Impact of Facebook On Advertising

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Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on

enhancing customer purchase intention Impact of Face book on Advertising:
Analysis of effectiveness of...

Article · May 2021

DOI: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.05.806


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5 authors, including:

Rozina Imtiaz Malek Alsoud

PAF Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology Al-Ahliyya Amman University


Muhammad Sufyan Ramish Atif Aziz

PAF Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology Iqra University


All content following this page was uploaded by Atif Aziz on 20 May 2021.

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Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; Vol 20 (Issue 5): pp. 7130-7149
doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.05.806

Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of

Face book on enhancing customer purchase intention
Rozina Imtiaz, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
Malek Ahmad Salem Alsoud, Al Ahliyya Amman University
Muhammad Sufyan Ramish, Institute of Business Management.
Atif Aziz, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
Adnan Anwar, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology

Abstract- The emerging usage of Facebook advertisement is altering the businesses world in reaction to the
consumer’s need and desires. Facebook platform enables marketers to promote their brands in more tailored and
customized way. Social media advertisement is a fresh edition for the business promotion which globally the firms are
implemented as their new marketing practice. In Pakistan, social media advertisement is in its early stages. The
purpose of conducting this study is to investigate the impact of Facebook advertisement on Pakistani consumers
purchase intention.

This study has investigated the role of facebook advertisement in developing the brand image and the brand equity
which in turn influences consumers to buy the brand. All the constructs are adopted from previous research studies.
The key findings of this research is a)facebook advertisement has significant impact on brand image and brand equity
b)brand image and brand equity both significantly impacts purchase intention c)brand equity mediates the effect of
brand image on purchase intention. All the findings are consistent by the mean of model proposed. A total of 204
questionnaires were circulated amongst the face book users in Karachi. Data collected was examined by SPSS. It is
therefore suggested that the proposed model will be helpful for the Pakistani brands.

Keywords: facebook advertisement, brand image, brand equity, purchase intention

These days fast changes are taking place in all sectors, especially in marketing world, as day after day we
are witnessing latest ways of communication. Now media is classified as “traditional and non-
traditional”(ElAydi, 2018) . Unlike traditional medium, non-traditional medium allow customers to use SNS
websites to stay in contact with their kinfolk and friends and also let them gather & exchange information
and experiences, negative or positive related to brands”(ElAydi, 2018). Keeping in mind many global
brands have maintained social media teams so that they can supervise their social media customer better
(Nasseraldeen et al., 2017). Communication trends are shifting from one directional way to multi
directional communication(Watson et al., 2006). Social media provides a platform which enable the
consumers to freely share their fondness and experience about the brand, at the same time it influences
buying decision based on other social media user’s decisions (Dehghani, 2013). It is observed in researches
that unlike traditional marketing which enables the consumer to spread WOM among 7 to 10 consumers,
Social media allows to share the brand’s views and experiences with other consumers in no time(Mangold
& Faulds, 2009).The multi directional communication has been used by number of social media platform
and they get the success, this is why most of the brands are using these interactive social media platform
for their competitive advantage (Jensen & Vatrapu, 2014) . It is now known fact that sale of any brand highly
get influenced the way it is marketed by the brand, Social media has helped not only creating synergistic
medium for marketers but also has boosted up association with customers(Nasseraldeen et al., 2017).

Companies’ marketing strategies are getting change as the Social media platforms providing opportunities
in support of the brands to raise brand awareness among their customers(Johns & Perrott, 2008). Most of
the renowned companies are using these SNS platform in order to better understand the customers need
and want, they adopt it during the advertisement and marketing strategies accordingly(Keller, 2013).
Which is why companies are now more focus to conduct researches to better and efficient use of social
media sites(Johns & Perrott, 2008). Furthermore, Mutai(2012) in her study found that unlike traditional
media, social media is quite fast and is capable to spread the brand information instantaneously and
guaranteed a quick customer feedback. Mwaniki(2012) studied the effect of social media on business and
it was established that contrasting traditional media, social media is plays an important job in promoting

7130| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
business operations and open doors for the global opportunities. Social media like facebook enables brand
customers to get link effortlessly and extend their brands by sharing its “videos, posts, picture or
blogs”(Walker, 2006). Social media is getting more valuable platform for the marketers as it is not only
helping to interact with customers but also getting reason for their loyalty(Kim & Ko, 2012). Moreover,
studies have concluded brand’s SNS as more reliable for the consumers as compare to brand’s traditional
marketing tool (Karakaya & Barnes, 2010) and this is why brand managers consider SNS as more efficient
for brand communiqué (Smith et al., 2012). Unlike traditional marketing, social media marketing is about
relationships which helps in building brand image and eventually brand loyalty(Gordhamer, 2009). Keller
(1993) in his study stated that both “brand image and brand equity” are interrelated. Brand image is linked
with relations that the customers have in their memory for the brands and social media enabled the
creation of brand communities which eventually help brands in value creation for their
customers.(KOTLER & KEVIN LANE, 2012). As from marketing context, social media platform like facebook
is at present an important component of any company’s media mixes to change the mode of customers and
marketers (Milewicz & Saxby, 2013).It helps proposed latest opportunities to the potential customers.

