Plan Anual 1ro Bachillerato Inglés 2024-2025

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Area: Teachers: Grade/Course:

Joe Murillo 9no.


Weekly course
No. of working weeks Learning evaluation and unexpected issues

4 hours/week 36 weeks 4 weeks

OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own an

3. GENERAL OBJECTIVES inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other
O.EFL 4.1of their own
Identify the national
main ideasandofcultural
texts, in order
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning
analysis of familiar subjects and contexts. strategies, thereby in
Objectives of the Area independently access further
O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate (language)
and value Englishlearning and practic
as an international
others within the communication process, cultivating habits
O.EFL 4.4behavior.
Develop creative and critical thinking skills whe
Objectives of the level / course OG.EFL 7 Interact quite
promote autonomous clearly,
learning andconfidently, and appropria
decision making.
social situations with a limited but effective command
O.EFL 4.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts of rel
Listening, speaking, reading and writing to develop
topics and use them as a means of communication and writt th
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES : O.EFL 4.7 Intercultural
Use spoken and awareness, respect text
written literary and tolerance
in Englishtos
short magazine articles of
andourselves, bodieson
oral interviews andfamiliar
Moral values such as responsibility, honesty, respect, lo
Unit No.: Unit 7

1. Describe what is a perfect pet.

Specific objectives of the planning unit
2. Discriminate between actions that we sh


CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate an appreciation of commonalities between cultures as
well as the consequences of one’s actions while exhibiting socially responsible behaviors.
1. Communication and CulturalEFLAwareness
4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate an
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance using
distinctions across cultures and groups (dif
appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
etc.) including th
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expre
I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name similarities and differences between different aspects of cultural
formal and informal social or academic si
groups. Learners can demonstrate socially responsible behaviors at school, online, at home and
intentions in online and face-to-face int
in the community, and evaluate their actions by ethical, safety and 1. Dosocial standards.
you have (J.3, What
any pets? S.1, I.1)
of pets doapologizing,
you have? asking permission,
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to give and ask forthe
2. What's information and assistance
best thing about having a pet? What's the worst thing? greeting an autho
using level-appropriate language and interaction styles in online or face-to-face socialisand
3. Which animal your favorite? Why?
classroom interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts set in
familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, andLove andthe
deduce responsibility
meanings oftoward our pets
unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable
conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided 2. Oralthere are
opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain conversational EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expres
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction. priority within the personal and educationa
slowly articulated. (Example: daily l
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational excha
contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of carrying out a collaborative/paired learn
unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given instructions
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1, J.4) The Perfect Pet
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple
transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for clarification,
Language tips: Direct etc.) (I.3, J.3,Objects - Should vs. Could
and Indirect

3. Reading
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts
on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant information in a text.
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or (Example: news about sports or famous pe
print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
Reading: Want a Bigger Pet?

hippo, teenager, human, treat, wild, anytime (at any time), spend
ing them to the class using digital tools.
••Reading a list of actions people take and
evaluating and discussing the consequenc­
es on others (including on the
••Simulating desirable social behaviors
through role play activities.

Listening to a set of instructions and

matching them to the corresponding
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple ••Listening to and following class
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, 4. Writing
while commands.
recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these ••Listening to a simple, straightforward
features appropriately in one’s own writing. EFL and
story 4.4.1correcting
Convey information and ideas t
false statements.
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools
(Exam­ple: Veronica climbed a mountain
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in on her vacation – True, Veronica appropriate
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, dolphins – False, she saw pink dolphins,
while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability
Writing:to use theseProfiles
Animal etc.)
features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2) ••Listening to a short conversation
between two speakers and deciding who is
Vocabulary: Pets speak­ing, where they are and how they
feel. (Example: two friends, on the phone,
talking about a sick friend, etc.)
••Listening for specific words in a
Grammar: Gerunds andconversation
Infinitives and trying to guess the
meaning from the context. (Example:
understanding that How’s it going? is a
greeting that means How are you?, etc.)
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a variety the Arts
5. Language through
of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the
completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking
groups, games and problem-solving tasks b
Reading a text and answering information
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student of ideas and capitalize on other people’s str
groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the completion of
••Choosing from a list of words to
activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3,The
Conversation: J.4) Perfect Pet
complete gaps from a reading.
••Reading a short story from the Internet
and highlighting interesting facts, then
Toy, male, female, smart, train, apartment, yard,them with
panda, those of a partner.
••Predicting main ideas by reading the title
and using other contextual clues (e.g., illus
trations, subheadings, etc.)
Methodological Strategies
••Reading a short news article and
completing an outline.
••Reading a biography and putting events
Unit No.: Unit 8 on a time line.
••Reading a blog post and writing a
Specific objectives of the planning unit 1. Ask for help, thanking and responding in

Watching a video about a controversial

topic and writing a short response giving
your own opinion.
••Listening to a celebrity interview and
writing three more interview questions.
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
••Writing your own answers to interview
CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies as well as questions.
appropriate nonverbal and oral communication features. ••Writing an email to aself-correcting
friend about aand s
EFL 4.1.5 Apply
movie you saw.
classroom interactions. (Example: aski
I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a range of self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies and ••Looking at a picture and writing a
exploring alternative pronu
interpret and use appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication features to communicate in description of what you see or how it
familiar contexts. (I.3, S.4, J.4) makes you feel, then comparing
descriptions in pairs.
••Watching a video about a natural disaster
and writing a blog entry asking for peo­ple
to help with donations.
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts set in
familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, and deduce 1. What time do of
the meanings you get up?
2. What do you do everyday?
unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
CE.EFL.4.7. Listening for Information: Follow and identify 3. some
Do you do ideas
main housework? Howinmuch
and details shorttime do you spend doing it?
and straightforward spoken or audio texts set in familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and
with visuals to provide contextual support. Use spoken contributions in class as models
Create a goodforandone’s
healthy routine
own speech.
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable
conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided there are
opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain2.conversational
Oral Communication EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expres
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction. priority within the personal and educationa
slowly articulated. (Example: daily l
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday EFL 4.2.6 Use other students’ contribu
contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational excha
unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given carrying out a collaborative/paired learn
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
Conversation: Help! instruction
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in short straightforward
spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when the message is delivered slowly and there is
other contextual support. (Example: rules for a game, classroom instructions, a dialogue in a
Language tips:
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can use other classmate’s Asking for
contributions inHelp
Thanking and Responding
models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple 3. Reading
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
transaction, using a range ofcomprehension of main
repair strategies. ideas asking
(Example: and some
for details in shortetc.)
clarification, simple
J.3, EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in s
on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant information in a text.
J.4) (Example: news about sports or f
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as title
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or
and layout, etc. to identify and understan
print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
Reading: Everyday Training of an Astronaut

everyday, astronaut, step, basic, fly, airplane (plane, aircraft), feel like + V-ing/N

CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple
4. Writing
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while
recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these
features appropriately in one’s own writing. EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas t
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in appropriate to audi
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience,
while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the abilityWriting:
to use these
features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)

Vocabulary: Places

Grammar: Present Continuous

teenagers talking about an assignment.
They circle the verbs they hear, etc.)
••Listening to a dialogue between two or
more people and deciding if each
statement is true or false. (Example: Julia
wants to call her mother – True. Ms.
Trenton gives her permission to use the
cell phone in class – False, etc.)
••Watching a short video and writing three
new things they learned. (Example: Sharks
aren’t mammals. They are fish. Sometimes
they attack humans, but not all sharks are
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a variety the Arts
5. Language through
dangerous. Their teeth can grow back, etc.)
of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the
completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative think
groups, games and problem-solving tasks
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student of ideas and capitalize on
Reading a short text and showing
groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the completion of
comprehension by completing the
activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)Help!
Conversation: accompanying graphic organizer.
(Example: learners read about reptiles and
complete a Venn dia­gram, etc.)
do the dishes, show, alone, watch, until, pick ••Reading a text
up, travel, on a familiar
anyone, finishedcontent area
subject and then matching phrases or la­
beling pictures. (Example: learners read
about animals in the four regions of
Methodological Strategies
Ecuador and then label the animal with the
correct region, etc.)
••Reading two short simple cross
Unit No.: Unit 9 curricular texts and using them to support
one’s own argument or hypothesis.
••Reading about a topic and then
1. Apply thereference
identifying word either to express
materials choices
and sources
Specific objectives of the planning unit
2. Cheering people up.
that could be used to find out more
••Using a list to choose the best sources for
finding information on a topic.
••Reading texts from different subject
areas and choosing the best title for each.
CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral traditions and literature from Ecuador and beyond
1. Communication and inCultural Awareness
••Underlining main ideas from texts and
order to manifest an understanding of the relationship between cultural perspectives and then using them to write questions the
practices and by sharing cross cultural experiences. learner has about the and
EFL 4.1.1 Compare contrast oral tradi
Ecuador of and
questions about aregions
international topic andand
I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature then using the Internet and other sources to
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening forcultures
Meaning: Understand and follow differences and unive
from Ecuador and other in order to demonstrate anthe main idea inofspoken
understanding texts set in find the answers.
the relationship
familiar everyday
between contexts,and
cultural practices provided speechLearners
perspectives. is clear and
canarticulate, 1. Do
and youexperiences
share cross-cultural like
the your school?
meanings of Why or why not?
unfamiliar naming
words and phrasescultural
universal using context
(I.2, and/or 2.J.1)
S.1, S.2, the most difficult subject
knowledge. Makingfor you? in small groups of new
CE.EFL.4.7. Listening for Information: Follow and identify some main ideas 3. and
Are details
grades in
important to you?
short phrases and expressions in order to display
and straightforward spoken or audio texts set in familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and in the classroom.
with visuals to provide contextual support. Use spoken contributions in class as models
Likes for one’s
and dislikes, plan••Finding
the futurea variety of online references to
own speech. practice a grammar structure, then recom­
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable mending the best one to the class.
conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided there are ••Using new words or information from a
opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain2.conversational
Oral Communication EFLlesson
class 4.2.1 and
an onlineandgame
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction. priority within the personal and educationa
practice them, then sharing and playing the
game with thearticulated. (Example: daily l
rest of the class.
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday ••Making EFL 4.2.6
flashcards for new wordscontribu
Use other students’ and
contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of using them toSustain
EFL 4.2.10 quiz a apartner.
conversational excha
unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given ••Recording carrying out a collaborative/paired
synonyms and antonyms of learn
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1,Conversation:
J.4) Test Trouble
words in the margins of reading texts.instructions
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in short straightforward ••Writing new words and phrases in a
spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when the message is delivered slowly and there is vocabulary notebook.
other contextual support. (Example: rules for a game, classroom instructions, a dialogue in a ••Looking at a map or GPS and writing the
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can use other classmate’s contributions in class as directions to get from one place to an­other.
models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple Listening to or reading stories and drawing
transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, an important scene.
J.4) ••Looking at the title of a text and
accompanying illustrations and writing
three ques­tions about the topic. Then
reading to find the answers to the
coun­try, and taking notes on the cultural
practices mentioned.
••Sharing a cross-cultural experience (such
as traveling, trying a new food, meeting
someone from another country) in pairs or
as a class.

