Forestry Notes

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Competitive Book for Agroforestry 5 th Edition

Previous Year Questions

1. Social forestry is an important program of?

1. Which state have highest percentage area of forest?
a. UP b. Bihar c. Madhya Pradesh d. Odisha e. Kerala

1. Which among the following wood is used for making plywood timber?
a. Sangwan b. Safeda c. Sandalwood d. Teak
e. Aonla

2. How much area should be covered by Forest according to forest policy 1988?
a. 28 % b. 33% c. 35 % d.60% e. 75%

1. Highest area under forest is in which state-
a. Himachal Pradesh b. Maharashtra c. Chhattisgarh
d. Arunachal Pradesh e. Madhya Pradesh

RRB-SO 2019
1. In reference to Agroforestry culture of combined stand of Woody and agricultural
species during early stage of establishment of plantation is known as:
a. Sylviya b. Silviculture c. Taungya d. Silvipastoral
e. Horticulture

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Competitive Book for Agroforestry 5 th Edition

Forestry Notes
Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use systems involving trees combined with crops
and/or animals on the same unit of land.
Agroforestry in a sustainable land use system that increase the overall production by interacting
trees, crops, live stocks simultaneous and sequentially on same unit of land and apply some
management practices which are compatible with cultural practices of local people.

Difference between social forestry and agroforestry:

Social forestry is defined as “Forestry outside the conventional forests which primarily aim at
providing continuous flow of goods and services for the benefit of people. This definition
implies that the production of forest goods for the needs of the local people is Social forestry.
Thus, social forestry aims at growing forests of the choice of the local population.
Shah (1985) stated that Conceptually Social forestry deals with poor people to produce goods
such as fuel, fodder etc. to meet the needs of the local community particularly underprivileged

Important Terms in Agroforestry:

© Pollard - tree that has formed a crown consisting of numerous branches arising from the
same height on a main stem or principle branches.

© Pollarding: If all the branches and the top part of a tree are cut off this is known as
The choice of pollarding height and frequency depends on the desired products. If the main aim
is production of timber or poles, the top of the tree should be cut as high up as possible, and the
pollarding interval should be such that the crown is kept as green and vigorous as possible for
the maximum production of trunk wood. An interval of 2-5 years is appropriate in such cases.
On the other hand, if the main aim is production of fuelwood or fodder, it is better to pollard
lower down the tree to facilitate access. Pollarding can then be done more frequently, e.g. once
a year.

© Lopping: It pertains to the cutting of branches or even young stems. This leads to the
development of new shoots. It is carried out on Diospyros (Tembhurni) for bidi industry, also in
number of broad leaved species for fuel and fodder and as Quercus incana (Indiana oak), morus
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etc, for rearing silkworm.

© Pruning: Means the cutting of branches from the bole in order to maintain the quality of

© Coppice: Many species of trees and shrubs have the ability to resprout after the whole tree
has been cut. If this ability is utilized for regeneration of the tree the practice is known as
coppicing. Coppicing can almost be regarded as a method of tree propagation since it can
substitute for the task of planting a new tree after a mature one is felled.

© Pricking out: When the seedlings have to be kept in the nursery for more than a year, it must
be transferred to beds, other than the seedling beds. This is known as pricking out or to
transplant small seedlings individually in to nursery beds or boxes.

© Tending: Tending is a board terms given to operation which are carried out for the well
being of forest crops, at any stage of it life, involving operation both on the crop itself and on its
competing vegetation e.g. weeding, cleaning, thinning, improvement feeling etc. However,
tending does not include operation concerning, regeneration such as regeneration feeling, soil
working, control burning etc.

© Felling: Felling comprise of removal of trees either singly or in small groups scattered all
over the forest.

© Afforestation: Establishing a forest by artificial means on an area on which not forest

vegetation has existed for a long time in the past.

© Reforestation: Re-establishing a forest, by artificial means on an area which previously bore

forest vegetation, and which may have been felled or otherwise cleared in the recent past.
Alpine: Zone of vegetation where winter is server, slow fall heavy, the mean annual
temperature is 450F and the mean January temperature below 300F.

© Basal area: The area of the cross section of a stem at breast height, when applied to a crop,
the sum of basal areas of all the stems or the total basal areas per unit area.

© Bole: The main stem of a tree.

© Breast height: Almost universally adopted as the standard height for measuring the girth,
diameter and a basal area of standing trees. India 4’6” (1.37m). In U.K. and most
commonwealth countries 4’.3” (1.30m)

© Crown: The upper branchy part of the tree above the bole.
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© Dendrology: The identification and systematic classification of trees.

© Reserved forests: an area so constituted under the Indian Forest Act or other.
© Log: The stem of a tree or a length of stem or branch after felling and trimming.

© Logging: Logging is the process of cutting and processing trees to produce timber and pulp
to supply the world's markets for furniture, construction, paper, and other products.
© Pole: A young tree from the time when the lower branches begin to fall off to the time when
rate of height growth begins to slow down and crown expansion becomes marked.

© Raft: An assemblage of logs, timbers or bamboos tied together or enclosed within a boom for
transport by floating.

© Scrub: Inferior growth consisting chiefly of small or stunted trees and shrubs.

© Stand: An aggregation of trees or other growth possessing sufficient uniformity in

composition, constitution, age arrangement or condition, to be distinguished from adjacent
crops and forming a silvicultural unit.

Coppice System of Silviculture

Defined as that Silviculture System in which the new crop originates mainly from shoot / stool
coppice and where the rotation of the coppice is short.

© Canopy cover: The percentage of the ground covered by a vertical projection of the
outermost perimeter
of the natural spread of the foliage of plants. Cannot exceed 100 percent. (Also called crown
Same as crown cover.

© Shifting cultivation: A land utilization method; a particular piece of land is cultivated for
some years and
then abandoned for a period required to restore its fertility by natural vegetative growth; it is
then cultivated
again. The distinguishing feature of shifting cultivation is that neither organic fertilizers nor
are used to retain soil fertility.