Facebook is capable to acquire the better results on “productivities, competitive position and customer
value” in less time and budget, it perform an important role in making of any brand(ElAydi, 2018). Some
researchers debated that consumer buying decision process is getting transform as consumers like to
remain in online contact even after buying the brands(Edelman, 2010). Lim(2012) also declared social
media as an important factor while effecting customers buying decision process. Though multiple studies
have investigated impact of social media marketing (Palmer & Koenig-Lewis, 2009) but few have examined
the effect of social media on brand, from company point of view (Odhiambo & Adhiambo, 2012). And these
studies examined number of factors through which social media influences customer’s perception of the
brand, it included EWOM (Bambauer-Sachse & Mangold, 2011), online reviews (Karakaya & Barnes, 2010),
UGC (Muñiz & Schau, 2007), SNS advertisement(Bruhn et al., 2012). Many studies already conducted on
“social media communication” but till date few studies have been focused on how effective and beneficial
social media might be in developing brands image and brand equity. However, the most related study in
this context is done by Harris & Rae (2011), it is about building brand through social media. In Pakistan
nearly 48% of internet users used SNS atleast once a day(Gallup Pakistan, 2018) and last year SNS user
increased by 5.7% (Farooq, 2019). The statistic shows that about 92.06% of Pakistani SNS user are
Facebook users (AlphaPro, 2018).In this study we will discuss how SNS Facebook develop and uphold the
brand image which eventually influence the customer buying decision (Coelho et al., 2014).

The rational of this study is to examine the effect of facebook advertisement on brand awareness from
employer view point, and the relationship among these constructs. (Coelho et al., 2014). These days it is
quite common for a brand to have their own face book page or any other SNS to get close to their customers
and the observers claimed that such SNS is an interactive platform suitable for relationship among the
customers and brands(Nair, 2009).

To inspect the literature gaps delineated above, this study has developed the following research questions

1- How does face book advertisement influences brands image.

2- How does face book advertisement helps in spreading brand awareness among the FB users.
3- How face book advertisement influences purchasing decision of FB users.


Hierarchy of Effect Theory:

Lavidge and Sterner(1961) developed consumer model of advertising, is a model which elucidate
“consumer thought process” and “consumer decision making”. This theory based on the concept that
advertising is a lengthy procedure unlike the common view, that it stimulate customers instant act (Oyoo,
2016). The theory is established on order of six level namely “Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference,
Conviction and Purchase”. The theory claimed that the speed of going through this process vary audience
to audience as the processing speed depends on customer motivation level and product
attachment(Lavidge & Steiner, 1961). He considered that this assumption will facilitate the advertiser to
create more influential messages. This theory got effected by the renowned “Cognitive Affective and
Conative Psychology model”, both illustrate the behavioral aspect of decision making process proposed

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customer purchase intention
that humans foremost think , later on they create the feelings that in conclusion direct towards acting while
influenced by the motivation(Mabry, 2010).

For businesses it is important to spread marketing messages to the customers, conventional media in this
context is not sufficient as the media platform should be collaborative which results effective
communication (Gillin, 2010). These days traditional media is getting obsolete after the well recognition of
social media by the audiences and business (Odhiambo & Adhiambo, 2012). After the arrival of Web 2.0
technologies, Brands are using SNS for spreading the information and the promotion (Kaplan & Haenlein,
2012). In a report by “Digital 2019” there are currently a total 4.39 billion out of which 3.48 billion are
SNS users(KEMP, 2019). Gillin (2010) also mentioned how easy it is for an ordinary customer to spread
WOM and his brand experiences globally while using the social media at no cost. Palmer and Lewis describe
social media as online software, platform and medium that intend to make easy the communication,
relationship and exchange of content among the users. The idea behind social networks is to create a
platform for user’s interaction and sharing of ideas among the user’s group (Odhiambo & Adhiambo, 2012).
For the past few years, various social networks have come forward that are currently connecting the users
among them are Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube. Among the renowned networks Facebook, Twitter
and You tube are using online marketing for connecting the consumers and developing the brand
awareness (Odhiambo & Adhiambo, 2012). Face book is among the most popular social media platform
that initially meant for the” peer to peer interaction” it but turns out to become “relationship-building”
instrument for the companies (Oyoo, 2016). Facebook initiated in 2004 as a social network, it is estimated
that a regular Facebook user have 130 contacts and is linked with 80 community pages, group and
event(Odhiambo & Adhiambo, 2012). And as per Facebook annual report, in the year of 2019 there are 2.45
billion monthly active users (PARK, 2019).And now face book has develop into a dominant marketing tool
for the marketers as in 2011, it started to let the brands do their promotion on Facebook and which is
why it is now a direct rival of Google when it comes about online advertising (Odhiambo & Adhiambo,
2012). This advancement has improved online marketing and now marketers have limitless openings to
initiate different marketing practices and strategies(Dehghani, 2013). It is mentioned in Nielsen( 2009)
that marketers have changed their marketing strategies after the entrance of SNS, as customers have
started using social media as to get familiar with the brands and services (Nasseraldeen et al., 2017). Tuten
( 2008) also mentioned that social media has its reach to large number of social communities and which is
why marketers now have realized that social media can be beneficial for them as it has capacity to reach
huge viewers. And the regular interaction set off by the marketers can resulted an extended friendship
among the firm and customers (Gummesson, 2011). It is rather suggested by Janal (1999) that SNS can
help business firms to develop the social communities where these firms and viewers lead the
conversation. Moreover vocal viewers act as opinion leaders(Janal, 1999). And it eventually resulted in
association among the customers and the business, hence established the fact that devoid of flow of
information from marketer end on social communities there would be no strong association between the
online communities(Odhiambo & Adhiambo, 2012). Consumers get motivated to intermingle with the
brands through SNS websites when they consider it beneficial for them, they can get the benefit in various
manner such as “coupons or discounts, purchasing services or products, viewing reviews and product
ratings, participating in events and feeling connected, submitting ideas for new products and services, and
being part of community” (Anjum et al., 2012). Social media such as Face book is source of acquiring
marketing objective through the internet. An excellent marketing objective make it possible for marketers
to gain new consumers at the same time retain the present consumers via satisfaction(Odhiambo &
Adhiambo, 2012). Online marketers have edge over traditional in a way as information flow is quick and
fast as well as it is cost effective but at the same time it has culture and language barrier (Gay et al., 2007).
Several studies have investigated the role of “customer engagement” on social networks. Tsai and
Men(2013) studied how impact of consumer engagement on brand’s facebook page and how it motivate in
building relationship among brand and consumer. SNS has the power to transform an ordinary person to
celebrity and vice versa. It was used by various politicians for running their electoral campaign, as Barack
Obama successfully used it for the same (Carter & Levy, 2011).