Recording in-class conversations and

dialogues in order to make note of correct
and appropriate language usage and
Language tips: The Usage of Eitherintelligibility.
– Cheering People Up
••Having learners make a selfie video to
say what they know about a topic before
coming to class. Observing that they can
3. Reading say what they want without too many long
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts
on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant information in a text. pauses.
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short
EFL 4.3.2classmates
Make use to of repeat an answer
clues such or
as titles,
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or statement if needed to clarify something.
and layout, etc. to identify and understand
print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant (Example:
appropriateCan textyou say that again? Do you
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4) mean _____?, etc.)
••Asking for help in class when necessary.
Reading: Bedroom Classroom
(Example: What’s the answer? How do
you say ___? Do you have an eraser? Can
you help me with ____?, etc.)
past, campus, online, growing,••Showing
rent, travel,theoffer
student a video clip of a
simple situation and asking them to
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple describe what is happening/has happened.
4. Writing
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while (Example: The boy’s crying because he
recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these can’t find his dog. The girl is helping him
features appropriately in one’s own writing. look
EFLfor theConvey
4.4.1 dog. They can’t findand
information it, etc.)
ideas t
texts ona familiar
mingle activity
ICT tools
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in ask and answer survey questions about
appropriate af­
to audi
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, ter school activities. (Example: Do you
while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to useExam play chess? What activities do you do after
these Tips
Writing: school?, etc.) Observing to see whether
features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
each student’s questions and answers are
understandable by other learners and if
Vocabulary: School
they use appropriate or new vocabulary

Grammar: The Simple Studying

Past an info graphic on a familiar
subject and answering questions about the
information. (Example: learners study an
info graphic about teenagers and sleep and
5. Language
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively throughthen
in a variety the answer
Arts questions such as, How many
of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the hours a night do most teenagers get?, What
completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 of
percentage Participate
teens fall in creative
asleep thinking
in class?,
groups, games and problem-solving tasks b
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student of ideas and capitalize
••Highlighting relevanton other
key people’s in
information str
groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the completion of a text and crossing out irrelevant
activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4,Conversation:
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4) information.
Test Trouble
••Keeping a vocabulary notebook of
synonyms and antonyms of words from a
result, happen, either, improve, skill,••Completing
responsible, habit, lazy for a cross-
an outline
curricular text.
••Brainstorming everything known about a
Methodological Strategies topic and then reading a text to check true
and false information.
••Reading a letter to the editor and
evaluating the purpose and the
effectiveness of the message, using a
••Reading a text and matching content-
based words to their definition or picture.
••Taking notes of the most important ideas
in a short text on a familiar content subject
Unit No.: Unit 10

1. Talk about past events at school.

Specific objectives of the planning unit
2. Ask for and give information happy mem


1. Communication and Cultural Awareness

CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance using
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expre
appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
formal and informal social or academic si
intentions in online and face-to-face int
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to give and ask for information and assistance
promises, apologizing, asking permission,
using level-appropriate language and interaction styles in online or face-to-face social and
1. What is the happiest time of the year for you? greeting an autho
classroom interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
2. What do you do on your birthday?
3. How do you prepare for the lunar new year?
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts set in
Learn about
familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, other cultures,
and deduce respectoffor the traditions of others.
the meanings
unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable
conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided 2. Oralthere are
opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain conversational EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expres
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction. priority within the personal and educationa
slowly articulated. (Example: daily l
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational excha
contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of carrying out a collaborative/paired learn
unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given instructions
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1, Conversation:
J.4) The Big Party
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple
transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: askingLanguage
for clarification, etc.) (I.3,-J.3,
tips: Invitations The Usage of Be Able To

3. Reading
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts
on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant information in a text.
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or (Example: news about sports or famous pe
print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
Reading: The World’s Biggest Party

national, nation (country), celebrate (celebration), event, play, host, visitor (visit), cheer
across the globe.

Asking learners simple questions about

themselves, their family or their
possessions and noting that their response
time is relatively quick (i.e., not so slow
that the inter­action becomes uncomfortable
for the student or the teacher, and the
response is appropriate although there may
be some basic errors)
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple ••Asking learners to describe a picture of a
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, 4. Writing
while familiar scene and asking them to give full
recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these statements about what they can see.
features appropriately in one’s own writing. EFL 4.4.1 aConvey
(Example: picture information and There
of a classroom: ideas t
are ten students and one teacher. The tools
texts on familiar subjects using ICT
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in teacher is writing on the appropriate to audi
board. A boy’s
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, throwing paper, etc.)
while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability
Writing: to Invitation
use these ••Conducting
Letters a class survey where learners
features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2) ask each other about a familiar topic and
record each other’s answers. (Example:
Vocabulary: PartiesWhat’s your favorite sport? Do you have a
fa­vorite team? What sports do you play?
Are you good at it?, etc.) Sharing a few
things about their classmates’ answers.
Grammar: Expressing Time Sam is an Emelec fan. He loves
soccer but he isn’t good at it. He is the
only Emelec fan in our class. Everyone in
our class plays soccer, etc.)
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a variety the Arts
5. Language through
of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the
completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking
Thinking about questions the learner still
groups, games and problem-solving tasks b
has about a subject after reading a text,
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student of ideas and capitalize on other people’s str
then finding the information using a
groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the completion of
variety of reference skills and digital tools.
activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, The
Conversation: J.4) Big Party
••Reading a text about how to find reliable
and relevant online resources and under­
lining key information.
wedding, arrive, book, band, formal, dress, suit, relative,anattend
informational web
site to another learner.
••Creating a class list of reliable sources of
information and publishing it online or
Methodological Strategies
displaying it on a poster in class.
••Reading an online text, determining if
the information is reliable and giving
Unit No.: Unit 11 reasons for why or why not.
••Finding a reliable source to back up a
1. Identify two
••Identifying parts verbs.
statements that use
Specific objectives of the planning unit
2. Talk about jobs and responsibilities.
exaggeration or hyperbole (rather than true
facts) to sway the reader’s opinion.
(Example: I can’t help you because I have
a million things to do today, etc.)

1. Communication and Cultural Awareness

Watching a video about a controversial
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance using topic
EFL and writing
4.1.8 a short vocabulary,
Use suitable response giving
appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions. your own opinion.
formal and informal social or academic si
••Listening to in
intentions a celebrity
online andinterview and int
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to give and ask for information and assistance writing three more interview questions.
promises, apologizing, asking permission,
using level-appropriate language and interaction styles in online or face-to-face social and ••Writing your own answers to interview
greeting an autho
classroom interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3) questions.
••Writing an email to a friend about a
movie you saw.
••Looking at a picture and writing a
description of what you see or how it
makes you feel, then comparing
descriptions in pairs.
••Watching a video about a natural disaster
and writing a blog entry asking for peo­ple
to help with donations.
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts set in
familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, and deduce 1. Dothe
you have much
meanings of free time?
unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or 2. Is prior
it a good idea to work and study at the same time?
CE.EFL.4.7. Listening for Information: Follow and identify some 3. main
kind and
of part-time
details injob would you like to have?
and straightforward spoken or audio texts set in familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and
with visuals to provide contextual support. Use spoken contributionsResponsibility,
in class as models for one’s
financial planning. Work ethic.
own speech.
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable EFL 4.2.1Understand phrases and expres
conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided there are priority within the personal and educationa
opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain2.conversational
Oral Communicationslowly articulated. (Example: daily l
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction. EFL 4.2.3. Follow and understand short, s
main idea/dialogue of a movie or cartoo
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday presentations) if delivered slowly and visu
contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of an announcement of a bus delay, an inter
unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given supported by facial expressions/gestu
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1,Conversation:
J.4) EFL
Bad Boss? 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational excha
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in short straightforward carrying out a collaborative/paired learn
spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when the message is delivered slowly and there is instructions
other contextual support. (Example: rules for a game, classroom instructions, a dialogue in a
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can use other classmate’s Language tips: Two-Part
contributions in classVerbs
as - Not.. . At All
models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple 3. Reading
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
transaction, using comprehension
a range of of main
repair strategies. ideas and
(Example: some
asking fordetails in shortetc.)
clarification, simple
J.3, EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short
on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues
J.4) to identify relevant information in a text. (Example: news about sports or famous pe
EFL 4.3.2. Make use of clues such as titles
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or
and layout, etc. to identify and understand
print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant
appropriate text types.
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
Reading: Part-Time Jobs of the Stars

CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe Forfeelings

example,and opinionssuccessful,
example, in simple leader, simple, carried, lead to
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while
recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these
features appropriately in one’s own writing.
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of4.facts Writing
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas t
details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a range of digital
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools
tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity.
appropriate to audi
EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of pre-writi
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in
proofreading (i.e., “the writing process”) t
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience,
while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use
Writing: these a Job
features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and organize information through the use of facts and details
and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a range of digital tools to
promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, Vocabulary:
J.2, J.4) Work

