Caps Maths English GR R FS
Caps Maths English GR R FS
Caps Maths English GR R FS
Foundation Phase
Grade R
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E-mail: or fax (012) 328 9828
Isbn: 978-1-4315-0433-6
Our national curriculum is the culmination of our efforts over a period of seventeen
years to transform the curriculum bequeathed to us by apartheid. From the start of
democracy we have built our curriculum on the values that inspired our Constitution
(Act 108 of 1996). The Preamble to the Constitution states that the aims of the
Constitution are to:
• heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic
values, social justice and fundamental human rights;
• improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person;
• lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is
based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law;
• build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of
Education and the curriculum have an important role to play in realising these aims.
In 1997 we introduced outcomes-based education to overcome the curricular divisions of the past, but the experience
of implementation prompted a review in 2000. This led to the first curriculum revision: the Revised National Curriculum
Statement Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 (2002).
Ongoing implementation challenges resulted in another review in 2009 and we revised the Revised National
Curriculum Statement (2002) and the National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 to produce this document.
From 2012 the two National Curriculum Statements, for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12 respectively, are combined
in a single document and will simply be known as the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. The National
Curriculum Statement for Grades R-12 builds on the previous curriculum but also updates it and aims to provide
clearer specification of what is to be taught and learnt on a term-by-term basis.
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 represents a policy statement for learning and teaching in South
African schools and comprises of the following:
(a) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for all approved subjects listed in this document;
(b) National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement
Grades R-12; and
1.1 Background......................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Overview 3
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................18
3.2 Specification of content to show progression............................................................................................ 18
• Measurement...............................................................................................................................................30
• Data Handling..............................................................................................................................................35
3.4 Sequencing and pacing of content...............................................................................................................37
• Grade R overview per term.................................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................264
4.6 General..........................................................................................................................................................266
1.1 Background
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (NCS) stipulates policy on curriculum and assessment in the
schooling sector.
To improve implementation, the National Curriculum Statement was amended, with the amendments coming into
effect in January 2012. A single comprehensive Curriculum and Assessment Policy document was developed for
each subject to replace Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines
in Grades R-12.
1.2 Overview
(a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) represents a policy statement for learning
and teaching in South African schools and comprises the following:
(i) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements for each approved school subject;
(ii) The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the
National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12; and
(iii) The policy document, National Protocol for Assessment Grades R-12 (January 2012).
(b) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) replaces the two current national curricula
statements, namely the
(i) Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9, Government Gazette No. 23406 of 31 May 2002,
(ii) National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 Government Gazettes, No. 25545 of 6 October 2003 and
No. 27594 of 17 May 2005.
(c) The national curriculum statements contemplated in subparagraphs b(i) and (ii) comprise the following policy
documents which will be incrementally repealed by the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January
2012) during the period 2012-2014:
(i) The Learning Area/Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment
Guidelines for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12;
(ii) The policy document, National Policy on assessment and qualifications for schools in the General
Education and Training Band, promulgated in Government Notice No. 124 in Government Gazette No.
29626 of 12 February 2007;
(iii) The policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National
Qualifications Framework (NQF), promulgated in Government Gazette No.27819 of 20 July 2005;
(iv) The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A
qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding learners with special
needs, published in Government Gazette, No.29466 of 11 December 2006, is incorporated in the policy
document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R-12; and
(v) The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A
qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the National Protocol
for Assessment (Grades R-12), promulgated in Government Notice No.1267 in Government Gazette
No. 29467 of 11 December 2006.=
(d) The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the
National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12, and the sections on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy as
contemplated in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this document constitute the norms and standards of the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. It will therefore, in terms of section 6A of the South African Schools Act,
1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996,) form the basis for the Minister of Basic Education to determine minimum outcomes
and standards, as well as the processes and procedures for the assessment of learner achievement to be
applicable to public and independent schools.
(a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 gives expression to the knowledge, skills and values worth
learning in South African schools. This curriculum aims to ensure that children acquire and apply knowledge
and skills in ways that are meaningful to their own lives. In this regard, the curriculum promotes knowledge in
local contexts, while being sensitive to global imperatives.
(b) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 serves the purposes of:
• equipping learners, irrespective of their socio-economic background, race, gender, physical ability or
intellectual ability, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment, and meaningful
participation in society as citizens of a free country;
• facilitating the transition of learners from education institutions to the workplace; and
(c) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 is based on the following principles:
• Social transformation: ensuring that the educational imbalances of the past are redressed, and that equal
educational opportunities are provided for all sections of the population;
• Active and critical learning: encouraging an active and critical approach to learning, rather than rote and
uncritical learning of given truths;
• High knowledge and high skills: the minimum standards of knowledge and skills to be achieved at each
grade are specified and set high, achievable standards in all subjects;
• Human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice: infusing the principles and practices of social
and environmental justice and human rights as defined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 is sensitive to issues of diversity such as poverty,
inequality, race, gender, language, age, disability and other factors;
• Valuing indigenous knowledge systems: acknowledging the rich history and heritage of this country as
important contributors to nurturing the values contained in the Constitution; and
• Credibility, quality and efficiency: providing an education that is comparable in quality, breadth and depth
to those of other countries.
(d) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 aims to produce learners that are able to:
• identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking;
• organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively;
• communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes;
• use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the environment and
the health of others; and
• demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem
solving contexts do not exist in isolation.
(e) Inclusivity should become a central part of the organisation, planning and teaching at each school. This can
only happen if all teachers have a sound understanding of how to recognise and address barriers to learning,
and how to plan for diversity.
The key to managing inclusivity is ensuring that barriers are identified and addressed by all the relevant support
structures within the school community, including teachers, District-Based Support Teams, Institutional-Level
Support Teams, parents and Special Schools as Resource Centres. To address barriers in the classroom,
teachers should use various curriculum differentiation strategies such as those included in the Department of
Basic Education’s Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (2010).
1.4 Time Allocation
(b) Instructional time for Grades R, 1 and 2 is 23 hours and for Grade 3 is 25 hours.
(c) Ten hours are allocated for languages in Grades R-2 and 11 hours in Grade 3. A maximum of 8 hours and a
minimum of 7 hours are allocated for Home Language and a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 3 hours for
Additional Language in Grades 1-2. In Grade 3 a maximum of 8 hours and a minimum of 7 hours are allocated
for Home Language and a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 4 hours for First Additional Language.
(d) In Life Skills Beginning Knowledge is allocated 1 hour in Grades R – 2 and 2 hours as indicated by the hours
in brackets for Grade 3.
Home Language 6
First Additional Language 5
Mathematics 6
Natural Sciences and Technology 3,5
Social Sciences 3
Life Skills 4
• Creative Arts (1,5)
• Physical Education
• Personal and Social Well-being
TOTAL 27,5
Home Language 5
First Additional Language 4
Mathematics 4,5
Natural Sciences 3
Social Sciences 3
Technology 2
Economic Management Sciences 2
Life Orientation 2
Creative Arts 2
TOTAL 27,5
TOTAL 27,5
The allocated time per week may be utilised only for the minimum required NCS subjects as specified above,
and may not be used for any additional subjects added to the list of minimum subjects. Should a learner wish
to offer additional subjects, additional time must be allocated for the offering of these subjects.
Section 2: DEFINITION, AIMS, SKILLS and content
2.1. Introduction
In Section 2, the Foundation Phase Mathematics Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) provides
teachers with a definition of mathematics, specific aims, specific skills, focus of content areas, weighting of content
areas, recommended resources for the Foundation Phase Mathematics lessons, suggested guidelines on supporting
learners with barriers to learning Mathematics, mental mathematics and enhancing the teaching of early numeracy
skills in Grade R.
Mathematics is a language that makes use of symbols and notations for describing numerical, geometric and
graphical relationships. It is a human activity that involves observing, representing and investigating patterns and
qualitative relationships in physical and social phenomena and between mathematical objects themselves. It helps to
develop mental processes that enhance logical and critical thinking, accuracy and problem-solving that will contribute
to decision-making.
The teaching and learning of Mathematics aims to develop the following in the learner:
• critical awareness of how mathematical relationships are used in social, environmental, cultural and
economic relations;
• confidence and competence to deal with any mathematical situation without being hindered by a fear of
• develop number vocabulary, number concept and calculation and application skills;
• learn to listen, communicate, think, reason logically and apply the mathematical knowledge gained;
• build an awareness of the important role that Mathematics plays in real-life situations, including the personal
development of the learner.
Mathematics in the Foundation Phase covers five content areas. Each content area contributes to the acquisition
of specific skills. The table below shows the general focus of the content areas as well as the specific focus of the
content areas for the Foundation Phase.
Content Area General Content Focus Foundation Phase Specific Content Focus
Algebra is the language for In this phase, learners work with both
investigating and communicating most
• number patterns (e.g. skip counting); and
of Mathematics and can be extended
to the study of functions and other • geometric patterns (e.g. pictures).
relationships between variables. A
Learners should use physical objects, drawings and
central part of this content area is for the
symbolic forms to copy, extend, describe and create
learner to achieve efficient manipulative
skills in the use of algebra. It also
focuses on the: Copying the pattern helps learners to see the logic of how
the pattern is made.
• description of patterns and
relationships through the use of Extending the pattern helps learners to check that they
Patterns, symbolic expressions, graphs and have properly understood the logic of the pattern.
Functions and tables; and
Algebra Describing the pattern helps learners to develop their
• identification and analysis of language skills.
regularities and change in patterns,
and relationships that enable learners Focussing on the logic of patterns lays the basis for
to make predictions and solve developing algebraic thinking skills.
problems. Number patterns support number concept development
and operational sense built in Numbers, Operations and
Geometric patterns include sequences of lines, shapes
and objects but also patterns in the world. In geometric
patterns learners apply their knowledge of space and
The study of Space and Shape In this phase learners focus on three-dimensional (3-D)
improves understanding and objects, two-dimensional (2-D) shapes, position and
appreciation of the pattern, precision, directions.
achievement and beauty in natural and
• Learners explore properties of 3-D objects and 2-D
cultural forms. It focuses on the
shapes by sorting, classifying, describing and naming
• properties, relationships; them.
Space and Shape • orientations, positions; and • Learners draw shapes and build with objects.
• transformations of two-dimensional • Learners recognise and describe shapes and objects in
shapes and three-dimensional their environment that resemble mathematical objects
objects. and shapes.
• Learners describe the position of objects, themselves
and others using the appropriate vocabulary.
• Learners follow and give directions.
Measurement focuses on the • In this phase the learners’ concept of measurement is
selection and use of appropriate units, developed by working practically with different concrete
instruments and formulae to quantify objects and shapes, learning the properties of length,
characteristics of events, shapes, capacity, mass, area and time.
objects and the environment. It relates
• Learners measure the properties of shapes and objects
directly to the learner’s scientific,
using informal units where appropriate, such as hands,
technological and economic worlds,
paces, containers, etc.
enabling the learner to:
Measurement • Learners compare different quantities by using
• make sensible estimates; and
comparative words such as taller/shorter, heavier/lighter
• be alert to the reasonableness of etc.
measurements and results.
• Learners are introduced to standard units such as
grams, kilograms; millilitres, litres; centimetres, metres.
Activities related to time should be structured with the
awareness that learners’ understanding of the passing of
time should be developed before they read about time.
The weighting of mathematics content areas serves two primary purposes: firstly the weighting gives guidance on
the amount of time needed to address the content within each content area adequately; secondly the weighting gives
guidance on the spread of content in assessment. The weighting of the content areas is not the same for each grade
in the Foundation Phase.
Foundation Phase Mathematics forges the link between the child’s pre-school life and life outside school on the one
hand, and the abstract Mathematics of the later grades on the other hand. In the early grades children should be
exposed to mathematical experiences that give them many opportunities “to do, talk and record” their mathematical
The amount of time spent on Mathematics has a decisive impact on learners’ development of mathematical concepts
and skills. The activities learners engage in should, however, not be “keep busy” activities, but should be clearly
focused on the mathematics as outlined in the curriculum.
2.7.1 Suggested guidelines for classroom management
All the time allocated to Mathematics on a single day should be considered as one period. During the Mathematics
period the following should usually happen:
-- Mental mathematics
-- Consolidation of concepts
-- Counting
-- Written recording
-- Patterns
-- Measurement
-- Data Handling
• Independent work
Learners practise and consolidate concepts developed in whole class and small group teaching.
Whole class activity: where the focus will be mainly on mental mathematics, consolidation of concepts and
allocation of independent activities for at least minutes per day at the start of the Mathematics lesson. During
this time the teacher will also work with the whole class to determine and record (where appropriate) the
name of the day, the date, the number of learners present and absent, and the nature of the weather. Mental
mathematics will include brisk mental starters such as “the number after/before is; 2 more/less than 8 is;
4+2; 5+2; 6+2”, etc. During this time the teacher can also consolidate concepts that are a little challenging.
Also important is that the teacher should assign the class their general class activity as well as independent
activities that they do on their own while she gets on with the small group focused sessions.
Small group focused lessons: are most effective when the teacher takes a small group of learners (8 to 12)
who have the same ability with her on the floor or at their tables, while the rest of the class is engaged in
independent activities. The teacher works orally and practically with the learners, engaging in such activities
as counting, estimation, number concept development and problem-solving activities, as well as activities
concerning pattern, space and shape, measurement and data handling, which should be carefully planned for.
In order to reinforce learning, written work (work book, work sheet examples, work cards etc.) should form
part of the group session where possible. Learners should have writing materials (class work books, etc.)
available for problem-solving activities. The group sessions should be very interactive and learners should be
encouraged to “do, talk, demonstrate and record” their mathematical thinking.
Independent activities: While the teacher is busy with the small group focused lesson, the rest of the class
must be purposefully engaged in a variety of mathematical activities that focus on reinforcing and consolidating
concepts and skills that have already been taught during small group focused lessons. These independent
activities should be differentiated to cater for different ability levels. Independent activities may include:
-- graded worksheets/work cards for counting, manipulating numbers, simple problems in context (word
problems), etc.;
The Mathematics period should also provide for supporting learners experiencing barriers to learning,
enrichment activities for high flyers, assessment activities, etc.
Both independent and small group focused lesson activities must be observed (practical, oral), marked and
overseen (written recording) by the teacher as part of her informal and formal assessment activities.
Close tracking of learners’ responses (verbal, oral, practical, written recording) in learning and teaching
situations enables the teacher to do continuous assessment, monitor learners’ progress and plan support
accordingly for learners experiencing barriers to learning.
It is important for learners who experience barriers to learning Mathematics to be exposed to activity-based learning.
Practical examples using concrete objects together with practical activities should be used for a longer time than
with other learners, as moving to abstract work too soon may lead to frustration and regression. These learners may
require and should be granted more time for:
The number of activities to be completed should be adapted to the learner without compromising the concept and
skills that are addressed.
Mental mathematics plays a very important role in the curriculum. The number bonds and multiplication table facts
that learners are expected to know or recall fairly quickly are listed for each grade. In addition, mental mathematics
is used extensively to explore the higher number ranges through skip counting and by doing activities such as “up
and down the number ladder”, e.g. the Grade 8 teacher might ask the following “chained” questions: “Start with 796.
Make that 7 more. Yes, it is 803 Make that 5 less. Yes, it is 798. Make that 10 more … 2 more … 90 more … 5 less
…” etc. These activities help learners to construct a mental number line.
Mental mathematics therefore features strongly in both the counting and the number concept development sections
relating to the topics Number and Patterns, and may also occur during Measurement and Data Handling activities.
When doing mental mathematics, the teacher should never force learners to do mental calculations that they cannot
handle — writing materials and/or counters should always be available for those learners who may need them.
2.8 Grade R
The approach to learning Mathematics should be based on the principles of integration and play-based learning. The
teacher should be pro-active, a mediator rather than a facilitator. A mediator makes the most of incidental learning
opportunities that arise spontaneously during a range of child-centred activities such as free play in the fantasy
corner or block construction site, sand and water play activities as well as teacher-guided activities that focus on
mathematical concepts such as counting, number concept development, space and shape, patterns, time and other
emergent mathematics activities. Colour is not in itself a mathematical concept, but can be used to promote the
acquisition of mathematical concepts in activities such as sorting, grouping and classifying.
All aspects of Grade R, including the classroom environment and teaching and learning practice, should promote
the holistic development of the child. Development that is an integral part of emergent numeracy includes cognitive
development (problem-solving, logical thought and reasoning), language development (the language of mathematics)
and perceptual-motor as well as emotional and social development. All these aspects can be developed through
stories, songs, rhymes, finger games and water play, educational toys including board games, construction and
exploration activities (mass, time, capacity, measurement, etc.), imaginative play, outdoor play and “playground
games”. Many kinds of games and play could include aspects of numeracy, for example measuring during cooking
or counting during shopping.
In other words, the acquisition of emergent mathematics and related mathematical concepts should, like all good
teaching, adhere to the following learning principles where children move through three stages of learning, namely:
• the kinaesthetic stage (experience concepts with the body and senses);
• the concrete stage (3-D, using a variety of different objects such as blocks, bottle tops, twigs and other
objects in the environment); and
• paper and pencil representation (semi-concrete representations using drawings, matching cards etc).
In the Grade R the timetable is called the daily programme (see Figure 1) and it comprises three main components,
• teacher-guided activities;
• routines; and
The emphasis throughout should be on using these aspects of the daily programme to promote the acquisition of
emergent numeracy in a fun and spontaneous context. For example, teacher-guided numeracy learning opportunities
are offered during ring time. Most rings can be given a mathematical focus. The early morning ring when children are
greeted and a roll-call is taken provides an opportunity for playing with numbers and, for example, counting. Other
rings, such as the Mathematics ring, perceptual-motor rings, movement, music and science rings can also provide a
Mathematics focus.
Creative arts activities could also have a mathematical emphasis, for example, using geometric shapes such as
circles and squares to make a collage or designing a pattern to frame a picture. The weather chart, calendar and
birthday rings also provide opportunities for exploring mathematical concepts. It is the teacher’s knowledge and
initiative that can maximise learning potential.
• Routines, where children participate actively, such as snack time, arrival, home time and toilet routines,
can also be given a Mathematics focus. Children wearing red, for example, go to the toilet first (colour and
ordinal number), each child gets a plate and a sandwich (one-to-one correspondence), Thandi would like a
second sandwich, David doesn’t want any more. What this amounts to is identifying and utilising a teachable
moment, in other words, being a mediator of learning.
• During free play the teacher can promote emergent mathematics through the appropriate structuring of the
free-play area. Outdoor free play such as climbing on a wooden climbing frame or riding on the cycle track
might promote the acquisition of key mathematical vocabulary such as up/down, bottom/top, fast/slow, high/
low, etc. Sand and water play will also enhance the understanding of concepts such as mass, volume and
capacity. All these activities will also promote essential underpinning perceptual-motor skills, which become
an inherent part of the successful acquisition in formal school of literacy and numeracy. Examples of these
skills are:
-- developing an understanding of your position in space e.g. behind, in front, underneath or next to an object
(this can, for example, be linked to place value in mathematics); and
-- directionality and laterality (this can be linked to number and letter formation and reading from left to right).
The practice outlined above is illustrative of a Grade R approach that promotes problem-solving, logical thinking and
reasoning, as well as education for citizenship because of its focus on co-operative learning and negotiation. By
utilising teachable moments, a teacher can encourage children to reflect on their decisions and predict possibilities,
e.g. whether they think a container being used in water play will hold more than another container.
By making helpful suggestions and inviting a child to think about alternative positions and ways of problem-solving,
a teacher can encourage children to think more deeply about an issue and find good reasons for the choices they
make. In this way not only mathematical but also holistic development is addressed and critical premises underpinning
CAPS are brought into play.
Assessment practices in Grade R should be informal and children should not be subjected to a ‘test’ situation. For
this reason assessment activities have not been included in the Grade R CAPS. Each activity used for assessment
should be carefully planned so that it integrates a variety of skills.
In Grade R most of the assessment takes place through observation, with the teacher recording the results of the
assessment using a checklist. Thus, as the year progresses a full picture of each child, complete with challenges and
strengths, is gradually built. This allows for challenges to be addressed and strengths to be maximised.
A traditional, formal classroom-based learning programme that is tightly structured and ‘basics bound’ should be
avoided, as it does not optimise numeracy acquisition for the Grade R child. Grade R should not be a ‘watered down’
• Counters
• Large dice
• A height chart
• Big 1 – 100 and 101 – 200 number grid posters (100 – charts)
• A balance scale
• Building blocks
• Modelling clay
• Good examples of a sphere (ball), a rectangular prism (box), cube, cone, pyramid and cylinder. The teacher
can make this herself.
• A number of plastic or cardboard squares, different rectangles, circles, different triangles all of different sizes
• Mathematical games, e.g. Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Jigsaw Puzzles, Dominoes, Tangrams etc.
-- Blocks
Section 3: Content specification and clarification
3.1. Introduction
In the General Education and Training band there are five content areas in Mathematics:
• Measurement
• Data Handling
Each content area is broken down into mathematical topics, for example in Space and Shape in the Foundation
Phase one topic is two-dimensional shapes. Concepts and skills are specified within each topic. Section 3 of the
Foundation Phase Mathematics specifies and clarifies the Mathematics content to be taught.
The phase overview tables show the specification of concepts and skills and the progression from Grade R to 3. The
grade overview tables show the progression of concepts and skills across the four terms of the year.
However, in certain topics the concepts and skills are similar in two or three successive grades. The clarification of
content will give guidelines on how progression should be addressed in these cases. The specification of content
should therefore be read in conjunction with the clarification of content.
The Foundation Phase overview shows progression of content areas; Numbers, Operations and Relationships,
Patterns, Functions and Algebra, Space and Shape (Geometry), Measurement and Data Handling across Grades R
to 3 as outlined in the tables below:
• The main progression in Numbers, Operations and Relationships happens in three ways:
-- The number range increases.
-- Different kinds of numbers are introduced.
-- The calculation strategies change.
• As the number range for doing calculations increases up to Grade 3, learners should develop more efficient strategies for calculations.
• Contextual problems should take account of the number range for the grade as well as the calculation competencies of learners. .
1.2 Count forwards and backwards in ones Count forwards and backwards in ones Count forwards and backwards in: Counts forwards and backwards in:
from 1 to 10; from any number between 0 and 100.
Count • 1s from any number between 0 and • 1s from any number between 0 and
forwards and Use number rhymes and songs Count forwards in: 200 1000
• 10s from any multiple of 10 between • 10s from any multiple of 10 between • 10s from any multiple of 10 between
0 and 100 0 and 200 0 and 1000
• 5s from any multiple of 5 between 0 • 5s from any multiple of 5 between 0 • 5s from any multiple of 5 between 0
and 100 and 200 and 1000
• 2s from any multiple of 2 between 0 • 2s from any multiple of 2 between 0 • 2s from any multiple of 2 between 0
and 100 and 200 and 1000
• 3s from any multiple of 3 between 0 • 3s from any multiple of 3 between 0
and 200 and 1000
• 4s from any multiple of 4 between 0 • 4s from any multiple of 4 between 0
and 200 and 1000
• in 20s, 25s, 50s, 100s to at least
NUMBER CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT: Represent whole numbers
Say and use number names in familiar
1.3 Recognise, identify and read Recognise, identify and read Recognise, identify and read Recognise, identify and read
numbers number symbols number number
symbols • Recognise, identify and read number • Recognise, identify and read number • Recognise, identify and read number • Recognise, identify and read number
and number symbols 1 to 10 symbols 1 to 100 symbols 0 to 200 symbols 0 to 1 000
• Write number symbols 1 to 20 • Write number symbols 0 to 200 • Write number symbols 0 to 1 000
• Recognise, identify and read number • Recognise, identify and read number • Recognise, identify and read number • Recognise, identify and read number
names 1 to 10 names 1 to 10 names 0 to 100 names 0 to 1 000.
• Write number names 1 to 10 • Write number names 0 to 100 • Write number names 0 to 1 000
1.4 Describe, compare and order Describe, compare and order Describe, compare and order
numbers to 20 numbers to 99 numbers to 999
compare • Describe and compare whole • Describe and compare whole • Describe and compare whole
and order numbers according to smaller than, numbers up to 99 using smaller than, numbers up to 999 using smaller
numbers greater than and more than, less greater than, more than, less than than, greater than, more than, less
than, is equal to and equal to than and equal to
• Describe and order numbers from • Describe and order whole numbers • Describe and order whole numbers
smallest to greatest and greatest to up to 99 from smallest to greatest, up to 999 from smallest to greatest,
smallest and greatest to smallest and greatest to smallest
Use ordinal numbers to show order, Use ordinal numbers to show order, Use ordinal numbers to show order, Use ordinal numbers to show order,
place or position place or position place or position place or position
Develop an awareness of ordinal Position objects in a line from first to Position objects in a line from first Use, read and write ordinal numbers,
numbers e.g. first, second, third up to tenth or first to last e.g. first, second, to twentieth or first to last e.g. first, including abbreviated form (1st, 2nd, 3rd
sixth and last third … tenth second, third … twentieth up to 31st)
1.5 Begin to recognise the place value Recognise the place value of at Recognise the place value of three-
of at least two-digit numbers to 20 least two-digit numbers to 99 digit numbers to 999
Place value
• Decompose two-digit numbers into • Decompose two-digit numbers up • Decompose three-digit numbers up
multiples of 10 and ones/units to 99 into multiples of 10 and ones/ to 999 into multiples of 100, multiples
units of 10 and ones/units
• Identify and state the value of each • Identify and state the value of each
digit digit
1.6 Use the following techniques up to 10: Use the following techniques when Use the following techniques when Use the following techniques when
solving problems and explain solutions solving problems and explain solutions solving problems and explain solutions
to problems: to problems: to problems:
techniques • concrete apparatus e.g. counters • concrete apparatus e.g. counters • drawings or concrete apparatus e.g.
