CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
The first and arguably the most important step in the analysis of a system of differential equations.
It involves scaling each variable (dependent and independent) by a typical or reference value, leaving
a nondimensional variable whose typical scale is O(1).
1. It identifies the dimensionless groups (ratios of dimensional parameters) which control the
solution behaviour.
2. Terms in the equations are now dimensionless and so allows comparison of their sizes.
This allows the identification of the important (i.e. dominant) terms in the equations and their
interaction in different regimes, giving insight into the structure of solutions and the dominant
physical mechanisms at work.
3. It allows estimates of the effects of additional features to the original model through the new
dimensional group(s) associated with the additional term(s). This allows measurement of the
effect of the physical feature(s) in the model.
4. Finally, it can reduce the number of parameters ocurring in the problem by forming the nondi-
mensional parameters or dimensionless groups.
3.1 Scaling
If an equation has a variable u, say, then we nondimensionalise that variable by writing, for example,
u = [u]ū
where [u] is the chosen scale (with the same dimensions as u) and ū is the corresponding dimensionless
variable. If a system of equations describes a real process then it is dimensionally homogeneous i.e.
consistent. The process of nondimensionalisation will necessarily give a set of equations, each of whose
terms is dimensionless, after division through by the dimensions of the equations. It is then possible
to compare terms in a meaningful way.
The art of nondimensionalisation lies in the choice of scales. There is no right or wrong way to do
it (other than to only partially nondimensionalise the equations) and in more complicated problems,
the choice of scales can be the difficult part of the analysis. The basic principle is that the scales must
ultimately be chosen self-consistently by balancing terms in the equations. Because the purpose is to
obtain ‘properly scaled’ equations in which the largest dimensionless terms are numerically of O(1),
the simplest choices arise when the scales can be chosen so that all the dimensionless parameters are
This provides our rationale. Given no other information, one assumes a priori that dimensionless
variables and their derivatives are O(1), until we are forced to assume otherwise. It is only when
inconsistencies arise that the process of rescaling becomes necessary. The generic situation in which
this happens is where singular perturbation theory is appropriate. In general, not all dimensionless
parameters can be choosen to be O(1), in which case they are first assumed to be O(1) and then the
limit in which they become large is taken.
3.2 Examples
3.2.1 Example 1
The number of atoms N (t) at time t of a radiactive substance is governed by the differential equation
= −λN
We nondimensionalise as follows
N = N0 N̄ , t= ,
where N0 is taken as the reference value for N and 1/λ for the time scale. This gives the dimensionless
= −N̄ with N̄ = 1 at t̄ = 0,
for N̄ (t̄).
3.2.2 Example 2
d2 θ dθ
ℓ + k + g sin θ = 0, (3.1)
dt2 dt
We nondimensionalise as follows
θ = θ0 θ̄, t= t̄,
using the initial values to give characteristic scales for the dependent variable θ and independent
variable t. Thus we obtain the dimensionless problem
d2 θ̄ dθ̄ ( )
+K + G sin θ0 θ̄ = 0, (3.3)
dt̄ dt̄
subject to
at t̄ = 0 θ̄ = 1 and = 1, (3.4)
where we have introduced the dimensionless parameters
kθ0 gθ0
K= , G= ,
ω0 ℓ ω02 ℓ
in addition to θ0 .
The dimensional problem has 5 parameters, the four dimensional parameters ℓ, k, g, ω0 and the dimen-
sionless parameter θ0 . The dimensionless problem has three dimensionless parameters K, G, θ0 .
If observational values are available for the parameters ℓ, k, g, ω0 , θ0 then these may be used to infer
the sizes of the dimensionless groups K, G, θ0 . The sizes of these dimensionless parameters determine
whether they are to be taken as O(1) or a suitable limit needs to be considered in which their values
are small or large. The latter cases lead to either a regular or singular perturbation problem.