Grammar: Causative Verbs

(Example: Can you say that again? Do you
mean _____?, etc.)
••Asking for help in class when necessary.
(Example: What’s the answer? How do
you say ___? Do you have an eraser? Can
you help me with ____?, etc.)
••Establishing a clear expectation of
English use for classroom functions.
(Example: greeting, requesting, thanking,
asking for repetition / clarification, giving
instruc­tions, offering help, comparing
answers, taking leave, etc.) Informal
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively 5. Language throughassessment
in a variety the Arts could involve personal notes
of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the from the teacher to learners who use L2
completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking
groups, games and problem-solving tasks b
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student of ideas and
Reading capitalize
a text on otherinformation
and answering people’s str
groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the completion of questions.
activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4,Conversation: J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
Bad ••Choosing
Boss? from a list of words to
complete gaps from a reading.
••Reading a short story from the Internet
and highlighting interesting facts, then
hate, uniform, trash, clean up, serve, handle, com­pown,
them with available
those of a partner.
••Predicting main ideas by reading the title
and using other contextual clues (e.g., illus
Methodological Strategies trations, subheadings, etc.)
••Reading a short news article and
completing an outline.
Unit No.: Unit 12 ••Reading a biography and putting events
on a time line.
••Reading a blog post and writing a
1. Talk about plan, trips around.
Specific objectives of the planning unit ••Reading a paragraph about a familiar
2. Talk about events that haven’t happened
content area subject and then correcting
incor­rect sentences. (Example: The United
is the country
ANDthat grows the most C
rice corn, etc.)
••Following the steps in a simple DIY
1. Communication and Cultural project. (Example: making a wind chime,
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance using creating a bird feeder from recycled items,
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts set in etc.) EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expre
familiar everyday language
contexts, and interaction
provided speech isstyles in a articulate,
clear and variety of social interactions.
and deduce the meanings of ••Putting
formal and informalinsocial
paragraphs a textorinacademic
the correctsi
unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge. intentions
order. in online and face-to-face int
I.EFL.4.4.1. Listening
CE.EFL.4.7. Learners can demonstrate an
for Information: ability
Follow to identify
and give andsome
ask for information
main ideas and and assistance
details in short promises, apologizing, asking permission,
using level-appropriate language and interaction styles in online or face-to-face
and straightforward spoken or audio texts set in familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and social and
greeting an autho
with visuals to provide contextual interactions.
support. Use spoken J.3, J.4, I.3) in1.class
(J.2,contributions Do you like to travel? Why or why not?
as models for one’s Watching a video about a controversial
2. How often do you go on vacation?
own speech. topictraveling?
and writing a short response giving
3. What's the best thing about
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable your own opinion.
conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided there are ••Listening to a celebrity interview and
opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and Appreciation for other countries
sustain conversational EFLand4.2.1
writing threeUnderstand
more interviewphrases and expres
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction. priority within the personal
••Writing your own answers to interviewand educationa
CE.EFL.4.9. Production – Fluency: Use simple language to describe, compare and make slowly
questions. articulated. (Example: daily l
statements about familiar everyday topics such as objects, possessions and routines 2. Oralin structured EFL
Communication 4.2.3. Follow and understand
••Writing an email to a friend about a short, s
situations and short conversations. Interaction is with reasonable ease, provided speech is given movie mainyou idea/dialogue
saw. of a movie or cartoo
clearly, slowly and directly. presentations)
••Looking if delivered
at a picture slowly and
and writing a visu
description of what you see or how an
an announcement of a bus delay, it inter
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday makessupported by facial
you feel, then comparing expressions/gestu
contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of EFL 4.2.10 in
descriptions Sustain
pairs.a conversational excha
unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given ••Watching carrying aout a collaborative/paired
video about a natural disaster learn
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, Conversation:
S.1, J.4) Summer Work and Play instructions
and writing a blog entry asking for peo­ple
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in short straightforward to help with donations.
spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when the message is delivered slowly and there is ••Making EFL 4.2.12 Describe
a poster habits,campaign
for a school routines, pato
other contextual support. (Example: rules for a game, classroom instructions, a dialogue in a increase awareness about personal and educ
animal cruelty.
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can use other classmate’s contributions in class as ••Writing a letter to a future learner.
models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4) (Example: to give advice about how to
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday survive the school year, to share your best
conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple study skills, etc.)
transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, ••Identifying the text type according to
J.4) writing features and vocabulary. (Example
I.EFL.4.9.1. Learners can use simple language to describe, compare and state facts about recognizing that a recipe has a section
familiar everyday topics such as possessions, classroom objects and routines in short, structured called “ingredients” and one called “direc­
situations, interacting with relative ease. (I.3, I.4, S.4)
Listening to a set of instructions and
matching them to the corresponding
••Listening to and following class
••Listening to a simple, straightforward
story and correcting false statements.
(Exam­ple: Veronica climbed a mountain
on her vacation – True, Veronica saw gray
dolphins – False, she saw pink dolphins,
Language tips:­The Usage of Yet -••Listening
­A Few Of to vs.aAshort
between two speakers and deciding who is
speak­ing, where they are and how they
3. Reading feel. (Example: two friends, on the phone,
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts talking about a sick friend, etc.)
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in s
on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant information in a text. ••Listening for specific words in a
(Example: news about sports or f
conversation and trying
EFL 4.3.2. Make use oftoclues
the as title
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or meaning from the context. (Example:
and layout, etc. to identify and understan
print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant understanding that How’s it going? is a
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4) greeting that means How are you?, etc.)
Reading: The First Hotel in••Watching
Outer Space a video clip and paraphrasing
the main idea. (Example: The girl is
having problems with her math homework
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas anduniquedescribe feelings
(special, and opinions
unusual), in simple
ride, rise, etc.) ordinary (common, average)
seat, probably,
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while ••Listening to a dialogue and writing the
recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these main idea and setting. (Example: Main
features appropriately in one’s own writing. idea: our school lunch, Setting: school
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of4.facts Writing
and cafeteria, etc.)
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas t
details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a range of digital ••Listening to a dialogue and completing a
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools
tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity. chart with key information. (Example:
appropriate to audi
Name, country, nationality,
EFL 4.4.7. Use the process language, etc.)
of pre-writi
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in
proofreading (i.e., “the writing process”) t
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience,
while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to useTravel
Writing: these Plans
features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and organize information through the use of facts and details Reading a short text and showing
and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a range of digital tools to comprehension by completing the
promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4,Vocabulary:
J.2, J.4) Travel
accompanying graphic organizer.
(Example: learners read about reptiles and
complete a Venn dia­gram, etc.)
Grammar: Future: Be ••Reading
Going To a text on a familiar content area
subject and then matching phrases or la­
beling pictures. (Example: learners read
about animals in the four regions of
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a variety the Arts
5. Language through
Ecuador and then label the animal with the
of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the
correct region, etc.)
completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative think
••Reading two short simple cross
groups, games and problem-solving tasks
curricular texts and using them to support
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student of ideas and capitalize on
one’s own argument or hypothesis.
groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the completion of
••Reading about a topic and then
activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2,Summer
Conversation: J.3, J.4)Work and Play
identifying reference materials and sources
that could be used to find out more
••Using apick,
sure, vacation, terrific, tour, independent, contact, list to choose
check out,the best sources for
finding information on a topic.
••Reading texts from different subject
areas and choosing the best title for each.
Methodological Strategies
••Underlining main ideas from texts and
then using them to write questions the
learner has about the topic.
••Thinking of questions about a topic and
then using the Internet and other sources to
find the answers.
••Reading a short text about a topic,
watching an accompanying video clip and
then listening to someone talk about the
topic, in order to write a summary of what
is understood.
••Reading a range of texts from subject
areas and finding and defining common
6. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEBGRAPHY (Use APA VI edition norms.)
Ministry of Education. (2016, Septiembre 03). Currículo. English as a Foreign Language. Retrieved from Ministerio de Educación:
RESOURCES: Outstanding Student book 1. Live ABC, Interactive DVD-ROM, Workbook, Teacher`s guide, flashcards, Teacher`s
resource CD. Outstanding - http:// outstanding-cam.liveabc. Com



Signature: Signature:

Date: April, 2024 Signature:

DINCU- Coordinación de Lengua Extranjera 2015 (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)

bart ACADEMIC YEAR: 2024 - 2025

ade/Course: Level:

Basic General Education – A1


class Total periods

40 weeks 144 hours

er socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and

maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure
the national
main ideasandofcultural
texts, in order to produce level-appropriate critical
range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to
and contexts.
s further
ate (language)
and value Englishlearning and practicelanguage
as an international opportunities. Respect themselves
and a medium to interact and
mmunication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible
creative and critical thinking skills when encountering challenges in order to
quite clearly,
s learning andconfidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal
decision making.
a limited but effective command
descriptive and informative texts of related
the spoken language
to personal information or familiar
king, reading and writing to develop the ability
as a means of communication and written expression to useofthe English language.
ken awareness, respect text
written literary and tolerance
in Englishtowards
such as other
poems,cultures and ideas.
short stories, comic strips,
les of
andourselves, bodieson
oral interviews andfamiliar
belongings, takeincare
subjects fortoourselves
order andand
inspire oral others.
ch as responsibility, honesty, respect, love, peace, justice and critical thinking
Name of Unit: Man's Best Friends

Describe what is a perfect pet.

Discriminate between actions that we should or could do.


al 4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate an appreciation of some commonalities and
inctions across cultures and groups (differentiated by gender, ability, generations,
etc.) including the students own.
FL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and interaction styles for
rmal and informal social or academic situations in order to communicate specific
intentions in online and face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking, making
f pets doapologizing,
omises, you have? asking permission, chatting with friends, answering in class,
What's the worst thing?
greeting an authority figure, etc.)
ite? Why?

rd our pets

FL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
ority within the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
L 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific
instructions for a task.
ct Pet

ts - Should vs. Could

L 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.

ample: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)


me (at any time), spend

them to the class using digital tools.
eading a list of actions people take and
luating and discussing the consequenc­
on others (including on the
imulating desirable social behaviors
ough role play activities.

tening to a set of instructions and

ching them to the corresponding
istening to and following class
istening to a simple, straightforward
L 4.4.1correcting
y and Convey information and ideas through simple transactional or expository
false statements.
xts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conventions and features of English
am­ple: Veronica climbed a mountain
her vacation – True, Veronica sawtogray
audience and purpose.
phins – False, she saw pink dolphins,
istening to a short conversation
ween two speakers and deciding who is
ak­ing, where they are and how they
. (Example: two friends, on the phone,
ing about a sick friend, etc.)
istening for specific words in a
initives and trying to guess the
aning from the context. (Example:
erstanding that How’s it going? is a
e Artsthat means How are you?, etc.)