© Shrub: Woody perennial plant, generally more than 0.5 meters and less than 5 meters in
height at maturity
and without a definite crown. The height limits for trees and shrubs should be interpreted with
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particularly the minimum tree and maximum shrub height, which may vary between 5 meters
and 7 meters.

© TOF: Trees, bamboos, palms, shrubs and bushes found in Other Lands

© Tree: A woody perennial with a single main stem, or in the case of coppice with several
stems, having a
more or less definite crown.

© Arboriculture: A general term for the cultivation of trees.

© Buffer zone: An area around a forest, national park, or any other conserved place that
provides the local community with products that they would otherwise take from the forest, or
that provides an opportunity to produce alternative products.

© Concept of wind breaks and shelter beds: shelterbelt are an extended windbreak of living
trees and shrubs established and maintained for the protection of farmlands over an area larger
than a single farm.
A group of trees or shrubs in any arrangement that will afford protection from high winds to
animals or crops or both. When the arrangement is in a long line the group is called a
shelterbelt. If an associated reason is also to harvest timber at some future date it is sometimes
called a 'timberbelt'.

© Wind strip: A narrow plot of low vegetation (shrubs, bushes, herbs and grasses) that is left
when natural vegetation is cleared so as to provide shelter to adjacent crops and to prevent wind
erosion on sandy soils.

1. Forestry: It is defined as the theory and practice of all that constitutes the creation,
conservation and scientific management of forests and the utilization of their resources.

2. Intensive forestry: It is the practice with the object of obtaining the max in volume and
quality of products per unit area through the application of the best techniques of
silviculture and management.

3. Multiple use forestry: It is the practice of forestry for the simultaneous use of a forest
area for two or more purposes often in some measure conflicting e.g. the production of
wood with forest grazing and for wildlife conservation.

4. Industrial forestry: It is defined as the practice of forestry to sustain a given industrial

enterprise such as a sawmill, pulp mill, chemical plant or a combination of these.

5. Social forestry: It is practice of forestry on lands outside the conventional forest area for
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the benefit of the rural and urban communities.

6. Farm forestry: It is the practice of forestry on farms in the farm of raising rows of trees
on bunds or boundaries of yield and individual trees, in private agriculture lands as well
as creation of wind breaks which are protective vegetal screens created round farm or an
orchard by raising one or two lines of trees.

7. Extension forestry: It is the practice of forestry in areas devoid of tree growth and other
vegetation & situated in places away from the conventional forest areas with the object of
increasing the areas under the growth.

8. Mixed forestry: It is the practice of forestry for raising fodder grass with scattered fodder
trees, fruit trees and fuel wood trees on suitable waste lands, panchayat land & village.

9. Recreational forestry: It is the practice of forestry with the object of raising flowering
tree & shrub mainly to serve as recreation forests for the urban and rural population.

10. Forest mensuration: It is defined as the branch of forestry which deal with the
determination of dimension, forms, volume, age and increment of logs, single tree, stands
or whole woods.

11. Forest utilization: It is the branch of forestry concerned with the harvesting, conversion,
disposal and use of the forest products.

12. Forest management: It is defined as the practical application of the scientific technical
and economic principle of forestry.

13. Silviculture: It is the branch of forestry which deals with the establishment,
development, care and reproduction of stands of timber.

14. Shelterbelts: It is a belt of tree or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from
wind, sun, snow drift etc.

15. Agrostology: The study of grasses.

16. Alley cropping: An agroforestry intercropping system in which species of shrubs or trees
are planter at spacing relatively close within row and wide between row, to leave room
for herbaceous cropping between that is in the alleys (hedgerows intercropping).

17. Ecology: The study of plants and animals in relation to their environment.

18. Ecosystem: A functional unit consisting of all the living organism (plants, animals and
microbes) in a given area and all the non-living physical and chemical factors of their
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environment linked together through nutrient cycle and energy flow.

19. Logging: Operational comprising felling of trees, lambing, bucking and transportation of
the resulting product out of the forest timber harvesting.
20. Lopping: Cutting branches of tree (tops) to a maximum specified height above the
ground for fodder purpose.

21. Seed orchard: A plantation established for the production of tree seed.
22. Thinning: A feeling made in an immature stand for the purpose of improving the growth
and form of the trees that remain, without permanently breaking the canopy.

23. Pruning: The act of sawing or cutting branches from a living tree. It is done to promote
the growth of clear, valuable wood on the tree bole. or It is the removal of live or dead
branches or multiple leader form standing trees for the improvement of the trees or its

24. Pollarding: Cutting back in more or less systematic fashion the crown of a tree but
leaving a main trunk 1.5 mm or so with the object of harvesting small wood and browse
of producing regrowth beyond the reach of animal or of reducing the shade cast by the

25. Coppicing: The tendency of certain tree and bush species (as red oldies or big leaf
maple) to produce a large number of shoots when a single or few stem are mechanically
removed but the root system left intact

26. Orthodox seeds: The seeds that can be dried down to a low moisture content of around
5% and successfully stored at low or sub-freezing temperature for long periods.

27. Recalcitrant seeds: The seeds of some species have relatively short viability and cannot
be stored in a dry condition or at low temperature such seeds are suffer chilling damage
e.g. cocoa and rubber.

28. Vivipary: Germination while still attached to parent plant.

Interaction between agriculture crops, forest tree and livestock.