• pictures to draw the story sum
• building up and breaking down • building up and breaking down of • building up and breaking down
numbers numbers numbers
• physical number ladder • number lines supported by concrete • number lines • number lines
1.8 Solve word problems in context and Solve word problems in context and Solve word problems in context and
explain own solution to problems explain own solution to problems using explain own solution to problems using
involving repeated addition with repeated addition and multiplication multiplication with answers up to 100
answers up to 20 with answers up to 50.
leading to
1.9 Solve and explain solutions to word Solve and explain solutions to practical Solves and explain solutions to Solve and explain solutions to practical
problems in context (story sums) that problems involving equal sharing and practical problems that involve equal problems that involve equal sharing
involve equal sharing, grouping with grouping with whole numbers up to sharing and grouping up to 50 with and grouping up to 100 with answers
and sharing
whole numbers up to 10 and answers 20 and with answers that may include answers that may include remainders. that may include remainders
leading to
that may include remainders. remainders.
African coins and bank notes African coins (5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, R1, African coins (5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, R1, African coins and bank notes
R2, R5) and bank notes R10 and R2, R5) and bank notes R10, R20,
R20 R50
• Solve money problems involving • Solve money problems involving • Solve money problems involving
totals and change to R20 and in totals and change to R99 and in totals and change in rands or cents
cents up cents up to 90c • Convert between rands and cents
to 20c
1.12 Use the following techniques when Use the following techniques when Use the following techniques when
performing calculations: performing calculations: performing calculations:
• drawings or concrete apparatus e.g. • drawings or concrete apparatus e.g.
(methods or
counters counters
• building up and breaking down • building up and breaking down • building up and breaking down
numbers numbers numbers
1.16 Number concept: Range 10 Number concept: Range 20 Number concept: Range 99 Number concept: Range 1000
Mental Each activity commences with mental • Name the number before and after a
mathematics maths: given number.
• Counting everyday objects • Order a given set of selected • Order a given set of selected • Order a given set of selected
numbers numbers numbers
• Counting forwards and backwards
• Compare numbers up to and say • Compare numbers up to 99 and say • Compare numbers up to 1000 and
• Ordinal counting
which is 1 and 2 more or less which is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 more or say which is
• Clap hands many/few times less 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 more or less
• Which claps are most/least/more/
familiar contexts including halves, unitary fractions in familiar contexts
quarters, thirds and fifths including halves, quarters, eighths,
thirds, sixths, fifths.
• Recognise fractions in diagrammatic • Recognise fractions in diagrammatic
form form
• Write fractions as 1 half • Begin to recognise that two halves
or three thirds make one whole and
that one half and two quarters are
• Write fractions as 1 half, 2 thirds,
Progression in Patterns, Functions and Algebra
• In Patterns, Functions and Algebra, learners get opportunities to:
- complete and extend patterns represented in different forms ; and
- identify and describe patterns.
• Describing patterns lays the basis for learners in the Intermediate Phase to describe rules for patterns. This in turn becomes more formalised in algebraic work in the Senior Phase.
2.1 Copy and extend Copy, extend and describe Copy, extend and describe Copy, extend and describe
Geometric Copy and extend simple patterns using Copy, extend and describe in words Copy, extend and describe in words Copy, extend and describe in words
The main progression in Space and Shape is achieved by:
• focussing on new properties and features of shapes and objects in each grade; and
• moving from learning the language of position and matching different views of the same objects to reading and following directions on informal maps.
3.1 Language of position Language of position Language of position
Position, Describe the position of one object in Describe the position of one object in Describe the position of one object in
orientation relation to another e.g. on top of, in relation to another e.g. on top of, in relation to another e.g. on top of, in
and views front of, behind, left, right, up, down, front of, behind, left, right, up, down, front of, behind, left, right, up, down,
next to. next to. next to.
Position and directions Position and directions Position and directions Position and directions
Follow directions to move around the • Follow directions to move around the • Follow directions to move around the • Follow directions to move around the
classroom classroom classroom classroom and school
• Follow instructions to place one • Give directions to move around the
object in relation to another, e.g. put classroom and school
the pencil behind the box • Follow directions from one place to
another on an informal map
3.2 Range of objects Range of objects Range of objects Range of objects
3-D objects Recognise and name 3-D objects in Recognise and name 3-D objects in Recognise and name 3-D objects in Recognise and name 3-D objects in
the classroom the classroom and in pictures the classroom and in pictures the classroom and in pictures
• ball shapes, • ball shapes (spheres) • ball shapes (spheres) • ball shapes (spheres)
• box shapes • box shapes (prisms) • box shapes (prisms) • box shapes (prisms)
• cylinders • cylinders
• pyramids
• cones
Features of objects Features of objects Features of objects Features of objects
Describe, sort and compare 3-D Describe, sort and compare 3-D Describe, sort and compare 3-D Describe, sort and compare 3-D
objects in terms of: objects in terms of: objects in terms of: objects in terms of:
• size • size • size • 2-D shapes that make up the faces
of 3-D objects
• colour • colour
• flat or curved surfaces
• objects that roll • objects that roll • objects that roll
• objects that slide • objects that slide • objects that slide
the classroom and in pictures,
including: • circles • circles • circles
• Learners Symbols • triangles • triangles • triangles
• Class name • squares • squares • squares
• rectangles • rectangles
Features of shapes Features of shapes Features of shapes
Describe, sort and compare 2-D Describe, sort and compare 2-D Describe, sort and compare 2-D
shapes in terms of: shapes in terms of: shapes in terms of:
• size • size
• colour
• shape • shape
Draw shapes
• circles
• triangles
• squares
• rectangles
3.4 Symmetry Symmetry Symmetry Symmetry
Symmetry • Recognise symmetry in own body • Recognise symmetry in own body.
• Recognise and draw line of • Recognise and draw line of • Recognise and draw line of
symmetry in 2-D geometrical and symmetry in 2-D geometrical and symmetry in 2-D geometrical and
non-geometrical shapes non-geometrical shapes non-geometrical shapes.
• Determine line of symmetry through
paper folding and reflection
Progression in Measurement
• The main progression in measurement across the grades is achieved by the introduction of:
- new forms of measuring;
- new measuring tools, starting with informal tools and moving to formal measuring instruments in Grades 2 and 3;
- new measuring units, particularly in Grades 2 and 3.
• Calculations and problem-solving with measurement should take cognisance of the number work that has already been covered.
4.1 Passing of time Passing of time
Time Talk about the passing of time Talk about the passing of time
• Talk about things that happen during • Order regular events from their own
the day and things that happen lives
during the night
• Compare lengths of time using
• Learners sequence events that language e.g. longer, shorter, faster,
happen to them during the day slower
• Order regular events from their own • Sequence events using language
lives such as yesterday, today, tomorrow
using language e.g. morning,
afternoon, night, early, late
• Name and sequence days of week • Name and sequence days of week • Read dates on calendars
and months of year and months of year
• Place birthdays on a calendar • Place birthdays, religious festivals, • Place birthdays, religious festivals,
public holidays, historical events, public holidays, historical events,
school events on a calendar school events on a calendar
4.2 Informal measuring Informal measuring Informal measuring Informal measuring
Length • Compare and order the length, • Compare and order the length,
height or width of two or more height or width of two or more
objects by placing them next to each objects by placing them next to each
other. Use language to talk about other. Use language to talk about
the comparison e.g. longer, shorter, the comparison e.g. longer, shorter,
taller, wider taller, wider
• Estimate, measure, compare, • Estimate, measure, compare, • Estimate, measure, compare,
order and record length using non- order and record length using non- order and record length using non-
standard measures e.g. hand spans, standard measures e.g. hand spans, standard measures e.g. hand spans,
paces, pencil lengths, counters paces, pencil lengths, counters paces, pencil lengths, counters
• Describe the length of objects by • Describe the length of objects by
or more objects by feeling them or and record mass using a balancing and record mass using a balancing and record mass using a balancing
using a balancing scale scale and non-standard measures scale and non-standard measures scale and non-standard measures
e.g. blocks, bricks e.g. blocks, bricks. e.g. blocks, bricks
• Describe the mass of objects by • Describe the mass of objects by • Describe the mass of objects by
counting and stating the mass in counting and stating the mass in counting and stating the mass in
informal units informal units informal units
• Use language to talk about • Use language to talk about the • Use language to talk about • Use language to talk about
comparison e.g. light, heavy, lighter, comparison e.g. light, heavy, lighter, comparison e.g. light, heavy, lighter, comparison e.g. light, heavy, lighter,
heavier heavier heavier heavier
Introducing formal measuring Introducing formal measuring
• Compare, order and record the mass • Compare, order and record the mass
of commercially packaged objects of commercially packaged objects
which have their mass stated only which have their mass stated in:
in kilograms e.g. 2 kilograms of rice
- kilograms e.g. 2 kilograms of rice
and 1 kilogram of flour
and 1 kilogram of flour
- grams e.g. 500 grams of salt
• Measure own mass in kilograms • Measure own mass in kilograms
using a bathroom scale using a bathroom scale
(No conversions between grams and
kilograms are required)
4.4 Informal measuring Informal measuring Informal measuring Informal measuring
Capacity/ • Compare and order the amount of • Compare and order the amount of
Volume liquid (volume) in two containers liquid (volume) in two containers
placed next to each other. Learners placed next to each other. Learners
check by pouring into a third check by pouring into a third
container if necessary container if necessary
• Compare and order the amount of • Compare and order the amount of
liquid that two containers can hold if liquid that two containers can hold if
filled (capacity) filled (capacity).
• Use language to talk about • Use language to talk about
comparison e.g. more than, less comparison e.g. more than, less
than, full, empty than, full, empty
• Estimate , measure, compare, order • Estimate, measure, compare, order • Estimate, measure, compare, order
and record the capacity of containers and record the capacity of containers and record the capacity of containers
by using non-standard measures (i.e. the amount the container can (i.e. the amount the container can
e.g. spoons and cups hold if filled) by using non-standard hold if filled) by using non-standard
measures e.g. spoons and cups measures e.g. spoons and cups
4.4 • Describe the capacity of the • Describe the capacity of the • Describe the capacity of the
container by counting and stating container by counting and stating container by counting and stating
how many of the informal units it how many of the informal units it how many of the informal units it
takes to fill the container e.g. the takes to fill the container e.g. the takes to fill the container e.g. the
bottle has the capacity of four cups bottle has the capacity of four cups bottle has the capacity of four cups
Introducing formal measuring Introducing formal measuring
• Estimate, measure, compare, order • Estimate, measure, compare, order
and record the capacity of objects by and record the capacity of objects
measuring in litres by measuring in litres, half litres and
quarter litres
• Compare, order and record the • Compare, order and record the
• The main progression in Data Handling across the grades is achieved by:
- moving from working with objects to working with data; and
- working with new forms of data representation.
• Learners should work through the full data cycle at least once a year – this involves collecting and organising data, representing data, analysing, interpreting and reporting data.
• Some of the above aspects of data handling can also be dealt with as discrete activities.
5.1 Collect and organise objects Collect and organise objects
Collect and Collect and sort everyday physical Collect and sort everyday physical
sort objects objects. objects.
5.2 Represent sorted collection of Represent sorted collection of
objects objects
sorted Draw a picture of collected objects. Draw a picture of collected objects.
collection of
5.3 Discuss and report on sorted Discuss and report on sorted
collection of objects collection of objects
and report • Give reasons for how collection was
on sorted sorted;
collection of Answer questions about • Answer questions about
• how the collection was sorted - how the sorting was done
• the drawing of the collection
- what the sorted collection looks
like (product)
• Describe the collection and/drawing
• Explain how the collection was
5.4 Collect and organise data Collect and organise data Collect and organise data
Collect and • Collect data about the class or • Collect data about the class or • Collect data about the class or
organise data school to answer questions posed by school to answer questions posed by school to answer questions posed by
the teacher the teacher the teacher
• Organise data supplied by teacher or
• Organise data in
- lists
- tally marks
- tables
• suggested sequencing of topics into terms: not all aspects of all topics are taught in each term; some aspects of
some topics need to be taught before other aspects of those topics;
• suggested pacing of topics over the year. Just as some content areas require more time than others, so some
topics require more time than others; and
Each content area has been broken down into topics. All content areas must be taught every term. The sequencing
of topics into terms gives an idea of how topics can be spread and revised throughout the year. It is not necessary to
teach all the topics in Space and Shape, Measurement and Data Handling every term. However, all topics must be
taught during the year.
In Section 2 (paragraph 2.6) a weighting of content areas is provided. When this is combined with the hours available
in the year one can calculate notional hours for each content area.
Teachers may choose to sequence (or order) and pace the content differently from the recommendations in this
chapter. Teachers may also change the suggested amounts of time allocated to topics slightly. However, cognisance
should be taken of the relative weighting and notional hours of the content areas for Foundation Phase Mathematics.
• Grade R Mathematics is in the form of emergent mathematics and is therefore not broken up into lesson times.
The Grade R teacher should weave the mathematics into the learner’ daily activities although time should be set
aside during the day when the teacher focuses exclusively on a mathematical activity, otherwise the learners will
not become aware of and develop the desired mathematical concepts and skills.
- Seven hours are to be used for Mathematics per week (10 weeks x 4 terms x 7 hours = 280 hours per year)
- Every Mathematics lesson should be 1hour 24 minutes per day for Grades 1 to 3.
- This then means that there are four terms of 10 weeks with five daily (Monday to Friday) lessons per week.
- Allow a week for orientation and consolidation at the start of each term, since young children tend to forget a lot
of content during the holidays and they also get out of the rhythm of schooling. Allow a week at the end of each
term for consolidation of concepts. This gives 8 x 4 x 5 = 160 lessons.
The following tables are provided for each grade in Grade R-3:
• Pacing of topics for the year (shows the spread of topics across terms and recommends the amount of time to
spend on each topic of each Content Area)
• Sequencing of topics for the year (shows how topics have been allocated to the terms and the progression of
content and skills across the terms)
• Clarification notes per topic – these tables provide content clarification and teaching guidelines for each topic as
sequenced across terms.
Number is the most important topic in Foundation Phase Mathematics. Most of the time each week, term and year is
focused on Numbers, Operations and Relationships. On average three or more Mathematics lessons in each week
should focus on Numbers, Operations and Relationships. The remaining time is split among the other content areas.
Space and Shape and Measurement require more time and attention than Data Handling and Patterns, Functions
and Algebra. The tables below give an indication of how many lessons to allocate to each content area and topic for
each grade in Patterns, Functions and Algebra, Space and Shape, Measurement and Data Handling:
As Grade R Mathematics is in the form of emergent mathematics and therefore the following suggested time
allocation provides for both the focused mathematical episodes and the interwoven, informal activities. This is to
ensure comprehensive coverage of all the content available. Emergent mathematics activities may be to count
the number of plates and mugs to put out for their snack, counting games played outside, indoor games such as
dominoes and jigsaw puzzles, etc. The teacher has to organise all the activities according to her learners’ needs and
the resources available in her classroom.
Space and Shape is an important part of the young learner’s mathematical development, and should be spread
out over the week, with some focused episodes under the guidance of the teacher, and many opportunities for
construction, sand and water play by the learners.
Measurement should be incorporated in counting activities, e.g. estimation and counting when measuring distances
with hands, feet and steps.
The attendance register and weather chart give ample opportunity for working with Data Handling.
On average three lessons (i.e. between 4 and 42 hours) a week are spent on Numbers, Operations and Relationships
in Grades 1, 2 and 3. The remaining two lessons (i.e. between 22 and 3 hours) are split among the topics of the other
content areas in the manner recommended below.
Table 3.2: Recommended number of lessons per content area per term for Grade 1
Number of Lessons
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Total
Numbers, Operations All topics of Numbers, Operations and
22 30 28 25 105
and Relationships Relationships
Table 3.3: Recommended number of lessons per content area per term for Grade 2
Number of Lessons
Content area Topic
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Total
Numbers, Operations All topics of Numbers, Operations and
24 25 24 26 99
and Relationships Relationships
Table 3.4: Recommended number of lessons per content area per term for Grade 3
Number of Lessons
Content area Topic
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Total
Numbers, Operations All topics of Numbers, Operations and
26 22 19 27 94
and Relationships Relationships
1.1 Count Number range: 1 to 5 Number range: 1 to 7 Number range: 1 to 10 Number range: 0 to 10
• One-to-one correspondence • One-to-one correspondence • One-to-one correspondence • One-to-one correspondence
(Estimate and
Introduce the Helper’s Chart and the Reinforce Helper’s Chart on a daily Reinforce Helper’s Chart on a daily Reinforce Helper’s Chart on a daily
count objects
sequence in which refreshments are basis basis basis
to develop
concept) • Count in ones • Count in ones • Count in ones • Count in ones
- Concrete apparatus - Concrete apparatus - Concrete apparatus - Concrete apparatus
- Body parts - Body parts - Body parts - Body parts
- Clapping hands - Clapping hands - Clapping hands - Clapping hands
- Stamping feet - Stamping feet - Stamping feet - Stamping feet
- Climbing steps - Climbing steps - Climbing steps - Climbing steps
• Rote counting using number rhymes • Rote counting using number rhymes • Rote counting using number rhymes • Rote counting:
and songs and songs and songs number rhymes and songs
• Clap many times / fewer times • Clap many times / fewer times: • Clap many times / fewer times:
which number of claps are more/ which number of claps are more/
less, most/least less, most/least
1.2 Number range: 1 Number range: 1 to 4 Number range: 1 to 7 Number range: 0 to 10
Count Incidental counting using number Incidental counting using number Incidental counting using number Incidental counting using number
forwards and rhymes and songs, counters, rhymes and songs, counters, rhymes and songs, counters, rhymes and songs, counters,
backwards 3-D objects, counting with body 3-D objects, counting with body 3-D objects, counting with body 3-D objects, counting with body
movements. movements. movements and number ladder. movements and number ladder.
Count in: Count in: Count in: Count in:
• ones • ones • ones • ones
• two’s
1.3 Number range: Number range: Number range: Number range:
Number • Number symbols: 1 • Number symbols: 2 to 4 • Number symbols: 5 to 7 • Number symbols: 0 to 10
• Number names: one • Number names: two, three, four. • Number names: five, six, seven • Number names: zero (naught),
and number
eight, nine, ten
- Kinaesthetic (experience with - Kinaesthetic (experience with - Kinaesthetic (experience with - Kinaesthetic (experience with
(Recognise body) body) body) body)
and identify
number - Concrete with 3-D objects that - Concrete with 3-D objects that - Concrete with 3-D objects that - Concrete with 3-D objects that
symbols and involve the number 1. involve the numbers 2, 3 and 4. involve the numbers 5, 6 and 7. involve the numbers 0, 8, 9 and 10.
recognise - Semi-concrete with picture cards - Semi-concrete with picture cards - Semi-concrete with picture cards - Semi-concrete with picture cards
number that involve the number 1. that involve the numbers 2, 3 and that involve numbers 5, 6 and 7. that involve the numbers 0, 8, 9
names) 4. and 10.
- Semi-concrete with dots cards that - Semi-concrete with dots cards that - Semi-concrete with dots cards that - Semi-concrete with dots cards that
involve the numbers 1. involve the numbers 2, 3 and 4. involve numbers 5, 6 and 7. involve the numbers 0, 8, 9 and
• Reinforce the knowledge gained that • Reinforce the knowledge gained that • Reinforce the knowledge gained that • Reinforce the knowledge gained that
involves the number 1. involve the numbers 1 to 4. involves the numbers 1 to 7. involves the numbers 0 to 10
Describe, • Learner should know his/her age • Learner should know his/her house • Learner should now his/her home • Reinforce knowledge regarding
compare number and address telephone number and/or cell age, house number, address, home
and order number (contact number of parent). telephone/cell number. (contact
numbers number)
• Completion of the daily attendance • Reinforce the use of numbers • Reinforce the use of numbers • Reinforce the use of numbers
(Use numbers
register. Make use of a variety of through completion of the daily through completion of the daily through completion of the daily
in familiar
ways to take the daily attendance attendance register as in first term attendance register as in first term attendance register as in first term
register e.g. e.g. e.g. is the learner celebrating his/ e.g. How many learners are absent
her birthday on the 16 of March here today? How can we find out? The
- Is the learner with the ice-cream - Is the learner that lives in house children discuss this amongst
number 123 here today? today? etc.
symbol/picture here today? themselves.
- Is the learner with the name Sipho - Is the learner living in 123 Wendy - Guess;
here today? Street here today?
- Count empty lockers;
- Is the learner with the name Sipho - Is the learner with the telephone/
and surname Matlhola here today? cell number 082 1234567 here - Count empty chairs etc.
• Identify numbers in pictures and dot
cards • Identify numbers in pictures and dot • Identify numbers in pictures and dot • Identify numbers in pictures and dot
cards cards cards
• Play number card games
• Play number card games • Play number card games • Play number card games
1.4 Number range: 1 Number range: 1 to 5 Number range: 1 to 7 Number range: 0 to 10
Describe, Identify and describes whole • Identify and describes whole • Identify and describes whole • Identify and describes whole
compare and numbers up to 1. numbers 2, 3 and 4 numbers 5, 6 and 7 numbers 8, 9, 10 and 0
• Reinforce numbers 1 to 4 • Reinforce numbers 1 to 7 • Reinforce numbers 0 to 10
(Identify and Compares which of two given
describe collections of objects are:
whole • Big and small
• Bigger and smaller
third…last, next. third, fourth…last, next. third, fourth, fifth, last, next. third, fourth, fifth, sixth, last, next.
• Introduce during: Refreshment/ • Introduce ordinal numbers - first,
Snack Routine and Toilet Routine- second, third, up to sixth
1st, 2nd, last, next
• Reinforce ordinal numbers • Reinforce ordinal numbers • Reinforce ordinal numbers
incidentally through the daily toilet incidentally through the daily toilet incidentally through the daily toilet
routine routine routine
• Apply during Life Skills Physical • Apply during Life Skills Physical • Apply during Life Skills Physical
development activities as well. development activities as well. development activities as well.
• Also during creative art activities
(where appropriate)
1.6 Uses the following techniques Uses the following techniques Uses the following techniques Uses the following techniques
Problem • concrete apparatus e.g. counters • concrete apparatus e.g. counters • concrete apparatus e.g. counters • concrete apparatus e.g. counters
• physical number ladder • physical number ladder
(Uses the
and strategies)
1.7 • Use counters and orally solve • Use counters and orally solve • Use counters and orally solve
problems that involve the numbers 2, problems that involve the numbers 5, problems that involve the numbers 8,
Addition and
3 and 4. 6 and 7. 9. 10 and 0.
• Reinforce the solving of problems • Reinforce the solving of problems • Reinforce the solving of problems
(Orally solve
that involve numbers 1 to 4 that involve numbers 1 to 7 that involve numbers 1 to 10
word problems
[story sums]
and explains
own solution
to problems
a) Addition
up to 10)
and sharing
leading to
(equal sharing
and grouping
with whole
numbers up
to10 with
that include
African coins. African bank notes.
20c, 50c, R1, R2, R5 R10, R20, R50, R100, R200,
• Identify colour and which animal
appears on each coin
• Identify similarities and differences • Identify similarities and differences
between coins e.g. Sort play money between notes e.g. Sort play money
according colour and size. according colour and size.
• Provide play money in the home • Provide play money in the house • Provide play money in the house
corner corner corner
1.13 Orally solves addition and subtraction Orally solves addition and subtraction Orally solves addition and subtraction
problems with answers up to 4. problems with answers up to 7. problems with answers up to 10.
Addition and
orally stated
addition and
problems with
solutions up
to 10)
• Problem Types for Grade R
The problems posed to Grade R learners should initially involve only objects that are present in the classroom, e.g.
counters, children, shoes, but not, for example, sweets, rabbits, flowers, etc. Not all young children can pretend that
counters or fingers are rabbits — they need the objects themselves. Only in the second half of the year may the
teacher use pictures. The concrete objects should still be retained – the pictures are an addition NOT a replacement
for the concrete objects. Twigs could be used if the teacher lacks resources
The following problems illustrate the problems types, and should be adjusted by the teacher to suit the level of her
learners’ understanding.
Here are 8 cookies. (Teacher packs out 8 counters, or shows a picture of 8 cookies.) Teddy gets 2 cookies every day.
For how many days can he get cookies?
There are 6 cookies. (Teacher packs out 6 counters, or shows a picture of 6 cookies.) The 3 teddies must share the
cookies so that they all get the same number of cookies. How many cookies can each teddy get?
Linda has 6 counters. She gives 2 counters to Ben. How many counters does she have now?
Teachers should mix the problem types from day to day. They should also gradually increase the sizes of the numbers
they use in the problems, and not simply assume that their learners cannot cope with bigger numbers.
2.1 • Identify patterns in clothes, objects, • Copy , extend and create own • Copy, extend and create own • Copy , extend and create own
Geometric and environment patterns pattern with pictures auditory patterns
• Copy and complete patterns. • Copy a given pattern using coins • Copy a noise pattern
(Copy and extend
simple repeating • Copy patterns using body • Play a game “hop scotch” pattern
patterns using percussion
physical objects
• Copy, complete and create own
and drawings)
(Creates own
3.1 Spatial Relationships Spatial Relationships Spatial Relationships
Position, orientation The position of two or more The position of two or more The position of two or more The position of two or more
and views objects in relation to the learner objects in relation to the learner objects in relation to each other objects in relation to the learner
and to one another
Describes one 3-D
object in relation to • In front of and behind • In front of and behind • In front of and behind
another ( e.g. ‘in front
• On, on top, under and below • On and under • On, on top, under, bottom and • On top, under or below
and behind)
• In and out • Top and bottom
• Next to
(Recognise, identifies
and names three
dimensional objects
in the classroom:
a) balls • balls: Introduce and explore balls
Builds 3-D objects Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing. Ongoing
using concrete
• Provide building blocks and • Provide building blocks and • Provide building blocks and • Provide building blocks and
materials (e.g.
construction materials during free construction materials during free construction materials during free construction materials during free
building blocks)
play inside on a daily basis play inside on a daily basis play inside on a daily basis play inside on a daily basis
• Explore with Building blocks • Explore with Building blocks • Let learners build own construction • Ongoing during free play inside
by copying from a given
construction example
• Copy the same construction from a
design or picture card
• Reinforce copying the same
construction from a design or
picture card
3.3 • Allow each learner to choose own Display the learner’s symbol/photo Display only the learner’s name on Display the learner’s name on a
symbol card the first day and learner’s name the next 3 a label the last 6 months of the year label the last 6 months of the year.
