Connotations Term 2 2023
Connotations Term 2 2023
Connotations Term 2 2023
Example: ‘School is a torturous experience for all those involved; teachers, students and parents. Let’s just
stop school and give kids a better head-start in life.’
How to write about it: ‘The writer’s use of the word ‘torturous’ to describe school carries negative
connotations, conjuring images of blood, gore, pain and injury. The use of this word suggests readers
should associate school with horror and fear, prompting them to feel sympathy for teachers, students and
parents alike.
Fat, large, overweight, stocky, obese, big-boned, chubby, thickset, gigantic, beefy, plump, round, well built,
healthy, curvy.
a) Sneaky:
b) Confident:
c) Youthful:
a) Every morning my neighbour takes his mutt to the park. It always barks when leaving the
b) It is a snobbish neighbourhood, but the rent is cheap.
c) You need to be pushy when looking for a job.
d) Bob is very vocal at staff meetings.
4. Pick out two of the sentences above. Write an analysis on each (like the example above), making
sure you address:
5. Change the following words printed in italic to ones that have positive connotations:
6. Fill out the table below, identifying the connotation (i.e., positive or negative) and the way it
positions the reader (how/what does the use of the word position the reader to think/feel/see/do?
What images does it bring up for the reader?).