Criteria of Agroforestry:
➢ Productivity
➢ Adaptability
➢ Sustainability
Objective of agroforestry:
➢ Production
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➢ Protection
➢ Sustainability
➢ Economic stability
➢ Ecological stability
Criteria of Agroforestry system:
➢ Structural Basis: Composition of the components, spatial admixture, vertical
stratification of components and temporal arrangements of component.
➢ Functional Basis: On the basis of major role of component productive, protective etc.
➢ Socioeconomic basis: On the basis of level of input or intensity of scale and commercial
➢ Ecological Basis: On the basis of environment condition, i.e. Agroforestry system for
arid and semi-arid land
a. Humid
b. Sub-humid region
c. Highlands

Classification of agroforestry system on structured basis defined in term of its components the
expected role or function of each. Agroforestry system grouped in two categories:
A. Nature of components
B. Arrangements of components

NATURE OF COMPONENTS: Based on nature agroforestry system can be classified into

➢ Agrisilviculture system
➢ Silvopastural system
➢ Agrisilvopastural system
➢ Other system

1. Agrisilviculture system: Agri crops and trees including shrubs and vines trees.
• Improved follow species in shifting cultivation wood species planted and left to grow
during follow phase or to the end of shifting cultivation.

➢ Shift cultivation: In this forest land is cleared and cultivated for 3-5 yrs due to same crop
i.e. rice on same cleared forest land year after year soil productivity is cost and crop is
shifted to another part of forest or to other slashed burnt land.
This land is rotated but crop is fixed it may be called land rotation.
Mainly practice in North-eastern states of India MP, Jharkhand, AP, Orissa. It is called
Jhum in North-east and pods in AP, Orissa.
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➢ Taungya system:
• Taungya hilly, cultivation Burmese word coined in 1850s. In India it is introduced by
Brandis 1890.
• It is established in 1896 in North Bengal.
• In southern India, the system is called 'kumri'.
• It is practiced in areas with an assured annual rainfall of over 1200-1500 mm
• In taungya system farmer, local people are permitted to raise crops along with tree
spp. in a same unit of types:
1. Departmental Taungya: Forest dept. do all the operation.
2. Leased Taungya: Land is given to local peoples on lease for raising crops with
ensuring tree care to highest biddes.
3. Village Taungya: Local people do all the operation with the collaboration of forest
dept. Local people allow to grow crop for 3-4 years.
4. Multispecies tree gardens: Mixture of different type of species to provide multiple
output food, fodder, fruit, fuel and other wood products.
5. Alley cropping: Also known as hedge row intercropping. This involves to
managing rows of woody plants with annuals crops between them. These woody
plants are cut regularly to facilitate sunlight penetration.
The process of alley cropping: Increase crop yield by improving the soil as well as
a. East-west direction of tree.
b. Row to row distance: 4-8 m.
c. Plant to plant distance: 25 cm to 2 m.

➢ Multipurpose trees and shrubs on farm lands: Morus alba, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia
albida, Casuarina equisetifolia, Azadirachta indica, Cocos nucifera etc.

➢ Crop combination with plantation crop: In this perennial trees and shrubs coffee, tea,
coconut and cocoa are combined in the intercropping.

➢ Agroforestry fuel wood production: Production of firewood on around farm land, e.g.
Acacia nilotica, Dalbergia sisoo, Prosopis juliflora, eucalyptus etc.

➢ Shelterbelt: Shelterbelt is the wide belt of 7-8 rows of trees, shrubs and grasses at right
angle to the bewailing wind. Main purpose is to deflect air currents.
Characteristics of Shelterbelt:
• Shape and combination: Typical triangular shape, tall tree in the centre.
• Density and width: Shelterbelt up to 50 m wide are ideal.
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• Height and Spacing: Ratio of height and width 1: 10.

• Orientation: Depend upon wind direction.
• Shelterbelts may be raised in quadrangles if the wind direction tends to change very
• The minimum length of a shelterbelt should be about 25 times its height
• the wind velocity in the protected area may be reduced to between 25 and 75 per cent
of the wind speed
• Windbreaks planted north-west are good as they provide protection from winds
coming from the western quarter
• On level ground a windbreak will reduce the speed of wind for about 25 times the tree
height on downwind side.
• Maximum reduction of wind speed is in the area 5 to 15 times the tree height away
from the wind break.
• On the upwind side some protection is gained up to a distance of 5 times the tree
height away from the windbreak.
• Thus, a wind break 20 m tall will give some protection from 100 m on the upwind
side to 500 m on the downwind side

Choice of spp.:
• Grasses: Saccharum spontaneum, S. munja, Panicum, Cenchrus spp.
• Shrub: Calotropis procera, Clerodendrum phlomidis, Cassia auriculata, Dodonaea
• Trees: Acacia arabica, Prosopis juliflora, Prosopis spicigera, Eucalyptus spp, Poplar,
Dalbergia sissoo
➢ Wind break: It is the 2-3 strips of trees, shrubs and planted to protect fields, home from
wind and blowing soil or sand.
➢ Soil conservation hedges: Tree can be planted on physical soil conservation word, grass,
strips, bunds, rises and terraces to stabilize the structure and make productive use of the
land they occupy.

2. Silvipasture: Production of woody plants in pasture.

➢ Protein bank: Protein rich fodder tree are planted and around range to farmland so as to
arguments fodder quality and quantity in rangeland.
e.g.: Morus alba, Grewia optiva, Robinia pseudoacacia Acacia leucophloea, Sesbania
➢ Tree and shrubs on pasture:
e.g.: Acacia nilotica, Acacia leucophloea, Azadirachta indica are used for this purpose.

