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The object of research is the commuter line Jabodetabek area. This study aims to analyze the level of
perceived ease of use the services provided in several stages of the trip (before, during and after the trip)
based on customers experience. Furthermore, this study also aims to determine the user satisfaction related to
perceive of ease of use. Then critical incident occurred when customers are using commuter line. The result
according to the customer is perceived of ease of use commuter line beginning at before the journey, then
after and the last at onboard. Associated with that satisfaction, the customers are more satisfied with the ease
which they perceive before the journey. Furthermore, critical incidents that happen in different stages of the
trip showed that there are events related to ease of use, but does not have a major impact.
Keywords: Ease-of-use, customer satisfaction, critical incident, different stage of the trip
Objek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah commuter line Jabodetabek area (KRL).Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menganalisis tingkat persepsi kemudahan pengguna layanan yang diberikan commuter line
Jabodetabek dalam beberapa tahap dari perjalanan (sebelum, selama dan setelah perjalanan) berdasarkan
pengalaman pengguna. Kemudian, penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengetahui kepuasan terkait kemudahan
yang diterima dalam setiap tahap perjalanan. Serta insiden/ kejadian yang terjadi saat penumpang
menggunakan layanan commuter line. Hasil penelitian ini sebagian besar kemudahan yang dirasakan
pengguna commuter line adalah kemudahan penggunaan sebelum perjalanan, kemudian diikuti dengan
kemudahan penggunaan setelah dan terakhir adalah kemudahan penggunaan pada saat perjalanan. Terkait
dengan kepuasan, pengguna lebih puas dengan kemudahan yang mereka terima sebelum perjalanan.
Selanjutnya, insiden kritis yang terjadi dalam berbagai tahap perjalanan menunjukkan bahwa setiap tahap
perjalanan ada beberapa kejadian yang berkaitan dengan kemudahan penggunaan, tetapi tidak memiliki
dampak besar.
Kata-kata kunci: Kemudahan Penggunaan, Kepuasan pengguna, Kejadian kritis, Tahapan Perjalanan
Based on survey data of Jakarta mobilization in 2014, the number of commuters in
Jabodetabek area is 3,566,178 people while mostly of 2,429,751 people doing work and
school activities inside Jakarta (Transportation statistic of DKI Jakarta, 2015). It indicates
that people are very dependent and in need of mass transportation in Jakarta. Susilo et al.
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
(2007) state that people need to comply their needs of daily mobility, in fact, however, the
existing public transport facilities do not adequate to fulfill it, both in quality and quantity.
This condition becomes particular attention for the government to support friendly public
transportation policy, especially in sustainable transportation.
Furthermore, to provide public transportation for the public, the government of
Indonesia has a policy which is associated with the general guidelines of public serviced
delivery in the Minister for the Administrative institution of the country
(63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003). One of the principles of employment in the decision of the
Minister is to provide ease of access toward a location for service users, adequate service
facilities, easy access by the public, and employing technology telecommunication and
information, in particular for the physically challenged, elderly, pregnant women and
infants. Those things become crucial since many studies on commuter line only addressed
the issue of quality of services or customer satisfactions. According to Krishnamoorthy et
al., (2016) the ease of use is one of the dimensions of service quality. Thus, it is important
to do research related to ease of use. The topic of this study is about ease of use of public
transport services, especially commuter line in different stages of the trip (before, onboard
and after the journey) in Jabodetabek area. Commuter line is one of the public transports in
Jakarta that is rail-based mass transit. Under the operation of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
commuter line Jabodetabek, it operates or serves Jabodetabek routes (Jakarta, Bogor,
Depok, Tanggerang, Tangerang Selatan dan Bekasi). Jabodetabek is the biggest and the
most strategic metropolitan in Indonesia. Ease of use is associated with the convenience in
which simple public transport offers the service (Redman et all, 2013).
Public transportation plays a major role in achieving sustainability, efficient
mobility, and high quality of urban life (Wardman and Waters, 2001). Furthermore, one
study directs to the convenience and ease of use by increasing PT information provision for
journey planning (Redman et all, 2013). According to Krishnamoorthy et al., (2016) the
ease of use is one of the dimensions of service quality. Thus, it is important to do research
related to ease of use. Customer satisfactions can be predicted by service quality
(Dovaliene et al., 2007). Ease of use is one of the dimensions of the services which are
provided by the service provider to the users. Davis, (1989) argued the definition of ease of
use is that “The degree in which a person believes that using a particular system will be
less in making effort” such as in the use of technology information. According to Susanto
et al., (2015), there are four factors in ease of use which become dimensions of customers
perceived (i.e. easy navigation, quick responses, good- fit interface, and accessible in any
circumstance). It means that ease of use is not only concerning on quality but also
interfacing and delivering content of the system as well. (Ko et al., 2006).
