NOTES 236B Banking Finance I
NOTES 236B Banking Finance I
NOTES 236B Banking Finance I
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Unit 1: Indian Banking System
Banking in India in the modern sense originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The first banks
were Bank of Hindustan (1770-1829) and The General Bank of India, established 1786 and since
The largest bank, and the oldest still in existence, is the State Bank of India.
Three banks merged in 1921 to form the Imperial Bank of India, which, upon India's independence,
became the State Bank of India in 1955.
1. Colonial era
During the period of British rule merchants established the Union Bank of Calcutta in 1829, first as a
private joint stock association, then partnership. Its proprietors were the owners of the earlier
Commercial Bank and the Calcutta Bank, who by mutual consent created Union Bank to replace these
two banks.
Union Bank was incorporated in 1845 but failed in 1848.
The Allahabad Bank, established in 1865 and still functioning today.
HSBC established itself in Bengal in 1869.
The next was the Punjab National Bank, established in Lahore in 1895.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
The RBI set up a number of committees to define and co-ordinate banking technology. These have
included: -
1. In 1984 formed the Committee on Mechanisation in the Banking Industry
2. In 1988, the RBI set up the Committee on Computerization in Banks
3. In 1994, Committee on Technology Issues relating to Payment systems, Cheque Clearing and
Securities Settlement.
4. In 1995, Committee for proposing Legislation on Electronic Funds Transfer and other Electronic
Total numbers of ATMs installed in India by various banks as on end June 2012 is 99,218
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
RBI ( owned & Controlled by the Government)
Monopoly of note – issue
Act as a Banker to the Government
Act as a friend, philosopher & guide to all banks in the country.
Regulation & Control of credit.
Does not directly deal with public.
Indirectly help Agriculture & Industry.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Directly deal with public.
Accepting Deposits
Making business loans.
Offering basic investment products.
Voluntary Concern
An enterprise formed and directed by an association of users,
applying within itself the rules of democracy and
Directly intended to serve both its own members and the community as a whole.
(a) IDBI
Industrial Development Bank of India
1964 as subsidiary bank of RBI.
Direct assistance to large & medium Industries
Indirect assistance to tiny & small- Scale Industries.
1976 de-linked from RBI.
Resulted in enlargement of its role in functioning.
Small Industries Development Bank of India
Started in April 1990
Subsidiary of IDBI.
Refinancing after loans granted by other financial Industries.
Discounting & rediscounting of bills arising out of sale of capital goods produced.
Rediscounting of short term bills in the small scale sector.
National Bank for Agricultural & Rural Development
Established in 1982.
Combining the agricultural credit department and rural planning and credit cell of the RBI & the
Agricultural Refinance & Development Corporation.
Credit Functions.
Developmental Functions.
Regulatory Functions.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
(e) IIBI
Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India(1971)
Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India(IRBI) with effect from March 1985.
March 1987 renamed as IIBI.
Grants loans & advances to Industries.
Underwrites stocks, shares, bonds & debentures.
Guarantees loans & deferred payments on behalf of the industrial concerns.
Acts as an agent of the central & state Government, RBI, SBI & other financial Institutions.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Competition in market
Post office
Financial Institution
Foreign Banks
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
The Preamble of the Reserve Bank of India describes the basic functions of the Reserve Bank as :
“To regulate the issue of Bank Notes and keeping of reserves with a view to securing monetary
stability in India and generally to operate the currency and credit system of the country to its
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
The main features of the present currency system in India are given below:
1. Coins:
The main developments in Indian coins, particularly after independence, are as follows:
(i) The Indian rupee coin is a token coin and is made of nickel.
(ii) From April 1, 1957, decimal coins system was introduced in India. Under this system, the Indian
rupee was divided into 100 naya paisa. The nomenclature of naya paisa has now been changed to simply
One rupee coin, one rupee note and the coins of lower denomination are issued by the Ministry of
Finance, Government of India.
