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OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

Semtech Corporation

Occupational Health & Safety

Management System (OHSMS) Manual

The occupational health & safety management system set forth in this
document shall define the scope of the OHSMS implemented at Semtech
Corporation headquartered in Camarillo, CA (hereafter referred to as “the
organization” or Semtech) and compliance to the standards of ISO
45001:2018 (hereafter referred to as “ISO 45001”).

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3


Table of Contents
MANUAL .............................................................................................................. 5
1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 5
2. HIERARCHY OF DOCUMENTS ........................................................................... 5
4. DEFINITIONS (ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS) ......................................... 6
4.1 PLM: Product Lifecycle Management ......................................................... ..6
4.2 CEO: Chief Executive Officer ....................................................................... 6
4.3 QAM: Quality Assurance Manager ............................................................... 6
4.4 Q&R: Quality and Reliability ......................................................................... 6
4.5 APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning ................................................. 6
4.6 PPAP: Production Part Approval Process .................................................... 6
4.7 CAPA: Corrective Action, Preventive Action ................................................. 6
4.8 CAR: Corrective Action Request .................................................................. 6
4.9 PAR: Preventive Action Request .................................................................. 6
4.10 SCAR: Supplier Corrective Action Request ................................................. 6
4.11 NA: Not Applicable ...................................................................................... 6
4.12 NS: Not Scored ............................................................................................ 6
4.13 QC: Quality Control...................................................................................... 6
4.14 HR: Human Resources ................................................................................ 6
4.15 LMS: Learning Management System .......................................................... 6
4.16 OFI: Opportunity for Improvement ............................................................... 6
4.17 ORT: On-going Reliability Testing ............................................................... 6
4.18 CMRT: Conflict Mineral Reporting Template ............................................... 6
4.19 SAR: Supplier Action Request ..................................................................... 6
4.20 CR: Customer Request................................................................................ 6
4.21 ECO: Engineering Change Order ................................................................ 6
4.22 MCO: Manufacturing Change Order ............................................................ 6
4.23 AVL: Approved Vendor List ......................................................................... 6
4.24 QMS: Quality Management System............................................................. 6
4.25 CCare: Customer Care Action Request ....................................................... 6
4.26 SFDC: Sales Force Dot Com ....................................................................... 6
4.27 ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning ............................................................ 6
4.28 SAP: Systems Applications and Products (in Data Processing) .................. 6
4.29 MRB: Material Review Board ....................................................................... 6
4.30 NCMR: Non-Conforming Material Review .................................................... 7
4.31 CF: Counterfeit / Fraudulent ........................................................................ 7
4.32 OCM: Original Contract Manufacturer ......................................................... 7
4.33 OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer ...................................................... 7
4.34 RMA: Return Material Authorization ............................................................ 7
4.35 COD: Certificate of Destruction ................................................................... 7
4.36 EMS: Environment Management System .................................................... 7
4.37 DMR: Design Modification Record ............................................................... 7

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
4.38 PCN: Process or Product Change Notification ............................................ 7
4.39 EOL: End of Life .......................................................................................... 7
4.40 RoHS: Restriction on Hazardous Substances ............................................. 7
4.41 REACH: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals
..................................................................................................................... 7
4.42 WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ..................................... 7
4.43 3TGs: Tungsten, Tantalum, Tin and Gold. Metals pertaining to conflict
mineral program ........................................................................................... 7
5. RELATED DOCUMENTS………………………………………………………….7
5.1 Updated Documents ....................................................................................... 8
5.2 External Reference Documents .................................................................... 8
5.2.1 ISO 9001 .................................................................................................. 8
5.2.2 AS 9100 ................................................................................................... 8
5.2.3 ISO 14001 ................................................................................................ 8
5.2.4 IATF 16949 .............................................................................................. 8
5.2.5 OHSMS 45001 ......................................................................................... 8
5.3 Internal Reference Documents ...................................................................... 8
5.3.1 SFBN-4MRP6X: Corporate Quality Manual ............................................ 8
5.3.2 PSAZ-5AFU9J: Change Control Procedure ............................................ 8
6. CONTEXT OF THE ORGANIZATION (Clause 4) ................................................ 9
Understanding Semtech Corporation and its contents (Clause 4.1) .................... 9
6.1 Semtech Corporation .................................................................................... 9
6.2 Signal Integrity Products ............................................................................... 10
6.3 Protection Products .................................................................................. 11
6.4 Wireless & Sensing Products ..................................................................... 11
6.5 Power & High-Reliability Products .............................................................. 11
6.6 Semtech’s Competition ............................................................................ 12
6.7 Interested Parties (Clause 4.2) ................................................................... 12
7. SEMTECH KNOWLEDGE .................................................................................. 13
............................................................................................................................ 14
8.1 Leadership Team Commitment and Responsibilities (Clause 5.1) ............. 14
8.3 Occupational Health & Safety Policy / Leadership Focus (Clause 5.2) ..... 15
8.4 Scope of Management Systems (Clause 4.3) ............................................ 16
8.5 Occupational Health & Safety Policy (Clause 5.2) ...................................... 17
8.6 Consultation and Participation (Clause 5.4)................................................. 18
8.7 Achieving Semtech’s Objectives, Targets and Goals / Planning Focus
(Clause 6.2) ................................................................................................ 19
............................................................................................................................ 19
9.1 Opportunity Based Risk (Clause 6.1) .......................................................... 20
9.2 Risk Based Threats (Clause 6.1) ................................................................. 21
9.3 Process Methodology .................................................................................. 21
10. RISK RATING ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................ 23
11. RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS ....................................................................... 25
12. PLANNING (Clause 6) ...................................................................................... 28

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
12.1 Aspects and Hazard Identification (Clause 28
12.2 Identification of Significant Hazards & Aspects (Clause ............. 28
12.3 Assessment of Opportunities and Improvement of OHSMS (Clause
................................................................................................................... 29
12.5 Responsible Functions/Business Unit....................................................... 30
12.6 Legal and Other Requirements / Compliance Obligations (Clause 6.1.3)30
12.7 Objectives, Targets and Programs / Environmental Objectives .............. 31
& 8) ..................................................................................................................... 32
13.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority (Clause 7.1) ................. 32
13.2 Competence, Training and Awareness (Clause 7.2 & 7.3) ...................... 32
13.3 Communication (Internal & External) (Clause 7.4, 7.4.2, 7.4.3) ............. 32
13.4 Documented Information (Clause 7.5)..................................................... 33
13.5 Control of Documented Information / Creating and Updating (Clauses 7.5.2 & 7.5.3) .. 34
13.6 Operational Planning & Control (Clause 8.1) .......................................... 34
13.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response (Clause 8.2) .......................... 35
14. PERFORMANCE & EVALUATION (Clause 9) ............................................ 35
14.1 Monitoring and Measurement (Clause 9.1) ........................................... 35
14.2 Evaluation of Compliance (Clause 9.1.2) ................................................ 36
14.3 Internal Audit (Clause 9.2) ....................................................................... 36
14.4 Management Review (Clause 9.3) ......................................................... 37
15. IMPROVEMENT (Clause 10) .................................................................... 37
15.1 Incident, Nonconformity & Corrective Action, Preventive Action (Clause
10.2) ............................................................................................................ 37
15.3 Control of Records .................................................................................. 38
16. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT SEQUENCE & INTERACTION .......................... 39
17. PROCESS INTERACTION................................................................................. 40
18. CORRELATION BETWEEN ISO 45001:2018 & OHSAS 18001:2007 .............. 41
19. REVISION HISTORY……………………………………………………………. 43

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3




Semtech has created this Occupational Health & Safety Management

System Manual to detail how the Occupational Health & Safety
Management System (OHSMS) has been established, and how it will be
documented, implemented and maintained on all relevant levels of the


Unless otherwise specifically agreed to or approved by the Corporate

Quality Manager, in the event of any conflict between the provisions of this
procedure, forms, guidelines or requirements, the order of precedence is as
follows: (i) this Occupational Health & Safety Manual and any Addendum or
any Appendices thereto; (ii) and then Semtech Corporate Quality Manual
(iii) any regulatory requirement or statute (iv) any applicable approved
customer requirement contract or agreement (v) as applicable the ISO, AS,
or IATF standard.


