Syed 30071198 Azhar 30099764
Syed 30071198 Azhar 30099764
Syed 30071198 Azhar 30099764
Online Buy’s Retail Management System
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Executive Summery
Online Buy is an online e-business organization basically selling phone cards & was established
in 2005. From the starting they are usually purchasing calling cards from various Tele
communication companies like Tel Pacific, Optus, Telstra etc. & selling those to individual
customers through their online portal. Nowadays they have entered into the retail market as well
where they are supplying their calling cards to the grocery shops of Sydney city. The Manual
tallying process of invoicing was going good for this retail business till that time when the
number of their retail customer was very small. Presently due to the increased number of retail
customer of Online Buy’s the previous manual tallying system of sales invoicing & reporting is
getting invalid. Following this reality the owner of the company Mr. Mudusu has decided to
invest into a retail management system for his company in order to make a automated
management system for their retail business management which will immensely lessen their
effort for doing those work manually & also make it convenient for them to access right kind of
data in the right time. To create the system he appointed us as the project consultant. The
purpose of creating this automated retailing management system by using MS Access will be
maintaining records of all retail transactions as well as analyzing individual card sale & by this
way making their retail management system a dynamic one. By the end of creating all the
required tables there will be two major outputs for the reporting & analyzing purpose which are
The primary methodology for preparing this report is to using MS Access for creating &
designing all the necessary tables & forms & also using some secondary data for the Ms Access
This report preparing provided a wide scope of learning the MS access properly & implementing
the skill in our academic & professional work. It provided the chance of understanding, the
Executive Summery 2
2.0 Methodology.........................................................................................................................................3
3.0 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................3
4.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3
5.0 Principles of Database management System.........................................................................................3
5.1 Creating the Tables................................................................................................................................3
5.2 Defining the Fields & Data types............................................................................................................3
5.3 Creating Relationships...........................................................................................................................3
5.4 Data Entry Work....................................................................................................................................3
5.5 Creating Sale Data Entry Form...............................................................................................................3
5.6 Creating LineItem Sub Form & Combining the Forms............................................................................3
5.7 Creating the Report...............................................................................................................................3
6.0Problems Faced Through The task..........................................................................................................3
7.0 Evaluation & Conclusion........................................................................................................................3
8.0 Reference List........................................................................................................................................3
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Designing a database is critical to proficiently implement a rational database. “A database
management system (DBMS) is a software package with computer programs that control the
databases for various applications by database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists”.
(Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, May 2012, Database management system, viewed on 20
progress of civilization. In the primitive periods data was stored on cave walls/ Rocks/ leaves
through drawing/writing etc. & then we find books, storytellers, myths which were nothing but
the former non-technological database management. As time evolved, with modern information
technology today this concept has taken a completely new phenomenon. Today, there are
hundreds & thousands of various IT systems around the world to create database systems.
The DBMS may use different design model for creating the database such as relational model or
object model to make the system convenient for the users. The object-based data modeling use
entities attributes, and relationships to present the information found in the required business
process. The Entity-Relationship (E-R) is an example of this kind of model where the relational
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data model focuses on the relationships in the records of the business through mathematical
Here, we are using MS access for our report presentation which is a relational model of database
management system. Usually big corporations use Oracle & SQlL software’s for these relational
database model but for small & medium companies like Online Buy it is all right to work with
MS Office Access. In MS Access we are required to create separate tables for separate entities,
creating forms & sub forms of the tables, combining the forms in order to create an automated
updating system between the tables, creating quarries & more. MS Access is user friendly, easy
to understand yet very strong software for preparing the relational model for a database system.
There are some common terms used in MS Access in order to creating the tables, both in design
& database view. Primary key, foreign key, auto number, data type is such kind of words.
“A primary key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identify a record in a table, so )
“A foreign key (sometimes called a referencing key) is a key used to link two tables together.
Typically you take the primary key field from one table and insert it into the other table where it
becomes a foreign key (it remains a primary key in the original table).”
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So, here the primary key for one table can be a foreign key in another table of MS Access. But, a
primary key is always a primary key in its own table, where it uniquely identifies the record
inputted in the table & marks it. In primary key table every new entry takes a new unique
identity to the primary key. Where we cannot change manually the number of new entries, for
example the customer ID of each customer in customer table of MS Access is defined by the key
automatic way & cannot be created manually from the table. On the other hand in foreign key the
data can be manipulated manually as it situates in another table where it is acting as a foreign key
“Every field in a table has properties. These properties define the field's characteristics and
behavior. The most important property for a field is its data type. A consists of either text or
numerical characters, but a field whose data type is Number can store only numerical data.