2-D shapes
• Display only the learner’s symbol/ Ongoing
Recognise, Ongoing
photo the first 3 months of the Ongoing
identifies and
names two-
dimensional shapes • Introducing the class name e.g. by
in the classroom using a picture – the “Teddy Bear”
and in pictures, class.
• Label on classroom door with
a) Learners Symbols teachers name
b) Class name • Label indicating Grade R class
How to build puzzles Puzzles Puzzles (Ongoing) Puzzles (Ongoing) Puzzles (Ongoing)
Minimum: • Introduce puzzles and give • Provide a variety of puzzles during • Provide a variety of puzzles during • Provide a variety of puzzles during
guidance on how to build them. free play inside on a daily basis free play inside on a daily basis free play inside on a daily basis
activities, matching and grouping activities, matching and grouping activities, matching and grouping
Figure-ground activities and tidy up routine. activities and tidy up routine. activities and tidy up routine.
• Introduce a circle • Reinforce circle, triangle, square
Geometric shapes and rectangle
• Introduce a triangle • Reinforce the triangle
a) circle
• Introduce a square • Reinforce the square
b) triangle
c) square • Shape Conservation (form • Shape Conservation (form • Shape Conservation (Form
constancy of triangle) constancy of shapes learnt up to constancy of shapes learnt up to
d) rectangle
date) date)
e) Conservation of
shapes (Form
3.4 • Identify body parts (Under • Crossing the midline - performing • Crossing the midline – chalkboard • Develop the awareness that there
counting) actions activities is symmetry in objects
• Head, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, • Apply crossing of the midline • Apply crossing of the midline • Apply crossing of the midline
(Recognises line of
neck, shoulders, arm, hand, during Life Skills (Physical during Life Skills (Physical during Life Skills (Physical
symmetry in self, and
fingers, chest, leg, knee, foot, toes Development) Development) Development)
own environment)
• One’s body has two sides • Rhymes and Songs
• Reinforce the awareness that one’s • Creative Art activities
body has two sides e.g. “the one
side” and “the other side” leading
to “left and right”
• Crossing the midline incorporated
with counting.
Above to be done during physical
• Using Rhymes and Songs
• during Creative Art
4.1 • Introduce both the concepts “day
and night” and ”light /dark’’
• Morning, afternoon, tonight -
recurring events
in own daily life.
a) Daily • Introduce the Daily programme • Daily Programme (ongoing) • Daily Programme (ongoing) • Daily Programme (ongoing)
Programme - Learners experience the - Reinforce the sequencing of - Reinforce the sequencing of - Reinforce the sequencing of
sequencing of events during a recurring events in one day recurring events in one day recurring events in one day
day. through the Daily programme through the Daily programme through the Daily programme
- Pictures are displayed from left to
right developing reading direction
- The leader of the day moves a
movable arrow as the activities on
the daily programme progress.
b) Weather Chart • Introduce the Weather Chart • Weather chart (daily) • Weather chart ( daily) • Weather chart (daily)
- The teacher guides learners to - The learners determine the - The learners determine the
- The teacher guides learners to
determine the name of the day, name of the day, date and month name of the day, date and month
determine the name of the day,
date and month with flash cards with flash cards and displays with flash cards and displays
date and month with song and
recurring events
in own daily life.
c) Days of the • Days of the Week • Days of the Week (Ongoing) • Days of the Week (Ongoing) • Days of the Week (Ongoing)
week - Teacher teaches learners a song - Teacher teaches learners a song
or a rhyme about the days of or a rhyme about the days of
the week. Repeat every day as the week. Repeat every day as
weather chart is discussed. weather chart is discussed.
- Sequencing days of the week
using a song
d) Seasons Chart • Seasons chart • Seasons chart • Seasons chart • Seasons chart
- Introduce the chart showing the - The arrow indicating the present - The arrow indicating the present - The arrow indicating the present
four seasons indicating: season is moved as the seasons season is moved as the seasons season is moved as the seasons
change change change
o Summer
- The first day after the school - The first day after the school - The first day after the school
o Autumn holiday the teacher should ask holiday the teacher should ask holiday the teacher should ask
o Winter learners what they did during learners what they did during learners what they did during
holidays holidays holidays
o Spring
- Develop an awareness of what
the learner does from the time
he/she wakes up until going to
- Develop an awareness of what
happens between suppertime and
Introduce Birthday • Introduce the Birthday Chart • Continuous whenever a learner has • Continuous whenever a learner has • Continuous whenever a learner has
Chart a birthday a birthday a birthday
• Learners should know their age
• Ongoing • Ongoing • Ongoing
• Develop an awareness of reading
• Learners should know their own
birth date (day and month)
Length Length Length Length Length
Concretely • Long and short, tall, taller and tallest • Longest and shortest, longer and • Estimate the length of different • Measure the height of the learners
compare and (visual) shorter (explore length) objects with a tape measure (Replace
order objects hands with tape measure)
• Introduce the concept of length • Reinforce the concept of length • Estimate and measure the length of
using appropriate
different objects using feet, hands, a
vocabulary to • Height chart with hands/feet • Learners discover whether they
piece of string, a stick etc.
describe length have grown since the last term
• Introduce (Learners can compare their
Height Chart heights against something in the
- Measure class, e.g., cupboard)
with hands
(Visual and
- Measure with
(Visual and
- Measure with
tape measure
(Visual and
- long, short,
- longer,
- tall, taller/
tallest (visual)
- estimate
comparing the masses of different
Works concretely
objects e.g.
comparing and
ordering objects - light/heavy
using appropriate - lighter/heavier
vocabulary to
describe the • Reinforce mass (Lightest/heaviest)
a) Light, heavy
b) Lighter, heavier
c) Continuous
during water
and sand play
4.4 Capacity/Volume
Capacity/Volume • Introduce the measuring concept of
capacity by comparing how much
Works concretely
various containers hold e.g.
comparing and
ordering objects - “empty/full”
using appropriate - “more than/less than”
vocabulary to
describe the - a lot, a little
following: • Continuous during water and sand
a) empty, full, play
b) a lot, a little
c) less than, more
d) Continuous
during water
and sand play
5.1 • Introduce the concept of data • Collect objects (twigs of different • Pose a question: “Are names with • Use the Birthday Chart to
handling by collecting data of how sizes) six letters most popular?” determine whose birthdays are in
Collect and sort
objects many boys and how many girls which month.
are in the class
Collects physical • Collect data to answer this • Collect data from the learners to
objects of a similar question using the learners name determine the colour of the play
kind (alone and/or as a cards. dough for the following week e.g.
member of a group or a blue, yellow, green
team) e.g. ten leaves,
Collect data (Which mode of
ten shapes
transport do learners use to come to
Sort physical objects • Sort the data by letting learners • Sort the collected objects (twigs of • Sort the name cards according • Sort the data according to the
according to one stand in a boys and girls row. different sizes) to the number of letters in each relevant birthday month of each
attribute. e.g. size of name. learner.
• Each child selects one block
representing the colour of his/her
choice of play dough for the week
• Sort the collected data (walk, with
parent’s car, taxi or bus)
5.2 • Make a graph representation the • Draw a graph of collected objects • Draw a graph by pasting each • Draw a graph representing the
data using blocks or shapes (twigs of different sizes) name card below the relevant learners birth days in each month.
Represent sorted
collections of objects columns
• Make use of real objects to make
(Draw graphs to display a graph such as blocks, stacking
data. Draws a picture cubes, Lego or Duplo blocks
as a record of collected representing the colours of dough
objects ) you plan to make e.g. blue, yellow,
sorted collections of representation of the number of each column and coming to a month has the most birthdays
objects boys and girls in the class. conclusion.
• According to the choice of the
Read and interpret learners the colour of the play
graphs. dough for the week will for
example be yellow
Answer questions
based on own picture • Read and interpret graphs (How
or own sorted objects. many walk, come by taxi, bus,
(e.g. “How many big etc.)
leaves did you draw?
Which are the most, the
big leaves or the small
3.5 Content Clarification Notes with Teaching Guidelines
Week 1 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.1 Sequencing recurring events in own daily life Daily programme represented in picture Daily
Time • Introduce the Daily Programme format
- The leader of the day moves a movable arrow from left to right as the activities on the
daily programme progress.
- Learners experience the sequencing of events during a day.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
• Presentation of content is determined by the timeslot on the Daily Programme.
• The Daily Programme is flexible, for example, Toilet Routine could be moved to a different timeslot depending on the contextual factors of a school.
• Display all routine charts only after they have been introduced.
• The clarification notes column is not written in consecutive order per day, but according to content area. Therefore you need to decide which day a specific activity should be done.
• In some weeks there are more than five activities. This was merely to ensure that you have sufficient activities to choose from and it does not mean you should do all the activities
1.4 • Introduce Toilet Routine (use ordinal numbers to show order, place or position) Soap, facecloths After the toilet
routine has been
Describe, compare - Develop an awareness of sequence/order of toilet routine e.g. ordinal numbers Toilets
(first use toilet ,then wash hands, close the tap and then dry your hands etc). introduced, this
and order numbers
Running water activity takes
- Develop an awareness of ordinal numbers e.g. Liam is first, Jude is second etc. place every day.
Week 1 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Introduce Tidy-up Chart Tidy up Chart After the tidy-up
3-D objects - Establish smaller working groups. Wash paint routine has been
- Promote ordering and sorting of apparatus. introduced, this
and brushes
Divide number of learners in your class into the eight tidy-up areas. Each group must take Tidy up book activity takes
responsibility to tidy up an area on a rotational basis, weekly. corner place every day.
Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects in terms of: Pack away
• Size blocks
• Colour
Sweep floor
• Objects that roll
• Objects that slide
Tidy up
house corner
Pack away
Tidy up art
Wipe tables
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the Helpers’ Chart and the sequence in which refreshments are served Helper’s Chart After the Helpers’
chart has been
Count objects Estimate and count objects to develop number concept by:
- Using the Helper’s Chart to identify the helper of the day attending to a table during refreshments are
refreshment time. served this way
- The 5 circles on the Helpers’ chart represent the five groups you divided your learners every day.
into, for example, the red group, the blue group, the yellow group, the green group and
the orange group. You can also make use of different fruits / animals / transport, etc.
- Each learner’s symbol is placed inside the circle of the group he/she belongs to.
- Turning the arrow attached in the middle of each circle identifies the leader of the group.
The group leader rotates every day to ensure that each learner gets an opportunity to
act as a leader.
- The group leader counts the number of learners and plates according to the number of
learners present in his/her group for that day (one-to-one correspondence).
3.3 Recognise, identifies and names two-dimensional shapes and/or pictures in the Cards with learner’s individual symbol. As learners arrive
classroom the first day
2-D shapes Make snap cards out of symbol pictures.
- Learner’s symbol
Lockers, boxes or hooks against a wall
• Allow each learner to choose their own symbol card marked with symbols.
- Prepare the creative art display block with each learner‘s symbol (picture or Grade R label
Picture of class name for door
- Paste a symbol on each learner’s locker.
Label with teacher’s name and surname
- Allow learner to identify own locker linked to own symbol.
- Pin symbol with name on learner’s clothes.
- Learners identify own and friend’s symbols by playing games to encourage learners to
identify the different symbol cards, e.g. learners sit in circle with teacher displaying all
the symbols and ask learners to identify their symbol.
- Small photographs of learners can also be used as symbol cards, if available.
- Class name
• Promote the concept that learners belong in one big group by introducing the class
name e.g. by using a picture – the “Teddy Bear” class.
Learners must also know their teachers’ name.
Week 1 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
• Display only the learner’s symbol/photo the first 3 months of the year.
• Display the learner’s symbol/photo and learner’s name the next 3 months.
• Display only the learner’s name on a label the last 6 months of the year
• Keep on door for the entire year.
• Label with teachers name
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Compares which of two given collection of objects is big and small 1 day
Describe, compare Introduce the concept of “big” and “small”
and order numbers
- Learners experience the concept big and small by curling their bodies to make Learners
themselves as small as possible and then stretching out as big as possible.
- Let learners match their hands on a friends hands to see who’s hands are big or small.
- Compare teacher’s hand against that of a learner.
- Compare teacher’s arm against that of a learner.
Describe , sort and compare 3-D objects and 2-D shapes according to size
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Make big and small balls with play-dough.
- Find big and small objects in the classroom. Mark the big objects with red stickers and
the small objects with yellow stickers. Talk about the different objects sizes. Big and small objects
- Sort big and small objects according to size.
Semi – concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Apply the concept big and small during art activities by:
- Looking for pictures of “big” and “small” objects and cutting them out. Magazines, Newspapers,
- Let the learners trace their hands and cut it out. Put it on top of one another. See who’s Advertisements, Scissors
hands are big and who’s are small.
- Divide a paper into 2.
A3 Paper, Crayons
- Paste all the small objects on one side of the paper and all the big objects on the other
side of the paper.
Week 2 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Describe the position of two or more 3-D objects in relation to the learner: in and out 1 day
Position, Kinaesthetic
orientation and
- Give each child a “hoop”. (Teacher demonstrates to the learners by doing the activity
views with them and saying the words: “in and out”). They must jump in and out the hoops
acting on the instructions of the teacher. Hoops
- Stand with one leg in the hoop and the other leg out of the hoop.
- Take a box and let the learners jump in and out and let the learners discuss if the learner
is in/out
- Jump in and out the tyres as part of the physical development activity
- Jump in and out the hoop with eyes closed.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners:
- Put the doll (baby) in and take the doll out of the cot /bed
- Throw a ball/beanbag into a hoop/tyre
- Use clay and roll it into a ball then press it flat (birds nest); roll more than one small ball
(eggs) and put them in/out the nest on instruction of the teacher.
Semi – concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Let the learners:
- Look at a picture and see if they can find objects that demonstrate the concepts in and
- Draw themselves in and out a hoop/bath/ etc.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Build 3-D objects using concrete material Blocks should be packed on shelves, with 1day and repeat
the outlines of the different blocks at the during free play
3-D objects • Explore the many possibilities of block building during free play indoors
back of the shelf. time on a daily
- The teacher’s role is to mediate this play. basis
Extra equipment such as small figures
- Explore the many possibilities of building block by guiding learners to build horizontally (pictures/faces pasted on clothes pegs)
(flat), vertically (towers), high and low constructions toy cars, farm animals, traffic signs etc.
- Sort and order the different blocks by matching the same shapes. should be made available.
- Sort and order the different shapes by matching according to same size.
- Sort blocks according to big and small.
- Each learner gets a 3 rectangular blocks and arrange them in as many ways as possible
e.g. line them up, stack them in various ways. Learners can compare and copy each
other as well as share blocks in pairs to make them more aware of positioning.
- Promote the packing away of building blocks according to the outline provided at the
back of the shelf by matching according to the same outline.
Week 2 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Describe , sort and compare 3-D objects and 2-D shapes according to the primary A variety of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes/ 1 day
colours, blue, red and yellow pictures in the classroom e.g. bottle tops,
3-D objects
Lego blocks, Logi coloured shapes etc.
Show only one colour at a time. Do not link one colour to one shape
Colour Cards of blue, red, yellow
Divide learners into 5 groups.
Give each group a pile of coloured 3-D objects and 2-D shapes.
A variety of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
- Teacher introduces each colour by holding up a card with the colour she wants learners
to know e.g. blue. Repeat with each colour.
- Let learners sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes according to the different card shown.
- Pin different coloured circles (red, yellow, blue) cut out from cardboard on each learner’s Red, yellow and blue circles cut out of
cardboard prepared by the teacher.
- Let learners arrange themselves according to the different colours.
Concrete using 3-D objects
- The teacher calls five learners to the front and gives each one a different 3-D object to
hold in his/her hand. A variety of 3-D objects collected
beforehand and placed in the middle of
- The rest of the class remains seated in their groups with a heap of 3-D objects in the each group.
middle of their tables.
- The first learner in front holds up his/her 3-D object e.g. a blue unifix block or a yellow
circle Logi shape or puzzles, etc.
- The learners at the tables sorts the different 3-D objects according what the learner is
holding up.
Finger paint recipe:
Semi – concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.1 Sequencing of recurring events in own daily life
Time - Months of the year
- Time
Introduce the Birthday Chart
- Design a colourful Birthday Chart, e.g. a train with 12 coaches (for each month) – the months are sequenced from left to right on the coaches. Place the
name and symbol/photo of each learner in the applicable birthday month.
- Develop an awareness of the time concept e.g. months of the year by singing the names of the months while pointing at the month’s names.
- Develop an awareness of reading direction e.g. display a label of each month of the year in one row from left to right.
- Let learners identify their symbol/photo and memorise in which month their birthday is.
- Encourage them to know their age.
- Repeat this activity on a continuous basis.
A Birthday Chart with twelve months of the year displayed from left to right.
A crown or picture of a birthday cake indicates birthdays past. Birthdays to come have no crown or birthday cake.
Song: Compose your own tune
“January, February, March.
April, May, June July.
August, September, October November, December.
January February
The entire year whenever there’s a birthday.
• A learner’s birthday is a very special occasion and time must be set aside for a birthday ring where the rest of the class sings Happy Birthday and clap a number of times,
demonstrating the birthday boys/girls age.
• Each learner in the class can draw a picture and the teacher can collate all the drawings into a birthday book for the learner who is celebrating their birthday.
• The teacher can also make a crown for the birthday boy or girl and the learners can decorate it with collage materials.
• The activity to be repeated the entire year whenever there is a birthday
Week 3 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Estimate and count everyday objects reliably Number songs and rhymes Daily
Count objects • Oral daily Counting
- Rote /rhythmic counting from 1-5
- Sing Number songs and rhymes
Although learners might not have a concept of number when they enter Grade R, they
should be encouraged to sing number rhymes and songs and do rote counting on a
daily basis.
Identifying and count the different body parts (Body image) Action song/rhyme 1 day
Oral daily rote counting from 1-5
Kinaesthetic (Integrate with Life Skills-personal well-being) Puzzles/games that represent different
people and body images
- Develop an awareness of the number of the different body parts by counting the
body parts. Card games
- Show me your nose and count it. How many noses do you have?
- Show me your ears and count them. How many? Is it one more? Let’s count on. Learners
- Show me your hands. How many? Let’s count them. What else can you see on your
hands? Fingers! Can you count them? Lets’ count the one hands fingers: 1, 2,3,4,5.
- How many eyes? Count your ears and your eyes. Touch your ears and eyes as you
count, starting with your ears.
- Sit apposite a friend and count his body parts but first touch it/them and then count
it/them. Teacher will guide this process, e.g. touch your friends one ear; touch his
other ear; count it/them: 1,2. Is it the same as yours? Proceed with this exercise.
- Identify those body parts of which a person only has one e.g. one nose, one mouth,
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 Recognise the line of symmetry in self Learners 1 day
Symmetry Develop the awareness that one’s body has two sides
Emphasize the concepts of “one side/the other side”
The teacher talks to the learners about the front of the body and the back of the body as
well as the top and the bottom of the body.
Let the learners:
- Look at themselves in a mirror in which they can see their whole body.
- Identify which of their body parts on the one side are also on the other side of their
- Touch parts of their bodies as required e.g. “Touch your toes, touch your feet, touch
your legs” .Learners can also do this exercise with their eyes closed. Long length mirror
- Touch one part of his/her body with another part e.g. “Touch your knee with your The teacher can make the split pin figure/
nose etc” (also an activity for mid-line crossing) mannequin from hard cardboard
3.2 Recognise, identify and name balls Objects that are round for example oranges, 1 day
apples, balls, empty round tins. (Make balls
3-D objects - Learners play with balls and demonstrate and name all the things they can do with
a ball. Teacher leads the discussion through questions. from anti-waste e.g. newspaper balls stuffed
into an old pantyhose)
- Identify all the objects that can roll e.g. show the blocks and ask the question: “Do
you think the block can roll? Let’s see”. Objects that are square e.g. blocks.
- Roll all the objects and observe how they roll e.g. tins only roll on one side. Play dough recipe:
- Use clay/dough to mould balls that can roll during creative activities (free play 1 cup of flour
½ cup of salt
- During movement the learners can try to let their bodies roll by rolling while lying or Mix all
making their bodies like balls and roll. 1 cup water
2 teaspoons cooking oil ingredients
Week 3 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name two-dimensional shapes in the classroom and in Song, “Here we go round the Mulberry 1 day
pictures bush”.
2-D shapes
- circle
• Introduce a circle Game, ‘hot potato, pass it on”.
When introducing a circle for the first time the objects used should be exactly alike in
every way (same size, same colour, same texture)
The teacher draws a circle on the floor/ground. Let the learners walk along the outline of
the circle while saying, “I am walking along the circle....round and round”.
Let the learners:
- Hold hands and form a circle.
- Form a circle with their bodies.
- Walk around in the circle while singing the ‘’Mulberry bush” song.
- Sit down in the circle and pass an object from one to the other while singing “hot
potato pass it on”. The learner still having the object when the song stops must go
and sit in the centre of the circle.
Concrete using 3-D objects 1 day
The teacher shows the learner a hoop and explains to them that this shape is called a Hoop
circle. A circle has no corners.
Let the learners:
- Handle the 3-D hoop while running their fingers around the circle.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.1 • Introduce the Weather Chart and Calender The Weather Chart should represent a After the weather
week e.g. days of the week ordered from chart is introduced
Time a) Time
left to right for the first 6 months and dealt this activity takes
b) Days of the week with every day. place every day.
c) Sequence of events Flash cards of:
d) Counting - Seven days of week
- The weather represents a week (5 days) using symbol cards. e.g. 5 days of the - Numbers 1-31
week ordered from left to right using weather symbols.(See example below) - Names of the 12 months
- The weather should be dealt with every day. - Year e.g. 2012
- The teacher guides learners to determine the name of the day, date and month with - Cards with the weather conditions e.g.
flash cards as in diagram (later the learners can identify and display flash cards
themselves). Teach learners a
song to memorise
- The leader of the day observes the weather outside and shares findings with the windy the days of the
rest of the group e.g. rainy-, cloudy-, sunny day
- The teacher displays findings with a flash card as in diagram (later the learners can
display cards themselves). sunny
- By doing this the learners learn about the weekdays and weekends.
- They learn about today, yesterday, tomorrow, etc. incidentally. rainy
- The learners are given many opportunities to count up to 5. Counting sunny days,
cold days, windy days, etc.
- Display learner’s symbol if there are any birthdays during that week. cloudy
- Display any activities taking place during that week e.g. going to the zoo
(represented by a picture of an animal)
Week 3 Suggested Contact Time :
Orientation One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
Example of Weather Chart Weather Chart
June 2012
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Identify and describe whole numbers 1 day
Counting objects Introduce the meaning of the number 1
Oral daily rote counting from 1-5 Number songs and rhymes
Let the learners:
- Identify body parts e.g. one nose.
- Nod head once, tap on floor once, jump once etc. Learners
- Hold up 1 finger, 1 hand, 1 foot etc.
- Form the number 1 with their body.
- Write number 1 in the air/on the ground.
- Clap hands only once
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners: Objects in class and environment
- Identify any single object in the class. e.g. one building block.
- Form the number 1 with clay/ play dough
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Picture of
Let the learners:
1 object
- Identify the picture with one object on different flash cards.
- Match the picture cards with one object on them to the cards with one dot on them. 1 Counter for each learner
- Always link the picture cards and dot cards to the same number of counters e.g. pack
A variety of picture flash cards
the same number of counters on each dot.
- After introducing the number 1 the teacher displays the flash cards against the wall Dot flash cards
for learners to view every day.
Week 4
Suggested Contact Time :
Start with introduction to
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 • Identify patterns in the environment and in learners clothing 1 day
Geometric patterns Let learners :
- Talk about the patterns they observe in the environment and their clothing:
- Which patterns have lines, blocks?
- Are the patterns all the same, what are the differences and what are the similarities?
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Recognise, identify and name 3-D objects and 2-D shapes in the classroom and A variety of objects in the classroom 1 day
pictures and the environment
3-D objects and
Develop the ability to distinguish between objects in the “foreground and
Concrete using 3-D objects
2- D shapes
The teacher places different objects in the classroom and outside on the playground.
Let the learners:
- Indicate different objects in the classroom e.g. wooden objects, red objects, plastic
objects etc.
- Look for specific objects in the classroom on instruction of the teacher e.g. the ball in
the Lego blocks container, the toy car in the cupboard, a pencil in the tin etc.
- Look for identical objects e.g. round buttons among square ones, a red marble
amongst coloured ones etc.
- Sort object according to their kind e.g. size, colour, texture or shape.
- Play the game, “I spy with my little eyes, something that is round.....”
- Look for specific objects in the environment on instruction of the teacher e.g. the bird
in the tree, the ribbon in the tree, the pretty flower, the ant walking on the leaf etc.