Typically, no adjunct procedure, or specification is needed or required in

place of this manual. If a local site has an established process or site
manual exceeding, not circumventing, the guidelines and requirements of
this manual then such a site manual may be authorized keeping the
guidelines below in mind.

Exception to this corporate manual at the local site level requires a local site
manual outlining the exception, approved and controlled within PLM
document management system and approved by both the site Quality
Manager, site Safety Manager and the Corporate Quality Manager.
Furthermore, an exception clause must be inserted within their applicable
local Supplemental Occupational Health & Safety Manual if so created.

When an exception is identified, documented, and approved, the

Supplemental Occupational Health & Safety Manual shall be identified
within the Relationship tab of the relevant Agile PLM workflow.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

The Injury, Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) has been developed site to site and
acts as an Addendum to this OHSMS manual identifying critical processes,
training requirements, incident investigations and improvement efforts.


The terms and acronyms identified below are typical in their use
within Semtech’s management systems, processes and not
solely for the use within this document.
4.1 PLM: Product Lifecycle Management
4.2 CEO: Chief Executive Officer
4.3 QAM: Quality Assurance Manager
4.4 Q&R: Quality and Reliability
4.5 APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning
4.6 PPAP: Production Part Approval Process
4.7 CAPA: Corrective Action, Preventive Action
4.8 CAR: Corrective Action Request
4.9 PAR: Preventive Action Request
4.10 SCAR: Supplier Corrective Action Request
4.11 NA: Not Applicable
4.12 NS: Not Scored
4.13 QC: Quality Control
4.14 HR: Human Resources
4.15 LMS: Learning Management System
4.16 OFI: Opportunity for Improvement
4.17 ORT: On-going Reliability Testing
4.18 CMRT: Conflict Mineral Reporting Template
4.19 SAR: Supplier Action Request
4.20 CR: Customer Request
4.21 ECO: Engineering Change Order
4.22 MCO: Manufacturing Change Order
4.23 AVL: Approved Vendor List
4.24 QMS: Quality Management System
4.25 CCare: Customer Care Action Request
4.26 SFDC: Sales Force Dot Com
4.27 ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
4.28 SAP: Systems Applications and Products (in Data Processing)
4.29 MRB: Material Review Board

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
4.30 NCMR: Non-Conforming Material Review
4.31 CF: Counterfeit / Fraudulent
4.32 OCM: Original Contract Manufacturer
4.33 OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
4.34 RMA: Return Material Authorization
4.35 COD: Certificate of Destruction
4.36 EMS: Environment Management System
4.37 DMR: Design Modification Record
4.38 PCN: Process or Product Change Notification
4.39 EOL: End of Life
4.40 RoHS: Restriction on Hazardous Substances
4.41 REACH: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of
4.42 WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
4.43 3TGs: Tungsten, Tantalum, Tin and Gold. Metals pertaining to
conflict mineral program
4.44 IATF: International Automotive Task force
4.45 SMD: Surface Mount Device
4.46 MSL: Moisture Sensitivity Level
4.47 IMDS: International Material Data System
4.48 RBA: Responsible Business Alliance (formally, EICC)
4.49 RMI: Responsible Minerals Initiative
4.50 RRMI: Responsible Raw Material Initiative
4.51 RLI: Responsible Labor Initiative (formally, EICC Code of Conduct)
4.52 RRA: Risk Readiness Assessment
4.53 RMAP: Responsible Mineral Assessment Process
4.54 CTQ: Critical to Quality
4.55 CTF: Critical to Function
4.56 CTS: Critical to Safety
4.57 ADAS: Advanced Driver Assistance System
4.58 LiDAR: Light Detection and Ranging
4.59 IIPP: Injury Illness Prevention Plan
4.60 OHSMS: Occupational Health Safety Management System


Related documents noted below and throughout this document are

applicable to the extent noted herein.

The related documents listed below and referenced throughout this

document provide further background information and guidance. Within

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
such referenced document there may contain listed applicable documents
which must also be considered.

5.1 Updated Documents

User is responsible to verify current or applicable revision level within PLM

Document Management System prior to use.

5.2 External Reference Documents

5.2.1 ISO 9001
5.2.2 AS 9100
5.2.3 ISO 14001
5.2.4 IATF 16949
5.2.5 OHSMS 45001

5.3 Internal Reference Documents

5.3.1 SFBN-4MRP6X: Corporate Quality Manual
5.3.2 PSAZ-5AFU9J: Change Control Procedure
5.3.3 KFID-4KWSAP: Control of Quality Records
5.3.4 SEMDOC004964: Risk Management
5.3.5 SEMDOC000586: Injury, Illness Prevention Plan
5.3.6 SEMDOC004924: Confined Space Program

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

Note: Numbers listed refer to ISO 45001 Clauses

Each business unit comprising Semtech Corporation acknowledges and

adheres to The Plan – Do – Check – Act methodology and the elements of
planning, support, operations, performance evaluation and improvement in
order to maintain worker safety as well as product superiority in today’s
business environment.

Understanding Semtech Corporation and its contents (Clause 4.1)

Understanding Semtech Corporation and its content impacted by internal
and external risks, occupational health and safety concerns are carried
through this OHSMS manual from the understanding of Semtech and is
various business units, the identification of internal and external risks, the
risk assessment process determining its impact and guidelines on
monitoring and achieving its goals and targets.

6.1 Semtech Corporation

Semtech Corporation, incorporated on December 19, 1960, is a supplier of
high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products, and
advanced algorithms for high-end consumers. Semtech Corporation

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
designs, develops and markets a range of products for commercial
applications, which are sold into the enterprise computing, communications,
consumer and industrial end-markets. Semtech Corporation's product lines
include Signal Integrity, Protection, Wireless and Sensing, and Power and
High-Reliability. Applications for the industrial market include video
broadcast studio equipment, automated meter reading, smart grid, wireless
charging, military and aerospace, medical, security systems, automotive,
Internet of Things (IoT), industrial and home automation, video security and
surveillance, and other industrial equipment. Enterprise computing end-
markets include desktops, notebooks, servers, graphic boards, printers,
monitors, datacenter related equipment, passive optical networks, storage
networks and computer peripherals. Communications end-market
applications include third generation (3G) or fourth generation (4G) or Long
Term Evolution (LTE) wireless base stations, long-haul optical networks,
carrier networks, switches and routers, cable modems, signal conditioners,
wireless local area network (LAN) and other communication infrastructure

Semtech Corporation is dedicated to improving overall worker health and

safety through awareness, training and improvement efforts, consistently
identify and control occupational health and safety risks, reduce the
potential for incidents, help achieve compliance with health and safety
legislation and continually improve program performance.

6.2 Signal Integrity Products

Semtech Corporation designs, develops and markets a portfolio of

optical communications, broadcast video, surveillance video, active
cable transceiver and backplane products used in a range of enterprise
computing, industrial, communications and consumer applications. Its
portfolio of integrated circuits (ICs) for optical transceivers, backplane
applications and high-speed interfaces ranges from 100 megabits per
second (Mbps) to 100 gigabits per second (Gbps). Its security and
surveillance products for high-definition closed circuit television
(HDcctv) enable upgrade of analog closed circuit television
installations to digital HD, using the installed base of coaxial cable
(COAX) cabling, and its integrated transmit and receive products
enable the HDcctv standards-compliant designs.

