Unitac Confined Space
Unitac Confined Space
Unitac Confined Space
1 Instruction ....................................................................... 3
2 Definitions ....................................................................... 3
3 Responsibilities ................................................................. 4
3.1 Supervisor/Person in Charge of Work (PICW) ...................... 5
3.2 Employee/Contractor ................................................ 5
3.3 Stand-by Person ....................................................... 5
4 Process ........................................................................... 6
4.1 Before entering a confined space ....................................... 6
4.2 During confined space entry work ...................................... 6
5 Medical fitness and response ...................................................... 7
6 Risk assessment and planning ..................................................... 7
7 Entry permit..................................................................... 7
7.1 Entry permits mandatory content ...................................... 8
8 Personal Protective Equipment .................................................. 8
8.1 Determination and selection of PPE .................................... 8
9 Equipment and tools ........................................................... 9
10 Training .......................................................................... 9
11 Monitoring and review ............................................................ 10
12 Records ........................................................................ 10
13 Change information .......................................................... 10
1 Instruction
This instruction describes the minimum requirements to ensure that the hazards
associated with entry into confined spaces during construction and civil work, or
maintenance activities, on behalf of Unitac, are being handled in a consistent and
safe manner.
Due to complex and varied legal aspects, local building regulations, civil
regulations and standards which apply to construction and maintenance
activities, this standard focuses on the planning, implementation and
management of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) aspects only.
Confined space entry activities shall never be done alone without a Stand-by
2 Definitions
Confined Space - A confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space
access holes,
cold storage room, and
Hazard - A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health
effects on something or someone.
Hot Work - Welding, thermal or oxygen cutting, heating and other fire producing
or spark producing operations that my increase the risk of fire or explosion.
Safe Oxygen Level - A minimum oxygen content in air of 19.5 percent by volume
under normal atmospheric pressure (equivalent to a partial pressure of oxygen
(pO2) of 19.8 kPa (148 mm Hg), and a maximum oxygen content in air of 23.5
percent by volume under normal atmospheric pressure (equivalent to a partial
pressure of oxygen (pO2) of 23.9 kPa (179mm Hg).
NB: if it is necessary to enter any confined space where the air quality is
suspected to be contaminated, the air quality must be tested prior to anyone
entering the confined space and continuously monitored during the work.
Stand-by Person - A competent person assigned to remain on the outside of, and
near, the confined space, capable of being in continuous communication with
and to observe those inside, if practicable. In addition, where necessary initiates
rescue procedures and operate, and monitor equipment used to ensure safety
during entry and work in confined space.
3 Responsibilities
Managers are responsible for:
Ensuring all confined spaces under their control have been identified.,
Identifying risks and hazards associated with confined space entry, and
which administrative or engineering controls will be used to remove the
existing or known risk.
Ensuring that all personnel entering in a confined space are properly trained
and informed of the hazards associated with confined space entry.
Checking that the appropriate entries have been made on the permit, that all
tests specified by the permit have been conducted and that all procedures
and equipment specified by the permit are in place before endorsing the
permit and allowing entry to begin.
Ensure the number of team members and shall never allow working alone.
3.2 Employee/Contractor
Taking all required training courses associated with confined space entry.
Using all safety equipment and protective clothing for its intended purpose.
4 Process
Conducting risk assessment for the specific confined space entry and
establishing/confirming control measures. (refer to section 6).
Selecting appropriate equipment and tools for the work and inspecting them
to confirm their good order. (refer to section 9)
Selecting applicable PPE and ensuring persons entering the confined space
to be trained how to use it. (refer to section 8)
Prior to entry into an area that has been identified as a confined space, the work
to be conducted must be adequately identified. When the work has been
identified, management must consider whether the work can be conducted
outside the confined space. It if is determined that the work can be successfully
completed without having to enter the confined space then the following
procedure is not necessary.
7 Entry permit
An entry permit is required to be issued to all persons intending on entering a
confined space. Confined space permit should be given only for a shift and needs
to be reviewed every shift as conditions are often not stable in confined spaces.
Confined space entry permits shall include precautions and clear instructions for
the safe entry and execution of work. Periodic checks during the permit are
The person responsible for the direct control of work within a confined space
(normally Supervisor and PICW on site) shall be issued with the entry permit.
They are to record who enters the confined space. Entry permit shall be written
and posted on the workplace and communicated to all team members.
The persons entering the confined space shall be informed, understand, and
comply with the contents of the entry permit.
7.1 Entry permits mandatory content
Name and telephone numbers of rescue and emergency services and means
to be used to contact them.
Additional permits, such as for hot work, that have been issued authorizing
work in the permit space.
Once the PPE and respiratory protection levels are specified, they must not be
relaxed unless the hazards are reassessed and found to call for a lower level
of protection by Issuer / Risk Assessment Team.
Atmosphere improved by using forced ventilation must reach the stable level
before the hazards are reassessed.
Manager/PICW shall ensure that, air supplied respirators (air mask or self-
contained breathing apparatus) are in good condition, well maintained and
inspected according to manufacturer's specifications.
The equipment and tools shall be inspected prior to each use and regularly
maintained following manufacturer’s recommendation for ensuring they are in
good order.
10 Training
Adequate technical competency must be confirmed for confined space entry
supervisors, authorized confined space entrants, person who test or monitor
atmosphere, stand-by personnel/attendant, and rescue personnel.
Only trained employees shall conduct work in confined spaces. Training record
shall be maintained, certificates and appointments must be valid and up to date.
Upon the entry of a confined space employees shall be appropriately trained in
the following:
Rescue training is critical, and the team shall have proper rescue training.
Entry permit shall be reviewed periodically. Permit should be maximum one (1)
shift and needs to be revised for every shift.
12 Records
All records shall be kept in accordance with the requirements of the OHS Safety
Entry permits shall be posted on site and be visible during the work. All permits
shall be kept.
13 Change information
This is the first version of the standard.