Am - Transmitter: Ninevah
Am - Transmitter: Ninevah
Am - Transmitter: Ninevah
The amplitude-modulated (AM) transmitter produces an electromagnetic
carrier wave whose amplitude is modulated (varied at an audio rate), and
which travels through the other to a radio receiver. The transmitter
contains a stable RF oscillator, usually crystal controlled; an audio
amplifier; a modulator; RF amplifiers; and a connection to an antenna,
whose length is determined by the frequency of transmission.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (1): AM-TX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
1- First, try to find the blocks from fig.1 on the circuit diagram.
2- At Tp11, increase the input signal level (modulation level VR1) so
that the valley of the AM wave starts to form a straight line at the
3- Draw & measure amplitude for the waveforms at TP1, TP4.
4- At Tp11 draw & measure antenna frequency& modulation index
by using M
e(max) e(min) .
e(max) e(min)
5- Connect the (channel 1) of the oscilloscope's audio signal and
connect (channel 2) of the oscilloscope's to TP11, set the
oscilloscope to operate in X-Y mode, Draw the trapezoid pattern
6- Adjust both the oscilloscope's vertical and horizontal gains to
obtain a trapezoid pattern of (m=0, m= 0.1, m= 0.3, m=0.5, m=1,
m>1), draw the pattern for each state.
7- Change the audio modulating signal to obtain over modulation,
Draw the signal and measure the value of input signal.
8- To get on double sideband suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) rotate the
(VR2) to either right or left with make the peaks of equal
amplitude, draw the trapezoidal pattern of (DSB-SC) and draw the
signal of AM-DSB-SC at Tp11
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (1): AM-TX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
1- What is the meaning by modulation?
2- On what dependent the frequency of the antenna of AM-TX?
3- What is the Effect of over-modulation on the information signal?
How do you avoid the over- modulation?
4- From run 6, if the total power transmitted from AM-TX (DSB) is
5mw, calculate transmitted power in the carrier, upper sideband
and the lower sideband for (m= 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1). Explain effect
the modulation index on the power transmitted in the carrier and
5- Compare between the power transmitted in the (DSB-SC) and
(DSB) if modulation index m=1.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (1): AM-TX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (2): AM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Amplitude modulation
"Super heterodyne receiver"
The AM super-heterodyne receiver convert incoming AM-signal to a
lower frequency that known as the intermediate frequency (IF=455 KHz).
The AM super-heterodyne receiver can best have understood by analysis
of the block diagram shown in Figure 1.
Antenna. When the radio wave passes through the antenna, it induces a
small voltage across the antenna coil.
Mixer and oscillator The operation of the mixer is basically to shift the
wanted signal down to the IF frequency, irrespective of the position of the
tuning dial. This is achieved in two stages mixer and oscillator The
voltage is coupled from antenna to the mixer, or converter, stage to be
changed to a frequency of 455 kHz. This change is accomplished by
mixing the radio frequency signal with the oscillator signal. By mixing
the local oscillator's signal (sine wave) with R.F signal (output of tuned
circuit). This produces three frequency components:
f local = fRF + IF
After mixer and oscillator stage completed one signal of the output of
mixer selected. By strongly attenuating all components except the
difference frequency, IF this is done by putting a narrow-bandwidth band
pass filter on the mixer's output. The end result of this process is that the
carrier frequency of the selected AM Station is shifted down to 455 KHz
(the IF Frequency), and the sidebands of the AM signal are now either
side of 455 KHz. The example in the following figure (3) block diagram
explain proses convert the radio frequency for AM signal to intermediate
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (2): AM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
First IF amplifier, which has a variable gain that depends on the AGC
voltage, received from the AGC stage. The first IF amplifier is also tuned
to 455 kHz and has a 3dB bandwidth of approximately 6 kHz.
1- Set the AM signal generator to 1MHz carrier signal, 1 KHz
modulated signal (message signal), 60% modulation index and
maximum power, set switch (SW) into detector mode.
2- Adjust the tuning for the receiver to 1MHz; you must hear the 1
KHz tone on the speaker.
3- Draw the waveform at output of R.F. amplifier, then measure the
frequency of this signal.
4- Draw the waveform at output of local oscillator, then measure the
frequency of this signal.
5- What are the frequencies present at the mixer? Draw the output.
6- Draw the waveform at I.F. amplifier first stage, then measure the
frequency of this signal.
7- Draw the waveform at I.F. amplifier second stage, then measure
the frequency of this signal.
8- Draw the waveform at diode detector, then measure the frequency
of this signal
9- Draw the audio signal, then measure the frequency.
