21 Daily Routine. Checklist To Become A Top Performer
21 Daily Routine. Checklist To Become A Top Performer
21 Daily Routine. Checklist To Become A Top Performer
If we want to lose 10 kg but refuse to eat well, exercise, and change the habits that created the extra
weight in the first place, affirmations by themselves probably won't work. The same applies to our
finance and trading, if we want to become financially successful but don't set goals, have plans and act
upon them in meaningful ways, we can visualize all we want and we're probably going to remain where
we are. Maybe in some other parallel universe we have yet to experience, we only need to hope and think
about something and it will happen automatically, but here in this world we live in, action is required. If
this analogy was not good enough for you think about why can't people give up smoking or why is it so
difficult to break up a relationship with your girl-boyfriend...
No matter how many books on self-help, self-esteem or law of attraction you read, reading them will
not help you achieve your goals. A plan of action is required to attract the circumstances that will make
it happen
When we first learnt to ride a bicycle, at first it seemed impossible, didn't it? But once we got it, it was
easy, and we have never lost that ability. The same applies to trading.
The biggest hurdle is our doubt that we can do it. With practice we will find this is easier than we originally
thought, and the results that we obtain will speak for themselves.
To be successful you have to do more than just think about success; you must act in meaningful ways,
attracting the circumstances that make it happen. If we want a healthy body, a promotion in our full time
job, a million dollars, success in trading, or any other goal we have envisioned for ourselves, we need to
do more than thinking we can do it and then sit back hoping for the best.
When you believe it's possible a thousand unseen helping hands will come to your aid when we embark
on a course of action that has passion for us. Passion is key in the former statement. We must feel passion
about what we do, because passion will keep us focused, attentive and alive
It's through daily repetition that the conscious mind imprints patterns into the subconscious. This is why
I am always emphasizing the importance of a daily routine and practice. Sacrifice is needed, it sounds
unpleasant but it is not. We sacrifice watching TV so we can work out at the gym or going out for dinner
with our friends. We must not be ignorant about what is required to become successful in trading or in
life, we have to be willing to make whatever is necessary to achieve our goals.
You may think that you are in control of your behavior, unfortunately none of us is. Our behavior is
controlled by our thinking, and our thinking is controlled by our feelings and emotions, and then by our
physiology. Read about this in more detail here
Trading is emotional, we need to take control of our emotions in order to have success in trading. We
need to listen to our body and measure our emotional temperature. Our body will tell us how we feel if
we ask him and we're ready to accept what it is telling us. Don't trade when you are low, sad or very high,
you will make many mistakes.
We have to play tricks with our mind so that those emotions can be overridden. In order to achieve that,
we need to have a plan and follow it successfully. We need to create habit, repeat the same thing over
and over until our mind can't think of anything else but the newly created habit.
• Get up and get dressed as if you had to drive to your office. Most of us work from home since
we are retailers that trade for ourselves, we don't have a physical office other than our private
office at home (our bedroom, living-room, whatever). Working from home is a dream for those
that do not work from home, but it has a lot of disadvantages. The main one is that you time flies
and you can spend 10 hours in front of the computer non-stop, that would be over-trading and
over-analysis if we apply it to trading. Wake up, have breakfast, get dressed as if you had to drive
to your office down town, this will allow get your mind into thinking you are leaving home and
you have a boss (subconscious) to make happy
• My office closes at midday. Imagine you work for a company and your office closes at midday,
just 3 hours after you start working. You have to be very efficient and know what you are doing
because after that time is past you will no longer have access to your computer and you will won't
be able to make any further analysis or placing any trades till next day at 7 or 8 a.m when you
start working
• Don't run your trading platforms to watch your charts till next day. Once you have finished your
analysis, close your trading platform and do not open it till next day, it's completely forbidden.