Face Book Advertisement

Net users all around the globe are connecting virtually through SNS such as Face book, leading more time
on social networks and unintentionally leaving evidences of their contacts, searches and web site visits for
the social media managers. (Dehghani, 2013). This is why business firms are using social media for
developing long term with the customers. Out of 500 top emergent US firms, 215 firms stated “social media
as a significant marketing tool” for their product and services. On the other hand 340 firms agreed that they

7132| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
do supervise the customer behavior related to their product or services on social media(Barnes & Mattson,
2009). Facebook is famous especially among the youth; they lead most of their time while interacting with
users they often know in real life. Statistics shows that number of Facebook users are increasing drastically
as in 2012 it was 1 billion but 2019 shows figure of 2.45 biillion(“ Facebook users worldwide 2019 |
Statista,”, 2019). And in a report by e-Marketer (a marketing research), in 2011 USA business firms spent
$3.08 billion on SNS advertisement out of which 68% of it spent on FB advertisement.(Social Network Ad
Revenues Rising Worldwide—EMarketer, 2011). Facebook allow users to react promptly through “liking,
sharing and reporting content via links”. Along with all that being one the leading social network along with
its advertising features such as (creating event, face book pages, fan pages, games and applications) face
book is considered as best marketing tool by the marketers .(Dehghani, 2013).Advertising has always been
considered as apparent and clear bustle of marketing. Social media has changed the dimension of
advertisement, we can witness a shift of “push advertising” to the “trust advertising” that is brands now
engaged their customer through SNS and let them do WOM promotion for the brand (Knight, 2007). Social
media especially Facebook allow users to interact, comment and even share the ads within their social
circle(Logan et al., 2012). Facebook enable users to “like & share” the ads on their fb page and even can
view who else in their friend list did the same (Dehghani, 2013). The primary concern of social media
consumers is that how much it is trustworthy for the users and this is why consumers consider only some
of social media ads as trustworthy(Thomas. J. Johnson & Kaye, 1998). And Lee (2013) in his study stated
that social media consumers are more motivated by consumer messages than marketers since they
considered consumer messages as more trustworthy and more related. Many studies have examined how
SNS customer’s participation helps in making brand image via activities such as “like”, “share” and
“comments” (Dehghani, 2013).

Anson (2012) in his blog mentioned that face book new advertisement dimensions bring better change, it
helps effortless access to get connected with other SNS or liking posts while using other SNS and let it
become visible on face book. Chu and Keh(2006) stated advertisement as a vital construct in developing of
“brand recognition”, as the more ads generate the awareness the more informed will be the customer about
the brand. Brand awareness eventually develop strong relationship among the customers and the marketer
(Cobb-Walgren et al., 1995).

Brand Equity

Yoo and Donthu (2001) describe “brand equity” as the when customer prefers the focal branded product
over other product(s) having almost the similar attribute. Brand equity(BE) is considered as foremost topic
in marketing (Nikabadi et al., 2015), moreover it is significant feature of branding(Dehghani, 2013).
Leone(2006) describe BE from consumer perspective as “ the brand has worth when the consumer
believed it as worthy” and this is why BE facilitates adding up the value to the brand(Farquhar, 1989).
Aaker(1991) declared that BE consist of five dimensions namely “brand awareness, brand perceived
quality, brand association, brand loyalty and assets like patent, franchise”. Still no frame work has been
build up for investigating the connections. This study has analyzed the worth of BE in social media context
by studying the existing researches to re-conceptualize “BE”. Aaker(1996) later extended his work on BE
and declared 10 measures of the five BE dimensions which are, brand loyalty that consist of high price and
customer satisfaction. Perceived quality includes the apparent quality of brand and the brand’s leadership.
Associations consist of the apparent value customer is getting, personality of brand and the brand’s
association with customers. Awareness includes how much customer is well informed about the brand,
Market behavior is about the brand strategy of capturing market share, Price and distribution
strategy(Jensen & Vatrapu, 2014).

