HPSY131 1 Jan Jun2024 SA2 MS V2 17012024

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Academic Year 2024: January- June

Summative Assessment 2: Psychology 1A (HPSY131-1)

NQF Level, Credit: 5, 12

Weighting: 10%

Assessment Type: Research Essay

Educator: Candice Briesies

Examiner: Marita Sabatier

Due Date 10 June 2024

Total 25 Marks


1 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
1. Summative Assessment 2 (SA2) must be uploaded in PDF format onto ColCampus
by no later than 23h59 – 10 June 2024.

2. The essay must be a minimum of 600 (six hundred) words, and should not exceed
750 (seven hundred and fifty) words.

3. The essay structure must be as follows:

• Cover Page:
o Name
o Surname
o Student Number
o Name of your Support Centre (i.e. Boston, Braamfontein)

• Introduction: Tells the reader what the essay is about.

• Body / Main Content: Is based on research and relates to the essay question or
topic that has been set.
• Conclusion: Is a summary of what has been covered in the essay, it may also
include suggestions / recommendations.
• Reference list: (not included in the word count): the Harvard Referencing Method
must be adhered to with regards to in-text citations and the reference list.

Please make sure you read and adhere to Boston’s Harvard Method of
Referencing: A Beginner’s Guide when referencing, as well as The Beginners
Guide to Plagiarism, both are available in the HE Library module on ColCampus.

4. The essay must be typed, using the following format settings only:
• Font: Arial
• Font Size: 12
• Line Spacing: 1.5

5. For this assessment the following must be adhered to:

• You have been provided with two (2) academic sources, these sources are
compulsory and must be consulted and referenced when answering the research
• The compulsory source must be accessed using the HE Library module on
ColCampus unless otherwise stated e.g. through a hyperlink.
2 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
• Compulsory sources to use:

Journal Article 1: Google Scholar

Rhodes, J.E. and Jason, L.A., 1990. A social stress model of substance
abuse. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 58(4), p.395.

Journal Article 2: Google Scholar

Senn, T.E., Walsh, J.L. and Carey, M.P., 2014. The mediating roles of
perceived stress and health behaviors in the relation between objective,
subjective, and neighborhood socioeconomic status and perceived
health. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 48(2), pp.215-224.

• You are required to find and make use of one (1) additional relevant academic

6. Academic sources and accessing credible e-Resources:

Not all sources / texts can be classified as academic sources. Wikipedia, for
example, is not a credible academic source since authors are not identifiable, and
editing an article on this site is very easy. Also, blog posts often provide valuable
information, but are not academically sound. To judge whether a source is credible,
consider the following criteria:

• The author should be identifiable through author information, affiliations, and/or

• An academic source has usually been peer-reviewed.
• Academic textbooks or academic journals should be published by a recognised
authority/publisher like a university, an academic publishing house, research
organisation etc.
• A list of references should be present, that is, full citations for sources used.
Thorough reference to research is a crucial characteristic of legitimate academic

7. You must make use of the Harvard Method of Referencing. Refer to the examples
of referencing below:

3 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
Book, single author:
Holt, D.H. 2017. Management principles and practices. Sydney: Prentice-Hall.

Book, 2 or 3 authors:
McCarthey, E.J., William, D.P. & Pascale, G.Q. 2017. Basic marketing. Cape
Town: Juta.

Book, more than 3 authors:

Bond, W.R., Smith, J.T., Brown, K.L. & George, M. 2016. Management of small
firms. Sydney: McGraw-Hill.

Book, no author:
Anon. 2009. A history of Greece. Athens: Cengage.

Case, J., Marshall, D. & McKenna, S. 2018. Going to university: The influence of
higher education on the lives of young South Africans [E-book]. Cape Town:
African Minds. Retrieved from https://www.africanminds.co.za/wp-
content/uploads/2017/06/9781928331698_web.pdf [Accessed 3 June 2019].

Academic journal article with one author:

Waghid, Y. 2019. On the polemic of academic integrity in higher education. South
African Journal of Higher Education, 33(1):1–5.

Academic journal with 2 or more authors:

Waghid, Y. & Davids, N. 2019. On the polemic of academic integrity in higher
education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(1):1–5.

Newspaper article from a webpage:

Motshwane, G. 2019. A missed opportunity: Shakes slams Bafana's Afcon plans.
Sowetan Live, 7 June. Retrieved from
shakes-slams-bafanas-afcon-plans/ [Accessed 8 June 2019].

Court case:
Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd v Maharaj (1313/17) [2019] ZASCA 93 (3 June 2019).

Web based images (figures, graphs, maps, artwork):

4 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
Boston City Campus & Business College. 2019. Welcome [Image]. Retrieved from
https://www.boston.co.za/ [Accessed 3 June 2019].

Music or recording:
Makeba, M. 1960. The Click Song [Recording]. YouTube. Retrieved from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg4Fp-A7IRw [Accessed 8 June 2019].

Chapter in an edited book (collected work):

Velez, C. 1978. Youth and aging in central Mexico. In B. Myerhoff & A. Simic
(eds.). Life′s career-aging: Cultural variations on growing old. San Francisco, CA:
Sage, 107–162.