جميع النتائج ترسم على ورق بياني:مالحظة
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (2): AM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
1- What is purpose of using super-heterodyne receiver?
2- What is the function of tuned circuit? Draw the its circuit
3- Identify and sketch the detector circuit used in AM super-
heterodyne receiver board?
4- Explain convertor proses RF received signal into intermediate
frequency signals
5- For the figure (2), if AM signal with carrier frequency is 1600 KHz
and the message signal with 3.4 KHz. Calculated the local
oscillator frequency and all frequency components output of the
mixer if the intermediate frequency is 455 KHz.
6- Explain can we use the super-hytrodyne receiver to detection the
message signal from amplitude modulation double sideband
suppressed carrier (AM-DSB/SC). why?
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Frequency Modulation
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
1. The carrier signal frequency deviates only with the message signal
2. The message signal’s frequency does not deviate the carrier signal’s
frequency but does affect the rate of deviation.
3. Any amplitude variations of the FM carrier contain no message signal
intelligence; only frequency deviations contain the intelligence.
In figure (3) the FM carrier’s amplitude can be limited within desired values.
Consequently, noise amplitude spikes can be reduced by limiter circuits..
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
The energy contained in each sideband pair decreases as the sideband pairs
are removed from the center frequency. A point is reached at which a
sideband pair contains so little energy that they can be disregarded. The
point is determined by the modulation index.
The modulation index of FM signal (β) is the ratio of the amount of carrier
frequency deviation Δf to the message signal frequency fm.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Table (1) shows the significant sideband pairs for FM signals with
modulation indexes.
The FM signal with a modulation index of β=2 would have 4 significant
sideband pairs. If such a 450 kHz FM carrier signal were modulated by a
fm= 5 kHz message signal, it would have the sidebands spaced 5 kHz apart
for 20 kHz on each side of the 450 kHz center frequency, even though the
frequency deviation is ± 10 kHz, the FM bandwidth would be 40 kHz (430
kHz to 470 kHz).
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
The average power for frequency modulated signal can be calculated by.
n ( )
Where n is number of the sideband. The average power in each sideband is
Ac2 2
equal ( J n ( ) ).
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
f LC
2 LC
You can tune the LC network by changing the value of the negative supply
voltage at the anode of varactor diode CR2.
Varactor Diode.
The Varactor diode is a semiconductor diode that is designed to behave as a
voltage controlled capacitor. When a Varactor diode is reversing biased its
work as variable capacitance. The value of the negative voltage affects the
CR2 capacitance, which, in turn, affects the tuning of the LC network. As
the negative supply voltage becomes more negative, VCO-LO’s output
frequency increases. (VCO-LO range frequency).
At 0 DC voltage, the output frequency is about 310 kHz.
At -10 DC voltage, the output frequency is about 510 kHz.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
10. Set the oscilloscope to MATH and draw the frequency domain
for FM signal and measure the frequency deviation Δf.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (3): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Report: -
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (4): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
“Quadrature Detector”
Introduction: -
If the carrier increases in frequency the phase shift is less than 90°.
At the quadrature detector's input, the FM signal take two paths. One FM
signal is input to a
PHASE SHIFTER/LIMITER circuit is composed of an amplifier, a
capacitor, an LC network, and a limiter circuit, which converts frequency
deviations into phase deviation with about a 90º phase shift.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (4): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Signals are in quadrature when they have a phase difference of 90º. The
original FM signal and phase-shifter/limiter FM signal are input to a
phase detector, which is a balanced modulator.
Phase detector outputs a signal with a frequency that is twice the FM
frequency and a dc voltage that varies with the phase difference between
the two inputs.
Because the phase difference between the phase detector's input signals
varies with the FM signal's frequency deviations, the dc output voltage
from the phase detector changes with the amplitude and frequency of the
FM message signal.
A low pass filter at the phase detector's output removes the high-
frequency signal and passes the varying dc output voltage as the
recovered message signal.
The FM signal takes two paths at the quadrature detector's input. One FM
signal to the amplifier, which is a non-inverting op amp with a gain of
about two. The capacitor shifts the FM signal by 90º. Because the
resonant frequency (fr) of the LC network equals the FM center
frequency. Consequently, the 90º phase shift of the center frequency is
not affected by the LC network. However, frequencies greater than or less
than fr are shifted less or more than 90º, respectively, from the original
FM signal, frequency deviations on each side of the FM center frequency
will be greater than or less than 90º out of phase because the frequency
deviations are connected to the phase deviations.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (4): FM-RX
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Procedure: -
4- Set ch1 and ch2 of oscilloscope at same scale, then adjust the
negative supply knob until the waveform on Ch2 has maximum
amplitude. Draw and measure the frequency for each probe
Ch1and Ch2, then measure the phase shift between them.