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3. Agrisilvipasture system: It refers to the production of woody perennial along with annuals and
➢ Home garden: It is suitable to high rainfall areas and tropical condition, highly productive
and sustainable areas. In this system tree, shrubs, vegetables and other herbaceous plants are
grown in dense. These plants are arranged in random both spatially and in many of the
home garden. This is also called multitier system or multitier cropping as it consists of
different canopy strata.
Spp: Anacardium occidentale, Artocarpus heterophylla, Citrus pp, Psidium guajava,
Mangifera indica, Azardirachta indica, Cocos nucifera.
➢ Woody hedgerows: Fast growing fodder shrubs wood hedges are planted for mulch, green
manure, soil conservation.
E.g.: Erythrina spp., Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania grandiflora.

a) Teak –
➢ Scientific Name :Tectona grandis
➢ Tamil Name : Teak
➢ Hindi Name : Sagwan
➢ Family : Verbenaceae
➢ The fruit is a hard, irregularly rounded drupe containing 4 seed chamber
➢ precipitation range of more than 900 mm to less than 2500 mm
➢ It tolerates a pH range of6.5 to 8.0 but good growth is attained on soils of pH 6.5
and an annual rainfall or 1500 mm
➢ It is also fairly fire tolerant
➢ Super sized seedlings called "wolf'
➢ Final felling is done at the end of 60 years.
➢ A single tree will yield 1.5 m3 of timber. Its rotation is 40-60 years';
➢ its yield is about 6500 cu.ft of stem wood per acre.

b) Ailanthus
➢ Scientific Name : Ailanthus excelsa
➢ English name : Tree of Heaven
➢ Family : Simaroubaceae

c) Neem
➢ Scientific Name : Azadirachta indica
➢ Family : Meliaceae

d) Bamboos
➢ Scientific Name : Dendrocalamus strictus
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➢ English Name : Solid Bamboo

➢ Family : Graminae

➢ The average life of a culm is 7 years.

➢ 10 months to one year old seedlings are planted in the main field at a spacing of
➢ The felling rules are observed at every cutting cycle
i. Culms less than 2years of age should not be cut
ii. In a clump, at least 6 mature culms are to be retained
iii. The culms should be cut at 15cm above ground level
iv. While cutting the culms should not be split

ARRANGEMENTS OF COMPONENTS: Arrangement of component gives for priority to

the plants.
➢ Spatial arrangement: Space between plants.
• Dense mixed stands: Home garden.
• Sparse mixed stands: Tree in pastures.
• Micro-zonal arrangement: Alley cropping, boundary planting.
• Macro-zonal arrangement: Sole cropping system.

➢ Temporal arrangement: It involves the different time period that the different components
interact with each other harvesting time of each component is different.

Socioeconomic classification of agroforestry system:

Based on criteria as scale of production level of technology is as under:
❖ Commercial: Sale of production of output is major aim of rubber, coconut plantation.
❖ Intermediate: Between commercial, subsistence, cash crop, food crop.
❖ Subsistence agroforestry system: Directed toward satisfying basic needs to manage by
family members.
Biological interaction: When the components in the system interact with each other thus
influence each other positively, negatively or neutral.
❖ Intra-specific: Competition between plants of same spp.
❖ Inter-specific: Competition between plants of different spp. or mixed stands.
Positive interaction: Yield of one component increase by the other components of allopathic
Negative interaction: Yield of one component decreases by the other components of allopathic

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Neutral interaction: No effect of component on each other.

PURE FORESTS: Forests composed of almost entirely of one species, usually to the extent of
not less than 80%.

Sr. Agroforestry Brief description (of arrangement of components)

No. practices
1. Improved fallow Woody species planted is left to grow during fallow phase.
2. Taungya Combined stand of woody and agricultural species during
early stage of establishment of plantations
3. Alley cropping Woody species in hedges, agricultural species in alleys in
(hedge row between hedges, micro-zonal or strip management.
4. Multilayer tree Multi species, multilayer dense plant associations with no
garden organized planting arrangements.
5. Multipurpose trees Trees scattered haphazardly or according to some systematic
on croplands patterns on bunds, terraces or plot field boundaries.
6. Plantation crop 1. Integrated multistory (mixed dense) mixture of plantation
combination crops.
2. Mixture of plantation crops in alternate or other regular
3. Shade tree for plantation crops; shade tree scattered.
4. Intercropping with agricultural crops.
8. Trees in soil Trees on bunds, terraces, risers etc. with or without grass
conservation and strips, tree for soil reclamation.
9. Shelterbelts & Trees around farmlands/plots.
windbreak, live
10. Fuel wood Inter-planting firewood species on or around agricultural
production lands.
12. Protein banks Production of protein rich fodder on farm/rangelands for cut-
and-carry fodder production.
13. Plantation crops Example: Cattle under coconuts in SE Asia and South –
with pastures and Pacific.
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15. Multipurpose woody Woody hedges for browse, mulch, green manure, soil
hedges rows conservation etc.
16. Apiculture with Trees for honey production
17. Aqua forestry Trees lining fish ponds, tree leaves being used as ‘forage’ for
18. Multipurpose wood For various purpose (wood, fodder, soil protection, soil
lots reclamation)

Botanical Name, Common Name and Uses of important Forest Plants

Sr. Botanical Name Common Name Use or Utilities

1 Acacia catechu Khair Fodder, fuel, poles, soil conservation
and katha
2 Acacia nilotica Babul Fodder, soil conservation; agricultural
implements, bark as medicine, tannin
products and fuel
3 Azadirachta indica Neem Planks, toothbrush and medicine
(Bark, leaves gum)
4 Bombax ceiba, Simal (Kate sawar) Match Sticks, packing cases, play
Bombax malbaricam wood, soil conservation, roots used as
5 Delbergia sissoo Sissoo Fodder, Timber, fuel, soil
6 Tectona grandis Sagwaan / Teak Structures and industrial timber,
Wood furniture, fuel, tannin, ornamental and
medicinal use, KING OF TIMBEER

7 Terminalia arjuna Arjun Industrial timber, small poles, fodder,

timber, ornamental, tassar
8 Aegle marmelos Bel Toothbrush, fruits, medicine (Bark,
9 Arto carpusus Jack Fruit Fruit and timber
10 Anthoeephalus Kadamb Fodder, fuel, pulp wood, ornamental
11 Emblica officinalis Amla Fruit, fuel, ornamental, medicinal

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12 Madhuka latifolia Mahua Liquor oil seed, timber, edible flower