- At home the learner should be encouraged to fetch all the spoons, or knifes, or forks
out of the drawer.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Show the learners a picture and ask questions related to the picture. Any large picture to discuss (poster)
- “What is the little girl holding in her hand?” Puzzles
Week 4
Suggested Contact Time :
Start with introduction to
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Recognise, identify and name 3-D objects by exploring the shapes and sizes of 1 day
3-D objects
Let the learners:
- Climb into and out of a big cardboard box. A variety of big and small boxes
- Explore the inside of the box by communicating what they see inside the box e.g. the (empty refrigerator and stove
box has a floor / bottom, four sides / walls and a lid. boxes)
- Fold the box open to observe the shape
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Use boxes to build structures e.g. a house, a garage (apply during Visual Arts to build
a constructions with different size boxes)
- Provide learners with different objects such as buttons, unifix blocks, bottle tops,
plastic bread clips. Unifix blocks, bottle tops, plastic
Let the learners: bread clips (learners can bring from
- Sort the objects into groups of the same types
- Explore what are the differences between the objects
- Explore which objects are square and which are round
- Sort objects according to the same colour
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures Card games that develop the 1 day
recognition of shapes.
2-D shapes - a triangle
Introduce a triangle
When introducing a triangle for the first time the objects used should be exactly alike
in every way (same size, same colour, and same texture). A triangle consists of three Wool or play dough.
straight sides. This is called a triangle.
Let the learners:
“Feely bag” (A cloth bag with elastic
- Make/form shapes with their bodies e.g. 3 learners form a triangle with their bodies. at the top) with different geometric
- Form a triangle using their fingers. shapes.
Week 5 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Describe and identify whole numbers 1 day
Count objects Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 4 that involves the number 1 Number songs and rhymes
Oral: Rote counting from 1 to 5
Let the learners: of
- Do body percussion e.g. clap hands once. 1 object 1 one
- The teacher shows a flash card representing the number 1 and learners hold up 1
finger, 1 hand, 1 foot etc.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners: One object
- Find one object in the classroom. One counter
- Count one counter.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures A variety of flash cards with one picture,
and one dot on them.
- Match a variety of one picture, and one dot flash cards.
- Match a variety of picture and dot flashcards with the number
symbol 1.
- Match the number symbol and number name flash cards. Flash card with number symbol and
- Make number puzzles and allow learners to match them e.g. number name
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 Reinforce the awareness that one’s body has two sides e.g. “the one side” and “the 1 day
other side” leading to “left and right”
The teacher explains the two sides of one’s body.
Let the learners:
Shaker can be homemade – a container
- Stand on one leg and then stand on the other leg. with a lid, filled with small stones.
- Move rhythmically to the beat of the shaker to the one side of the classroom. When the
shaker stops, the learners move to the other side of the classroom.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Each learner is given a beanbag.
Let the learners:
- Put the beanbag on the floor next to them.
- Move the beanbag to the other side of their bodies using
A beanbag for each learner
- their toes, hand etc.
- Put the beanbag on the floor on the one side of their bodies and then move it to the
other side.
- Reinforce this concept by integrating it with visual arts by letting the learners make
butterfly pictures
(Fold paper in half; drop different colour of paint blobs on folded line; fold in middle and
spread paint by rubbing picture; open and observe a butterfly; cut out on border line – the
butterfly has two sides that are the same)
3.2 Recognise, identify and names 3-D objects “Feely bag” (A cloth bag with elastic at 1 day
the top)
3-D objects Introduce and explore objects that roll
Inside the bag are:
- Discuss the “roundness” of objects. Put several round objects with in a “feely bag” (a
cloth bag). Learners take an object from it and describe it`s roundness. Different sizes of balls, marbles,
- Learners demonstrate how various objects roll down a slope raising the table with two cylinders, empty cold drink tins, round
bricks. plastic shapes or bottle tops. plastic
Week 5 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 The position of two or more objects in relation to the learner Chairs
Position, orientation - In front / behind Learners 1 day
and view
Kinaesthetic: Flash cards with the action in front of and
The teacher chooses two learners with a counting rhyme:
- Place two chairs in front of the classroom.
- The two learners demonstrates the concepts in front and behind on the teachers
instructions. e.g.
o Sipho stand in front of the chair
o Carl stand behind the chair
- Once achieved the teacher holds up a flash card and the learners demonstrate the
action using their own chairs.
- ”This can also be demonstrated by using three learners.
o Amy is standing behind Sipho, but Carl is standing in front of Amy.
- The teacher provides learners with a big dice with different pictures showing “in front
of and behind” written on the sides e.g. stand in front of someone with long hair; stand
behind someone wearing a pants; sit behind each other, etc
- Let the learners play a game in their groups by throwing the dice and performing the
action it falls on.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Compare which of two given objects are: 1 day
3-D objects bigger and smaller
• Reinforce the concept of bigger and smaller
Let the learners: Picture of a mouse and a dog (ensure
that the picture of the dog is bigger than
- Make their bodies big by stretching their arms above their head.
the picture of the mouse)
- Make bodies small by bending down and curling up.
- Determine whether a dog is bigger than a mouse
Concrete using 3-D objects
Always present at least two objects for comparison.
Objects in the classroom such as blocks,
- Compare different sizes of the same type of block, balls, plates, buttons, table, chair balls, plates, buttons, beads, sticks, pegs,
etc. and determine which objects are “big/small, bigger/smaller” and” biggest/smallest”. matchboxes, tins, pebbles, corks, shells,
- Build constructions with the building blocks and learners compare whose construction is bottle tops, etc.
the biggest and whose is the smallest.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- Compare pictures illustrating the concepts of big/small and bigger/smaller.
Pictures illustrating big/small
- Apply the concept of ‘big/small” during creative art.
Week 5 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Compare which of two given objects are: Big and small circles drawn in the sand/ 1 day
on the floor/ground
3-D objects - Big and small
- Bigger and smaller
- Biggest and smallest
The teacher draws a small circle in the sand, on the ground/floor.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
Concrete using 3-D objects Building blocks and balls of different sizes
Learners sort and compare different objects according to size.(bigger , smaller) e.g. Buttons, spoons, medicine boxes,
shoe boxes, empty milk cartons, empty
- Big buttons from small ones
medicine containers , etc
- Big spoons from small ones
- Big boxes from small boxes
This activity can be extended to outdoor play (sand play and water play) where learners can
compare objects and talk about which one is smaller/bigger, biggest and smallest.
It could also be integrated with visual arts – make a collage using big/small objects.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes and pictures
Let the learners:
- Play card games and identify the small/big/biggest from pictures.
- Ask questions such as: “Which fish is first or which fish is last?” “Which fish is in the
- Progress to letters so that learners realise that pictures represents words. Learners do
not have to read the letters.
Week 6 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Estimate and count everyday objects reliably Number songs and rhymes Daily
Count objects Daily counting
- Oral: Rote /rhythmic counting from 1- 5
- Sing Number songs and rhymes
2.1 Copy and extend a pattern using body percussion Learners 1 day
Geometric Kinaesthetic:
patterns - Teacher demonstrates a body percussion pattern and learners must copy the pattern
e.g. clap clap, stomp; clap, clap, stomp;, snap snap, click etc,... Logi shapes
3.3 Recognise, identify and name a square 1 day
2-D shapes Introduce a square
When introducing a square for the first time the objects used should be exactly alike in every Learners
way (same size, same colour, and same texture). A square consists of four sides. This is called Rope
a square.
- The whole class forms a square.
- Let the learners walk on a square made with rope on the carpet while saying,” I am walking
along a square- one side, two sides, three sides, four sides- all the sides are the same?”
- Let groups of learners form smaller squares. A lid of a tin
Concrete using 3-D objects A square tile
- The teacher shows the difference between a circle and a square by holding up a lid of a tin A variety of round lids and square shaped
and a square tile. objects
- The lid feels round and the tile has edges and corners. Newsprint
Semi- concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Crayons
- The teacher draws around the lid and around the tile.
- The lid represents a circle and the tile represents a square.
- Let the learners trace around the lid and the tile using crayons.
Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes or pictures Shape cards
Divide learners into groups. 3-D objects such as blocks, Lego blocks
Let the learners: 2-D shapes such as
- Sort a variety of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes provided by the teacher according to size and Games that reinforce shapes such as
colour “What’s in a square”
- Reinforce shapes through playing of games and game cards during free play indoors.
3.2 Recognise, identify and name 3-D objects that slide Blocks 1 day
3-D objects • Introduce objects that can slide Balls
Provide learners with a variety of different 3-D objects and 2-D shapes such as blocks, boxes, Boxes
balls, etc. Slide / Table with blocks
- Allow learners to experiment through play by seeing which objects can slide and which
objects can roll.
- The learners can use the slide in the playground or the teacher can use a table to make a
slope by placing 2 blocks underneath it.
- Can any of the objects slide upwards?
- Which objects slide downwards?
- Why are these objects able to slide?
Week 6 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Describe one 3-D object in relation to another 1 day
Position, • Develop the concept of on/ under, below/ on top
orientation and Kinaesthetic
- Learners each sit on their own chair.
- Learners listen to the teachers` instructions and follow whilst performing actions e.g. sit on Chair for each learner
your chair, lie under your chair.
- Stand on top of your chair. Sit under the table.
on top of the table
- Put your hands on your head.
4.1 Describe the time of day in terms of day and night/ light and dark Chairs and blankets 1 day
Time • Introduce both the concepts “day /night” and ”light /dark’’
Integrate these concepts with Beginning Knowledge topics in Life Skills
- Experience darkness by sitting under the table and chairs which has been covered with a
- Darken classroom by closing curtains and switching off the light. Torch
- Learners talk about their experiences when the classroom was dark and when it was light.
- Provide a torch for light under the blanket. Poster of day and night
- Talk about activities which take place during the day and at night. Pictures of day-time and night -time
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures activities
- The teacher prepares a poster of the sun and the moon and provides pictures showing
what happened during the day and night time.
- Learners must place their pictures under the sun and/or the moon.
Week 7 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom A variety of puzzles – minimum 6 1 day
2-D shapes • Introduce puzzles and give guidance on how to build them
- Discuss the puzzle picture with special attention to detail such as colour, people/
animals, objects, position of people/animals and objects
- Identify, recognise and match the different types of puzzle pieces, e.g.
o corner pieces.
o pieces with one straight side.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Describe one 3-D object in relation to the learner 1 day
Position, orientation • The position of two or more objects in relation to the learner Game: In the river (between the two
and view lines), out of the river (on the outside of
- In /out
the two lines)
- The teacher uses masking tape or skipping rope to make two lines on the floor.
2 Skipping ropes
- The learners all stand on the one side and the teacher calls, “in the river (All the
learners must jump between the two lines, then she shouts ‘out of the river’. The
learners must all jump out on either side of the two lines.
- Learners who do not follow the instruction correctly are out and may not continue
Concrete using 3-D objects:
Let the learners:
- Stand a few steps away from a basket/bucket Bucket or Basket
- Throw beanbags in a basket
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Paper and Colouring pens/wax
- Learners draw a picture illustrating in and out concepts.
Week 7 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 • The position of two or more 3-D objects in relation to the learner: Top/under/below 1 day
Position, orientation Kinaesthetic
and view
Let the learners follow instructions such as:
- Put the red block on top of your friends head Building blocks / Unifix blocks
- Put the yellow block under/below your table
- Put the block on your head and climb on your table
- Crawl under the table with your eyes closed. Logi shapes
Concrete using 3-D objects:
Let the learners: Different pictures
- Pack the triangles on top of each other.
- Pack the blue squares on top of each other.
- Put the red circle under the yellow square.
- Put the yellow circle and the red triangle under/below the blue square.
Shape Cards
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- Teacher prepares individual cards with pictures on them as well as cards with shapes
on them.
- Learners must place the shapes on top/under/below the picture as the teacher requests
e.g. Place the blue square on top of the fruit basket.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 • Reinforce the awareness of symmetry in self (own body) 1 day
Symmetry Kinaesthetic
Let the learners:
- Name their body parts.
- Sing any action song about the body. Song: “Head and shoulders, knees and
The teacher demonstrates to the learners the concept of symmetry by hanging a rope in front toes”
of a learner.
- Learners should imagine that their bodies are divided into two sides.
The teacher explains how the body is divided in two parts called the mid-line.
- Everything a person has two of are found on both sided of the body e.g. eyes, ears,
arms, legs etc.
- Everything a person has one of is situated on the mid-line e.g. nose, mouth, navel.
For symmetrical control, let the learners:
- March, lifting the knees high.
- March like stiff ‘tin soldiers’
- Cross arms, cross legs while marching.
Incomplete pictures
Integrate these actions with Performing Arts in Life skills
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- Draw incomplete pictures on a piece of paper and ask the learners to complete the
Week 7 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 • The position of two or more 3-D objects in relation to the learner 1 day
Position, orientation - up and down
and view
Let the learners:
- Demonstrate “up” and “down” by moving their bodies up and down on instruction of the Sing song , ”Oh the grand old duke of
teacher. York”
- Climb up two steps while counting the number of steps. Make use of the stairs at the school
- Climb down the two steps while counting.
Jungle gym (climbing equipment)
- Climb “up” and “down” on equipment outside.
Rope climbing ladder
- Climb “up” and “down” a rope climbing ladder if the school has one.
Pictures illustrating up and down e.g. the
- Look up and down. stairs
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- The teacher provides the learners with a variety of pictures where the concept of up
and down is illustrated
o e.g. a person climbing up a mountain, an air balloon going up into the air and
coming down, someone walking down stairs etc.
Let the learners:
- Identify the concepts of up and down from the pictures.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 • Crossing the midline incorporated with counting 1 day
Symmetry Kinaesthetic
Let the learners: Learners
- Twist and jump in rhythm while counting. Number songs and rhymes
- Stand facing each other and do criss-cross clapping (the left hand to the opposite
learners left hand) singing a number song/rhyme.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners:
- Throw the ball to a friend while counting.
- Walk on a curved rope singing a song e.g. “One little elephant balancing”
- Kick a ball to each other.
Ball, rope
The above activity can be integrated with Life Skills
2.1 • Create own patterns 1 day
Geometric patterns Red and Blue plastic shapes
Let the learners create a pattern using:
- Their bodies e.g. one girl with dress, two boys with trousers
Concrete using 3-D objects Using bottle tops and red and blue paint
- Using red and blue shapes. e.g. 2 blue squares, 2 red triangles, 2 blue squares ...
- Apply a pattern during art activities by using red and blue paint with bottle tops.
red blue red blue red blue
Week 8 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 Recognise, identify and name 3-D objects 1 day
3-D objects • Reinforce objects that roll
Concrete using 3-D objects:
Let the learners:
- play with plastic bottles, tins, balls, an orange, etc. and explore the possibilities that Plastic bottles
they can roll.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 The teacher draws a pattern on the floor with chalk or on the ground e.g. 1 day
Position, orientation Drawn on the ground.
and views
Week 8 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
5.1 • Introduce the concept of Data Handling by (using their bodies) collecting objects in 1 day
the class or environment according to stated features for example:
Collect and sort
Divide learners into groups
- In each group let all the boys stand in a row and let all the girls stand in a row next to
the boys. Learners standing in two rows
- Let the learners count the number of boys and the number of girls in each group.
Represent sorted
collection of objects - With this you can complete a boy(s) or girl(s) “body graph” per group.
5.3 - Learners can use above information to develop a 3-D object-graph by using blocks/ Girls Boys
shapes, etc. representing each learner.
Discuss and report □
on sorted collection □ □
of objects Read and represent the graph □ □
Semi – concrete using 2-D shapes or picture 2 3
- Learners make a graph by using the dough to make small ball representing their own
interpretation of the previous activity.
- Give learners paper with a picture of a girl and boy on top of each learner’s page.
A4 Paper
- Let learners roll balls representing the number of girls and boys in their group.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Recognise and explore objects that slide and roll 1 day
3-D objects The teacher holds a ball and bounces it on the floor. She lets it roll on the floor.
The teacher then takes a box and does the same.
The teacher asks learners:
- Which object could roll?
- Why could the box not roll?
- Which object could slide? Box
Teacher shows learners that a box has four sides (corners) and therefore cannot roll, but
the ball has no corners and can roll.
- Encourage learners to find objects in the class that can roll and slide.
- Ask learners whether they can find an object(s) that can roll and slide.
Week 9 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 1 day
2-D shapes 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures
- a circle
Let the learners: Learners
- Make a circle using their fingers.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 The position of one or two objects in relation to each other 1 day
Position, orientation • Concepts next to/ between- incorporated with colour
and views
Teacher calls up three learners
She illustrates the concepts next to and between by arranging the learners in different order
- Craig is standing next to Steve.
- Mel is standing between Craig and Steve.
Activity can be repeated with other learners.
Coloured blocks
The teacher provides learners with building blocks of different colours and gives them
instructions such as:
- Put the red block next to the yellow block
- Put the blue block between the red and the yellow block
Concrete using 3-D objects
Using beanbags in different colours (red, blue, yellow, green), give learners the instruction to:
- Put the blue bean bag next to the yellow bean bag. Coloured bean bags
- Put the red bean bag between the blue and the yellow bean bag.
This activity can be incorporated into Life Skills.
Week 9 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Orders more than two given collections of objects from smallest to biggest 1 day
3-D objects Kinaesthetic:
Provide learners with dough and let them make balls with the dough. Play dough
- In the groups they then have to arrange the dough balls from smallest to biggest and
biggest to smallest.
Concrete using 3-D objects:
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.2 Concretely compare and order objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe 1 day
- Tallest/shortest
- longest/ shortest
- The teacher calls up 4 learners and asks the class to help her to arrange them from tall
to short.
- Let learners arrange themselves in their groups from tallest to shortest.
- One learner stands with his/her back against the wall while the other members of his/
her group measure his/her height using their hands.
Concrete 3-D using objects Rulers, Crayons, Pencils, Erasers, etc
Teacher puts a variety of objects on each group’s table such as rulers, pencils, crayons,
erasers, etc.
- Sort all the long objects and all the short objects together.
- Learners must arrange the objects from longest to shortest.
Height Chart
- The teacher has a height chart ready against the wall to plot each learner’s height.
- Use learners’ symbol cards to indicate each ones height on the height chart.
- Together with the learners the teacher will come to the conclusion that Sipho is 6 hands
high and Abby is only 5 hands high, because she’s shorter.
WEEK 10 Use Week 10 to attend to conceptual weaknesses and/or identified barriers to learning.
Content Area Topic Assessment Criteria
Numbers, Operations and 1.1 Estimates and rote counts up to 5 (Number songs & rhymes included to develop number concept)
Relationships Count objects
Recognises numbers in familiar context- e.g. age, register
Understands ordinal numbers (e.g. during toilet routine)
Understands one-to-one correspondence (Helpers’ chart during refreshment time)
Identifies number pictures and dot cards that involve number one
Knows the number symbol 1
Recognizes the number name one
1.6 Uses concrete apparatus
Problem solving techniques Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or concrete objects
Patterns, Functions and 2.1 Identifies patterns in the environment
Algebra Geometric patterns
Copies, extends and creates own patterns
Position, orientation and views
Knows on top of, on, under, below
Knows in, out
Knows up, down
Understands the concepts: forwards, backwards, front and back
3.2 Recognises, identifies and names balls
3-D objects and
Recognises, identifies and names boxes
2-D shapes Recognises, identifies and names his/her own symbol, his/her peers symbol and the class name
Builds at least a 6 piece puzzle
Shows the ability to distinguish between objects in the “foreground and background”
Identifies and recognises the circle
Identifies and recognises the triangle
Identifies and recognises the square
Compares which of two given collection of objects are bigger, smaller, biggest, smallest
Sorts objects in: Size - big and small
Colour – Primary colours (red, yellow, blue)
Shape – circle ,triangle and square
Objects that roll
Objects that slide
Space and Shape (Geometry) 3.4 Recognises line of symmetry in Self
Measurement 4.1 Uses words like day, night, light and dark, morning, afternoon tonight to describe time of the day
Time Orders recurring events in own daily life (Daily Programme)
Shows and awareness of days of the week, seasons and weather
Knows own birthday date
4.2 Distinguishes between tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest (Height chart)
WEEK 10 Use Week 10 to attend to conceptual weaknesses and/or identified barriers to learning.
Content Area Topic Assessment Criteria
Data Handling 5.1 Able to collect, sort, draw, read and represent (analyse) objects according to one attribute
Collect and sort objects
Represent sorted collection of objects
Discuss and report on sorted collection
of objects
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 2 Two pictures of birds for counting song - 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 2. “Two little Dickey birds”
Count forwards and backwards up to 2.
Rote counting 1-7
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times...STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. The teacher claps up to 2 times.
Let the learners:
- Call 2 learners to the front. Count them
- Count 2 chairs, tables etc.
- Identify pairs of body parts such as eyes, ears, hands, legs, feet, knees, shoulders etc.
- Do body percussion e.g. clap hands twice, nod their heads twice, tap on floor twice or
jump twice etc.
Learner’s bodies
- Hold up 2 fingers, 2 hands, 2 feet.
Week 11 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Concrete using 3-D objects 1 day
Count objects Let the learners:
- Identify two of the same objects in the classroom e.g. two shoes, two crayons etc.
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack two counters or
any objects in different ways e.g.
or or
2 Counters or 2 objects for each learner
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether
they are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange 2 buttons, 2 pencils, 2 hoops, 2 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Knows the number symbol and recognise the number name that involves the 1 day
number 2
Number symbols
and number names Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes
Number flash cards with two objects.
Let the learners:
- Match picture cards with 2 pictures on them with two cards with two dots on them.
- Show flash cards with a picture of selected number of items on it e.g. a pair of shoes,
two crayons etc. Objects in class and environment.
- Let learners look for the same number of objects in the classroom.
- Identify flash cards with different numbers of pictures on them.
- Identify flash cards with the number symbol 2.
- Recognise flashcards with the number name.
- Link the number symbol 2 with the number of objects and the number of dots. 2 object
- Link the number name with the number symbol card, the number of pictures and the
number of dots cards.
- Add number 1 flashcards and let learners identify the numbers
1 and 2
Flash card with two pictures, dots,
- Make number puzzles and allow learners to match them e.g.
number symbol and number name
2 two of
2 object 2 two
Week 11 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects and 2-D shapes according to similarities 1 day
and differences
3-D objects and
- Select two girls using a counting out rhyme.
(2-D) shapes
- The other learners identify in which way the two girls are the same?
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects and 2-D shapes according to similarities Make own matching card games as in 1 day
and differences example below
3-D objects and
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Two learners bounce balls: a big ball and a small ball
- The other learners identify in which way the balls are the same and different.
- One learner rolls an orange, another roll a ball.
- The other learners identify in which ways the ball and the orange are the same and
- Learners observe a boys shoes and a girls sandals
- The other learners identify in which ways the shoes are the same and different.
- Learners find objects which are the same in the classroom
2-D shapes - Provide matching card games to promote similarities and differences e.g.
Matching card games
- Progress to more abstract cards later in the year. Learners do not have to read the
letters. e.g.
Week 11 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using “equal to” or “the same” 1 day
Describe, compare Kinaesthetic
and order numbers
Let the learners:
- Develop the concepts of same and different.
- Compare their fingers and their toes. Although they are the same number they look
- Compare fingers, toes and eyes. They look different. We have the same number of
fingers and toes namely 10 but we only have two eyes.
- Compare ears, arms, legs and feet. They look different but they are the same number
namely two of each.
- The teacher draws two circles on the ground or forms two circles with a string on the
floor. Instruct the learners to divide themselves so that there’s and equal number of
learners in each circle. Count the number of learners. Points out the groups are equal
to the same.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Concrete using 3-D objects 1 day
Describe, compare - Develop the concepts of same and different.
and order numbers - Place a set of the learner’s symbols in the middle of the carpet.
- Give each learner his/her symbol card. The learners try to match their symbols with the
same one on the carpet.
- Place a group of objects on the table and divide them into equal groups (one for you,
one for me)
1. P
lace two objects of the same type e.g. crayons, in a row on the table. Ask one learner
to match each of teacher’s crayons with one of his/her own. (Learner needs to fetch two
crayons to match teacher’s number of crayons. “Now we each have the same/equal
number of crayons”
2. R
epeat the same exercise as above with 4 and 6 objects for the learners to understand
the concept of “the same/equal”
3. T
he teacher places 2 blocks in a row on a table. She gives two learners each a block.
Ask the learner to match each of their blocks with her blocks. (Learners each need to
fetch another block to match teacher’s two blocks)
“Now we each have 2 blocks. We have the same number of blocks”.
Teachers blocks
- Provide matching card games during free play time indoors where learners can
distinguish between similarities and differences.
Week 11 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using “more than” 1 day
Describe, compare
Oral: Count everyday objects up to the number 2.
and order numbers
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap your hands many times ...STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps up to the number 2.
The learner says which of two given collection of objects is: “more than”
Let the learners:
- Count their eyes and their fingers. Ask question: “Which do they have more of?”
- Show two fingers on one hand and 1 finger on the other hand. “Which hand is more?”
- Choose 3 learners using a counting out rhyme. Group them in groups of 2 and 1
- Count how many learners in each group. Compare the two groups and ask questions
such as: “Which group has more learners?” “Which group is more than one?”
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Concrete using 3-objects Any objects in the classroom
Describe, compare
- Place 2 pairs of scissors, 3 counters and 4 crayons on the table. Count each group’s
and order numbers objects.
- Ask question such as: “Which groups has more objects. Which group has the most
objects”. “Which group has more than the scissors? Which group has more than
- Place a variety of concrete objects (shells, stones, corks etc.) on the table. Sort them
into groups (all the corks together), counting the amount in each group and indicating
which group is more, less, equal. Give them an opportunity to work with their own
counters. Start with small numbers.
- Integration: Containers must be provided during water play and sand play to give
opportunities to experiment with concepts such as more than, less than an equal.
Week 12 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Recognise and identify the number symbol and the number name that 1 day
involve the number 2
Count objects
Oral: Count everyday objects up to the number 2.
Count forwards and backwards up to 2.