Semtech Corporation sells advanced wired communication and ultra-

high speed Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) products for long haul
optical transport communication.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
6.3 Protection Products

Semtech Corporation designs, develops and markets protection

devices, which are referred to as transient voltage suppressors (TVS).
Its portfolio of protection solutions include filter and termination devices
that are integrated with the TVS device. Its protection products are
found in a range of applications, including smart phones, liquid crystal
display (LCD) televisions (TVs), set-top boxes, tablets, computers,
notebooks, base stations, routers, automobile and industrial

6.4 Wireless & Sensing Products

Semtech Corporation designs, develops and markets a portfolio of

radio frequency products used in a range of industrial, medical and
communications applications, and sensing products used in industrial
and consumer applications. Its sensing interface platforms can
interface to any sensor and output digital data in any form. The
proximity sensing capability of its devices enables user interface
solutions for mobile and consumer products. Its wireless and sensing
products can be found in a range of applications in the industrial,
medical and consumer markets.

Semtech's LoRa devices and wireless radio frequency technology

(LoRa Technology) is a long range, low power wireless platform that
has become the de facto technology for Internet of Things (IoT)
networks worldwide.

6.5 Power & High-Reliability Products

Semtech Corporation designs, develops and markets power product

devices that control, alter, regulate and condition the power within
electronic systems. The product types within the power product line
include switching voltage regulators, combination switching and linear
regulators, smart regulators, charge pumps and wireless charging. Its
Power products feature integrated functionality for the
communications, industrial and computing markets, and small form
factor products for mobile phones, notebook computers, computer
peripherals and other consumer devices. The primary application for
these products is power regulation for enterprise computing,
communications, consumer and industrial systems. Its discrete
semiconductor products consist of rectifiers, assemblies (packaged
discrete rectifiers) and other products that are used to convert
alternating currents into direct currents, and to protect circuits against
high voltage spikes or high current surges. Its products are found in a

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
range of applications, including industrial, military, medical, automotive,
aerospace and defense systems, including satellite communications.

6.6 Semtech’s Competition

The Company competes with
• STMicroelectronics,
• NXP Semiconductors N.V.,
• ON Semiconductor Corporation,
• Infineon Technologies AG,
• Texas Instruments Incorporated,
• Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.,
• M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc.,
• Inphi Corporation,
• Broadcom Limited,
• Applied MicroCircuits Corporation,
• Linear Technology Corporation,
• Maxim Integrated Products Inc.,
• Microsemi Corporation,
• Monolithic Power Systems,
• Silicon Laboratories,
• Atmel Corporation,
• Analog Devices Inc. and
• Cypress Semiconductor Corp.

Not only does Semtech complete with these companies on multiple

business levels, but also on occupational health and safety impact
studies and environmental compliance issues between our suppliers,
contractors, and visitors to better serve our customers, employees and
relevant stakeholders.

6.7 Interested Parties (Clause 4.2)

Semtech Corporation strives to consistently provide product and
services that meet our customer and any applicable regulatory
requirements. In the context herein Semtech has identified its
interested parties and noted their needs and expectations.
• Administration & Workers expect to perform their jobs using
safe equipment, sufficient training to do their job safely, be
alerted when issues arise, have immediate resource, whether
HR or supervisory, to bring attention or ask questions, and
work in a safe and secure work environment.
• Sales & Marketing expect timely release of product documents
and customer request processing validating environmental
compliance within a safe and secure work environment

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

• Business Unit Management and Engineering expect

processing of Non-Conforming Material Requests, and new
products timely release to market meeting regulatory
environmental requirements within a safe and secure work
environment and promote safe working conditions, reducing
health risks at our supplier sites
• Quality & Reliability expect timely processing and closure of
corrective action request stemming from compliance or safety
issues while working within a safe and secure work
• Operations group expect complete reliability testing on new
products and notification when failures occur in the area of
environmental compliance within a safe and secure work
• External Customers expect robust and low cost product.
Timely response to quality issues, closures on corrective
actions, CMRT declarations, environmental analytical reports
and request for product information through our RoHS
Compliance table or through request while maintaining
compliance to all regulatory health and safety regulations.
• Suppliers expect Semtech engineering and quality support to
address potential product issues, periodic performance review,
and support for customer visits, audits and CMRT validation
process while maintaining compliance to all regulatory and
Semtech health and safety regulations or requirements.


Semtech Corporation’s supervisors and managers shall determine what knowledge

and to what level is necessary for the various operation and processes to achieve
conformity of products, services and occupational health and safety. This training
shall be maintained and be made available to the extent necessary pursuant to
7.1.6 of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and IATF 16949. Such
training and knowledge may come as a result from several sources such as;
• Source material from customers
• Source material from standards, procedures or specifications
• Education, experience, training
• Regulatory requirements
• Improvement actions pursuant to incident, accident investigations
• Process or Product trends or analysis or
• Process modifications or updates

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3



8.1 Leadership Team Commitment and Responsibilities (Clause 5.1)

Semtech’s Leadership Team is responsible to identify resource

requirements, provide adequate resources and assign trained
personnel for management, performance of work and verification
activities including monitoring, tracking, measuring performance and
continual improvement.

The leadership team can provide evidence of its commitment to the

development and implementation of the OHSMS and continually
improve its effectiveness by communicating to the company of
meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements,
establishing the occupational health & safety policy, ensuring that
health & safety objectives are established, conducting management
reviews and ensuring adequate resources, and help drive risk
reduction at supplier sites involving health and safety.

The President and CEO of Semtech Corporation, along with his

leadership team, have taken the responsibility and authority as
defined within this manual and other relevant corporate
documentation, to empower and designate key personnel. This has
been communicated, and continues to be communicated through our
employee indoctrination training.

Additionally, Semtech’s Leadership team can ensure that customer

requirements are determined and are met with the aim of enhancing
customer satisfaction, minimizing environmental impact, and
ensuring personnel health & safety.

Semtech executes it’s health and safety policy through it’s Supplier
Code of Conduct aimed at reducing risk and managing safe working
conditions of our suppliers, visitors, and employees.

Link to Semtech website Code of Conduct;

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

8.2 Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities (Clause


Roles, responsibilities and authorities are defined, documented and

communicated in the organizational chart referenced in the Corporate
Quality Manual. The Corporate HR Safety Director has been
appointed as Semtech OHSMS Management Representative in order
to ensure the OHSMS is maintained in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 45001. The OHSMS representative shall report
to top management on the performance of the OHSMS for review and
recommendations for improvement, especially when establishing the
inputs into the management review.

8.3 Occupational Health & Safety Policy / Leadership Focus (Clause


Semtech’s Leadership Team has determined that the following

occupational health & safety policy: best expresses their overall
intentions and directions for the corporation in its quest for employee
health and safety, regulatory compliance, safe working environment
and reducing the potential for injury and accidents, including our
commitment to meeting and/or exceeding the needs of our employees,
visitors and, provides a framework for establishing and reviewing
health and safety objectives.

Semtech’s Leadership Team reviews this Occupational Health &

Safety policy for suitability periodically throughout the year. Whenever
the health & safety policy is modified, the change shall be
communicated using ‘best practice’ methods to ensure the policy is
understood at appropriate levels in the organization.

Semtech measures the effectiveness of the Occupational Health &

Safety Policies through a variety of channels. They include but are not
limited to;
• Occupational Health & Safety Key Performance Indicators
• Monitoring and tracking Objectives and Targets
• Monitoring and reviewing Aspect and Hazard listing
• Monitoring and reviewing Significant Aspect listing
• Maintaining ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certification

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

8.4 Scope of Management Systems (Clause 4.3)

Semtech Corporation is a global manufacturing company empowering

a network of design, manufacturing and test facilities. As these
facilities develop and execute their management systems their scope
may vary slightly, but the overall intent is to execute pursuant to
Semtech’s goals and requirements, relevant industry standards, while
meeting customer requirements and expectations.

The scope of the OHSMS includes services and activities associated


• Semtech Corporate, Semtech Camarillo;

The Design, Development of Protection Product, Management of

Manufacturing and Engineering Processes, the Marketing and
Sales of Commercial, Military and Industrial Semiconductor
Components, Modules, Assemblies and Associated Products
which occur at Semtech’s corporate headquarters at 200 Flynn
Road, Camarillo, California 93012.