Remember you don't have access to your trading platform since the office is closed, be efficient
and have all your work ready in 3 hours or you will have to complete on the next working day. If
somebody asks you about a trading setup or you think you have to load your trading platform to
check a doubt, you can't do it, you have no access to your office remotely
• Uninstall your trading platform from mobile. Do not install Metatrader or whatever trading
platform you are using on your mobile. Remember your office is closed and no remote access is
permitted. If your boss learns about it, you are fired. Be consequent with your actions, you might
lose your job
• Forward test with Forex Tester when your live trading hours are over. Once your office is closed,
you just can simulate price action by forward testing with Forex Tester 2 or any other software
that will allow you to hide future price action. Do not backtest or visual back test with your trading
platform (Metatrader or similar) because you will be tempted to look at current price action and
then your boss (subconscious) will know about it, you will break the rule and your emotions will
gain control again
• Practice, practice, practice. In a diet and you feel the urge to eat some sugar? Eat an apple! Still
feel the urge to trade but no access to live feed? (remember it's forbidden). Use your time to
practice and forward test
Top athletes perform well because they have rituals and routines for everything single thing they do in
life. I think we can all agree that habits are what determine our success or failure in any endeavour or
challenge in our lives, trading is not an exception. How do we develop the type of habits that will lead us
to become profitable traders? The answer is straightforward: Routine
Proper trading habits do not just magically appear out of thin air. These habits can sometimes take years
to form. Not everything is loss luckily for you because you have the power to come up with a plan and put
it into motion, a plan that will bring forth the proper trading habits. The development of positive habits,
the ones that lead to success in any field, is something you can make a conscious effort to achieve simply
by implementing consistent daily routines.
When you think about your daily trading routine, what do you think about? Do you even have one? Are
you aware that professionals, not only professional traders, but lawyers, doctors, have strict routines
whether they realize it or not? They follow these plans and routines like clock-work, everything from diet,
exercise, sleep and meditation. One thing that any successful professional has in common is that they
have gone from daily routines to ingrain those habits that virtually guarantee consistent and on-going
success in their field.
I am not talking about just having a trading plan either, I’m talking about what you do from the time you
wake up to the time you sleep, this is all part of your daily trading routine. Professional traders have
developed a daily routine that maximizes their ability to trade successfully.
This routine can take you about 1-2 hours every day, some days it can take you less, about 30 to 60 minutes
maximum. It will depend on how many instruments and which entry timeframe you are trading, as well
as how experienced you are.
Since I am on GMT +1 by living in Spain, I can trade the best 2 markets, London Open and NY Open. I have
chosen to trade the London market, since it's the biggest market and it is on my time zone. However, it
doesn't really matter which market you choose since we are focusing on swing and position trading. You
can trade at nights after work, from work or from home when you have some spare time, SD levels have
no waking time, they just exist.
The beauty of supply and demand swing trading and having a strict plan is that you don't have to be in
front of the computer all day long
One you have your HTF zones painted on your charts (D1, WK and MN), you won't have to draw them every
day. Those zones hold longer than you think on a WK/D1 and MN/WK combos. Your homework is done
from the previous day, you just have to look at your entry chart and decide if you can buy or short according
to the strict rules you should know by heart. If the decision process takes longer than 10-20 seconds, you
are in trouble, skip to the next instrument.
• Being in control of your feelings and emotions is essential for trading, you need to have a
clear mind. If you feel emotional, auto-sabotage will probably occur
• Ask yourself how you are feeling, take your emotional temperature and make an objective
2. Check what the US Dollar Index is doing, or what the major Indexes are doing if you are trading
• Forex is all about trading currencies and speculating on other countries' economies
• The US Dollar is one of the strongest ones if not the strongest. The dollar index is a major
index and key to Forex traders
• Check the S&P500 and Nasdaq indexes if trading US Stocks. Check the Nifty and Nifty bank
indexes if you are trading Indian stocks, etcetera
• If the dollar index has hit a fresh and original HTF supply, the euro and the major will
probably start bouncing off if they are also close to an opposing HTF demand area. Similar
on the major indexes
3. Check Forex Factory site to see if there are major news event coming soon
• Check the news only if you are trading H4 and lower imbalances, news are not taken into
account if trading a longer term trading sequence like Monthly, Weekly and Daily
• Create the habit of checking out FF for majors news event for the day and week
• Plan your week head with the major high impact news in mind
• News can easily remove SD levels if these are not located within a HTF zone
• Avoid unnecessary losses by staying out of the markets before, during and after major
news events
• Alternatively you can use www.myfxbook.com, it has a news calendar where you can set
alerts and receive them by email if you are logged in
• When you first load MT, which instrument will you look at first? You should pay attention
to those that are close or at HTF SD zones or have had the zone broken
• Start doing your top down analysis on all the instruments you are tracking, there is no
order in particular. I have them ordered alphabetically, I always start from AUDUSD and
end with USDxxx cross pairs
• Ignore those that are unclear and skip them during current week, don't look at them until
next week. You will do the analysis again and decide if those instruments ignored last
week are now providing a clearer picture
• Why should you start with EURUSD if that instrument is doing the same thing it was doing
yesterday? Leave it for later in the process, first things first
• Broken zones might be providing some nice long/short opportunities, if you look
at them the last you might miss those setups
• Price at HTF SD areas might have setups ready to take out, look at those first as
5. Check what the MAJORS are doing in the specific order you like the most
• For me the majors are the majors economies currencies: EURUSD, USDCHF (euro's
• Check FIRST those majors that have some HTF zone broken, then those close to a HTF SD
• Decide what direction you can take on the setups you located and place your limit orders
• Decide which conditions would prevent you from taking the trade or make you cancel
them (TL break, HTF too close, etc.)