Number songs and rhymes
Rote counting 1-7
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Semi – concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Flash card with two pictures, dots, 1 day
number symbol and number name
Count objects Let the learners:
- Identify picture flash card and link them with the same number of objects Picture
- Identify flash cards marked with two dots and link them with the same number of of 2
objects. objects 2 two
- Identify the number symbol and number name flash cards and link them to the
same number of counters.
- Identify the number symbol 2 on pictures provided by the teacher.
Pictures on which the number symbol 2
- Where else in the class can you see a number 2 appears
- Divide class in groups Give opportunity to play number dominoes in groups.
Week 12 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve and explain solutions to word problems (story sums) that Number songs and rhymes 1 day
involve the number 2
Addition and subtraction
1. T
eacher calls 1 learner to the front. Learners count him/her. Teacher calls another
1 and asks: How many learners altogether?” 1 and 1 → 2. (The teacher says: 1
and 1 makes 2)
2. T
eacher packs out 1 chair. Add 1 more. How many chairs are there now? 1 and
1 → 2.
3. T
eacher holds up 2 fingers. And says: “Count my fingers. If I hide one finger, how
many fingers can you see? 2 take away 1 → 1.
4. T
eacher holds up 2 fingers. And says: “Count my fingers. If I don’t take away any
fingers, how many fingers can you see? 2 take away 0 → 2.
5. T
here is one child is at home. One comes to play. How many children are there
6. T
here are two children at the table. Each child wants his own chair. How many
chairs do we need?
Concrete using 3-D objects
Examples: (Use counters) Counters (if you don’t have cookies)
1. If you have one cookie and mommy gives you another one, how many cookies Counters
will you have? Balls
2. T
eacher has two counters in one hand and no counters in the other hand. How Blocks
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using “less than” 1 day
Describe, compare and Oral: Count everyday objects up to the number 2.
order numbers
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few” Number songs and rhymes
Clap your hands many times ...STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps up to 2
Kinaesthetic (Integrate with performing Arts in Life Skills - dance)
- Sing the song: “Heads and shoulders, knees and toes” singing every word the Song: “Heads on shoulders, knees and
first round toes”
- The next round you sing one word less e.g. “Heads and shoulders, knees and
....., knees and ....”
- Sing song with another word less e.g. “Heads and shoulders, ........and .........,
........... and ....”
- Teacher points out that every time they sing one word less until no words are
Concrete using 3-D object
Four strings with a different number of
Teacher makes four strings of beads. beads.
Place 3 beads on the first string, 2 beads on the second string, one bead on the
third string and 3 beads on the fourth string.
Let learners identify:
- Which string has the least beads?
- Which string of beads has 1 more than the string with 2 beads?
- Which string of beads has one less than the string with 3 beads?
Week 12 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures 1 day
Describe, compare and - Let learners compare picture and dot flash cards. Identify the cards that are Make your own picture and dot card sets.
order numbers more than and less than a number given by the teacher e.g. which card is more
than 2?
- Which card is less than 4?
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Two strings with a different number of 1 day
Describe, compare and Place a group of objects on the table and divide them into:
order numbers
- Equal groups (one for you, one for me)
- Unequal groups (compare to see which group has most/least and which are the
- If there are two groups that are not the same, what do we have to do to make
them equal/same?
3.2 • Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects and 2-D shapes 1 day
3-D objects and Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners: Variety of big and small objects in the
class e.g. ball, doll, toy car, Lego block
- Sort a variety of objects according to size
- Sort and compare the different building blocks according to size (big and small).
- Sort the blocks according to the same shapes
Building blocks and balls of different sizes
3.3 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
2-D shapes Divide learners into five groups. Give each group a variety of different shapes.
- Let learners sort the shapes according to:
Logi Shapes or any other colourful
o Colour shapes available
o Shapes (even if the learners do not know the shapes).
o Size
- Make use of card games that promote colours, size and shapes
Week 13 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 3 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to number 3.
Count forwards and backwards up to 3. Number songs and rhymes.
Rote counting 1-7
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap your hands many times ...STOP.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Concrete using 3-D objects: 1 day
Count objects Let the learners:
- Identify 3 objects in the classroom.
- Hold up 3 fingers.
- Place 3 objects on the table. Individual learners come to the table and count
each object. The learner touches each object as he/she counts. Repeat with
other objects.
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack three
counters or any objects in different ways e.g.
Counters or objects
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or
whether they are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange3 buttons, 3 pencils, 3 hoops, 3 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a
line or stacked up
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Picture flash cards
- Show a picture of a “three legged cast iron pot”. Dot flash cards
- Count the legs. Counters
- Let the learners think of anything else with three legs.
- Show the picture card of 3 objects. The learners count out the corresponding Picture
number of counters. of 3
- Do the same with the dot cards. objects
- The learners match the dot card with the picture cards.
Week 13 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Knows the number symbols and recognise the number names that involves Unifix cubes 1 day
the number 3
Number symbols and Number card that involve number
number names Oral: Count everyday objects up to number 3
1 to 3
Count forwards and backwards up to 3
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”. Picture
of 3
Clap your hands many times ...STOP.
objects 3 three
- Link the number symbol 3 with the number of objects and the number of dots.
- Link the number name with the number symbol card and the number of dots of 3
cards objects 3 three
- Give each learner a number card that involves numbers 1 to 3. The teacher
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems (story sums) with 1 day
solutions up to 3
Addition and subtraction
Oral: Count everyday objects up to number 3.
Number songs and rhymes.
Count forwards and backwards up to 3.
1. T
eacher calls 2 learners to the front. Learners count them. Teacher calls another 1
and asks: How many learners altogether?” 2 and 1 → 3. (The teacher says: 2 and
1 makes 3) Chairs
2. T
eacher packs out 3 chairs. She doesn’t add any more. How many chairs are
there now? 3 and 0 → 3.
3. T
eacher calls 3 learners to the front. Count them .She sends 2 learners’ back. How
many learners are left? 3 take away 2 → 1
Concrete using 3-D objects
Give each learner 3 counters. As the teacher “tells the story” the learners pack the
1. A
nne has 2 oranges and Peter gives her another 1. How many oranges
does Anne have now? 2 and 1 → 3 (The teacher says: 2 and 1 gives
you 3).
2. T
here is 1 branch on the tree and another 2 branches grow. How many branches
are on the tree now? 1 and 2 → 3.
Examples: 3 Counters for each learner
1. A
monkey has 3 bananas and eats 1. How many bananas does he have left? 3
take away 2 → 1.
here are 2 juicy apples on an apple tree. 1 apple falls off. How many apples are
2. T
left on the tree? 2 take away 1 is → 1.
Week 13 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 • Create own repeating patterns using 2 objects 1 day
Geometric patterns Kinaesthetic
Learners sit in a circle. Chant word patters
Sun, sky, sun, sky
Banana, apple, pear, banana, apple, pear.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom including pictures 1 day
2-D shapes - Triangle
• Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 4 to recognise, identify and name
the triangle
Draw, or use a rope to create the outline of a large shape of a triangle
Let the learners:
- Walk around the shape observing the features of the triangle. While walking let
the learners say: “I am walking along the triangle. One, two, three sides or one, Clay or play dough
two, three corners (angles)
- The teacher points out that the triangle has 3 “corners” and three sides.
- Draw a triangle in the air and/or sand
Triangular object in the classroom and
- Form a triangle with clay environment
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners: Make your own cards with 5 different
- Recognise and identify objects in the classroom that have a triangular shape. circles, triangles and squares on them
Week 13 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes 1 day
2-D shapes - Sort a variety of objects according to shape and colour.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Let the learners: Pictures in which a triangle can be
- Identify the triangle shape in pictures.
- Draw a triangle on a piece of paper.
- Copy the triangle from a given card. Card games that develop recognition of
shapes such as “What’s in a square”
- Draw a ring around all the circles on a worksheet.
Logi shapes etc.
- Make pictures using triangles during visual art time.
- Play card games that enhance the reinforcement of shapes.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained that involves the numbers 3 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to number 3.
Count forwards and backwards up to 3.
Rote counting 1-7 Number songs and rhymes.
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap your hands many times ...STOP.
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps up to 3 times
Concrete 3-D using objects
Let the learners:
- Find 3 objects in the class that are red. Red objects.
- Make a number 3 with clay. Clay
- Roll 3 big balls with clay.
- Roll 3 small balls with clay
- Find 3 learners in the class wearing the same colour.
Week 14 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve and explain solutions to word problems (story sums) that 1 day
involve the number 3
Addition and subtraction
Oral: Count everyday objects up to number 3.
Count forwards and backwards up to 3.
1. T
he teacher calls 2 learners to the carpet then calls one more learner. How many
learners did teacher call to the carpet? Teacher says: 2 and 1 gives you 3.
2. T
here are three children. Each child wants his/her own crayon. How many
crayons do we need?
3. Three children stand together. One leaves the room. How many are left?
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
Week 14 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Sorts and compares 3-D objects and 2-D shapes according to a certain Objects such as: 1 day
3-D objects Different clothing items
Concrete using 3-D shapes
Different fruit
Divide learners into 5 groups.
Different plastic farm animals
- The teacher collects enough objects so that each group can sort them according
to at least two attributes (It could be more). Different geometric shapes
- Give each group objects of two attributes to sort. Different building blocks
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 • The position of two or more 3-D objects in relation to the learner Learners 1 day
Position, orientation and - Reinforce the concepts “on/ under” and “on top of” Box
Each learner sits on a chair.
- Learners demonstrate on top and under by following the commands of the
teacher e.g. sit on the box, lie under the box or table.
- Sit under a table. Make yourself as small as you can under the table.
- Stand on your chair and stretch as high as you can.
- Get onto a table and swing your arms in big/small circles. Extend using bigger/
- Put a block on your head and climb on the table.
- Choose five learners’ using a number rhyme.
- Whisper an instruction to each learner.
o Sit with your hands under your legs
o Stand with your hands on your hips
o Stand with your hands behind your back
o Sit with your hands on your shoulders
o Stand with your hands crossed in front of you
The learners stand in the front while the rest of the group is sitting on the carpet.
Ask the learners:
- What is the first learner doing? (He/she is sitting)
- Where are his hands? (His/her hands are under his/her legs)
- Repeat with the other learners using second, third fourth and last.
- Select a new group to perform the same instructions
- Take the learners outside and let them demonstrate the concepts of “on’,
“under”, and “on top” by showing their own initiative.
Week 15 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained involving the numbers 1, 2 and 3 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 3.
Count forwards and backwards up to 3.
Rote counting 1-7 Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 3 times.
Kinaesthetic Learners’ bodies.
Encourage learners to discover: Singing and acting out a song e.g. ‘there
- 1 body part that can move up or down, to one side or the other side on its own e.g. the were three in the bed and .....’
tongue. Counting rhyme e.g. “One two, buckle my
- 2 body parts that are used for jumping e.g. legs shoe”.
1.2 • Use numbers 1, 2 and 3 in familiar contexts 1 day
Count forwards and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 3,
backwards Number songs and rhymes
Count forwards and backwards up to 3.
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 3 times.
- Encourage learners to memorize their house number and street address Magazines, Adverts
Flash cards with dots
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Let the learners:
- Look for pictures of the number 1, 2 and 3 from magazines and flyers and paste them
on paper.(Integrate with visual Arts)
- Match the number of objects to the number of dots on a flash card.
Bean bags
- Show a dot card. Learners throw the same number of bean bags into a box “Snakes and Ladders” board game
- Play the board game “Snakes and Ladders” and dominoes. Dominoes
Numbers are all around us:
- Each house has a number
- We all have different telephone numbers
- We see numbers in shop windows.
- We see numbers on different products when shopping
- We see numbers on motor cars
Week 15 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using ‘’more than, less than’’ and “equal 1 day
Describe, compare to’’ up to number 3
and order numbers Kinaesthetic
Call three learners to the front. Let them sit in a circle.
- Let two learners stand. How many are sitting? Count them. How many are standing?
Count them. Which number is more/most, which number is less/least?
- Let three learners stand. Count them. Which number is most/least? Let one more
stand. Count them. Are the learners sitting more than the learners standing?
2.1 • Copy and complete a given pattern according to the colours red, blue, yellow 1 day
Geometric patterns Kinaesthetic
- Teacher acts out a pattern. Repeats it and keeps the rhythm e.g.
o Clap, snap (fingers), clap, snap
o Snap, clap, stamp, snap, clap, stamp
o Clap, snap, snap, clap, snap, snap
Concrete using 3-D objects
The teacher provides each learner with 3 red, 3 blue and 3 yellow counters or bottle tops
Let the learners: Each learner receives 3 red, 3 blue and 3
- Copy a given pattern from the teachers pattern e.g. red, red, blue, yellow, yellow yellow counters or bottle tops
(Repeat several times with a different pattern)
- Complete a given pattern e.g. blue, yellow, red……..(Repeat several times with a
different pattern)
- Let the learners sort counters according to the three different colours.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures A4 paper for each learner.
- Give each learner a piece of paper Crayons
- Let learners complete a 2-D shape pattern as a border.
- Complete the picture during visual arts time by drawing a picture in the middle.
Karabo Siya
Week 15 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.2 Concretely compares and orders objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe 1 day
Length length
- long, short,
- longer, shorter, Building blocks
- longest, shortest,
- Let one learner lie on the floor and the rest of the learner’s place the blocks in a line
alongside his/her body.
- The teacher asks the rest of the class/group to build something that is shorter than their
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 4 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 4.
Counts forwards and backwards up to 4. Counting rhymes and songs
Rote counting 1-7 Learners’ bodies
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 4 times.
Let the learners:
- Nod their heads 4 times.
- Make the number 4 using their bodies. Learners determine how many children they
would need.
- Learners close their eyes. Teacher taps on the table 4 times. They open their eyes and
say how many taps they have heard. Repeat with numbers 1 to 4.
Week 16 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Concrete using 3-D objects Play dough 1 day
Count objects Let the learners: Objects that are round
- Make a number 4 with play dough. Make a set of tactile number cards by
- Find 4 friends who are wearing shoes. cutting out numbers from sand paper
and pasting them on separate pieces of
- Find 4 objects that are round. card board. If you laminate these cards
- Blindfold learners and let them identify the numbers 1 to 4 by feeling/tracing the tactile learners could also use them to form a
number cards. clay number on the card.
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack four counters 4 Counters or 4 objects for each learners
or any objects in different ways e.g.
of 4
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether objects
they are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange 4 buttons, 4 pencils, 4 hoops, 4 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Use the number 4 in familiar context 1 day
Describe, compare - What does the number four make you think of?
and order numbers
Car - four wheels Learners’ home addresses
Chair - four legs
Dog - four paws
Table - four legs Learners
- To develop memory, encourage learners to memorise their house number and address
Concrete using 3-D objects 4
- Give opportunity to play number card games available in your class
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- Show the number symbol 4 card
Play games such as:
- If your house number has a 4 in it, clap 4 times. Any available number card games
- Find a friend in the class who has the same house number as you. (Learners ask
friends their house number)
- Whose house number is more than 4?
of 4
- Show learners a flash card with four dots. objects
- Identify the flash card with four pictures on.
flash cards with 4 pictures and 4 dots
Week 16 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.2 • Explore the possibilities of building blocks 1 day
3-D objects Let the learners: Building blocks e.g.
- Use any four blocks to build a construction.
- Build a structure that is 3 blocks high and 5 blocks across.
- Use as many blocks as they need to build a train.
- Identify who built the longest train.
7 Twigs for each learner
Week 16 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 - Use twigs to make a curved line.
2-D shapes
- Point out that each learner’s triangles are not identical but the shapes are all still
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Cards with 5 different circles, triangle and
squares on them
The teacher draws 5 different circles, triangles and squares on a flash card e.g.
Week 16 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.2 Concretely compares and orders objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe 1 day
Length Pencils, rope,
- long, short,
Height Chart
- longer, shorter,
Term 1 Term 2
- longest, shortest,
string, pegs, etc.
- short, shorter, shortest
- tall, taller, tallest
height chart
Reinforce the concept of length
Let the learners:
- Explore length by comparing objects with one another.
- Identify which object is the longest and which object is the shortest.
- Compare the height of two learners and identify which learner is short and which one
is tall
- Compare the height of more than two learners and ask questions such as “Which
learner is shortest, and which learner is tallest.
- Teacher measures learners again using the height chart from the first term.
- The teacher leaves last term’s recordings (hands with learners symbol/photo) so that
they can compare the two measurements.
- Learners discover whether they have grown since the last term.
- Who did not grow at all?
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained of the meaning of the number 4 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 4.
Count forwards and backwards up to 4.
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”. Number songs and rhymes
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 4 times.
Let the learners:
- Trace the number 4 in the air using their finger.
- Sing song e.g. ‘Four green bottles hanging on the wall....’
- Turn around 4 times.
Concrete using 3-D objects Flat baking tray/box with sand
Let the learners develop number sense by: 3-D objects that can roll
- Drawing the number 4 in sand. 4-Piece Puzzle
- Finding 4 3-D objects that can roll.
- Building puzzles with 4 pieces.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- The teacher selects 4 name flash cards. The teacher flashes a name and then a picture
of a toy or an animal.
Card with a picture of a toy
- The learner whose name was flashed reacts by making the noise the toy made.
- Repeat until all four names were flashed. Cards with a picture of an animal
- Ask how many learners’ names did I flash? How many toy/animal pictures did you see?
Week 17 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Knows the number symbol and recognises the number name of the number 4 1 day
Number symbols Oral: Count everyday objects up to 4. Number songs and rhymes
and number names
Count forwards and backwards up to 4.
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 4 times.
- Write the number four in the air, on the floor and on your friends back
- Hold up 4 fingers
- Teacher plays a drum. When drum stops, learners form groups of four.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Flash card with number symbol
- Show learners the flash card with the number symbol 4. Flash card with number name four
- Identify the number name on number flash cards. 3-D objects
- Link the number name to the same number of objects.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve and explain solutions to word problems (story sums) that involve the 1 day
number 4
Addition and
subtraction Concrete using 3-D objects
1. T
eacher gives you 2 blocks and you already have 2 blocks. How many do you have
2. If you have 2 blue circles and 2 red circles, how many circles do you have all together?
3. Sipho has 4 crayons and Joy has 1 crayon. Who has more crayons?
4. If Jody has 4 dolls and she lost 1, how many dolls will she have left?
Divide learners into groups.
- Give each group a heap of objects e.g. pencils, crayons, cups, shapes. Let the learners
share the objects received between each group member (one-to-one correspondence) Blue and red circles
- Ask questions such as: “Are there any objects left?” Dolls
- (The teacher must ensure there are more objects than the number of learners in a
group. Remove objects to demonstrate equal sharing as well)
Enough objects (one for each learner)
such as pencils, crayons, cups, shapes
Week 17 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using ‘’more than, less than’’ and “equal 1 day
to’’ up to number 4
Describe, compare
and order numbers Divide learners into groups
- The teacher provides each group with 4 counters and two pieces of wool.
Let the groups:
Wool /string
- Form two circles (sets) with the wool.
4 counters
Picture Picture
of 2 of 4
objects objects
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
5.1 • Develop the process of data handling 1 day
Collect and sort Concrete using 3-D objects
- Let the learners collect 9 twigs.
- Sort twigs according to small and large size. Learners make own collection of twigs
5.2 Draw graphs to display data
Represent sorted Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
collection of objects
- Make a pictograph with the twigs.
- The learners pack the twigs on the pictograph according to size
i.e. small and large.
5 3
Discuss and report Read and interpret graphs
on sorted collection • Talk about the results by asking questions e.g. “How many small twigs are there? How
of objects Many large twigs? Which are most/least?
Week 18 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained involving the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 4.
Count forwards and backwards up to 4. Number songs and rhymes
Rote counting 1-7
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems with solutions up to 4 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 4. Count forwards and backwards up to 4. Rote
subtraction counting 1-7
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Number songs and rhymes
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 4 times.
1. T
eacher calls 1 learner to the front of the classroom. She then calls another 3 learners.
How many learners has she called altogether?
2. T
eacher packs out 3 counters. She adds another one. How many counters are on the
table? Make use of a variety of resources to
give you ideas of how to apply different
3. Learners stand in the front of the classroom. Teacher asks one learner to sit down. How
many learners are in the front of the classroom now?
4. Busi has 4 pencils. He gives Justin 2 pencils. How many pencils does Busi have left?
Week 18 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using ‘’more than, less than’’ and “equal 1 day
to’’ up to number 4
Describe, compare
and order numbers Concrete using 3-D objects
- The teacher provides each member of the group with a certain number of crayons.
- Group members must identify which learner has more crayons than the other learners.
- Which learner has fewer crayons than the other learners?
1 2 4 5
Dot and number symbol cards
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 • Copy and complete a given pattern with coins Play money or real money (5c,10c,20c) 1 day
Geometric pattern Copy a given pattern
- Teacher sets up a pattern using “ play money” e.g. 5c, 5c, 5c, 10c, 10c,10c,20c, 20c,
Let the learners:
- Copy several patterns created by the teacher.
Complete a given pattern
Let the learners:
- Complete several patterns created by the teacher e.g.
o 5c, 5c, 10c, 10c,…………
o 5c, 10c,………
o 10c, ,20c……….etc
Week 19 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained that involves the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 4. Number songs and rhymes
Count forwards and backwards up to 4. Rote counting 1-7
Reinforce concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP. Number symbol cards that involve
numbers 1 to 4
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 4 times.
The teacher holds up a number card with the number symbol 3 and says to learners:
- I need so many boys.
- Holding up the number 2 saying, I need so many girls.
- Form groups of (holding up a number 2).
- Repeat activity with cards that involve number 1-4
1.16 Mental Mathematics
Mental mathematics The teacher holds up the number card 3 and asks learners:
- Which number is this?
- Which number comes before the number 3?
- Which number comes after the number 3? Set of picture and dot cards that involve
- Repeat with numbers 1 to 4 numbers 1 to 4
- Can you show me a picture card that has the same number as the number of dots on
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.16 Concrete using 3-D objects
Mental mathematics - Teacher claps rhythmically and slowly to represent a number. The learners have to take
out so many beads and show them. E.g. 4 beads
4 Beads per learner
- Let the learners put 1, 2, 3 or 4 beads in front of them.
- Ask learners to show how many beads they have by matching their number of beads
with the same number flashcard e.g. 4 beads with number symbol 4. Flash card of numbers 1,2,3 and 4
- Let them find a learner who has the same number of beads. Flash cards with dots
Semi – concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
The teacher holds up the dot number card of the number 2 and asks learners: 1 2
Week 19 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems (story sums) with solutions 1 day
up to 4
Addition and
subtraction Kinaesthetic
- Call 3 learners to the front. Count them
- Call 1 more learner.’ How many altogether? 3 and 1 → 4 (three and one give 4)
- Send 3 learners back to the carpet. How many learners are there now? 4 take away 3
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using ‘’more than, less than’’ and “equal 1 day
to’’ up to number 4
Describe, compare
and order numbers Kinaesthetic
- Teacher places various objects on a table for example, 2 crayons, 4 of the same blocks,
3 tins, 2 books.
Let the learners: Crayons, blocks, tins, books.
- Count the number of crayons and the tins. Are there more crayons or more tins?
- Count the number of blocks and the books. Are there fewer blocks than books? Are
there more blocks than books?
- Count the books and the crayons. Are there an equal number of objects or not?
Concrete using 3-D objects Counters
- Let the learners sit on the carpet and provide each learner with a number of counters. Teacher gives each learner a different
- Learners should each have a different number of counters. number of counters up to 4
- Let the learners put the counters out in front of them. The teacher asks the learners:
o Who has the most counters?
o Who has the least counters?
o Which learners have the same number of counters?
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures Learners own drawings 1 day
2-D shapes • Make and complete own 4 piece puzzle
(Integrate with Visual Arts)
Let the learners:
- Draw a picture on an A4 paper.
- The teacher draws the lines on the back of the learner’s drawing.
- The learner cuts his/her picture on the given lines.
- The learner completes/builds his/her own puzzle.
Week 19 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.1 • Develop an awareness of what happens between suppertime and bedtime Pictures that show what happens from 1 day
suppertime to bedtime.
Time (Integrate with Beginning Knowledge topics in Life Skills)
Let the learners:
- Talk about what they do after they have had supper.
- Talk about what happens at home after suppertime.
The teacher asks:
Operations and
Count objects Counts backwards and forwards (1-4)
Understands the concepts “many and few” (clapping)
Recognises numbers in familiar context - e.g. house number, address register
Identifies number pictures and dot cards
Knows the number symbols 1, 2, 3 ,4
Recognizes the number names two, three and four
Understands one-to-one correspondence (Helpers’ chart during refreshment time)
Distinguish between more, less and equal, many and few up to 4
Recognises the different South African coins
1.6 Uses concrete apparatus
Problem solving techniques Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or concrete objects
1.7 and 1.13 Orally solves addition and subtraction problems up to number 4
Addition and subtraction
Patterns, 2.1 Copies, extends and creates own patterns (objects, shapes and coins)
Functions and
Geometric patterns
Week 20 Use Week 20 to attend to conceptual weaknesses and/or identified barriers to learning.
Content Area Topic Assessment Criteria
Space and Shape 3.1 Understands the position of two or more objects in relation to the learner
(Geometry) Position, orientation and views
On, under
3.2 Builds at least a 12 piece puzzle
2-D shapes
Shows the ability to distinguish between objects in the “foreground and background” (assess again)
Recognise, identify and names the triangle
Understands form constancy of triangle (Shape conservation)
3.2 Compares which of two given collection of objects are long, longer; short/shortest
3-D objects
Sorts objects in
Size – long and short
Colours - (red, yellow, blue and green)
Explores with building blocks
3.4 Recognises line of symmetry in self and own environment
Able to cross the mid-line
Measurement 4.1 Understands the days of the week, seasons and weather chart (Songs and rhymes - assess again)
Knows own birthday (assess again)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 5 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 5. Number songs and rhymes
Count forwards and backwards up to 5. Counting rhymes and songs e.g.”Five little
monkeys jumping on the bed”.