13 Mangifera Indica Mango Fruit, timber, medicine.
14 Tamarindus indica Imli Fruit, fuel, medicinal, timber, leaves,
flowers, fodder, poles
15 Ziziphus jujuba Ber Fruit, fodder, poles, lac
16 Syzygium cumini Jamun Fruit, fodder, poles, timber, fuel,
medicinal (flowers fruits)
17 Saraca indica Ashok Ornamental, medicinal
18 Santalum album Sandal Industrial timber, oil, ornamental,
19 Morus alba Mulberry Fodder, fruit, sport goods, silk
20 Pongamia pinnata Karanji Leaves used for green manuring
branches used as toothbrush seeds for
oil, used for soil conservation.
21 Populus deltoides Poplar Pulp wood, fodder, packing cases, soil
conservation, fuel match box and
22 Prosopis chinensis Kabuli kikar Fodder, fuel. soil conservation
23 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Gum, oil, tannin, soil conservation,
camaldulensis industrial timber, paper, pulp
24 Ficus religiosa Pipal Avenue trees, fuel, fodder

Some more trees and detail:

Scientific name Common name Family

Acacia catechu Khair Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)
A. nilotica Kikar (Babool) Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)
Albizia lebbeck Siris Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)
Bauhinia variegata Kachnar Leguminosae (Casa) piniaceae)
Celtis australis Khirak Ulmaceae
Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)
Eucalyptus spp Safeda Myrtaceae
Grewia optiva Bihul Trliaceae
Morus alba Mulberry Moraceae
M. serrata Mulberry Moraceae
Populus spp. Poplars Salicaceae
Robinia Pseudacacia Black Locust Leguminosae (Papitionaceae)
Salix spp. Willow/vaid Salicaceae
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Toona ciliata Tooni/Toona Meliaceae


Shorea robusta 4.5 – 5.5
Tectona grandis 6.5 – 7.6
Acacia nilotica Up to 9
Prosopis juliflora Up to 9.5
Azadirachta Up to 9.8
Eucalyptus hybrid Up to 9
Pongamia pinnata Up to 9.8


16th October World food day

21st March World forestry day
5th June World environment day
5th October Wild life day
2nd February World wetland day
22nd March World water day
22nd April Earth day
16th September World ozone day
18th September World bamboo day


1. Major forest products: INDUSTRIAL WOOD

PAPER & PULP Bamboos, Eucalyptus, Casuarina

PLYWOOD Teak, Rosewood, Terminalia
MATCHWOOD Bombax, Ailanthus, Simaruba
TOYS Rosewood, Red sanders
PACKING CASE Adina, Redsanders, rose wood
HARDWOOD Acacia chundra, Pterocarpus santalinus
HEAVIEST WOOD Soymida febrifuga
LIGHTEST WOOD Ochrama pyramidalis
LONGEST WOOD Acacia chundra
WOOD Anogeissus Pendula
WOOD Ochrama pyramidalis

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Uses of wood and species:

Sr. Wood Species

1. Aircraft wood Picea sitchensis, Picea smithiana, Abies pindrow.
2. Agricultural Acacia nilotica, A catechu, Xylia Xylocorpa, Cassia fistula.
3. Railway sleepers Sal, Deodar, Mesua.
4. Boat & ship Teak, Xylia dolabriformis, Arabis hirsuta.
5. Match industry Populus tremula, Bombax, Tilia japonica, Sterculia villosa,
Ailanthus excelsa
6. Violin & sitar Teak, Rosewood.
7. Packing case Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana, Bombax, Mango.
8. Pencil industry Junipers, J. macropoda, Alnus nepalensis.
9. Sports goods Morus alba, Salix alba, Populus.
10. Fishing rods Arundinaria falcata.
11. Plywood Poplars, Eucalyptus, Pines, Dalbergia sisso, Teak, Sal.


Sr. Plant Official part Uses

No. used
1. Acorus calama Leaf Externally on wounds to kill worms
2. Aegle marmelos Fruit Cooling drink.
3. Asparagus Tuberous rock Boiled root given to animal
4. Cassia fistula Fruit Liver disorder.
5. Emblica offincalis Fruit Along with harad, Bahera used in
6. Occimum sanctum Leaves Decoction in fever.
7. Rauvolfia Roots Fever & antidote to snake bite.
8. Aromatic plants Cymbopogon
9. Fodder Grewia optiva
Leucaena leucocephala
Celtis australis

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Bauhinia variegate
Acacia catechu
Morus alba (shahtoot)
10. Katha & Kutch Acacia catechu (Khair)
11. Beedi leaves Tendu leaves (Diospyros melanoxylon)

☺ Forest Research Institutes In India:

1. 1 Advanced Research Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Aizawal.

2. Central Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur.
3. Centre for Forest Based Livelihood and Extension, Agartala.
4. Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resources Development, Chhindwara.
5. Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation, Allahabad
6. Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
7. Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
8. Forest Research Institute, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Forest Department
9. Gujarat Forest Research Institute, Gujarat.
10. Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
11. Institute of Forest Biodiversity, Hyderabad (Telangana)
12. Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore.
13. Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi (Jharkhand).
14. Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bengaluru (Karnataka).
15. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur.
16. Rado Forest Research Institute, Jorhat.
17. Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh).
18. Van Vigyan Kendra (Forest Science Centres).


1. Animal welfare board: Chennai, TN.
2. Bombay natural history society (BNHS): Mumbai, Maharashtra.
3. Central zoo authority (CZA): Delhi.
4. Wildlife institute of India (WII): Dehradun, Uttaranchal.
5. Wildlife preservation society of India (WPS): New Delhi.
6. Worldwide found for nature (INDIA): New Delhi.
1. In south India taungya system is called as : KUMARI.
2. The most successful of three taungya is: VILLAGE TAUNGYA.
3. Oldest agroforestry system: SHIFTING CULTIVATION.
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4. Component of agroforestry: Trees, crops and animals.