As an example, suppose we have the situation in which θ0 = π/4 radians, ω0 = 1 radian per second,
ℓ = 1 m, k = 0.1 m/s and g = 10 m/s2 . Then K ≈ 0.079, G ≈ 7.9, θ0 ≈ 0.79. Thus we are interested
in analyzing the dimensionless problem in the limit K → 0 with G = O(1), θ0 = O(1) which should
be regular.
If in contrast k = 100 m/s then we would have K ≈ 79, G ≈ 7.9, θ0 ≈ 0.79. Thus we are now
interested in analyzing the dimensionless problem in the limit K → ∞ with G = O(1), θ0 = O(1)
which is singular.
3.2.3 Example 3
Consider the following boundary-value problem (BVP) for one-dimensional heat flow in a bar,
∂u ∂2u
in 0 < x < ℓ, t > 0 ρc = k 2 + q, (3.5)
∂t ∂x
at x = 0 u = u0 , (3.6)
at x = ℓ −k = h(u − ui ), (3.7)
at t = 0 u = ui , (3.8)
where ui is the initial temperature (which is also the external surrounding temperature), u0 is the
temperature at the end of the bar which is raised above ui , h denotes the heat transfer coefficient,
ρ, c, k denote the density, specific heat and conductivity of the bar respectively. The length of the bar
is ℓ and q represents a constant heat source term. All variables are assumed dimensional, this being
the statement of the dimensional problem.
We nondimensionalise as follows
x = ℓx̄, t= t̄, u = ui + (u0 − ui )ū,
qℓ2 hℓ
Q= , H= ,
k(u0 − ui ) k
to obtain
∂ ū ∂ 2 ū
in 0 < x̄ < 1, t̄ > 0 = + Q, (3.9)
∂ t̄ ∂ x̄2
at x̄ = 0 ū = 1, (3.10)
∂ ū
at x̄ = 1 − = H ū, (3.11)
∂ x̄
at t̄ = 0 ū = 0. (3.12)
It is assumed that H, Q are O(1) quantities. If they are not, then the appropriate limit needs to be
taken which will lead to either a regular or singular perturbation problem.
3.2.4 Example 4
∇.v = 0,
( )
ρ + (v.∇)v = −∇p + µ∇2 v + ρF,
( )
ρc + (v.∇)T = k∇2 T + Φ,
where v is the velocity, p is the pressure, T is the temperature and are functions of spatial coordinates
x and time t. Also, ( )2
1 ∂vi ∂vj
Φ= µ +
2 ∂xj ∂xi
is the viscous dissipation term. The dimensional parameters of density ρ, specific heat c, conductivity
k and viscosity µ are assumed constant.
The body force per unit mass F is assumed to be gravity so that F = g = gḡ with g = |g|.
These equations arise from the application of the physical laws of conversation of mass, momentum
and energy.
In the momentum equation, the physical effects modelled are: inertia, viscous forces, gravity respec-
In the heat equation, the physical effects modelled are: heat convection (or advection), heat conduc-
tion, viscous dissipation respectively.
The problem is completed by specification of suitable boundary conditions to a give a well-posed BVP.
Consequently typical scales or reference values for the variables will be given.
x = Lx̄, v = U v̄, t = t̄, p = P p̄, T = T0 + (T1 − T0 )T̄ ,
The choice of pressure scale is not unique and could have been based on viscous forces so that
µU ρU 2
P = = .
L Re
The appropriate scalings are dictated by the problem and the numerical values of the dimensionless
The identification of dimensionless parameters allows model similitude i.e. a model will represent
(dynamically similar to) a practical situation if the values of the dimensionless parameters are the
same for both.
The limits of large and small Reynolds number Re are of particular interest.
If we consider the above model with 1/F r = Br = 0 and no temperature variation then
p̄ = p̄0 (x̄, t̄) + Re p̄1 (x̄, t̄) + . . . , v̄ = v̄0 (x̄, t̄) + Re v̄1 (x̄, t̄, Re) + . . . ,
where p̄0 and v̄0 are the solutions to the simplified model with Re = 0.
