3D Printing in Biomedical
3D Printing in Biomedical
3D Printing in Biomedical
Sydney; 3University of New South Wales, Sydney; 4Anatomics Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia; and 5Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Florida, Gainesville; 6Spinal Health International, Inc., Longboat Key, Florida; and 7ProCRO Pty. Ltd., Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia
OBJECTIVE There has been a recent renewed interest in the use and potential applications of 3D printing in the assis-
tance of surgical planning and the development of personalized prostheses. There have been few reports on the use of
3D printing for implants designed to be used in complex spinal surgery.
METHODS The authors report 2 cases in which 3D printing was used for surgical planning as a preoperative mold, and
for a custom-designed titanium prosthesis: one patient with a C-1/C-2 chordoma who underwent tumor resection and
vertebral reconstruction, and another patient with a custom-designed titanium anterior fusion cage for an unusual con-
genital spinal deformity.
RESULTS In both presented cases, the custom-designed and custom-built implants were easily slotted into position,
which facilitated the surgery and shortened the procedure time, avoiding further complex reconstruction such as har-
vesting rib or fibular grafts and fashioning these grafts intraoperatively to fit the defect. Radiological follow-up for both
cases demonstrated successful fusion at 9 and 12 months, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS These cases demonstrate the feasibility of the use of 3D modeling and printing to develop personal-
ized prostheses and can ease the difficulty of complex spinal surgery. Possible future directions of research include the
combination of 3D-printed implants and biologics, as well as the development of bioceramic composites and custom
implants for load-bearing purposes.
KEY WORDS 3D printing; model; surgery; simulation; implant; design; chordoma; lumbar fusion; cervical
he reconstruction of the spine and skull has a rich cations of 3D printing in several avenues, including manu-
and longstanding history, spanning at least 5 mil- facturing of anatomical models,4,6 customized prosthetics
lennia to include attempts in which a range of ma- and implants, and tissue and organ fabrication, as well as
terials has been used, from fruit shells, to sheep scapulae, drug delivery vehicles and discovery.7
to man-made plastics.3,14 There has been a recent renewed There have been reports of the application of 3D print-
interest in the use and potential applications of 3D printing ing for preoperative surgical planning;4,6 however, there
in these realms, as a source of customizable patient-spe- have been few reports on implant design for complex spi-
cific implants for the nuances of each patient’s individual nal surgery. With computer 3D modeling software and the
anatomy. Medical applications for 3D printing are expand- patient’s neuroimaging data, a mold of the patient’s anato-
ing at a rapid pace and are expected to revolutionize health my as well as a corresponding patient-specific implant can
care.12 Currently there is innovative research into the appli- be fabricated. We report 2 cases in which 3D printing was
ABBREVIATIONS CAD = computer-aided design; C.S.I.R.O. = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; Oc = occiput.
SUBMITTED March 29, 2016. ACCEPTED September 13, 2016.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING Published online January 20, 2017; DOI: 10.3171/2016.9.SPINE16371.
used for surgical planning as a preoperative mold, and for Part 2: Implant Design Process
a custom-designed titanium prosthesis: one patient with A transoral anterior approach was planned, which
a C-1/C-2 chordoma who underwent tumor resection and provides an extradural route to the upper cervical spine
vertebral reconstruction, and another patient with a cus- without brainstem or spinal cord retraction around the
tom-designed titanium anterior fusion cage for an unusual craniocervical junction. Given the complex anatomy and
congenital spinal deformity. challenge of surgical treatment, 3D printing technol-
ogy was used for surgical planning by constructing an
Case Reports anatomically accurate 3D plastic model of the patient’s
craniocervical anatomy. The surgeon (R.J.M.) and Ana-
Case 1 tomics Pty. Ltd. worked together on 3D computer-aided
A 63-year-old man presented to our institution with a design (CAD) software (Fig. 2A and B) and, using the
3-month history of neck and shoulder pain. The cervical plastic models, to customize a range of potential implant
CT and MRI studies demonstrated an osteolytic lesion in- models to fit the defect after tumor resection. The custom
volving the C-2 vertebral body and the anterior C-1 arch titanium-printed prosthesis was manufactured by Com-
(Fig. 1). The lesion occupied these 2 vertebrae without monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisa-
lateral extent, or growth into the vertebral foramen, but tion (C.S.I.R.O.) (Fig. 2D) based on the resection margins
extended up to the anterior epidural space at C-2. A CT- calculated from 3D modeling.
guided transoral biopsy revealed chordoma. The surgeon correlated the medical imaging data with
Tumor removals at the craniocervical junction have a 3D plastic model of the patient’s spine. A second 3D
historically been challenging and highly morbidity-pro- plastic model incorporating the proposed tumor resec-
ducing procedures. There have been only limited attempts tion was made. A semitransparent plastic model of the
at tumor resection and structural reconstruction in the anatomy was also created, with the existing posterior fixa-
area below the occiput (Oc), given the narrow operative tion highlighted in red (Fig. 2C). The red screw coloration
corridor and depth of surgical anatomy. The prognosis for combined with the semitransparency of the bone in the
chordoma located at C-1 and C-2 also is poor, with these model confirmed the position of the existing posterior fix-
2 vertebrae contributing primarily to rotation of the head. ation screws with respect to the proposed resection.
