Testing Criteria
Testing Criteria
Testing Criteria
Presented by:
Zahra Maqrouf and Douae Laaroussi
What considerations will you take
into account when designing a test
for your students?
Validity Reliability
A test should measure what was It means that the test should give the
intended to be measured. same results for similar groups of
“ Test what you’ve taught”. students
=> example: if the teacher wants to The consistency and stability of the
assess students’ ability and knowledge test results.
about the simple past, the test should When a test is administered twice to
include tasks and questions about the same students under the same
verb form, sentence structure, or time conditions, it should render the same
expressions related to the s.past tense. results.
Transparency Practicality
The student's awareness of the Refers to the ease of administration
purpose and criteria of the and scoring of a test
assessment. A practical test should be:
Explicit expectations; which mean Easy to design
that students must know what to Easy to administer
expect from the test and what the Easy to score
teacher expects them to produce. is not excessively expensive
Ex: the test format, the grading Stays within a time constraints
criteria, rubrics
Usefulness Objectivity
The test should be away from any personal
Well-designed tests provide or subjective judgment. It should be based
valuable information about student only on the evaluation of students'
learning development.
For example, in an essay-type test, students
It tells us what students learn, and
answer differently as each one has his/her
how well they learned it. style of writing. Hence, when more than one
In other words, it aims to teacher checks the test, they may give
determine students' strengths and different scores according to whether they
weak points through test results. like the style or not. So, here, the test is
less objective
Establishing clear and robust testing criteria is essential in education to
ensure fairness, consistency, and meaningful evaluation of student
performance. By clearly defining what is expected and how it will be assessed,
teachers provide students with a roadmap for success and empower them to
focus their efforts effectively. Moreover, transparent criteria foster trust and
accountability among students and educators. They enable informed decision-
making regarding instructional methods, curriculum design, and resource
allocation, ultimately enhancing the quality of education.
Read the following situations and try to elicit
the missing criteria, then try to find the right
Situation 1:
A teacher of English administers the
same tests every year without changing
them. As a result, students became aware
of it and started sharing the questions
and the answers before the test.
Situation 2:
While students were being disruptive, the
teacher decided to assign them a test
during the session as a punishment.
However, the students had no prior
knowledge about the test.
Read the following situations and try to elicit
the missing criteria, then try to find the right
Situation 3:
A teacher assigns students a test that is
very long and contains many complicated
questions that require time. However,
students are expected to finish the test
within one hour.
Situation 4:
In a writing test, students answer
differently as each one has his/her style of
writing. Hence, when more than one
teacher checks the test, they give different
scores according to whether they like the
style or not.