The design is all the processes which are needed for the planning and execution of
the research. The descriptive of this research method was used in this study,i.e., a method
in researching the status of a group of people, an object, a set of conditions and others at
present (Nazir, 2009). The measurement was guided by a quantitative method due to
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
identifying the perception of the respondents based on their experiences while using
commuter line services.
The variables which are used in this study are the ease of use, satisfaction, overall
ease of use, and critical incident. In determining the variables of the study, the authors refer
to previous research that has been discussed in theoretical framework. In this study, data
will be collected by using a questionnaire. This questionnaire was used Likert scale as the
option, especially in questions related to ease of use and satisfaction based on customers'
perception. The option of scale for each question respondent checked Likert five-point
scale or unipolar for ease of use in different stages of the trip and also overall evaluate ease
of use; it was ranging from "Very Difficult (1)" to "Very Ease (5).” Moreover, for
satisfaction; it was ranging from "Very Dissatisfied (1)” to "Very Satisfied (5)”.
The survey had been held when the customer of the commuter line was waiting,
either in the exit gate or entrance gate. Using paper and pen, respondents filled the question
approximately 5-10 minutes. The study is conducted by the direct survey in the station of
the commuter line for the entire route of the commuter line. Furthermore, it was not
assumed in different conditions such as in the peak hours, weather conditions, time
services in the working days, and weekend. The survey was carried out approximately 4
weeks. 500 questionnaires spread out, but there were only questionnaires 483 back.
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
although the commuter line has been providing customer information system in the station,
it still also pays attention to the announcement of train arrivals manually. And the lowest
mean value is about elevator or escalator facilities in the station (2,67).
The result of average analyses in ease of use onboard showing mean value was
almost similar in each 12 items (see Table 2). The highest mean value in ease of use
onboard, that is getting information about next station information in the train (3,55). It is
because currently, the commuter line has been installing the electronic board inside the
train to find out the position of the station into the next station (PT. KCJ, 2016). While the
lowest mean value that is an announcement the delay train (2,96).
Table 2 Ease of Use Onboard
Ease of Use Onboard
Service announcements on the train delays 2,96
Service customer information system (SIP) in trains 3,23
Service announcements on the train the next station 3,55
Service to enter the train without luggage 3,29
Service to enter the train with luggage 3,00
The service opened and closed the Train door 3,46
The implementation of the service change operation pattern (loopline service) 3,00
Service priority seats 3,20
Services baggage size 3,07
The information and services first aid facilities on the train 3,29
Service facilities handrails for standing customers and easily reached 3,40
Service transfer path from one platform to another platform 3,08
Source: data analysis, 2016
The result of average analyses in ease of use after the journey showing mean value
was almost similar in each 12 items (see Table 3).The highest mean value that is finding
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
the facilities in destinations station (3,61), while the lowest mean value that is reporting to
the missing or finding thing during the trip (2,99).
Table 3 Ease of Use After
Ease of Use After
Service change of mode at the destination station 3,05
Service out of the train with luggage 3,05
Find the service facilities at the station, for example, houses of worship, restrooms, exits,
entrances, counters
Service complaints if something happens on the go/ during the journey 3,19
Train service out without luggage 3,29
Service reporting missing items and finding items 2,99
Source: data analysis, 2016
The average response to the ease of customer accepted during the trip is up to 3. It
means that customers feel mediocrity or neutral to the level of ease during the trip are
accepted. There is a possibility of this perception will increase easily or decrease to
become be difficult for customers. It depends on how many questions to be asked relating
to the easiness and the number of respondent sample is taken.
Overall when seeing from the perceiving of ease and difficulty of response to consumer
data, it was found that the reception the ease with which the highest value was at the time
before the trip, subsequently after the trip later while traveling (onboard). While for the
degree of difficulty that is received by the customers namely the lowest value at the time
before the trip, furthermore on the trip (onboard) and the last is after the trip.
Satisfaction Variables
The customer satisfactions in the in different stages of the trip, from the descriptive
percentage of frequency analysis, it has the result that the satisfaction before the journey is
mostly answered "satisfied" N= 251 (59%). Satisfaction onboard is mostly answers
"satisfied" N= 234 (55%). Satisfaction after the journey the answers between "dissatisfied"
N= 163 (38%) and "satisfied" N= 165 (39%).
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
Critical Incident
The next step in this study gives a description of the critical incident; it means that
the incident which occurs on the respondent during the trip using the commuter line in
every stage of the trip.
From Figure 1, in critical incident before the journey related to easiness, it can be
seen (10%) negative incident occurred before the journey, such as difficulties in access to
the station and entrance the station. Then some station that only has the facility of stairs
making it very difficult for the customers especially in the peak hours because of crowded
and overcrowding.