Some researchers suggested that we cannot overlook brand’s potential of utilizing social networking sites
for developing “online BE” (Christodoulides, 2006). The study emphasized on how can a brand create
online BE by developing emotional connections with the online users, by delivering fast and easy online
experience to the customers, improving their responsiveness of services and build trust by keeping their
privacy and data secure(Christodoulides, 2006).

Face book advertisement and the BE

Firms these days have released the importance of Internet and now they are getting involved with internet
user by SNS(Berthon et al., 2012). It is essential to examine how social media influencing the brands equity
now a days. Since this study is analyzing the impact of facebook, this study is analyzing how facebook is
influencing BE by providing interactive platform for the consumers and the brand. The relation among

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customer purchase intention
facebook and BE is an “emerging” topic is still is on its initial stage, it fascinated the researchers
globally(Alam, 2015). Some research scholars has extended Aaker’s BE model to analyze the contribution
of facebook in developing “brand equity”, It includes “Loyalty, Perceived quality, Associations, Brand
awareness, Online experience”(Alam, 2015; Jensen & Vatrapu, 2014; Schivinski & Dabrowski, 2014). Yoo,
Donthu, & Lee (2000) in his study stated that brand awareness and brand association together forms the
“brand image”. These relations and associations are imperative for the brands as it not only facilitates in
“brand positioning” but also develop a positive customer attitude towards the brand(Low & Lamb, 2000).
It was mentioned by Aaker(1991) that the brand association well made when it is established on numerous
experiences or communications. For perceived quality, customers relates the quality of brand’s
communication or ads on SNS with the quality of brand itself (Schivinski & Dabrowski, 2014). It was
mentioned earlier by Rao and Monore(1989) in his study that customers evaluate “quality of product” by
the firm advertisement. Yoo, Donthu, & Lee(2000) also concluded that customers usually associate brand
advertisement with brand quality, the higher the advertisement the higher the quality. Most of the
researchers consider advertising as an important factor in developing “BE”(Wang et al., 2009). Abu-
Rumman & Alhadid(2014) in his study declared that social media advertising has significant affect on BE.

Some of the relevant studies are mentioned in Table 1 along with results findings(Alam, 2015).

Table 1:

Author & Year Constructs Key findings

SNS promotional activities have

*Social media marketing activities *
significant impact to the entire
Value equity
customer equity drivers
(Kim & Ko, 2012) *Relationship equity *
comprise of “value equity,
Brand equity *
relationship equity & brand
purchase intention and Customer equity.

*User generated social media

communication *Firm User generated communication
(Schivinski &
created social media communication positively impact brand equity
Dabrowski, 2014)
* Brand equity * and brand attitude.
Brand attitude & Purchase intention.

* Family influence * Family suggestion and SNS

(Yasin & Zahari, Viral marketing * marketing significant impact
2011) Brand loyalty * perceived quality and brand
Brand awareness loyalty. SNS marketing

7134| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
*Perceived quality * positively impact brand
Brand associations awareness and association.
*Brand equity.

*Word of mouth (WOM)

*Brand equity WOM, Brand awareness, brand
*Brand awareness association, brand loyalty and
Sucherly, &
*Brand association perceived quality positively
Siringoringo, 2013)
*Perceived quality influence brand equity.
*Brand loyalty

*Brand loyalty
Brand loyalty, Perceived quality,
(Yoo, Donthu, & Lee, *Perceived quality
Brand awareness, positively
2000) *Brand awareness associations
impact brand equity.
*Overall brandequity

*Loyalty *Perceived
(Jensen & Vatrapu, Brand's social media usuage
2014). positively impact brand equity
*Brand awareness
*online experience

Hence on the basis of previous findings, we can claim the following hypothesis:

H1: Face book advertisement positively impact the brand equity

Face book advertisement and the brand image

Keller (1993) describes brand image as “collection of brand associations the consumers have in their minds
as the identity of a brand”. It is more about attribute, bonding and liking customer have in mind for the
brand, in return of benefits of using that brand (Kevin, 2008). Brand image(BI) can be stated as any brand

7135| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
or service intelligence which provokes the customers to choose a specific brand (Meenaghan, 1995). At the
same time it is stated as “an alert for information” (BHAT & REDDY, 1998), that helps in developing genuine
and virtual bonding in customer’s mind (Blackwell et al., 2006). Existing literature concluded that
customers get connected through BI, which they these days created through social media(Dehghani, 2013).
Studies have discovered multiple factors that affect customer attitude and real success of the advertisement
(Naidoo, 2011). Naidoo(2011) mentioned four major elements that enhances the effectiveness of facebook
advertising namely “namely brand engagement, brand attitude, BI and consumer engagement”. Companies
these days are using SNS platforms like face book, twitter and YouTube for marketing purpose
(Nasseraldeen et al., 2017). Due to this efficient high speed feature of face book , most of business firms and
brands are ready to spend a reasonable amount in order to build their brand image by getting connected
with the potential customers (Dehghani, 2013). Positive customers WOM for any brand act as an effective
tool in developing the “brand image” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Some of the brands failed to appeal
customer, social media helps them in developing their BI in consumer’s mind which eventually gets
enhanced by the number of likes on brand SNS page (Dehghani, 2013). These days we are witnessing strong
competition among the brands in order to develop constructive reputation of their brand in customer’s
mind(Nasseraldeen et al., 2017). In a study on impact of advertisement on consumer, it was concluded that
advertisement positively impact on BI which in return strengthen the brand loyalty (Durrani et al., 2015).
In another research it is concluded that the brand web sites and brand face book pages positively influences
the BI (Jokinen, 2016).