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce ordinal counting:
3 objects
Teacher packs 3 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third.
Reinforce the concept of “many and few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 5 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Encourage learners to discover the number 5 by:
- Clapping their hands 5 times.
- Finding out how many learners in the class are already 5 years –old.
Week 21 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.16 Mental Maths 1 day
Mental Mathematics - The teacher claps her hands rhythmically and slowly to represent a number e.g. 5. The Counters in a container
learners have to take out the same number of counters (5) and show them.
- Learners pack 5 counters out in a row and count them.
- Teacher asks:
- What number comes before the number 5?
- What comes after 4 etc?
- If you have 5 apples and you give 2 apples away. How many apples will you have left?
- Show me 5 fingers.
- How many toes do you have on 1 foot?
Concrete using 3-D objects
Learners develop number sense by:
- Making a number 5 with play dough.
- Picking up 5 leaves.
- Counting objects and linking them with counters.
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners
- Pack five counters or any objects in different ways e.g. Clay or play dough
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Develop memory and encourage learners to memorise their house number, 1 day
address and telephone number
Describe, compare
and order numbers Play games such as:
- The teacher says a house number, address or telephone number of a learner. The
learner whose number or address it is must respond.
- When completing the attendance register the teacher may ask questions such as: “Is The telephone number should be the
the learner with the telephone number 435-6256 here today?” “Is the learner that lives contact number of the parent or guardian
in Mandela Drive 123 here today?” and could be a cell phone number
- Learners use number symbol flash cards to pack their house number or telephone Attendance register
number in sequence even if not successful.
Number symbol flash cards or large
- Role-play conversations on a play telephone. Learners phone someone special. number symbols made from cardboard
Integrate with Performing Arts (drama) in Life Skills Play telephone
Semi –concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Birthday cards
The teacher shows learners: Newspapers , magazines
- Different types of media where she can find a number 5 e.g. birthday cards, Flash card with 5 dots
newspapers, magazines, flyers etc.
Flash card with 5 pictures
- The flash card with 5 dots and the flash card with 5 pictures.
- Let the learners link the picture flash cards with the dot cards and with the same
number of counters or objects. Counters
- Make number puzzles that involve the number 5 e.g.
Week 21 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Know the number symbol and recognise the number name that involve the number 5 1 day
Number symbols Oral: Count everyday objects up to 5
and number names
Count forwards and backwards up to 5
Rote counting 1-10 Number songs and rhymes
- Let the whole class sit in a circle.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Let the learners: Flash cards with pictures, dots , number
symbol and number name
- Identify the flash card with 5 pictures on it.
- Identify the flash card with 5 dots on it. 5 Counters
Week 21 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.2 • Estimate and measure the length of different objects using feet, hands, a piece of 1 day
string, a stick etc.
Let the learners:
Objects with different lengths which can be
- Compare the length of their feet and hands. measured with a hand or a foot e.g.
- Learners estimate which object is long and which one is short by measuring them with Ruler, table, door, a row of bricks, one pole
their feet or hands e.g. the table or the broken piece of hose from home. of the soccer goal post, classroom, library
- Estimate which object is the longest or shortest e.g. A footpath or a row of bricks. etc.
- Let learners guess which would be longer e.g. the classroom or the teachers’ staff
- Pose question such as: “Which is longer/longest, the pencil or the piece of string?” etc
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained that involves the number 5 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 5
Count forwards and backwards up to 5 Number songs and rhymes
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce the concepts “many and few”. e.g. Counting rhymes and songs e.g.
Clap hands many times …… STOP. “1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive”
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 5 times
Ask question:”Which number of claps was most/least.?”
Encourage learners to discover the number 5 by:
- Showing 5 fingers in the air.
- Finding 5 objects that are red, blue yellow, green. Counters
- Finding 5 objects that look like a circle, square, triangle.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners develop number sense by: Books
- Fetching 5 books in the book corner Building blocks or unifix cubes
- Building a tower with 5 unifix cubes or building blocks.
Week 22 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve word problems (story sums) and explain solutions to problems that 1 day
involve the number 5
Addition and
subtraction Kinaesthetic:
- Call 5 learners to the front. Share 5 chairs equally between the five.
- Take one chair away. Now share the chairs between the five. One learner remains without
a chair.
- Start at 5. Count backwards. Start at 3. Count to 5. Start at 1. Count to 4 etc.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Compares which of two given collection of objects are more than, less than, equal to, 1 day
up to number 5
compare and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 5
order numbers
Count forwards and backwards up to 5
Number songs and rhymes
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and” few”.
Clap your hands many times……STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps up to 5 times.
Ask question: “Which number of claps was most/least?
- Teacher places various objects on a table for example, 2 mugs, 5 of the same blocks, 4
tins, 2 books.
Let the learners:
- Count the number of mugs and tins. Are there more mugs or more tins? 2 mugs, 5 of the same blocks, 4 tins, 2
- Count the number of blocks and the books. Are there fewer blocks than books? Are there
more blocks than books?
- Count the books and the mugs. Are there an equal number of objects or not?
Concrete using 3-D objects Two pieces of wool for each learner
- Learners sit on the carpet and make two “nests” with the wool 6 counters for each learner
- The teacher gives an instruction e.g. the learners place 2 counters in one nest and 3 in the
other nest. Which nest has more? Which nest has fewer?
- The teacher calls 5 learners to the front. She puts a different number of beads in each of
the learner’s hands.
- Which hand has more in it?
- Which hand has less in it?
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- The teacher shows two cards with a different number of dots and pictures on them.
- Let the learners compare cards with pictures and dots on them and identify the “more
than”, “less/fewer than” and “equal to” concepts. Picture cards and dot cards involving
numbers 1 to 5
Week 22 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 • Reinforce the copying of a given pattern 1 day
Geometric Kinaesthetic
- Work in groups and copy a given pattern e.g. learner, chair, learner, chair. Learners
- Two learners, one chair, two learners, one chair. Chairs
- Stamp one foot, stamp other foot, hop forwards, hop backwards
- Concrete using 3-D objects
- The teacher creates a pattern using counters and bottle tops e.g. counter, counter, bottle
top, counter, counter, bottle top. Learners copy the pattern.
- Move slow, slow, quick, quick. (Teacher talks while moving) Learners copy the pattern. Bottle tops
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures Square on the floor/ground 1 day
2-D shapes • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 6 that involves a square
Integrate with Physical Education in Life Skills
- Draw a square on the play ground and let the learners skip all along the square. Let
learners say: “I am skipping along the square – one side, two sides, three sides, four sides
– all the sides the same”
- Let learners lay head-to- toe on the grass/floor/carpet to form one big square.
- Let groups of learners lie down on the carpet and form smaller squares.
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Game: The teacher draws a grid on the play ground.
- Place actual shapes e.g. Logi shapes, or shape pictures into each block.
- The teacher calls a shape.
- The learners throw a beanbag into the block that correlates with the called out shape.
Semi- concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Learners must differentiate between the different sizes and colours of squares the teacher has
prepared. Beanbag
Week 23 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained involving the numbers 1 to 5 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 5.
Count forwards and backwards up to 5. Select only a few
Rote counting 1-10 Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of ” many and few”
Clap your hands many times…STOP.
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 5 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Let’s play a game:
- The teacher plays an instrument e.g. a drum.
- The learners move around.
- When the drum stops beating, the teacher calls out a number between 1 and 5. A drum
- The learners arrange themselves into small groups e.g. the teacher calls out 3 and
learners arrange themselves into groups of 3.
• Concrete using 3-D objects
- The teacher places objects in a pile on the table. Let learners estimate how many objects
are in the pile.
- Count them afterwards.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.6 Let’s play a game:
Problem solving The teacher creates a number ladder on the floor or ground. The number on the number ladder
techniques represents the number of the house the learner lives in.
The teacher selects learners using a counting rhyme and gives instructions such as: 0 1 2 3 4 5
- Always stand on the zero or start at the zero. Point out that zero means “nothing” and that
counting actually starts at 1.
- Always count while moving.
Counting rhyme:
- The teacher says to the learner: “You are at house number 2, which house comes after
number 2?” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- Further instructions could be: “Move to house number 3. Move back to house number 2. Once I caught a fish alive
Move forward to house number 4.”
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- The teacher says: “I am at number 3, which house comes after mine?”
Then I let it go again
- Move to house number 4. Move 1 number forward. Move 2 numbers backward.
- Stand between house number 3 and 5.
1.4 • Use the number 5 in familiar context 1 day
Describe, In order to develop memory, encourage learners to: Mother’s or father’s telephone number
compare and
- Memorise their mothers’ or fathers’ telephone number. and home address
order numbers
- Memorise their home address.
- The telephone/cell phone numbers should be repeated during the control of the daily
attendance register.
3.2 • Build 3-D objects using concrete materials 1 day
3-D objects - Let learners build from the teacher’s example. She gives the following instructions: Then ongoing
- Build a tower that is the same height as mine. Building blocks/ Lego blocks
- Build a tower that is lower (shorter) than mine Any other construction equipment.
- Build a tower that is higher (taller) than mine.
- Let learners build own construction by copying from a given construction example.
Week 23 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Follows directions 1 day
Position, to move or place self within a specific space (directionality)
orientation and
• Develop a sense of direction by introducing both the concepts of “forwards and
- As introduction, reinforce the knowledge gained in week 8.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.2 Concretely compares and orders objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe 2 days
• Estimate the length of different objects
- Learners arrange themselves from shortest to tallest. Compare their height with the heights
of their friends. Only select a few
- Play “Follow the leader” games. The tallest performs an action while others behind him/her
copy. Turn the whole row around so that the shortest is the leader now.
- Let learners compare their hands and feet to see whose are the longest/shortest.
Objects with different lengths such as:
Estimate and then measure:
Pencils, wax crayon, pieces of string (of
- Learners estimate which object is long and which one is short e.g. the length of the table or which one is curled up), table, books,
the piece of string. straws, paperclips (folded open and curled
- Estimate which object is the longest or shortest e.g. the pencil or the wax crayon. up) etc.
- Let learners guess which objects would be longer e.g. 2 straws laid end-to-end or three
paperclips laid end-to-end.
- Pose questions such as: “Which is longer/longest, the pencil or the piece of string?” etc.
- Which chair is the farthest away from the teacher’s desk?
- How many pencils can fit on the long side of the teacher’s desk?
- How many steps do you have to take to get to the door?
- How many matchboxes, filled with sand, will fill this box?
- How many egg-cups full of water will fill this glass?
- Here are four learners and three chairs.
- How many more chairs do we need?
Week 24 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 6 I day
Counting objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6. Number songs and rhymes.
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce ordinal counting: Teachers packs 3 objects in a row. Point at each object while
counting first, second, third
Make your own large set of number
Reinforce the concepts of “ many and few” symbols, which children can handle. They
can learn their personal age number, flat/
Clap your hands many times…STOP.
house number, telephone or parent’s cell
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times phone numbers and many more.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least. The same number set can be used
to recognise numbers and pack the
sequence of numbers.
Let the learners:
- Count up to six while climbing the steps.
- Count backwards while climbing down.
- Draw number 6 in sand and walk/skip/jump with one leg along it.
- Clap hands 6 times.
- Recognise numbers 1 to 6 with the set of large number symbols.
- Pack out his/her house number or telephone number with the large number symbol cards.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
Concrete using 3-D objects
Count objects in the class. Let the learners:
Ask questions such as: “ Objects in classroom and environment.
- Which number comes after three, which number comes after 5 etc?’”
- The teacher places objects in a pile on the table. Let learners estimate how many objects Make use of a variety of resources to
are in the pile. Count them afterwards. give you ideas of how to apply different
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack six counters or any stategies.
objects in different ways e.g. .
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether they
are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange 6 buttons, 6 pencils, 6 hoops, 6 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Divide learners into six groups. Give each group 6 building blocks.
Let the groups:
6 building blocks per learner
- Count their blocks
- Build a tower with their 6 building blocks. Encourage learners to count the “bricks” as they
build the tower.
- Teacher moves to each group and labels their towers with a number card. Learners count
the number of towers. Repeat this several times.
- Choose a learner to throw a dice. Make sure all the learners can see the dice. The learners
count the number of dots and point to the matching tower.
Week 24 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Know the number symbol and recognise the number name that involve the number 6 1 day
Number symbols Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
and number
Count forwards and backwards up to 6. Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many and few”.
Clap your hands many times…STOP.
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 • Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems with answers up to 6.
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forward and backward up to 6.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least. Number songs and rhymes.
1. T
eacher calls 3 learners to the front. Learners count them. Teacher calls another 2 and asks:
How many learners altogether?” 3 and 2 ➝ 5. (The teacher says: 3 and 2 gives 5)
2. Teacher packs out 2 chairs. Add 2 more. How many chairs are there now? 2 and 2 ➝ 4.
3. T
eacher holds up one hand. And says: “Count my fingers. If I hide my thumb, how many
fingers can you see? 5 take away 1 ➝ 4.
4. L
et the learners count the fingers on one of their hands. Hide your thumb; how many fingers
do you see? 5 take away 1 ➝ 4 Chairs
Week 24 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 • Orally solve word problems that involve the number 6 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6.
Reinforce the concepts of many and few. Number songs and rhymes
Clap your hands many times…STOP.
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 24 that involves the number 6 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6.
Rote counting 1-10 Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and few”.
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Kinaesthetic A set of large cardboard number symbol
Let’s play a game:
You can also paint them on pieces of
The teacher places the large cardboard number shapes or cards that involve numbers 1 to 6 in
thick plastic or cardboard
sequential order on the floor.
The teacher gives the children instruction such as:
- Sit on number 6. 1 6
- Put your toe on number 3.
3 2
- Run around number 2 three times. 4 5
- Hop over number 1.
- The teacher can later scatter the number symbol cards and give the same instructions as
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let learners:
- Count objects in the classroom involving numbers 1 to 6.
- The teacher places objects in a pile on the table. Let learners estimate how many objects
are in the pile. Count them afterwards.
Week 25 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Recognise and identify the number symbol and the number name that involves the 1 day
number 6
Number symbols
and number Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”.
Number songs and rhymes
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- Show learners the flash card with six dots and link it to the same number of counters.
- Play games identifying a specific number symbol amongst others and link it with the same
number of counters.
Objects or counters
- Play games identifying a specific number name amongst others and link it with the same
number of counters. Flash card with number symbol and
number name e.g.
- Play games by linking the number of counters with the number name, the number symbol
and the picture cards.
- Trace the number 6 with a crayon.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using “more than/less than” and “equal to” 1 day
up to number 6
compare and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6
order numbers
Count forwards and backwards up to 6
Number songs and rhymes Select only a few
Reinforce the concepts of ”many“ and “few”. activities
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Kinaesthetic 2 hoops
- The teacher places two hoops on the floor.
- She calls 3 learners to stand in the one “nest” and 2 learners to stand in the other “nest”.
- Which “nest” has more learners in it?
Concrete using 3-D objects 2 pieces of wool for each learner
- Learners sit on the carpet and make two “nests” with wool. Counters
- The teacher gives instruction e.g. the learners place 2 counters in one “nest” and 4 in the
other “nest”. Which “nest” has more counters? Which “nest “has less (fewer)?” “Which nest
has more/most”?”
- Repeat using numbers up to 6.
- The teacher uses the lid of an ice-cream container. She pegs 3 clothes pegs on the top
side of the lid and 3 clothes pegs on the right side of the lid. Which number of pegs are
more than the other, or are they equal?
The learners can perform this activity in groups each with their own lid and clothes pegs. Clothes
Lid of a pegs
Week 25 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Describe, - The teacher shows cards with different number of dots and pictures on them. Picture and dot cards
compare and
order numbers
- Let the learners compare cards with pictures and dots on them and identify the “more
than”, “less than” and “equal to” concepts.
The learners draw two nests on a piece of paper. On instruction they pack counters and link the
counters in each nest with a crayon. Develop concepts such as equal sharing e.g.
A4 Paper and wax crayons
Do grouping of whole numbers with answers that include remainders as well e.g.
3.3 Recognise, identifies and names two-dimensional shapes in the classroom and in Crayons 1 day
2-D shapes A4 paper
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
5.1 • Number of letters in learners names
Collect and sort Problem solving: Pose a problem to the learners:
“Are names with six letters most popular?
How can we find out? What information should we collect?”
Collect data
- Learners count the number of letters in their names from a name label teacher made.
- Teacher holds up a number card corresponding to the number of letters in a learners name
and ask: Who has 4 letters in his/her name holding up the number 4 symbol card? Repeat
with all the numbers.
Draw a graph
5.2 - The teacher draws the following table as she hold up the numbers:
sorted collection
3 letters 4 letters 5 letters 6 letters
of objects
Ann Kady David Sophie
Sam Mark Aidon Jessie
Maja Sarah
2 3 5 2
Week 26 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained involving the numbers 1 to 6 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6.
Reinforce the concepts of “many “and” few”. Number rhymes and songs
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Knows the number symbols and recognise number names that involve the numbers 1 1 day
to 6
Number symbols
and number Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6.
Reinforce the concepts of” many” and “few”.
Clap your hands many times…STOP.
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times. Front of card Back of card
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Six 6
Let’s play a game:
- The teacher writes the number name on one side of a card and writes the number symbol
on the other side of the same card involving numbers 1 to 6 (make a few sets). Cards that involve numbers 1-6 with
the number name on one side and the
- Learners “read” the number name and guess the number symbol. number symbol on the other side. (Make
- They turn the card over and correct themselves. a few sets so that each learner can have
his/her own card).
Week 26 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve word problems (story sums) in context and explain own solutions to 1 day
problems that involve the number 6.
Addition and
subtraction Oral: Count everyday objects up to 6.
Count forwards and backwards up to 6.
Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 6 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
4 and 2 ➝ 6 (4 and 2 gives you 6)
3 and 3 ➝ 6
5 and 1 ➝ 6
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.4 • Introduce the measuring concept of capacity by comparing how much various 1 day
containers hold e.g.
- “empty/full”
Only select one or
- “more than/less than” two activities
- a lot, a little
Water (during water play) and sand
Introduce capacity to the learners by asking which container holds more. (during sand play in the sandpit) are
Learners often make the comparison on height rather than on capacity. ideal areas to develop capacity.
For example, when asked which holds more, a tall container or a short container, most learners
will choose the tall container even if the short container actually holds more liquid.
“More than/less than”
- Use one container as a standard measure e.g. a yoghurt cup. Provide the learners with a A variety of containers in different
variety of containers.
shapes and sizes.
- Let learners:
- Find out which containers hold “more” and which hold “less than” the standard measure i.e.
the yoghurt cup. “Which container is a lot? Which container is only a little bit?”
Give the learners a tablespoon and bucket with sand to spoon the sand into a mug. Yoghurt cup
Let learners:
- Count how many spoons of sand he/she needs to fill the mug. The experiment can be
made more difficult by giving more than one container e.g. a cup, a plastic glass and a A bucket with sand
small jar.
- Repeat the activity using cups.
A Tablespoon
Week 26 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Describes one or more three-dimensional objects in relation to another A pegboard for each learner or work in 1 day
Position, • The position of two or more objects in relation to each other and to one another
orientation and Cards which have a pattern drawn on it.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Pegboard work:
Let the learner first use his right and then his left hand, then both hands together to place the
pegs on the board.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 7 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7.
Count forwards and backwards up to 7. Number rhymes and songs
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 3 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and” few”.
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 7 times. Newspaper balls
Ask question which number of claps was most/least. Baskets
- Teacher divides learners into groups. Give each group 7 balls made out of newspaper.
- Let learners throw the balls into a basket. Learners must count aloud while throwing the
- Count the number of times the teacher taps on the table and copy her.
- Count in time to a regular beat while learners walk down steps, hop in and out of hoops.
- Stamp feet in time to a regular beat.
Week 27 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Concrete using 3-D objects
Count objects The teacher places a pile of building blocks in the middle of the floor. She gives instruction such Building blocks or lego blocks
- Take 3 blocks from the pile.
- Take 4 blocks from the pile and put two back etc.
- The teacher places objects in a pile on the table. Let learners estimate how many objects
are in the pile. Count them afterwards.
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether they
are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange 7 buttons, 7 pencils, 7 hoops, 7 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Let’s play a game:
- The teacher draws or pastes pictures on one side of a card and draws the same number of
dots on the other side of the card involving numbers 1 to 7 (make a few sets).
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 • Solve orally stated addition and subtraction problems that involve the number 7 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7.
Count forwards and backwards up to 7.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and” few”. Number songs and rhymes
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 7 times
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
1.6 Kinaesthetic
- Use the number ladder lying flat (horizontally)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Problem solving
techniques - Always start at 0. Always count while moving.
The teacher asks:
- What number lies between 4 and 6? Learners experience using the number ladder.
- What numbers lie between 2 and 5?
- Make use of your own ideas to let learners experience the meaning of the number 7 Beads or counters
kinaesthetically with their bodies.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Give each learner 7 beads or counters
Ask questions such as:
- Move 1 counter to the one side (left). If we add another counter to the counter on the left,
how many do we have now?
- 1 and 1 ➝ 2 (The teacher says: 1 and 1 is 2) Counters
- Move 4 counters to the left. If we add another 2 more counters to the counters on the left,
how many do we have?
- and 2 ➝ 6
- You have 5 counters and you take away 2, how many are left?
Week 27 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.11 • Recognise and identify South African 1 day
Money Banknotes
- Use banknotes e.g. R10, R20, R50, R100, R200
- Make the learners aware of the different animal pictures on the banknotes Real examples of a R10, R20 and R50
- Role-play with money in the house corner. banknotes (or use play money)
1.9 • Orally solve and explain solutions to word problems in context (story sums) that 1 day
Grouping and
sharing leading - equal sharing,
to division - grouping with whole numbers and
Select only one
- solutions with remainders up to 7 or two of the
Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7 kinaesthetic
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.9 Kinaesthetic
Grouping and Form sets using the learners:
sharing leading
Examples: Make use of a variety of resources to
to division
give you ideas of how to apply different
1. Let learners form groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Count how many are in the group.
2. D
raw large shapes on the concrete or in the sand. Learners make a group of e.g. 4 learners
inside the shape.
Climbing apparatus or tables and chairs.
3. D
uring the refreshment routine the teacher says: “You can go in a group of four to wash your
hands” instead of saying: “Four learners can go to wash their hands”.
4. Choose 7 learners using a counting rhyme.
5. L
et the 7 learners pretend to be birds and make a “pretend tree” using the climbing
apparatus outside or chairs and tables inside.
6. T
he teacher sends 2 birds to the “pretend tree” (2 learners climb on the apparatus). One
more bird goes to the tree each time. “How many ‘birds’ in the tree now, and how many
birds on the ground?”
7. Repeat grouping learners using numbers 1 to 7
Concrete using 3-D objects
Piece of paper and a crayon for each
1. T
he teacher gives the learners counters. Let the learners make a set of 4 counters. Make
another set of 3. “How many counters do you have in the new set?”
2. L
et the learners draw two circles on a piece of paper. On instructions from the teacher, the
learners pack counters in the two sets so that there are more counters in the one set than in
the other. Ask questions such as “Which set has most/least counters?”
Week 27 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.4 Concretely compares and orders objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe: Water (during water play) and sand 2 days
(during sand play in the sandpit) are ideal
Capacity/Volume a) capacity
areas to develop capacity.
b) empty, full, less than, more than, a lot, a little Or only select two
or three activities
• Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 26 involving capacity
Number song and rhymes
Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7
Count forwards and backwards up to 7.
Let the learners: Cup
- Arrange two to three different empty containers in order of capacity. In other words which
container will take the most or least? The learners can test their guesses by pouring cups
of water into the empty containers and counting which one takes the most cups. Increase
the number of empty containers to make it more difficult. Cup
- The learners can use the same cup as a measure and determine how many cups of rice or
beans or sand it would take to fill the same containers used above.
- Order the similar kinds of containers (e.g. buckets in the sandpit) from small to big. Beans
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained involving the number 7 1 day
Count objects
Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7.
Count forwards and backwards up to 7.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and” few”. Number rhymes and songs
Clap your hands many times…STOP.
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 7 times.
Ask question, “Which number of claps was most/least?”
Kinaesthetic Number symbol cards that involve
numbers 1 to 7
- Two learners are called to the front. The other learners count them. The two learners in
front hold up the corresponding number symbol.
- Call one more learner to the front. The other learners count them. One learner in front
holds up the corresponding number symbol namely 3.
- Continue until there are 7 learners in front.
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Put 7 tins in a row e.g.
7 tins with the number symbol pasted on
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
o Seeds or stones
- Let the learners put onec seed/stone in the first tin, two seeds/stones in the second tin,
three seeds in the thirdr tin, and continue until the 7 tins have the number of seeds/stones
in it as shown on the outside of the tin.
e Crayons and a mug
- Take a handful of crayons (between 10 and 15) and place them in a mug. Ask the learners
to guess how many are t in the mug. Discuss their answer.
- Demonstrate how to counte
them by taking one out at a time and laying them in a row.
Week 28 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Recognise the number symbol and the number name that involve the number 7 1 day
Number symbols Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
and number
Play a game:
- The learners sit in a circle. Place a number card face down in front of each learner. (It
could be a number symbol, number name, dot card or a picture card that involve the
numbers 1 to 7)
- Teach the learners to pass the card to the next learner by sliding them face down on the
- Learners chant: “Secret number, secret number, what could it be? Let me peep”
- Learners peep at their cards.
- The teacher holds up her number card.
- The learners with the card that matches the teachers’ card, hold his/her card up high and
says: “I will hold my card up high, so everyone can see”.
3.2 Build 3-D objects using concrete material “Logi shapes” skill blocks 1 day and
3-D objects • Copy a construction from a designed or picture card “Brainy Blocks” Ongoing
Concrete using 3-D objects Any construction equipment.