The rupee and the half rupee coin are unlimited legal tender, while other coins are limited tender up to
2. Currency Notes:
With the exception of one-rupee notes, all other notes are issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
The Reserve Bank of India maintains a separate Issue Department which deals with issuing of the
currency notes.
At present, notes of rupees 1, 5, 10, 20, 50,100, 200, 500 and 2000 denominations are in circulation. All
these notes are convertible into each other and are unlimited legal tender.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
maintained by the Reserve Bank is Rs. 200 cores, of which not less than Rs 115 crores should be kept in
gold coins and bullion.
Thus, the present system of issuing notes in India is based on the minimum reserve method. The chief
merit of this system is that it is perfectly elastic; supply can be increased up to any limit. But, there is
also the danger of over-issue and inflation under such a purely managed system.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
In a recent attempt to deal with the grave balance of payments crisis facing the country, the Reserve
Bank of India, in two stages, i.e., on July 1 and 3, 1991, devalued Indian rupee by 8.97 % to 10.15% and
10.58% to 12.31 % respectively against the four major world currencies, i:e. the U. S. dollar, the pound
sterling, the Deutsch mark and the Japanese yen.
Thus, together the devaluation in two phases worked out to be more than 20%. Consequently, the dollar
increases in value in terms of Indian rupee from Rs. 21.14 to Rs. 25.88; the pound from Rs. 34.36 to Rs.
41.50; the mark from Rs.11.75 to Rs. 14.10; and the yen from 15.22 paise to 1862.
The broad policy goals of devaluation were (a) to boost Indian exports, (b) to reduce Indian imports, (c)
to encourage import substitution and (d) to check the flight of capital from the country.
6. Exchange Control:
Exchange control was introduced in India during the World war II. But, even after independence, the
policy of strict exchange control continued. The shortage of foreign exchange and the need for the same
necessitated the adoption of this measure.
The purpose of exchange control after independence was to conserve country’s foreign exchange
resources and to permit their proper use for the country’s economic development.
Under the system of exchange control, all foreign exchange payments are to be made through the
Reserve Bank of India; exporters must surrender all foreign exchange earnings to the RBI in exchange
for Indian currency; imports are strictly restricted and foreign exchange is made available to the selected
importers through rationing.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Whenever the banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow it from the central bank. Repo rate is
the rate at which our banks borrow currency from the central bank.
A reduction in the repo rate will help banks to get Money at a cheaper rate.
When the repo rate increases borrowing from the central bank becomes more expensive.
In order to increase the liquidity in the market, the central bank does it.
The present repo rate is 4.00%.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
They have grown faster and bigger over the two decades since liberalisation using the latest technology,
providing contemporary innovations and monetary tools and techniques.
The private sector banks are split into two groups by financial regulators in India, old and new. The old
private sector banks existed prior to the nationalisation in 1969 and kept their independence because
they were either too small or specialist to be included in nationalisation. The new private sector banks
are those that have gained their banking license since the liberalisation in the 1990s.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) came in picture in 1935 and became the centre of every other bank taking
away all the responsibilities and functions of Imperial bank. Between 1969 and 1980 there was rapid
increase in the number of branches of the private banks. In April 1980, they accounted for nearly 17.5
percent of bank branches in India. In 1980, after 6 more banks were nationalised, about 10 percent of the
bank branches were those of private-sector banks. The share of the private bank branches stayed nearly
same between 1980 and 2000.
Then from the early 1990s, RBI's liberalisation policy came in picture and with this the government
gave licenses to a few private banks, which came to be known as new private-sector banks.
There are two categories of the private-sector banks: "old" and "new".
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
The old private-sector banks have been operating since a long time and may be referred to those banks,
which are in operation from before 1991 and all those banks that have commenced their business after
1991 are called as new private sector banks.
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited was the first private bank in India to receive license
from RBI as a part of the RBI's liberalization policy of the banking sector, to set up a bank in the
private-sector banks in India.
Historically, the private sector banks played a crucial role in the growth of joint stock banking in India.