Some of the relevant studies are mentioned in Table 2 along with results findings(Durrani et al., 2017).

Table 2:

Author & Year Constructs Key findings

(Bruhn, Conventional media positively

Schoenmueller, & impact brand awareness, SNS
Schäfer, 2012) *Social media communication [User positively impact brand image.
generated content & Firm created
*Consumer mindset [Brand awareness,
Functional brand image, Hedonic brand
image & Brand attitude]
*Consumer behavior [Purchase

*Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM)

*Brand equity,
E-WOM positively affects brand
(Severi, Ling, & *Brand awareness
awareness, brand association,
Nasermoadeli, *Brand association
brand loyalty, brand image and
2014) *Perceived quality
perceived quality.
*Brand loyalty
*Brand image.

7136| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Advertisement positively impact
*Brand Image
on brand image, teenagers
(Durrani et al., *Brand Strength,
buying behavior to some extend
2015). *Brand value
depends on the brand loyalty,
*Teenager Buying Behavior
advertisement and brand image.

Hence on the basis of previous findings, we can claim the following hypothesis:

H2: Face book advertisement positively impact the brand image

Brand image and Brand Equity

In some studies BI is mentioned as not only vital factor in consumer’s assessment of a brand and consumer
buying decision (Faircloth et al., 2001), but also help in developing strong BE(Holden, 1992; Keller, 1993).
Faircloth (2001) declared BE in some measures is associated with the nature of brand which builds the BI.
Furthermore Pitta (1995) recommended that distinctive, constructive, well built BI that remains in
customer mind help increase BE. Krishnan (1996) in his study mentioned brands of high BE have an added
edge of having positive BI in contrast to the brands with low BE. Lassar (1995), further suggested that the
intensity of BI is related with the intensity BE. It is concluded that the stronger the BI is, the more are
customers willing to buy the brand which means that BI significantly impact the BE(Rizwan et al., 2013).
Faircloth (2001) also that BI positively impact the brand equity. Hence we can claim the hypothesis as:

Hence on the basis of previous findings, we can claim the following hypothesis:

H3: Brand Image positively impact the brand equity

Brand Equity and Purchase Intension

Consumer buying is a complicated process and the consumer purchase intention(PI) is associated with
their “behavior, perception and attitudes”(Mirabi et al., 2015). PI is describe as a possibility of purchase
that customer has in hand for a particular product (Dodds et al., 1991; Grewal et al., 1998). It is the
customer assessment which studies the motive of purchasing specific product or brand(Shah et al., 2012).
Some of the researchers stated that in PI consist of six stages that are “awareness, knowledge, interest,
preference, persuasion and purchase”(Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Some of the scholars revealed that the
consumer persuade to buy the product which get confirmation from other consumers after product
use(Schiffman & Kanuk, 1991; Zeithaml, 1988). It means the product which gets more rating from the
customers have more likelihood of getting purchase which helps in forecasting of possible customers
(Dehghani, 2013). Brand name and image plays significant role in developing positive image in consumer’s
mind(Mirabi et al., 2015). A positive BI plays significant role in elevating any brand perfor.mance as BI has
the capacity to transform customer’s buying behavior , in other words BI positively impact customer’s
purchasing behavior (Malik et al., 2013). Aaker(1991) concluded that BE play a significant role in consumer
purchasing decision. Brand equity generates willingness among the customer to buy the product regardless
of price. The stronger the BE, the stronger will be the motivation to buy that brand (Dehghani, 2013). Hence
it verify that BI and BE provoke customer willingness to buy the brand regardless of price or in other words
we can say that BI and BE positively impact PI(Dehghani, 2013). Aaker(1991) in his study claimed that
brand equity positively impact PI and later some studies confirmed the same (Ashill & Sinha, 2004; Chang
& Liu, 2009). On the basis of prior studies we can claim the hypothesis

7137| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Hence on the basis of previous findings, we can claim the following hypothesis:

H4: Brand equity has a positive relationship with purchase intention.

Brand Image and Purchase Intension

Well built BI help in developing worthy consumer perception for the brand. BI let the brands charge
premium price that means strong BI influences consumer’s PI (Dehghani, 2013). In a study about
counterfeit product in Pakistan, it was concluded that the BI at one hand positively impact brand attitude
and product involvement while on the other hand it influences directly customer PI (Rizwan et al., 2013).
Esch (2006) in his research concluded that a well built BI positively impact consumer PI.