In critical incident onboard related to easiness, it can be seen (20%) negative
incident occurred onboard. Such as difficulty in hearing the announcement of a train delay
because of only letting know through the speakers from machinist cabin, so it is often not
very clear sounded, making it difficult for customers to know the information submitted,
especially in rush hour.
In critical incident after the journey related to with easiness, it can be seen (9%) of
negative incidents that occurred after the trip, such as difficulty in reporting when lost
luggage or finding items while traveling. Furthermore, passengers also had difficulty
finding officers serving in the handling of lost and found items at the destination station.
From Table 5, the result from the paired t-test shows that there is also a weak
correlation between satisfactions onboard and after satisfaction. However, it has a
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
From Table 6, 18 items being variable in question regarding the ease of use before
the journey, only 4 variables are contributing to satisfaction before the journey. It shows
that 4 items from the ease of use before the journey have positive impacts on the
satisfaction before the journey.
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
From Table 7, 12 items variable ease of use onboard; only4 variables are
contributing to the satisfaction onboard. It shows that 4 items from the ease of use onboard
have positive impacts on the satisfaction onboard.
From Table 8, 6 items variable of ease of use after only 3 variables are contributing
to satisfaction after the journey. It shows that 3 items from the ease of use after having
positive impacts on the satisfaction after the journey.
From Table 9, the coefficient of determination (R2) showed the number of 0,163
which means that the independent variable affecting the dependent variable is at 16%, the
rest is influenced by other variables. It means that independent variable has weak influence
to the depedent variable.
Below is the regression equation based on the beta values above, namely:
Y = 2,126+0,251X1+0,102X2+0,122X3 (1)
Y = Overall evaluate ease of use
X1 = Variable “Satisfaction before”
X2 = Variable “Satisfaction after”
X3 = Variable “Satisfaction onboard”
Constants of 2,126; it means that if the X1, X2, and X3 the value is 0, the Y value is 2,126.
The point is from these numbers if the variable independent namely the satisfaction from each
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
stage of the trip does not exist. The level of ease overall perceived by the customer low-value that
is (only 2,126). It means customers still find it difficult to use, obtain and understand the services
that have been provided by the commuter line.
Furthermore, the value of the coefficient of the equation above can be seen in a
sequence that satisfaction before has a larger coefficient. It likely can affect more to the
overall ease of use. Then the second is onboard satisfaction and the last is satisfaction after
the journey. It means that variable of satisfaction before giving dominant influences the
overall ease of use variable than others. The three independent variables (satisfaction
before, onboard and after) have a positive relationship with the dependent variable (overall
ease of use). Ease overall perceived by the customer is expected to increase from the value
of each satisfaction because of looking at the positive relationship between overall ease to
satisfaction from the different stage of the trip.
Perceive of ease of use for the customer starting from the start of the trip (before
the journey) followed on the go (onboard), and the last after the journey. There is one
higher perceived of ease before the journey that is ease of obtaining announcement
Information of arrival train in the station (mean: 3,67). Moreover, there is the fact that
mostly in commuter line station there are only a few of escalator or elevator facilities/
mostly stairs (mean: 2,67). Although there are elevator facilities, they are placed in few
stations only and bad condition (broken). Hence it makes tough for customer (complaint
data from the commuter line social media group. The result of perceived of ease using
commuter line almost similar in different stages of the trip (before, onboard and after the
The result of average value analyses in satisfaction before the journey shows that
mean value is almost similar with the satisfaction onboard. However, it significantly
decreased in satisfaction after the journey. The results of research to relate to the
satisfaction based on customers’ experiences with ease of use in different stages of the trip
convey that customer is satisfied to use commuter line before the trip because customers
get ease in using the services which have been provided. Further satisfaction declined
slightly when customer using the commuter line, despite it does not relate to satisfaction
before the trip. It means that satisfaction of customers while traveling (onboard) is not
influenced by satisfaction before. Furthermore, the satisfaction onboard does not have an
effect on satisfaction after the journey.
The most important step of the trip based on this study is to consider about customer
satisfaction before the journey because it will affect the perception of the service to assess
for overall perceive of easiness that they felt.
During the travel which is using the commuter line, the customer is also having
unexpectedly experienced events or critical incident. It consists of the facilities which have
been provided and are associated with the fellow customer. The results of the study
mention that between positive and negative critical incidents, negative critical incidents
mostly occur with variety of critical incident. Afterward, almost in every stage of the trip
has the kinds of a critical incident which are related to the ease, although it has a small
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Simposium XIX FSTPT, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 11-13 Oktober 2016
percentage compared with other types of incidents such as train critical operational;
security and safety; design of vehicle; and mode change.
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