SYSMDUMP. User Response: Use the return code from the GETMAIN, with the dump, to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason for this is that the region size of the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the client application program. 604 XCPIPE_GETMAIN_ERROR

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, a call to the currently installed CICS SVC failed. System Action: The return code from the CICS SVC is returned in the subreason eld-1 of the EXCI return area. This error occurs before the external CICS interface dump services are initialized, therefore EXCI issues an MVS user abend (0406) to force a SYSMDUMP. User Response: Contact your IBM support center for assistance, with the return code and the dump available. 608 IRC_LOGON_FAILURE

Explanation: During Allocate_Pipe processing, a GETMAIN request for the pipe control block (XCPIPE) failed. System Action: Allocate_Pipe processing is terminated. The return code from the GETMAIN is returned in subreason eld-1 of the EXCI return area. The external CICS interface issues message DFHEX0003, and takes a system dump. User Response: Use the return code from the GETMAIN, and the dump, to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason for this is that the region size for the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the client application program. 605 VERIFY_BLOCK_GM_ERROR

Explanation: During Allocate_Pipe processing, an attempt by the external CICS interface to LOGON to DFHIRP failed. System Action: The two return codes returned from DFHIRP are returned in the subreason elds. The IRP response code (R15) is in subreason eld-1, and the IRP reason code, if any, is given in subreason eld-2. The Allocate_Pipe request fails. User Response: For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the DFHIRSPS copybook, listed under the heading IRC. Use the return codes to determine why the logon failed, or contact your IBM support personal with details of the failure.

Explanation: During Initialize_User processing, a GETMAIN failed for an EXCI internal control block. System Action: Initialize_User processing is terminated. The return code from the GETMAIN is returned in the subreason eld-1 of the EXCI return area. This error occurs before EXCI dumping services are initialized, Therefore EXCI issues an MVS abend (U0409) to force a SYSMDUMP The return code from the MVS GETMAIN request is returned in the return area. User Response: Locate the GETMAIN return code in

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls




Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the

| DFHIRSPS copybook, listed under the heading IRC.

Use the return code and the dump to determine the cause of the error. 612 TRANSFORM_1_ERROR

Explanation: During Open_Pipe processing, an attempt to connect to the target CICS system failed. System Action: The Open_Pipe request fails. The DFHIRP return code is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. User Response: For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the DFHIRSPS copybook, listed under the heading IRC. Use the return code to determine why the logon failed, and reissue the open pipe request. Note: This error is not caused by the target CICS being unavailable, which is returned as a RETRYABLE condition (NO_CICS). 610 IRC_DISCONNECT_FAILURE

Explanation: During DPL processing, whilst processing the data in preparation for sending to CICS, an internal call to program DFHXFQ resulted in an error. System Action: The DPL request is terminated. User Response: The return code from the call is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1, and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. This is an external CICS interface error. Contact your IBM support center with details of the return code and the dump. 613 TRANSFORM_4_ERROR

Explanation: During Close_Pipe processing, CICS issued a DFHIRP disconnect call to terminate the connection to CICS. This request has failed. System Action: The call fails and the pipe is left open. The IRP return code (R15) and any IRP reason code (R0) are returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1 and eld-2 respectively. The external CICS interface takes a system dump. Although the disconnect failed, it is possible that the pipe is still connected to CICS. However, all connections are automatically disconnected at the end of the batch program. User Response: For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the DFHIRSPS copybook, listed under the heading IRC. Use the return code and the dump to determine the cause of the error. 611 IRC_LOGOFF_FAILURE

Explanation: During DPL processing, whilst processing the data returned by the CICS server region, an internal call to module DFHXFQ resulted in an error. System Action: The DPL request is terminated. Note that the server application program has executed. The return code from the call to DFHXFQ is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. This return code corresponds to any EIBRCODE information that was available. The external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: This is an external CICS interface error. Contact your IBM support center with details of the return code and the dump. 614 IRP_NULL_DATA_RECEIVED

Explanation: During DPL processing, a request has been sent to the target CICS and this target CICS has replied without returning any data. System Action: The DPL processing is terminated and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: This is an internal protocol error. Contact your IBM support center with details of the dump. 615 IRP_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE

Explanation: During Deallocate_Pipe processing, CICS issued a DFHIRP logoff call. This request failed. System Action: The Deallocate_Pipe call fails and the pipe remains allocated. The IRP return code (R15) and any IRP reason code (R0) are returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1 and eld-2 respectively. The external CICS interface takes a system dump. Note: Because it remains allocated, the pipe is available for further calls. Any storage associated with the pipe is not freed. However, this storage is freed at the end of the client application program. User Response: For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS

Explanation: An internal protocol error has occurred whilst trying to communicate with the target CICS region. System Action: The DPL request fails, the pipe is put into a must close state, and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: This is an external CICS interface error. Keep the dump and contact your IBM support center.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Note: The pipe is in a must close state. Before attempting further calls, the pipe must rst be closed and reopened. 616 IRP_SWITCH_PULL_FAILURE



Explanation: An internal protocol error has occurred whilst trying to communicate with the target CICS system. System Action: The DPL request is terminated, the pipe is forced into a must close state, and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: This is an external CICS interface error. Keep the dump and contact your IBM support center. Note: The pipe is in a must close state after this error, and before attempting further calls must rst be closed and reopened. 621 PIPE_RECOVERY_FAILURE

Explanation: An internal protocol error has occurred whilst trying to communicate with the target CICS region. System Action: The DPL request fails, the pipe is put into a must close state, and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. The IRP return code (R15) and reason code if any (R0) are returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1 and subreason eld-2. User Response: This is an external CICS interface error. Keep the dump and contact your IBM support center. Note: The pipe is in a must close state, and before attempting further DPL calls, the pipe must rst be closed and reopened. 617 IRP_IOAREA_GM_FAILURE

Explanation: An error has occurred during an open pipe request. The external CICS interface attempts to recover by disconnecting the pipe again. During this disconnection, further errors have occurred. System Action: The Open_Pipe call is terminated and the pipe is placed in a must close state. The return code from DFHIRP is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1, and a system dump is taken. User Response: For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the DFHIRSPS copybook, listed under the heading IRC. Use the dump and IRP return codes to determine why the disconnect failed. You may also want to use the EXCI trace to determine the earlier error that caused the open pipe recovery routine to be invoked. Note: The pipe is now in a must close state and if further calls are to be issued, the pipe must be closed and reopened again rst. 622 ESTAE_SETUP_FAILURE

Explanation: During DPL processing, an MVS GETMAIN request for an internal control block failed. System Action: The DPL request is terminated. The return code from the GETMAIN is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. Note: This error occurs whilst processing the data returned by CICS, after the server application program has completed execution. This error results in the pipe being put into a must close state. User Response: Use the return code to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason for this is that the region size of the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the batch job. 619 IRP_BAD_IOAREA

Explanation: During a DPL request, an I/O area has been supplied to DFHIRP that could not be used. System Action: The DPL request is terminated, the pipe is forced into a must close state, and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: This is an external CICS interface error. Contact the IBM support center with details of the return code and the dump. Note: The pipe is in a must close state after this error, and before attempting further calls must rst be closed and reopened.

Explanation: In order to protect itself from possible program checks the external CICS interface establishes an MVS ESTAE. In this case, the MVS ESTAE macro has failed. System Action: The call terminated, and the return code from the MVS ESTAE command is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1. This error may occur before EXCI dump services are initialized, therefore an EXCI issues an MVS abend (U0402) to force a SYSMDUMP. User Response: Use the return code and the dump to determine why the ESTAE command failed. This may be an internal EXCI error and if the problem persists, contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls






Explanation: A program check is encountered during call processing, and the ESTAE is invoked. System Action: The program check is handled by the EXCI ESTAE and an attempt is made to recover to a state that can support further EXCI calls. The MVS abend code is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1 of the return area. To aid further diagnosis, a SYSMDUMP is taken. User Response: Use the return code and the dump to determine why a program check occurred in the external CICS interface. The most likely reason for this is that the EXCI code abended whilst trying to access the client programs parameters. Use the EXCI trace to determine if any of the parameters might have caused this error. If this is not the case, this may be an error in the external CICS interface. Keep the dump and contact your IBM support center. 624 SERVER_TIMEDOUT

Explanation: On successful completion of a DPL request, the cancel of an STIMERM request issued to check the TIMEOUT value has failed with an error. System Action: The return code from the STIMERM CANCEL is returned in the subreason eld-1 of the EXCI return area. The pipe is placed in a must close state, and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: Use the return code and the dump to determine why the MVS STIMERM CANCEL command failed. This could be an external CICS interface error. Contact your IBM support center with details of the dump. Note: The pipe is in a must close state after this error, and before attempting further calls must rst be closed and reopened. 627 INCORRECT_SVC_LEVEL

Explanation: A DPL request has been issued and the target server program has executed in the CICS server region. However, the server program has been executing for longer than the time-out value specied in the DFHXCOPT table. System Action: The external CICS interface stops waiting for the server program to complete. Because the server program might complete some time after the time-out, and try to respond to the DPL call, the pipe is forced into a must close state. User Response: Determine why the server application program timed out. Either there is a problem with the server program itself (for example, it might be in a loop), or the timeout value is too low. 625 STIMER_SETUP_FAILURE

Explanation: The release level of the CICS SVC (DFHCSVC) is not the same (or higher) than the release level of the external CICS interface. System Action: The Initialize_User request is terminated. This error occurs before the external CICS interface SDUMP facilities are initialized, therefore EXCI issues an MVS abend (U0407) to force a SYSMDUMP. User Response: Determine the level of the CICS SVC being used and ensure it is the same release level as the external CICS interface, or higher. If the SVC number is allowed to default (CICSSVC=0 in DFHXCOPT), the SVC number being used is the SVC rst used by a CICS region on the MVS image. That is, the SVC used by the rst CICS region to open the CICS interregion communications (IRC). If the SVC number is specied on CICSSVC in DFHXCOPT, the SVC number specied is at an incorrect level. For more information, see the description of the CICSSVC parameter in Chapter 13. External CICS interface options table, DFHXCOPT on page 167. 628 IRP_LEVEL_CHECK_FAILURE

Explanation: In order to provide a TIMEOUT mechanism, the external CICS interface issues an MVS STIMERM macro call. This call has failed. System Action: The return code from the call is returned in the subreason eld-1 of the EXCI return area. The DPL request is terminated and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. The pipe is placed in a must close state. User Response: Use the MVS return code and the dump to determine why the call failed. This could be an external CICS interface error. Contact your IBM support center with details of the dump. Note: The pipe is in a must close state after this error, and before attempting further calls must rst be closed and reopened.

Explanation: The release level of the module DFHIRP is not at the same, or higher, level than the release level of the external CICS interface. System Action: The Allocate_pipe request is terminated. The IRP return code (R15) is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-1, and the function level of DFHIRP being used is returned in the EXCI subreason eld-2. Subreason eld-2 is only meaningful if subreason eld-1 is zero. The external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: Check the level of the DFHIRP module installed in the LPA. Ensure that it is at least the same as the external CICS interface. The installed level


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

of DFHIRP must be the highest level of CICS or external CICS interface in use in the MVS image. For more details about installing DFHIRP, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide. 629 SERVER_PROTOCOL_ERROR

| The external CICS interface issues message | DFHEX0002, and takes a system dump. | | | |
User Response: Use the dump, to determine why the request failed. This may be an internal EXCI error and you may need the assistance of your IBM support center. XCGUR_GETMAIN_ERROR

Explanation: A response to a DPL request has been returned by CICS but the external CICS interface does not understand the response. System Action: The DPL request is terminated and the external CICS interface takes a system dump. User Response: Use the dump to determine why the response was in error. The most likely reason for this is that the CICS application server program was not running under the control of a CICS mirror task. This can happen if the transaction denition named by the transid parameter on the DPL call does not specify DFHMIRS as the program name. This would cause unidentied responses being sent from the CICS server region.

| 632

| Explanation: During DPL_Request processing, a | GETMAIN request for working storage for module | DFHXCGUR failed. | System Action: DPL_Request processing is | terminated. | | | | | | | | | |
The return code from the GETMAIN is returned in subreason eld-1 of the return area. The external CICS interface issues message DFHEX0003, and takes a system dump. User Response: Use the return code from the GETMAIN, and the dump, to determine why the GETMAIN failed. A possible reason is that the region size of the job is too small. If this is the case, increase the region size and restart the client application program.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS) while processing a DPL_Request. System Action: DPL_Request processing is terminated. The value in subreason eld-1 of the return area indicates which RRMS interface returned the unexpected return code: 1 2 3 CTXRCC ATRRURD CTXSDTA

The return code from the RRMS request is returned in subreason eld-2. The external CICS interface issues message DFHEX0002, and takes a system dump. User Response: Use the return code from the RRMS request and the dump, to determine why the request failed. This may be an internal EXCI error or a problem with RRMS and you may need the assistance of your IBM support center. 631 RRMS_SEVERE_ERROR

Explanation: During the processing of a DPL_Request, the EXCI code encountered an unexpected error while using its interface with Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS). System Action: DPL_Request processing is terminated.

Chapter 17. Response and reason codes returned on EXCI calls



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 18. Messages and Codes

This chapter lists messages and abend codes for the external CICS interface.
DFHEX0001 An abend (code aaa/bbbb) has occurred in module modname. Explanation: An unexpected program check or abend aaa/bbbb has occurred in module modname. This implies that there may be an error in external CICS interface code. Alternatively, unexpected data has been passed on an external CICS interface call or storage has been overwritten. The code aaa/bbbb is, if applicable, a 3-digit hexadecimal MVS system completion code aaa (for example, 0C1 or D37). If an MVS code is not applicable, this eld is lled with three hyphens. The 4-digit code bbbb, which follows aaa is, if applicable, a user abend code produced by the external CICS interface. If the user abend code is not applicable, this eld is lled with four hyphens. System Action: An exception entry is made in the external CICS interface internal trace table, and to the GTF trace dataset (if GTF is active), and a SYSMDUMP is taken. The external CICS interface terminates the current request, and attempts to recover to a consistent state so that further EXCI requests can be serviced. For an application using the EXCI CALL API, a response of EXCI_SYSTEM_ERROR with a REASON of ESTAE_INVOKED is returned to the application. For an application using the EXCI EXEC API, an EXEC_RESP of LINKERR is returned to the application, together with an EXEC_RESP2 of ESTAE_INVOKED or EXEC_ESTAE_INVOKED, depending on whether the call level ESTAE routine, or the EXEC level ESTAE routine was invoked. User Response: Look up the MVS code aaa, if there is one, in the relevant MVS codes manual which is detailed in the book list in the front of this manual. If applicable, see the description of abend code bbbb for further guidance. You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See Part 4 of the CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance on how to proceed. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCPRH, DFHXCEIP DFHEX0002 A severe error (code Xcode) has occurred in module modname. Explanation: An error has been detected in module modname. The code code is the exception trace point ID which uniquely identies what the error is and where the error was detected. System Action: An exception entry is made in the EXCI internal trace table and to GTF if it is active, (Xcode in the message). A system dump is taken. This is a critical error and the EXCI request is terminated. The external CICS interface attempts to recover to a consistent state so that further EXCI requests can be issued. For applications using the EXCI CALL API, the EXCI_REASON returned to the application indicates the reason for the error. For applications using the EXCI EXEC API, the reason is returned in the EXEC_RESP2 eld of the RETCODE area. User Response: This failure indicates a serious error in the external CICS interface code. For further information about the EXCI exception trace entries, refer to the CICS Problem Determination Guide. You need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance on how to proceed. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCPRH, DFHXCEIP DFHEX0003 A GETMAIN request in module modname (code Xcode) has failed. Reason Xrc. Explanation: An MVS GETMAIN was issued by module modname, but it failed with return code rc. The code code is the exception trace point ID which uniquely identies the place where the MVS GETMAIN was issued. System Action: An exception entry is made in the EXCI internal trace table (code code in the message). This is a critical error and the EXCI request is terminated. The external CICS interface attempts to recover to a consistent state so that further EXCI requests can be issued. For applications using the EXCI CALL API, the EXCI_REASON returned to the application indicates the point of failure. For applications using the EXCI EXEC API, the point of failure is returned in the EXEC_RESP2 eld of the RETCODE area. For EXCI_REASON and EXCI_RESP of 603, the EXCI module DFHXCPRH also issues abend 0410 which drives the ESTAE exit. Message DFHEX0001 is issued and a SYSMDUMP is taken

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


User Response: Look up the MVS GETMAIN return code rc in the relevant MVS codes manual. If the reason is insufficient storage, try increasing the size of the region for the batch EXCI job. You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See the CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance on how to proceed. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCPRH, DFHXCTRI DFHEX0100 The installed level of CICS SVC does not support the EXCI call. Explanation: The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH detected that the level of CICS SVC (DFHCSVC) in use does not support the external CICS interface. System Action: The EXCI request is terminated. An exception trace is made in the EXCI internal trace table, and if GTF is active, in the GTF trace data set. The external CICS interface module DFHXCPRH issues abend 0407 which drives the ESTAE exit. Message DFHEX0001 is issued, and a SYSMDUMP is taken. User Response: Check the level of DFHCSVC installed in the LPA, which Generally, the latest level of DFHCSVC must be used when running CICS and the external CICS interface. For more information about installing DFHCSVC see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCPRH DFHEX0101 Unable to start interregion communication because DFHIRP services are down level. Explanation: The version of DFHIRP being used is at a lower level than that of the External CICS Interface (EXCI) module DFHXCPRH. System Action: The EXCI allocate pipe request is rejected, and a return code passed back to the batch application. User Response: Update the level of the DFHIRP module in the LPA such that it matches the level of the latest CICS version in use. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCPRH DFHEX0110 EXCI SDUMP has been taken. Dumpcode: dumpcode, Dumpid: dumpid. Explanation: This message is issued on successful completion of a MVS SDUMP issued by external CICS

interface module DFHXCDMP. An error, signalled by a previous message, caused a call to be made to DFHXCDMP to take a system dump. The dump code dumpcode is an 8-character system dump code identifying the external CICS interface problem. A system dump code is the EXCI message number with the DFH prex removed.

dumpid is the unique 9-character string identifying this dump.

System Action: The EXCI request is terminated. User Response: See the EXCI message indicated by dumpcode for further guidance. You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See the CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance on how to proceed. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCDMP. DFHEX0111 EXCI SDUMP attempted but SDUMP is busy - will retry every ve seconds for nnnn seconds. Explanation: At the time of the MVS SDUMP request issued by DFHXCDMP another address space in the same MVS system was in the process of taking an SDUMP. This causes MVS to reject the new request. A nonzero value for the dump retry parameter in the DFHXCOPT table means that the external CICS interface waits ve seconds before retrying the SDUMP request. If necessary, the external CICS interface retries every ve seconds for the total time specied on the retry parameter. System Action: The external CICS interface issues an MVS STIMERM macro which causes it to wait for ve seconds. The request is reissued when the delay interval has expired. User Response: None. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCDMP. DFHEX0112 SDUMP request failed - reason Xnn. Explanation: An MVS SDUMP request issued from the external CICS interface has failed to complete successfully. The possible reasons, (reason) for the failure are as follows: ONLY PARTIAL DUMP The SYS1.DUMP data set to which the dump is written is not large enough to contain all of the dumped storage. SDUMP BUSY At the time of the MVS SDUMP request issued by the EXCI, another address space in the same MVS system was in the process of


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

taking an SDUMP. This causes MVS to reject the new request. If a nonzero value is specied for the dump retry parameter in DFHXOPTS table, the EXCI has retried the SDUMP request every ve seconds for the specied period. This message is only issued if SDUMP is still busy after the nal retry. STIMERM FAILED In order to delay for ve seconds before retrying SDUMP after an SDUMP BUSY condition, the EXCI issues an MVS STIMERM macro request. MVS has indicated that the STIMERM request has failed. NO DATA SET AVAILABLE No SYS1.DUMP data sets were available at the time the SDUMP request was issued. REJECTED BY MVS, REASON = X'nn' MVS has rejected the SDUMP request because of user action (for example, specifying DUMP=NO in the MVS IPL) or because of an I/O error or terminating error in the SDUMP routine. X'nn' is the SDUMP reason code. NOT AUTHORIZED FOR EXCI SDUMP is not authorized for the external CICS interface. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE The EXCI issued an MVS GETMAIN for subpool 253 storage during the processing of the SDUMP request. The GETMAIN has been rejected by MVS. System Action: The EXCI proceeds as if the dump had been successful. User Response: The user response depends on the reasons, (reason), for the failure. ONLY PARTIAL DUMP Increase the size of the SYS1.DUMP data sets and cause the SDUMP request to be reissued. SDUMP BUSY Cause the SDUMP to be reissued after, if appropriate, increasing the dump retry time in DFHXCOPT. STIMERM FAILED Use MVS problem determination methods to x the STIMERM failure and then cause the SDUMP request to be reissued. NO DATA SET AVAILABLE Clear a SYS1.DUMP data set and then cause the SDUMP request to be reissued. REJECTED BY MVS, REASON = X'nn' No action is required if the dump is suppressed deliberately. If the dump has failed because of an error in the MVS SDUMP routine, use MVS problem determination methods to x the error and then cause the SDUMP request to be reissued. See the OS/390 MVS Programming:

Assembler Services Reference, GC28-1910, for an explanation of the SDUMP reason code X'nn'.
NOT AUTHORIZED FOR EXCI This reason is unlikely because SDUMP is unconditionally authorized during EXCI initialization, and should be authorized throughout the EXCI run. If you do get this reason, the EXCI AFCB (authorized function control block) has probably been accidentally overwritten. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE Ensure sufficient storage is available to MVS for subpool 253 requests. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCDMP DFHEX0113 EXCI trace Initialization has failed. Explanation: An attempt to initialize external CICS interface (EXCI) trace facilities during EXCI initialization has failed. System Action: The EXCI request continues without trace facilities. An earlier message identies the cause of the failure. User Response: Refer to the earlier message to determine the cause of the failure. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCTRI DFHEX0114 Incorrect data has been passed for EXCI tracing causing a program check in DFHXCTRP. Explanation: Some data passed to the external CICS interface (EXCI) trace module DFHXCTRP for addition to the EXCI internal trace table, or GTF trace, caused a program check to occur when an attempt was made to access it. The most likely cause of this error is incorrect data passed on an EXCI CALL API request that the trace program DFHXCTRP is attempting to access. System Action: The EXCI request is terminated and a SYSMDUMP is taken. User Response: Examine the dump to determine the source of the incorrect data. You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See the CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance on how to proceed. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCTRI

Chapter 18. Messages and Codes


DFHEX0115 EXCI trace services have been disabled due to a previous error. Explanation: An error occurred in the external CICS interface (EXCI) trace module DFHXCTRP indicated by message DFHEX0001. In trying to recover from the error, module DFHXCTRI determined that the error was not caused by accessing incorrect data passed to DFHXCTRP, but was due to a program check in DFHXCTRP. System Action: The EXCI trace facilities are disabled to prevent further errors. A SYSMDUMP is taken. User Response: See the DFHEX0001 message and the SYSMDUMP to determine the cause of the error. You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See the CICS Problem Determination GuideA for guidance on how to proceed. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCTRI DFHEX0116 Program check occurred within global trap exit - DFHXCTRA now marked unusable. Explanation: After making a trace entry, the external CICS interface (EXCI) trace program DFHXCTRP called the EXCI eld engineering global trap program DFHXCTRA. A program check occurred during execution of DFHXCTRA. System Action: The EXCI marks the currently active version of DFHXCTRA as unusable and ignores it on subsequent calls to DFHXCTRP for all subsequent calls made under this TCB. The EXCI request is terminated, and a SYSMDUMP is taken. User Response: Use the dump to nd the cause of the program check. You may need further assistance from IBM to resolve this problem. See the CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance on how to proceed. You should use the global trap exit only in consultation with an IBM support representative. Destination: Console Module: DFHXCTRI


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Part 4. CICS ONC RPC support

This part describes the support in CICS for Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) clients. This part contains: v Chapter 19. Introduction to ONC RPC on page 229 v Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC on page 237 v Chapter 21. Setting up CICS ONC RPC on page 247 v Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager on page 253 v Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC on page 279 v Chapter 24. Security on page 305 v Chapter 25. Problem determination on page 311 v Chapter 26. Performance and tuning on page 317

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


CICS ONC RPC support


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 19. Introduction to ONC RPC

This chapter gives a summary of CICS ONC RPC, ONC RPC, and TCP/IP. It contains the following sections: v CICS ONC RPCa brief summary v Introduction to ONC RPC on page 230 v TCP/IP protocols on page 8 v ONC RPC facilities on page 231 v ONC RPC naming and routing on page 234

CICS ONC RPCa brief summary

CICS ONC RPC allows client applications to access CICS programs by calling them as remote procedures using the ONC RPC format. CICS ONC RPC can be used: v To allow clients to use existing CICS programs and the transaction processing services they provide v To allow clients to use newly created CICS programs TCP/IP for MVS is a prerequisite for CICS ONC RPC; it provides the library code for Sun Microsystems ONC RPC Version 3.9. Hence, CICS ONC RPC servers work with any remote client compatible with ONC RPC Version 3.9, regardless of operating system or machine type. See the TCP/IP for MVS: Programmers Reference for information about the function of ONC RPC Version 3.9 supported by TCP/IP for MVS. Figure 41 shows how CICS ONC RPC allows a variety of client applications to communicate with CICS programs using ONC RPC.