Hence on the basis of previous findings, we can claim the following hypothesis:

H5: Brand image positively impact the purchase intention

Mediating role of Brand Equity between on Brand Image and Purchase Intention

It is the BI that elucidate whether the brand is related with the customer or not, thus helps customer in
making the purchase decision (Dolich, 1969) which in return effects customer buying behavior (M. D.
Johnson & Puto, 1987) subsequently resulted BE (Biel, 1992).
A well built BI significantly influences customers’ readiness to buy even costly brands with added BE
(Faircloth, Capella, & Alford, 2001; Lassar, Mittal, & Sharma, 1995).
Afterward the outcome of “high brand equity” that developed due to social media and BI consequently
positively impact customer's PI (Dehghani, 2013)
Hence we can claim the hypothesis as:
H6: Brand equity mediates the effect of Brand image on Purchase Intention

This study proposed a model recommended a direct and indirect impact of BI on PI. The face book
advertising construct direct impact on BE(Abu-Rumman & Alhadid, 2014) and on BI (Jokinen, 2016) and
among BI and BE (Faircloth, 2001; Rizwan et al., 2013). Moreover, this model also proposed direct impact
of BE on PI (Ashill & Sinha, 2004; Chang & Liu, 2009) and BI on PI of Esch et al., (2006). This model also
investigated mediating role of BE between BI and PI (Dehghani, 2013). This study has e proposed a model
to investigate direct and indirect impact among the constructs. The proposed model is mentioned in fig(1).

Conceptual framework


7138| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Mediating relation among the constructs

Mediating role of brand image between brand equity & purchase intention


The research methodology is mentioned below in table 3.

Sampling Size

With the help of NapoleonCat, a web site stats of facebook users, it came to know till date of January 2020,
there are sum of 37,100,000 facebook users in Pakistan which is around 17.7% of the whole
population(Facebook users in Pakistan—February 2020, 2020). Out of which there are around 7.049 million
FB users in Karachi(Qureshi, 2016). Due to absence of on hand data we take 7.049 million as population
size. Rao Soft, the online sample size calculator is used to calculate sample size which is 384 at 95%
confidence Interval. Data is collected through Convenience sampling technique using the Google online
survey forms. Out of 300 respondents 204 questionnaires are received,

7139| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Table 3: Research Methodology Summary
Item Description
Statistics Software SPSS
Research Approach Descriptive Research
Sampling Design Probability Sampling
Target Population Facebook users
Sample Size 200
Sampling Technique Convenience sampling technique
Data Collection Survey form directed to frequent FB users

Data Profile
Respondents sample (N=205) consist of 130 males while 75 females, most of the respondents age lies
between 21-50. Respondents profile is mentioned below in Table 4

Table 4: Summary of Respondents profile

Gender 130 males
75 females
Age Under 20 14
Under 21 115
31-40 60
41-50 13
Over 50 3

Status Studying 102

Working 83
UnEmployed 20

Marital Status Married 75

Unmarried 130

Monthly income in Pak Rs. 15,000-30,000 35

30,000-45,000 13
45,000-60,000 19
above 60,000 57
None 81

Scale and Measurement

All constructs are built on 6 to 8 items. Reliability is measured through pilot testing. questionnaire, The
questionnaire built on Likert five scales for the measurement of constructs adopted in this study,
measurement approach is based on 1-5 of weight from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Same
measurement approach is applied in previous studies.Summary is mentioned in Table 5.

7140| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Table 5: Summary of Scale and measurement
Construct Source Items
Face book Advertisement (Naidoo, 2011; Nasseraldeen et al., 2017) 8
(Nasseraldeen et al., 2017; Naidoo, 2011; Mohammadzadeh,
Brand Image 2015) 8
Brand Equity (Lökken et al., 2012; Schivinski & Dabrowski, 2014) 7
Purchase Intention (Dehghani, 2013; Mohammadzadeh, 2015) 6

All the claimed hypotheses are investigated SPSS, the statistical techniques applied are Normality
distribution, Correlation and Regression.
Data Results
Pilot testing
Pilot testing is applied on 20 respondents to find out construct’s reliability, the reliability of 4 constructs
resulted on .890. It therefore confirmed the questionnaire validity and we can now carry out survey for the
research. The result of reliability is mentioned below in Table 6.

Table: 6 Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

0.89 4

Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis is applied to examine reliability and normality of our research data. The result is shown
in Table 7

Table7: Summary of Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Statistics
Cronbach Alpha Mean Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Face book 0.884 3.35 0.91 -1.69 -0.91
Brand Image 0.882 3.92 0.48 -1.85 0.30
Brand Equity 0.887 3.38 0.89 -2.39 1.34
Purchase Intention 0.778 3.92 0.47 -1.93 0.44

As mentioned in Table 7 BE has the highest Cronbach alpha value (α= 0.887, Mean = 3.38, Std. Dev = 0.89)
while PI has the lowest value (α = 0.778, Mean = 3.92, Std. Dev = 0.47). The value of all the construct’s Alpha
Cronbach is greater than 0.7 suggesting acceptable internal reliability (Bryman & Bell, 2015). Facebook
Advertisement has the lowest skewness (SK=--1.69) and Brand Equity has the highest skewness (SK=-
2.39). Skewness values of the almost all the constructs’ lies in between of range +1.96 to -1.96 which
represents the normality of the constructs (Bryman and Bell, 2015). Kurtosis value of BI is the lowest (KR=
0.30) while BE has highest (KR= 1.34). As discussed Kurtosis values of the all constructs lies under +3 to -
3 that shows the normality (Kallner, 2018).