5. Tree planted in silvi-culture should be oriented: EAST-WEST DIRECTION.
6. The journal of agroforestry today published from: KENYA.
7. Indian grassland and fodder research institute: JHANSI
8. The ratio of height and spacing in shelterbelt: 1:10.
9. Rotation of arable crops with two or more years of sown pasture is: LAY FARMING.
10. Home garden are practiced in state of: KERALA & TN.
International Forestry Organization:
1. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Bogor, Indonesia
2. Center for Tropical Forest Science, Panama City, Panama.
3 European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland.
4 International Union of Forest Research Organization OUFRO), Vienna• Austria.

Climate zones and temperature:

Zone Mean Annual Temp. Remarks

Tropical >24 Very hot and winterless
Subtropical 17-24 Hot with cool winter
Temperate 7-17 Warm summer and
Pronounced winter
Arctic <7 Short summer and long

Rainfall distribution in different zones:

Annual rainfall (mm) Zone Example

0-300 Arid desert Thar Desert (Western
300-600 Semi-arid East Rajasthan, Parts of
Haryana, Punjab and
600-1200 Dry tropical sub-humid Punjab, East Rajasthan,
Gujarat, Maharashtra and
1200-2000 Moist tropical semi-humid Parts of north-east India,
Odisha, and M.P.
>2000 Humid tropical Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Assam. Western

Distribution of rainwater in India:

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Source Percentage
River 45
percolation 20
Evaporation 35

Forest Legislation:
Indian forest act 1927
Wildlife protection act 1972
Forest conservation act 1980
National forest policy 1988
Scheduled tribes and other traditional 2006
forest dwellers
Biodiversity act was signed by India (UN 2002
Convention on biodiversity)
Scheduled tribes (Recognition of forest 2005
right) bill was introduced
Scheduled tribes (Recognition of forest 2006
right) bill was Passed


➢ It is restricted only along the saline inter-dial habitat of shattered coastline.

➢ Mangroves are salt tolerant plant communities occurring in sheltered coastline areas such
as bays, estuaries, lagoons and creeks.
➢ It is characterized by dark green foliage and negatively geotropic roots.
➢ It shows maximum modification in its morphology, physiology and biochemical process
Stilt roots and vivipary for withstanding parts submerged saline conditions.
➢ E.g. Rhizophora, Avicennia & Sonneratia etc.

Coral reef are diverse and vulnerable ecosystems characterized by a complex inter dependents
of plants and animal.
➢ They are massive limestone structures built up through constructional cementing process and
depositional activities of animals and calcium carbonate secreting animals.
➢ They are centers of high of high biological productivity, sites of carbon sink and deposit of
calcium carbonate.

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➢ Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
➢ Gulf of mannar.
➢ Gulf of Kutch.
➢ Lakshadweep Island.

Important Points:
➢ NATIONAL FOREST POLICY, 1988: The National Forest Policy of 1988 was issued on 7
th December 1988 by the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests to the Government
of India.
➢ In an agroforestry system, trees being the dominant partners, will compete with the
herbaceous substratum for resource pools of light, water and nutrients. When the immediate
supply of a single necessary factor falls below the combined demands of the plant, then the
competition begins. The competition is also referred as Allelospoly.
➢ Alley Cropping (Hedgerow Intercropping) : Alley cropping, also known as hedgerow
intercropping, involves managing rows of closely planted (within row) woody plants with
annual crops planted in alleys in between hedges.
➢ Shelterbelt: These are belts/blocks consisting of several rows of trees established at right
angles to the prevailing wind.
➢ Windbreak: Windbreaks are strips of trees and/or shrubs planted to protect fields, homes,
canals or other areas from wind and blowing soil or sand.

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Forest Report 2019

➢ Name of the report- State of forest report-2019
➢ Prepared by- The Forest Survey of India (FSI)
➢ Released by- The Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate change.
➢ ISFR is a biennial publication of FSI, an organization under MoEFCC, GoI.
➢ ISFR 2019 is the 16th in the series since 1987
➢ The 2019 report for the first time has assessed the qualitative nature of the forest cover,
including listing its biodiversity and the type of plants and trees found.
➢ It also created a national forest inventory for the first time on produce from forests.

Important Statistics:
➢ Area of India = 3,287,263 sq km (2.4% of world)
➢ Forest cover = 7,12,249 sq km = 21.67 % of India
➢ Forest + tree cover = 8,07,276 sq km = 56 % of India (2017 = 24.39%)
➢ Total tree and forest cover in the country increased by 5,188 square kilometer in the last
two years.
➢ Total forest cover in the North Eastern region is 1,70,541 sq km, which is 65.05% of its
(NE’s) geographical area. Hilly state has 40.30% of the total geographical area.

Forest Classes:
Class Canopy Density

1. Very Dense Forest 70-100%

2. Moderately Dense 40-70%

3. Open Forest 10-40%

4. Scrub <10%

5. Non-forest Not covered in any above class

Key Findings:
Maharashtra has had the highest increase in tree cover and a large part of that is due
to horticulture.
Karnataka has had the highest increase in forest cover.
National Forest Policy, 1988, recommended to have at least 33% of forest area.
The current assessment shows an increase of 3,976 sq km (0.56%) of forest cover, 1,212
sq km (1.29%) of tree cover and 5,188 sq km (0.65%) of forest and tree cover

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Mangrove cover in the country has increased by 54 sq km (1.10%) as compared to the

previous assessment.
Total bamboo bearing area of the country is estimated as 1,60,037 sq km.
Highest loss in forest is observed by Manipur. Only Assam and Tripura shows an
Forest report was released by Union Environment Forest and Climate Change Minister
Prakash Javadekar.

Global Rank:
➢ India has 10th rank in % global forest area with 2% contribution.
➢ India has 8th rank in annual forest gain & 8th in Forest carbon stock.
➢ India has 11th rank in world as per Growing Stock in Forests.