The first half of the 20th century witnessed phenomenal growth of private sector banks. As a result in
1951, there were 566 private banks of which 474 were non-scheduled and 92 scheduled classified on the
basis of their capital size.
The role of private sector banking started declining when the Government of India entered banking
business with the establishment of State Bank of India in 1955 and subsequently two rounds of bank
nationalization one in July 1969 (14 major banks), another in April 1980 (takeover of 6 banks).
Consequently, the presence of public sector banks has increased.
At present, there are 32 private banks comprising of 24 old banks, which existed prior to 1993-94 and
eight new private banks, which were established during 1993- 94 and onwards after the RBI announced
guidelines in January 1993 for establishment of new banks in private sector following the
recommendations of Narasimham Committee-I (1991). Compared to New private sector banks, the old
banks are smaller in size.
For example, at end March 2000, the average net worth of the 24 Old Private Banks (OPBs) was
Rs.179.67 Crore per OPB compared to that of the New Private Bank (NPB) at Rs. 479.88 Crore per
NPB. The OPBs are essentially regional in character although some of them have scattered presence in
areas other than in and around the areas of their origin. The number of branches of the NPBs was 999 at
end March 2003, while those of OPBs 3491.
The paid-up capital shall not be 113 less than Rs. 100 Crore. The new guidelines issued in 2001 raised
the minimum paid-up capital to Rs. 200 Crore, which shall be enhanced to Rs. 300 Crore within three
years after the commencement of business. The promoters' share shall not be less than 40 per cent and
the voting right of a shareholder shall not exceed 10 per cent. The new banks should avoid shortcomings
such as unfair concentration of credit, cross-holding of industrial groups, etc.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Those banks which intent to establish main office in a centre where no banking is having such office is
to be preferred. These banks are required to observe priority sector lending targets as applicable to other
domestic banks. The guidelines aim at ensuring that the new entrants are ab initio financially viable and
technologically up-to-date While granting approvals for OPBs, one of the considerations before the RBI
was that the new banks would start functioning in a professional manner giving clear signals to the
effect that would improve the image of commercial banking system and give confidence to the
depositing public.
Accordingly, nine banks were set-up in private sector including some by development financial
institutions. Prominent among them are ICICI Bank, GTB, HDFC and IDBI bank. Another interesting
development was merger of some banks. Bareily Corporation Ltd merged with Bank of Baroda in 1999,
Times Bank merged with HDFC Bank in 1996, Bank of Madura Ltd merged with ICICI bank in 2001
and Nedungadi Bank Ltd merged with Punjab National Bank in 2003.
With regard to branch expansion, banks attaining capital adequacy norms and prudential accounting
standards can set up new branches without the prior approval of RBI. Banks have the freedom to
rationalize their existing branch network by relocating branches, opening of specialized branches,
spinning off business, setting up of controlling offices, etc.
The New Private Sector Banks started publishing balance sheets since 114 1995-96. In that year the
share of OPBs in total assets was 6.2 per cent while that of NPBs was 1.4 per cent. The NPBs had
improved their market share to 5.3 per cent by 1999-2000 at the cost of PSBs. The share of private
sector banks in the total number of branches in 1992-93 was only 8.33 percent. In 2002-03, the share of
private sector banks in total bank branches is 8.75 percent.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Their Board of directors mainly consists of locally prominent personalities from trade and business circles. One
of the positive points of these banks is that, they lean heavily on service and technology and as such, they are
likely to attract more business in days to come with the restructuring of the industry round the corner.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Banks help in Capital Formation: Banks mobilize the idle and dormant capital of a community and
make it available for productive purposes. In fact, banks have designed a number of schemes to attract
the prospective customers to encourage the habit of savings among the people.
Banks are the Creator of Money: Banks are described as factories of credit. They have the power to
create money and it helps in the economic development of the country.