Correlation Analysis
Correlation analysis make sure the uniqueness of the entire constructs used in research and ensure
multicollinearity do not exist. Result are mentioned in Table 8

Table 8: Correlation Analysis

1 2 3 4
Face book Advertisement 1

7141| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Brand Image .445** 1
Brand Equity .558** .280** 1
Purchase Intention .511** .693** .294** 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Refer to Table 8, the highest correlation value (r=.693) is between BI (Mean= 3.92, SD=.0.48) and PI (Mean=
3.92, SD= 0.47). While the lowest correlation value (r=.280) is among BE (Mean= 3.38, SD=0.89) and BI
(Mean= 3.92, SD= 0.48). No multicollinearity is established as the correlation values of almost all the
constructs fall nearly in between of .30 and .90 and the entire accepted construct are unique.

Linear Regression of Face book Advertisement and Brand Equity

To calculate the effect of Face book advertisement on BE, linear regression analysis has used. Results are
summarized in Table 9

Table 9: Regression Analysis of Face book advertisement and Brand Equity

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.548 .199 7.789 .000
Face book .547 .057 .558 9.576 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Brand Equity, R2=.311, Adj. R2=.308, F(204,1-91.707<0.005)

Hypothesis 1 claims that Face book advertisement positively impact BE and the results support the claimed
hypothesis shown in table 9. It is shown in table 9 that the predictors face book advertisement explains 31
of the variance F =91.707, p=0< 0.05. The table 9 declare that BE is getting significantly influence by
facebook advertisement (ß = .558, p<.05).

Linear Regression of Face book Advertisement and Brand Image

To calculate the effect of Face book advertisement on BI, linear regression analysis has used. Results are
summarized in Table 10

Table 10: Regression Analysis of Face book advertisement and Brand Equity

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 3.140 .115 27.339 .000
Face book .234 .033 .445 7.078 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Brand Image, R2=,198, Adj. R2=.194, F(204,1-50.096<0.005)
Hypothesis 2 states that Face book advertisement positively impact BI and the results support the claimed
hypothesis shown in table 10. It is shown in table 10 that the predictors face book advertisement explains
19 of the variance F =50.096, p=0< 0.05. The table 10 declare that BI is getting significantly influence by
face book advertisement (ß = .445, p<.05).

Linear Regression of Brand Image and Brand Equity

To calculate the effect of BI on BE, linear regression analysis is used. Results are summarized in Table 11

Table 11: Regression Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Equity

7142| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.330 .497 2.674 .000
Brand Image .524 .126 .280 4.162 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Equity, R2= .079, Adj. R2=.074, F(204,1-17.323<0.005)

Hypothesis 3 states that BI positively impact BE and the results support the claimed hypothesis shown in
table 11. It is shown in table 11 that the predictors BI explains 07 of the variance F =17.323, p=0< 0.05. The
table 11 declare that BE is getting significantly influence by BI (ß = .280, p<.05).

Linear Regression of Brand Equity and Purchase Intention

To calculate the effect of BI on PI, linear regression analysis is used. Results are summarized in Table 13

Table 12: Regression Analysis of Brand Equity and Purchase Intention

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 3.392 .125 27.075 .000
Brand Equity .157 .036 .294 4.388 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Equity, R2= .087, Adj. R2=.082, F(204,1-19.252<0.005)

Hypothesis 4 states that BE positively impact PI and the results support the claimed hypothesis shown in
table 13. It is shown in table 13 that the predictors BE explains 08 of the variance F =19.252, p=0< 0.05.
The table 13 declare that PI is getting significantly influence by BE (ß = .294, p<.05).

Linear Regression of Brand Image and Purchase Intention

To calculate the effect of brand image on PI, linear regression analysis is used. Results are summarized in
Table 14

Table 13: Regression Analysis of Brand Image and Purchase Intention

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.213 .199 6.088 .000
Brand Image .691 .050 .693 13.714 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Image , R2= .481, Adj. R2=.478, F(204,1-188.708<0.005)

Hypothesis 5 states that BI positively impact PI and the results support the claimed hypothesis shown in
table 14. It is shown in table 14 that the predictors BI explains 48 of the variance F =188.708, p=0< 0.05.
The table 14 declare that PI is getting significantly influence by BI (ß = .693, p<.05).

Mediating effect of Brand Equity

Brand Equity, Brand Image and Purchase Intention

The mediating task of BI is investigated in the course of two steps. First step is examining if the relationship
among between BI and PI is ascertain. While in step two, multiple regression analysis has applied on
predictors (BE and BI, the mediating variable) and dependent variable (PI) .The summarized results are
presented in table15 and table 15 A.