This is a regular perturbation procedure and may be used if p̄(x̄, t̄, Re) and v̄(x̄, t̄, Re) are regular
functions of Re near Re = 0.
In some circumstances the expansion is invalid and a singular perturbation procedure must be used.
In these cases the solution of the problem with Re = 0 and the solution for Re ̸= 0 but Re ≪ 1 are
very different.
An example is the high Reynolds number flow Re ≫ 1. A regular expansion in powers of 1/Re gives
the inviscid flow equations at leading order. In this case the highest derivtive term ∇
¯ 2 v̄ is neglected
and consequently not all boundary conditions can be satisfied (usuall the no slip conditon). Thus thin
regions develop where this term must be brought back, which are termed boundary layers.
3.2.5 Example 5
The one-phase Stefan problem for the temperature T (x, t) in the water phase for a melting ice problem
can be written as
∂T ∂2T
in 0 < x < s(t), t > 0 ρc =k 2, (3.13)
∂t ∂x
at x = 0 T = T0 , (3.14)
∂T ds
at x = s(t) T = 0, −k = Lρ , (3.15)
∂x dt
at t = 0 s = 0, (3.16)
where s(t) denotes the moving ice/water interface, L is the latent heat per unit mass, ρ, c, k are the
density, specific heat and conductivity of the water. The water (liquid phase) occupies the region
0 < x < s(t) and the ice (solid phase) x > s(t). Initially there is no water present i.e. s(0)=0. T0
(> 0) is the temperature of the water at the fixed boundary x = 0.
We nondimensionalise as follows
where the scales ℓ and β have to be found. The system (3.13)–(3.16) becomes
∂ T̄ k β ∂ 2 T̄
in 0 < x̄ < s̄(t̄), t̄ > 0 = , (3.17)
∂ t̄ ρc ℓ2 ∂ x̄2
at x̄ = 0 T̄ = 1, (3.18)
∂ T̄ ℓ2
Lρ ds̄
at x̄ = s̄(t̄) T̄ = 0, − = , (3.19)
∂ x̄ kT0 β dt̄
at t̄ = 0 s̄ = 0, (3.20)
at x̄ = 0 T̄ = 1, (3.22)
∂ T̄ ds̄
at x̄ = s̄(t̄) T̄ = 0, − =λ , (3.23)
∂ x̄ dt̄
at t̄ = 0 s̄ = 0, (3.24)
where the length scaling ℓ remains arbitrary; this is not unexpected given that the original problem
had no inherent spatial length scale. The fact that ℓ is not fixed leads to the existence of a similarity
solution of this problem termed the Neumann solution (one of the few explicit solutions that exist for
moving boundary problems).
As a first illustration of this theorem, consider Example 2. Let f (θ, t, ℓ, k, g, θ0 , ω0 ) = 0 be the solution
of the IVP (3.1)–(3.2). There are two dimensionless quantities (θ, θ0 ) and n = 5 dimensional quantities
involving r = 2 fundamental dimensions (L,T). Thus the solution can be expressed in terms of θ, θ0
and n − r = 3 dimensionless quantities namely F (θ, θ0 , t̄, K, G) = 0 as shown by (3.3)–(3.4).
As a second illustration of this theorem, consider Example 3. Let f (u−ui , x, t, ρc, k, q, h, ℓ, u0 −ui ) = 0
be the solution of the BVP (3.5)–(3.8). There are n = 9 dimensional quantities involving r = 4
fundamental dimensions (M,L,T,Θ). Thus the solution can be expressed in terms of n − r = 5
dimensionless quantities namely F (ū, x̄, t̄, Q, H) = 0 as shown by (3.9)–(3.12).
Note 2. If a PDE involves fewer fundamental dimensions than dimensional quantities, it must admit
a simplified solution in accordance with the Buckingham Pi Theorem.