CICS Transaction Server


CICS pr ogr am


Figure 41. How CICS ONC RPC might be used

The CICS program called to service a client request is executed by a transaction that has no principal facility. It is therefore not allowed to use some commands of the CICS application programming interface: v Terminal control commands that reference the principal facility v Options of EXEC CICS ASSIGN that return terminal attributes v BMS commands v Sign-on and sign-off commands.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Introduction to ONC RPC

This section introduces the basics of ONC RPC operation, its place in TCP/IP networks, and how its main facilities work. It does not cover all aspects of ONC RPC or TCP/IP, only those that relate to CICS ONC RPC.

CICS ONC RPC In the rest of this chapter, boxes like this point out how CICS ONC RPC implements the area of ONC RPC being described in the text.

When a process invokes or calls a process on a remote system, that call is a remote procedure call (RPC). The calling process is a client (that is, a process requesting a service); the remote process is a server (a process offering a service). As shown in Figure 42, the client sends a request for a procedure to be run, and supplies parameters for that particular run. Once the server has run the procedure, it returns the reply.
Remote procedure Client application

RPC request and parameters

reply returned

Figure 42. Basic RPC operation

In the RPC model, there is no provision for coordinating changes to recoverable resources in different servers, nor for coordinating changes to recoverable resources in successive calls to the same server. Committing changes to recoverable resources is under the control of the remote procedure, not the client application. Several RPC implementations have been developed and are now available on a variety of systems. RPC allows a programmer to network an application by distributing the procedures that make up the application across different processors. This is done without the programmer becoming involved with the details of the communication interface required to transmit the parameters to and from the remote procedures.

ONC is Open Network Computing, a range of software developed by Sun Microsystems. As well as the ONC RPC routines, Sun provides XDR (eXternal Data Representation) routines, which are used for data conversion. The ONC RPC and XDR protocols and formats are supported on many different platforms.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS ONC RPC CICS ONC RPC allows users to run only ONC RPC servers under CICS hosts. It does not support client applications running under CICS.

ONC RPC applications use the TCP/IP family of protocols. See TCP/IP protocols on page 8 for more information about TCP/IP.

ONC RPC facilities

The ONC RPC implementation consists of: v XDR routines. XDR library functions are supplied to enable conversion to and from the standard data format for transmission. v RPCGEN compiler. This takes a user-written denition of a remote procedure interface and generates the required parts of the application that deal with the RPC interface. v ONC RPC API library.

XDR routines
Data exchanged between systems engaged in ONC RPC must always ow in a standard format specied by XDR, because different machine architectures have different representations of the same information. Both client and server use XDR routines to convert the input and output parameters between XDR format and the local data format. You either write these yourself, or specify an XDR library function, as described below. In Figure 43, inproc and outproc are the XDR routines.
Server Client

remote procedure






Figure 43. XDR routines used in a remote procedure call

Notice that in Figure 43, the same XDR routine, inproc, is used to encode and decode the data as it ows from client to server, and similarly for outproc as it ows back to the client. The source for inproc is the same in the client and server, but XDR library functions in the routines are compiled to encode or decode as appropriate. Such routines are termed bidirectional, and they help to ensure that the encoding and decoding is done symmetrically in the two routines.

Chapter 19. Introduction to ONC RPC


Using XDR library functions

XDR library functions are a set of C functions supplied with ONC RPC, which application programmers can use when writing XDR routines. They can be used as follows, depending on the complexity of the structure pointed to by the call argument and reply parameters. For parameters that are simple single-eld C data types Use an XDR library function for inproc and outproc. For parameters that are C data type vectors, arrays, strings, and so on Use an XDR library function for inproc and outproc. For more complex structures Write an XDR routine, using XDR library functions as required. Alternatively, use the RPCGEN compiler, described in RPCGEN compiler, to create an XDR routine from an XDR data description.

CICS ONC RPC CICS ONC RPC supports the use of the XDR library functions that support data conversion.

RPCGEN compiler
To use RPCGEN, you write a program denition in RPCL, a language similar to a subset of C, designed for the denition of ONC RPC distributed programs. The denition denes the data to be transferred and procedures to be used for both client and server. The client application source program is written as though the remote procedure call were a call to a local program. The code to send the call and get the reply are part of the client stub, which is generated by RPCGEN. Similarly the code the server needs to accept the call and send back the reply are part of the server stub, which is also generated by RPCGEN. Figure 44 on page 233 illustrates the role of RPCGEN in application development.

CICS ONC RPC RPCGEN may only be used for: v Generating pairs of XDR routines, as described in the previous section v Generating a client stub to be linked with the application for the client system v Generating header les CICS ONC RPC does not use the server stub generated by RPCGEN.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide


Client application source

Client stub

XDR routines

Header files

Server stub

Server application source

C Client object

C Client stub object

C Server stub object

C Server object

Link Client application

Link Server application

Figure 44. Using the RPCGEN compiler

ONC RPC API library

The ONC RPC API library contains two types of call: high level and low level. The high-level ONC RPC API can be used only with UDP. It enables users to make remote procedure calls very simply and with a minimum of library calls, but at a cost of some restriction in available function. The main function of the API is provided by three calls: registerrpc Used in the server to register a procedure to be called as a remote procedure by clients. svc_run Used in the server to see if a request has arrived from a client. callrpc Used in the client to make a remote procedure call. The low-level ONC RPC API contains many more calls, which give more control and exibility. For example: v Low-level calls give the user the choice of transport below ONC RPC, including TCP or UDP. v With low-level calls, user-written network registration services other than the Portmapper (the Portmapper is described below) can be used. v Low-level calls allow the variation of ONC RPC time-outs and retry values.

Chapter 19. Introduction to ONC RPC


v Low-level calls allow standard ONC RPC authorization to be applied. Only UNIX authorization is available in ONC RPC Version 3.9.

CICS ONC RPC CICS ONC RPC provides all the server function. You dont specify any server RPC calls. The client can make its request with the high-level call callrpc, or can use low-level calls. CICS ONC RPC is implemented using low-level ONC RPC calls. The implementation allows concurrent dispatching of individual procedures and allows TCP to be supported as well as UDP.

ONC RPC naming and routing

Remote procedures in ONC RPC are identied by the 3-tuple: program number, version number, and procedure number. It is usual to package several related procedures together into a single program. When changes are made to the procedures, a new version of the program is created, but the new version usually contains the same procedure numbers as the previous version.

Procedure zero
Users dene procedure numbers for each program, conventionally starting at 1 and proceeding in sequence. Procedure 0 is usually dened as a procedure with no parameters and no processing that returns an empty reply. This is useful for clients, who can call procedure 0 to see if a particular service exists and to test performance on a null call.

Registration and the Portmapper

Servers on a host need to let clients know their logical addresses and which services they offer. In ONC RPC, servers generally do this by registering with a utility service called the Portmapper. This maintains a list of mappings from program/version numbers (also qualied by protocol used) to TCP/IP port numbers on a host. The Portmapper itself can always be located by clients because it is always on well-known port 111 on a given host. If using low-level calls, the client rst asks the Portmapper for the port number for the particular remote procedure, and then calls that port directly. The high-level call, callrpc, performs the same function transparently to the user.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS ONC RPC Registration is done by CICS ONC RPC automatically, or under operator control.

Before calling a procedure, a client asks the Portmapper at the host for the port number of the program and version that the client wishes to call. (The protocol is determined when the connection between TCP/IP systems is set up.) In the remote procedure call, the client supplies only the IP address, port number, and procedure number. Figure 45 shows how the IP address, port number, and procedure number identify the server procedure.

IP address

Port number

P r og ra m nu m be r

Ver s i o n n u mb e r


Pr ocedure number

Figure 45. TCP/IP and RPC routing

Types of remote procedure call

Synchronous This is the normal method of operation. The client makes a call and does not continue until the server returns the reply. Nonblocking The client makes a call and continues with its own processing. The server does not reply. Batching This is a facility for sending several client nonblocking calls in one batch. Broadcast RPC RPC clients have a broadcast facility, that is, they can send messages to many servers and then receive all the consequent replies. Callback RPC The client makes a nonblocking client/server call, and the server signals completion by calling a procedure associated with the client.

CICS ONC RPC CICS ONC RPC cannot support callback RPC, because callback requires that both ends contain both client and server procedures.

Chapter 19. Introduction to ONC RPC



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC

This chapter describes the CICS ONC RPC operating environment, and how you can control and customize it. It contains the following sections: v ONC RPC remote procedures and CICS programs v CICS ONC RPC transactions on page 238 v User-replaceable programs on page 239 v Control ow in a client request on page 241 v Data ow in a client request on page 242

ONC RPC remote procedures and CICS programs

This section describes how CICS programs are identied by ONC RPC.

Identifying the CICS program

In CICS ONC RPC, the CICS programs are identied by a 4-tuple. v Program numbersame as the ONC RPC program number v Version numbersame as the ONC RPC version number v Procedure numbersame as the ONC RPC procedure number v Protocoldetermined by the protocol used to communicate between the client system and TCP/IP for MVS. When a client request arrives, the CICS program chosen to service it is the one associated with the 4-tuple just described. Figure 46 shows a state of CICS ONC RPC in which ve 4-tuples are associated with three CICS programs.
4-tuples CICS programs









Figure 46. Remote procedures and CICS programs

The program numbers are given in hexadecimal. The protocols are U for UDP and T for TCP. v If a client request arrives for program 24127AC0, version 5, procedure 1, the CICS program PROGA is used to service it whether the protocol is TCP or UDP.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


v If a request arrives for program CE00457F, version 3, procedure 1, and the protocol is UDP, the CICS program PROGB is used to service it. But if the same request arrives and the protocol is TCP, PROGC is used to service it. It is, however, usual to use the same program, version, and procedure irrespective of the protocol used to transmit the request. v The CICS program PROGC is also used for procedure 2 of the same program and version if the protocol is TCP. How you set up and control the relationship between 4-tuples and CICS programs is described in Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager on page 253.

Where the CICS program might be

The CICS program might be in one of three places: v In the same CICS region as CICS ONC RPC v In a different CICS region on the same host v On a different host that supports CICS and inbound DPL The CICS programs can reside on any CICS system accessible by means of DPL from the CICS region running CICS ONC RPC. DPL operation is described in the CICS Intercommunication Guide.

CICS ONC RPC transactions

Three CICS transactions are supplied with CICS ONC RPC: v Connection manager v Server controller v Alias

Connection manager (CRPC)

The connection manager is a transaction that allows you to enable and disable CICS ONC RPC, and congure and inquire on it. You run the connection manager transaction as required, and several instances of it can be active at the same time. The connection manager is described in Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager on page 253.

Server controller (CRPM)

The server controller monitors the TCP/IP for MVS interface for client requests, and starts instances of the alias transaction, using EXEC CICS START, to service them. The server controller is a transaction of long duration. It is started by the connection manager when CICS ONC RPC is enabled, and stopped when CICS ONC RPC is disabled. Only one instance of the server controller can be active in a CICS system.

Alias (CRPA)
CICS ONC RPC supplies one alias program. Multiple instances of the alias transaction can be run in parallel, each in response to a client request.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

An alias is started by the server controller for each client request that arrives to be processed, as shown in Figure 47. This allows CICS ONC RPC to process many client requests concurrently. The alias program uses EXEC CICS LINK to transfer control to the CICS program.

Server c on t rol le r

Client requests f r om TCP/IP EXEC CICS START

Ali as transactions


CICS programs

Figure 47. The server controller and alias transactions

User-replaceable programs
Servicing a client request involves not only a CICS program, but a converter program and XDR routines. For compatibility with earlier releases of CICS you can use a resource checker program to validate incoming client requests, or you can use CICS security facilities.

XDR routines
XDR (eXternal Data Representation) is described in XDR routines on page 231. You need to provide one or two XDR routines for each 4-tuple. You always need an inbound XDR routine, and unless the client call is nonblocking, you need an outbound XDR routine as well. The XDR routines for each 4-tuple are specied by using the connection manager.

Resource checker module

CICS ONC RPC provides an interface to a resource checker (which you write). The module can be used to validate incoming client requests. It is described in Writing the resource checker on page 307.

You can also supply a converter for each program-version-procedure-protocol 4-tuple. Each converter can contain up to three functions.

Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC


v Getlengths function. The Getlengths function might be called by the connection manager when a 4-tuple is registered. Getlengths can supply the following information: The length of the input and output data for the CICS program Whether the output data overlays the input data in the communication area Because its processing is done before any client requests are received, It is appropriate to use Getlengths to provide the values of data lengths that do not vary from call to call. Refer to Lengths of the CICS program input and output data on page 283 for a fuller description of when Getlengths should be used for this purpose. v Decode function. The Decode function is called by the server controller on receipt of a client request. Decode can do the following: Supply the length of the input and output data for the CICS program. If the parameter lengths vary from call to call, Decode should return them for the current call. Reconstruct the data from the client as a communication area for the CICS program. Data ow in a client request on page 242 illustrates the kinds of data that Decode might have to handle. The incoming data might include pointers, and Decode must gather up the incoming data into the communication area. Convert data structures from C format to the format appropriate to the programming language in which the CICS program is written. Process data from the client that is not intended for the CICS program. For example the data from the client might include the name of the CICS program to be called, and Decode can feed this information back to the server controller. v Encode function. The Encode function is called by the alias when the CICS program ends. Encode can do the following: Reconstruct the data from the communication area into the form expected by the client. Data ow in a client request on page 242 illustrates the kinds of data that Encode might have to handle. The client might expect to receive data accessed by pointers, and Encode must build this structure from the data in the communication area. Convert data structures from the format appropriate to the programming language in which the CICS program is written into C format. Not all 4-tuples need a converter with all three functions. You use the connection manager to specify the converter and the use of Getlengths, Decode, and Encode for each 4-tuple. The way that particular language data structures are stored is documented in the appropriate language manuals, and a correspondence between C data types and those in other languages is given in the IBM SAA AD/Cycle Language Environment/370 Programming Guide. For detailed instructions on the writing of converters, refer to Step 4Write the converter on page 283.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Control ow in a client request

Figure 48 shows the components involved in processing a typical client ONC RPC request.

OS/390 CICS Transaction Server XDR inbound Server c on t rol le r TCP/IP for MVS

R eq u e st f r om client

Converter (Decode)

Resource checker

Ali as

CICS pr ogr am

R ep l y t o
Converter (Encode)


XDR outbound

Figure 48. Call processing

Client requests are processed in the following steps: 1. A request from a client arrives in TCP/IP for MVS. 2. The server controller monitors the TCP/IP for MVS interface for incoming client requests, and the client request is passed to it. (From the 4-tuple for the request, the server controller can nd the corresponding XDR routine and converter to call.) 3. The server controller invokes the inbound XDR routine. 4. The server controller calls the converter, requesting the Decode function, if it is required for the 4-tuple. If Decode is not required, the server controller allocates storage for the CICS program communication area. 5. The server controller then starts an alias to deal with all further processing of the request within CICS. 6. The server controller returns to monitor the TCP/IP for MVS interface for client requests.

Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC


7. The alias optionally calls a user-written resource checker. 8. The alias issues an EXEC CICS LINK to the CICS program for the 4-tuple. The communication area set up by Decode is passed in the LINK command. 9. The CICS program processes the request and returns its output to the alias program in the communication area. 10. The alias calls the Encode function, if it is required for the 4-tuple. 11. The alias invokes the outbound XDR routine. 12. The alias returns the reply to TCP/IP for MVS, and ends. 13. The reply is sent back to the client.

Updating recoverable resources

After Decode processing, the server controller uses EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT to commit any changes to recoverable resources that Decode might have made. If the CICS program makes updates to recoverable resources, whether the changes are committed or backed out depends on the location of the CICS program, and on whether it uses the EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT command. v If the CICS program is in a CICS region different from the one in which CICS ONC RPC is operating, the updates are committed when the CICS program returns control to the alias. v If the CICS program is in the same CICS region as CICS ONC RPC, and it uses EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT, the updates are committed when the syncpoint is processed. v If the CICS program is in the same CICS region as CICS ONC RPC, but it does not use EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT, the updates are committed when the alias transaction ends normally, or are backed out when the alias transaction abends.

Data ow in a client request

This section describes data ow from a client to a CICS program, and from a CICS program back to the client.

From client to CICS program

Figure 49 on page 243 shows the progress of data from the client to the CICS program during a remote procedure call.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Parameter ... int pointer ... double etc Data in client

XDR in client (outbound)

Data as transmitted

XDR in host (inbound) Parameter ... int pointer ... double etc Data in host


Communication area for CICS program

Figure 49. Data ow from client to CICS program

In this example the processing is as follows: 1. The client call has a parameter which includes a pointer to data that is to be passed to the CICS program. The clients outbound XDR routine packages the parameter and the indirect data for transmission to the host. 2. The data is transmitted over the network to the host. 3. In the host, the inbound XDR routine rebuilds the data as it was in the client. 4. The Decode function of the converter reorganizes the data into a communication area for the CICS program.

Data format in the CICS program communication area

If the call is a blocking call, the position in the CICS programs communication area of data to be returned to the client has to be specied. The data in the CICS programs communication area can be organized in two ways: v Contiguousthe data to be returned to the client does not start at the beginning of the communication area, but at some offset into it. v Overlaidthe data to be returned starts at the beginning of the communication area. The CICS program overwrites the inbound client data in this area with any data to be returned to the client.

Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC


Figure 50 illustrates these two possibilities.

Contiguous input output Overlaid input output

Figure 50. Use of communication area according to data format

From CICS program to client

Figure 51 shows the progress of data from the CICS program back to the client.


Communication area from CICS program

Encode Parameter

pointer pointer

Data in host

XDR in host (outbound)

Data as transmitted

XDR in client (inbound) Parameter

pointer pointer

Data in client

Figure 51. Data ow from CICS program to client

The processing is as follows: 1. The CICS programs output is in the communication area that was created by the Decode function. The Encode function reorganizes the data in the manner


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

that the client expects. In this case the client is expecting to get back a structure including two pointers to indirect data. The Encode function puts the data in a single area of storage to simplify storage management processing when the area is to be freed. 2. The outbound XDR routine packages the data for transmission. 3. The data is transmitted over the network to the client. 4. In the client, the inbound XDR routine rebuilds the data as it was in the host.

Chapter 20. Overview of CICS ONC RPC



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 21. Setting up CICS ONC RPC

This chapter describes how to set up your CICS system to exploit CICS ONC RPC. It contains the following sections: v Prerequisites for using CICS ONC RPC v CICS ONC RPC setup tasks on page 248 v Dening CICS ONC RPC resources to CICS on page 249 | v Modifying TCP/IP for MVS data sets on page 252

Prerequisites for using CICS ONC RPC

This section discusses software prerequisites and storage requirements.

Clients must access servers on CICS ONC RPC over a TCP/IP network. Client systems must use a library compatible with the library for ONC RPC Version 3.9, as this is the ONC RPC version supported by TCP/IP for MVS (Versions 2.2.1 and 3.1). To communicate over a TCP/IP network, appropriate hardware and software must be in place.

The following items are prerequisite, that is, must be installed on the MVS system for CICS ONC RPC to run. v TCP/IP for MVS Version 2.2.1 or above. TCP/IP for MVS ports must be made available for use by the CICS region involved. v Language Environment/370. This provides the C run-time libraries that are a prerequisite for running CICS ONC RPC. v If you are using RPCGEN, or writing your own XDR routines, you need a C compiler to compile RPCGEN output and your XDR routines.

CICS must be set up for Language Environment/370 support, as described in the CICS System Denition Guide and in the Language Environment/370 Installation and Customization Guide. Note: TCP/IP for MVS CICS Sockets is not a prerequisite for CICS ONC RPC.