Forest + Tree Cover

Classes of Forest Percentage

Total Forest Cover 21.67%
Total Tree Cover 2.89%

Forest + Tree Cover 24.56%

➢ Top three states to have shown an increase in forest cover: Karnataka> Andhra
Pradesh> Kerala
➢ Top three states having Area wise largest forest: Madhya Pradesh> Arunachal
Pradesh> Chhattisgarh
➢ Top three states having highest forest cover as percentage of Total Geographical
area: Mizoram> Arunachal Pradesh> Meghalaya
➢ Top three states having Area wise least forest: Haryana> Daman & Diu
➢ States with maximum Loss in forest cover: Manipur> Arunachal Pradesh
➢ Top three states having percentage wise largest forest (RFA): A&N island> Sikkim>

Category wise forest:

Category Percentage
Very Dense Forest 3.02%

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Moderately Dense 9.39%

Open Forest 9.26%
Scrub 1.41
Non-Forest Area 76.92

➢ Top three states having highest tree cover (Percentage of GA): Chandigarh> Delhi>
➢ Top three states having highest tree cover (Area Wise): Maharashtra> Madhya Pradesh>
➢ Mangrove cover in the country: Total area 4,975 sq km. Total increment to the previous
assessment of 2017 54 sq Km.
➢ Top three states showing mangrove cover increase: Gujrat> Maharashtra> Odisha

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Important Facts
1. Agroforestry in a sustainable land use system that increase the overall production by
interacting trees, crops, live stocks simultaneous and sequentially on same unit of land and apply
some management practices which are compatible with cultural practices of local people.
2. Lopping: It pertains to the cutting of branches or even young stems. This leads to the
development of new shoots.
3. Pruning: Means the cutting of branches from the bole in order to maintain the quality of
4. Taunya system: It was first evolved in Burma in 1850 as a mode of replanting vast teak areas.
Taunya is a Burmas word. (Toung hill, ya - cultivation).
5. Dendrology: The identification and systematic classification of trees.
6. Reserved forests: an area so constituted under the Indian Forest Act or other.
7. Agrostology: The study of grasses.
8. Leased Taungya: Land is given to local peoples on lease for raising crops with ensuring tree
care to highest biddes.
9. The average life of culm of bamboo is 7 years.
10. Santalum album is used for Industrial timber, oil, ornamental, medicinal.
11. Safeda belongs to the family myrtaceae.
12. pH range for Neem is up to 9.8
13. World bamboo day is 18 september.
14. Tropical Forest Research Institute is in Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh).
15. Center for International Forestry Reserach (CIFOR). Bogor, Indonesia
16. The Forest Survey of India (FSI) is Released by- The Ministry of Environment, Forest and
climate change.
17. Forest cover of India according to Forest report 2019 is 7,12,249 sq km = 21.67 % of India
18. Karnataka has had the highest increase in forest cover according to forest report 2019.
19. India has 10th rank in % global forest area with 2% contribution.
20. India has 11th rank in world as per Growing Stock in Forests.
21. Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use systems involving trees combined with crops
and/or animals on the same unit of land.
22. Social forestry is defined as “Forestry outside the conventional forests which primarily aim at
providing continuous flow of goods and services for the benefit of people.
23. Pollard - tree that has formed a crown consisting of numerous branches arising from the same
height on a main stem or principle branches.
24. Afforestation: Establishing a forest by artificial means on an area on which not forest
vegetation has existed for a long time in the past.
25. Reforestation: Re-establishing a forest, by artificial means on an area which previously bore
forest vegetation, and which may have been felled or otherwise cleared in the recent past.
26. Bole: The main stem of a tree.
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27. Crown: The upper branchy part of the tree above the bole.
28. Log: The stem of a tree or a length of stem or branch after felling and trimming.
29. Arboriculture: A general term for the cultivation of trees.
30. In south India taungya system is called as : Kumari
31. Indian grassland and fodder research institute: Jhansi
32. Leased Taungya: Land is given to local peoples on lease for raising crops with ensuring tree
care to highest biddes.
33. Wind break: It is the 2-3 strips of trees, shrubs and planted to protect fields, home from wind
and blowing soil or sand.
34. Botanical Name of Teak is Tectona grandis and belongs to Verbenaceae.
35. The average life of a culm of Bamboo tree is 7 years.
36. Dalbergia sissoo is used for: Fodder, Timber, fuel, soil conservation.
37. the pH range for Acacia nilotica is Up to 9.
38. Wildlife day is celebrated on 5th October.
39.The wood required for Packing case is Teak, Rosewood, Terminalia etc.
40. Component of agroforestry: Trees, crops and animals.
41. The Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM) (founded 1982) is an autonomous,
public institute of sectoral management located in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
42. National Forest Policy proposed that 60% of the land in the hills and 20% in the
plains and in all 33% of the total geographical area should be under forest/tree cover.
43.Forest Survey of India (FSI) founded in June 1981 and headquartered at Dehradun in
44. The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) is a
research institute created and funded by Government of India. It was established in Nagpur in
45. Silent Valley is an evergreen tropical forest in the Palakkad district of Kerala, India.
46. Valley of Flowers is located in West Himalaya, in the state of Uttarakhand
47.Van Mahotsav started in the year of- 1952.
48.First National Park in India is -Corbett.
49. Origin of teak is -Burma
50. In India breast height is measured at -1.37m
51. Joint forest management was first introduced in -West Bengal.
52. Portion of tree stem which is unmerchantable is called cull.
53. Yield table is not applicable to -uneven aged forest.
54. Day length influences diameter growth in trees- Photoperiod.
55. The first conservator of forest -Watson. (M.Sc. Agro forestry)
56. Father of forestry- P. Brandis.
57. An area set aside to produce timber and other forest product- Forest.
58. On sloping land the diameter at breast height should be measured on the -up hill side.
59. The art of growing and reproducing a forest -Silviculture.
60. Silvipasture means -Growing trees with grass.
61. Identification of trees according to species is called Dendrology.
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62. The natural forest uninfluenced by human activity which may or may not be a climax forest
is known as - virgin forest.
63. The renew of a forest crop by self-sown seed or by coppice or root suckers is -Natural
64. A species which is native to specified area or region is called -Indigenous.
65. The practices of forestry on farmland is called -Farm forestry.
66. A shrub is usually not more than 6 meters in height.
67. The irregular involutions and swelling on the bole of tree is -Fluting.
68. Lignotubers commonly present in -Eucalyptus.
69. The mutual relationship between microorganisms is termed as -Symbiosis.
70. The tree which produce male and female separately on different parts is called-Monoecious.
71. The plants which have naked seed belong to -Gymnosperm.
72. The study of plants or animals in relation to their environment is known as -Ecology.
73. The forest which are regenerated from seed are called - High forest.
74. An area Constituted under the Indian forest act is known as -Reserved forest.
75. Trees which receive full light upper canopy and little from the sides -Dominant tree.
76. The estimated light is used in photosynthesis is less than- 2%.
77. Taungya is a – Burmese word.
78. Stump planting is commonly practiced in -Teak.
79. Crown thinning is also called as French thinning.
80. Based on method of regeneration forests are classified as high and coppice.
81. Champion and Seth classified the Indian forest in to the major group -16.
82. Indian butter tree is -Madhuca latifolia.
83. Cutch is obtained from Acacia catechu.
84. Indian grassland and fodder research Institute located at -Jhansi.
85. Shorea robusta is susceptible to drought.
86. The dying back is common disease in -Sal.
87. Arrangement of individual soil particles into aggregates is called -soil structure
88. Nilgiris biosphere reserve is found in -Tamilnadu.
89. Thinning is a tending operation in which individual of favored species as long removed.
90. Scion is a part of -Graft of shoot.
91. The sustainable land use systems involving tree combined with crops and /animal on the unit
of land. -Agroforestry.
92. Social forestry was first coined by -Westoby
93. The practices of managing rows of closely planted woody plants with annual crop planted in
alleys in between hedger is called -hedgerow intercropping.
94. The most suitable species for reclamation of sandy soil is -Casuarina equisetifolia.
95. Complete removal of a strip bark from around the entire circumference of tree trunk-
96.Jhuming is other name of - shifting cultivation.
97.Wood is the common name of -vascular bundles.
98.The last forest policy was formulated during the year-1988.
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99. Green gold is – Bamboo