Table 14: Direct Relationship between Brand Image and Purchase Intention

7143| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.213 .199 6.088 .000
Brand Image .691 .050 .693 13.714 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Image , R2= .481, Adj. R2=.478, F(204,1-188.708<0.005)

Table15 A: Relationship with Brand Equity

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .046 .066 .691 .490
Brand Equity .221 .039 .191 5.656 .000
Brand Image .792 .036 .746 22.040 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention, R2=.492, Adj. R2=487, F(388,1-97.719<0.005)
The results show that BI and PI relationship is significant. After incorporating BE as a predictor the
relationship of BI and PI is also significant refer to table 15 A. The result also show after incorporation of
BE as a predictor the beta value of BI has significantly increased. Thus it is safe to state that BE mediates BI
and PI.


Face book Advertisement and Brand Equity

The first hypothesis of this study is to make sure that face book advertisement positively impact BE. The
result of H1 affirmed that face book advertisement has a positive effect on BE (ß = .558, p<.05). The results
are compatible with the previous researches (Kim & Ko, 2012; (Wang et al., 2009; Abu-Rumman & Alhadid,
2014). Correlation results demonstrate moderate positive relation among BE and PI (Table 8).

Face book Advertisement and Brand Image

The second claimed hypothesis of this study is to make sure that face book advertisement positively
impacts the BI. The result of H2 confirmed that face book advertisement has a positive impact on band image
(ß = .445, p<.05).. The results are well-matched with the previous researches (Durrani et al., 2015; Jokinen,
2016; Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & Schäfer, 2012). Correlation results demonstrate moderate positive
association between BI and PI (Table 8).

Brand Image and Brand Equity

The third claimed hypothesis of this study is to confirm that BI has significant positive relation with BE.
The outcome of H3 confirmed that BI has a significant positive impact on BE (ß = .280, p<.05). The results
are well-matched with the previous researches (Rizwan et al., 2013; Faircloth, 2001) The Correlation
results demonstrate weak but positive association between BI and BE (Table 8).

Brand Equity and Purchase Intention

The fourth claimed hypothesis of this study is confirmed that BE has significant positive relationship with
PI. The outcome of H4 confirmed that BE has a significant positive impact on PI (ß = .294, p<.05). The results
are compatible with the previous researches (Aaker, 1991; Ashill & Sinha, 2004; Chang & Liu, 2009)..
Correlation results demonstrate weak but positive relation among BE and PI (Table 8).

Brand Image and Purchase Intention

The fifth claimed hypothesis of this study is to confirm that BI has a significant positive association with PI.
The outcome of H5 confirmed that BI has positive impact on PI (ß = .693, p<.05). The results are compatible
with the previous researches (Rizwan et al., 2013; Esch, 2006). Correlation results demonstrate strong
positive relation among BI and PI (Table 8).

7144| Rozina Imtiaz Impact of Face book on Advertising: Analysis of effectiveness of Face book on enhancing
customer purchase intention
Mediating role of Brand Equity between Brand Image and Purchase Intention
The six claimed hypothesis of this study is to make sure the mediating role of BE among BI and PI. The
outcome of H6 confirmed that BE mediates the effect of BI on PI. Results in table 15 indicate that BI has
positive impact on PI loyalty when relate directly (ß = .693, p<.05), however after the insertion of BE as a
mediating construct the beta value of BI increased significantly (ß = .746, p<.05) refer to table 15A. This
evidently point towards the mediating role of BE. The results are well-matched with earlier research
(Dehghani, 2013)

Conclusion and Recommendation

The purpose of conducting this study is to examine the association among face book advertising, and
intensifying BI in order to compute PI. The results findings indicate that the proposed model has better fit
to the data sample. Results of the entire constructs of the proposed model (face book advertisement, BI, BE
and PI) are positively related with each other’s and all the findings are positively significant with the
proposed model. Observing the results, moderate percentage of correlation among the model construct
specify that the participants obtain brand related information and exchange their view through face book
platform. It eventually helps enhancing BI and BE of the brands which increase customers buying
The relationship among facebook advertisement and BI is significant which support claims of earlier
researches (Durrani et al., 2015; Jokinen, 2016; Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & Schäfer, 2012). Relationship
among facebook advertisement and BE is also significant which support the claims of earlier researches
(Aaker, 1991; Ashill & Sinha, 2004; Chang & Liu, 2009). Relationship among BI and BE is significant but
results show low R square value unlike the previous researches (Rizwan et al., 2013; Faircloth, 2001) .
Regression results findings confirms the significant relationship among BE and PI (Ashill & Sinha, 2004;
Chang & Liu, 2009), instead have low R square value. Results of regression analysis among BI and PI
confirms the significant association which support the earlier findings researches (Rizwan et al., 2013;
Esch, 2006). Results findings recognized the mediating role of BE which clearly confirms the important role
of BE in developing consumer’s PI which is compatible with earlier research finding (Dehghani, 2013). By
the passage of time consumers are getting more prone towards face book advertising, as for them it is more
edifying; provide customized information and up-to-date advertorials. These findings can help advertising
experts to make such use of social media advertisement that not only catches the user’s attention but also
enables to fulfill customized customer’s need. Moreover, face book platform enables to build positive BI by
reading friends and others reviews related to the brand and intensify customers buying intention by
reading the shared positive experiences of other customers thus reducing the purchase risk failure.

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