Banks act as a link between the organized and unorganized sectors: In India, money market consists
of organized and unorganized sectors. Both of them are required to be linked for economic development
of the country and this function is performed by banks.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Banks help in the effective implementation of monetary policy: The effective implementation of
monetary policy can be done only through properly organized banking system of the country.
Banks help in the development of agriculture and industries: The development of a country not only
depends on the industrial development but also on the development of agriculture. The banks cater to the
financial needs of these sectors which result in the economic development of the country.
Banks act as catalyst in social change: In India banks are regarded as catalysts in bringing the desired
social change in community. Banks are able to achieve the desired change through it sectoral priorities
and other social development programmes.
Banks help in the development of entrepreneurship: Banks have special drives and specific schemes
for the development of entrepreneurship. Banks help in boosting their strength and health.
Banks regulate the flow of national savings: Banks regulate the flow of national savings. They ensure
the diversion of national savings into productive purposes.
Banks help in mitigating the effects of trade cycles: The effective banking system can help the
government in controlling the circulation of money. It helps in mitigating the effects of trade cycles in a
Banks help in maintaining the positive balance of trade: Banks also help in promoting import and
maintaining the balance of trade at a favourable position.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
2. Unnecessary Control:
From the beginning, the private sector of the country is subjected to unnecessary Government control.
Price controls imposed by the Government on certain goods have resulted in disincentive to increase
production. Rather competition among the rival producers can enlarge the production base and thereby
can reduce the prices automatically.
But in India, under the conditions of shortage, price controls,.dual pricing etc. has resulted in black
marketing and hoarding of such commodities. Moreover, the system of licensing of capacity as a
capacity restraint has also resulted in undesirable effects on the investors instead of preventing
monopolistic tendencies. It is only since 1980, unnecessary controls on the utilisation of excess capacity
and on the creation of new capacities have been either abolished or liberalized.
3. Inadequate Diversification:
The private sector has been suffering from inadequate diversification as the Government did not allow
them to participate in those basic, heavy and infrastructural sectors which were earlier reserved for the
public sector. It is only in post-1991 period, some of these areas are now opened for the private sector
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Public Sector bank means any Government Sector Bank/Institute that goes public means that issues it
share to general public. It also has a greater share of government (more than 50%) so that the main
motto of social welfare other than Maximizing Profit remains.
Whereas Private Sector Banks are those Banks where the management is controlled by Private
individuals and Government does not have any say in the management of these banks. Maximizing
profit is the basic motto.
Public Sector Bank is the bank that is owned by the Government or is the major shareholder of more
than 51% on the bank.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
In such places, RBI maintains its currency with SBI. The currency is withdrawn from these branches whenever
required by RBI.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
SBI & Its 5 ASSOCIATES According to government orders issued on February 22,2017 under the State
Bank of India Act,1955, the entire undertaking of-
Will stand transferred to and vested in STATE BANK OF INDIA from April 1,2017.
Also BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK (BMB) has merged with the country’s largest lender STATE
BANK on April 1,2017 to ensure greater banking outreach to WOMEN.
(B) Meaning
Nationalisation is a process by which the government takes over private assets and brings them under
public ownership.
Nationalisation refers to an act of taking an industry or assets into the public ownership. It is the
opposite of privatisation.
In the context of banks, it means that banks which were earlier in private sector were transferred to the
public sector by the act of nationalisation.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
were deprived of their due share in the credit. Thus, Nationalisation of bank was urgently needed for
catering funds to them.
6. Developing Banking Habits: In India more than 70% population used to stay in rural areas. It was
necessary to develop the banking habit among such a large population.
7. Monetisation Issue: Commercial banks accumulate deposits from the public. They are in a position
to bring changes in the supply of money. Such an important power should not be in the private sector. It
is the public sector that should have the control over money supply.
8. Integration Issue: Central Banks are established by the Govt, for overall monetary control in the
economy and is not aiming at profit. But commercial banks were started mainly to earn profit. Thus,
there are contradicting objectives between central bank & commercial banks.