L 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstorming, working in

ups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
ading a text and answering information
deas and capitalize on other people’s strengths.
hoosing from a list of words to
ct Pet gaps from a reading.
eading a short story from the Internet
highlighting interesting facts, then
nt, yard,them with
panda, those of a partner.
redicting main ideas by reading the title
using other contextual clues (e.g., illus­
ions, subheadings, etc.) Time in
6 weeks
eading a short news article and Weeks
mpleting an outline.
eading a biography and putting events
a time line. Name of Unit: Daily Life
eading a blog post and writing a
Ask for help, thanking and responding in everyday life.

tching a video about a controversial

ic and writing a short response giving
r own opinion.
istening to a celebrity interview and
ting three more interview questions.
al Awareness
Writing your own answers to interview
Writing an email
EFL 4.1.5 to aself-correcting
Apply friend about aand self-monitoring strategies in social and
vie you saw.
classroom interactions. (Example: asking questions, starting over, rephrasing,
ooking at a picture andalternative
exploring writing a pronunciations or wording, etc.)
cription of what you see or how it
kes you feel, then comparing
criptions in pairs.
Watching a video about a natural disaster
writing a blog entry asking for peo­ple
elp with donations.
do you spend doing it?


FL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
ority within the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
EFL 4.2.6 Use other students’ contributions in class as models for their own.
L 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific
! instructions for a task

king and Responding

EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.
(Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
FL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, illustrations, organization, text outline
and layout, etc. to identify and understand relevant information in written level-
appropriate text types.
an Astronaut

e, aircraft), feel like + V-ing/N

L 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple transactional or expository

xts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conventions and features of English
appropriate to audience and purpose.

nagers talking about an assignment.
ey circle the verbs they hear, etc.)
istening to a dialogue between two or
re people and deciding if each
ement is true or false. (Example: Julia
nts to call her mother – True. Ms.
nton gives her permission to use the
phone in class – False, etc.)
Watching a short video and writing three
w things they learned. (Example: Sharks
n’t mammals. They are fish. Sometimes
ye attack
Arts humans, but not all sharks are
gerous. Their teeth can grow back, etc.)
EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstorming, working in
oups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
of ideas and capitalize on other people’s strengths.
ading a short text and showing
mprehension by completing the
!ompanying graphic organizer.
ample: learners read about reptiles and
mplete a Venn dia­gram, etc.)
up, a text
travel, on a familiar
anyone, finishedcontent area
ject and then matching phrases or la­
ng pictures. (Example: learners read
ut animals in the four regions of Time in
6 weeks
uador and then label the animal with the Weeks
rect region, etc.)
eading two short simple cross
ricular texts andName of them
using Unit:to support On Campus
’s own argument or hypothesis.
eading about a topic and then
ntifying thereference
word either to express
materials choices.
and sources
Cheering people up.
could be used to find out more
sing a list to choose the best sources for
ding information on a topic.
eading texts from different subject
as and choosing the best title for each.
al Awareness
nderlining main ideas from texts and
n using them to write questions the
ner has about
L 4.1.1 Comparethe and
topic.contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature from
Ecuador of and
questions about aregions
international topic and
and cultures and identify similarities and
n using the Internetdifferences
and other sources to
and universal cultural themes.
d the answers.
y or why not?
kingfor you? in small groups of new
you?and expressions in order to display
he classroom.
futurea variety of online references to
ctice a grammar structure, then recom­
nding the best one to the class.
sing new words or information from a
ss 4.2.1 and
creatingphrases andgame
an online expressions
to related to areas of most immediate
ority within the personal and educational
ctice them, then sharing and playing the domains, provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated. (Example:
me with the rest of the class. daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
EFL 4.2.6 Use other students’
Making flashcards for new words and contributions in class as models for their own.
L 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational
ng them to quiz a partner. exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when
carrying out a collaborative/paired
ecording synonyms and antonyms of learning activity in which there are specific
ublein the margins of reading texts.
rds for a task.
Writing new words and phrases in a
abulary notebook.
ooking at a map or GPS and writing the
ections to get from one place to an­other.

tening to or reading stories and drawing

mportant scene.
ooking at the title of a text and
ompanying illustrations and writing
ee ques­tions about the topic. Then
ding to find the answers to the
n­try, and taking notes on the cultural
ctices mentioned.
haring a cross-cultural experience (such
raveling, trying a new food, meeting
meone from another country) in pairs or

cording in-class conversations and

ogues in order to make note of correct
appropriate language usage and
Cheering People Up
aving learners make a selfie video to
what they know about a topic before
ming to class. Observing that they can
what they want without too many long
L 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.
Make use to of repeat an answer
clues such or illustrations, organization, text outline
as titles,
ement if needed to clarify something.
layout, etc. to identify and understand relevant information in written level-
ropriateCan textyou say that again? Do you
an _____?, etc.)
room for help in class when necessary.
ample: What’s the answer? How do
say ___? Do you have an eraser? Can
help me with ____?, etc.)
nt, travel,the
howing offer
student a video clip of a
ple situation and asking them to
cribe what is happening/has happened.
ample: The boy’s crying because he
’t find his dog. The girl is helping him
kLfor theConvey
4.4.1 dog. They can’t findand
information it, etc.)
ideas through simple transactional or expository
oingona familiar
xts mingle activity
ICT tools and conventions and features of English
and answer survey questions about
appropriate af­
to audience and purpose.
school activities. (Example: Do you
y chess? What activities do you do after
sool?, etc.) Observing to see whether
h student’s questions and answers are
erstandable by other learners and if
y use appropriate or new vocabulary

dying an info graphic on a familiar

ject and answering questions about the
ormation. (Example: learners study an
o graphic about teenagers and sleep and
ne answer
Arts questions such as, How many
rs a night do most teenagers get?, What
L 4.5.11 of
centage Participate
teens fall in creative
asleep thinking through brainstorming, working in
in class?,
) games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
deas and capitalize
ighlighting relevanton other
key people’s in
information strengths.
xt and crossing out irrelevant
eeping a vocabulary notebook of
onyms and antonyms of words from a
ompletinghabit, lazy for a cross-
an outline
ricular text.
rainstorming everything known about a
Time in
ic and then reading a text to check true 6 weeks
false information.
eading a letter to the editor and
luating the purpose and the
ectiveness of the message, using a
eading a text and matching content-
ed words to their definition or picture.
aking notes of the most important ideas
short text on a familiar content subject
Name of Unit: Happy Times

Talk about past events at school.

Ask for and give information happy memories and events


al Awareness
FL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and interaction styles for
rmal and informal social or academic situations in order to communicate specific
intentions in online and face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking, making
omises, apologizing, asking permission, chatting with friends, answering in class,
e year for you? greeting an authority figure, etc.)
nar new year?

e traditions of others.

FL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
ority within the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
L 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific
instructions for a task.

ge of Be Able To

L 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.

ample: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)

est Party

nt, play, host, visitor (visit), cheer

oss the globe.

king learners simple questions about

mselves, their family or their
sessions and noting that their response
e is relatively quick (i.e., not so slow
the inter­action becomes uncomfortable
the student or the teacher, and the
ponse is appropriate although there may
some basic errors)
sking learners to describe a picture of a
miliar scene and asking them to give full
ements about what they can see.
L 4.4.1 aConvey
ample: picture information and There
of a classroom: ideas through simple transactional or expository
ten students and one teacher. The tools and conventions and features of English
on familiar subjects using ICT
cher is writing on the appropriate to audience and purpose.
board. A boy’s
owing paper, etc.)
onducting a class survey where learners
each other about a familiar topic and
ord each other’s answers. (Example:
at’s your favorite sport? Do you have a
orite team? What sports do you play?
you good at it?, etc.) Sharing a few
ngs about their classmates’ answers.
ample: Sam is an Emelec fan. He loves
cer but he isn’t good at it. He is the
y Emelec fan in our class. Everyone in
Artsplays soccer, etc.)

L 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstorming, working in

nking about questions the learner still
ups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
about a subject after reading a text,
deas and capitalize on other people’s strengths.
n finding the information using a
iety of reference skills and digital tools.
eading a text about how to find reliable
relevant online resources and under­
ng key information.
s, suit, relative,anattend
informational web
to another learner.
reating a class list of reliable sources of
ormation and publishing it online or Time in
6 weeks
playing it on a poster in class. Weeks
eading an online text, determining if
information is reliable and giving
sons for why or Name
whyof Unit:
not. Making Money
inding a reliable source to back up a
entifyingtwo parts verbs.
statements that use
Talk about jobs and responsibilities.
ggeration or hyperbole (rather than true
s) to sway the reader’s opinion.
ample: I can’t help you because I have
illion things to do today, etc.)

al Awareness
tching a video about a controversial
FL and
ic writing
4.1.8 a short vocabulary,
Use suitable response giving
expressions, language and interaction styles for
r own opinion.
rmal and informal social or academic situations in order to communicate specific
intentionsto in
a celebrity
online andinterview and interactions. (Example: thanking, making
ting three
omises, more interview
apologizing, asking questions.
permission, chatting with friends, answering in class,
Writing your own answers to interview
greeting an authority figure, etc.)
Writing an email to a friend about a
vie you saw.
ooking at a picture and writing a
cription of what you see or how it
kes you feel, then comparing
criptions in pairs.
Watching a video about a natural disaster
writing a blog entry asking for peo­ple
elp with donations.
at the same time?
you like to have?

g. Work ethic.
FL 4.2.1Understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
ority within the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly and
ionslowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
FL 4.2.3. Follow and understand short, straightforward audio messages and/or the
main idea/dialogue of a movie or cartoon (or other age-appropriate audio-visual
sentations) if delivered slowly and visuals provide contextual support. (Example:
n announcement of a bus delay, an intercom announcement at school, a dialogue
supported by facial expressions/gestures and appropriate intonation, etc.)
ss?4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific
instructions for a task.
Not.. . At All

L 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.