Field's data type determines what kind of data it can store. For example, a field whose data type
is Text can store data that consists of either text or numerical characters, but a field whose data
(Microsoft Office, Introduction to data types & field Properties, 2012, viewed on 20 May, 2012,
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So, it is quite evident that in text format we can input both numbers & text jointly (alphanumeric
values) where in numbers we use only numbers, for example when input an address with both
text & number attributes we can input that field in a text format due to the fact that numbers in an
address or telephone number is not a number of any math, which means, we cannot add,
multiply, subtract with an address number or phone number which we can do with an amount
number. There are other data types like Date/ Time, Currency, Memo. In Memo we can input
information’s of sizes like gigabytes & in currency we input the monetary values of the data.
Auto numbers are used for those data types which required creating a new number for each entry
automatically. So in auto number, numbers are automatically generated for each record. The auto
numbers are more widely used in case of the primary key’s data type purpose. It is often found
difficult for the beginners to correctly locate which data type to use, especially in case of
numbers & text which can be avoided through a solid understanding of the data types.
First of all a database was created with the name of our, which is “Syed Azhar” in the pc folder
than by reopening the database the table creating work get started. We required four types of
tables for the purpose & they are Customer table, card table, Sale Header table, Line Item table.
Saving the table & closing the table not the MS Access.
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Repeating the above process for creating three more tables named “tblSaleHeader”,
“tblCard”, “tblLineItem”.
With the four created tables, the database looks like the following screenshot.
Entering the fields & data types manually in the design view.
Closing the table & doing the similar kind of work for the rest of the tables.
Creating Relationships
The steps for creating relationships between the tables are like following,
Opening tblSaleHeader
Selecting the “customer Id” & choose the “look up wizard” like the following figure,
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Then we saved the relationships & checked whether the relationship is created. We see a
Following the same process we create relationships between rests of the tables, such like,
creating relationship between sales ID of tbl Line Item with Sale ID of tblSale Header.
In this way all the relationship between the tables are created & in all relationship view
Opening the tblCard in datasheet view to enter the details given in figure 25 of
Open the customer table 7 entering the data given in figure 12 of the assignment 7 also
Follow the steps of the wizard. In the layout selection we select the columnar layout.
Naming the form in our name “ Syed Azhar Sale Data Entry”
tblLIneItem through a tabular layout we create the LineItem sub form. Then we need to
combine both the LineItem sub form & sale data entry form.
For combining purpose first opened the sale data entry in design view & dragged the sub
form below the footer & aligned & designed that accordingly.
Then there was a data entry in this form using the form view & enter some new record in
order to check whether any joint update regarding to the entry happens in both of the
Then some formatting of the tblLineItem form took place & doing this formatting we
used combo box wizard & replaced the Card ID text box with the Card Name.
After that a combined “Syed Azhar sale Data Entry” form created like the following
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Then with a long process through quarry created “Syed Azhar” invoice through
combo wizard box & other long processes. The Final “ Syed Azhar Invoice”
For thisw purpose creating another quarry & naming that “qryReport”
Giving name “Syed Azhar Monthly Sales Report” to the report & close it. The
enabling option to view the data in the database. It was like the following screenshot,
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As the assignment was on MS Access 2010 but we used Access 2007 so while working
We solved it by choosing the Access 2007 option given in the dialogue box.
Besides these we faced many other problems most of which we solved through internet
tips on MS Access.
The whole process of creating the two major report forms (The Syed Azhar Invoice & Syed
Azhar Monthly Sales Report) for Online Buy company required a lot of tasks performing on
creating the tables, defining the data types & fields status, Inputting the data with proper data
type, creating the relationships between the tables which enables the automation process & the
interconnectedness between the separate entities. Creating the forms & sub forms under various
tables & combining the forms & sub forms so that any updates taken place in one table create
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consequential impacts in the other table. By this way the automaticity of the system prevails.
Through the entire task assignment we developed our MS Access skills & knowledge also
learned key aspects of database management systems & it types. These hands on experience on
MS Access enlightened us with the knowledge & use of business software in SME business as
well as the importance of this kind software like Oracle, SQL in the big corporations in today’s
Reference List
Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, May 2012, Database management system,
Microsoft Office, Introduction to data types & field Properties, 2012, Viewed on