• Semtech Irvine:

The Manufacture, and Test of Transport and Data Communication

High Performance Analog Integrated Circuits and Modules which
occur at 5141 California Ave, Suite 150, Irvine, California 92617

• Semtech Colorado Springs (Elkton)

Process development and manufacture of wafer level packaging,

die level packaging and package assembly which occur at 1025
Elkton Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

• Semtech Colorado Springs (Federal)

Process development and manufacture of die level packaging, flip

chip packaging, package assembly, TT&R (Test, Tape and Reel),
and order fulfillment which occur at 10045 Federal Drive, Colorado
Springs, CO 80908

• Semtech San Diego

The Design of Commercial, Industrial Semiconductor Components
and Associated Products which occur at 10301 Meanley Drive,
Suite 100, San Diego, California 92131

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

8.5 Occupational Health & Safety Policy (Clause 5.2)

Semtech is committed to the health, safety and well-being of all

employees and visitors. We have incorporated sound practices by:
• Establishing and documenting operational health and safety
• Making every manager, supervisor, and employee accountable
for prevention of injuries and occupation illness
• Identifying workplace hazards and implementing controls to
reduce risks
• Establishing OH&S objectives that address risks and
opportunities, and continually improve our OH&S system
• Consultation and participation of workers and workers’
• Complying with all legal and other requirements

Management is committed to the safety, health and wellbeing of every

employee at Semtech Corporation (the “Company”). It is the Company’s
goals to provide a safe and healthful environment for all employees and
visitors. In support of this goal, the Company is committed to complying
with all legal and other requirements related to operational health and
safety and every employee is required to follow guidelines established in
our injury and illness Prevention Program and associated Occupational
Health & Safety Manual.

Prevention of injuries and occupational illness is consistent with sound

management practices and optimum employee relations; hence an
aggressive injury and illness prevention effort is a key accountability of
every manager, supervisor, and employee. Safety, quality, and
productivity go hand-and-hand. Injuries and occupational illnesses result
in lost work days, physical disability, pain and suffering, loss of earnings,
equipment damage, and poor quality, all of which can directly or indirectly
affect productivity and profitability. A formal Injury and Illness Prevention
Program, combined with safe working conditions and good housekeeping
controls, is an essential tool in achieving maximum productivity, quality,
and profit goals for the Company.

There is no place at the Company for an employee who does not work
safely or who endangers the safety of fellow workers. It is essential that all
managers and supervisors insist on maximum safety performance and

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
awareness from the employees under their direction by enthusiastically
and consistently administering all safety rules and regulations.

Each of us has a duty to recognize, report, and act on hazardous situations

before they can lead to injury or illness. The cooperation of every employee
in detecting and controlling hazards is vital to the effectiveness of the Injury
and Illness Prevention Program through our Occupational Health & Safety
Management System. Only through working together and commitment to
continual improvement can we achieve our goal of a safe and healthy work

8.6 Consultation and Participation (Clause 5.4)

Involvement of workers in the OHSMS and the processes that support it is a key
requirement of effective OH&S management as it enables Semtech top
management to make informed decisions.

Semtech Corporation shall;

• Provide, in a timely manner, access to clear, understandable and relevant

information about the OHSMS through this manual and its relevant IIPP;
• Identify and remove obstacles to participation such as failure to respond to
employee suggestions, language or literacy difficulties, policies that discourage
employee participation, and minimize those that cannot be removed;
• Encourage consultation with non-managerial employees relating to a range of
OH&S issues such as safety walk-through, accident investigations
• Encourage the participation of non-managerial employees in a range of OH&S
activities and decisions in identifying safety aspects and hazards, improvement

Semtech’s functional groups determine the best way of ensuring effective

consultation and participation and whether it needs to set up formal mechanisms
such as health and safety committees. While consultation is about seeking
workers’ views, and considering them, before making a decision, participation is
about joint decision-making, e.g. jointly undertaking a risk assessment and
agreeing actions or being involved in deciding Semtech’s OHSMS policy and

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

8.7 Achieving Semtech’s Objectives, Targets and Goals / Planning Focus (Clause

8.7.1 Minimize the number of job accidents by;

• Awareness training on Occupational Health and Safety
• Corrective measures from complete accident investigations
• Identifying hazards and risk areas and allowing personnel to be aware of
them through postings, and safety briefings
• Listing goals and targets for reduction efforts
• Monitoring and measuring reduction efforts
• Taking action when necessary such as creating Preventive Action or
Continuous Improvement Projects in PLM to ensure focus on this goal

8.7.2 Sustained certification to ISO 45001

• Following up on certification findings and opportunities for improvement

8.7.3 Understanding and complying with customer, legal and other

requirements by;

• Using ‘flow down’ process when customer submits their health and safety
requirements, Semtech will flow down this information to our suppliers
• Conduct yearly legal review of regulatory and stator requirements
updating our processes as needed
• Conduct occupational health and safety internal audits and include an
element of health and safety compliance in areas of audit.
• Updating our awareness training presentation and ensuring Semtech HR
issues the presentations to our new hires as well and recurring training to
Semtech personnel

8.7.4 OHS Target

• The target is to have < 5 days lost due to accidents through all



The business of Semtech Corporation involves risk, the effects of uncertainty

whether positive or negative. Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of
deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
event, its consequence, or likelihood of impact to the environment or safety
measures and controls.

In order for Semtech to be successful Semtech acknowledges that it must

consciously take risks where the potential and probability of positive return is
high and eliminate or minimize risks that can only detract from success in
minimizing environmental impact or eliminating health & safety threats to

Semtech Corporation carries out its business in an environment that is not

totally predictable. Semtech’s employees, managers, and leadership team
make decisions and take actions where the results are uncertain and where
the effects of decisions and actions taken by others or of natural events
cannot be fully anticipated.

In order to obtain excellent results, Semtech Corporation must be successful

in managing its risks and in managing and minimizing the damage associated
with “threat based risks” and reducing the potential occupational health or
safety concerns.

Semtech Corporation has taken action to identify uncertain events and to

take action to maximize the contribution of opportunities and to minimize the
detriment of dangers to personnel and impact to the environment. This
supports the long term profitable growth in an uncertain business
environment meeting environmental regulatory and statutory requirements
reducing impact to the environment creating a safe and healthy work
environment for personnel, contractors and visitors.

Where risk management seeks to understand what might go badly in a

business decision or business plan, risks associated with opportunity based
risk looks for what might go better.[3]
9.1 Opportunity Based Risk (Clause 6.1)
To maximize the positive contributions of opportunity based risk, Semtech
Corporation will continuously identify opportunities, set goals, anticipate
future change and plan actions to realize opportunities and goals
according to the Annual Business Plan, Health & Safety goals and targets,
MITs program, management reviews and Performance Evaluations.

Opportunities may arise at any time. The decision to act or not to act on
an opportunity should be informed by the relative probabilities of
favorable or unfavorable outcomes and by the confidence of associated

Some important risk factors are the potential effects of a change in

marketing analysis, competition, regulatory requirements, environmental

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
conditions, heal & safety conditions, public relations impact,
infrastructure, inaction and cost or return on investment or
implementation of control measures.

9.2 Risk Based Threats (Clause 6.1)

Risk based threats can arise from the business environment, from the
physical environment, from the human environment and from historical
events or from unanticipated future events, public perception or
environmental impact.

To minimize the negative effects of threats, Semtech Corporation will

identify these types of risks and will evaluate on a regular basis their
potential impact and the probability of their occurrence.

Semtech Corporation will take positive steps to determine the source of

such risk and will take all reasonable actions to minimize or eliminate the
root cause, minimize the potential losses, eliminate safety issues,
minimize environmental impact or to compensate for them.

Where no action makes business sense, Semtech Corporation will bear

the risk with continuous prudent intelligence to ensure that timely action is
taken to minimize exposure to threats associated with such risk.

9.3 Process Methodology

Risk management can be described as the process of proactively

working with stakeholders to minimize the risks and maximize the
opportunity associated with good management decisions.[5] Risks are
about the possibility of an adverse consequence.[6]

Good risk management relies on adaptability in response to change.[7]

Risk management ensures that Semtech Corporation identifies and
understands the risks to which it is exposed.

Semtech Corporation continuously face environments in which

uncertainty is constantly challenging the existing ways of doing business
and the way that risk needs to be managed. However, the upside to risk,
that is often overlooked, is that the feared uncertain event could have a
desired outcome. This is a positive risk or opportunity and needs to be
managed to ensure a good result. Having a clear understanding of all
risks allows Semtech to measure and prioritize them and take the
appropriate actions to minimize environmental impacts, eliminate safety
hazards and reduce business losses.[9]

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Opportunity management is the process that converts the chance to
decisiveness and is increasingly becoming embedded in the culture of
Semtech organizational groups as they mature and broaden their
understanding of the value that managing uncertainty can bring.

Semtech Corporation acknowledges that in order for positive risk or

opportunity management to be effective in creating or protecting value,
the environment, personnel, contractors or visitors it has become an
integral part of the management processes, and embedded in the culture
and practices throughout Semtech.

9.3.1 Opportunity Risk – Internal

Semtech Corporation has listed some internal elements

associated with opportunity risk which include;
• Customer
• Marketing
• Quality
• Business Units
• Finance
• Investor Relations
• Human Resources
• Legal
• Design
• Operations
• Information Technology & Security
• Sales

9.3.2 Risk Impact and Probability

Semtech Corporation has identified key risks and assigned a

method of impact – probability rating to each. Refer to
External Risk – Risk Impact / Probability Chart

9.3.3 External Risk

Semtech Corporation has identified several external risk factors

impacting the corporation and business. These factors include;

• Technology
• Market
• Competition
• Customer
• Material Sourcing Vendor
• Supplier Sourcing Backup

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
• Supplier Resources
• Supplier Certification
• Semtech Certification
• Business Performance
• Business Cycle
• Business Interruptions
• Product Liability
• Product Inventory & Lifecycle
• Cost of Product Compliance
• Risk to IP
• Foreign Currency Market
• Increase Tax Liability
• Industry Consolidation
• Distributor Termination
• Product Environmental and Conflict Minerals Compliance
• Global Health Crisis such as Coronavirus, SARs,


Semtech Corporation assigned ratings to each element of the risk based

on experience, training, and input from stakeholders.

Impact Probability chart and process assigns a rating to Impact, Probability,

Detectability then through a simple calculation

• Impact X Probability

10.1 Ratings Definitions

Ratings assigned are based on the calculation noted in the table
referenced above. Ratings levels span;
• 1; Trivial
• 2; Tolerable
• 3; Moderate
• 4; Substantial
• 5; Intolerable

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
10.2 External Risk – Risk Impact / Probability Chart
The chart identifies the risk impact and probability associated with
various external risks. Refer to Semtech’s Aspects / Impacts /
Significant Aspect listings for risk assignments associated with
specific environmental or health & safety conditions.

The impact and probability assignment were determined by

Semtech’s management team and are reviewed annually. Last
review: April 2019.


Impact X
Impact Probability Detectability
Context Issues Probability ÷
(1-5) (1-5) (1-5)
Technology 3 4 4 3
Market 5 4 5 4
Competition 4 4 4 4
Customer 5 3 5 3
Material Sourcing; Vendor 4 3 5 2.4
Supplier Sourcing: Back-
3 3 5 1.8
Supplier Resources 3 4 4 3
Supplier Certification 2 2 3 1.33
Semtech Certification 2 1 2 1
Reduced Business
5 2 4 2.5
Reduced Business Cycle 3 2 3 2
Reduced ASP 4 3 4 3
Business Interruptions 5 4 5 4
Product Liability & Ins. 4 3 3 4
Obso. Inventory &
3 3 4 2.25
Product Lifecycle changes
Cost of Product
3 4 4 3
Compliance to Ind. Stnds.
Risk to IP 4 2 4 2
Foreign currency market 4 2 3 2.6
Increase Tax Liability 4 3 3 4
Industry Consolidation 5 3 3 5
Distributor risk of term. 4 2 4 2
Product Environmental
4 1 4 1
compliance & conflict mtls
Global Health Crisis 4 3 3 4

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3


To establish a process for risk assessment and identifying hazards,

Semtech Corporation has established this basic flow to help identify
elements within the assessment process.

Classify work activities

Identify hazards

Determine risk

Decide if risk is tolerable

Prepare risk control action plan

(if necessary)

Review adequacy of action plan

11.1 Classify Work Activities

To enable this process, identifying work activities can include;

• Geographical locations within or outside a company’s premises

• Stages within a production process or within the provisions of a
• Planned or reactive work or
• Define tasks such as Global Health Crisis

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

11.2 Identify Hazards

To help identify Hazards and risks, Semtech’s CFT have categorized
hazards and risks as either;
• Mechanical
• Electrical
• Radiation
• Substances
• Fire and explosion

11.3 Hazards and risks associated with Work Activities

• Slips or falls
• Falls from heights
• Fall from ladder
• Falls from tools, materials from heights
• Inadequate headroom
• Hazards associated with manual lifting or handling of tools,
• Hazard associated with confined space
• Hazards from machinery associated with assembly, operation,
maintenance, modification, or repair
• Vehicle hazards covering site transport or travelling by road
• Fire and explosion
• Violence to staff
• Substances that maybe inhaled
• Substances or agents that could damage the eye
• Substances that could cause damage to skin through contact or
being absorbed through the skin
• Substances that could cause harm by being ingested
• Exposure to harmful energies such as electricity, radiation, vibration,
or noise
• Contractors’ activities
• Sudden illness brought on by work or contagion through contact or

11.4 Determine Risk

Risk from a hazard should be determined by estimating the potential

severity of harm and the likelihood that such harm will occur. Refer to

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

11.5 Decide if Risk is tolerable

One simple method for deciding whether risks are tolerable. Risks are
classified according to their estimated likelihood of their potential severity
of harm

Slightly Extremely
Harmful Harmful Harmful

11.6 Prepare Risk Control Action Plan (procedure) if necessary

The Risk categories described form the basis for deciding whether
improved controls re required and the timescale for such action.

The outcome of a risk assessment should be an inventory of actions

prioritized to create, maintain or improve controls.


No action is required and no documentation records
1 Trivial
need to be kept
No additional controls are required. Monitoring is
2 Tolerable
required to ensure that the controls are maintained.
Efforts should be made to reduce the risk, but the costs
of prevention should be carefully measured and limited.
3 Moderate
Risk reduction measures should be implemented within
a defined time period.
Risk mitigation efforts must be considered.
Considerable resources may have to be allocated to
4 Substantial
reduce the risk. Where the risk involves work in
progress, urgent action should be taken.
Risk mitigation efforts must be in place and monitored
until the risk has been reduced. Action plans, goals and
5 Intolerable
targets will need to be reassessed, revised or replaced
to reduce the risk.

11.7 Review Adequacy of Action Plan / Procedure

When the action plan or procedure is necessary it is created, or modified

it should be reviewed by relevant stakeholders to ensure adequate
measures are in place to bring risk level to a tolerable state.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

11.8 Creating or Modifying Control Measures

Risk Assessment should be viewed as a continuing process. The

adequacy of control measures should be subject to continual review and
revised when necessary.

Reference Documents
Corporate Quality Document;
Risk Management Program

12. PLANNING (Clause 6)

12.1 Aspects and Hazard Identification (Clause

Semtech is committed to minimizing its environmental, health and safety

impacts and does so by screening probable environmental & safety aspects,
identifying significant environmental & safety impacts and setting forth
environmental & safety objectives. Semtech incorporates its environmental
management programs together with the occupational health & safety
management programs.

12.2 Identification of Significant Hazards & Aspects (Clause

Semtech has developed procedures for screening probable and identifying

significant health and safety aspects.

Three times a year the Safety committee convenes with each department to
review health and safety potentials and identify probable safety aspects.
Once probable safety aspects are identified, each item is scored according
to the criteria set and defined in Identifying Aspects and Impacts procedure

Identified significant safety aspects are then ranked and documented on the
Significant Aspects List noting each department responsible / contributing to
the identified safety impact.

Management together with Environmental Management Representative

discusses each significant aspect and devises health & safety programs
aiming at ameliorating health & safety impacts.

Each occupational health & safety management program is measurable and

monitored on quarterly basis on SEMTECH 006, KPI & Scorecard, with the

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
exception of legal compliance which is measured on yearly basis (Legal and
Other Requirements, SEMTECH 003).

12.3 Assessment of Opportunities and Improvement of OHSMS


Semtech has implemented and maintain processes to assess its

occupational health and safety opportunities through its internal audit
process, safety committee reviews, hazards and aspect listings, legal
reviews, and through scoring and monitoring processes.

These processes help assess the performance or Semtech’s OHSMS taking

into consideration changes to business structure, policies and related
activities such as;

• Hazards and risks when planning and designing development

processes, site infrastructure, equipment, and associated materials;

• Modification of working processes including the alleviation of

monotonous and repetitive work;
• Introduction of new technology to ameliorate high-risk activities;
• Collaborating in forums that focus on issues relating to occupational
health and safety.
• Introduction of job safety analysis and task-related assessments;
• Implementation of permit-to-work processes;
• Implementation of ergonomic and other injury prevention-related
• Improvement of the occupational health and safety culture within

12.4 Semtech views the following as opportunities to improve the OHSMS to


• Enhancing the visibility of top management’s support for the OHSMS;

• Improving employees consultation and participation in health and
safety decision making;
• Enhancing the incident investigation process;
• Improving two-way communication on health and safety issues and
promoting occupational health and safety in the work place;
• Expediting corrective actions to address health and safety
• Improving competency in identifying hazards, dealing with health and
safety risks and implementing appropriate controls;
• Adopting a risk assessment approach to conducting OHSMS audits;

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
• Viewing employees at all levels as a key resource;
• Ensuring that the management review promotes a strategic and
critical evaluation of the OHSMS.

12.5 Responsible Functions/Business Unit

All managers together with Environmental Management Representative are

responsible for insuring the effectiveness of this OHSMS element by
developing an aspect and impact listing, monitoring, tracking and rating the
impact of such aspects and assigning a risk probability assessment.
Measuring effectiveness is determined if Semtech meets or exceeds its
annual Objectives and Targets.

Semtech combines its OHSMS Objectives and Targets with its EMS
Objectives and Targets, Semtech 004.

Reference Documents

Corporate EH&S Document; Identifying Environmental Aspects

SEMDOC000583, and Impacts
Corporate EH&S Document;
SEMTECH 001 Environmental Aspects Screening
• SEMTECH-0001 and Significance Form
Corporate EH&S Document;
Significant Environmental Aspects
• SEMTECH-0002 Irvine
Corporate EH&S Document:
SEMTECH 004 Semtech Objectives and Target
• SEMTECH-004 Irvine
Corporate EH&S Document:
Objectives Programs & Scorecard
Corporate Quality Document
Risk Management Program

12.6 Legal and Other Requirements / Compliance Obligations (Clause 6.1.3)

Semtech identifies and maintains a registry of all legal and other

requirements. Legal requirements include federal, state and local
requirements along with customer and Semtech defined requirements.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Legal and other requirements are reviewed on yearly basis to assess
Semtech compliance. Legal requirements are reviewed keeping the
organization’s environmental, health & safety aspects in mind.

All legal and other requirements identified are taken into the consideration in
establishing, implementing and maintaining the organization’s OHSMS.

Reference Documents
Corporate EH&S Document; Environmental Compliance Legal Requirements
SEMDOC000584 Review
Corporate EH&S Document; Legal and Other Requirements Review – FORM
• SEMTECH-003 Irvine

12.7 Objectives, Targets and Programs / Environmental Objectives

Semtech has established, implemented and shall maintain a program to

document the health & safety objectives and targets on the Semtech EMS
and OH&S Objectives and Targets list, Semtech 004. The objectives and
targets shall be measurable and consistent with the policies covering
environmental and occupational health & safety. The objectives and targets
shall also take into account the significant aspects and hazards identification
of Semtech, technological options, financial, operational and business
requirements and the views of interested parties.

The objects and targets list shall include the departments responsible for
achieving the specific objective and/or target. This list and the status of the
objectives shall be reviewed during the management review and revised

Reference Documents
Corporate EH&S Document;
SEMTECH 004 Semtech Objectives and Target
• SEMTECH-004 Irvine

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3


7 & 8)

13.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority (Clause 7.1)

Semtech has made available resources such as human resources,

organizational infrastructure, technology and financial resources to
establish, implement, maintain and improve the OHSMS.

Roles, responsibilities and authorities are defined, documented and

communicated in the organizational chart referenced in the Corporate
Quality Manual. Furthermore the Corporate Safety Officer has been
appointed as Occupational Health & Safety officer.

Semtech Safety Officer will ensure the OHSMS is maintained in accordance

with the requirements of ISO 45001. The Safety Officer shall report to top
management on the performance of the OHSMS for review and
recommendations for improvement, especially when establishing the inputs
into the management review.

13.2 Competence, Training and Awareness (Clause 7.2 & 7.3)

Semtech has identified its training needs associated with its health & safety
aspects and OHSMS in the Corporate General Training Procedure (KFID-
4JCPZD) referenced in the Corporate Quality Manual. The organization
provides training and keeps associated records and they are referenced in
the Corporate Quality Manual.

Reference Documents
Corporate Document; KFID-4JCPZD Corporate General Training Procedure

13.3 Communication (Internal & External) (Clause 7.4, 7.4.2, 7.4.3)

Internal Communication, as defined within ISO 9001, and ISO 45001 have
been accepted and adopted by Semtech to ensure that appropriate
communication processes are established and that such communication
takes place regarding the effectiveness of the QMS and OHSMS. This is
also further elaborated on in the Corporate Quality Manual.

Semtech provides information about its health & safety aspects and impacts
upon request. However, Semtech may choose not to share the details
about its health & safety impacts and aspects if it deems the inquiry is

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

Semtech will not communicate its significant health & safety aspects to
potential clients unless it is specifically required as part of a job bid, even
then top management will make the final decision on whether or not to
communicate the organization’s significant aspects.

Semtech’s Customer Request process is the controlling media whereby

customers can request health & safety compliance data, submit compliance
surveys, or request compliance review of their documents and

Through this process, Semtech’s quality team gathers all supporting

documents, completes surveys and prepares responses which are
forwarded back to the customer.

Reference Documents
Corporate Quality Document; Corporate Customer Request Procedure

13.4 Documented Information (Clause 7.5)

Per the requirements of ISO 45001 standard, the organization has

documented several aspects of the OHSMS. The health & safety policy is
documented in this supplemented OHSMS Manual and is posted at various
onsite locations. The objectives and targets are documented on the
Semtech Objectives and Targets form. A description of the scope of
Semtech’s occupational health & safety management system is
documented within this OHSMS Manual.

A description of the main elements of the OHSMS with its IIPP is the main
purpose of the documentation contained herein the OHSMS Manual.
Documents and records required by ISO 45001 and also the documents
and records that are necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation
and control of processes that relate to its significant environmental aspects
are identified as Environmental Health and Safety documents and kept
within PLM, Product Lifecycle Management system.

The interaction of key processes including both ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and
ISO 14001 are documented in the Corporate Quality Manual as well as
referenced throughout this OHSMS Manual.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
13.5 Control of Documented Information / Creating and Updating (Clauses
7.5.2 & 7.5.3)

Section 1.5 of Semtech Corporate Quality Manual, Control of Documents,

defines procedures in place for proper document control. This procedure
addresses what is necessary for approving documents prior to use,
reviewing and updating documents as necessary, re-approving documents,
ensuring the changes and the current revision status of status of documents
are identified, ensuring that relevant versions of applicable documents are
available at points of use, ensuring the document remain legible and readily
identifiable, ensuring that documents of external origin determined by the
organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the OHSMS
are identified and their distribution control and for preventing the unintended
use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they
are retained for any purpose.

Reference Documents
Corporate Document; PSAZ-5AFU9J Corporate Change Control
Corporate Document; PSAZ-5AFNKG Corporate Document Control

13.6 Operational Planning & Control (Clause 8.1)

Operational planning and controls are methods, systems, processes, and

equipment that safeguard the environment. These can be special
containers, containment or isolation arrangements, alarms and automatic
shutdown mechanisms, communication requirements, instructions and
procedures, training programs, etc.

Semtech has identified and planned those operations that are associated
with the identified significant aspects consistent with the safety policy and
the objectives and targets to ensure they are carried out under specified
conditions. Semtech Significant Aspect List (FORM SEMTECH 002) lists
significant aspects and identifies departments responsible for control
methods for minimize the impact of the aspects.

Additionally, Semtech’s conflict mineral program ensures its supply chain is

monitored for compliance to RBA / RMI, customer and Semtech’s
requirements ensuring Tantalum, Tungsten, Tin and Gold metals are not
procured or smeltered in conflict areas pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Ack of
2010 or mined using child or forced labor practices in conditions which
violate human rights.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Reference Documents
Corporate EH&S Document;
SEMTECH 002 Significant Environmental Aspect List
• SEMTECH-002 Irvine
Corporate EH&S Document; Semtech Hazardous Communication
KFID-4N8SER Procedure
Corporate EH&S Document; Hazardous Waste Handling
Corporate EH&S Document; Evaluating Vendors Affecting
SEMDOC000660 Environmental Aspects
Corporate EHS & Quality Document; Corporate Confined Space Policy &
SEMDOC004924 Program
Corporate Quality Document; Conflict Mineral: Semtech’s Policy,
SEMDOC004328 Program and Expectations

13.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response (Clause 8.2)

Semtech is committed to safety and health of all of its employees. The

organization has defined corporate safety policy in Corporate Illness and
Injury Prevention Program (IIPP) and this includes procedure that outlines
different emergency procedures. IIPP contains procedures for the following
emergency and safety procedures:
• Emergency Procedures
• Enforcement and Disciplinary Policies and Procedures
• Health and Safety Training Program
• Accident Reporting and Investigation
• Hazard Abatement

Reference Documents
Corporate EH&S Document; Semtech Injury & Illness Prevention Plan
TDC EH&S Document; HR-01-101 Semtech Irvine Injury & Illness Prevention Plan
Corporate EH&S Document: Semtech Hazardous Communications Procedure


14.1 Monitoring and Measurement (Clause 9.1)

Semtech is in compliance with monitoring and measurement requirements

as stated in both ISO 9001 and ISO 45001. All measurement and

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
monitoring of health & safety objectives programs are documented in
Semtech Objectives Programs Scorecard and conducted according to
Semtech EH&S Monitoring and Measurement procedure

In line with its QMS and EH&S policies, the organization will work with its
direct suppliers to assist in obtaining and maintaining their management
systems to the requirements of both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and if
applicable ISO 45001.

Reference Documents
Corporate EH&S Document; Semtech EH&S Monitoring and
SEMDOC000731 Measurement
Corporate EH&S Document; Semtech EH&S Objectives Programs
SEMTECH 006 Scorecard
• SEMTECH-006 Irvine

14.2 Evaluation of Compliance (Clause 9.1.2)

Semtech has created procedures for legal and other requirements review
and internal auditing. Legal and other requirements review is noted in
section 12.4 of this OHSMS Manual. Internal Auditing is referenced in 14.3
of this OHSMS Manual and further detailed in the Corporate Quality Manual
section 21.2.

Reference Documents
Corporate EH&S Document; Environmental & Hazard Compliance Legal
SEMDOC000584 Requirements Review
Corporate EH&S Document; Legal and Other Requirements Review –
• SEMTECH-003 Irvine
Corporate Document; KFID-4L3S3E Corporate Audit Program

14.3 Internal Audit (Clause 9.2)

Semtech has created a procedure for performing internal audit of the

OHSMS at planned intervals to determine whether the OHSMS conforms to
the planned arrangements of ISO 45001. Corporate Quality Manual section
21.2 outlines Internal Auditing Policies and Procedures.

It is the responsibility of the environmental representative to plan and

conduct OHSMS internal audits as well as report results to the management

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
and retain records. The environmental representative shall ensure
objectivity and impartiality when selecting auditor for the internal audit if

Reference Documents
Corporate Document; KFID-4L3S3E Corporate Audit Program

14.4 Management Review (Clause 9.3)

Top Management reviews the organization’s OHSMS as part of its regular

annual business management system meetings. Management meetings
are further defined in the Corporate Quality Manual. Corporate
Management Review outlines inputs, outputs and documentation of
business management system meetings.

Management reviews can be further defined by the business unit

management team based on business and operational needs whereby
extending the review cycle to a less frequent period.

Reference Documents
Corporate Document; SFBN-4MFN3G Corporate Management Review

15. IMPROVEMENT (Clause 10)

15.1 Incident, Nonconformity & Corrective Action, Preventive Action

(Clause 10.2)

Semtech has in place procedures for corrective and prevention actions,

continuous improvement as required by ISO 9001 and ISO 45001.
Corrective Action Request System as described in detail in section 22 of the
Corporate Quality Manual and encompasses both requirements of ISO 9001
and ISO 45001.

Forms and reports noted within the Injury, Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP,
SEMDOC000586) have sections dedicated for referencing CAPA reports.

Prevention Action System is described in detail in section 23 of the

Corporate Quality Manual and encompasses requirements of both ISO 9001
and ISO 45001.

Actions are taken accordingly to the magnitude of the health & safety
impacts that are encountered as a result of noncompliance and necessary
changes, if any, will be made to the OHSMS.

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
15.2 Continual Improvement (Clause 10.3)

Semtech Corporation embarks upon a model of continuous improvement.

Such actions are clearly noted throughout our business processes.

Continuous Improvement is part of Semtech’s quality system as a proactive

measure to improve efficiency, reduce costs, reduce environmental impact,
minimize health & safety impact and enhance product and services

Continuous Improvement is described in detail in section 11 of the

Corporate Corrective Action, Preventive Action & Continuous Improvement

The continuous improvement process enables any one to plan, document

and execute such a plan or project.

Reference Documents
Corporate Document; Corrective Action, Preventive Action and
PSAZ-5AMMXS Continuous Improvement

15.3 Control of Records

Semtech has created a procedure to address both document and record

control as required by ISO 9001 and ISO 45001. Corporate Quality Manual
describes has a detailed reference to Semtech policies, procedures and
responsibilities. Documents and records are maintained to demonstrate
conformity to the OHSMS and to ISO 45001.

Reference Documents
Corporate Document; KFID-4KWSAP Control of Quality Records
Corporate Document; PSAZ-5AFU9J Change Control Procedure

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3


Continual Improvement
Responsibility /
▪ Management Commitment
▪ Customer Service /
Customer and Stakeholders Requirements

Customer Focus
Resource ▪ Quality Policy
Management / PLANNING
Support ▪ Quality Planning Measurement, Analysis,

Customer Satisfaction
▪ Legal and Regulatory and Improvement /
▪ Finance Compliance Performance Eval.
▪ Document Control ▪ Risk Management
▪ Information System ▪ Organizational Structure • Customer Satisfaction
▪ Human Resources ▪ Resource Provision • OHSMS / QMS
• Competence ▪ Management Review Processes
• Training ▪ Internal Audit
• Performance
Reviews Product Realization / IMPROVEMENT
▪ Maintenance & ▪ Corrective and
0 Operations Preventive action
Facility • Purchasing
Management • NPI: Design & Development
▪ Continuous
▪ OHS Program • Sustaining Engineering Improvement
• Production Planning
• Production / manufacturing
and Operational Control
• Testing
• Material Control and NCM
• Supplier Quality Product & Service
Management Output
• Field Applications

Value Added Activities Process Flow

Information Flow Improvement

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3


Continual Improvement of Semtech' Quality and Environmental Management System

16. Manufacturing and Operations Controls

9. Resource Management 13. Supplier Management
10. New Product Introduction
7.2 Customer Requirements

Customer Satisfaction
7. Customer Focus
14. Purchasing
12. Document and Datafile
15. Managing Non-Conforming Material

19. Preventive Action 18. Corrective Action

EMS: Managing Significant Environmental Aspects/Impacts

17. Measurement, Analysis, Legal Review and Improvement

4.1 Most Important Tasks (MITs)

4. Semtech Leadership Team

8. Management Review

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3

18. CORRELATION BETWEEN ISO 45001:2018 & OHSAS 18001:2007

This section provides a cross reference between ISO 45001:2018 & OHSAS
18001:2007 requirements

It should be noted that there will not be full correspondence between the
requirements of the two standards on an equivalent topic, and that the following
tables are an approximation only.

Table 18.1 - Correspondence between ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001:2007

ISO 45001:2018 OHSAS 18001:2007
Context of the organization (title only) 4 - New requirement
[see also 4.6 h) in Management review]
Understanding the organization and its 4.1 - New requirement
context [see also 4.6 h) in Management review]
Understanding the needs and 4.2 Participation and consultation (in part)
expectations of workers and other [see also 4.6 b) and c) in Management
interested parties review]
Determining the scope of the OH&S 4.3 4.1 General requirements (in part)
management system
OH&S management system 4.4 4 Management system
4.1 General requirements
Leadership and worker participation 5 4.4.3 Communication, participation and
(title only) consultation (title only)
Leadership and commitment 5.1 4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility,
accountability and authority
OH&S Policy 5.2 4.2 OH&S policy
Organizational roles, responsibilities 5.3 4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility,
and authorities accountability and authority
Consultation and participation of 5.4 Participation and consultation
Planning (title only) 6 4.3 Planning (title only)
Actions to address risks and 6.1 4.1 General requirements
opportunities (title only) 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
determining controls
General 6.1.1 4.4.6 Operational Control
Hazard identification and assessment 6.1.2 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
of risks and opportunities (title determining controls
Hazard identification 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
determining controls
Assessment of OH&S risks and other 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
risks to the OH&S management determining controls

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Identification of OH&S opportunities - New Requirement
and other opportunities to the
OH&S management system
Determination of legal requirements 6.1.3 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements
and other requirements
Planning action 6.1.4 4.4.6 Operational Control
OH&S objectives and planning to 6.2 4.3.3 Objectives and programme(s)
achieve them (title only)
OH&S objectives 6.2.1 4.3.3 Objectives and programme(s)
Planning to achieve OH&S objectives 6.2.2 4.3.3 Objectives and programme(s)
Support (title only) 7 4.4 Implementation and operation (title only)
Resources 7.1 4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility,
accountability and authority
Competence 7.2 4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness
Awareness 7.3 4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness
Communication 7.4 Communication
General 7.4.1 Communication
Internal communication 7.4.2 Communication
External communication 7.4.3 Communication
Documented information (title only) 7.5 4.4.4 Documentation
4.5.4 Control of records
General 7.5.1 4.4.4 Documentation
4.5.4 Control of records
Creating and updating 7.5.2 4.4.5 Control of documents
4.5.4 Control of records
Control of documented information 7.5.3 4.4.5 Control of documents
4.5.4 Control of records
Operation (title only) 8 4.4 Implementation and operation (title only)
Operational planning and control (title 8.1 4.4.6 Operational control
General 8.1.1 4.4.6 Operational control
Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S 8.1.2 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
risks determining controls
4.4.6 Operational control
Management of change 8.1.3 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
determining controls
4.4.6 Operational control
Procurement (title only) 8.1.4 4.4.6 Operational control
General 4.4.6 Operational control
Contractors 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and
determining controls Communication Participation and consultation
4.4.6 Operational control
Outsourcing 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements Communication
4.4.6 Operational control
Emergency preparedness and response 8.2 4.4.7 Emergency preparedness and response
Performance evaluation (title only) 9 4.5 Checking (title only)

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and 9.1 4.5.1 Performance measurement and
performance evaluation (title only) monitoring
General 9.1.1 4.5.1 Performance measurement and
Evaluation of compliance 9.1.2 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance
Internal audit (title only) 9.2 4.5.5 Internal audit
General 9.2.1 4.5.5 Internal audit
Internal audit programme 9.2.2 4.5.5 Internal audit
Management review 9.3 4.6 Management review
Improvement (title only) 10 4.6 Management review
General 10.1 4.6 Management review
Incident, nonconformity and corrective 10.2 4.5.3 Incident investigation, nonconformity,
action corrective action and preventive action
(title only) Incident investigation Nonconformity, corrective action and
preventive action
Continual improvement 10.3 4.2 OH&S Policy
4.3.3 Objectives and programme(s)
4.6 Management review


Updated Semtech Logo on Header.

Removed Irvine from 8.4 (not certified for OHS,

only EMS)
02 • Semtech Irvine:
The Manufacture, and Test of Transport
and Data Communication High
Performance Analog Integrated Circuits
and Modules which occur at 5141
California Ave, Suite 150, Irvine, California

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Changed doc # in 12.5: SEMTECH-001 to

Changed doc # in 12.5 and 13.6: SEMTECH-002

002 to FORM SEMTECH 002
Changed doc # in 12.2, 12.6 and 14.2:

Changed doc # in 12.5 and 12.7: SEMTECH –

004 to SEMTECH 004

Changed doc # in 12.2, 12.5 and 14.1:

Changed doc description in 14.2 and 14.3
Reference docs: Corporate Document; KFID-
02 continued J. Vargo 4L3S3E Corporate Internal Audit Program, to
Corporate Audit Program

Changed doc # in 15.1: SEMDOC-000586 to

Updated typo in 6.7: Business Unit Management and
Engineering expect processing of Non-Conforming
Material Requests, … condtions,
To: conditions

Updated typo in 9.1: To maximize the positive

contributions of opportinity based risk…
To: opportunity

Updated typo in 11.3: Substances that could cause

damage to sking through contact…
To: skin

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Updated typo in 11.3: Sudden illness brought on by
work or contagent through contact or exposure
To: contagion

Updated typo in 12.3: Semtech has implemented

and maintain processes to assess its occupational
health and safety opportunities through its internal
To: audit

Updated typo in 12.3: These processes help asses

the performance or Semtech’s OHSMS…
To: assess
02 continued
Updated typo in 12.3: Improvement of the
occupational health and safety culture wthin Semtech;
To: within

Updated typo in 13.4: The interaction of key

processes … referernced throughout this OHSMS
To: referenced

Updated typo in 15.2: Continuous Improvement is

part of Semtech’s quality … helth
To: health

Updated: Semtech Colorado, Inc.

To: Semtech Colorado Springs (Elkton)

Semtech Colorado Springs (Federal)

Process development and manufacture of die level

02 continued
packaging, flip chip packaging, package assembly,
TT&R (Test, Tape and Reel), and order fulfillment
which occur at 10045 Federal Drive, Colorado
Springs, CO 80908

Added: 19. Revision History

Updated: Revision in header to Rev 2

OHSMS Manual 45001 Rev 3
Semtech Logo Changed

Add: Section 8.5

Semtech is committed to the health, safety and
well-being of all employees and visitors. We have
incorporated sound practices by:
• Establishing and documenting operational
health and safety guidelines
• Making every manager, supervisor, and
Revision 3 01May2023 R.Biddle employee accountable for prevention of injuries
and occupation illness
• Identifying workplace hazards and
implementing controls to reduce risks
• Establishing OH&S objectives that
address risks and opportunities, and continually
improve our OH&S system
• Consultation and participation of workers
and workers’ representatives
• Complying with all legal and other


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