100. First agroforestry policy was issued in the year of- 2014.
101.World water day is celebrated on -March 22.
102.A tree which is greatly superior to the average tree of the same species- Elite tree.
103.The oldest known agroforestry system is -shifting cultivation.
104. Sub-mission on Agroforestry operational under the umbrella of NMSA.
105. Silver Oak tree is used for Timber, Green Manure and Firewood.
106. Gir National Park established by Govt. Of Gujarat in 1972 aims at conservation of Lion.
107. Minister of environment , forest and climate change- Shri Prakash Javadekar
108. Poor man’s timber is called as Bamboo. (ICAR - 2016)
109. Scientific name of Teak is Tectona Grandis. (AAO - 2019)
110. All lands with tree canopy density of 70 percent and above come under very dense forest
class. (TNAU - 2016)
111. Forest type found maximum in India –Tropical dry deciduous.
112. Tree+crops during initial years-Energy plantation.
113. Most suitable woodlot trees in India –Casuarina and Leucaena.
114. fuel wood tree- Albizia lebbeck.
115. Miracle forest tree (as it provides fodder fuel, pulpwood, and timber)- Subabul.
116. Multipurpose tree species-Albizia lebbeck.
117. Wood suitable for match wood industry is- Ailanthus excelsa
118. Institute of Wood Science and Technology is located at- Bengaluru
119. In Taungya system which tree grown for first time- Sissoo (MCAER-2014)
120. Institute of Wood Science and Technology is located at- Bengaluru
121.Wood suitable for match wood industry is- Ailanthus excelsa
122. Indian Butter tree is Madhuca latifolia.
123.Nitrogen fixing non leguminous tree is Casuarina.
124. Dying back is common disease in Sal.
125. Flame of Forest is Butea monosperma.
126. The germination % of bamboo seeds: 60 -80 %(TNAU)
127. The wood provides raw material to paper industry: Bamboo (FAO)
128. Indian Institute of Forest Management is situated in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
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129. Nitrogen fixing tree: Leucaena leucocephala

130. A shrub is usually not more than 6m in height (BHU, M.Sc. Agro forestry 2018-2019)
131. Commonly used wind break tree around the orchard: Casuarina
132. The part of sandalwood tree is economically important: Heart wood
133. Summer wood also known as Late wood
134. Most suitable host plant for tasar silkworm: Terminalia alata
135. Teak has Special features: Presence of "Tectol" phenol in sap gives high resistance to sap
wood rot and termites.
136. Teak Timber value is superior, so called "King of Trees". It can be used for all purposes.
(Originated from India).
137. Hard wood present in --angiosperms
138. Soft wood present in --gymnosperm
139. The tree used for dye preparation --eucalyptus
140. Type of fruit found in bamboo: Caryopsis
141.A plant species known as "living fossil”: Cycas circinalis
142. The grass used for paper making: Eulaliopsis binnata
143. Cinchona tree bark used to extract chemical of: Quinine
144. Nitrogen fixation on non-legumes is by -Causuarina
145. World forestry day is celebrated on -21st march
146. Earth day is celebrated on -April 22.
147. Ashoka tree (Saraca asoca) is not used for Taungya cultivation.
148. Mangroves produces blind roots or Pneumatophores so as to overcome the Anaerobic soil
149. In India the most common host plants of Lac insect are Palas, Ber, Kusum.
150. Minister of state for environment, forest and climate change- Shri Babul Supriyo

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