CICS ONC RPC and TCP/IP for MVS CICS Sockets Version 2.2.1 cannot operate together from one CICS region to one TCP/IP for MVS region. You are advised to run CICS Sockets and CICS ONC RPC in different CICS regions. TCP/IP for MVS Version 3.1 users do not have this problem; CICS Sockets and CICS ONC RPC can both be run from the same CICS region.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


TCP/IP for MVS 2.2.1

There are no prerequisites for running CICS ONC RPC. Note: CICS ONC RPC and TCP/IP for MVS CICS Sockets Version 2.2.1 cannot operate together from one CICS region to one TCP/IP for MVS region. You are advised to run CICS Sockets and CICS ONC RPC from different CICS regions.

TCP/IP for MVS 3.1

The following PTF is a prerequisite for running CICS ONC RPC: v A PTF, number UN79963, related to the use of the xdr_text_char XDR library function. Note: CICS ONC RPC and TCP/IP for MVS CICS Sockets Version 2.2.1 cannot operate together from one CICS region to one TCP/IP for MVS region. You are advised to run CICS Sockets and CICS ONC RPC from different CICS regions.

Storage requirements
Except where otherwise noted, the storage used by CICS ONC RPC is obtained from CICS subpools. When CICS ONC RPC is enabled, its storage requirements are as follows: v 40 KB base storage v 100 bytes for each registered 4-tuple. For each client request being processed the following storage is required: v MVS-controlled storage used by the inbound XDR routine for internal data structures v Storage used by the inbound XDR routine for the data structure it builds for the Decode function v Storage for the CICS program communication area v Storage used by the alias transaction while running the CICS program v Storage used by the Encode function to create a data structure for the outbound XDR routine v MVS-controlled storage used by the outbound XDR routine

CICS ONC RPC setup tasks

| | | | | | There are tasks associated with the CICS ONC RPC data set, dump formatting, and a warning about migration.

Creating the CICS ONC RCP data set

JCL is provided in the DFHCOMDS job to create the CICS ONC RPC data set. The data set is dened as a VSAM key-sequenced data set by a DEFINE CLUSTER command like the following:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | |


The job to dene the data set must be run before you start the connection manager for the rst time.

JCL entry for dump formatting

To switch dump formatting on for CICS ONC RPC (and for all running features), change the IPCS VERBEXIT control statement as follows:

The VERBEXIT provides a formatted dump of CICS ONC RPC control blocks.

Migrating between CICS versions

CICS ONC RPC was a separately-installed feature of CICS/ESA 3.3 and CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1, but is part of the CICS Transaction Server base. None of the IBM-supplied programs for CICS ONC RPC should be moved to CICS Transaction Server from earlier releases.

Dening CICS ONC RPC resources to CICS

CICS ONC RPC provides two RDO groups dening CICS resources used by CICS ONC RPC: DFHRP and DFHRPF.

Transaction denitions for CICS ONC RPC transactions

The following CICS ONC RPC transactions are dened in the locked group DFHRP: CRPA Alias CRPC Connection manager CRPM Server controller These denitions cannot be changed.

Transaction denitions for extra alias transactions

You may want to use other alias transaction names for various reasons: v Auditing purposes v Resource and command checking v Allocating initiation priorities v Allocating database plan selection v Assigning different runaway values for different CICS programs

Chapter 21. Setting up CICS ONC RPC


If you do, you must also dene these to CICS, copying the denition from CRPA, and making amendments as necessary. The CRPA denition is as follows:

If you want a CICS program to run under an alias with a name other than CRPA, you can enter this in the connection manager when dening the attributes of the 4-tuple associated with the CICS program, as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262. The name of the alias can also be changed by the Decode function, as described in Changing the alias and CICS program on page 284.

Changing the CMDSEC and RESSEC values

You might wish to dene new alias transactions with CMDSEC(YES) or RESSEC(YES) in order to enforce security checking on the programs run under the alias transaction, including the CICS program that services the client request. The effect of these options is described in Security in CICS and its effect on CICS ONC RPC operations on page 305. None of the IBM-supplied programs used by the alias use any of system programmer interface (SPI) commands, so CMDSEC need not be changed. However, if you wish to oversee the use of SPI commands by the CICS program, resource checker, or Encode function of the converter, CMDSEC(YES) is required.

Program denitions for CICS ONC RPC programs

All the CICS ONC RPC programs are dened in the locked group DFHRP.

Program denitions for user-written programs

You need to make denitions for: v CICS programs v Converters v User-written XDR routines v Resource checker

User-written XDR routines should be dened with LANGUAGE(C). Converters and CICS programs should be dened with an appropriate LANGUAGE.

CEDF option
Program denitions for CICS programs must include CEDF(YES) if EDF is required for debugging. If you wish to use EDF, you must enter a terminal ID in the connection manager when dening the attributes of the 4-tuple associated with the CICS program, as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

EXECKEY option
CICS operates with storage protection only if the SIT parameter STGPROT is set to YES, and the system has the required hardware and software. Converters and the resource checker should not be regarded as application programs when dening storage. You are recommended to dene them as EXECKEY(CICS). This allows them to modify CICS-key storage. When the Decode and Encode functions allocate storage to hold the converted data, that storage should be allocated as CICS-key. User-written XDR routines must be dened as EXECKEY(CICS). CICS programs should be dened as EXECKEY(USER), unless there is some reason for dening them as CICS-key in your CICS system. Dening programs as EXECKEY(USER) prevents them from overwriting CICS. If you specify EXECKEY(USER) for the CICS program, ensure that TASKDATAKEY(USER) is specied for the alias. USER is the default TASKDATAKEY setting in the alias denition in the supplied group DFHRP. If you have CICS programs that need to be specied with EXECKEY(CICS), you are advised to specify TASKDATAKEY(CICS) for the alias that will execute them.

RELOAD option
You should specify RELOAD(YES) for any user-written XDR routines to prevent errors in CICS ONC RPC disable processing.

Denitions for remote CICS programs

If a CICS program that is to service a remote procedure call runs in a different CICS system from CICS ONC RPC, a program denition is required on both the local system and the remote system. The program resides on the remote system, so its denition there is straightforward. The program denition on the local system: v Must include a REMOTESYSTEM parameter to specify the system on which the program resides. v Can optionally include a REMOTENAME parameter if you want the names on the local system and remote system to be different. v Can optionally include a TRANSID parameter: If TRANSID is not specied, the CICS program runs under the CICS mirror transaction on the remote CICS system. If TRANSID is specied, the program in the remote CICS system runs under the transaction name given. See Transaction denitions for extra alias transactions on page 249 for reasons why you may want a different name. If the remote transaction ID is specied, you must provide a matching transaction denition in the remote CICS system. This denition must specify the appropriate mirror program for the remote system (DFHMIRS for CICS for MVS/ESA and CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 systems). If a CICS program is running on a CICS platform other than CICS for MVS/ESA or CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 similar considerations apply, but you should refer to the DPL details for that platform.

Chapter 21. Setting up CICS ONC RPC


Mapset denition
Mapset denitions are supplied in the group DFHRP for the connection manager mapsets. The denitions cannot be changed.

Transient data denitions

You must supply DCT denitions for the CICS ONC RPC message transient data queue. The following sample is supplied with CICS ONC RPC as member DFHRPDCT of the SDFHSAMP target library:

If you dene the destination in the manner of the sample, you must also add a suitable DD statement for the extrapartition queue in the CICS JCL, for instance:

The destination could also be made intrapartition or indirect.

XLT denitions
The XLT system initialization parameter and its associated transaction list should allow the connection manager, CRPC, to be started during normal CICS shutdown. If CICS ONC RPC is delaying shutdown, the connection manager can be used to force an immediate disable of CICS ONC RPC.

| | | | | |

Modifying TCP/IP for MVS data sets

You can dene the CICS TS region to TCP/IP for MVS in the tcpip.PROFILE.TCPIP data set to reserve specic ports for ONC RPC applications (described in TCP/IP for MVS: Customization and Administration Guide ).


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager
This chapter describes how you use to connection manager to control CICS ONC RPC. It contains the followgin v What the connection manager is for v Starting the connection manager on page 254 v Updating CICS ONC RPC status on page 257 v Enabling CICS ONC RPC on page 259 v Dening, saving, modifying, and deleting 4-tuples on page 261 v Registering the 4-tuples on page 267 v Unregistering 4-tuples on page 268 v Disabling CICS ONC RPC on page 270 v Updating the CICS ONC RPC data set on page 272 v Processing the alias list on page 277

What the connection manager is for

The operating environment of CICS ONC RPC has two aspects: v Operating optionstracing, and other problem determination techniques. v 4-tuple informationdetermines which client requests can be processed and what CICS resources are needed. The CICS ONC RPC data set is a store of operating environment information. It contains two kinds of records: the CICS ONC RPC denition record contains the operating options, and 4-tuple records contain the 4-tuple information. The connection manager has four main functions: v Enabling CICS ONC RPC v Disabling CICS ONC RPC v Controlling the operating options and 4-tuple information stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set v Controlling the operating options and 4-tuple information in current use when CICS ONC RPC is enabled

When CICS ONC RPC is disabled

When CICS ONC RPC is disabled, the connection manager allows you to: v Create or update the CICS ONC RPC denition record in the data set v Add, delete, and change 4-tuple records in the data set v Enable CICS ONC RPC You can use the connection manager to enable CICS ONC RPC in two ways: v Operator-assisted enablebefore you enable CICS ONC RPC, you can: Modify any or all of the options
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Select which 4-tuples are to be registered Modify the attributes of 4-tuples before registration When you enable CICS ONC RPC, options to control its operation come into play, and 4-tuples can be registered. The changes you make during an operator-assisted enable can be temporary, lasting only until the next time you disable CICS ONC RPC, or you can store them into the CICS ONC RPC data set, and use them the next time you enable CICS ONC RPC. v Automatic enablethe contents of the CICS ONC RPC denition record determine the options to control the operation of CICS ONC RPC until the next time you disable it. Some 4-tuples might be registered, depending on an attribute in the 4-tuple denition.

When CICS ONC RPC is enabled

When CICS ONC RPC is enabled, the connection manager allows you to: v Update the CICS ONC RPC denition record in the data set v Add, delete, and change 4-tuple records in the data set v Change the options being used to control the operation of CICS ONC RPC v Register 4-tuple denitions from the data set v Create temporary 4-tuple denitions and register them v Unregister 4-tuple denitions v Disable CICS ONC RPC There are two ways of disabling CICS ONC RPC: normal, and immediate. The effects of disable processing are described in Disabling CICS ONC RPC on page 270 .

Starting the connection manager

You can start the connection manager in various ways: v From a terminal that supports BMS maps. You can work with the connection manager panels described in this chapter. v From a CICS console. v Using an EXEC CICS START command. v From a sequential terminal. The effect of starting the connection manager depends on: v Whether CICS ONC RPC is enabled or disabled v Whether you start the connection manager from a terminal that permits the use of BMS v Whether you enter additional data with the transaction name v Whether the Automatic Enable option in the CICS ONC RPC denition record is set to YES When CICS ONC RPC is disabled, the effect of entering the transaction name (and optional additional data) on a terminal that supports BMS is as follows:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CRPC v If Automatic Enable is YES, automatic enable processing occurs. v If Automatic Enable is NO, a BMS panel (DFHRP01) is shown. v If there is no CICS ONC RPC denition record yet, a BMS panel (DFHRP01) is shown. CRPC E A(N) v A BMS panel (DFHRP01) is shown. CRPC E A(Y) v Automatic enable processing occurs. If there is no CICS ONC RPC denition record, one is created using default values for the options, but no 4-tuples are registered. If you start the connection manager in a way that does not allow panels to be shown (EXEC CICS START, or non-BMS terminal, for example) and the action is to show a panel, error message DFHRP1505 is produced. When CICS ONC RPC is enabled, the effect of entering the transaction name (and optional additional data) is as follows: v CRPC displays panel DFHRP04, or produces error message DFHRP1505 if panels cannot be shown. v CRPC D(N) causes normal disable processing. v CRPC D(I) causes immediate disable processing. The forms CRPC E A(N), CRPC E A(Y), CRPC D(N), and CRPC D(I) are called fast-path commands. TCP/IP for MVS should be started before you try to enable CICS ONC RPC with the connection manager, otherwise you cannot register 4-tuples, and you have to reenable CICS ONC RPC after starting TCP/IP for MVS.

Using the connection manager BMS panels

All leading and trailing blanks are ignored on BMS input. At the top of all panels is a panel identier in the right corner (for example, DFHRP02) and CRPC in the left corner. On the bottom of all panels, the fourth line from the bottom gives the status of CICS ONC RPC, the third line from the bottom is a prompt line, while the bottom line lists the available PF keys, which can include: PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF7 PF8 PF9 PF12 Help information (all panels) Delete denition from the CICS ONC RPC data set (only where shown) Exit CRPC (you are prompted to conrm by using PF3 again) Write elds to the CICS ONC RPC data set (only where shown) Scroll up (only where shown) Scroll down (only where shown) Display messages relating to current input Cancel this panel and return to the previous panel

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


Connection manager error message output

The destination of connection manager messages depends on the nature of the message: v Severe errors requiring operator intervention are sent to the console. No other messages go to the console. v Messages relating to invalid input on the panel can be displayed by pressing PF9. v Messages reporting internal errors are sent to CRPO, and in most cases they can be displayed on the terminal by pressing PF9.

Using PF9 to display messages

During the operation of the connection manager, error messages might be issued. These are not displayed immediately on the screen, but a prompt appears on the prompt line to say that messages are waiting to be viewed. To see the messages, press PF9. The number and text of the messages is displayed. You can look up the messages in CICS Messages and Codes for more information about errors, and for advice about what to do next. When you have read the messages, you can press Enter, PF3, or PF12 to return to the input panel.

Starting the connection manager when CICS ONC RPC is disabled

If CICS ONC RPC is disabled, panel DFHRP01 is shown. (See Figure 52 on page 257.) Select an option, then press Enter. Option For more information see: 1 2 Enabling CICS ONC RPC on page 259 Updating the CICS ONC RPC data set on page 272

Starting the connection manager when CICS ONC RPC is enabled

If CICS ONC RPC is enabled, panel DFHRP04 is shown. (See Figure 53 on page 257.) Select an option, then press Enter. Option For more information see: 1 2 3 Disabling CICS ONC RPC on page 270 Updating the CICS ONC RPC data set on page 272 Updating CICS ONC RPC status on page 257


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide




Select one of the following. Then press Enter. _ 1. Enable CICS ONC RPC 2. View or modify the CICS ONC RPC data set

Current Status: Disabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 52. Panel DFHRP01




Select one of the following. Then press Enter. _ 1. Disable CICS ONC RPC 2. View or modify the CICS ONC RPC data set 3. View or modify CICS ONC RPC status

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1




Figure 53. Panel DFHRP04

Updating CICS ONC RPC status

If you select option 3 on panel DFHRP04, panel DFHRP10 is shown.

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager



CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Update Status


Select one of the following. Then press Enter. _ 1. 2. 3. 4. Change CICS ONC RPC settings Register procedure(s) Unregister procedure(s) View or modify alias list

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 54. Panel DFHRP10

Select an option, then press Enter. Option For more information see: 1 2 3 4 Changing the CICS ONC RPC status Dening, saving, modifying, and deleting 4-tuples on page 261 Unregistering 4-tuples on page 268 Processing the alias list on page 277

Changing the CICS ONC RPC status

If you select option 1 on panel DFHRP10, panel DFHRP16 is shown. (See Figure 55 on page 259.) You can type over any of the entries except CRPM Userid to change the values currently used by CICS ONC RPC. CRPM Userid is displayed only for information. CRPM Userid cannot be changed without rst disabling CICS ONC RPC.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide


CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Status Trace( STARTED ) Resource Checker( NO Trace Level( 1 ) CRPM Userid( CICSUSER )


Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 55. Panel DFHRP16


Before enabling CICS ONC RPC, you must accept or modify some options as described in the next section.

Setting and modifying options

If you start the connection manager when CICS ONC RPC is disabled, and select option 1 on panel DFHRP01, panel DFHRP02 is shown. (See Figure 56 on page 260.)

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


CRPC Overtype to Modify Trace Trace Level Resource Checker CRPM Userid Automatic Enable

CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Enable Choice ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> STARTED 1 NO CICSUSER NO Yes | No Possible Options STArted | STOpped 1 | 2 Yes | No


Current Status: Disabled SYSID= CI41 PF12=Return APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 56. Panel DFHRP02

The values displayed in the Choice column are those stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set. The data set is initialized with the values shown in Figure 56, except that the value displayed for CRPM Userid is the default CICS user ID for the CICS system in which CICS ONC RPC is operating. You can make entries in the elds listed below. Entries may be in lowercase or uppercase. Where entries to a eld are restricted (for example, YES or NO) you can enter the whole option (YES) or the minimum (Y). In the panels, the minimum entry is shown in uppercase in the Possible Options column. In the reference material in this manual, the minimum entry is given in parentheses after the full entry. Trace Species whether CICS ONC RPC tracing is active. STARTED (STA) means it is active, STOPPED (STO) means it is not. The default value is STARTED. CICS ONC RPC exception trace entries are always written to CICS internal trace whatever the setting of this option. To get non-exception trace entries written, CICS trace must be started, and this option must be set to STARTED. Trace Level Species the trace level for CICS ONC RPC. The value 1 means that level 1 trace points are traced, and 2 means that both level 1 and 2 are traced. The default value is 1. Resource Checker YES (Y) means that CICS ONC RPC is to call the user-written resource-checking module on receipt of every incoming RPC request. NO (N) means the resource checker is not to be called. The default is NO. CRPM Userid Species the CICS user ID under which the server controller is to run. The default is the default user ID for the CICS system in which CICS ONC RPC is operating.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Automatic Enable Enter YES (Y) or NO (N). If YES is stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set, you can enable CICS ONC RPC by just typing CRPC; all values are defaulted from the CICS ONC RPC data set, CICS ONC RPC becomes enabled without further user input, and all the 4-tuples with YES for their Register from Data Set option are registered. The default value is NO. Setting this eld has an effect only when you enable CICS ONC RPC. If you use PF4 to save the values to the CICS ONC RPC data set, this value will be effective the next time you enable, unless you override it. A YES in this eld in the CICS ONC RPC data set may be overridden by the fast path command CRPC E A(N).

Validating, saving, and activating options

After you have made your changes on panel DFHRP02, press Enter to get them validated by the connection manager. If you wish to save the new values in the CICS ONC RPC data set, press PF4. If you press Enter a second time, CICS ONC RPC becomes enabled, and panel DFHRP03 is shown, as described in Dening, saving, modifying, and deleting 4-tuples.

Dening, saving, modifying, and deleting 4-tuples

The rst panel for dening, saving, modifying, and deleting 4-tuples is DFHRP03. (See Figure 57.) This panel is shown as soon as you have enabled CICS ONC RPC, or if you choose option 2 on panel DFHRP10.
CRPC CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Registration DFHRP03

Select one of the following. Then press Enter. _ 1. 2. 3. 4. Register procedures from the data set List procedures sequentially Register a new procedure Retrieve a specified procedure from the data set (Enter required data) Program Number ===> ________ 0-FFFFFFFF Version Number ===> ________ 0-FFFFFFFF Procedure Number ===> ________ 1-FFFFFFFF Protocol ===> UDP Udp | Tcp

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 57. Panel DFHRP03

If you wish to select option 4, you must rst supply the following information:
Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


Program Number The program number of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Version Number The version number of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Procedure Number The procedure number of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Protocol The protocol of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Select an option, then press Enter. Option For more information see: 1 2 3 4 See below. Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple Unregistering 4-tuples on page 268 See below.

If you select option 1, the 4-tuples in the CICS ONC RPC data set that have YES for their Register from Data Set attribute are all registered. If you specify a 4-tuple for which there is no denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set, a message is issued when you press Enter, and panel DFHRP03 remains on the screen.

Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple

When you select option 3 or option 4 on panel DFHRP03, panel DFHRP5 is shown. (See Figure 58 on page 263.) If you chose option 3, some of the elds are empty, but if you chose option 4, the details of the selected 4-tuple are shown. You have to supply more information on panel DFHRP5B.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide


CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Registration


Overtype to Modify. Then press Enter to Validate ONC RPC ATTRIBUTES ONC RPC Program Number ONC RPC Version Number ONC RPC Procedure Number Protocol RPC Call Type Inbound XDR Routine Outbound XDR Routine CICS ATTRIBUTES ALIAS Transaction ID EDF Terminal ID + Program Name ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ________ ________ ________ UDP BLOCKING ______________ ______________ 0-FFFFFFFF 0-FFFFFFFF 1-FFFFFFFF Udp | Tcp Blocking | Nonblocking

===> CRPA ===> ____ ===> ________

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF9=Messages PF12=Return






CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Registration


Overtype to Modify. Then press Enter to Validate + CICS ONC RPC ATTRIBUTES Converter Program Name Encode Decode Getlengths Server Input Length Server Output Length Server Data Format Register from Data set ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ________ NO YES YES _____ _____ CONTIGUOUS YES

Yes | No Yes | No Yes | No 0 - 32767 Bytes 0 - 32767 Bytes Contiguous | Overlaid Yes | No

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF9=Messages PF12=Return





Figure 58. Panels DFHRP5 and DFHRP5B

After you have made your modications to panel DFHRP5, you should press PF8 to move to panel DFHRP5B. From panel DFHRP5B you can press PF7 if you wish to go back to panel DFHRP5. After you have made your modications to the panels, you press Enter to get all the modications validated. The attributes of a 4-tuple are divided into three categories: v ONC RPC attributes v CICS attributes v CICS ONC RPC attributes

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


ONC RPC attributes

The rst four options establish the 4-tuple whose attributes are being dened. ONC RPC Program Number Species the program number of the 4-tuple as a hexadecimal string of 1 through 8 characters. You are advised not to use numbers in the range 0 through 1FFFFFFF, as these numbers are reserved for public network services and are allocated by Sun Microsystems. ONC RPC Version Number Species the version number of the 4-tuple as a hexadecimal string of 1 through 8 characters. ONC RPC Procedure Number Species the procedure number of the 4-tuple as a hexadecimal string of 1 through 8 characters. Procedure 0 is reserved by TCP/IP for MVS for a procedure with no parameters and no processing that returns an empty reply. Protocol Species the protocol of the 4-tuple. UDP (U) for UDP, or TCP (T) for TCP. The remaining options specify the attributes of the 4-tuple. RPC Call Type Species whether CICS ONC RPC is to treat calls from clients as BLOCKING (B) or NONBLOCKING (N). If NONBLOCKING is specied, the outbound XDR routine cannot be specied, and no reply is sent to the client. The default is BLOCKING. Inbound XDR Routine Species the name of the inbound XDR routine. If an XDR library function is used, its full name is specied. See Table 20 on page 282 to nd out which library routines can be specied here. If a user-dened routine is used, its name (maximum 8 characters) is specied. Outbound XDR Routine Species the name of the outbound XDR routine, if RPC Call Type is BLOCKING. If an XDR library function is used, its full name is specied. See Table 20 on page 282 to nd out which library routines can be specied here. If a user-dened routine is used, its name (maximum 8 characters) is specied. A blank input is valid only if RPC Call Type is NONBLOCKING.