ample: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
L 4.3.2. Make use of clues such as titles, illustrations, organization, text outline
layout, etc. to identify and understand relevant information in written level-
ropriate text types.
the Stars

simple, carried, lead to

L 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple transactional or expository

xts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conventions and features of English
appropriate to audience and purpose.
EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of pre-writing, drafting, revising, peer editing and
oofreading (i.e., “the writing process”) to produce well-constructed informational

ample: Can you say that again? Do you
an _____?, etc.)
sking for help in class when necessary.
ample: What’s the answer? How do
say ___? Do you have an eraser? Can
help me with ____?, etc.)
stablishing a clear expectation of
glish use for classroom functions.
ample: greeting, requesting, thanking,
ing for repetition / clarification, giving
ruc­tions, offering help, comparing
wers, taking leave, etc.) Informal
e Arts could involve personal notes
m the teacher to learners who use L2
L 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstorming, working in
ups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
deas and
ading capitalize
a text on otherinformation
and answering people’s strengths.
hoosing from a list of words to
mplete gaps from a reading.
eading a short story from the Internet
highlighting interesting facts, then
m­ , pown,
them with available
those of a partner.
redicting main ideas by reading the title
using other contextual clues (e.g., illus­
Time in
ions, subheadings, etc.) 6 weeks
eading a short news article and
mpleting an outline.
eading a biography Name and putting events On the Road
of Unit:
a time line.
eading a blog post and writing a
Talk about plan, trips around.
Talk abouta paragraph
events that about a familiar
haven’t happened yet.
tent area subject and then correcting
or­rect sentences. (Example: The United
is the country
corn, etc.)
ollowing the steps in a simple DIY
al (Example: making a wind chime,
ating a bird feeder from recycled items,
FL) 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and interaction styles for
rmal and
utting informalinsocial
paragraphs a textorinacademic
the correct situations in order to communicate specific
er. in online and face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking, making
omises, apologizing, asking permission, chatting with friends, answering in class,
or why not? greeting an authority figure, etc.)
tching a video about a controversial
and writing a short response giving
r own opinion.
and culturesto a celebrity interview and
more interview phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
ority within the personal
Writing your own answers to interview and educational domains, provided speech is clearly and
stions. articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
ion 4.2.3. Follow and understand
Writing an email to a friend about a short, straightforward audio messages and/or the
main idea/dialogue
vie you saw. of a movie or cartoon (or other age-appropriate audio-visual
sentations) if delivered
ooking at a picture and writing a slowly and visuals provide contextual support. (Example:
announcement of a bus delay,
of what you see or how it an intercom announcement at school, a dialogue
supported by facial
kes you feel, then comparing expressions/gestures and appropriate intonation, etc.)
L 4.2.10 Sustain
criptions in pairs. a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when
carrying aout
Watching a collaborative/paired
video about a natural learning activity in which there are specific
k and Play
writing a blog entry asking instructions
for peo­ple for a task.
elp with donations.
EFL 4.2.12
Making Describe
a poster habits,campaign
for a school routines, past
to activities and experiences within the
rease awareness about animal cruelty. and educational domains.
Writing a letter to a future learner.
ample: to give advice about how to
vive the school year, to share your best
dy skills, etc.)
entifying the text type according to
ting features and vocabulary. (Example:
ognizing that a recipe has a section
ed “ingredients” and one called “direc­
tening to a set of instructions and
ching them to the corresponding
istening to and following class
istening to a simple, straightforward
y and correcting false statements.
am­ple: Veronica climbed a mountain
her vacation – True, Veronica saw gray
phins – False, she saw pink dolphins,
Few Of to
istening vs.aAshort
ween two speakers and deciding who is
ak­ing, where they are and how they
. (Example: two friends, on the phone,
EFL about
4.3.1a Understand
sick friend, main
etc.) points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.
istening for specific
(Example: words
news aboutin sports
a or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
versation and trying to guess the
FL 4.3.2. Make use of clues such as titles, illustrations, organization, text outline
and from etc.
layout, the context. (Example:
to identify and understand relevant information in written level-
erstanding that How’s it going? is a
appropriate text types.
eting that means How are you?, etc.)
uter Space
Watching a video clip and paraphrasing
main idea. (Example: The girl is
ing problems with her math homework,
y,) ordinary (common, average)
istening to a dialogue and writing the
n idea and setting. (Example: Main
a: our school lunch, Setting: school
L 4.4.1etc.)
Convey information and ideas through simple transactional or expository
istening to a dialogue
xts on familiar and
subjects completing
using ICT tools a and conventions and features of English
rt with key information. (Example:
appropriate to audience and purpose.
me,EFLcountry, nationality,
4.4.7. Use language,
the process etc.)
of pre-writing, drafting, revising, peer editing and
oofreading (i.e., “the writing process”) to produce well-constructed informational

ading a short text and showing

mprehension by completing the
ompanying graphic organizer.
ample: learners read about reptiles and
mplete a Venn dia­gram, etc.)
ng To a text on a familiar content area
ject and then matching phrases or la­
ng pictures. (Example: learners read
animals in the four regions of
uador and then label the animal with the
rect region, etc.)
EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstorming, working in
eading two short simple cross
oups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
ricular texts and using them to support
of ideas and capitalize on other people’s strengths.
’s own argument or hypothesis.
eading about a topic and then
and Playreference materials and sources
could be used to find out more
sing apick,
tact, list to choose
check out,the best sources for
ding information on a topic.
eading texts from different subject
as and choosing the best title for each. Time in
6 weeks
nderlining main ideas from texts and Weeks
n using them to write questions the
ner has about the topic.
hinking of questions about a topic and
n using the Internet and other sources to
d the answers.
eading a short text about a topic,
ching an accompanying video clip and
n listening to someone talk about the
ic, in order to write a summary of what
eading a range of texts from subject
as and finding and defining common
rom Ministerio de Educación:

`s guide, flashcards, Teacher`s



nature: Signature:

nature: Signature:

C-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)




Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:

Weeks Periods Start End

Joe Murillo English 9no. 3 24

2. Unit Plan Unit No. Unit 1

Unit Title Man's Best Friends

1. Describe what is a perfect pet.

2. Discriminate between actions that we should or could do.

Man's Best Friends

Transversal Axes Love and responsibility toward our pets

CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate an
appreciation of commonalities between cultures as well
the consequences of one’s actions while exhibiting
socially responsible behaviors.
Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give
information and assistance using appropriate language
EFL 4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate an appreciation of some commonalities an
and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
1. Communication across culturesAwareness
Cultural and groups (differentiated by gender, ability, generatio
etc.) including the students own.
I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name similarities and
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and interaction styles f
differences between different aspects of cultural groups.
formal and informal social or academic situations in order to communicate specif
Learners can demonstrate socially responsible
1. Do you have any pets? What kind ofand
pets do you have?
intentions in online face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking, making
behaviors at school, online, at home and inthe
2. What's thebest thing about having a pet? What's the worst thing?
promises, apologizing, asking permission, chatting with friends, answering in clas
community, and evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
3. Which animal is your favorite? Why? an authority figure, etc.)
and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to Love
give and responsibility toward our pets
and ask for information and assistance using level-
appropriate language and interaction styles in online or
face-to-face social and classroom interactions. (J.2, J.3,
J.4, I.3)
CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate an
appreciation of commonalities between cultures as well
as the consequences of one’s actions while exhibiting
socially responsible behaviors.
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give
information and assistance using appropriate language
and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
2. 4.2.1
Oral Understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediat
priority within the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly a
I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name similarities and
slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
differences between different aspects of cultural groups.
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject wh
Learners can demonstrate socially responsible
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific
behaviors at school, online, at home and in the Conversation: The Perfect Pet instructions for a task.
community, and evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners
CE.EFL.4.11. can demonstrate
Demonstrate comprehension anLanguage
of maintotips:
giveDirect and Indirect Objects - Should vs. Could
and ask for information and assistance using
ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar level-
subjects, language
making use of and interaction
contextual styles
clues in online or
to identify 3. Reading
relevant social and
information in classroom
a text. interactions. (J.2, J.3,
J.4, I.3) EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects.
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and (Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
some details in short simple online or print texts on
familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify Reading: Want a Bigger Pet?
the CE.EFL.4.15. Express information
most relevant information. (Example: andtitle,
ideas and
describe feelings
illustrations, and opinions
organization, in simple
etc.) (I.2, transactional
or expository texts on familiar subjects in order teenager,
to human, treat, wild, anytime (at any time), spend
influence an audience, while recognizing that different
texts have different features and showing the ability to 4. Writing
use these features appropriately in one’s own writing.
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple transactional or exposito
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conventions and features of Englis
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and
appropriate to audience and purpose.
ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple
transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in Writing: Animal Profiles
order to influence an audience, while recognizing that
different texts have different features and showing the Vocabulary: Pets
ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own
CE.EFL.4.22. Show writing.the(I.3, I.4, to
ability S.3, J.2)collaboratively
and to participate effectively in a variety of student Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives
groupings by employing a wide range of creative
thinking skills through the completion of activities such5. Language through the Arts
as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving.
EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstorming, working in grou
games and problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety of ide
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate
and capitalize on other people’s strengths.
effectively in a variety of student groupings by
employing a wide range of creative thinking skills Conversation: The Perfect Pet
through the completion of activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and problem solving. Toy,(S.2,
female, smart, train, apartment, yard, panda, cage
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments

Completing and illustrating statements Ministry of Education. Teacher's guide CD, Test folder- Unit tests – Unit test_B1U1.Student's
about socially responsible behaviors. (Ex­ (2016, Septiembre 03). book, Review 1.
ample: One thing I do to help the Currículo. English as a
environment is…, I can help people in my Foreign Language.
Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

Prepared by: Joe Murillo Revised by: Approved by:

Teacher: Joe Murillo Area Director: Vice-Principal:

signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: April, 2024 Date: Date:


DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


4 – 2025



Unit 1

ation of some commonalities and
ted by gender, ability, generations,
nts own.
anguage and interaction styles for
in order to communicate specific
s. (Example: thanking, making
g with friends, answering in class,
ure, etc.)
lated to areas of most immediate
ns, provided speech is clearly and
time, school activities, etc.)
a familiar, everyday subject when
vity in which there are specific

exts on familiar subjects.

criptions, etc.)

simple transactional or expository

nventions and features of English
d purpose.

brainstorming, working in groups,

ability to accept a variety of ideas
e’s strengths.


ests – Unit test_B1U1.Student's





5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
SCHOOL YEAR: 2024 – 2025
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start
Joe Murillo English 9no. 3 24
2. Unit Plan Unit No.
Unit Title Daily Life
1. Ask for help, thanking and responding in everyday life.