• ALWAYS pre-plan all of your trades, do not use Market Execution orders because those
orders will be driven by your emotions. You will see that you missed a setup, trade is
already playing out, you want to be in... but you know what? You missed that train, skip
• All previous tasks are overridden by this one task. If you don't stay away from your
computer and leave your trades alone, you will be wasting your time and your money
since you will be changing them depending on your emotional status at the time
• You've been a good boy/girl by finishing your daily job quite fast and you have spare time.
What to do? Add more instrument and trade more? No way
• Use the remaining time to practice on Forex Tester, stay away from the live charts (you
are not allowed)
• Allow for at least 3 sessions (1 hour each) a week of forward testing with Forex Tester.
Recommended 5 hours a week, organize your time as you like
• Record the sessions and listen to some of them after some time
• Speak to yourself, by talking out loud you will be more objective and listen to your
thoughts, you will black out the noise
• Managing your energy is a decision factor for your trading routine or any other routine
that you have in your life
• Rituals are important, it's preferred that do the same thing at the same time and the same
way. By doing so, a new habit will be created and it will be second nature for your mind,
no further thinking will be needed to execute a routine or a habit
• Once your daily trading routine is over, enjoy your spare time, your family and friends.
Let the market do whatever it has to do, you are not in control. No matter how much you
look at the charts, you are not going to cause the move of a single pip
You may have other tasks to add to your routine, this is just what I personally do. This trading routine is
pretty simple and straight forward.
• Wake up at 7 a.m my time. I have a shower and healthy breakfast, get dressed and get everything
ready to go drive to my office Eat a good and healthy breakfast
• Analyze the charts on my account, adjust my levels and place any trades that I see
• Check your charts and apply the realignment rules to your 3 timeframes sequence and decide
what is the highest odd direction
• I scan through my charts tp identify key supply and demand levels I want to trade at
• I plan my trades, most of the time trades have been planned days before, I just double check that
rules still permit those trades
• I filter all them out and post the some potential scenarios in the forum
• After 1-2 hours I should done with my analysis and submitting the posts
• I will turn off my trading platform and will not look at the live charts till next day, the office is
• I will check the forum from time to time using my mobile but I will not load charts on my mobile
or at home, it is strictly forbidden. But I can answer any question that requires my attention
• The rest of the day is "free". I will practice with Forex Tester 1 hour a day, 3-4 times a week. It will
normally be the day when I finish very soon with everything
• Monday morning is very slow (no work normally), no work Friday afternoons
• Will read a bit, go have a walk, work out, do nothing, anything but trading!
• 1-2 times a week I will have a massage on the beach, a Chinese girl that does lovely massages.
These massages are priceless
• Free weekends to practice outdoor activities: canyoning, trekking, caving, diving, water sports, or
just beach with friends that do not share these passions and hobbies with me
• I take some days off often, and will do it more often from now on since I am trading the D1
imbalances more and more
Whilst brief and simple, the above is an example of a my daily trading routine. The biggest thing to notice
about the above routine is that I am not spending a lot of time analyzing the market or entering trades.
Instead, I am approaching the market the same way and at the same approximate times every day, this
way, by doing so my bran is primed to begin turning this low-maintenance, simple routine and trading
approach into a positive trading habit.
It’s important that you develop your own trading routine, one that makes sense with your schedule and
daily life. The same routine will likely not work for every trader.
It’s always good to remember why we got into trading in the first place. Escape the 9 to 5 daily job routine
is probably one of them, besides the monotony of work, bosses and the 'rat race and call modern-day
slavery. Keep all that in mind, I don't think you want to end up turning trading into the same exact thing
you were trying to escape. Trading is all about freedom, so don’t become a slave to the markets and your
charts. There is life out there away from the charts, don't feel passionate about trading, leave passion for
your couple, family, friends, and those things you love doing.
Create a habit!