CICS attributes
ALIAS Transaction ID Species the transaction ID to be used for the alias. If this is omitted, and not provided by the Decode function, the alias transaction ID is CRPA. For reasons why you might want a different name from CRPA, see Transaction denitions for extra alias transactions on page 249. EDF Terminal ID Species the terminal ID to be used for the alias. You need a terminal ID only if you want to use execution diagnostic facility (EDF) to debug the resource checker, CICS program, or Encode function of the converter. A blank means that you cannot use EDF. EDF setup is described in Using EDF on page 316.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Program Name Species the name of the CICS program that is to be called to service a request for this 4-tuple.

CICS ONC RPC attributes

Converter Program Name Species the name of the converter program. This name must be specied. Encode YES (Y) means that CICS ONC RPC must call the Encode function of the converter when servicing a client request for this 4-tuple; NO (N) means that it must not. The default is NO. Decode YES (Y) means that CICS ONC RPC must call the Decode function of the converter when servicing a client request for this 4-tuple; NO (N) means that it must not. The default is YES. Getlengths YES (Y) means that the connection manager must call the Getlengths function of the converter before registering this 4-tuple. NO (N) means that it must not. If you specify YES here, you should ignore the next two attributes, but you can set Server Data Format. If you specify NO here, you must specify the next three attributes. The default is YES. Server Input Length For the use of this option, see the description of Server Data Format. If you specied YES for the Getlengths option, leave this eld blank. Server Output Length For the use of this option, see the description of Server Data Format. If you specied YES for the Getlengths option, leave this eld blank. Server Data Format A value that controls: v How the input data pointer for Encode will be set up v How the communication area length to be checked by the connection manager is calculated The values you can specify are as follows: CONTIGUOUS The value of the data pointer that will be passed to Encode, or to the outbound XDR routine if Encode is not used for this 4-tuple, is the address of the CICS program communication area plus the value of Server Input Length, though Decode can modify this offset. The connection manager calculates a communication area length by adding the values of Server Input Length and Server Output Length. If this length exceeds 32 767 bytes, message DFHRP1965 is issued. If this length is different from the actual length of the communication area passed from Decode to the CICS program, errors might occur in the processing of client requests. OVERLAID The value of the data pointer that will be passed to Encode, or to the outbound XDR routine if Encode is not used for this 4-tuple, is the address of the CICS program communication area.
Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


The connection manager calculates a communication area length by taking the larger of the output values of Server Input Length and Server Output Length. If this length is different from the actual length of the communication area passed to the CICS program, errors might occur in the processing of client requests. If you specied YES for the Getlengths option, the value in this eld is used as an input to the Getlengths function of the converter. Register from Data Set YES (Y) means that the 4-tuple is to be registered: v During automatic enable processing v When option 1 is selected on panel DFHRP03, as described in Registering the 4-tuples on page 267 NO (N) means that it is not. The default is YES. Entries specied as NO can be stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set and you can register them at any time when CICS ONC RPC is enabled.

Saving new 4-tuple denitions

There are ve ways of doing this: v On panel DFHRP03, select option 3. Complete panels DFHRP5 and DFHRP5B, and validate your input as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262. Press PF4 to save the denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set. v On panel DFHRP03, select option 4. Modify the panels DFHRP5 and DFHRP5B, and validate your input as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262. Press PF4 to save the denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set. v On panel DFHRP20, select option 3. Complete panels DFHRP21 and DFHRP2B, and validate your input as described in Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 275. Press Enter to save the denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set. v On panel DFHRP20, select option 4. Modify the panels DFHRP21 and DFHRP2B, and validate your input as described in Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 275. Press Enter to save the denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set. v On panel DFHRP03, select option 2. Then on panel DFHRP14, enter command M against a 4-tuple. Modify the panels DFHRP21 and DFHRP2B, and validate your input as described in Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 275. Press Enter to save the denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set.

Modifying existing 4-tuple denitions

To change some of the attributes of a 4-tuple that already has a denition in the CICS ONC RPC data set, select option 4 on panel DFHRP03 or panel DFHRP20. Change the attributes and validate your input as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262, and press PF4, or Enter, to save the denition in the data set.

Deleting existing 4-tuple denitions

You can delete existing 4-tuple denitions from the CICS ONC RPC data set in either of the following ways:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

v On panel DFHRP03, select option 2. Then on panel DFHRP14 you can enter D against 4-tuples in the list, and they are deleted from the data set when you press Enter. v On panel DFHRP21, by using key PF2, as described in Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 275.

Registering the 4-tuples

You can register 4-tuples in any of the following ways: v You can register all the 4-tuples in the CICS ONC RPC data set that are dened with YES specied for Register from Data Set. To do this, select option 1 on panel DFHRP03, and press Enter. After these 4-tuples have been registered, panel DFHRP03 is still displayed, so you can make other selections. v You can register 4-tuple denitions one at a time. To do this, you use option 3 or option 4 on panel DFHRP03. Make changes, if you need any, to panels DFHRP5 and DFHRP5B and get them validated as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262. To register the denition, press Enter. v You can register 4-tuples from a list. See Working with a list of 4-tuples on page 274. v When CICS ONC RPC is disabled, you can register all the 4-tuples in the CICS ONC RPC data set that have YES for their Register from Data Set attribute by initiating automatic enable processing. When a 4-tuple is registered, two things happen: v If the program-version-protocol 3-tuple has not yet been registered with TCP/IP for MVS, it is registered. The Portmapper assigns a port number to this combination, and that port number is the one that clients use to request the service represented by this 4-tuple. Procedure 0 for the program, version, and protocol becomes available to callers. v The resources associated with the 4-tuple become available to service client requests. When a client request arrives in CICS ONC RPC, the resources used to service it are those of the 4-tuple whose program, version, and procedure numbers match those of the request, and whose protocol matches the protocol used to transmit the request from the client to the server.

Limits on registration
CICS ONC RPC makes 252 sockets available for use as follows: v One socket is used by each program/version/protocol 3-tuple from the time the rst 4-tuple for that program, version and protocol is registered. This socket remains in use until the last 4-tuple with that program and version is unregistered. v One socket is used by each TCP call for the duration of the call. If you register too many 4-tuples, you reduce the service that CICS ONC RPC can give to incoming client requests. If you attempt to register more than 252 program-version-protocol 3-tuples with TCP/IP for MVS, the results are unpredictable.

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


Unregistering 4-tuples
You can unregister 4-tuples that have previously been registered with CICS ONC RPC only when CICS ONC RPC is already enabled. From panel DFHRP10, if you select option 3, panel DFHRP11 is shown. (See Figure 59.)
CRPC CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Unregister DFHRP11

Select one of the following. Then press Enter. _ 1. Unregister procedures from a list 2. Unregister a specified procedure (Enter required data) Program Number ===> ________ 0-FFFFFFFF Version Number ===> ________ 0-FFFFFFFF Procedure Number ===> ________ 1-FFFFFFFF Protocol ===> UDP Udp | Tcp

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 59. Panel DFHRP11

Select an option, then press Enter. Option For more information see: 1 2 Unregistering 4-tuples from a list on page 269 Unregistering 4-tuples one by one

Unregistering 4-tuples one by one

Before you select option 2 on panel DFHRP11, you must supply the following information: Program Number The program number of the 4-tuple to be unregistered. Version Number The version number of the 4-tuple to be unregistered. Procedure Number The procedure number of the 4-tuple to be unregistered. Protocol The protocol of the 4-tuple to be unregistered. If you specify a 4-tuple that is registered, it is unregistered when you press Enter, and panel DFHRP11 remains on the screen.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

If you specify a 4-tuple that is not registered, a message is issued when you press Enter, and panel DFHRP11 remains on the screen.

Unregistering 4-tuples from a list

If you select option 1 on panel DFHRP11, the panel DFHRP12 is shown. (See Figure 60.) This panel presents a list of 4-tuples currently registered with CICS ONC RPC. If you enter U against 4-tuples in the list, they are unregistered when you press Enter. You can display the attributes of a 4-tuple by entering ? against it, and pressing Enter. Panel DFHRP13 is shown. (See Figure 61 on page 270.)
CRPC CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Registered Procedures List ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DFHRP12

Enter 'U' to Unregister, or '?' to display details of a procedure _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000006 ) Prot( UDP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000007 ) Prot( TCP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000007 ) Prot( UDP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000008 ) Prot( TCP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000009 ) Prot( UDP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000A ) Prot( TCP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000B ) Prot( TCP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000B ) Prot( UDP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000C ) Prot( TCP _ Prog( 20000002 ) Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000C ) Prot( UDP _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ Current Status: Enabled

SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF1=Help PF2=Refresh PF3=Exit PF7=Back PF8=Forward PF9=Messages PF12=Return

Figure 60. Panel DFHRP12

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager



CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Display Registered Procedure Program Number( 20000002 ) Procedure Number( 00000006 ) RPC Call Type( Blocking ) Outbound XDR( XDR_WRAPSTRING ) Alias Termid( ) Converter Program Name( RINGCVNY ) Decode( YES ) Server Input Length( 00001 ) Server Data Format( CONTIGUOUS )


Version Number( 00000001 ) Protocol( UDP ) Inbound XDR( XDR_WRAPSTRING ) Alias Transid( CRPA ) Server Program Name( STRING6 ) Getlengths( NO ) Encode( NO ) Server Output Length( 00001 )

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1




Figure 61. Panel DFHRP13

Disabling CICS ONC RPC

From panel DFHRP04, select option 1; panel DFHRP06 is shown. (See Figure 62.)

Select the type of disable required. Then press Enter. Type of Disable ===> _________ Normal | Immediate

Current Status: Enabled SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 62. Panel DFHRP06

In this panel there is only one eld to enter. Type of Disable


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

NORMAL (N) Normal disable processing is started. v All program-version pairs are unregistered from TCP/IP for MVS. v All work that has already entered CICS ONC RPC is allowed to run to completion, and replies are sent to the relevant client. IMMEDIATE (I) Immediate disable processing is started. v Aliases not yet started do not start at all. v CICS programs running under aliases are allowed to end, and then the alias abends. If the CICS program ends normally, and was called using DPL, the changes it makes to recoverable resources are committed. If the CICS program is a local program, the changes it makes to recoverable resources are backed out unless the CICS program takes a syncpoint with EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT. v All the program-version pairs are unregistered from TCP/IP for MVS. v No replies are sent to clients, so they do not know whether the CICS program has run or not. Pressing Enter causes the entry you have made to be validated. Pressing Enter a second time begins disable processing. The Current Status is changed to Disabling or Disabled, depending on the progress of disable processing. When disable processing is complete, pressing Enter will change the Current Status to Disabled. The panel is displayed until you use PF3 or PF12.

On CICS normal shutdown

CICS normal shutdown starts normal disable processing for CICS ONC RPC.

On CICS immediate shutdown

On CICS immediate shutdown, all transactions are terminated. Clients are not informed of the shutdown or its effects. The program-version-protocol 3-tuples that are registered with TCP/IP for MVS might remain registered.

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


Updating the CICS ONC RPC data set

If you select option 2 on panel DFHRP01, or option 2 on panel DFHRP04, panel DFHRP20 is shown. (See Figure 63.)

Select one of the following. Then press Enter. _ 1. 2. 3. 4. View or modify the CICS ONC RPC definition record Display a list of remote procedure definitions Define a new procedure Retrieve a specified procedure from the data set (Enter required data) Program Number ===> ________ 0-FFFFFFFF Version Number ===> ________ 0-FFFFFFFF Procedure Number ===> ________ 1-FFFFFFFF Protocol ===> UDP Udp | Tcp

Current Status: SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 63. Panel DFHRP20

The Current Status eld in this panel might show Enabled or Disabled, depending on which panel you came from. Before selecting option 4, you must supply the following information: Program Number The program number of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Version Number The version number of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Procedure Number The procedure number of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Protocol The protocol of the 4-tuple whose denition is to be retrieved. Select an option, then press Enter. Option For more information see: 1 2 3 4 Updating the CICS ONC RPC denition record on page 273 Working with a list of 4-tuples on page 274 Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 275 Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 275


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

If you specify a 4-tuple which is not dened in the CICS ONC RPC data set, a message is issued when you press Enter, and panel DFHRP20 remains on the screen.

Updating the CICS ONC RPC denition record

If you select option 1 on panel DFHRP20, panel DFHRP22 is shown. (See Figure 64.)
CRPC Overtype to Modify Trace Trace Level Resource Checker CRPM Userid Automatic Enable CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Update CICS ONC RPC Definition Record Choice ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> STARTED 1 NO CICSUSER NO Yes | No Possible Options STArted | STOpped 1 | 2 Yes | No DFHRP22

Current Status: SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1





Figure 64. Panel DFHRP22

The values displayed in the Choice column are those stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set. After you have made your changes you should press Enter to get them validated. You can then press Enter again to update the CICS ONC RPC data set with the values you have supplied. The next time you start the connection manager, the saved options are used to set up panel DFHRP02 Trace Species whether CICS ONC RPC tracing is active. STARTED (STA) means it is active, STOPPED (STO) means it is not. The default value is STARTED. CICS ONC RPC exception trace entries are always written to CICS internal trace whatever the setting of this option. To get non-exception trace entries written, CICS trace must be started, and this option must be set to STARTED. Trace Level Species the trace level for CICS ONC RPC. The value 1 means that level 1 trace points are traced, 2 means that both level 1 and level 2 are traced. The default value is 1. Resource Checker YES (Y) means that CICS ONC RPC is to call the user-written

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager


resource-checking module on receipt of every incoming RPC request. NO (N) means the resource checker is not to be called. The default is NO. CRPM Userid Species the CICS user ID under which the server controller is to operate. The default is the default user ID for the CICS system in which CICS ONC RPC is operating. Automatic Enable Enter YES (Y) or NO (N). If YES is stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set, you can enable CICS ONC RPC by just typing CRPC; all values are defaulted from the CICS ONC RPC data set, CICS ONC RPC becomes enabled without further user input, and all the 4-tuples with YES for their Register from Data Set option are registered. The default value is NO. Setting this eld has an effect only when you enable CICS ONC RPC. If you save the values to the CICS ONC RPC data set, this value will be effective the next time you enable, unless you override it. The value of this eld in the CICS ONC RPC data set may be overridden by the fast path command CRPC E A(N).

Working with a list of 4-tuples

If you select option 2 on panel DFHRP03, or option 2 on panel DFHRP20, panel DFHRP14 is shown. (See Figure 65.)
CRPC Enter a command (press _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( 20000002 ) _ Prog( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Current Status: CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Definition List PF1 to view the list of valid commands). Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000006 ) Prot( UDP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000007 ) Prot( TCP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000007 ) Prot( UDP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000008 ) Prot( TCP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 00000009 ) Prot( UDP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000A ) Prot( TCP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000B ) Prot( TCP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000B ) Prot( UDP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000C ) Prot( TCP Vers( 00000001 ) Proc( 0000000C ) Prot( UDP Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ Vers( ________ ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DFHRP14

SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF1=Help PF2=Refresh PF3=Exit PF7=Back PF8=Forward PF9=Messages PF12=Return

Figure 65. Panel DFHRP14

This panel presents a list of 4-tuples currently dened in the CICS ONC RPC data set. If CICS ONC RPC is enabled, the 4-tuples that are currently registered are shown highlighted. You can put a command against a 4-tuple, and it takes effect when you press Enter. The following commands can be entered against a 4-tuple: D Deletes the denition from the data set.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

R M ?

If CICS ONC RPC is enabled, registers the 4-tuple with CICS ONC RPC. If CICS ONC RPC is disabled, this command produces an error message. Shows panel DFHRP21. See Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple for details. Shows panel DFHRP15, which displays the attributes of a 4-tuple, but does not allow changes.
CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Display Registered Procedure Program Number( 20000002 ) Procedure Number( 00000006 ) RPC Call Type( Blocking ) Outbound XDR( XDR_WRAPSTRING ) Alias Termid( ) Converter Program Name( RINGCVNY ) Decode( YES ) Server Input Length( 00000 ) Server Data Format( CONTIGUOUS ) DFHRP15


Version Number( 00000001 ) Protocol( UDP ) Inbound XDR( XDR_WRAPSTRING ) Alias Transid( CRPA ) Server Program Name( STRING6 ) Getlengths( NO ) Encode( NO ) Server Output Length( 00000 ) Register from Data set( Yes )

Current Status: SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1




Figure 66. Panel DFHRP15

Changing the attributes of a 4-tuple

If you select option 3 or 4 on panel DFHRP20, or if you enter the M command on panel DFHRP14, panel DFHRP21 is shown. (See Figure 67 on page 276.) The attributes of a 4-tuple are divided into three categories: v ONC RPC attributessee ONC RPC attributes on page 264. v CICS attributessee CICS attributes on page 264. v CICS ONC RPC attributessee CICS ONC RPC attributes on page 265.

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager



CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Definition


Overtype to Modify. Then press Enter to Validate ONC RPC ATTRIBUTES ONC RPC Program Number ONC RPC Version Number ONC RPC Procedure Number Protocol RPC Call Type Inbound XDR Routine Outbound XDR Routine CICS ATTRIBUTES ALIAS Transaction ID EDF Terminal ID + Program Name ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ________ ________ ________ UDP BLOCKING ______________ ______________ 0-FFFFFFFF 0-FFFFFFFF 1-FFFFFFFF Udp | Tcp Blocking | Nonblocking

===> CRPA ===> ____ ===> ________

Current Status: SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF9=Messages PF12=Return






CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Remote Procedure Registration


Overtype to Modify. Then press Enter to Validate + CICS ONC RPC ATTRIBUTES Converter Program Name Encode Decode Getlengths Server Input Length Server Output Length Server Data Format Register from Data set ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ________ NO YES YES _____ _____ CONTIGUOUS YES

Yes | No Yes | No Yes | No 0 - 32767 Bytes 0 - 32767 Bytes Contiguous | Overlaid Yes | No

Current Status: SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF1=Help PF2=Delete PF3=Exit PF7=Back PF9=Messages PF12=Return

Figure 67. Panels DFHRP21 and DFHRP2B

You can use these panels to delete a 4-tuple denition from the CICS ONC RPC data set by pressing PF2. If you wish to modify the 4-tuple denition, you should rst make modications to panel DFHRP21, and then press PF8 to move to panel DFHRP2B. From panel DFHRP2B you can press PF7 if you wish to go back to panel DFHRP21. After you have made your modications to the panels, you should press Enter to get all the modications validated, and then press Enter again to get the denition changed.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Processing the alias list

If you select option 4 on panel DFHRP10, panel DFHRP17 is shown. (See Figure 68.) This panel gives a list of the aliases that have been started, or scheduled, by the server controller, but have not yet ended. Each alias has two lines on the panel. v The rst line shows the 4-tuple for the client request. v The second line shows the CICS task number of the alias that is processing the client request. If the alias is scheduled, but not yet started, the task number is blank. If the alias has started, a task number is given and the line is highlighted. You can enter the following commands against an alias: P ? Purges the alias. Shows panel DFHRP18, which displays details of the alias and the associated client request. (See Figure 69 on page 278.) If the alias is scheduled, but not yet started, the task number and start time are blank. If the alias has started, a task number and start time are given.


CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Alias List details of an alias task ) Proc( 00000001 ) Prot( UDP ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ ) ) Proc( ________ ) Prot( ___ )


Enter 'P' to Purge, or '?' to display _ Prog( 00000103 ) Vers( 00000114 Task Number( 00000033 ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) _ Prog( ________ ) Vers( ________ Task Number( ________ ) Current Status: Enabled

SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1 PF1=Help PF2=Refresh PF3=Exit PF7=Back PF8=Forward PF9=Messages PF12=Return

Figure 68. Panel DFHRP17

Chapter 22. Conguring CICS ONC RPC using the connection manager



CICS ONC RPC for MVS/ESA Display Alias Task Details Program Number( 00000103 ) Procedure Number( 00000001 ) Task Number( 00000033 ) CICS Program Name( RPROC103 ) Port Number( 000007BC ) Task Start Time( 14:38:19 )


Version Number( 00000114 ) Protocol( UDP ) Client IP Addr( Transid( CRPA ) Socket Descriptor( 00000003 ) Termid( )

Current Status: Enabled PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF12=Return SYSID= CI41 APPLID= IYK1ZFL1

Figure 69. Panel DFHRP18


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC

This chapter tells you how to write the user-replaceable programs that were described in User-replaceable programs on page 239. It describes the general process of development, including details of the interfaces to the converter functions. This chapter contains Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information. This chapter is organized as follows: v Developing an ONC RPC application for CICS ONC RPC v Step 1Decide what data is to be sent on page 281 v Step 2Decide the format of the communication area on page 281 v Step 3Write the XDR routines on page 281 v Step 4Write the converter on page 283 v Step 5Writing a resource checker on page 304 v Step 6Compile and link on page 304 v Step 7Make CICS denitions on page 304 v Step 8Make a connection manager entry on page 304

Developing an ONC RPC application for CICS ONC RPC

ONC RPC applications are always developed as client/server pairs. The process described in this section takes account of this, but concentrates on the server, because CICS ONC RPC affects this and not the client. For details of the client development process, read the documentation of the ONC RPC system running on the client machine. The process of developing all the material needed for an ONC RPC application using CICS ONC RPC is summarized in Figure 70 on page 280, which should be compared with Figure 44 on page 233, which showed the process for ONC RPC without CICS ONC RPC.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



Client application source

Client stub

XDR routines

Header files

Converter application source

C Client object

C Client stub object

C XDR object

C Converter object

Link Client application

Link XDR program

Link Converter

Figure 70. Program development with CICS ONC RPC

The gure shows the development process when RPCGEN is used to create source text from the interface denition in the RPCL program. If you do not use RPCGEN, you must supply some of its outputXDR routines and header lesyourself. The development of the CICS program to service client requests is not shown. The sequence of development of an ONC RPC application is summarized below. Each step is described in detail in the sections following the summary. 1. Decide what data is to be sent from client to server and what is to be returned. If the data structures the client uses are not simple, you might choose to use RPCGEN to help with managing the data. If you choose to use RPCGEN, some of its output is useful for writing the user-replaceable programs for CICS ONC RPC. 2. Decide the format of the communication area to be used by the CICS program. If the client is to use an existing CICS program, the format is already decided. 3. Write the XDR routines. If the translations you need can be done by an XDR library function supported by the connection manager (see Table 20 on page 282), you do not need to write an XDR routine. If you used RPCGEN, it has generated source for XDR routines. In any other case you must write the XDR routines yourself. XDR routines must be written in C. 4. Write the converter. If you used RPCGEN, and you are going to write your converter in C, the header les produced by RPCGEN describe the data structures that Decode receives and Encode returns. The format of the CICS program communication area is also used by Decode and Encode. 5. Write the resource checker, if required. You may want to write your own resource checker to validate incoming client requests. Chapter 24. Security on page 305
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide


page 305 tells you about this and other security facilities available for use with CICS ONC RPC. Writing the resource checker on page 307 gives you details on writing a resource checker. 6. Compile and link the user-replaceable programs. If you used RPCGEN, the header les are needed for the compilation of the XDR routines and the converter if it is in C. 7. Dene the server application set to CICS. This means dening programs for the CICS program, any XDR routines that are not just XDR library functions, and the converter. One or more alias transaction denitions may also be required, see Dening CICS ONC RPC resources to CICS on page 249. 8. Use the connection manager to dene a 4-tuple and save it in the CICS ONC RPC data set. The denition species the CICS program, XDR routines, and converter, as described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262.