Daily Life

CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main

idea Transversal
in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is Create a good and healthy routine
clear and articulate, and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
2. UNIT PLAN phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
CE.EFL.4.7. Listening for Information: Follow and identify some main
and details in Interact withstraightforward
short and others using self-monitoring
CRITERIAspoken or audio and self-set in
correcting strategies as well as appropriate nonverbal
familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and with visuals to provide and oral
communication features. 1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
contextual support. Use spoken contributions in class as models for one’s EFL 4.1.5 Apply self-correcting and self-monitoring strategies
own speech. classroom interactions. (Example: asking questions, starting ove
CE.EFL.4.10. Learners can employ
Interaction a range ofParticipate
– Interpersonal: self-monitoring and self-
1. What
effectively in time do you get exploring
up? alternative pronunciations or wording, etc
familiar and strategies and conversational
predictable interpret and use appropriate
exchanges verbal
by asking and
2. and
What do you do everyday?
follow-up questions, features to communicate
provided 3. Do
there in familiar
areyou contexts.
do housework?
opportunities to useHow much time do you spend doing it?
repair strategies (e.g. asking for (I.3, Create a good and EFL
S.4, J.4) and sustain conversational
healthy Understand phrases and expressions related to are
immediate priority within the personal and educational domains, p
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a 2. simple
Oral Communication
is clearly and slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, s
EFL 4.2.6 Use other students’ contributions in class as models
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, eve
in familiar everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic ofConversation: Help!
when carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in wh
discussion, Demonstrate
CE.EFL.4.11. as well as deduce the meanings
comprehension of of unfamiliar
main ideas and
Language words
Askingand for Help - Thanking and Responding
specific instructions for a task
details through
in short simplethe useonoffamiliar
texts context subjects,
clues, provided
use of is given
slowly and
contextual clearly
clues and there
to identify is sufficient
relevant visualinsupport.
information a text. (I.3, S.1, J.4) 3. Reading
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in
short straightforward spoken audio texts setideas
in familiar contexts EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familia
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main and some detailswhen
the simple
short messageonline
is delivered
or printslowly
texts on and there issubjects,
familiar other contextual
using support. (Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
Reading: Everyday Training of an Astronaut
clues rules
to help for a the
identify game,
most classroom
relevant instructions,
information. a(Example:
dialogue in a scene
from a cartoon
illustrations, or movie,
organization, etc.)
etc.) Learners
(I.2, can astronaut,
I.4) use other classmate’s
step, basic, fly, airplane (plane, aircraft), feel like + V-ing/N
contributions in class as models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and 4. Writing
predictable everyday conversational exchanges in order to complete a
task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction, using a range of repair
strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and
opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts
have different features and showing the ability to use these features
appropriately in one’s own writing. EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple tran
expository texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conv
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe features of English appropriate to audience and purpo
feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on Writing: Blogs
familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizingVocabulary: Places
that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate
these features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2) Present Continuous
effectively in a variety of student groupings by employing a wide range
of creative thinking skills through the completion of activities
5. such as
Language through the Arts
playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstormin
groups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the abili
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of ideas and capitalize on other people’s streng
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative Conversation: Help!
thinking skills through the completiondoof the
dishes,such as alone,
show, playingwatch, until, pick up, travel, anyone, finished
games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments
Participating in short role plays using a range of verbal and Ministry of Education. Teacher's guide CD, Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
nonverbal communica­tion. (2016, Septiembre 03). test_B1U1.Student's book, Review 1.
Specification of Education Needs Currículo. English as a
Specification of the adapted material to be applied
Foreign Language.

Prepared by: Joe Murillo Revised by: Approved by:

Teacher: Joe Murillo Area Director: Vice-Principal:
signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: April, 2024 Date: Date:

DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)

YEAR: 2024 – 2025


Unit 2


g and self-monitoring strategies in social and

e: asking questions, starting over, rephrasing,
e pronunciations or wording, etc.)
es and expressions related to areas of most
onal and educational domains, provided speech
Example: daily life, free time, school activities,
ontributions in class as models for their own.
onal exchange on a familiar, everyday subject
ve/paired learning activity in which there are
instructions for a task

s in short simple texts on familiar subjects.

mous people, descriptions, etc.)

+ V-ing/N
n and ideas through simple transactional or
ubjects using ICT tools and conventions and
ppropriate to audience and purpose.

ve thinking through brainstorming, working in

ving tasks by showing the ability to accept a
pitalize on other people’s strengths.

s / Techniques / Instruments
Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
book, Review 1.
terial to be applied

Approved by:
SCHOOL YEAR:2024-2025

5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


SCHOOL YEAR: 2024 – 2025



Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start

Joe Murillo English 9no. 3 24

2. Unit Plan Unit No.

Unit Title On Campus

1. Apply the word either to express choices.
2. Cheering people up.
On Campus

Transversal Listening
Axes for Meaning: Understand and follow the main Likes and dislikes, plan the future
idea in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is
UNIT and articulate, and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
CE.EFL.4.1. phrases using context
Compare cluesoral
and contrast and/or prior knowledge.
traditions and literature from
Ecuador and Listening
in Information: CRITERIA
order to manifestFollow and identify some
ideas and details
relationship in short
between and straightforward
cultural perspectives and spoken or audio
practices and bytexts set in
familiar contexts, when delivered
cross culturalslowly 1. Communication
and with visuals
experiences. to provide and Cultural Awareness
contextual support. Use spoken contributions in class as models for one’s EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
own speech. from Ecuador and international regions and cultures and identify
I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and contrast oral traditions,
1. Do you myths,
like your school? Why or why not?
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in differences and universal cultural themes.
folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order
2. What's thetomost difficult subject for you?
familiar and predictable conversational exchanges
demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between 3. by asking and
Are grades important to you?
practices andfollow-up
Learners provided therecross-cultural
can share are opportunities toand
Likes usedislikes, plan the future
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expressions related to are
repair strategies
while naming (e.g. universal
asking forcultural
themes. and sustain
(I.2, conversational
S.1, S.2, J.1) immediate priority within the personal and educational domains, p
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a 2. simple
Oral Communication
is clearly and slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, s
EFL 4.2.6 Use other students’ contributions in class as models
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, eve
in familiar everyday contexts and infer changes in the topicConversation: of Test Trouble
when carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in wh
discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
Language tips: specific
Up instructions for a task.
exchanges throughDemonstrate
the usecomprehension
of context clues, of provided
main ideas and
speech isThe
some given Usage of Either – Cheering People
slowly in and
simpleand texts on is
there familiar subjects,
sufficient visualmaking
support.use of S.1, J.4)
contextual cluesLearners
to identify 3. Reading
I.EFL.4.7.1. canrelevant
the main idea in and
a text.
some details in
short straightforward spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familia
the messageLearners
is deliveredcan slowly
understand main isideas
and there otherand some details
contextual EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, illustrations, organizat
for or print texts
a game, on familiar
classroom subjects,a dialogue
instructions, using contextual
in a scene
Reading: Bedroomand layout, etc. to identify and understand relevant information in
cluesfromto help identify
a cartoon or the mostetc.)
movie, relevant information.
Learners (Example:
can use other title,
classmate’s appropriate text types.
illustrations, organization,
contributions in class etc.) (I.2, I.4)for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
as models
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and
predictable everyday conversational exchanges in order to complete a
task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction, using a range of repair
strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and
opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar
past, campus,subjects
online, growing, rent, travel, offer
in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts
have different features and showing the ability to use these features 4. Writing
appropriately in one’s own writing. EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple tran
expository texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conv
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe features of English appropriate to audience and purpo
feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on Writing: Exam Tips
familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing
that different texts have different features and showing the ability toVocabulary:
use School
these features
CE.EFL.4.22. appropriately
Show the ability in
to one’s
work own writing. (I.3,
collaboratively andI.4,
to S.3, J.2)
Grammar: The Simple Past
effectively in a variety of student groupings by employing a wide range
of creative thinking skills through the completion of activities 5. such as
Language through the Arts
playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstormin
groups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the abili
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of ideas and capitalize on other people’s streng
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative Conversation: Test Trouble
thinking skills through the completion of activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, result,
J.1, J.2,either, improve, skill, responsible, habit, lazy
J.3, J.4)
Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments
Finding recipes from other cultures and regions and then Ministry of Education. Teacher's guide CD, Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
sharing them in class. (2016, Septiembre 03). test_B1U1.Student's book, Review 1.
Currículo. English as a
Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
Foreign Language.

Prepared by: Joe Murillo Revised by: Approved by:

Teacher: Joe Murillo Area Director: Vice-Principal:

signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: April, 2024 Date: Date:


DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


YEAR: 2024 – 2025




Unit 3


oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature

gions and cultures and identify similarities and
d universal cultural themes.

es and expressions related to areas of most

onal and educational domains, provided speech
Example: daily life, free time, school activities,
ontributions in class as models for their own.
onal exchange on a familiar, everyday subject
ve/paired learning activity in which there are
instructions for a task.

s in short simple texts on familiar subjects.

as titles, illustrations, organization, text outline
derstand relevant information in written level-
n and ideas through simple transactional or
ubjects using ICT tools and conventions and
ppropriate to audience and purpose.

ve thinking through brainstorming, working in

ving tasks by showing the ability to accept a
pitalize on other people’s strengths.

s / Techniques / Instruments
Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
book, Review 1.
terial to be applied

Approved by:




SCHOOL YEAR:2024-2025

5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


SCHOOL YEAR: 2024 – 2025



Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:

Weeks Periods Start

Joe Murillo English 9no. 3 24

2. Unit Plan Unit No.

Unit Title Happy Times

1. Talk about past events at school.

2. Ask for and give information happy memories and events

Happy Times

Transversal Axes Learn about other cultures, respect for the traditions of others.



CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and
assistance using appropriate language and interaction 1. Communication
styles in a variety and Cultural Awareness
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and in
of social interactions.
for formal and informal social or academic situations in order to
specific intentions in online and face-to-face interactions. (Exam
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to give and ask for
making promises, apologizing, asking permission, chatting w
information and assistance using level-appropriate1.language andhappiest time of the year for you?
What is the
answering in class, greeting an authority figure, etc
interaction styles in online or face-to-face social and classroom
2. What do you do on your birthday?
interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3) 3. How do you prepare for the lunar new year?
Learn about other cultures, respect for the traditions of others.
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main
idea in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is
clear and articulate, and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in
familiar and predictable conversational exchanges by asking and
answering follow-up questions, provided there are opportunities to use
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expressions related to are
2. Oral Communication
repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain conversational
immediate priority within the personal and educational domains, p
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple
is clearly and slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, s
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, eve
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set
when carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in wh
in familiar everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic of
Conversation: The Big Party
specific instructions for a task.
discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given
Language tips: Invitations - The Usage of Be Able To
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.11. Learners can
Demonstrate effectively participate
comprehension in familiar
of main ideas and some and
details in shorteveryday conversational
simple texts on familiarexchanges in orderuse
subjects, making to complete
of a 3. Reading
task, satisfyclues
contextual a need or handlerelevant
to identify a simple transaction,
information inusing
a text.a range of repair
strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4) EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familia
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in (Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
short simple online or print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual
clues to help identify the most relevant information. (Example: title, The World’s Biggest Party
illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information national, nation
and ideas and(country), celebrate
describe feelings and(celebration), event, play, host, visitor (visit), cheer
opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts
4. Writing
have different features and showing the ability to use these features
appropriately in one’s own writing. EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple tran
expository texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conv
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe features of English appropriate to audience and purpo
feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on
Writing: Invitation Letters
familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing
that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use
these features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
Vocabulary: Parties

Grammar: Expressing Time

CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate
effectively in a variety of student groupings by employing a wide range
5. Language through the Arts
of creative thinking skills through the completion of activities such as
playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstormin
groups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the abili
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of ideas and capitalize on other people’s streng
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative
Conversation: The Big Party
thinking skills through the completion of activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
wedding, arrive, book, band, formal, dress, suit, relative, attend

Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments

Playing games that practice classroom language, turn- Ministry of Education. Teacher's guide CD, Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
taking, being polite, etc. (2016, Septiembre 03). test_B1U1.Student's book, Review 1.
••Comparing answers in pairs or small groups. Currículo. English as a
Foreign Language.
Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

Prepared by: Joe Murillo Revised by: Approved by:

Teacher: Joe Murillo Area Director: Vice-Principal:

signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: April, 2024 Date: Date:


DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


YEAR: 2024 – 2025




Unit 4

tions of others.


ry, expressions, language and interaction styles

r academic situations in order to communicate
face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking,
g, asking permission, chatting with friends,
greeting an authority figure, etc.)

es and expressions related to areas of most
onal and educational domains, provided speech
Example: daily life, free time, school activities,
onal exchange on a familiar, everyday subject
ve/paired learning activity in which there are
instructions for a task.

s in short simple texts on familiar subjects.

mous people, descriptions, etc.)

r (visit), cheer

n and ideas through simple transactional or

ubjects using ICT tools and conventions and
ppropriate to audience and purpose.

ve thinking through brainstorming, working in

ving tasks by showing the ability to accept a
pitalize on other people’s strengths.

s / Techniques / Instruments

Test folder- Unit tests – Unit

book, Review 1.
terial to be applied

Approved by:




SCHOOL YEAR:2024-2025

5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


SCHOOL YEAR: 2024 – 2025



Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start

Joe Murillo English 9no. 3 24

2. Unit Plan Unit No.

Unit Title Making Money

1. Identify two parts verbs.
2. Talk about jobs and responsibilities.
Making Money

CE.EFL.4.6. Axes for Meaning: Understand and follow the main
Listening Responsibility, financial planning. Work ethic.
idea in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is
clear and articulate, and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
Listening forthe
Information: ask for and
Follow andgive information
identify some main and
ideas using in
and details appropriate
short and language and interaction
straightforward spoken or1.styles
audio intexts
a variety
set in EFL
Communication 4.1.8 UseAwareness
and Cultural suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and in
familiar contexts, whenof social interactions.
delivered slowly and with visuals to provide for formal and informal social or academic situations in order to
contextual support. Use spoken contributions in class as models for one’s specific intentions in online and face-to-face interactions. (Exam
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate
own ability to give and1.ask Do for
you have much freepromises,
time? apologizing, asking permission, chatting w
information and
CE.EFL.4.10. assistance
Interaction using level-appropriate
– Interpersonal: Participate language
effectivelyandinto work and study at the same time?
2. Is it a good idea answering
EFL 4.2.1Understand in class,
phrases andgreeting an authority
expressions related tofigure, etc
areas of
familiar andstyles in online
predictable or face-to-face
conversational social
exchanges and
by classroom
3. What asking
kind ofandpart-time job would you like to have?
priority within the personal and educational domains, provided sp
answering follow-upinteractions. (J.2, J.3,there
questions, provided J.4, I.3)
are opportunities
Responsibility,to use
andplanning. Work ethic.
slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school a
repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain conversational
EFL 4.2.3. Follow and understand short, straightforward audio m
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a 2. simple
Oral Communication
the main idea/dialogue of a movie or cartoon (or other age-appr
visual presentations) if delivered slowly and visuals provide cont
(Example: an announcement of a bus delay, an intercom announce
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set
a dialogue supported by facial expressions/gestures and appropri
in familiar everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic Conversation:
of Bad Boss?
discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, eve
exchanges through the use of context clues, providedLanguage speech istips:
givenTwo-Part Verbs - Not.. . At All
when carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in wh
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
specific instructions for a task.
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in 3. Reading
short straightforward spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when
the message is delivered slowly and there is other contextual support.
(Example: rules for a game, classroom instructions, a dialogue in a scene
from a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can use other classmate’s
contributions in class as models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and
predictable everyday conversational exchanges in order to complete a
task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction, using a range of repair
strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some
details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of
to identify relevant information
information and ideas andin describe
a text. feelings and
opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familia
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learnersancan
in order to influence understand
audience, main
while ideas andthat
recognizing some details texts
different in (Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
short simple
have online
different or printand
features texts on familiar
showing subjects,
the ability using
to use thesecontextual
Reading: Part-Time Jobs of the Stars
clues to help identify the most relevant
appropriately information.
in one’s own writing. (Example: title,
illustrations, organization,
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an etc.) (I.2,
ability to I.4)
convey andFor organize
example, successful, leader, simple, carried, lead to
through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple tran
the writing process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and 4. Writing
expository texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conv
support collaboration, learning and productivity.
features of English appropriate to audience and purpo
EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of pre-writing, drafting, revising, pe
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe
proofreading (i.e., “the writing process”) to produce well-co
feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository textsWriting: on Finding a Job
informational texts.
familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing
that different texts have different features and showing the ability toVocabulary: use Work
these features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
CE.EFL.4.22. Show thecan
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners ability to work
convey collaboratively
and organize and tothrough
information participate
Grammar:the Causative Verbs
effectively in a variety of student groupings by employing
use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the writinga wide range
using skills through
a range the completion
of digital of activities
tools to promote such as
Language through the Arts
playing games, brainstorming and problem solving.
collaboration, learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4) EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstormin
groups, games and problem-solving tasks by showing the abili
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of ideas and capitalize on other people’s streng
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative Conversation: Bad Boss?
thinking skills through the completion of activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and problem solving.hate, (S.2,uniform,
S.4, J.1,trash, clean
J.2, J.3, J.4)up, serve, handle, own, worker, available
Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments
Collaborating on a group project. Ministry of Education. Teacher's guide CD, Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
••Completing group work in a fair and honest manner and (2016, Septiembre 03). test_B1U1.Student's book, Review 1.
accepting the group’s de­cisions. Currículo. English as a
Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
Foreign Language.

Prepared by: Joe Murillo Revised by: Approved by:

Teacher: Joe Murillo Area Director: Vice-Principal:

signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: April, 2024 Date: Date:


DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


YEAR: 2024 – 2025




Unit 5

k ethic.


ry, expressions, language and interaction styles

r academic situations in order to communicate
face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking,
g, asking permission, chatting with friends,
greeting an authority
expressions related tofigure, etc.)
areas of most immediate
ducational domains, provided speech is clearly
le: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.)
d short, straightforward audio messages and/or
vie or cartoon (or other age-appropriate audio-
slowly and visuals provide contextual support.
bus delay, an intercom announcement at school,
xpressions/gestures and appropriate intonation,
onal exchange on a familiar, everyday subject
ve/paired learning activity in which there are
instructions for a task.
s in short simple texts on familiar subjects.
mous people, descriptions, etc.)

n and ideas through simple transactional or
ubjects using ICT tools and conventions and
ppropriate to audience and purpose.
re-writing, drafting, revising, peer editing and
ing process”) to produce well-constructed
ormational texts.

ve thinking through brainstorming, working in

ving tasks by showing the ability to accept a
pitalize on other people’s strengths.


s / Techniques / Instruments
Test folder- Unit tests – Unit
book, Review 1.
terial to be applied

Approved by:




SCHOOL YEAR:2024-2025

5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)


SCHOOL YEAR: 2024 – 2025



Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:

Weeks Periods Start

Joe Murillo English 9no. 3 24

2. Unit Plan Unit No.

Unit Title On the Road

1. Talk about plan, trips around.

2. Talk about events that haven’t happened yet.

On the Road

Transversal Axes Appreciation for other countries and cultures



CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main
idea in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is
clear and articulate, and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and
CE.EFL.4.4. phrases using context
Demonstrate cluestoand/or
the ability ask forprior
give information and
CE.EFL.4.7. Listening for Information: Follow and identify some1. Communication
main and Cultural Awareness
assistance using appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety
ideas and details in short and straightforward
of social interactions. spoken or audio texts set in EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and
familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and with visuals to provide informal social or academic situations in order to communicate
contextual Use spoken
Learners contributions
can demonstrate in class
an ability toas models
give and askfor for
one’s face-to-face interactions. (Example: thanking, making promises
information and assistanceown usingspeech.
level-appropriate language and chatting with friends, answering in class, greeting an
interaction styles in online or face-to-faceParticipate
Interaction – Interpersonal: social andeffectively
classroom 1. in
Do you like to travel? Why or why not?
familiar and predictable conversational
interactions. I.3) by asking and2. How often do you go on vacation?
(J.2, J.3, J.4,
answering follow-up questions, provided there are opportunities to3.use What's the best thing about traveling?
repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain conversational
exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle aAppreciation simple for4.2.1
countries and cultures
EFL phrases and expressions related to areas o
the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly
CE.EFL.4.9. Production – Fluency: Use simple language to describe,
daily life, free time, school activities
compare and make statements about familiar everyday topics such as 2. Oral Communication
EFL 4.2.3. Follow and understand short, straightforward aud
objects, possessions and routines in structured situations and short
idea/dialogue of a movie or cartoon (or other age-appropriate
conversations. Interaction is with reasonable ease, provided speech is
delivered slowly and visuals provide contextual support. (Exam
given clearly, slowly and directly.
delay, an intercom announcement at school, a dialogue supported
appropriate intonation, etc.)
I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, ever
in familiar everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic of
discussion, as well as deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and Conversation:collaborative/paired
Summer Work andlearning
Play activity in which there are spe
exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given
EFL 4.2.12 Describe habits, routines, past activities and exper
slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
Language tips:­The Usage of Yet - ­A Few Of vs. A Few educational domains.
I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea and some details in
short straightforward spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when
the message is delivered slowly and there is other contextual support.
(Example: rules Demonstrate
for a game,comprehension of main ideas
classroom instructions, and some
a dialogue in a scene 3. Reading
detailsfrom in ashort simple
cartoon texts onetc.)
or movie, familiar subjects,
Learners making
can use otheruse of
contextual clues to identify
contributions in classrelevant
as models information in a text.
for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4) EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familia
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.)
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can
predictable everyday understand exchanges
conversational main ideasinand some
order to details
complete in a
EFL 4.3.2. Make use of clues such as titles, illustrations, organiza
short simple aonline
task, satisfy or handle
need or print texts on familiar
a simple subjects,
transaction, using
using contextual
a range of repair to identify and understand relevant information in written level-ap
to help identify the most
(Example: askingrelevant information.etc.)
for clarification, (Example:
(I.3, J.3,title,
illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4) Reading: The First Hotel in Outer Space
CE.EFL.4.15. Learners
Expresscan use simple
information language
and ideas andto describe,
describe compare
feelings and and
opinionsfactsinabout familiar
simple everyday
transactional ortopics such as
expository possessions,
texts on familiarclassroom
in objects
order toand routinesaninaudience,
influence short, structured situations, that
while recognizing interacting
have different features relative ease. (I.3,
and showing theI.4, unique
ability (special,
to use unusual), ride, rise, seat, probably, ordinary (common, average)
these features
appropriately in one’s own writing.
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information
through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of 4. Writing
the writing process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple trans
support collaboration, learning and productivity. familiar subjects using ICT tools and conventions and features o
and purpose.
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of pre-writing, drafting, revising, pe
feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on “the writing process”) to produce well-constructed
familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing Writing: Travel Plans
that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use
these features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and organize information through the
use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the writing
process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support
collaboration, learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)
Vocabulary: Travel