- The learner builds the same construction from a design or picture. Pegboard
- Copy the same design from a picture using the pegboard.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Extend this activity to visual art.
- Give each learner a sheet with a variety of big and small circles, triangles and squares.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 • Develop the ability to cross the midline Recognise line
of symmetry in
Symmetry Kinaesthetic
self and own
Let the learners: environment
- Review previous knowledge gained; touch the different body parts on instruction. Play Game: “Simple Simon says, touch • Crossing the
“Simple Simon says: Touch your....” your.......” mid-line
- Give further instructions where learners need to cross their mid-line such as: “Touch your
knee with your nose. Touch your shoulder with your ear. Touch your left knee with your
right foot. Touch your elbow with your one hand etc.
Concrete using 3-D objects Learners draw on the chalkboard
Let learners:
- Draw big circles on the chalkboard.
- Draw straight lines on the chalkboard. Ensure that learner crosses his/her midline.
- On the chalkboard draw a line from one dot to the other dot that is far apart.
- Draw a horizontal figure eight on the chalkboard. Use big movements to ensure that the
learner crosses his/her midline.
(The learner uses both left and right hands).
Week 28 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.3 Concretely compares and orders objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe: 1 day
Mass - mass e.g. light, heavy, lighter, heavier
• Introduce the concept mass
Measuring mass means finding how much something weighs.
Kinaesthetic Only select two or
three activities
Let learners guess the masses of objects:
- Hold the following objects, one in each hand to be able to guess which is heavier or lighter
3-D objects of different weights and sizes
o A stone and a building block. e.g. Lego blocks, toys, building blocks,
o A plastic toy car and a metal toy car. tins, containers etc.
o A coffee tin and a toilet roll.
o A large rubber ball and a cricket ball.
Learners usually judge the larger object to be heavier when asked to guess the mass of two
Balancing Scale
- Introduce the balancing scale e.g. weigh the objects to see which learners were correct.
You can devise a simple scale:
- Ask questions such as: “Which object is heavier/lighter? Let learners find an object in the
classroom that they think is heavier/lighter than the objects that they weighed. - You will need a plastic coat hanger,
- Make the balancing scale available during free play so that learners can continue with the - T
wo small round margarine tubs or coke
weighing activity. bottles and some string.
- Provide a balancing scale in the “house corner” so that the learners can see how many - P
unch two holes opposite each other in
Lego blocks weigh the same as, for example, an apple. the margarine tubs/coke bottles.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained that involve the numbers 1 to 7 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7.
Count forwards and backwards up to 7.
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and” few”. Number rhymes and songs
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 7 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners:
- Collect twigs. Keep them in the class to use again.
- Use your twigs e.g. to write the number 5 symbol. Twigs
or or etc.
Let the learners: Picture and dot flash cards that involve
number 1 to 7
• Make use of your set of flash cards that involve numbers 1 to 7.
Number symbol and number name flash
• Draw the number of objects on the teacher’s instruction e.g. draw 2 circles.
cards that involve numbers
• Count on from a given number e.g. the teacher says the number three. The learner would 1 to 7 e.g.
count on... four, five, six.
• During refreshment time the teacher would ask: “How many learners have brown bread
sandwiches? How many have white bread sandwiches? Do more children have white bread
sandwiches? Which is more/less?”
• The teacher places objects in a pile on the table. Let learners estimate how many objects in Paper and Crayon
the pile. Count them afterwards.
Week 29 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Recognise the number symbol and the number name that involve the numbers 1 to 7 1 day
Number symbols Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7. Number songs and rhymes
and number
Count forwards and backwards up to 7.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”. 3 5 2
Clap your hands many times…STOP
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 7 times. Large number symbols cards
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems with answers up to 7 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 7.
Count forwards and backwards up to 7.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and” few”.
Clap your hands many times…STOP Number songs and rhymes
Clap your hands fewer times. The teacher claps her hands up to 7 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
- Refer to week 24 and 27 for ideas.
- Make use of your own ideas to let learners experience the meaning of the number 7 Counters
kinaesthetically with their bodies.
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Refer to week 24 and 7
- Make use of your own ideas to let learners experience the meaning of number 7 concretely
using 3-D objects.
Week 29 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Follows directions to move or place self within a specific space (directionality) 1 day
Position, • Develop a sense of direction by using the arrow flash cards and the arrow chart
orientation and
Let learners walk in different directions:
- To the door,
- To the window,
- To the book corner etc.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let the learners
- Draw a horizontal figure eight on the chalkboard. Ensure that learners cross the midline
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Flash card with only one arrow. Turn
flash card in different directions
Let learners individually or in small groups:
- Keep eyes on the flash card and move his/her arm in the direction indicated by the arrow
and speak while doing it e.g. If learner puts his/her arm out, he/she must say “right”. Arrow Chart (poster with arrows in
- For up and down movements the learner may use either arm. different directions)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.3 • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 28 that involves mass : Lightest/heaviest 1 day
Mass Kinaesthetic
Let learners:
- Compare the masses of three to five identical containers (e.g. 400g empty tins) containing
different amounts of sand, so that their masses differ.
- Put them in order from lightest to heaviest by feeling the masses. Afterwards a balancing
scale may be used to determine whether or not the learners were correct Empty tins which are the same size
- Suggestion:
Experiment to see how many metal washers or nails can be balanced to have the
same mass. Any other objects can be used.
Teacher puts articles with different masses into identical closed containers
A balancing scale
e.g., two cottage cheese containers; one containing a block and one a tennis ball.
Let learners:
Objects such as Lego blocks
- Feel the difference between the masses of the two objects and guess which one is the
lightest or the heaviest. Objects with different masses such as
metal washers or nails
- Use a balancing scale to get to the actual answer.
Two cottage cheese containers; one
- Challenge learners to find objects in the classroom that have the same mass. containing a block and one a tennis ball
The sandpit and water play area are valuable areas which should be used to reinforce concepts
such as light/heavy/heavier using different size containers a balancing scale, damp and dry
NB: Sit with the learners while talking, discussing and explaining. Sandpit
Water play basin, container or trough
Week 30 Use Week 30 to attend to conceptual weaknesses and/or identified barriers to learning.
Content Area Topic Assessment Criteria
Numbers, Operations 1.1 Estimates and rote counts up to 7 (number songs and rhymes included to develop number concept)
and Relationships Count objects Counts backwards and forwards (1-7)
Knows which number of claps are more/less
Recognises numbers in familiar context - e.g. age, register (assess again)
Identifies number pictures and dot cards up to number 7
Knows the number symbols 5, 6, 7
Recognizes the number names five, six, seven
Distinguishes between more, less and equal, many and few up to 7
Recognises the colour as well as the different animals on South African notes
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 8 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 8.
Count forwards and backwards up to 8.
Rote counting 1-10
Introduce counting in two’s using a number rhyme Number songs and rhymes.
Reinforce ordinal counting: Teachers packs 4 objects in a row. Point at each object while
counting first, second, third fourth.
Two, four, six, eight,
Reinforce the concepts of “many and few”
One man at the gate.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
He says he is too late;
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 8 times.
Two, four, six, eight.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Let the learners:
- Count eight steps while moving around in the classroom
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Show eight fingers.
Let the learners:
A set of number symbol flash cards
- Use the number ladder lying flat (horizontally)
- Ensure that learners always start on 0 (zero). 1 to 8.
Week 31 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Recognise the number symbols and the number names A set of 8 objects in the classroom 1 day
Number symbols Concrete using 3-D objects Objects or counters.
and number
Let the learners:
- Count objects in the classroom involving the numbers 1 to 8.
- Count counters up to the number 8.
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack eight counters or 8 counters or 8 objects
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether they Flash card with number symbol and
are of the same type. For example: number name, dots and pictures e.g.
- Arrange 8 buttons, 8 pencils, 8 hoops, 8 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Let the learners:
- Play games by linking the number of counters with the number name, the number symbol,
the dots and the picture cards that involves the number 8. Counters
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Use the number 8 in familiar context 1 day
Describe, Oral: Count everyday objects up to 8.
compare and
Count forwards and backwards up to 8. Number songs and rhymes
order numbers
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps 8 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Kinaesthetic String/wool or play dough.
Let the learners: A tray with sand
- Make the number 8 with their fingers. Set of large number symbol cards
- Form the number with pieces of string or play dough.
- Write the number symbols in a tray with sand.
- Place the large number symbol cards in consecutive order on the floor up to 8.
Concrete using 3-D objects 8 beans for each learner.
The teacher gives each learner 8 beans and a flash card with 8 dots on it The dot flash card, the name flash card
and counters
Let the learners:
- Pack a bean on each dot of the flash card.
- Count the beans.
- Link the dot flash card to the number name flash card and the counters.
Week 31 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures 1 day
2-D shapes - a rectangle
• Introduce a rectangle Card games that develop the recognition
of shapes.
Let learners:
- Form shapes with their bodies e.g. 6 learners form a rectangle with their bodies Wool or play dough.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
5.1 • Reinforce the concept of data handling by collecting objects in the class or The birthday chart
environment according to stated features for example the learners’ birthdays
Collect and sort
objects Concrete using 3-D objects
Collect and sort data
- Using the Birthday Chart, determine whose birthdays are in which month.
- The learners assist to make a graph to see in which month of the year the most birthdays
- The teacher draws a graph of the 12 months of the year.
- With the assistance of the teacher the learners plot the graph according to the status of
each learner’s birthday month.
Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul
sorted collection
of objects Sipho
Martha David Nelson Kabelo Selina
Helen Bongi Jacob Pat Liz Thabo A card with learner’s names on it.
Dolly Claire Tim Thandi Titus Jane
4 3 0 3 3 3 2
Draw 12 columns on a large strip of paper. Indicate
- The learners count the names and write the total number of birthdays under each month. with a name card in which months the learners have
- The learners compare the number of birthdays in the different months. their birthdays .Use ± 3 sheets of A2 paper with 12
columns drawn on it.
The teacher asks questions such as:
- “Which month has the most birthdays?”
- “Which month has the least birthdays?”
- “Which months have the same number of birthdays?
- “Which months have the most boys celebrating their birthdays”?
- “Which months have the most girls celebrating their birthdays”?
5.3 Learners discuss the following conclusions:
Discuss and - January has the most birthdays. Four learners celebrate their birthdays in January.
report on sorted
- There are zero (none) birthdays during March. There is only 1 month when no learners
collection of
have a birthday.
- Some months have equal numbers of birthdays etc. Which months are they?
Week 32 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 31 that involves the number 8 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 8.
Count forwards and backwards up to 8. Number songs and rhymes
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Concrete using 3-D objects
Count objects Let the learners:
- Use counters to recognise which number comes before 8 and after 5? Which number is Counters
between 6 and 8?
- Count objects in pairs (two’s):
A pair of shoes, socks, earrings
o A pair of shoes,
o A pair of socks
o A pair of eyes,
o A pair of earrings
o A pair of ears,
o A pair of legs
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- When taking the attendance register the teacher asks: “Is the learner with the house number
or address …… here?” The learner must respond by indicating that he /she is “here”.
Cards with learner’s telephone
- Repeat the next day with telephone or cell phone numbers. numbers and addresses on
Week 32 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve word problems (story sums) that involve the number 8 1 day
Addition and Kinaesthetic
- The teacher assists the learners to make a group of 6 learners and another group of 2
Groups of learners
- Combine the two groups to make one group.
- Ask the learners how many learners are in the combined group?
6 and 2 ➝ 8.(The teacher says: 6 and 2 gives 8)
- Group 8 learners together. Take 3 learners away in a smaller group. How many learners
remain in the large group? 8 take way 3 ➝ 5.
- Select two learners using a counting rhyme.
Counting rhyme:
- Place 4 twigs in the one learner’s hands and 4 twigs in the other learner’s hands. How many
twigs altogether now? 4 and 4 ➝ 8.
Concrete using 3- D objects Twigs
Give each learner 8 twigs. Rhyme: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Tshidi has 6 twigs and her friend has 2 twigs. How many twigs do they have altogether? 6 and Once I caught a fish alive
2 ➝ 8.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Monica has 8 twigs. She lost 2 twigs. How many twigs does Monica have left? 8 take away 2
➝ 6. Then I let it go again
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 • Copy and extend an auditory pattern 1 day
Geometric Kinaesthetic
The learners move to the beat of the music with their whole body e.g. CD Player
- Step, step, hop, hop ........ With music
- Jump one leg, Jump one leg, Jump two legs, Jump two legs .......
π π π π
- clap, clap, stamp, stamp ………
- clap shout, clap, shout…….
Week 32 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and describe 2-D shapes in the classroom Card games that develop the 1 day
recognition of shapes.
2-D shapes • Reinforce the knowledge of a rectangle
Wool or play dough.
Let the learners:
“Feely bag” with different geometric
- Make/form shapes with their bodies e.g. 4 learners form a rectangle with their bodies.
- Form a rectangle using their fingers.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Concrete using 3-D objects
2-D shapes - Let learners look for rectangular objects in the classroom. Rectangular objects in the classroom.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes
Play a game: “Which one is missing?”
- Put a number of 2-D shapes (not more than 5 shapes) on a piece of paper in the middle of the Variety of shapes e.g. Logi-shapes.
carpet e.g. the shapes from the “Logi-Shapes” game.
- Discuss each shape with the learners.
- Give the learners opportunity to memorise the type of shapes on the piece of paper.
- The learners close their eyes.
- The teacher removes one of the shapes.
- The learners must open their eyes and identify which shape is missing.
- Repeat the process.
- Promote the development of geometric shapes by providing a variety of card games such as
“What’s in a square?” or any other available games.
Week 32 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Describe the position of two or more 3-D objects in relation to one another 1 day
Position, Kinaesthetic
orientation and
Let the learners:
- Stand between two objects or two learners.
- Stand next to the girl with the blue dress.
- Stand next to the boy with the brown sandals. 2 chairs
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 31 and 32 that involves the numbers 1 to 8 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 8.
Count forwards and backwards up to 8.
Rote counting 1-10 Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 8 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth,
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 8 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Kinaesthetic Large number symbols made of
- The learners use their bodies to form number symbols. sandpaper
- The teacher makes numbers from different materials that learners can feel e.g. sandpaper
clay/ string.
- Say number rhymes/songs.
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Use concrete objects such as blocks and plastic animals. Blocks and plastic animals
- Count them, sort them, place eight in a row etc.
Divide learners into groups.
Place a heap of plastic farm animals in the middle of each group. 9 plastic farm animals
Let the learners: A few sets of number symbol cards.
- Work in pairs within the groups and have a guess how many animals in the heap.
- Each pair takes a number card to match their guess.
- Count the actual number of animals.
- The pairs may each receive a star on the forehead.
- Repeat by placing a different number of animals in the middle of the carpet. Reward stars
Week 33 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 Recognise and identify number symbols and number names that involve numbers 1 to
Number symbols Picture and number symbol flash cards
and number Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- Match the number symbols to the correct pictures.
- The learner must understand that a group of objects can contain the same number of
objects Counters
- The learners must point to each object as they count. A Set of number cards that involves
- Learners must be able to match ech object to each other e.g. One heart to one sun. numbers 1 to 8
- Match the picture flash cards, dot flash cards, the number symbol and the number name
flash cards with the same number of counters.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Order and compare collections of objects using “more than/less than” and “equal to” 1 day
up to number 8
compare and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 8.
order numbers
Count forwards and backwards up to 8.
Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 8 times.
- The teacher places 8 blocks on a table. Without counting the learners must estimate
(guess) the number of blocks.
- The teacher asks:
o “Are there more than 3 blocks?”
o The learners check their answer by counting the blocks.”
o “How close was your guess? Counters
Concrete using 3-D objects
- Form a group of four learners. Give each group 8 counters and a page with two large
circles drawn on it. Call the circles nests.
A4 page with two” nests” drawn on it
- On the teacher’s instructions the learners put counters in each nest and say how many
there are.
- The learners compare the “nests” and determine which nest has “more than, “”less than”,
and the “same” or an “equal” number of counters.
Week 33 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Divide learners into groups Unifix cubes
Describe, - Give each group many unifix cubes and a set of number symbol cards that involve Number symbol cards 1-8
compare and numbers 1 to 8
order numbers - Let the groups build towers and label each tower with the numbers of cubes used e.g
1.13 • Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems up to number 8 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 8.
Count forwards and backwards up to 8.
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 Kinaesthetic
Addition and Examples:
1. T
eacher calls 3 learners to the front. Learners count them. Teacher calls another 2 and asks:
How many learners altogether?” 3 and 2 ➝ 5.
(The teacher says: 3 and 2 makes 5)
2. Teacher packs out 2 chairs. Add 2 more. How many chairs are there now? 2 and 2 ➝ 4.
3. T
eacher holds up one hand. And says: “Count my fingers. If I hide my thumb, how many
fingers can you see? 5 take away 1 ➝ 4.
4. L
et the learners count the fingers on one of their hands. Hide your thumb; how many fingers
do you see? 5 take away 1 ➝ 4.
Concrete using 3-D objects
Let learners pack out 6 counters and do the following:
- The teacher gives each learner 6 counters. The teacher gives instructions and learners
respond e.g., pack out 2 counters, add another 3. How many altogether. 2 and 3 ➝ 5.
- Count 4 counters. Count 2 on from four. How many do you have now? 4 and 2 ➝ 6.
- Count all the beads you have. If you cover two beads with your hand, how many beads do
you see? 6 take away 2 ➝ 4
Objects and /or counters
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Make number puzzles and allow the learners to explore with the puzzles.
6 3 9 7
Number puzzles
Week 33 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and describe 2-D shapes in pictures 1 day
2-D shapes Visual conceptualization
• Identifies parts from the whole
The teacher describes and object and asks the learners what it is e.g.
- ‘I am thinking of something that is red, has four wheels, four doors and window that can
open and makes the sound ‘wroom’” This exercise can be done with groups and turned
into a competition – one group has to describe, the other group has to guess what the
object is.
- Describe a person and ask the learners to identify the person.
Any picture
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes
Pictures with parts cut off
- Show a learner a picture and let him/her look at it. Then take it away and ask the learner to
describe as much detail as he/she can remember.
- Take individual pictures and cut off parts of them. Put the pictures and the parts in a box An incomplete drawing
and ask the learners to look for the missing parts of each picture they pick up.
- Draw incomplete pictures on a piece of paper and ask the learners to complete the picture.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 • Develop the awareness that one’s body has a left and right side that can move 1 day
- Put an elastic band on each learner’s right wrist.
Action songs/rhymes e.g. “I put my left
- Sing the action song: “I put my left foot in” foot in”
Let learners:
- Put their right hand on their heads.
- Touch their left knee with their right elbow.
- Touch their right shoulder with their left hand etc.
(without showing) the position of items in the picture.
Week 34 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 9 2 days
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 9.
Count forwards and backwards up to 9. Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 6 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 9 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Let the learners:
- Count up to 9 while climbing the steps.
- Draw number 9 in the sand/floor/ground and walk on it.
Set of large number symbols
- Clap hands 9 times.
- Recognise numbers 1 to 9 with the set of large number symbols.
- Make use of own ideas to let learners experience the meaning of number 9 with their
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.6 Concrete using 3-D objects Number ladder
Problem-solving The teacher creates a number line or ladder on the floor or ground
- The teacher gives instructions such as:
- Always stand on the zero or start at the zero.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Always count while moving.
- Move to number 5. Move back to number 2. Move forward to number 8.
- Move to number 8. Move 1 number forward. Move 2 numbers backward.
- What comes after 3?
- What comes before 7
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack nine counters or
any objects in different ways e.g.
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether they
are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange 9 buttons, 9 pencils, 9 hoops, 9 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Use the number 9 in familiar context
Let the learners:
- Match the picture flash card with the same number of dots. Pack the same number of
Week 34 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.3 • Recognise the number symbols and the number name.
Number symbols Kinaesthetic
and number
- Put 5 objects in a row. 5 objects (visual memory)
- Let the learners have a good look at them
- Learners look away and the teacher remove one object.
- The learners have to say which object has been removed.
- Replace the objects and repeat several times and progress to removing 2 and more
objects. Counters
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Follows directions to move or place self within a specific space 1 day
Position, • Develop a sense of direction
orientation and
- Draw a large triangle, or square on the ground or the floor.
- Learners walk along the shape indicating aloud whether they are turning left of right and Large drawn shapes on a sheet of paper
showing it with their hands,
Concrete using 3-D objects
Toy car
Draw a large triangle, or square on a sheet of paper and put it on the floor.
Let one learner:
- Push a toy car along the lines.
- The rest of the learners stretch out their left or right hands in the corresponding direction
and say left or right. Actual house
Let the learners: car
- Describe objects from different perspectives e.g. a doll (front/back), a house (front/back),
the front/back of the school, a car (front/back) depending on where you stand.
- Learners describe what they see e.g. if there is a tree in front of the house they describe
the position of the tree.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Pictures that clearly show direction
e.g. the direction a car is travelling, the
- Let learners experience the concept of forwards/backwards by indicating the direction in
direction a person is walking.
Week 34 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identify and name 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures and sort 1 day
2-D shapes
• Reinforce the knowledge about the circle, triangle, square and rectangle
Let the learners form pairs.
A variety of shapes
- Draw a shape on the friends back with his/her finger. The other learner must identify the
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.4 • Develop the awareness that there is symmetry in objects 1 Day
Symmetry Concrete using 3-D objects
- Look for real objects that will illustrate symmetry. (The one side looks the same as the
other side) e.g. butterfly, flower leaf etc.
- The teacher and learners collect pictures of designs that are symmetrical .e.g. the designs
painted on houses, designs on tiles, designs on vases and parachutes.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- The learners cut out the shape of a heart or flower vase from a paper folded in half and
decorate it during visual art time.
A piece of paper folded in half
Week 35 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 34 that involves the number 9 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 9.
Count forwards and backwards up to 9. Number rhymes and songs
Rote counting 1-10
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Flash card with number symbol and
number name, dots and pictures e.g.
Describe, Let the learners:
compare and
- Play games by linking the number of counters with the number name, the number symbol,
order numbers the dots and the picture cards.
- Ensure that the number symbol and the number name are always linked with the same
number of objects
- Trace the number 9 with a crayon.
Counters, Crayons
1.7 • Orally solve word problems (story sums) in context that involve numbers 1 to 9 1 day
Addition and Kinaesthetic
- Tell a story of about a tree with one bird in it. Another bird joins him. How many birds are Picture of a large tree
there now? Learners act the story out with masks. 1 and 1 gives 2.
Repeat the story till there are 9 birds.
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Worksheet with a tree and counters
- Give each learner a worksheet with a picture of a tree on it. Learners place one counter on
the tree. Continue, adding one more counter to the tree at a time.
Week 35 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 • Describes two objects in relation to one another 1 day
Position, Kinaesthetic
orientation and
- A learner asks a friend to stand between two objects / learners.
- A learner asks a friend to stand next to the girl with the blue dress
- A learner asks a friend to stand next to the boy with the brown sandals
Concrete using 3-D objects
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Recognise, identifies and names 2-D shapes in the classroom and in pictures: 1 day
2-D shapes - Shape conservation
• Reinforce the knowledge gained about the rectangle Or select only some
of the activities
Shape conservation is the ability to distinguish between shapes in our environment,
regardless of their size or angle sizes
Each group receives 9 rectangular
Concrete using 3-D objects shaped building blocks of different sizes
Divide learners into groups.
- Give each group 9 rectangular shaped building blocks of different sizes.
Let the learners:
- Sort the different rectangular-shaped building blocks into groups of the same size.
- Count the number of building blocks.
The teacher gives the following instructions:
- Place the rectangular-shaped building blocks in a straight line.
Piece of wool
- Place the rectangular-shaped building blocks in an upright position.
- The teacher gives each learner a piece of wool. The learners form a rectangular shape
with the wool.
- The teacher points out that each learner’s rectangle is not identical but the shape are all
still rectangles.
Week 35 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.3 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
2-D shapes - The teacher draws 20 different flash cards, each with one of five different triangles, circles, Cards with 20 different flash cards, each
squares and rectangles on it e.g. with one of five different triangles, circles,
squares and rectangles on it.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Reinforce the knowledge gained that involve numbers 1 to 9 Number songs and rhymes 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 9.
Count forwards and backwards up to 9.
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”.
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 9 times.
Concrete using 3-D objects Objects in the classroom.
- Place objects into groups that involve numbers 1 to 9 and count the objects aloud.
Number dominoes
- Play number dominoes
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Give each learner a picture, dot, number symbol or number name card.
Learners respond to teachers instructions Enough sets of number cards that
involve numbers 1 to 9 for each learner
- Learners sit in a circle.
in your class to receive a flash card
- The teacher calls a number e.g. 9. The learners with the picture, dot, number symbols and
number name cards representing 9, walks around the circle, saying “I have a nine”
- Repeat with the other numbers.
- When everyone has had a turn to ‘be’ a number, call the numbers in order.
- The learners stand up and hold their cards in the air if their number is called.
- See if learners are able to arrange themselves in order from 1 to 9.
- See if learners are able to arrange all the cards representing the number 1, 2, and 3 up to
number 9 together.
Week 36 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Compare which of two given collections are: 1 day
Describe, - more than
compare and - less than (fewer)
order numbers
- equal to (the same)
Concrete using 3-D objects
- The teacher provides a variety of objects such as leaves, stones, bottle caps, crayons,
blocks, etc.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 • Solves orally stated addition and subtraction problems that involve the numbers 1 to 9 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 9.
Count forwards and backwards up to 9. Number song and rhymes
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 6 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 9 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
- The teacher calls 1 learner to the front.
- The teacher puts a different number of beads (up to 9) in each of the learner`s hands e.g. Beads or counters
4 in the one hand and 5 in the other
- The teacher arranges the learners in groups of nine.