Step 1Decide what data is to be sent

This step is outside the scope of this manual. What you do depends on the nature of the data to be sent with the request and with the reply. Dening data with RPCL and the use of RPCGEN are described in Sun Microsystems publication Network Programming.

Step 2Decide the format of the communication area

This step is also outside the scope of this manual. You are reminded that if the CICS program that services a client request is not in the same CICS region as CICS ONC RPC, the maximum communication area length is 35 000 bytes. If the CICS program resides in a server other than CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, other restrictions might also apply.

Step 3Write the XDR routines

If you used RPCGEN in Step 1, you use the XDR source programs generated by RPCGEN. If the XDR source uses the xdr_char or xdr_u_char XDR library functions, you must use the C #define directive to make the compiler use the xdr_text_char function instead. If the translations you need can be done by an XDR library function supported by the connection manager (see Table 20 on page 282), you do not need to write an XDR routine. Instead you specify one of the XDR library functions described below when you register a 4-tuple with the connection manager. If you write your own XDR routine, you need to use the XDR library functions. The full C denitions of these functions are documented in the TCP/IP for MVS: Programmers Reference . CICS ONC RPC supports only the functions listed below. You should use only these functions in your own XDR routines. These functions convert C data types to XDR formats, and XDR formats to C data types. Some of these function names cannot be used in the connection manager when specifying XDR library functions for the inbound and outbound XDR routines for a 4-tuple. In the column headed CM, an asterisk means that the XDR library routine
Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


can be specied in the connection manager, while a blank means that it cannot.
Table 20. Supported XDR library functions XDR library function CM C type
xdr_int xdr_u_int xdr_long xdr_u_long xdr_short xdr_u_short xdr_oat xdr_bool xdr_double xdr_enum xdr_void xdr_array xdr_opaque xdr_bytes xdr_pointer xdr_reference xdr_char xdr_u_char xdr_text_char xdr_string xdr_vector xdr_wrapstring xdr_union * * * * * * * * * * int unsigned int long unsigned long short int unsigned short int oat bool_t (see note) double enum void variable-length array xed-length uninterrupted data variable-length array of bytes object references, including null pointers object references character unsigned character text character null-terminated character arrays xed-length array with arbitrary element size variable-length null-terminated character arrays discriminated union

* * *

Note: bool_t is not a built-in C data type; it is dened in an ONC RPC header (as a C int). Names of user-written XDR routines are subject to the same restrictions as CICS programs. You must take care when writing your own XDR routines. These run in the CICS address space and can overwrite CICS code and other user application storage, because they are dened with EXECKEY(CICS).

Code page conversions

Conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC (or vice versa) is done by XDR library functions supplied as part of TCP/IP for MVS. The relevant XDR routines are xdr_text_char, xdr_string, and xdr_wrapstring. These routines use EBCDIC-to-ASCII and ASCII-to-EBCDIC translate tables, which are loaded at TCP/IP for MVS initialization from a data set containing one of the possible translate tables provided with TCP/IP for MVS. Thus all ONC RPC requests from all clients use the same translate table. There is no provision for ONC RPC data from different client workstations or from different client end users to have different character sets. Various single-byte character set (SBCS) translate tables are provided with TCP/IP for MVS, one of which is generated during TCP/IP for MVS customization. If none of these is suitable, you could provide your own, as described in the TCP/IP for MVS: Customization and Administration Guide .


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

TCP/IP for MVS 3.1 provides several code pages for double-byte character sets (DBCS). If you want to include DBCS in ONC RPC data you have to write your own XDR routines to convert the double-byte characters.

Step 4Write the converter

This section describes how you can write a converter to perform various tasks. Some of these tasks are required for all 4-tuples, others only for some. The section describes in turn each of the tasks, indicating the converter function (Getlengths, Decode, or Encode) used. The parameter details and responses of each of the converter functions are given at the end of the section in Getlengths on page 293, Decode on page 296, and Encode on page 301.

Tasks that can be performed by a converter

The tasks to be performed are: v Telling the connection manager or the server controller the lengths of the input and output data for the CICS program v Telling the connection manager the CICS program data format v Mapping data between client and CICS program formats, as illustrated in Figure 49 on page 243 and Figure 51 on page 244 v Telling the server controller which alias and CICS program are to be used to service a request, if those specied when the 4-tuple was dened are to be changed

Lengths of the CICS program input and output data

CICS ONC RPC needs to know the length of the CICS program input and output data for each 4-tuple. For each 4-tuple, the lengths may be dened in one of three places: v In the connection manager if the lengths do not vary from call to call. You specify the lengths in the connection manager and specify NO for the Getlengths attribute of the 4-tuple. In this case Getlengths is not called. v In Getlengths if the lengths do not vary from call to call, returning the values in the glength_server_input_data_len and glength_server_output_data_len output elds. In the connection manager you specify YES for the Getlengths attribute of the 4-tuple, and leave the length elds blank. In either of the above cases, if Decode is specied for the 4-tuple, the Decode function can change the lengths. v In Decode, if the lengths of the data structures vary from call to call. You return the lengths on each call by using the decode_server_input_data_len and decode_server_output_data_len output elds. The lengths specied with the connection manager or Getlengths are supplied as inputs to Decode in these elds.

Setting the CICS program data format

CICS ONC RPC needs to know the CICS program data format for each 4-tuple. The data format denes how the input and output data is arranged in the CICS
Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


program communication area. You can set this either in Getlengths or in the connection manager. If you choose Getlengths, use the output eld glength_server_data_format. The value specied with the connection manager is supplied as input to Getlengths in this eld.

Mapping data between client and CICS program formats

You need to map the incoming data intended for the CICS program only if it is not in the format required by the CICS program. This is typically for: v Client data structures that contain pointers to other data. These are rebuilt by the inbound XDR routine in the same form as they existed in the client. The data for the CICS program must be copied into a single area of storage to be passed to the CICS program as its communication area. v CICS programs that are written in a language other than C. The incoming client request always has a C data structure. If your CICS program is written in COBOL, for example, you need to perform a C-to-COBOL mapping in Decode. The mapping is always done by Decode for the input data for the CICS program. In most cases, the output data needs to be mapped in the opposite direction by Encode. On input, the client data is pointed to by the Decode input eld decode_client_data_ptr. Decode maps this data into the form which the CICS program requires. To achieve the mapping, Decode must allocate an area of CICS storage, using EXEC CICS GETMAIN SHARED. Decode must set the output eld decode_returned_data_ptr to the address returned by the GETMAIN command, and put the input data passed from the client into the storage, making changes where applicable.

Changing the alias and CICS program

You can use Decode to redirect a client request to another CICS program. CICS ONC RPC then ignores the original program name that was dened in the connection manager for the requested 4-tuple. To reroute a client request, specify a new CICS program name in the decode_server_program eld in Decode. This facility allows a client to pass a CICS program name in the data it sends in the remote procedure call. The new CICS program must work with the same communication area format, converter, and XDR output routine as the original program. You can use Decode to change the name of the alias transaction to run the CICS program by setting the decode_alias_transid output eld. CICS ONC RPC then ignores the transaction ID that was dened in the connection manager for the requested 4-tuple. This facility allows a client to pass the alias transaction ID in the data it sends with the remote procedure call.

Changing security information

You may want your CICS ONC RPC system to implement security checking on incoming client requests. Such checking usually involves checks on the client user ID and password. One of the ways the client can provide these is by including them in the data structure it sends.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Decode can retrieve this information from the incoming data, and return it in the output elds. The user ID should be returned in the output eld decode_userid; the password should be returned as part of the data pointed to by the decode_returned_data_ptr eld. These outputs can either be passed by the client or generated by Decode in whatever way you want. For instance, Decode can derive the CICS user ID and password for the client request by using the decode_client_address eld, or the authentication elds decode_aup_... that identify the client.

Organizing the converter

You can write converters for any CICS-supported compiler. If you choose a language other than C or COBOL, you must write your own header les to dene the CICS ONC RPC data structures and constants. A converter is passed a communication area that contains a parameter that species which of the three functions Getlengths, Decode, or Encode is required, and parameters for the particular function, as described in the reference material: Getlengths on page 293, Decode on page 296, and Encode on page 301. The following C header les (in the SDFHC370 target library) and COBOL copybooks (in the SDFHCOB target library) are provided to help with writing the converter: v DFHRPUCH for C (DFHRPUCO for COBOL)contains denitions of the constants that are used in the interface between CICS ONC RPC and the converter. v DFHRPCDH for C (DFHRPCDO for COBOL)denes the format of the communication area that is presented to the converter. The communication area is in two parts. The format of the rst part is independent of the function that the converter is being asked to perform, and it contains: The eyecatcher for the requested function The function code for the requested function A response to be supplied by the converter A reason code to be supplied by the converter The format of the rest of the communication area depends on the converter function requested. You need a header le produced by RPCGEN only if you used RPCL to dene the data structures, and you are writing Decode or Encode. If you are writing your converter in a language other than C, you need to rewrite the header le in your chosen language, since RPCGEN produces its output only in C. You need denitions of the CICS structures that you use, and the denition of the CICS program communication area.

Writing a converter in C
The following discussion is based on a converter that consists of four main parts: v A routing part that consults the function code in the communication area, and then calls the appropriate function v A function for Getlengths processing v A function for Decode processing
Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


v A function for Encode processing Figure 71 shows how you can route control to the appropriate function.
EXEC CICS ADDRESS EIB(dfheiptr); /*Get addressability of EIB*/

EXEC CICS ADDRESS COMMAREA(converter_parms_ptr); switch(converter_parms_ptr->converter_function) { case URP_GETLENGTHS: { converter_getlengths(); break; } case URP_DECODE: { converter_decode(); break; } case URP_ENCODE: { converter_encode(); break; } default: { converter_parms_ptr->converter_response = URP_INVALID; } } /* end switch */

EXEC CICS RETURN; } /* end main */

Figure 71. Routing control to the functions in C

In this program fragment, converter_parms_ptr is a locally declared pointer to the converter_parms structure declared in DFHRPCDH. All the other names beginning converter_ are names from this structure. The processing is as follows: 1. The converter_parms_ptr pointer is set by using EXEC CICS ADDRESS COMMAREA. 2. The switch statement is used to select the function to be called. If you are not providing all the functions, you need fewer case statements. 3. If the function is not valid, the response URP_INVALID is returned from the converter. This test is always advised, especially if the converter does not provide all three functions. Figure 72 on page 287 is an example of a Decode function.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

void converter_decode(void) { decode_parms *decode_parms_ptr; decode_parms_ptr = (decode_parms *)converter_parms_ptr; if (strncmp (decode_parms_ptr->decode_eyecatcher,DECODE_EYECATCHER_INIT,8) == 0) { EXEC CICS GETMAIN SET(decode_parms_ptr->decode_returned_data_ptr) FLENGTH(sizeof(rem_proc_parms_103) + PW_LEN) SHARED NOSUSPEND CICSDATAKEY RESP(response) RESP2(response2); if (response != DFHRESP(NORMAL)) { memcpy(outline,errmsg1,strlen(errmsg1)); EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD QUEUE(tdq) FROM(outline) LENGTH(30); decode_parms_ptr->decode_response = URP_EXCEPTION; decode_parms_ptr->decode_reason = NO_STORAGE; } else { /* move password and data to decode_password and decode_server_input_data */ decode_parms_ptr->decode_response = URP_OK; };

} else decode_parms_ptr->decode_response = URP_INVALID;

Figure 72. Example of a Decode function in C

In this program fragment, names beginning decode_, except decode_parms_ptr, are names from the decode_parms structure dened in DFHRPCDH. The processing is as follows: 1. The pointer decode_parms_ptr is set from converter_parms_ptr. 2. The eyecatcher is checked to see if it agrees with the function code. If it does: a. EXEC CICS GETMAIN is used to get storage for the password and for the communication area to be passed to the CICS program. The value of PW_LEN is set elsewhere in the program to 8 by #define. The output parameter decode_returned_data_ptr is used directly in the GETMAIN. In this case there is no conversion of data to be done, and the communication area size is the same as the size of the client data structure. (rem_proc_parms_103 is a structure that denes the input data after XDR conversion.) b. If the response to the EXEC CICS GETMAIN is not NORMAL, an error message is directed to a transient data queue, the converter response is set to URP_EXCEPTION, and the reason code is set to NO_STORAGE, which is locally declared.

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


c. If the response to the EXEC CICS GETMAIN is NORMAL, the data and password are transferred to the storage acquired by GETMAIN (not shown), and the converter response is set to URP_OK. 3. If the eyecatcher is not the one for the function being called, the converter response is set to URP_INVALID.

Writing a converter in COBOL

In the working storage section of the data division, you should use the COPY statement to copy the copybook DFHRPUCO, and any other copybooks you need. You should also dene any other data items you need in working storage. You use the COPY statement to include the denition of the communication area in the linkage section of the data division. Figure 73 on page 289 shows the layout of the data division. Comments, which would be part of a well-documented converter, are omitted. The following discussion is based on a converter that consists of four main parts: v A routing part that consults the function code in the communication area, and then calls the appropriate function v A function for Getlengths processing v A function for Decode processing v A function for Encode processing Figure 74 on page 290 shows how you can route control to the appropriate function.


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Figure 73. Layout of data division in COBOL

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC



Figure 74. Routing control to the functions in COBOL

In this program fragment: 1. The response URP-INVALID is set. 2. The IF statements examine the function code in the communication area, and pass control to the appropriate function. 3. The converter returns to the program that called it. (If the IF statements selected a function, the DECODE-RESPONSE value returned is the response from that function.) Figure 75 is an example of a Decode function.

Figure 75. Example of a Decode function in COBOL


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

In this program fragment, the names beginning DECODE- (except DECODE-PASSWORD) are elds in the communication area for the Decode function. DECODE-PASSWORD is the eld at the beginning of the returned data. The processing is as follows: 1. The eyecatcher is checked to see if it agrees with the function code. If it does not, the URP-INVALID response is returned. 2. If it does: a. The structure CLIENT-IN-DATA is overlaid on the data coming from the inbound XDR routine addressed by DECODE-CLIENT-DATA-PTR. b. The communication area size is increased by 8 to allow for the password eld. c. EXEC CICS GETMAIN is used to get storage for the password and for the communication area. REM-PROC-COMMSIZE is the size of the structure REM-PROC-DATA, which denes the format of the communication area. The address of the storage is put directly into DECODE-RETURNED-DATA-PTR. d. The structure DECODE-RETURNED-DATA is overlaid on the newly-acquired storage addressed by DECODE-RETURNED-DATA-PTR. e. The password is moved into DECODE-PASSWORD. f. The data is moved from CLIENT-IN-DATA to REM-PROC-DATA, and the response is set to URP-OK.

Using converters
Converters run as CICS programs under the connection manager, server controller, and aliases. Converters must reside in the same CICS system as CICS ONC RPC.

Before using a converter, you must: 1. Translate the converter using the appropriate CICS translator. If it is a COBOL program, you must use the QUOTE translator directive. 2. Compile the output from the translator. 3. Link the converter as a standard CICS application program into a CICS load library used by the CICS system on which CICS ONC RPC is installed. 4. Dene the converter to CICS as a program. 5. Use the connection manager to specify the converter in one of the 4-tuple denitions, and dene which of the converter functions are required for that 4-tuple.

Reference information for the converter functions

This section contains reference material for each of the three functions of a converter. Each function is documented in the same way: v A summary table of parameters, showing which are for input only, which for input and output, and which for output only. Input is for parameters that your function may consult, but not change. Inout is for parameters that your function may consult, and change. Output is for parameters that your function must not consult, but may change. v A description of the processing that the function is expected to do.

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


v A list of parameters in alphabetical order, with a description of how CICS ONC RPC sets up the inputs, and what use it makes of the outputs. v A list of the responses and reason codes that the converter can return, with a description of the action that CICS ONC RPC takes for each response and reason code. The descriptions give the names of the program elements as they appear in C. In COBOL the names are all in uppercase, and the underscores are replaced by hyphens.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Summary of parameters
The names of the parameters are given in abbreviated form: each name in the table must be prexed with glength_ to give the name of the parameter. To nd the C type of each parameter, consult the header le DFHRPCDH provided with CICS ONC RPC. For COBOL, consult the copybook DFHRPCDO.
Input glength_ eyecatcher function Inout glength_ server_data_format Output glength_ server_input_data_len server_output_data_len response reason

Getlengths is called when the denition of the 4-tuple is being registered, provided that the denition of the 4-tuple specied that Getlengths was to be called. It is not called to process client requests. Getlengths is responsible for providing CICS ONC RPC with: v The size of the data that is passed to and from the CICS program v The data format (contiguous or overlaid) of the CICS program data

glength_eyecatcher (Input only) A string of length 8. (The values of the eyecatchers are dened in the DFHRPUCH header le and the DFHRPUCO copybook.) glength_function (Input only) A code indicating that Getlengths is being called. The value is URP_GETLENGTHS. glength_reason (Output only) A reason codesee Response and reason codes on page 294. glength_response (Output only) A response codesee Response and reason codes on page 294. glength_server_data_format (Input and output) On input, that value specied for Server Data Format for the 4-tuple in the connection manager. On output, the value is to control: v How the input data pointer for Encode will be set up v How the communication area length to be checked by the connection manager is calculated

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


The values you can supply are as follows: URP_CONTIGUOUS The value of the data pointer that will be passed to Encode, or to the outbound XDR routine if Encode is not used for this 4-tuple, is the address of the CICS program communication area plus the output value of glength_server_input_data_len, though Decode can modify this offset. The connection manager calculates a communication area length by adding the output values of glength_server_input_len and glength_server_output_len. If this length is different from the actual length of the communication area passed to the CICS program, errors might occur in the processing of client requests. URP_OVERLAID The value of the data pointer that will be passed to Encode, or to the outbound XDR routine if Encode is not used for this 4-tuple, is the address of the CICS program communication area. The connection manager calculates a communication area length by taking the larger of the output values of glength_server_input_len and glength_server_output_len. If this length is different from the actual length of the communication area passed to the CICS program, errors might occur in the processing of client requests. glength_server_input_data_len (Output only) For the use of this eld, see the description of glength_server_data_format. If you do not set a value in this eld, a default value of zero is used. glength_server_output_data_len (Output only) For the use of this eld, see the description of glength_server_data_format. If you do not set a value in this eld, a default value of zero is used.

Response and reason codes

You must return one of the following values in the glength_response eld: URP_OK The connection manager checks that the communication area length does not exceed 32 767. If it does not, the information is saved and used to process incoming client requests, and the 4-tuple is registered. If it does, the connection manager writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9EE6), sends a message (DFHRP1991) describing the error to the terminal from which the connection manager was started, and does not register the 4-tuple. URP_EXCEPTION The connection manager writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9EE5), sends a message (DFHRP1988) to the terminal from which the connection manager was started, and does not register the 4-tuple. URP_INVALID The connection manager writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9EE5),


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

sends a message (DFHRP1989) to the terminal from which the connection manager was started, and does not register the 4-tuple. URP_DISASTER The connection manager writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9EE5), sends a message (DFHRP1990) to the terminal from which the connection manager was started, and does not register the 4-tuple. If you return any other value in glength_response, it is treated as URP_DISASTER. You can supply a 32-bit reason code in conjunction with the response value to provide further information in error cases. CICS ONC RPC does not take any action on the reason code returned by Getlengths. The reason code is output in any trace that results from the invocation of Getlengths, and you may use it as a debugging aid. See Numeric values of response and reason codes on page 314 for the numeric values of the response codes in trace output.

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


Summary of parameters
The names of the parameters are given in abbreviated form: each name in the table must be prexed with decode_ to give the name of the parameter. To nd the C type of each parameter, consult the header le DFHRPCDH provided with CICS ONC RPC. For COBOL, consult the copybook DFHRPCDO.
Input decode_ eyecatcher function client_address client_data_ptr server_data_format program_number version_number procedure_number aup_time aup_machname_ptr aup_machlen aup_uid aup_gid aup_len aup_gids_ptr Inout decode_ server_program alias_transid server_input_data_len server_output_data_len Output decode_ returned_data_ptr userid user_token response reason

Decode is invoked by the server controller after the inbound XDR routine. Decode processing must avoid making the server controller wait for resources, as this prevents the server controller from dealing efficiently with other requests. Decode has four main responsibilities: v To set data lengths for the CICS program when the lengths are not the same for all requests. v To map the input data passed from the inbound XDR routine to the input data format required by the CICS program. v To set the user ID and password that are used to control subsequent processing. v To set the name of the alias and CICS program for the request if those specied for the 4-tuple need to be changed. Decode must issue EXEC CICS GETMAIN to allocate storage for the communication area to be passed to the CICS program. Note the following points about GETMAIN options: v You must use the SHARED option, since the storage is acquired under the server controller, but is used under the alias. v You must use the FLENGTH option. v You must use the NOSUSPEND option to prevent the server controller from being made to wait for storage, as this would prevent the server controller from attending to incoming requests. v To prevent overwriting by user-key programs, you should consider using the CICSDATAKEY option in the following circumstances: The CICS program to be called by the alias is in another CICS system. The CICS program to be called by the alias is dened as EXECKEY(CICS).