Grammar: Future: Be Going To

CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate

effectively in a variety of student groupings by employing a wide range5. Language through the Arts
of creative thinking skills through the completion of activities such as
playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking through brainstormin
problem-solving tasks by showing the ability to accept a variety
I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a people’s strengths.
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative
thinking skills through the completion of activities such as playing
Conversation: Summer Work and Play
games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

sure, vacation, terrific, tour, independent, contact, pick, check out, hope

Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments

Playing games that practice classroom language, turn- Ministry of Education. Teacher's guide CD, Test folder- Unit tests – Unit tes
taking, being polite, etc. (2016, Septiembre 03).
••Comparing answers in pairs or small groups. Currículo. English as a
••Working in small groups to complete a cultural project. Foreign Language.
(Example: different musical genres in Ecuador, traditional
food in Latin America,
Specification etc.) Needs
of Education Specification of the adapted material to be applied

Prepared by: Joe Murillo Revised by: Approved by:

Teacher: Joe Murillo Area Director: Vice-Principal:

signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: April, 2024 Date: Date:


DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)

YEAR: 2024 – 2025




Unit 6

ies and cultures


ary, expressions, language and interaction styles for formal and
ations in order to communicate specific intentions in online and
ple: thanking, making promises, apologizing, asking permission,
answering in class, greeting an authority figure, etc.)

nd expressions related to areas of most immediate priority within
ains, provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated. (Example:
life, free time, school activities, etc.)
rstand short, straightforward audio messages and/or the main
artoon (or other age-appropriate audio-visual presentations) if
ovide contextual support. (Example: an announcement of a bus
at school, a dialogue supported by facial expressions/gestures and
appropriate intonation, etc.)
nal exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when carrying out a
g activity in which there are specific instructions for a task.

outines, past activities and experiences within the personal and

A Feweducational domains.

s in short simple texts on familiar subjects. (Example: news about

ons, etc.)
h as titles, illustrations, organization, text outline and layout, etc.
t information in written level-appropriate text types.

(common, average)

n and ideas through simple transactional or expository texts on

and conventions and features of English appropriate to audience
and purpose.
re-writing, drafting, revising, peer editing and proofreading (i.e.,
s”) to produce well-constructed informational texts.
e thinking through brainstorming, working in groups, games and
ng the ability to accept a variety of ideas and capitalize on other
people’s strengths.

heck out, hope

s / Techniques / Instruments

Test folder- Unit tests – Unit test_B1U1.Student's book, Review 1.

terial to be applied

Approved by:




SCHOOL YEAR:2024-2025
5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)

Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9

Man's Best Friends Daily Life On Campus

Objectives Objectives Objectives

1. Describe what is a perfect pet.
1. Ask for help, thanking and responding in 1. Apply the word either to express
2. Discriminate between actions that we should or
everyday life. 2. Cheering people up.
could do.

Values Values Values

Love and responsibility toward our pets Create a good and healthy routine Likes and dislikes, plan the fu

Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Aw
1. Do you have any pets? What kind of pets do
1. What time do you get up?
you have? 1. Do you like your school? Why or
2. What do you do everyday?
2. What's the best thing about having a pet? 2. What's the most difficult subject
3. Do you do housework? How much time do you
What's the worst thing? 3. Are grades important to yo
spend doing it?
3. Which animal is your favorite? Why?

Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication

Expressions to learn Expressions to learn Expressions to learn
Say it Right Say it Right Say it Right
Listen Up Listen Up Listen Up
Conversation Conversation: The Perfect Pet Conversation Conversation: Help! Conversation
Language tips: Direct and
Language tips: Asking for Help -
Language tips Indirect Objects - Should vs. Language tips Language tips
Thanking and Responding

Reading Reading Reading

Reading: Want a Bigger Pet? Reading: Everyday Training of an Astronaut Reading: Bedroom Classroo
hippo, teenager, human, treat, everyday, astronaut, step, basic,
Vocabulary wild, anytime (at any time), Vocabulary fly, airplane (plane, aircraft), feel Vocabulary
spend like + V-ing/N

Writing Writing Writing

Writing: Animal Profiles Writing: Blogs Writing: Exam Tips
Words to Learn Words to Learn Words to Learn
Vocabulary Vocabulary: Pets Vocabulary Vocabulary: Places Vocabulary
Grammar Grammar Grammar
Grammar: Gerunds and
Grammar Grammar Grammar: Present Continuous Grammar

Language Trough the Arts Language Trough the Arts Language Trough the Art
Conversation Conversation: The Perfect Pet Conversation Conversation: Help! Conversation

Page 57

do the dishes, show, alone,

Toy, male, female, smart, train,
Vocabulary Vocabulary watch, until, pick up, travel, Vocabulary
apartment, yard, panda, cage
anyone, finished

Page 58

Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11

On Campus Happy Times Making Money

Objectives Objectives Objectives

1. Talk about past events at school.
1. Apply the word either to express choices. 1. Identify two parts verbs.
2. Ask for and give information happy memories
2. Cheering people up. 2. Talk about jobs and responsibilities.
and events

Values Values Values

Learn about other cultures, respect for the
Likes and dislikes, plan the future Responsibility, financial planning. Work ethic.
traditions of others.

Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness
1. Do you have much free time?
1. Do you like your school? Why or why not? 1. What is the happiest time of the year for you? 2. Is it a good idea to work and study at the same
2. What's the most difficult subject for you? 2. What do you do on your birthday? time?
3. Are grades important to you? 3. How do you prepare for the lunar new year? 3. What kind of part-time job would you like to

Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication

Expressions to learn Expressions to learn Expressions to learn
Say it Right Say it Right Say it Right
Listen Up Listen Up Listen Up
Conversation: Test Trouble Conversation Conversation: The Big Party Conversation Conversation: Bad Boss?

Language tips: The Usage of Language tips: Invitations - The Language tips: Two-Part Verbs -
Language tips Language tips
Either – Cheering People Up Usage of Be Able To Not.. . At All

Reading Reading Reading

Reading: Bedroom Classroom Reading: The World’s Biggest Party Reading: Part-Time Jobs of the Stars
national, nation (country), For example, example,
past, campus, online, growing,
Vocabulary celebrate (celebration), event, Vocabulary successful, leader, simple,
rent, travel, offer
play, host, visitor (visit), cheer carried, lead to

Writing Writing Writing

Writing: Exam Tips Writing: Invitation Letters Writing: Finding a Job
Words to Learn Words to Learn Words to Learn
Vocabulary: School Vocabulary Vocabulary: Parties Vocabulary Vocabulary: Work
Grammar Grammar Grammar
Grammar: The Simple Past Grammar Grammar: Expressing Time Grammar Grammar: Causative Verbs

Language Trough the Arts Language Trough the Arts Language Trough the Arts
Conversation: Test Trouble Conversation Conversation: The Big Party Conversation Conversation: Bad Boss?

Page 59

wedding, arrive, book, band, hate, uniform, trash, clean up,

result, happen, either, improve,
Vocabulary formal, dress, suit, relative, Vocabulary serve, handle, own, worker,
skill, responsible, habit, lazy
attend available

Page 60

Unit 11 Unit 12
Making Money On the Road

Objectives Objectives
ify two parts verbs. 1. Talk about plan, trips around.
jobs and responsibilities. 2. Talk about events that haven’t happened yet.

Values Values
nancial planning. Work ethic. Appreciation for other countries and cultures

n and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness

have much free time?
to work and study at the same 1. Do you like to travel? Why or why not?
time? 2. How often do you go on vacation?
art-time job would you like to 3. What's the best thing about traveling?

Communication Oral Communication

ressions to learn Expressions to learn
Say it Right Say it Right
Listen Up Listen Up
Conversation: Summer Work
Conversation: Bad Boss? Conversation
and Play
anguage tips: Two-Part Verbs - Language tips:­The Usage of Yet
Language tips
Not.. . At All - ­A Few Of vs. A Few

Reading Reading
rt-Time Jobs of the Stars Reading: The First Hotel in Outer Space
For example, example, unique (special, unusual), ride,
successful, leader, simple, Vocabulary rise, seat, probably, ordinary
carried, lead to (common, average)

Writing Writing
ng: Finding a Job Writing: Travel Plans
ords to Learn Words to Learn
Vocabulary: Work Vocabulary Vocabulary: Travel
Grammar Grammar
Grammar: Causative Verbs Grammar Grammar: Future: Be Going To

ge Trough the Arts Language Trough the Arts

Conversation: Summer Work
Conversation: Bad Boss? Conversation
and Play

Page 61

hate, uniform, trash, clean up, sure, vacation, terrific, tour,

serve, handle, own, worker, Vocabulary independent, contact, pick,
available check out, hope

Page 62

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