- The learners sit on the floor.
- The teacher asks 2 learners to stand up.
- The teacher asks: “How many learners are sitting on the floor?”
Week 36 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 Concrete using 3-D objects
Addition and - The learners sit on the carpet. Improvise if you don’t have cups and
subtraction - Each learner receives 8 beads placed in a cup with a saucer. saucers.
- Take 6 beads from the cup and put them into the saucer. Take another 2 beads and add to
the beads in the saucer. How many beads are in the cup? 6 and 2 ➝ 8.
- Take 4 beads from the plastic cup and put them into the saucer. Take another 4 beads and
add to the beads in the saucer. How many beads are in the cup? 8 take away 4 take away
4 ➝ 0.
- Move 4 beads from the cup to the saucer. How many are left in the plastic cup?
8 take away 4 ➝ 4.
- Move 4 beads from the saucer to the cup. How many are left in the saucer?
8 take away 4 ➝ 4.
Semi-concrete with 2-D shapes or pictures
Divide learners into groups. Give each group a set of picture flash cards
- Count the 6 pictures on the flash card. If you add a flash card with 2 pictures on it, how
many will you have now? 6 and 2 ➝ 8.
- Count the 8 objects on the picture card. If you cover 3 of the pictures, how many can you
see? 8 take away 3 ➝ 5.
- Pack the same number of counters. A few sets of picture flash cards
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
5.1 • Reinforce the concept of data handling 1 day
Collect and sort Concrete using 3-D objects
Let’s play a game:
Classify and group the choice of the colour of the play dough for the following week e.g.
- The problem to be solved is to determine what colour the play dough should be for the
following week.
Collect data and sort
Blue, yellow and green Lego-, Duplo- or
- Make use of real objects to make a graph such as blocks, stacking cubes, Lego or Duplo unifix blocks. (Only one kind to be used)
blocks representing the colours of dough you plan to make e.g. blue, yellow, and green.
- Each child selects one block representing the colour of his/her choice of play dough for the
5.2 Draw a graph
Represent - The blocks are stacked according to colours on a poster.
sorted collection
of objects
2 4 2
Week 37 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 0 (zero) 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 10 starting at zero.
Count forwards and backwards up to 10 starting at zero. Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 6 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 10 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least
The teacher points out that zero means “nothing” and that counting actually starts at 1.
- The teacher shows the learners the number name zero.
- Let the learners identify which body part can form a zero e.g.
o The learners mouth
o The learners fingers
Concrete using 3-D objects 1 day
- The teacher puts one counter in her one hand and no counters in her other hand.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Introduce the meaning of the number 10 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 10.
Count forwards and backwards up to 10. Number songs and rhymes Select only a few
Rote counting 0-10
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 6 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 10 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Let the learners:
- In pairs form the number 10 with their bodies (4 learners). Cut-out cardboard numbers
- Count up to 10 while moving to the beat of a drum.
- Hold up 10 fingers.
- Draw the number 10 in the sand/floor/ground and walk on it.
- Jump 10 times.
- Place cut-out cardboard numbers in a” feely bag”.
Large number symbol flash cards.
- Have a set of flash cards with pictures representing the number e.g. two balls on a card
with number 2. The learner “feels” the numbers in the bag and matches them with the
Week 37 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Concrete using 3-D objects Cards with learner’s telephone numbers
Count objects Let the learners:
- Pack out their telephone numbers using the large number symbol cards. Make them aware
of the zero which represents the number 10.
- Develop an awareness of number conservation by letting learners pack five counters or
any objects in different ways e.g.
1 7
4 3
9 2
When counting, the number of objects is not affected by their size, or position, or whether they
are of the same type. For example:
- Arrange 10 buttons, 10 pencils, 10 hoops, 10 learners etc.
- Count them in a different order e.g. count them spread out, close together, in a line or
stacked up
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Count objects Let the learners on the teacher’s instructions:
- Place objects into groups that involve numbers 1 to 10 and count the objects aloud. Objects in the classroom
The teacher divides the learners into 5 groups.
Let the learners:
- Order and link the picture cards, the dot flash cards, the number symbols and the number
names in the correct sequence up to the number 10 e.g.
A set of picture cards up to the number 10
Week 37 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 • Play a pattern game – “Hop scotch” 1 day
Geometric Integrate with Physical Education in Life Skills
- Move around the room. On a signal, or when the music stops, the teacher calls out the The example of the given pattern drawn
name of a shape. The learners form that shape with their fingers. They can also form on the floor/ground/verandah
groups and form the shape with their bodies.
- Draw the pattern below on the floor/ ground or the veranda for the learners to move in a
specific way.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 Concrete using 3-D objects Each learner receives the following
shapes:Each learner receives the
Geometric - Each learner receives the following shapes:
following shapes:
Week 37 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
Concrete using 3-D objects Chalkboard
Let the learners do the following on the chalkboard:
- Draw circles and continue going around and around
- Draw lines up and down.
- The teacher draws two dots and the learners draw a line to join them.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
5.1 • Reinforce the concept of data handling 1 day
Collect and sort Concrete using 3-D objects
- The teacher discusses and finds out how each learner comes to school.
- She compiles a pictograph representing the learners walking, coming by taxi, with a
parent’s car and arriving by bus e.g.
Magazine pictures of a taxi, a bus, a car
sorted collection
and a learner walking. If you don’t have
of objects
pictures improvise and draw your own
4 2 3 1
- Analyse the results through questions
Discuss and
report on sorted
collection of
Week 38 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the knowledge gained in week 37 that involves the number 0 to 10 1 day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 10.
Count forwards and backwards up to 10.
Rote counting 0-10 or
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting: only select some of
the activities
Teacher packs 6 objects in a row. Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”. Number rhymes and songs
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 10 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
- The teacher draws 11 (0 to 10) circles on the playground or use hoops. Write numbers 0 to
10 inside each circle. The teacher calls a number and a learner throws his bean bag into
the circle called out. 10 beanbags
- Remind learners that 0 means nothing. If a learner throws a bean bag in the “zero circle” Drawn circles in the sand/ground or on
he/she will be out of the game. the floor or use hoops
- The learner throws his/her bean bag into the circle corresponding with the dot and/or
picture card shown by the teacher.
- The learner throws his/her bean bag into the circle shown on the number symbol card
shown by the teacher.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 • Introduce ordinal numbers - first, second, third, up the sixth..... last 1 day
Describe, This concept is best developed over time and through the use and labelling of natural situations as they
compare and occur in the classroom e.g. lining up to go outside “Siya is first, Helen is second .......”
order numbers
- Let learners run a race. Who came first, who came second, and who came last?
Play a game – “Which one is it”?
- Ask five learners to sit in a row on five chairs.
- The teacher says: “I`m thinking of one of these learners. The learner is wearing a red jersey.”
- Starting with the learner sitting in front, she moves along the row, touches each learner and asks: “Is
it the first, the second, the third......... learner?
Let 5 learners stand on the steps outside. The teacher places the correct number symbol card under each
child on the steps.
Show me which learner is standing on the:
- First step.
Five chairs
- Second step.
A set of number symbol cards that
- Third step etc. involve the numbers 1 to 10
The learner on the first step holds up the number symbol card only after the answer has come from his/ Improvise if there are no steps
her classmates. Proceed up to the number 6.
Week 38 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.7 • Orally solve word problems (story sums) that involve the number 10 1 day
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 10.
Count forwards and backwards up to 10.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 10 times.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 The learners close their eyes and identify the sound of the bell, or the whistle or the musical
orientation and - The learners close their eyes and identify where the sound comes from. They can first
views throw a bean bag in the direction of the noise and later communicate where the noise is A bell
e.g. in the front of the classroom, close to the book corner etc. A whistle
- The teacher instructs 4 learners to stand against the side walls of the classroom. 4 learners Any musical instrument
in four sides of the classroom, each with a different instrument (bell, whistle, musical
instrument and two blocks). Two wooden blocks
- The teacher indicates with her hand to individual learners to make a noise with their
instrument e.g. only the bell.
- The rest of the class indicates where the sounds come from by pointing in the direction of,
for example, the bell.
- To reinforce the left and right concept, send the two learners standing in the front and at
the back of the classroom back to the rest of the group.
- Repeat the same activity focusing on sounds coming from the left and the right side of the
- The learners say “left” when the sound comes from the left hand side and “right “when the
sound comes from the right hand side.
Week 38 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
4.2 Concretely compare and order objects using appropriate vocabulary to describe length A height chart
Length • Measure the height of the learners with a tape measure A tape measure
- Refer to the first and third terms when the learner’s heights were measured using hands on
Height Chart
the height chart.
- Measure the height of the learners again.
- The teacher puts a tape measure next to the pictures of hands on the height chart.
- Learners’ heights are measured once again.
- Make learners aware that we are using a standard measuring tool and this is what mommy
uses when making dresses.
- Now they are not 10 hands tall but one meter 10 cm tall.
- Learners can compare their height. Who is the tallest/ shortest in the class?
Concrete using 3-D shapes
- A learners lies on the floor, and the others place building blocks (same size) in a line
alongside the learner’s body.
- Teacher gives an instruction: “Build something that is longer/shorter than your friend”
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 • Reinforce the meaning of number 10 1 Day
Count objects Oral: Count everyday objects up to 10.
Count forwards and backwards up to 10.
Rote counting 0-10 Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce ordinal counting:
Teacher packs 6 objects in a row.
Point at each object while counting first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth.
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 10 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
Let the learners:
- Say a number rhyme using ten fingers.
- Count the number of times the teacher taps on the table and copy her.
- Clap your hand ten times.
- Count in time to a regular beat while learners walk down steps, hop in and out of hoops.
- Stamp feet in time to a regular beat. Bean bags and a basket
- Ten learners stand in a circle with a basket in the centre each with a beanbag. Let the
learners throw their beanbag into a basket and continue up to the number 10. Learners
must count aloud while throwing. Repeat the activity until all the learners have had a turn.
Week 39 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.1 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
Count objects Divide learners into smaller groups.
- The teacher provides learners with number puzzles.
- The learners discover and investigate all the possibilities.
- Learners can throw a dice to determine which number puzzle to build.
number s 1 up to 10
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 • Reinforcing addition and subtraction with answers up to 10
Addition and Oral: Count everyday objects up to 10.
Count forwards and backwards up to 10. Number songs and rhymes
Reinforce counting in two’s using number rhymes
Reinforce the concepts of “many” and “few”
Clap hands many times …… STOP.
Clap hands fewer times. Teacher claps up to 10 times.
Ask question which number of claps was most/least.
- The teacher calls 5 learners to the front and keeps on adding one more learner up to the
number 10.
- The learners count aloud.
5 and 1 ➝ 6. (Say: Five and one gives six)
6 and 1 ➝ 7.
7 and 1 ➝ 8.
8 and 1 ➝ 9.
9 and 1 ➝ 10.
- The teacher sends the learners back and the learners count backwards.
10 take away 1 ➝ 9
9 take away 1 ➝ 8
10 take away 2 ➝ 8
Concrete using 3-D objects 10 counters for each learner
The learners sit on the carpet. Each learner has 10 counters and a plastic lid.
Let the learners follow instructions: Plastic lids e.g. lid of ice-cream
- Pack 4 counters on your lid. Add 4 more. How many altogether?
6 and 4 ➝ 0
- Pack 10 counters. Take away 5. How many are left? etc.
Week 39 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.13 Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures Picture flash cards that involve the
numbers 1 to 10
Addition and - Count the 8 objects on the picture card. If you add the picture card with 2 objects on, how
subtraction many will you have now?
- 8 and 2 ➝ 10. Pack the same number of counters. Counters
- Count the 10 objects on the pictures card. If you cover 3 of the objects, how many can you
see? 10 take away 3 ➝ 7. Pack the same number of counters.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
1.4 Concrete using 3-D objects
Describe, - Place 10 counters, 6 counters and 4 counters on a table. Counters
compare and - Without counting guess the number of counters/blocks on the table
order numbers
- Teacher asks: “Are there more than 7 counters?” “Is it about the same, just more than, just
less than, just fewer than, enough, not enough?”
- Teacher says: “Check your answer by counting the counters.” “How close was your
Week 39 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Describe two or more 3-D objects in relation to one another 1 day
Position, • Reinforce Left and Right
orientation and
- The teacher places left and right footsteps all around the classroom. Paper foot prints marked “left’ and “right”
- The learners crawl with the same arm and the same knee moving simultaneously
- Walk on them for example on their way to the washbasin
The teacher ties a piece of red wool on each learner’s right palm.
The teacher gives instructions.
- Lift your left leg.
- Put your right foot on the chair.
- Touch your left knee with your right elbow.
- Pull your left ear with your right hand.
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
3.1 Concrete using 3-D objects
Position, - The teacher put 7 tins on the table.
orientation and - Let the learners say which number is on the left of number 3, which number is on the right
views of number 6, which number is between 3 and 6.
- Which number is first and which number is last.
1 2 Numbered tins.
3 4 5 6 7
o 1
- The teacher places 3 dolls/cars with clearly distinguishable clothing or colours on the table.
- She asks questions such as:
o Which doll/car oneeis on the left?
o Which doll /car is on
t the right? Three dolls or cars.
o Which doll/car is ine
middle? Which doll/car is first/last?
Semi-concrete using 2-D shapes or pictures
- During Visual Art s the learners make paint prints using their left and right hands.
- Cut out and paste on a sheet indicating the left and right foot.
2.1 • Create own pattern Shapes and pattern cards. 1 day
Geometric Concrete using 3-D objects
- Learners initially copy patterns from given patterns.
- Eventually learners create their own pattern and describe their own pattern.
Week 39 Suggested Contact Time :
One teacher-guided planned class activity (ring) of ± 30 minutes per day (± 5 Mathematics activities per week)
Topic Clarification Notes Recommended Resources
2.1 Pegboard work: Pegboards and pegs.
Geometric Let the learner use first his right and then his left hand, then both hands together to place the Patterns for learners to copy from.
patterns pegs on the pegboard.
- The teacher tells the learners where to place the pegs e.g.
o In the top row.
o In the bottom row.
Operations Count objects Counts backwards and forwards (0-10)
Counts in two’s (Number songs and rhymes)
Understands the concepts of “many and few” (clapping)
Understands which number of claps are more/less, most/least
Identifies number pictures and dot cards from 0-10
Knows the number symbols 8, 9, 10 and 0 and
Recognizes the number names eight, nine and ten and zero
Completes simple number sequences from the numbers 1-10
1.4 Recognises and identifies numbers in familiar context - e.g. age, register
Describe, compares and orders numbers Distinguishes between more, less, equal, most and least up to the number 10
Understands ordinal numbers – first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth
1.6 Uses concrete apparatus
Problem solving techniques
Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or concrete objects
1.7 and 1.13 Orally solves addition and subtraction problems that involves numbers up to the number 10
Addition and subtraction
Patterns and 2.1 Copies, extends and creates own auditory patterns
Functions Geometric patterns Understands the game “hop scotch”
Space and Shape 3.1 Knows the concepts next to, between and middle, left and right
(Geometry) Position, orientation and views Understands the concepts: forwards and backwards, up and down, upwards and downwards, left
and right
3.2 Able to build at least a 24 piece puzzle
3-D objects and 3.3 2-D shapes Recognises and identifies the circle, triangle, square and rectangle
3.4 Recognises the line of symmetry In objects
Measurement 4.2 Understands that objects are also measured by using a tape measure
Data Handling 5.1 Able to collect, sort, draw, read and represent (analyse) objects according to one attribute
Collect and sort objects
Represent sorted collection of objects
Discuss and report on sorted collection of objects
Section 4: assessment
4.1. Introduction
Assessment is a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the
performance of learners, using various forms of assessment. It involves four steps:
- using this information to understand and thereby assist the learner’s development in order to improve the process
of learning and teaching.
Assessment should be both informal (Assessment for Learning) and formal (Assessment of Learning). In both cases
regular feedback should be provided to learners to enhance the learning experience.
In the Foundation Phase, the main techniques of formal and informal assessment are observation by the teacher, oral
discussions, practical demonstrations and written recording. Grade R assessment should be mainly oral and practical.
Assessment for learning is the process of continuously collecting information on a learner’s achievement. This is
also called informal assessment. It is a daily monitoring of learners’ progress. This is done through observations,
discussions, practical demonstrations, informal classroom interactions, etc. It should not be seen as separate from
learning activities taking place in the classroom. Informal assessment enables the teacher to monitor learner’s
progress and to make daily instructional decisions. Informal assessment is used:
At times the teacher may keep a checklist or use an observation schedule as a way of recording learners’ progress.
At times learners or the teacher may mark an exercise. However, informal assessment does not become part of the
learners’ formal record. The results of informal daily assessment tasks are not taken into account for promotion and
certification purposes.
All assessment tasks that make up a formal programme of assessment for the year are regarded as Formal
Assessment. Formal assessment tasks are marked and formally recorded by the teacher for progression and
certification purposes. Formal assessment provides teachers with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners
are progressing in a grade and in a particular subject.
The teacher can only observe about 10 learners at a time, therefore formal assessment tasks will happen mainly in
small group focused sessions and it will take a few days to assess the whole class. All the materials and apparatus
that learners normally use should be available as usual, (counters, number charts, etc.)
A variety of forms of assessment (observation, oral, practical and written) should be used to give each learner the
opportunity to demonstrate what he or she can do. This is because some learners are more easily able to show what
they know in some forms of assessment. For example,
- Other learners may not be at the required level of competence in the language of learning and teaching.
Assessment tasks in Mathematics need to include activities and exercises that are not language based, and not
reading dependent, to reflect the real abilities of these learners.
However, cognisance should also be taken of what is being assessed. Certain knowledge and skills are best
assessed with particular forms of assessment. Different kinds of assessments are appropriate to the skills and
concepts necessary for different topics at different age groups. It is useful to use an observation checklist to assess
learners measuring in the early grades. Rubrics can be used to evaluate learner’s problem solving skills.
Formal Mathematics Assessment Tasks include more than one topic in Mathematics. The Assessment Tasks over the
year need to cover all Content Areas and Topics, but not everything in the curriculum needs to be formally assessed
or formally reported upon. Numbers, Operations and Relationships make up 60% of Mathematics in Grade R. This
means that 60% of the formal assessment each term and over the year should be focused on Numbers, Operations
and Relationships.
Each formal assessment task should not be seen as a single event or test. Some of the criteria can be assessed at
the same time, but others will be assessed at different times. For example if learners skip counting skills are being
assessed, their ability to do the following could be assessed in the same exercise or event:
- Counts
However, if an Assessment activity contains both solving problems by grouping / sharing, and assessing learners’
ability to measure capacity; it is more likely that these aspects of mathematics will be assessed at different times and
in different ways.
Recording is a process in which the teacher documents the level of a learner’s performance in a specific assessment
task. It indicates learner progress towards the achievement of the knowledge as prescribed in the Curriculum and
Assessment Policy Statements. Records of learner performance should provide evidence of the learner’s conceptual
progression within a grade and her / his readiness to progress or being promoted to the next grade. Records of
learner performance should also be used to verify the progress made by teachers and learners in the teaching and
learning process.
CAPS 265
Reporting is a process of communicating learner performance to learners, parents, schools, and other stakeholders.
Learner performance can be reported in a number of ways. These include report cards, parents’ meetings, school
visitation days, parent-teacher conferences, phone calls, letters, class or school newsletters, etc. Teachers in all
grades report in percentages against the subject. The various achievement levels and their corresponding percentage
bands are as shown in the Table below.
4.6 General
4.6.1 National policy pertaining to the progrmme and promotion requirements of national Curriculam statement
Grades R-12; and
4.6.2 The policy document, National Protocol for Assessment Grades R-12
Exemplar assessment checklists are given for Grades R below. The aim is to assist teachers to plan and implement
formal assessment in a continuous way.
Checklist for Term 1 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Numbers, Counting Estimates and rote counts up to 5 (Number songs &
Operations rhymes included to develop number concept)
Relationships Number Recognises numbers in familiar context- e.g. age, register
Understands ordinal numbers (e.g. during toilet routine)
Number sense Understands one-to-one correspondence (Helpers’ chart
during refreshment time)
Identify and Identifies number pictures and dot cards that involve
describe whole number one
Knows the number symbol 1
Recognizes the number name one
Solving problems Uses concrete apparatus
Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or
concrete objects
Checklist for Term 1 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Patterns Copy, extend Identifies patterns in the environment
Functions and and create own
Algebra patterns Copies, extends and creates own patterns
Recognise, identify Recognises, identifies and names his/her own symbol, his/
and name 2-D her peers symbol and the class name
Builds at least a 6 piece puzzle
Shows the ability to distinguish between objects in the
“foreground and background”
Geometric shapes Identifies and recognises the circle
Identifies and recognises the triangle
Identifies and recognises the square
Describe, sort Compares which of two given collection of objects are
and compare 3-D bigger, smaller, biggest, smallest
objects according
to: Sorts objects in:
Size - big and small,
Colour – Primary colours (red, yellow, blue)
Shape – circle ,triangle and square
Objects that roll
Objects that slide
Recognise line of Recognises line of symmetry in Self
symmetry in:
Spatial Relations: Knows in front of/behind,
The position of two Knows on top of, on, under, below,
or more objects
in relation to the Knows in, out,
Knows up, down
Directionality Understands the concepts: forwards, backwards, front and
Measurement Time Uses words like day, night, light and dark, morning,
afternoon tonight to describe time of the day
Orders recurring events in own daily life (Daily
Shows and awareness of days of the week, seasons and
Knows own birthday date
Length Distinguishes between tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter,
shortest (Height chart)
Data Handling Collect, sort, draw, Able to collect, sort, draw, read and represent (analyse)
read and represent objects according to one attribute
CAPS 267
Checklist for Term 2 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Numbers, Counting Estimates and rote counts up to 7 (number songs and
Operations rhymes included to develop number concepts)
Relationships Counts backwards and forwards (1-4)
Understands the concepts “many and few” (clapping)
Number Recognition Recognises numbers in familiar context - e.g. house
number, address register
Identify and Identifies number pictures and dot cards
describe whole
numbers Knows the number symbols 1, 2, 3 ,4
Recognizes the number names two, three and four
Number sense Understands one-to-one correspondence (Helpers’ chart
during refreshment time)
Distinguish between more, less and equal, many and few
up to 4
Recognises the different South African coins
Solving problems Uses concrete apparatus
Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or
concrete objects
Orally solves addition and subtraction problems up to
number 4
Patterns, Copy, extend Copies, extends and creates own patterns (objects,
Functions and and create owns shapes and coins)
Algebra patterns
Space and Recognise, identify Builds at least a 12 piece puzzle
Shape and name 2-D
(Geometry) shapes Shows the ability to distinguish between objects in the
“foreground and background” (assess again)
Geometric shapes Recognise, identify and names the triangle
Understands form constancy of triangle (Shape
Describe , sort Compares which of two given collection of objects are
and compare 3-D long, longer; short/shortest
objects according
to: Sorts objects in
Size – long and short
Colours - (red, yellow, blue and green)
Build 3-D objects Explores with building blocks
using concrete
Recognise line of Recognises line of symmetry in self and own environment
symmetry in:
Able to cross the mid-line
Spatial Relations Understands the position of two or more objects in relation
to the learner
- On, under
Checklist for Term 2 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Measurement Time Understands the days of the week, seasons and weather
chart (Songs and rhymes - assess again)
Knows own birthday (assess again)
Length Distinguish between longest, shortest, longer, shorter
(Height chart)
Data Handling Collect, sort, draw, Able to collect, sort, draw, read and represent (analyse)
read and represent objects according to one attribute
Checklist for Term 3 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Numbers, Counting Estimates and rote counts up to 7 (number songs and
Operations rhymes included to develop number concept)
Relationships Counts backwards and forwards (1-7)
Knows which number of claps are more/less
Number Recognises numbers in familiar context - e.g. age,
Recognition register (assess again)
Identify and Identifies number pictures and dot cards up to number 7
describe whole
numbers Knows the number symbols 5, 6, 7
Recognises the number names five, six, seven
Number sense Distinguishes between more, less and equal, many and
few up to 7
Recognises the colour as well as the different animals on
South African notes
Solving problems Uses concrete apparatus
Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or
concrete objects
Orally solves addition and subtraction problems up to 7
Patterns, Copy, extend Copies, extends and creates own patterns using pictures
Functions and and create owns
Algebra patterns
CAPS 269
Checklist for Term 3 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Space and Recognise, identify Builds at least an 18 piece puzzle
Shape and name 2-D
(Geometry) shapes/pictures
Geometric shapes Recognises, identifies and names the square
Understands form constancy of shapes learnt up to date
(Shape conservation)
Build 3-D objects Builds from a given construction example
using concrete
materials Copies a construction from a design or picture card
Checklist for Term 4 assessment
Content Area Content Criteria √ or x Comments
Number and Counting Estimates and rote counts up to 10 (number songs and
Number rhymes included to develop number concept)
Counts backwards and forwards (0-10)
Counts in two’s (Number songs and rhymes)
Understands the concepts of “many and few” (clapping)
Understands which number of claps are more/less, most/
Number Recognises and identifies numbers in familiar context - e.g.
Recognition age, register
Identify and Identifies number pictures and dot cards from 0-10
describe whole
numbers Knows the number symbols 8, 9, 10 and 0 and
Recognises the number names eight, nine and ten and
Completes simple number sequences from the numbers
Number sense Distinguishes between more, less, equal, most and least
up to the number 10
Understands ordinal numbers – first, second, third, forth,
fifth and sixth
Solving problems Uses concrete apparatus
Explains own thinking in words and through drawings or
concrete objects
Orally solves addition and subtraction problems that
involves numbers up to the number 10
Patterns, Copy, extend Copies, extends and creates own auditory patterns
Functions and and create owns
Algebra patterns Understands the game “hop scotch”
CAPS 271