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

The CICS program to be called by the alias is dened as EXECKEY(USER), but the amount of data to be copied is small. If an overlaid data format is specied, the requested length must be the greater of the output values of decode_server_input_data_len and decode_server_output_data_len. If the data format is not overlaid, this length must be the sum of the output values of decode_server_input_data_len and decode_server_output_data_len. Because Decode species the SHARED option, the data remains available to CICS ONC RPC modules and to CICS programs. CICS ONC RPC frees the storage when it is no longer required.

decode_alias_transid (Input and output) On input, the name of the alias associated with the 4-tuple for the client request. On output, the name of the transaction to be started by the server controller to process this client request. See Changing the alias and CICS program on page 284. decode_aup_gid (Input only) The clients UNIX group id. decode_aup_gids_ptr (Input only) A pointer to an array of 32-bit integers that are the UNIX group ids of which the client is a member. decode_aup_len (Input only) The number of elements in the array of UNIX group identiers pointed to by decode_aup_gids_ptr. decode_aup_machlen (Input only) The number of characters in the machine name. decode_aup_machname_ptr (Input only) A pointer to a variable length character string representing the name of the machine on which the client is executing. decode_aup_time (Input only) The time at which the client created the credentials. The time is measured in seconds since 00h00m GMT on 1 January 1970. decode_aup_uid (Input only) The clients UNIX user ID.

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


decode_client_address (Input only) The 32-bit internet address of the client from which the request was received. decode_client_data_ptr (Input only) A pointer to the data passed from the client. If there is no data, this pointer points to a null string. Note: The data area pointed to by this pointer must not be changed by Decode, or CICS storage management errors are likely to occur. decode_eyecatcher (Input only) A string of length 8. (The values of the eyecatchers are dened in the DFHRPUCH header le and the DFHRPUCO copybook.) decode_function (Input only) A code indicating that Decode is being called. The value is URP_DECODE. decode_procedure_number (Input only) The procedure number of the 4-tuple to which the client request was made. decode_program_number (Input only) The program number of the 4-tuple to which the client request was made. decode_reason (Output only) A reason codesee Response and reason codes on page 300. decode_response (Output only) A response codesee Response and reason codes on page 300. decode_returned_data_ptr (Output only) A pointer to an area of storage allocated by the converter that contains: v decode_passwordthe password to be used for user authentication v decode_server_input_datathe data that is to be passed to the CICS program as input. It may be null if there is no password and if no data is to be passed to the CICS program. decode_server_data_format (Input only) A value that controls: v How the input data pointer for Encode will be set up v How the communication area length to be checked by the connection manager is calculated


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

URP_CONTIGUOUS The value of the data pointer that will be passed to Encode, or to the outbound XDR routine if Encode is not used for this 4-tuple, is the address of the CICS program communication area plus the output value of decode_server_input_data_len. The server controller calculates a communication area length by adding the output values of decode_server_input_data_len and decode_server_output_data_len. If this length is different from the actual length of the communication area passed to the CICS program, errors might occur in the processing of client requests. URP_OVERLAID The value of the data pointer that will be passed to Encode, or to the outbound XDR routine if Encode is not used for this 4-tuple, is the address of the CICS program communication area. The server controller calculates a communication area length by taking the larger of the output values specied of decode_server_input_data_len and decode_server_output_data_len. If this length is different from the actual length of the communication area passed to the CICS program, errors might occur in the processing of client requests. decode_server_input_data_len (Input and output) On input, the output value of glength_server_input_data_len, or the value specied for Server Input Length for this 4-tuple in the connection manager. On output, see the description of decode_server_data_format. decode_server_output_data_len (Input and output) On input, the output value of glength_server_output_data_len, or the value specied for Server Output Length for this 4-tuple in the connection manager. On output, see the description of decode_server_data_format. decode_server_program (Input and output) On input, the name of the CICS program associated with the 4-tuple for the client request. On output, the name of the CICS program to be linked to by the alias. You should use this eld if you want to direct the client call to a different CICS program. decode_userid (Output only) An 8-character eld, the user ID known to CICS that correlates to the requesting client ID. If you store no value in this eld, the user ID used in subsequent processing is the default CICS user ID. decode_user_token (Output only) A fullword that may be used to pass information to the Encode function that is subsequently invoked for the client request.
Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


decode_version_number (Input only) The version number of the 4-tuple to which the client request was made.

Response and reason codes

You must return one of the following values in the decode_response eld: URP_OK The server controller checks that the communication area length does not exceed 32 767. If it does not, the alias is started using the information supplied as output. If it does, the server controller writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9FC2), and issues a message (DFHRP0516) describing the error. The alias is not started, and an svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. URP_EXCEPTION The server controller writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9FAA), and issues a message that depends on the reason code: v URP_CORRUPT_CLIENT_DATAmessage DFHRP0626 An svcerr_decode call is used to send a reply to the client. v URP_AUTH_BADCREDmessage DFHRP0628 An svcerr_auth call with a why-value of AUTH_BADCRED is used to send a reply to the client. v URP_AUTH_TOOWEAKmessage DFHRP0629 An svcerr_auth call with a why-value of AUTH_TOOWEAK is used to send a reply to the client. v Any other valuemessage DFHRP0631 An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. URP_INVALID The server controller writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9FAA), and issues a message (DFHRP0632). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. URP_DISASTER The server controller writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9FAA), and issues a message (DFHRP0635). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. If you return any other value in decode_response, the server controller writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9FAA), and issues a message (DFHRP0625). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. You can supply a 32-bit reason code in conjunction with the response value to provide further information in error cases. CICS ONC RPC does not take any action on the reason code returned by Decode, except as indicated above under URP_EXCEPTION. The reason code is output in any trace that results from the invocation of Decode, and you may use it as a debugging aid. See Numeric values of response and reason codes on page 314 for the numeric values of the response and CICS-dened reason codes in trace output.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Summary of parameters
The names of the parameters are given in abbreviated form: each name in the table must be prexed with encode_ to give the name of the parameter. To nd the C type of each parameter, consult the header le DFHRPCDH provided with CICS ONC RPC. For COBOL, consult the copybook DFHRPCDO.
Input encode_ eyecatcher function input_data_ptr input_data_len user_token Inout encode_ none Output encode_ output_data_ptr output_data_len response reason

Encode is called by the alias after the CICS program ends. Encode is responsible for taking the data returned from the CICS program and changing its format so that it is suitable to be passed to the outbound XDR routine for return to the client. If no restructuring of outbound data is required, you can specify to the connection manager that Encode is not to be called. The reference to the CICS program data to be returned to the client is passed to Encode in the encode_input_data_ptr input eld. This data is in CICS program format, which is a communication area structure in any CICS supported language. The CICS program data may be mapped from this format into the format required by the client, which is likely to be C, and might include pointer references, by allocating an area of storage and mapping the server data into it. Encode must set encode_output_data_ptr to point to the start of the allocated storage. Encode must issue EXEC CICS GETMAIN to allocate storage for the data that it returns. Note the following points about GETMAIN options: v You do not need to use the SHARED option. v You must use the FLENGTH option. v If your CICS system is using storage protection, you can use the CICSDATAKEY option to prevent overwriting by user-key programs.

encode_eyecatcher (Input only) A string of length 8. (The values of the eyecatchers are dened in the DFHRPUCH header le and the DFHRPUCO copybook.) encode_function (Input only) A code indicating that Encode is being called. The value is URP_ENCODE. encode_input_data_len (Input only)
Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


The length in bytes of the data returned from the CICS program. The value is determined as follows: 1. It is the output value of decode_server_output_data_len, if Decode set it. 2. If Decode did not set the value, it is the output value of glength_server_output_data_len, if Getlengths was called when the 4-tuple was registered. 3. If neither of the above is the case, it is the value specied for Server Output Length in the connection manager when the 4-tuple was dened. encode_input_data_ptr (Input only) A pointer to the data returned from the CICS program. The setting of this pointer depends on the denition of the 4-tuple in the connection manager, Getlengths processing when the 4-tuple was registered, and Decode processing for the client request. encode_output_data_len (Output only) The length in bytes of the data to be passed to the outbound XDR routine. encode_output_data_ptr (Output only) A pointer to an area of allocated storage that contains the data that is to be passed to the outbound XDR routine. encode_reason (Output only) A reason codesee Response and reason codes. encode_response (Output only) A response codesee Response and reason codes. encode_user_token (Input only) A fullword containing information which was output from Decode for this client request.

Response and reason codes

You must return one of the following values in the encode_response eld: URP_OK The alias passes the output data to the outbound XDR routine. URP_EXCEPTION The alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F17), and issues a message (DFHRP0161). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. URP_INVALID The alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F17), and issues a message (DFHRP0162). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

URP_DISASTER The alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F17), and issues a message (DFHRP0169). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. If you return any other value in encode_response, the alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F17), and issues a message (DFHRP0163). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. You can supply a 32-bit reason code in conjunction with the response value to provide further information in error cases. CICS ONC RPC does not take any action on the reason code returned by Encode. The reason code is output in any trace that results from the invocation of Encode, and you may use it as a debugging aid. See Numeric values of response and reason codes on page 314 for the numeric values of the response in trace output.

Chapter 23. Programming with CICS ONC RPC


Step 5Writing a resource checker

This step is optional. See Writing the resource checker on page 307 for details.

Step 6Compile and link

This step puts the programs you have written into CICS load libraries.

The header les needed to compile the converter are discussed in Organizing the converter on page 285. The program is linked into a CICS load library, since it is a normal CICS program.

XDR routines
If your XDR routines are not just XDR library functions, you must compile each XDR routine separately and link it into a CICS load library. If you used RPCL to dene the data, the XDR source and header les for the compilation have been generated by RPCGEN.

Resource checker
If you need a resource checker, you must link it into a CICS load library. It must be called DFHRPRSC.

Step 7Make CICS denitions

You must dene the CICS program, converter program, resource checker, and any XDR routines that are not just library routines to CICS. See Dening CICS ONC RPC resources to CICS on page 249.

Step 8Make a connection manager entry

Use the connection manager to dene each 4-tuple. Completing an entry for a 4-tuple in the connection manager ensures that you provide CICS ONC RPC with all the information that it needs to service the client request. The elds used to dene each 4-tuple are described in Dening the attributes of a 4-tuple on page 262.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 24. Security

This chapter contains Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information. This chapter describes how CICS ONC RPC interacts with the security facilities of ONC RPC and CICS. Security is an important concern in the provision of ONC RPC support in the CICS environment, because CICS ONC RPC provides an Open Systems communications interface into CICS. This chapter is organized as follows: v Security in ONC RPC v Security in CICS and its effect on CICS ONC RPC operations v Writing the resource checker on page 307.

Security in ONC RPC

ONC RPC has its own security methods (called authentication in RPC) with dedicated elds in the ONC RPC call and reply message headers. There are three types of RPC authentication: v UNIX authentication, which is used to transmit the clients UNIX user ID, group ID, and other identication information. v Data Encryption Standard (DES) authentication, which is not available at ONC RPC Version 3.9, and so cannot be used with CICS ONC RPC. v Null authentication, which offers no security checking.

Security in CICS and its effect on CICS ONC RPC operations

During the operation of CICS ONC RPC, various CICS commands are used to make security checks with an external security manager (ESM). The checks will always give positive results if SEC=NO is specied as a system initialization parameter. The checks will always give negative results if SEC=YES was specied, but the ESM abended while CICS was operating. The following discussion of the use made of CICS security commands assumes that SEC=YES is specied, and that the ESM is active. v When a transaction whose user ID is userid1 issues EXEC CICS START USERID(userid2), a surrogate-user check is made with the ESM to see that userid1 is authorized to use userid2. The check is made only if XUSER=YES is specied as a system initialization parameter. This command is issued when the connection manager starts the server controller, and each time the server controller starts an alias transaction. In the rst case, the user ID used is the one supplied to the connection manager as CRPM Userid on panel DFHRP02. In the second case, the user ID used is the one output from Decode. v EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD is issued by the alias before it links to the CICS program that services the client request. A check is made with the ESM that the user ID and password are an acceptable combination.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


v EXEC CICS QUERY SECURITY is used by the alias to check that the user ID under which it is executing is authorized to use the CICS program. The check is made only if XPPT=YES is specied as a system initialization parameter. v During the operation of the CICS program, security checks are made each time the program tries to access a protected resource. The check is made only if RESSEC(YES) is specied in the denition of the alias transaction, and the system initialization parameter controlling security checking for the resource type is set to YES. v During the operation of the CICS program, security checks are made each time the program tries to use a command from the CICS SPI (system programming interface). The check is made only if CMDSEC(YES) is specied in the denition of the alias transaction, and if XCMD=YES is specied as a system initialization parameter. Figure 76 shows how CICS security interacts with the operation of CICS ONC RPC.





CICS program

Figure 76. How CICS security interacts with CICS ONC RPC operations

The gure shows that the alias will link to the user-supplied resource checker program if one is congured, but the use of the resource checker program is not recommended. You should use the CICS security facilities, and make the appropriate denitions in the ESM.

Using RACF Secured Sign-on

RACF Secured Sign-on support allows clients to gain security access to CICS facilities by sending a PassTicket (that is, a one-time-only password). This avoids the security hazard of a password being transmitted across the network in clear text. For further information, see Resource Access Control Facility: System Programmers Guide, Version 2 Release 2. This includes details of the algorithm that the RPC client must use to generate the PassTicket. This algorithm includes the DES algorithm.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

PassTicket generation
The algorithm that generates the PassTicket is a function of: v The CICS user ID of the client v The CICS application ID of the CICS region running CICS ONC RPC v A secured sign-on application key, known to both sides v A time and date stamp To generate the PassTicket, the client must: v Know its CICS user ID, the server CICS application ID, and the application key. v Synchronize its clock to within ten minutes of the server. v Have access to the encryption algorithm on its machine. Only the DES algorithm may be used.

Writing the resource checker

Your resource checker program must be called DFHRPRSC. There can be only one resource checker in a CICS region. The resource checker allows you to check the credentials of inbound client requests. The resource checker can check the client address, passed as an input parameter, against a list of known clients for the host on which the request has been received. The password passed to the resource checker is blank.

Chapter 24. Security


Reference information for the resource checker

The reference information for the resource checker is presented as follows: v A summary table of parameters, showing which are for input only, and which for output only. Input is for parameters that your resource checker may consult, but not change. Output is for parameters that your resource checker must not consult, but may change. v A description of the processing that the resource checker is expected to do. v A list of parameters in alphabetical order, with a description of how CICS ONC RPC sets up the inputs, and what use it makes of the outputs. v A list of the responses and reason codes that the resource checker can return, with a description of the action that CICS ONC RPC takes for each response and reason code. The descriptions give the names of the program elements as they appear in C. In COBOL the names are all in uppercase, and the underscores are replaced by hyphens.

Summary of parameters
The format of the communication area containing the resource checker parameters is in the C header le DFHRPRDH, and the COBOL copybook DFHRPRDO. You will also need values dened in the C header le DFHRPUCH, or in the COBOL copybook DFHRPUCO.
Input res_check_alias_transid res_check_cics_password_ptr res_check_cics_userid res_check_client_ip_address res_check_eyecatcher res_check_host_ip_address res_check_server_program_name Output res_check_reason res_check_response

The resource checker is optionally invoked by the alias before it attempts to link to the CICS program that is to service the client request. It must say whether the client request is allowed to proceed.

res_check_alias_transid (Input only) The 4-character name of the alias transaction that has linked to the resource checker. res_check_cics_password_ptr (Input only) A pointer to the 8-character password passed from the requesting client or supplied by Decode. The value of this eld is blank, and it is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of CICS ONC RPC.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

res_check_cics_userid (Input only) The 8-character CICS user ID under which the alias is running. res_check_client_ip_address (Input only) The fullword internet address of the client. res_check_eyecatcher (Input only) A string of length 8. (Its value is dened in the header le DFHRPUCH and the copybook DFHRPUCO). res_check_host_ip_address (Input only) The fullword internet address of the TCP/IP for MVS host with which the server controller is in communication. res_check_reason (Output only) The reason to be returned to the alias. res_check response (Output only) The response to be returned to the alias. res_check_server_program_name (Input only) The 8-character name of the CICS program that is to be invoked to perform the server function requested by the client.

Response and reason codes

You must return one of the following values in the res_check_response eld. URP_OK The alias will continue to process the client request. URP_EXCEPTION The alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F0E), and issues a message that depends on the reason code: v URP_AUTH_BADCREDmessage DFHRP0130 An svcerr_auth call with a why-value of AUTH_BADCRED is used to send a reply to the client. v URP_AUTH_TOOWEAKmessage DFHRP0184 An svcerr_auth call with a why-value of AUTH_TOOWEAK is used to send a reply to the client. v Any other valuemessage DFHRP0185 An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. URP_INVALID The alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F0E), and issues a message (DFHRP0186). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client.

Chapter 24. Security


URP_DISASTER The alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F0E), and issues a message (DFHRP0187). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. If you return any other value in res_check_response, the alias writes an exception trace entry (trace point 9F0E), and issues a message (DFHRP0188). An svcerr_systemerr call is used to send a reply to the client. You can supply a 32-bit reason code in conjunction with the response value to provide further information in error cases. CICS ONC RPC does not take any action on the reason code returned by the resource checker, except as indicated above under URP_EXCEPTION. The reason code is output in any trace or messages that result from the resource checker, and you may use it as a debugging aid. See Numeric values of response and reason codes on page 314 for the numeric values of the response and CICS-dened reason codes in trace output.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 25. Problem determination

This chapter contains Diagnosis, Modication, or Tuning Information. This chapter helps you debug problems in CICS ONC RPC user-replaceable programs, the IBM-supplied parts of CICS ONC RPC, and in the system setup of CICS ONC RPC. If you suspect that you have a problem in another part of CICS, refer to the CICS Problem Determination Guide. The formats of messages and trace outputs in CICS ONC RPC are also described. Diagnostic information is designed to provide rst failure data capture, so that if an error occurs, enough information about the error is available directly without having to reproduce the error situation. The information is presented in the following forms: Messages CICS ONC RPC provides CICS messages. The CICS ONC RPC messages are listed in CICS Messages and Codes. Trace CICS ONC RPC outputs system trace entries containing all the important information required for problem diagnosis. Dump Dump formatting is provided for data areas relating to CICS ONC RPC. Abend codes Transaction abend codes are standard 4-character names. The abend codes output by CICS ONC RPC are listed in CICS Messages and Codes. This chapter is organized as follows: v Recovery procedures v MVS task control blocks (TCBs) used on page 312 v Troubleshooting on page 312 v Using messages and codes on page 314 v CICS ONC RPC trace information on page 314 v Dump and trace formatting on page 315 v Debugging the user-replaceable programs on page 315 v Operational problems on page 316.

Recovery procedures
Software errors within the server controller may cause it to perform an immediate disable (if this is not prevented by the nature of the error). After an immediate disable of CICS ONC RPC, CICS continues to run. CICS ONC RPC is not included in CICS recovery. Registration details are not saved on the CICS catalog. If CICS abends and is then restarted, RPC interface registrations from the previous run are not preserved. After a CICS abend, you must enable CICS ONC RPC as described in Enabling CICS ONC RPC on page 259. However, 4-tuple denitions can be stored in the CICS ONC RPC data set. Each time you enable CICS ONC RPC, the denitions can be retrieved from the CICS ONC RPC data set.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


If TCP/IP for MVS abends, CICS ONC RPC enters immediate disable processing, but CICS continues to run. The abending of an alias transaction might cause changes to recoverable resources to be backed out. See Updating recoverable resources on page 242. CICS immediate shutdown might leave 3-tuples registered with TCP/IP for MVS. These 3-tuples can be registered again when CICS ONC RPC is enabled without loss of TCP/IP for MVS resources, since CICS ONC RPC always unregisters a 3-tuple before it registers it.

MVS task control blocks (TCBs) used

The TCB that interacts with TCP/IP for MVS goes into a wait as a result of that interaction. If the wait were on the QR (quasi-reentrant) TCB, all the transactions in the whole CICS region would be delayed. This is avoided by using an extra TCB, the RP TCB, for issuing calls to TCP/IP for MVS. The RP TCB is used for some processing for every client request, but most of the call processing done by CICS ONC RPC takes place under the QR TCB. The split between the two TCBs is transparent to you for most of your work, but you need to be aware of it for problem determination.

Task-related user exit (TRUE)

CICS ONC RPC includes a task-related user exit; this is used to anchor shared storage and to improve CICS ONC RPCs response to CICS shutdown. CICS ONC RPC does not use a TRUE to pass commands and data to and from TCP/IP for MVS.

This section provides some hints on troubleshooting. It follows the general outline: 1. Dene the problem. 2. Obtain information (documentation) on the problem.

Dening the problem

When you have a problem, rst try to dene the circumstances that gave rise to it. If you need to report the problem to the IBM software support center, this information is useful to the support personnel. 1. What is the system conguration? v CICS Transaction Server release v TCP/IP for MVS release v LE/370 release v OS/390 release 2. What is the connection manager conguration? v Operating options v Registered 4-tuples 3. When did the problem rst occur?


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

4. What were you trying to accomplish at the time the problem occurred? 5. What changes were made to the system before the occurrence of the problem? v To the OS/390 system v To CICS ONC RPC v To the CICS program being called by the client v To the converter being used in the call v To the XDR routines being used in the call v To the client v To CICS Transaction Server v To TCP/IP for MVS 6. What is the problem? v Incorrect output v Hang/Wait: If you suspect that CICS ONC RPC aliases may be in a hung state, you can use the connection manager to display a list of alias transactions and can display associated details. See Processing the alias list on page 277. v Loop: Use CEMT INQUIRE to display the details of the transaction. v Abend in user-replaceable program v Abend in a CICS program v Abend in the IBM-supplied part of CICS ONC RPC v Performance problem v Storage violation v Logic Error 7. At what point in the processing did the problem occur? (Use Figure 48 on page 241.) 8. What was the state of TCP/IP for MVS? (Try the rpcinfo command.)

Documentation about the problem

To investigate most problems, you must look at the dumps, traces, and logs provided with MVS and CICS. v System Dump: This contains the CICS internal trace v CICS auxiliary trace, if enabled v v v v v v TCP/IP for MVS trace GTF trace, if enabled Console log CSMT log CRPO log CICS job log

To identify which are likely to be useful for your problem, try to work out the area of CICS ONC RPC giving rise to the problem, and read the relevant section in the rest of this chapter.

Chapter 25. Problem determination


Using messages and codes

CICS ONC RPC messages have identiers of the form DFHRPnnnn, where nnnn are four numeric characters. These numbers indicate which of the CICS ONC RPC components generated the message, as shown in CICS Messages and Codes. Messages are generated for end users by the connection manager. They are sent to the CICS ONC RPC message transient data queue CRPO, or the terminal user, or both, depending on the event that is being reported. If you dene CRPO as an indirect destination for CSMT, the CICS ONC RPC messages appear in CSMT. Some messages are sent to the console. When CICS ONC RPC issues a message as a result of an error, it also makes an exception trace entry. CICS ONC RPC also generates information messages, for instance during enable processing and disable processing. CICS ONC RPC messages are supplied in English, Kanji, and Chinese. The CICS message editing utility can be used to translate them into other languages supported by CICS.

CMAC (online help facility for messages and codes)

You can use utilities supplied as part of CICS to update your base CMAC le with the CICS ONC RPC CMAC le. The CICS ONC RPC abend codes are listed in CICS Messages and Codes.