5- Connect the Ch2 probe to the phase detector's output. Draw Ch1
and Ch2 signals then measure the frequency for both signals.
9- Connect the Ch2 probe to the output of the phase shifter/limiter and
adjust the FM frequency with the negative supply so that the phase
difference between the signals on Ch1 and Ch2 is 45º. Draw the
two signals and measure the dc voltage on the phase detector's
10- Set the phase difference between the signals on Ch1 and Ch2
back to 90º.Modulate the FM carrier with a (500mvp-p 1 KHz)
message signal. Connect the signal generator to (M) on the VCO-
LO circuit block as shown in the figure (5). Connect the
oscilloscope Ch1 probe to (M) and the oscilloscope Ch2 probe to
quadrature detector's output (output of the filter). Then draw both
of them.
Report: -
between 0 and 1.
Putting M in equation 1 gives:
A Ec 1 M sin m t ……………………… (2)
M ka * Am …………………………..…. (3)
modulation index where ka constant coefficient (1/volt)
The instantaneous voltage of the resulting amplitude-modulation wave:
AM wave = A sin c t
Ec 1 M sin m t sin c t ……………….… (4)
The first term represents the un-modulated carrier; the two additional
terms are the sidebands. Note that from equation (4), the maximum
voltage in the AM wave is emax Ec 1 M , the minimum voltage is:
emin Ec 1 M
1- Connect the equipments and switch them on.
The equation (1) may be expanded using the Fourier- Bessel equation:
VFM (t ) Re Ao e j 2f c t J n ( )e jn 2f mt ……………….…… (10)
Where Jn( ) are Bessel function of the first kind of order n and argument
β, taking a real part of (10) and expanding products of sines and cosines
finally results in :
J 0 ( ) cos 2f c t J 1 ( )cos(2f c 2fm)t
VFM (t ) Ac J 2 ( )cos(2f c 2fm)t cos(2f c 2fm)t
J ( )cos(2f 3fm)t cos(2f 3fm)t .....
3 c c
Ac J
n ( ) cos(2f c n 2fm)t ……………....…… (11)
f ( x) a0 an cos nx bn sin nx …… (1)
n 1
T 2
f ( x ) dx
…… (2)
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (5): AM&FM-analysis
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
T 2
T 2
f ( x) cos nx dx …… (3)
T 2
T 2
f ( x) sin nx dx …… (4)
1- Draw the circuit shown in figure (3), then run the simulation. This
circuit will generate square wave from these sinusoidal sources.
10kOhm Key = A
10V 1kHz 0Deg
f1 10kOhm Key = B
2V 5kHz 0Deg
f5 10kOhm Key = D
Figure. (3)
4- Modify the circuit in figure (3) to be look like that in the figure (4)
and compare the output of the two cases.
10kOhm Key = A
10V 1kHz 0Deg
f1 10kOhm Key = B
2V 5kHz 0Deg
f5 10kOhm Key = D
-70.7mV 70.7mV
0.5msec 1msec
Figure. (4)
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (5): AM&FM-analysis
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
1- From run 2 and 3, calculate the bandwidth in each case and what is
the effect of increasing M and f m on the frequency spectrum for
AM ?
2- From step 4, calculate the new modulation index for each state and
what is the effect of increasing Am on the frequency spectrum?
3- From step 6, calculate the bandwidth in each step.
4- From step 6, what is the effect of the amplitude and frequency of
message signal Am and fm on the carrier frequency deviation?
5- Compare between the bandwidth for AM &FM , if the message
signal with Am =1 volt and f m =3.4 KHz , ka =1 for AM and for FM
kf =2 KHz/1volt.Comment on the results.
The purpose of this experiment is to learn the basics of operational
amplifier and its applications.
The operational amplifier (OP-AMP) has high input impedance and low
output impedance. The gain of the amplifier is high if a proper feedback
circuit is connected to the amplifier. It can be used also as impedance
converter for matching.
The OP AMP can be used as an inverting and non-inverting amplifier; it
can be proved that the gain of an inverting amplifier will be:
Vi R1
G 1
Vi R1
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (6): OP-Amp. &App.
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Item 1: - Inverting Amplifier
1- Connect the circuit shown in figure (1).
2- Measure the gain of the amplifier and the phase shift for:
RF 10K , R1 100 . Record your results in table 1.
3- With both values for R1, measure the frequency response of the
amplifier, without any distortion in signal in output. Record your
results in table 2& table 3.
Item 2: - non-inverting amplifier
1-Connect the circuit of figure (2).
2-Measure the gain of the amplifier and the phase shift for:
RF 9K , R1 1K . Record your results in table 4.