Without treatment, tumor progression will result in brain- Implant design then commenced, using global dimen-
stem, cranial nerve, and spinal cord compression, and sions implied by the resection and surgeon-provided con-
progressive instability at the craniocervical junction with cept sketches. Plastic implant prototypes were then con-
intractable pain, with eventual quadriplegia and death.5 structed for a trial fit on the resected anatomy models to
There were a number of stages to performing this pro- test various implant designs (Fig. 2C). These prototypes
cedure. were inspected by the surgeon. Further implant design
refinement was achieved. The fixation screw trajectories
Part 1: Posterior Fusion, Oc–C3 were determined by the surgeon using the plastic model
Initial occipitocervical (Oc–C3) fusion was performed and implant prototypes. The fixation screw dimensions
(Stryker OASYS) posteriorly for stability, prior to the
planned anterior tumor resection. In addition, the poste-
rior fusion was performed so that exact planning of the tu-
mor resection and patient-specific implant reconstruction
could be accomplished due to fixed anatomy joining the
skull base to the upper cervical spine and to C-3. Neuro-
navigation was possible because the skull and upper cervi-
cal spine were fixed in relative space to provide accuracy
during the procedure for navigation.
FIG. 5. A: Preoperative midsagittal CT. B: Postoperative anteroposterior radiograph. C: Postoperative lateral radiograph.
low maximum strength to support the weight of the pa- At 12-month follow-up, significant improvements were
tient while simultaneously providing a large central empty found in terms of axial back (from preoperative 10 to post-
space for bone graft delivery and containment. 2. Ensure operative 0), right leg (from preoperative 2 to postopera-
minimal support material for 3D printing to reduce post- tive 0), and left leg (from preoperative 2 to postoperative 0)
processing by being a structure that is “self-supporting” visual analog scale scores. The Oswestry Disability Index
during the building process. 3. Provide maximum sparse- also improved significantly, from 68% preoperatively to
ness to ensure the best possible postoperative imaging 0% postoperatively. The 12-month radiological follow-up
(Fig. 4 right). (Fig. 6) demonstrated solid mature fusion with no failure
The surgeon, in consultation with representatives of the of fixation and no subsidence.
involved 3D implant design and manufacture companies
(Anatomics, ProCRO), specified that the implant should
effect a lordosis change of 6°. The implant was then de- Discussion
signed around this altered geometry to meet the design Treatment of complex spinal pathologies such as a
criteria. The final design was used to manufacture the im- craniocervical junction chordoma or complex spinal con-
plant (RMIT University, Advanced Manufacturing Pre- genital deformity requires meticulous surgical technique
cinct, Carlton, Australia). The 3D-printed parts were then and considerable preplanning.13,18 In the case of the upper
checked for postprocessing as in Case 1 (Fig. 4). cervical chordoma, this particular procedure is associated
FIG. 6. Upper Row: Case 1. Nine-month follow-up radiographs showing no movement and likely fusion. Lower Row: Case 2.
Twelve-month radiographic follow-up demonstrating solid mature fusion, no failure of fixation, and no subsidence. Figure is avail-
able in color online only.
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References Robert Thompson is an employee of Anatomics Pty. Ltd., who
1. American Association for the Advancement of Science: were involved in the design and manufacture of the 3D-printed
implants reported in this study. Chester E. Sutterlin III is a repre- the article: Mobbs, Thompson, Sutterlin, Phan. Critically revising
sentative of and has ownership in ProCRO Pty. Ltd., which was the article: Mobbs, Coughlan, Phan. Reviewed submitted ver-
involved in the design and manufacture of a 3D-printed implant sion of manuscript: Mobbs, Coughlan, Phan. Study supervision:
reported in this study. Dr. Mobbs is a consultant for Stryker, Mobbs.
Kasios Biomaterials, and A-Spine Asia.
Author Contributions Ralph J. Mobbs, NeuroSpineClinic, Ste. 7, Level 7 Prince of
Conception and design: all authors. Acquisition of data: all Wales Private Hospital, Randwick, Sydney NSW 2031, Australia.
authors. Analysis and interpretation of data: all authors. Drafting email: ralphmobbs@hotmail.com.