In this situation, the central bank may find it difficult to implement its policies when the commercial
banks oppose them. Therefore, in the interest of coordination and cooperation between them,
commercial banks were nationalised.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
12. Safety: The government has given importance to safety of the banks. The RBI exercises tight control
over banks and safeguards depositors interest
13. Advances under self-employment scheme: Public sector banks play a significant role in promoting
self employment through advances to unemployed through various schemes of the government like
IRDP, JGSY, etc.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
An Ordinance for the establishment of Regional Rural Banks was passed on September 26, 1975, this
being the date of establishment of RRBs.
The Regional Rural Banks Act (RRB Act) was passed in 1976.
Five RRBs were first established on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, on October 2nd, 1975. Later, many
RRBs were established by the Government of India and respective state governments.
The RRB Act 1976 states the functions of RRBs to provide financial assistance to farmers, Medium and
Small Enterprises (MSMEs), local craftsmen and artisans, for agriculture, industries, trade, commerce,
and their economic development. 25 RRBs were established within a year from the passing of this Act.
There are currently 43 Regional Rural Banks in India.
(E) Capital
Authorised capital : The authorised capital of each Regional Rural Bank shall be five crores of rupees
dividend into five lakhs of fully paid-up shares of one hundred rupees each. Provided that the Central
Government may, after consultation with the National Bank and the Sponsor Bank, increase or reduce
such authorised capital; so, however, that the authorised capital shall not be reduced below twenty-five
lakhs of rupees, and the shares shall be, in all cases, fully paid-up shares of one hundred rupees each.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Issued capital : The issued capital of each Regional Rural Bank shall, in the first instance , be such as
may be fixed by the Central Government in this behalf, but it shall in no case be less than twenty-five
lakhs of rupees or exceed one crore of rupees.
Out of the capital issued by a Regional Rural Bank under sub- section (1), fifty per cent. shall be
subscribed by the Central Government; fifteen per cent. by the concerned State Government and thirty-
five per cent. by the Sponsor Bank.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
Allotment of Districts:
All the districts in the country.
Except – metropolitan cities of Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Union Territories of Chandigarh, Delhi
and Goa.
Later on, Union Territories of Goa, Daman and Diu, Delhi & Chandigarh – also brought into purview of
(D) Functions
1) Survey resources and development of banking in the area.
2) Survey the dependency on money lenders by industrial units, farms etc.,
3) Survey the facilities for storing (fertilizers & agricultural inputs), marketing, credit facilities for
4) Offering training to staff for advice to small borrowers & farmers in priority sectors.
5) Assist other agencies and involve co-operative banks, RRB’s, SFC’s, KVIB, NABARD.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
(E) Advantages
1. Spread the availability of banking facilities all over the country.
2. Inter link the Commercial and Cooperative banks.
3. More effective Branch Expansion.
4. Better relationship between Govt. and Banks.
5. Integration of credit activities of banks.
6. Bottlenecks in the development of a District can be located and removed.
7. Lead Bank Scheme would assist in implementation of the District Plan.
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
1. Branch can be concentrate on development of a village.
2. Duplication can be avoided.
3. Lending can be organized and planned.
4. End – use better controlled.
3. Lack of competition
In any industry, people compete with each other for the rewards and promotions. But in public sector banks, it
seems that promotions are still being given on the basis of seniority.
4. Social burden
The execution of any government’s scheme falls mainly to public sector banks.
5. Their functioning
The functioning of public sector banks seems to be totally copy-pasted from private sector banks – at least, the
core banking system, that is.
6. Political pressure
Subject: Banking and Finance I (236 B) CLASS: SYB.Com (Sem – III) (2019 PATTERN)
The heads of public sector banks are often chosen by the government. And sometimes, they (the heads) have to
return the favour.
7. Job security
Job security is ironically one of the reasons behind the low productivity in public sector banks. The employees
here are relatively at ease in comparison to their private counterparts, who are always on the edge.
These are a few issues which should be sorted out in a better way, slowly and steadily. Only then will we see a
drastic improvement in the public sector banks in the coming years.