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (6): OP-Amp. &App.
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
2. Adjust the function generator so that the input signal is 2Vp-p 1KHz.
3. Adjust the oscilloscope so that
Channel 1 (output): 500mV/Div. Coupling: DC.
Channel 2 (input) : 1v/div. Coupling DC.
3-Draw the input and output waveforms and explain how you get the
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (6): OP-Amp. &App.
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Item 4: Comparator.
1. Connect the circuit shown in figure (4).
2. Adjust the function generator so that the input signal is 2Vp-p 1kHz.
3. Draw the input and output waveforms. and explain how you get the
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (6): OP-Amp. &App.
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
1- From run 3 & 6, plot the frequency response of the amplifier.
2- Calculate the GBW product of the amplifier in all cases.
3- Explain how the amplifier has inverting and non-inverting
properties by equations.
4- What is advantage from determine frequency response of the
5-Using multisim software:
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (6): OP-Amp. &App.
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Freq(KHz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Vout (Vp-p)
Freq(KHz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Vout (Vp-p)
RF =9 KΩ and R1=1kΩ
Amplifier gain
Amplifier phase shift
RF =9 KΩ and R1=1kΩ
Vin with no distortion at output = V(p-p).
Freq(KHz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Vout (Vp-p)
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (7): Active filters
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Active Filters
(LPF, HPF and BPF)
Filter is a circuit capable of passing signals from input to output that
have frequencies within a specified band and attenuation all others
outside the band. This property is called selectivity.
There are four basic types of filters: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and
band-stop. Basic filter action is accomplished with various combinations
of resisters, capacitors, and sometimes inductors. These are called passive
filters. Active filters use transistors or op-amps to provide desired voltage
gains or impedance characteristics.
All filters have term called order of the filter which is mean how much
the roll- off rate of the filter, it depend on the number of poles at the filter
circuit, and the roll-off rate increases with the increase of filter order.
1- Connect circuit of figure (1). This will construct low-pass filter 1st
order. Calculate the cutoff frequency, and measure the frequency
response of the filter at input signal 4 vp_p.
2- Connect the circuit in figure (2) to get 2nd order filter. Then
measure the frequency response of the filter. Calculate the cutoff
frequency of the filter using this equation:
fc … (1)
2 R1 R3C1C 2
Order =
Vin = 4vpp f cutoff (calculate)= f cutoff(measure) =
Vout =
2 R
1 R2 R3C1C2
… (2)
Order =
Order =
Vin = 4vpp f cutoff (calculate)= f cutoff(measure) =
Vin = 4vpp f cutoff (calculate)= f cutoff(measure) =
Vout =
Vout =
Order =
Vin = 4vpp f cutoff (calculate)= f cutoff(measure) =
Vout =
Order =
Vin = 4vpp f cutoff (calculate)= f cutoff(measure) =
Vout =
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (7): Active filters
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Order =
Vin = 4vpp f cutoff (calculate)= f cutoff(measure) =
Vout =
BPF f center=
Vin = 4vpp f 1cutoff (measure)= f 2cutoff(measure) =
Vout =
Vout =
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (8): Transducer fundamentals
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
Transducer Fundamentals
IC TEMPERATURE TRANSDUCER: The IC temperature transducer
used as a current source whose output current is a function of
temperature. At a reference point of 0°C (the freezing point of water), the
output current (IREF) is 273.2 μA. Every temperature transducer has a
temperature coefficient that describes the way the transducer's
characteristics change as temperature changes. The temperature
coefficient α (the Greek letter alpha) of the IC transducer on your circuit
board is one micro amp. per degree Celsius (α = 1 μA/°C). A positive or
negative temperature change from the 0°C reference point causes a
positive or negative current change of 1 μA/°C.
For any temperature T, the current at that temperature (I T) may be
expressed as follows:
IT = (α x T) + 273.2 μA
1- Use circuit configuration shown below to do the followings
steps set the Oven Temperature at 35°C.
2- Determine the transducer current by using Ohm law across Rs
resistor between Tp1&Tp2and calculate this current by equation
IT = (α x T) + 273.2 μA
1- Draw the characteristics for the transducers used in this experiment
(current versus temperature and voltage versus temperature).
2- Draw the output of the comparator and temperature with time for
the oven control circuit in step 6.
3- What's the purpose of the diodes in the comparator circuit of the
4- What's the purpose of the transistors in the circuit of the oven?
Ninevah University Communication Lab3
College: Electronics Eng. Exp. (8): Transducer fundamentals
Dept.: Communication Eng. Set: (1)-2019-2020
G: -
Date: -
Name of the Group: