Science Art Integrated Project

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Feat. Ladakh and West Bengal
What is Environmental Pollution?
Environmental Pollution is the contamination of the
environment with unwanted, hazardous substances that
adversely affect the biological as well as physical
constituents of the atmosphere or environment. With an
increase in the industrial revolution, we unknowingly
contaminated our surroundings, and today, it has come
to a serious, disturbing level and if it is not minimized,
we should be ready to face its severe and frightening
effects in the future.

Causes and Sources of Environmental
Harmful sources such as smoke, smog, particulate matter, and
more substances that come out from factories, automobiles,
etc., have triggered environmental pollution. Besides these
chemical substances, different sources of energy are also
participating in this activity, such as heat and light causing
global warming, radioactive pollution, noise pollution in urban
areas due to industries, vehicles, entertainment purposes, etc.
Some natural events such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic
eruptions, etc., also add to pollution.

“ Environmental Pollution is
an incurable disease. It can
only be prevented.
~ Barry Commoner

Our objective is to give a
detailed comparative study
between Ladakh and West
Bengal with tha parameters of
Environmental Pollution.
Types of Environmental Pollution

Water Pollution

Air Pollution

Soil Pollution

Noise Pollution

There are many more types of pollution, in

this project we will look into water and air
6 pollution in the two given states.
1. Water Pollution
Coming to water pollution, the main problem is sewage
disposal. Earlier it was used/ recycled as manure. Now
they use the flush plant for both at individual and
community level. system to dispose of human waste. What
is needed is sewage treatment
1. Water Pollution
West Bengal:
Arsenic toxicity in groundwater affecting major parts of the Bengal
Basin covering Bangladesh and southern West Bengal is a
stupendous environmental problem [3,4]. Shallow tube-wells were
sunk indiscriminately for lift irrigation. This resulted in over
withdrawal, misuse and abuse of groundwater resource and also
triggered release of arsenic to ground water. Ironically arsenic
pollution in Bangladesh and West Bengal came to light after
incurring huge investments. Groundwater irrigation for high yielding
‘Boro’ rice and a switch to multi-crop practices achieved ‘Green
Revolution’. It also reduced infant mortality from diarrheal diseases.
Unexpectedly the practice also ushered arsenic malady in deltaic
areas and parts of flood-plain domains of greater Bengal. The
affected areas are virtually free of any industrial, mining or
thermal-water activities and represent natural geological settings.
2. Air Pollution
Known for its clear air and water, Ladakh, the district
situated on the top of the Himalayan roof of over 11000
feet above sea level, is gradually turning into an area
whose water and air is increasingly under threat of
pollution. Large increase in the number of motor vehicles
and great rush of tourists are contributing to the
dilapidation of ecology in this area. Pollution Control
Board, of which there is a small branch in Ladakh, also, has
done nothing anticipatory to the control of pollution of air
and water in Ladakh.

2. Air Pollution
West Bengal:
Air pollution is a global public health emergency.
Currently 91,276,115 people in West Bengal are breathing
toxic air that does not meet WHO's clean air guidelines. The
district with the worst air pollution in West Bengal is Kolkata,
where PM2.5 is forecasted to be 92.9 µg/m3. That's unhealthy.

Air Quality Index comparison

State AIQ Status

Ladakh 21 US AQI Good

West Bengal 182 US AQI Unhealthy

Let’s Change
Nature plays a very important role in
every organisms’ lives. Let’s not
pollute it.
Even though it’s not 100% curable but
we can try to preven it.

If we heal the
Earth, we heal

What can we do?

Stop smoking

Use eco-friendly

Dispose of waste
The 3 R’s we should follow


Class Section Name
X A 16 Ruha Das

X A 17 Bhumika De

X A 18 Ahana Dey

X A 19 Arusika Dutta

X A 20 Pragyan Paramita Dutta


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