CICS ONC RPC trace information

CICS ONC RPC outputs CICS system trace, which is formatted using software supplied as part of CICS ONC RPC. Exception trace entries produced by CICS ONC RPC are written to CICS internal trace even when the Trace operating option is set to NO. See Setting and modifying options on page 259 for information about the Trace option. If selected, level 2 trace gives a full trace of the data being transmitted between the client and the CICS program. CICS trace output is described in the CICS Problem Determination Guide, and details of the contents of each trace points are given in the CICS Users Handbook.

Numeric values of response and reason codes

The response codes from the converter and resource checker appear in the trace output as numeric values as follows: v v v v URP_OK (0) URP_EXCEPTION (4) URP_INVALID (8) URP_DISASTER (12)

The CICS-dened reason codes from the converter and resource checker appear in the trace output as numeric codes as follows:


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide


Dump and trace formatting

To switch dump formatting on and off for CICS ONC RPC, you change the CICS VERBEXIT in the JCL for dump formatting as follows:

The parameters have these meanings: FT=0 FT=1 FT=2 FT=3 TR=1 TR=2 Suppress system dump for all features Produce system dump summary listing for all registered features Produce system dump for all registered features Produce system dump summary listing and a system dump for all registered features Produce abbreviated trace (includes trace for all registered features) Produce full trace (includes trace for all registered features)

Full details of these and other parameters are described in the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide. CICS ONC RPC output in the formatted dump consists of the major control blocks of CICS ONC RPC, with interpretation of some of the elds. The CICS ONC RPC output can be found in the IPCS output by searching for ===RP. It is under the heading CICS ONC RPC Feature for MVS/ESA. Each trace entry for CICS ONC RPC has a comment ONC RPC to distinguish it from other trace points with the FT prex.

Debugging the user-replaceable programs

The user-replaceable programs are: v v v v The The The The user-written XDR routines converters resource checker CICS programs that service the client requests

The debugging of the CICS programs is not dealt with in this manual.

XDR routines
The XDR routines, inbound and outbound, run under the RP TCB. The CICS application programming interface is not available under the RP TCB, so you cannot use EDF, CICS abend handling, or CICS trace to diagnose problems. The printf function must not be used. If an XDR routine has a program check, a C run-time message is written to the CICS job log.

Chapter 25. Problem determination


Converter and resource checker

The converter and resource checker run under the QR TCB, and the CICS application programming interface is available.

Using EDF
EDF is available for debugging the resource checker and the Encode function. If you want to use EDF, you must: v Ensure that the alias is terminal-attached. To do this, you must set the EDF Terminal ID eld in the connection manager, as described on page 264. The chosen terminal must be a local terminal that is either logged on, or predened. v Dene CEDF(YES) in the program denition of converter, or resource checker. The resource checker must run in the same CICS region as CICS ONC RPC if you want to use EDF to debug it.

Using trace entries

Diagnostic information can be output to the CICS trace by the use of the EXEC CICS ENTER TRACENUM command. The amount of trace information and the information contained within trace entries is at your discretion. See the CICS Application Programming Reference for more information about this command.

Writing messages
Diagnostic messages can be output by using EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD. Message information content, message format, frequency, and destination are at your discretion.

You are recommended to use EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND to trap abends. You should collect the diagnostic information you need by tracing, and other forms of diagnostic output, and then return a URP_DISASTER response.

Operational problems
The server controller uses EXEC CICS START to start the aliases that run the CICS programs. CICS limits on the numbers of tasks that can be started may prevent aliases from running as soon as they are started by the server controller. This leads to delays in servicing the client requests, and this may lead to time-outs in the client. In the XDR routines, storage allocation is done using MVS facilities, not CICS facilities. The storage is owned by the RP TCB. If an XDR routine abends, the storage is not freed by the server controller or the alias, nor is it freed by MVS, since the RP task does not end. Repeated abends in XDR routines may lead to shortage of storage that can only be corrected by stopping CICS.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 26. Performance and tuning

This chapter contains Diagnosis, Modication, or Tuning Information. The performance of a single client request is affected by various aspects of the client, the network, CICS ONC RPC, the user-replaceable programs, and CICS. This chapter is organised as follows: v The client v The network v TCP/IP for MVS resources v CICS ONC RPC v The user-replaceable programs v General concepts on page 6.

The client
The client time-out interval must take account of the possible delays in dealing with a client request in CICS ONC RPC and in CICS. If a client request cannot be processed, an error reply is sent to the client.

The network
This manual does not deal with performance problems of TCP/IP networks.

TCP/IP for MVS resources

If, while registering 4-tuples, you cause the connection manager to register too many 3-tuples with TCP/IP for MVS, you might reduce the service that CICS ONC RPC can give to incoming client requests. See Limits on registration on page 267.


The allocation of different alias transaction names to different 4-tuples must be coordinated with the priorities given to the transactions in CICS.

The user-replaceable programs

There are some performance considerations for user-replaceable programs.

The converter
Getlengths is called only by the connection manager, and has no effect on the performance of a single client request, or on throughput.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


Decode is called by the server controller. Delays here can reduce the throughput of CICS ONC RPC as well as reducing the performance of a single client request. The following recommendations are made: v Do not use CICS trace here except to solve specic problems. v Use NOSUSPEND on EXEC CICS GETMAIN. If GETMAIN errors occur because there is not enough storage, look for solutions that do not involve using the SUSPEND option. Encode is called by the alias. Delays here reduce the performance of single client requests, but not the throughput of CICS ONC RPC.

The resource checker

The resource checker is called by the alias, so delays here affect the performance of a single client request, but have no effect on throughput.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Part 5. Using CICS as a DCE server

This part of the book describes CICS support for DCE remote procedure calls (RPCs). This support enables a non-CICS client program running in an open systems Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) to call a server program running in a CICS system and to pass and receive data using a communications area. The CICS program is invoked as if linked-to by another CICS program. This part contains: v Chapter 27. Introduction to the Distributed Computing Environment? on page 321 v Chapter 28. DCE remote procedure calls on page 325 v Chapter 29. Dening CICS programs as DCE servers on page 329 v Chapter 30. Application programming for DCE remote procedure calls on page 331.

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Using CICS as a DCE server


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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Chapter 27. Introduction to the Distributed Computing Environment?

This chapter tells you what the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is and why you might want to use it. For more detailed information, you should refer to the books listed in Where to nd more information on page 327. The chapter contains the following sections: v What is DCE? v CICS support for DCE on page 323.

What is DCE?
DCE was developed by the Open Software Foundation (OSF) as an Open Systems platform to address the challenges of distributed computing. It is being ported to all major IBM and many non-IBM environments. Note that all current DCE implementations use TCP/IP rather than SNA as their communication protocol. DCE is based on three distributed computing models: Client/server A way of organizing a distributed application Remote procedure call A way of communicating between parts of a distributed application Shared les A way of handling data in a distributed system, based on a personal computer le access model. Note: CICS alone (without DCE) also supports distributed computing. See Distributed computing on page 6. The rest of this section gives a high level view of the services provided by DCE.

Remote procedure call (RPC)

One way of implementing communications between a client and a server of a distributed application is to use the procedure call model. In this model, the client makes what looks like a procedure call, and waits for a reply from the server. The procedure call is translated into network communications by the underlying RPC mechanism. The server receives a request and executes the procedure, returning the results to the client. In DCE RPC, you dene one or more DCE RPC interfaces, using the DCE interface denition language (IDL). Each interface comprises a set of associated RPC calls (called operations), each with their input and output parameters. You compile the IDL, which generates data structure denitions and executable stubs for both the client and the server. The matching parameter data structures ensure a common view of the parameters by both client and server. The matching client and server executable stubs handle the necessary data transformations to and from the network transmission format, and between different machine formats (EBCDIC and ASCII).
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You use the DCE Directory Service to advertise that your server now supports the new interface you dened using the IDL. Your client code can likewise use the Directory Service to discover which servers provide the required interface. You can also use the DCE Security Service to ensure that only authorized client end users can access your newly dened server function.

Directory Service
The DCE Directory Service is a central repository for information about resources in the distributed system. Typical resources are users, machines, and RPC-based services. The information consists of the name of the resource and its associated attributes. Typical attributes could include a users home directory, or the location of an RPC-based server. The DCE Directory Service consists of several parts: the Cell Directory Service (CDS), the Global Directory Service (GDS) 4 , the Global Directory Agent (GDA), and a Directory Service programming interface. The CDS manages a database of information about the resources in a group of machines called a DCE cell. The Global Directory Service implements an international, standard directory service and provides a global namespace that connects the local DCE cells into one worldwide hierarchy. The GDA acts as a go-between for cell and global directory services. Both CDS and GDS are accessed using a single Directory Service application programming interface (API).

Security Service
There are three aspects to DCE security: authentication, secure communications, and authorization. They are implemented by several services and facilities that together comprise the DCE Security Service. These include the Registry Service, the Authentication Service, the Privilege Service, the Access Control List (ACL) Facility, and the Login Facility. The identity of a DCE user or service is authenticated by the Authentication Service. Communications are protected by the integration of DCE RPC with the Security Service. Communication over the network can be checked for tampering or encrypted for privacy. Finally, access to resources is controlled by comparing the credentials conferred to a user by the Privilege Service with the rights to the resource, which are specied in the resources Access Control List. The Login Facility initializes a users security environment, and the Registry Service manages the information (such as user passwords) in the DCE Security database.

Time Service
The DCE Time Service (DTS) provides synchronized time on the computers participating in a Distributed Computing Environment. DTS synchronizes a DCE hosts time with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), an international time standard. DTS cannot keep the time in each machine precisely the same, but can maintain it to a known accuracy. DTS also provides services which return a time range to an application (rather than a single time value), and which compare time ranges from different machines. They can be used to schedule and synchronize events across the network.

4. The Global Directory Service is not currently supported by OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Base Services MVS/ESA.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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File Service
The DCE File Service (DFS) allows users to access and share les stored on a File Server anywhere on the network, without having to know the physical location of the le. Files are part of a single, global namespace. A user anywhere on a network can access any le, just by knowing its name. The File Service achieves high performance, particularly through caching of le system data. Many users can access les that are located on a given File Server without a large amount of network traffic or delays. Note: The File Service is based on a personal computer view of les, and is not relevant to the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 environment.

DCE Threads supports the creation, management, and synchronization of multiple threads of control within a single process. This component is conceptually a part of the operating system layer, the layer below DCE. If the host operating system already supports threads, DCE can use that software and DCE Threads is not necessary. Because all operating systems do not provide a threads facility and DCE components require threads be present, this user-level threads package is included in DCE.

CICS support for DCE

CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 supports DCE remote procedure calls. In conjunction with the OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Base Services MVS/ESA and OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Application Support MVS/ESA CICS Feature products, CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 enables a CICS program to act as a server for a DCE RPC. (Note that DCE RPC uses the DCE Security and Directory Services.) This is described in Chapter 28. DCE remote procedure calls on page 325. The main advantage of a DCE remote procedure call over a CICS DPL call is that you can call CICS programs from non-CICS environments.

Chapter 27. Introduction to the Distributed Computing Environment?



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 28. DCE remote procedure calls

This chapter gives an overview of how CICS cooperates with the OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Base Services MVS/ESA and OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Application Support MVS/ESA CICS Feature products to enable a CICS program to act as a DCE server. For more detailed information, you should refer to the books listed in Where to nd more information on page 327. The chapter contains the following sections: v Overview v What CICS server programs can do on page 326 v What you need for DCE RPC to a CICS server on page 326 v DCE terminology on page 327 v Where to nd more information on page 327.

The OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Application Support MVS/ESA CICS Feature 5 enables a DCE client application anywhere in the DCE environment to access the resources of a CICS system. The client program uses the simple DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC), or the DCE Transactional Remote Procedure Call (TRPC), mechanism to call a CICS application program. The client program does not need to know where the required CICS application is located. Functions of the Application Support server and the OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Base Services MVS/ESA product (OS/390 Unix DCE Base MVS/ESA) provide the location information. When the client and server are on different systems, the differences are transparent to the application programmer. The Application Support server supports client programs written in C, and CICS application programs written in COBOL. The Application Support server automatically handles the conversions of the COBOL and C data types. Components of OS/390 Unix DCE Base MVS/ESA handle conversions of EBCDIC and ASCII data types, if needed. Thus the Application Support server provides the powerful CICS application environments on the host, and the familiar (to the client workstation programmer) C language and RPC mechanism on the client. The Application Support server: v Coexists with all other ways of accessing CICS. v Allows access to existing CICS applications and data. v Allows new CICS applications to be developed as servers in the OS/390 UNIX System Services DCE Executive MVS/ESA environment. v Allows access to all les and databases available to CICS, including DB2 databases.

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5. For clarity, in the rest of this book this product is called the Application Support server. Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


v Gives the host programmer continued access to all the facilities and tools in the CICS environments. This includes requests to run other programs on the same subsystem or different subsystems using the existing CICS mechanisms. v Allows a client program to access CICS and does not require the client machine to have CICS transaction processing function installed.

What CICS server programs can do

The Application Support server and CICS are connected by the external CICS interface (EXCI), which uses CICS interregion connection (IRC) facilities. The Application Support server maps the DCE RPC parameters into a CICS communications area, and then uses EXCI to invoke the required CICS program, as if it had been called by an EXEC CICS LINK command. | | | | TRPCs from a client program within the scope of a single client transaction are handled by a single CICS task. A syncpoint issued by the client application commits or backsout all resources owned by the CICS server task as well as any owned by the client application. Each RPC from a client program is handled as a CICS task, with an implied syncpoint at the end of the task. Note that this syncpoint only commits resources owned by the CICS server task. It does not commit any resources owned by the client program. Your server program can access any le or database available in the CICS environment. It can use CICS distributed facilities to access data and programs that are managed by other CICS, IMS, or other APPC-connected systems. | You can use DCE RPCor TRPC to access CICS programs for one or more of the following reasons: v To access CICS data from a platform which does not support CICS, but which does support DCE. v To access CICS data from workstation programs which do not run in a CICS environment. You may want to do this even if the workstation platform supports CICS. v To use the DCE Security Service, with its high level of protection against interception of network traffic. v To use the DCE Directory Service, to provide client independence of the location of the required server program. For details of how to write CICS server programs, see Chapter 30. Application programming for DCE remote procedure calls on page 331.

What you need for DCE RPC to a CICS server

This support requires the following products: v Connectivity through TCP/IP protocols to the client workstation, and to the DCE directory and security servers. This normally means a TCP/IP network, though for some partner platforms it may be possible to use an SNA network with ANYNET support at both ends to transport TCP/IP protocols using SNA transmission protocols.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

v IBM TCP/IP for MVS, Version 3 Release 1 or later, to present a TCP/IP interface to the DCE software, even if you are using an SNA network and ANYNET software. v OS/390 Unix Systems Services Distributed Computing Environment Base Services MVS/ESA, Version 5 Release 1 or later. v OS/390 Unix Systems Services Distributed Computing Environment Application Support MVS/ESA CICS Feature, Version 1 Release 1 or later.

DCE terminology
The CICS server programs are called operations. Each RPC requests the execution of one operation. The declarations for each operation, including the specications for the input and output parameters, are contained in an interface denition. You dene one or more related operations in an interface, using the Interface Denition Language (IDL). IDL denes the server functions that a client can call. IDL is a declarative language with syntax similar to the C language. The Application Support server contains IDL extensions that enable a programmer to use COBOL syntax to dene the parameters for the CICS application programs. The programmer coding the IDL declarations may be a COBOL or a C programmer. Note: There are restrictions on the COBOL and C data structures that can be dened using the IDL. These are described in the OS/390 DCE Application Support Programming Guide.

Where to nd more information

Refer to the following books for more information about the OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Base Services MVS/ESA product: v DCE: Understanding the Concepts, GC09-1478 v Introducing the OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment, GC09-1482 v OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment: Application Development Guide, SC09-1484, for guidance information about developing the client code and using the OpenEdition DCE MVS/ESA base services. v OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment: Application Development Reference, SC09-1487, for reference information about application programming interfaces (APIs). Refer to the following books for more information about the OS/390 Unix Systems Services DCE Application Support MVS/ESA CICS Feature: v OS/390 DCE Application Support Programming Guide, SC24-5833, for information about how to install CICS remote procedure call server programs. v OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment: Application Support Conguration and Administration Guide, SC09-1659, for information about the administration tasks that complement the programming tasks.

Chapter 28. DCE remote procedure calls



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 29. Dening CICS programs as DCE servers

This chapter gives an overview of how to dene CICS programs as servers to DCE remote procedure calls (RPCs). For more detailed information, see the OS/390 DCE Application Support Programming Guide and the OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment: Application Support Conguration and Administration Guide.

Interface denition
When you write your CICS server program and your DCE client program you must: 1. Use the GENUUID command of the DCE MVS/ESA Application Support server to obtain a skeleton interface denition. (An interface denes one or more related operations. Each operation relates to a server program.) The skeleton includes a Universal Unique Identier (UUID) that uniquely identies the interface. 2. Use the DCE Interface Denition Language (IDL) to identify each operation in the interface and dene its input and output parameters. 3. Use the IDL compiler to generate data structure denitions for the RPC parameters and execution stubs for both client and server programs. The client stub packages (marshalls) the RPC parameters for transmission over the network to the server, and unpackages (unmarshalls) the parameters received from the server. The server stubs contain function that converts host COBOL data types to C data types and vice versa. They also package and unpackage RPC parameters, and convert data between EBCDIC and ASCII representations. 4. Link edit and load the server stubs into the server stub library. 5. Link edit the client stub with the client program. You must also dene your server programs to CICS using RDO, as described in CICS Resource Denition Guide. The denitions can be statically dened and installed, or autoinstalled when the programs are rst called.

Interface installation
When you have completed your CICS server program you need to advertise its availability to potential clients. You do this by using the Application Support server administration facilities to install the interface. This exports details of the interface to the DCE distributed directory. Client programs can then use DCE facilities to locate servers which support required interfaces.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Chapter 30. Application programming for DCE remote procedure calls

Support for DCE remote procedure calls (RPCs) enables a non-CICS client program running in an Open Systems Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) to link to a server program running in a CICS system. For an introduction to DCE RPCs, see Chapter 28. DCE remote procedure calls on page 325.

The DCE client program

For information about coding DCE client programs, see the OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment: Application Development Guide and the OpenEdition Distributed Computing Environment: Application Development Reference manual.

The CICS server program

Note: This is an overview only of how to write CICS programs to act as servers to DCE remote procedure calls. For further related information, see Chapter 29. Dening CICS programs as DCE servers on page 329. For denitive information, see the OS/390 DCE Application Support Programming Guide. CICS server programs must: v Use a communications area to pass input and output parameters. v Pass input and output parameters by value (not by pointer). v Contain only data-handling logic. Existing applications that have their data-handling and terminal input/output logic in separate programs can be used without modication. v Ideally, be written in COBOL II or LE/COBOL. This is because the Application Support server compiler produces only COBOL data structure denitions for your CICS communications area, to match the RPC parameters. You can, however, write your server application in another programming language, by manually dening a communications area data structure that exactly overlays that produced in COBOL by DCE. CICS server programs can: v Use the same subset of EXEC CICS commands as CICS DPL server programs. (The restricted commands are listed in the programming information in the CICS Application Programming Reference manual.) v Also be servers to distributed program link requests. v Use CICS intercommunication facilities to access data and programs owned by other APPC-connected systems. For example, they can use the Front End Programming Interface (FEPI) to emulate a 3270 terminal, and thereby act as a front end for other unchanged CICS or IMS applications. v Communicate with applications in remote CICS systems, using function shipping, DPL, or distributed transaction processing. The Application Support server does not support CICS application programs that:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


v Contain terminal input/output logic to the principal facility. (Note that you can use APPC terminal control commands to do distributed transaction processing to a remote back-end system.) v Use basic mapping support (BMS). These restrictions are the same as those for CICS distributed program link servers. Thus, you may be able to use server programs written for CICS-to-CICS DPL as servers to DCE clients. As described in Interface denition on page 329, you must use the DCE MVS/ESA Application Support server compiler to generate a data structure denition for the RPC parameters passed to your server program, and an execution stub for the server. You must link edit and load the stub into the server stub library.


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Part 6. Appendixes

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Appendix. Routing program-link requests

Important For detailed information about routing program-link requests, see the CICS Intercommunication Guide. This appendix is an overview of how program-link requests received from outside CICS can be routed to other regions. Traditional CICS-to-CICS distributed program link (DPL) calls, instigated by EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM commands, can be daisy-chained from region to region, simply by dening the program as remote in each region except the last (server) region, where it is to execute. The same applies to program-link requests received from outside CICS. For example, all of the following types of program-link request can be routed: v Calls received from: CICS Web support The CICS Transaction Gateway v Calls from external CICS interface (EXCI) client programs v External Call Interface (ECI) calls from any of the CICS Client workstation products v Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) remote procedure calls (RPCs) v ONC/RPC calls.

Static routing
A program-link request received from outside CICS can be statically routed to a remote CICS region by specifying the name of the remote region on the REMOTESYSTEM option of the installed program denition.

