Prehistoric Cultures

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4/3/24, 2:08 PM Pre – Historic Period for NET, IAS, State-SET (KSET, WBSET, MPSET, etc.

etc.), GATE, CUET, Olympiads etc. 2024- Examrace

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Pre – Historic Period for NET, IAS, State-SET (KSET, WBSET,

MPSET, etc.), GATE, CUET, Olympiads etc. 2024
Prehistoric Cultures in India
First evidence/earliest evidence of human skeleton
Sarai Nahar Rai (near Allahabad)
Bagaikhor and Lekhania (both in Mirzapur)
Also from Bagor (Bhil-wara, Rajasthan)
The prehistoric period dates back from 2,00, 000 BC to about 3,500 - 2,500 B. C. , which was
the first manifes­tation of human civilization on the surface of the earth.
Homo sapiens first appeared in the Indian subcontinent somewhere between 2,00, 0 00 B. C.
and 40,000 B. C. and spread across Indian subconti­nent.
The period when these people were using stones for utilitarian purpose is known as the
Stone Age, which is further divided into three broad divisions - Paleolithic Age or the Old
Stone Age (up to 8,000 B. C.) , Mesolithic or the Middle Stone Age (8,000 to 4,000 B. C.) and
the Neolithic Age, or the New Stone Age (4,000 BC to 2,500 B. C.) .

Paleolithic Age
This period can further be divided into Lower, Middle and Upper Paleolithic periods.
(a) Lower: The Lower Paleolithic period flourished from around 5,00, 000 to 10,000 B. C.
known for chopping culture and the tool were block on block, cylinder-hammer, Clactonian
and direct percussion etc. and their typology included pebble tools, scrappers and hand
Sohan valley
Narsinghapur (Narmada valley)
Bhimbetka (Raisen, M. P. , near Narmada)
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4/3/24, 2:08 PM Pre – Historic Period for NET, IAS, State-SET (KSET, WBSET, MPSET, etc.), GATE, CUET, Olympiads etc. 2024- Examrace

Nevasa (Maharashtra)
Giddilur and Karimpudi in Andhra Pradesh
Vadamdurai. Attirpakkam, and Manajan Karan in Ma­dras.
(b) Middle: The Middle Paleolithic pe­riod had the scraper/borer culture and flourished from
5,00, 000 to 10,000 B. C. This period used the Mousterian technique tools and their ty­pology
included points, bor­ers and scrappers.
Nevasa (Maharahstra)
(c) Upper: The Upper Paleolithic period had blade/burin culture and it existed from 10,000
to 8,000 B. C. It was characterized by blade manufacture through percussion and pres­sure
techniques and the ty­pology included Burins, Blades, Lunates, Knifepoints and Blunted-Back
Belan valley (Allahabad)
Renigunta (A. P)
Shorapur and Bijapur in Karnataka.

Mesolithic Age
It flourished between 8,000 to 4,000 B. C. called as ‘Microliths’ cul­ture
Grinding and polishing technique characterized it.
Tools were polished axes, chisel, ring stone, saddle quern and mullers.
Stone tools were pointed and sharp.
The domestication of ani­mals and growing of wild varieties of crops.
Ar­chaeological excavations have unearthed Mesolithic period sites in the Chotanagpur area
of Central India and the areas south of the Krishna River. The Bhimbetka caves near Bhopal
belong to the Mesolithic Age and these are famous for their cave paint­ings.
They are said to be 12,000 years old. Artists during the pre-historic age used white and red
pigments for depicting things.
Verbhanpur (West Bengal)
Langhanaj (Gujarat)
Teri Group (T. N)
Adamgarh (M. P. near Hoshangabad)
Nagor (Rajasthan)
Bagor (Bhiwara, Raj.)
Sarai Nahar Rai and Mahadaha (Pratapgarh, UP)
Sarai Nahar Rai and Mahadaha the first sites which has shown pitches on the floor, so
that pillars can be erected which in turn can support roof.
Sarai Nahar Rai has shown evidence of some hu­man attack or some form of war.
Both Adamgarh and Bagor show evidence of do­mestication of sheeps and coat.
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4/3/24, 2:08 PM Pre – Historic Period for NET, IAS, State-SET (KSET, WBSET, MPSET, etc.), GATE, CUET, Olympiads etc. 2024- Examrace

Neolithic Age
The Neolithic Age (4,000 BC to 2,500 BC) or the New Stone age was characterized by
polished tool culture. The grinding and polishing tech­nique were used.
Tool typology in­cluded polished axes, chisel, ring stone, saddle quern and mullers. This
period saw the domestication of cattle, horses and other farm ani­mals.
Major invention of this period was die wheel.
The sites of the age are found in Chotanagpur region, the upper Gangetic basin,
Karnataka and near the banks of river Narmada.
Mehrgarh (Sind-Balu-chistan border, Pakistan) has shown the earliest evidence of
agriculture from where cultivable wheat and barley՚s varieties have been found.
Burzahom ( ‘the place of birth’ ) in Srinagar, J & K.
Dog were buried along with humans.
Koldihawa (Belan valley) the first evidence (6th & 5th century BC) of cultivable rice.

Chalcolithic Age
Chalcolithic phase appeared towards the end of the Neolithic period.
These people used bronze and cop­per tools.
Found in areas from the Chotanagpur pla­teau to the upper Gangetic basin, Brahmagiri
(near Mysore) and Navada Toli on the Narmada River.

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