Dynamic routing
A program-link request received from outside CICS can be dynamically routed by: v Dening the program to CICS as DYNAMIC(YES) v Coding your dynamic routing program to route the request.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998



CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

Index Numerics
2phase commit protocol invoked by RRS 119 2phase commit mode DPL_Request 119 3270 bridge 21 abend processing 24 ADS descriptor 25 ASSIGN 47 benets 12 BMS Application Data Structure 25 BRDATA format 60 BREXIT 46 bridge design 77 bridge environment 23, 41 bridge exit 23 bridge exit area 25, 84 bridge exit calls 78 bridge exit interfaces 84 bridge exit programming 84 bridge facility 26 bridge facility properties 52 bridge mechanism 22 bridge monitor 23 CEMT INQUIRE TASK 49 CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION 50 client application 23 conversational Transactions 31 DLI 43 Dump 109 Example environments 32 FACILITYLIKE 26 formatter 24 formatter calls 81 formatter programming 84 formatter return codes 82 INQUIRE_CONTEXT 50 INQUIRE TASK 48 INQUIRE_TRANDEF 50 INQUIRE TRANSACTION 49 ISSUE PRINT 43 message data format 61 messages 23 Monitoring 43 passthrough tool 28 pseudoconversational transactions 30 resource denition 46 Security 43 simple terminal transactions 29 START 44 STARTed transactions 45 Supplied bridge exits 57 supplied copybooks 28 supplied resource denitions 28 syncpoints 45 TCTUA 26, 45 Trace 108
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998

3270 bridge 46 (continued) TRANSACTION denition 24 transport mechanism 23 user transaction 22 user transaction restrictions 41 Using DFH0CBREt 58 Using the Web bridge exit 59 writing a bridge exit 78 writing a formatter 81 4-tuple 237 4-tuple records 253

abend codes 193 addressing mode (AMODE) assembler sample program 175 client program requirements 173 ADS 25 ADS descriptor 25 alias (CICS ONC RPC) denition 249 role in call processing 241 specifying 264 specifying EDF terminal ID 264 transaction denition 250 alias transaction 238 allocate_opts, parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 128 Allocate_Pipe command 127 ALLOCATE_PIPE command invocation of DFHXCURM during 165 security check failure 187 allocating a pipe 127 ANYNET software 247 application programming commands 123 copybooks 145 DCE remote procedure calls 331 DPL subset 114 exception conditions returned on LINK command 152 language considerations 174 RESP and RESP2 elds 152 restrictions for server programs 114 sample programs 175 stub 173 translation required for EXEC CICS LINK command 156 applid, specifying on ALLOCATE_PIPE command assembler CICS-supplied procedure, DFHEXTAL 173 copybook 145 EXCI CALL interface 123 sample program 147, 175 authentication, RPC 305 Automatic Enable option 261, 274 automatic retry of EXEC CICS LINK 154



basic sequential access method (BSAM) use of by assembler sample client program batch jobs, querying the status of 164 batched RPC requests 235 benets of external CICS interface 12 bind-time security 187 BMS Application Data Structure 25 BREXIT option CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION 50 INQUIRE TRANSACTION command 49 bridge (3270) 21 abend processing 24 ADS descriptor 25 ASSIGN 47 benets 12 BMS Application Data Structure 25 BRDATA format 60 BREXIT 46 bridge designr 77 bridge environment 23, 41 bridge exit 23 bridge exit area 25, 84 bridge exit calls 78 bridge exit interfaces 84 bridge exit programming 84 bridge facility 26 bridge facility properties 52 bridge mechanism 22 bridge monitor 23 CEMT INQUIRE TASK 49 CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION 50 client application 23 conversational transactions 31 DLI 43 Dump 109 Example environments 32 FACILITYLIKE 26 formatter 24 formatter return codes 82 formattert calls 81 formattert programming 84 INQUIRE_CONTEXT 50 INQUIRE TASK 48 INQUIRE_TRANDEF 50 INQUIRE TRANSACTION 49 ISSUE PRINT 43 message data format 61 messages 23 Monitoring 43 passthrough tool 28 pseudoconversational transactions 30 resource denition 46 running a transaction 29 Security 43 simple terminal transactions 29 START 44 STARTed transactions 45 Supplied bridge exits 57 supplied copybooks 28 supplied implementations 27 175

bridge (3270) 28 (continued) supplied resource denitions 24 syncpoints 45 TCTUA 26, 45 Trace 108 TRANSACTION denition 46 transport mechanism 23 user transaction 22 user transaction restrictions 41 Using DFH0CBRE 58 Using the Web bridge exit 59 writing a bridge exit 78 writing a formatter 81 bridge exit BRXA ADS descriptor area 100 BRXA command area (BMS) 97 BRXA command area (common) 92 BRXA command area (interval control) 99 BRXA command area (MSG) 100 BRXA command area (syncpoint) 100 BRXA command area (terminal control) 96 BRXA header area 85 BRXA transaction area 86 message format 61 message vectors 61 MQCIH message header 61 START data format 60 BRIDGE option CEMT INQUIRE TASK 50 INQUIRE TASK command 48 broadcast RPC 235 BRXA ADS descriptor area 100 command area (BMS) 97 command area (common) 92 command area (interval control) 99 command area (syncpoint) 100 command area (terminal control) 96 header area 85 transaction area 86

C language CICS-supplied procedure, DFHEXTDL 173 CICS-supplied procedure, DFHYXTDL 174 copybook 145 EXCI CALL interface 123 sample program 147, 175 special considerations for client program 174 CA1E 28 call_type parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 127 parameter of CLOSE_PIPE command 140 parameter of DEALLOCATE_PIPE command 142 parameter of DPL_Request command 132 parameter of INITIALIZE_USER command 125 parameter of OPEN_PIPE command 130 callback RPC 235 capturing dumps 192 CEMT INQUIRE EXCI command 164


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

CICS_applid, parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 127 CICS-key storage 251 CICS ONC RPC data set 253 CICS ONC RPC denition record 253 CICS ONC RPC options 259 CICS program API restrictions 229 CICS system denition le, EXCI sample denitions 178 CICS system initialization parameters IRCSTRT 212 SEC 305 VTAM 27, 47 XCMD 306 XPPT 306 XUSER 305 CICS TCP/IP Socket Interface 247 CICSDATAKEY option on GETMAIN 296, 301 CICSSVC, parameter of DFHXCOPT 167 client program addressing mode 173 BSAM, use of by assembler sample program 175 compiling 173 connection through DFHIRP 121 denition of 113 JCL needed capturing SYSMDUMPs 192 running an EXCI client 184 link-editing 173 linking to server with EXEC CICS LINK 150 MRO logon and bind-time security 187 PL/I and C language considerations 174 sample job for starting 184 sample program 175 translating 156, 173 use of multiple sessions 113 client stub 232 clients supported by CICS ONC RPC 247 Close_Pipe command 140 closing a pipe 140 CMDSEC 250, 306 COBOL II CICS-supplied procedure, DFHEXTVL 174 CICS-supplied procedure, DFHYXTVL 174 copybook 145 example of EXCI DPL call 146 EXCI CALL interface 123 sample program 175 code page conversions 282 codes, abend 193 command security 250 COMMAREA, parameter of DPL_Request command 133 COMMAREA_len, parameter of DPL_Request command 133 compiling 304 CONFDATA, parameter of DFHXCOPT 168 conguring CICS ONC RPC 247, 252 connecting an allocated pipe 129

CONNECTION denition CONNTYPE attribute 160 PROTOCOL attribute 160 connection manager 238, 253, 278 connection manager (CICS ONC RPC) denition 249 panel format 255 connection manager panels DFHRP01 257 DFHRP02 260 DFHRP03 261 DFHRP04 257 DFHRP06 270 DFHRP10 258 DFHRP11 268 DFHRP12 269 DFHRP13 270 DFHRP14 274 DFHRP15 275 DFHRP16 259 DFHRP17 277 DFHRP18 278 DFHRP20 272 DFHRP21 276 DFHRP22 273 DFHRP2B 276 DFHRP5 263 DFHRP5B 263 connection-oriented data transmission 8 connectionless data transmission 8 CONNTYPE attribute, CONNECTION denition 160 contiguous communication area 294, 299 converter 239 converter (CICS ONC RPC) dening functions provided 265 role in call processing 241 writing 283 copybooks for assembler, C language, COBOL, PL/I 145 cross-system multiregion operation (XCF/MRO) 113 CRPA transaction 238 CRPC transaction 238, 254 CRPM transaction 238 CRPO transient data destination message destination 314 CRPO transient data queue 256 dening 252 CSMI attached by CICS server 152 CSMI (CICS-supplied mirror transaction) authorizing the link user ID 188 default transid 134 security 188 CSMT destination 314

data format 243, 265, 293, 298 data_len, parameter of DPL_Request command datagram 8 DCE (distributed computing environment) 12 and CICS 323



DCE (distributed computing environment) 323 (continued) benets of 323 overview 321 remote procedure call (RPC) application programming 331 benets of 326 calling CICS programs 329 CICS server programs 326, 331 overview 319, 325 requirements for use with CICS 326 resource denition 329 DCE RPC servers 10 Deallocate_Pipe command 142 deallocating a pipe 142 decode_alias_transid eld 297 decode_aup_gid eld 297 decode_aup_gids_ptr eld 297 decode_aup_len eld 297 decode_aup_machlen eld 297 decode_aup_machname_ptr eld 297 decode_aup_time eld 297 decode_aup_uid eld 297 decode_client_address eld 298 decode_client_data_ptr eld 298 decode_eyecatcher eld 298 Decode function 240, 296, 300 decode_function eld 298 decode_procedure_number eld 298 decode_program_number eld 298 decode_reason eld 298 decode_response eld 298 decode_returned_data_ptr eld 298 decode_server_data_format eld 298 decode_server_input_data_len eld 283, 299 decode_server_output_data_len eld 283, 299 decode_server_program eld 299 decode_user_token eld 299 decode_userid eld 299 decode_version_number eld 300 DES authentication 305 Destination Control Table 252 DFH$AXCC, assembler sample program example of output 179 DFHAXCC, assembler sample program 147 DFHDXCC, C sample program 147 DFHPXCC, PL/I sample program 147 DFH$EXCI, sample server denitions 178 DFH$FILA, sample le denitions 178 DFH0CBAC 27 DFH0CBAE 27 DFH0CBAI 27 DFH0CBAO 27 DFH0CBRD 28 DFH0CBRE 27 DFH0CBRF 27 DFH0CBRU 28 DFHAPPL FACILITY class proles, dening 188 DFHAUPLE procedure 167 DFHBRMHx 28 DFHBRMQx 28

DFHBRSDx 28 DFHEXTAL, procedure for assembler client programs 173 DFHEXTDL, procedure for C client programs 173 DFHEXTPL, procedure for PL/I client programs 173 DFHEXTVL, procedure for VS COBOL II client programs 174 DFHIRP (interregion communication program) connection of client and server 121 security checks performed by 187 DFHLIST, note about sample denitions 178 DFHWBLT 27 DFHXCIE, alias for DFHXCSTB stub 173 DFHXCIS, alias for DFHXCSTB stub 173 DFHXCOPT, options table 167 DFHXCPLD, return area and equate copybook for assembler 145 DFHXCPLH, return area and equate copybook for C language 145 DFHXCPLL, return area and equate copybook for PL/I 145 DFHXCPLO, return area and equate copybook for COBOL 145 DFHXCRCD, return code copybook for assembler 145 DFHXCRCH, return code copybook for C language 145 DFHXCRCL, return code copybook for PL/I 145 DFHXCRCO, return code copybook for COBOL 145 DFHXCSTB, stub for client programs 173 DFHXCTRA, EXCI service trap 196 DFHXCTRD, parameter list 196 DFHXCURM, user-replaceable module 165 DFHYXTDL, LE/370 procedure for C client programs 174 DFHYXTPL, LE/370 procedure for PL/I client programs 174 DFHYXTVL, LE/370 procedure for VS COBOL II client programs 174 diagnostics 311, 316 disable processing types 270 disabling CICS ONC RPC 270 disconnecting a pipe 140 distributed application design 13 distributed computing environment (DCE) 12 and CICS 323 benets of 11 overview 321 remote procedure call (RPC) application programming 331 benets of 326 calling CICS programs 329 CICS server programs 326, 331 overview 319, 325 requirements for use with CICS 326 resource denition 329 distributed program link (DPL) API subset for server programs 114 example COBOL call without userid and uowid 146 request program call 132 dotted decimal 9


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

DPL_opts, parameter of DPL_Request command DPL_Request call 132 dpl_retarea, parameter of DPL_Request command 136 dumps 192, 315 formatting 192 SYSMDUMP 192 DURETRY, parameter of DFHXCOPT 168


EDF 316 ELPA (extended link pack area), installation of DFHIRP 121 enabling CICS ONC RPC 261 Encode (CICS ONC RPC) whether required 301 encode_eyecatcher eld 301 Encode function 240, 301, 303 encode_function eld 301 encode_input_data_len eld 301 encode_input_data_ptr eld 302 encode_output_data_len eld 302 encode_output_data_ptr eld 302 encode_reason eld 302 encode_response eld 302 encode_user_token eld 302 ENTER TRACENUM command 316 ephemeral port numbers 10 EQUATE copybooks 145 exception conditions returned on LINK command EXCI on CEMT INQUIRE command 164 EXEC CICS GETMAIN CICSDATAKEY option in Decode 296 CICSDATAKEY option in Encode 301 FLENGTH option in Decode 296 FLENGTH option in Encode 301 NOSUSPEND option in Decode 296 SHARED option in Decode 296 SHARED option in Encode 301 EXEC CICS LINK command 150 automatic retry 154 choosing between EXEC CICS and CALL interface 114 DFHAPPL prole denition 188 security checking 188, 189 translation 156 EXEC CICS QUERY SECURITY 306 EXEC CICS START USERID 305 EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT 242 EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD 305 EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD 316 EXECKEY option 251 extended link pack area (ELPA), installation of DFHIRP 121 external CICS interface (EXCI) 113, 149 benets 12 CALL interface choosing between EXEC CICS and CALL interface 114 DFHAPPL prole denition 188 return area 144

external CICS interface (EXCI) 123, 149 (continued) CALL interface (continued) syntax 114 CICS releases supported 121 compiling and link-editing client programs 173 dening connections 159 description of 113 inquiring on the state of connections 164 languages supported 123 messages 223 options table, DFHXCOPT 167 PL/I and C language considerations 174 problem determination 191 programming languages supported 123 reason codes 211 resource and recovery 117 response codes 211 security 187 taking a syncpoint in the client program 121 user-replaceable module (DFHXCURM) 165 using RRMS 118

FACILITY class proles, dening 188 FACILITYLIKE 26 FACILITYLIKE option CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION 50 INQUIRE TRANSACTION command 49 fast-path commands 255 File Transfer Protocol 9 FLENGTH option on GETMAIN 296, 301 freeing storage associated with a pipe 142 function call EQUATE copybooks 145


generic connection denition of 160 note about lack of security checks 187 Getlengths function 240, 293, 295 whether required 283 glength_eyecatcher eld 293 glength_function eld 293 glength_reason eld 293 glength_response eld 293 glength_server_data_format eld 284, 293 glength_server_input_data_len eld 283, 294 glength_server_output_data_len eld 283, 294 GTF, parameter of DFHXCOPT 169

IDENTIFIER bridge exit area 89 IDENTIFIER option CEMT INQUIRE TASK 50 INQUIRE TASK command 48 inbound XDR routine 239, 241, 243 Initialize_User command 124 internet address 9


Internet Protocol (IP) 8 interregion communication (IRC) opening after installation of sample denitions IPCS VERBEXIT 249 IRCSTRT system initialization parametert 212


opening a pipe 129 options table, DFHXCOPT 167 OSI (open system interface) 12 outbound XDR routine 239, 242, 245 overlaid communication area 294, 299

JCL for dump formatting CICS ONC RPC 249 job control language (JCL) for capturing SYSMDUMPs 192 for running an EXCI client program

parameters null 146 specifying with options table 167 PassTicket 307 performance 317 pgmname parameter of DPL_Request command 133 pipe allocating 127 closing 140 connecting 129 deallocating 142 denition of 113 disconnecting 140 freeing storage associated with 142 invocation of DFHXCURM during ALLOCATE_PIPE 165 opening 129 restriction on leaving open 129 reusing a closed pipe 140 pipe_token parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 127 parameter of CLOSE_PIPE command 140 parameter of DEALLOCATE_PIPE command 142 parameter of DPL_Request command 133 parameter of OPEN_PIPE command 130 PL/I CICS-supplied procedure, DFHEXTPL 173 CICS-supplied procedure, DFHYXTPL 174 copybook 145 EXCI CALL interface 123 sample program 147, 175 special considerations for client program 174 port number 9 Portmapper 234 prerequisites for CICS ONC RPC 247 problem determination 191, 311, 316 dumps 192 MVS abends 193 service trap 196 trace 191 procedure number 234 procedure zero 234 program number 234 programming models 10 programming restrictions for server programs 114 programs for CICS ONC RPC dening in CICS 250 protocol 237 PROTOCOL attribute CONNECTION denition 160 SESSIONS denition 161


Language Environment/370 247 LINK command 150 choosing between EXEC CICS and CALL interface 114 link-editing DFHXCOPT options table 167 for client program 173 translation required for EXEC CICS LINK command 156 use of DFHXCSTB stub 123 using DFHAUPLE 167 linking 304 local resources, dening CICS programs as DCE servers 329 logon security 187

mapset denition 252 messages 108, 223, 314 migrating between CICS versions 249 mirror transaction authorizing the link user ID 188 security 188 MSGCASE, parameter of DFHXCOPT 169 multiregion operation (MRO) cross-system (XCF/MRO) 113 logon and bind time security 187 MVS abends 193

nonblocking call type specifying 264 nonblocking RPC call 235 NOSUSPEND option on GETMAIN 296 Null authentication 305 null parameters, example of EXCI CALLs with


ONC 230 ONC RPC 230 Open_Pipe command 129 open system interface (OSI) 12


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

QR TCB 312

RACF Secured Sign-on 306 reason codes 211 Allocate_Pipe call 128 Close_Pipe call 141 Deallocate_Pipe call 142 DPL call 138 Initialize_User call 125 Open_Pipe call 130 RECEIVECOUNT attribute, SESSIONS denition 162 RECEIVEPFX attribute, SESSIONS denition 162 Register from Data Set option 266 registering 4-tuples 267 registration with CICS ONC RPC 267 with TCP/IP for MVS 267 remote procedure call (RPC) benets of 326 calling CICS programs 329 CICS server programs 326, 331 resource denition 329 overview 319, 325 requirements for use with CICS 326 remote procedures procedure number 234 procedure zero 234 program number 234 version number 234 REMOTENAME parameter 251 REMOTESYSTEM parameter 251 residence mode (RMODE) assembler sample program 175 resource access control facility (RACF) 187 specifying userid on DPL_Request command 136 resource checker (CICS ONC RPC) specifying option 260, 273 writing 307 resource denition CONNECTION denition 159 DCE remote procedure call server programs 329 sample programs 178 SESSIONS denition 161 resource denition in CICS 249 resource recovery services (RRS) 119 2phase commit protocol 119 resource security 250 RESP and RESP2 elds 152 response codes 144, 211 Allocate_Pipe call 128 Close_Pipe call 141 Deallocate_Pipe call 142 DPL call 138 Initialize_User call 125 Open_Pipe call 130 RESSEC 250, 306 retries on an EXEC CICS LINK command 154

return_area parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 127 parameter of CLOSE_PIPE command 140 parameter of DEALLOCATE_PIPE command 142 parameter of DPL_Request command 132 parameter of INITIALIZE_USER command 124 parameter of OPEN_PIPE command 130 return code clearing R15 175 reusing a closed pipe 140 RP TCB 312 RPC 230 RPC library calls 233 RPCGEN compiler 232 RPCL specication denition 232 RRMS used by external CICS interface (EXCI) 118 RRS 119 running the sample applications 178

sample programs 147, 175 description 175 SBCS translate tables 282 SEC system initialization parameter 305 Secured Sign-on 306 security 187, 305 SENDCOUNT attribute, SESSIONS denition 163 SENDPFX attribute, SESSIONS denition 163 server application set 281 server controller 238 user ID 260, 274 server controller (CICS ONC RPC) denition 249 role in call processing 241 server program API restrictions 114 connection through DFHIRP 121 denition of 113 DPL subset 114 linking from client with EXEC CICS LINK 150 programming restrictions 114 sample program 175 security considerations 188 server stub 232 service trap 196 SESSIONS denition PROTOCOL attribute 161 RECEIVECOUNT attribute 162 RECEIVEPFX attribute 162 SENDCOUNT attribute 163 SENDPFX attribute 163 SHARED option on GETMAIN 296, 297, 301 sockets interface 9 specic connection denition of 160 MRO logon security checks 187 starting the connection manager 254 STGPROT parameter 251 storage (CICS ONC RPC) user-key/CICS-key 251


storage (CICS ONC RPC) (continued) XDR routines overwriting 251 storage, freeing 142 storage protection 251 storage requirements (CICS ONC RPC) 248 stub for client programs DFHXCIE 173 DFHXCIS 173 DFHXCSTB 173 suppressing user data in trace CONFDATA option 168 SURROGCHK, parameter of DFHXCOPT 169 synchronous RPC call 235 SYNCONRETURN DPL requests 120 omitted by DPL_Request 119 SYSMDUMPs, capturing 192 sysplex, use of cross-system MRO 113 system denition le (CSD), CICS 178

task control blocks 312 task-related user exit (TRUE) 312 TASKDATAKEY option 251 TCP/IP 8, 231 TCP/IP for MVS CICS TCP/IP Socket Interface 247 Telnet 9 TIMEOUT, parameter of DFHXCOPT 170 trace 191 TRACE parameter of DFHXCOPT 170 trace points 197 TRACESZE parameter of DFHXCOPT 170 trace (CICS ONC RPC) information 314 setting trace level 260, 273 setting trace option 260, 273 transid, parameter of DPL_Request command 134 transient data denitions 252 translation of EXEC CICS LINK command 156 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 8 trap, DFHXCTRA 196 TRAP, parameter of DFHXCOPT 170 troubleshooting 311, 316 TYPE, parameter of DFHXCOPT 167

URP_EXCEPTION response (CICS ONC RPC) (continued) to Encode 300 to Getlengths 294 URP_INVALID response to resource checker 309 URP_INVALID response (CICS ONC RPC) to Decode 300 to Encode 302 to Getlengths 294 URP_OK response to resource checker 309 URP_OK response (CICS ONC RPC) to Decode 300 to Encode 302 to Getlengths 294 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 8 user environment, initializing 124 user-key storage 251 user_name, parameter of INITIALIZE_USER command 125 user-replaceable module DFHXCURM 165 user security 189 user_token parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 127 parameter of CLOSE_PIPE command 140 parameter of DEALLOCATE_PIPE command 142 parameter of DPL_Request command 132 parameter of INITIALIZE_USER command 124 parameter of OPEN_PIPE command 130 userid, parameter of DPL_Request command 136

version number 234 version_number parameter of ALLOCATE_PIPE command 127 parameter of CLOSE_PIPE command 140 parameter of DEALLOCATE_PIPE command 142 parameter of DPL_Request command 132 parameter of INITIALIZE_USER command 124 parameter of OPEN_PIPE command 129 VTAM system initialization parameter 27, 47

unit-of-work identier, DPL_Request 134 UNIX authentication 305 uowid, parameter of DPL_Request 134 URP_DISASTER response to resource checker 310 URP_DISASTER response (CICS ONC RPC) to Decode 300 to Encode 303 to Getlengths 295 URP_EXCEPTION response to resource checker 309 URP_EXCEPTION response (CICS ONC RPC) to Decode 300

well-known ports 9

XCMD system initialization parameter XDR 230, 231 XDR routines 239 inbound 239, 241, 243 library functions 282 outbound 239, 242, 245 specifying 264 writing 281 XFAINTU, global user exit 54 XLT denitions 252 306


CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

XPPT system initialization parameter XUSER system initialization parameter

306 305




CICS TS for OS/390: CICS External Interfaces Guide

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Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998


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Spine information:

CICS TS for OS/390

CICS External Interfaces Guide

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