8. Boston expects you to approach your work with honesty and integrity. Honesty is
the basis of respectable academic work. Whether you are working on a formative
assessment, a project, a paper (read at a conference), an article (published by a
journal), or a summative assessment essay, you should never engage in plagiarism,
unauthorised collaboration (collusion), cheating, or academic dishonesty.

Plagiarism occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas, and
then calls the work their own. Simply put, plagiarism is academic fraud. This
includes the ‘copy and paste’ of work from textbooks, study guides, journal articles,
etc. Refer to the Plagiarism Information Sheet in your Course Outline for further

9. To obtain maximum results, please consult the rubric included in this brief to ensure
that you adhere to and meet all the given criteria.

A Copyleaks Report will be issued via ColCampus once the assignment is submitted.
Please ensure that you follow the correct steps when uploading your assignment, to
ensure that the Copyleaks Report is correctly issued. If the incorrect document is
uploaded, or if no Copyleaks Report is issued, a mark of zero (0) will be awarded. If the
Copyleaks Report indicates that a 30% similarity rating has been exceeded, 25% of the
assessment total will be deducted from the final grade. Where a Copyleaks Cheat
Detection Report is issued, your submission will automatically be treated as if you
received a similarity rating in excess of 30% and 25% of the assessment total will be
deducted from the final grade.

5 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this assessment:

Unit 8: Chapter 21
Demonstrate an ecological-systems understanding of the concepts of risk behaviour
and resilience.
Understand how cultural and structural factors influence risk behaviour.
Define stress.
Describe what stimuli cause stress reactions.

Unit 8: Chapter 22
Differentiate between drug tolerance and dependency effects.
Discuss the theories that explain how substance use disorders develop.

6 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
Question 1 (25 Marks)

Read the excerpt below and answer the question to follow:

South Africa's unemployment rate is among the highest in the world. This can have a detrimental
effect on the wellbeing of people. Feelings of hopelessness contributed to stress related
disorders and other risk factors such as substance use. Job insecurity is strongly associated with
depressive symptoms. Stress is a complex construct (Segerstrom & Miller, 2006) and various
different situations may be responsible for stress symptoms.

Stress may cause some people to engage in a variety of health-risk behaviours. Besides the
dangers of risky behaviour, a common outcome of health-risk behaviours is mental health
problems with depression the leading cause of health-risk behaviours.

Presume you are the Guidance Counselor of Lindalose Secondary School and are aware of the
health-risk behaviour, stress and substance use at your school.

Your task is to write an essay. In your essay:

• Define stress in terms of the interaction between the person and the environment.
• Draw a link between stress and high-risk behaviour including Bronfenbrenner’s theory
of promoting healthy behaviour.
• Present an argument on the relevance of cultural value systems and risky behaviours and
the influence of culture on a person's experience of stress.

• It is your responsibility to look up any words you are not familiar with, in order to ensure your
understanding of the essay topic, and content of the academic source, provided below.
• Refer to the grading rubric on the next page for guidance when researching and writing your
• You have been provided with two (2) academic sources, these sources are compulsory and
must be consulted and referenced when answering the research essay.
• Please consult Chapters 21 and 22 of your prescribed material.
• Use both articles provided to construct you essay.

7 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
Journal Article 1: Google Scholar
Rhodes, J.E. and Jason, L.A., 1990. A social stress model of substance
abuse. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 58(4), p.395.

Journal Article 2: Google Scholar

Senn, T.E., Walsh, J.L. and Carey, M.P., 2014. The mediating roles of
perceived stress and health behaviors in the relation between objective,
subjective, and neighborhood socioeconomic status and perceived
health. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 48(2), pp.215-224.

• You are required to find and make use of one (1) additional relevant academic source. Use
the HE Library on ColCampus to search for your source.
• Refer to the grading rubric on the next page for guidance when researching and writing you
• A Copyleaks Report will be issued via ColCampus once the assignment is submitted. Please
ensure that you follow the correct steps when uploading your assignment, to ensure that the
Copyleaks Report is correctly issued. If the incorrect document is uploaded, or if no
Copyleaks Report is issued, a mark of zero (0) will be awarded. If the Copyleaks Report
indicates that a 30% similarity rating has been exceeded, 25% of the assessment total will
be deducted from the final grade. Where a Copyleaks Cheat Detection Report is issued, your
submission will automatically be treated as if you received a similarity rating in excess of 30%
and 25% of the assessment total will be deducted from the final grade.

8 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
Structure of the 0 1–2 3
research paper. No distinction can be made between the introduction, There is somewhat of a A clear distinction was made between the
body/content, and conclusion of the research paper. distinction between the introduction, body/content, and conclusion of the
introduction, research paper.
OR body/content, and
conclusion of the Each paragraph deals with a specific component
No paragraphs were provided to separate different research paper. of the research paper.
aspects of the research paper.
More attention can be
afforded to the different
sections of the research
Content 0 1–4 4–7 8 – 11 12 – 13
Interaction Irrelevant information A poor attempt at An average attempt at A good attempt at An excellent attempt
between the was provided. addressing the research addressing the research addressing the research at addressing the
person, topic was presented. question was presented. question was presented. research question was
environment and OR presented.
stress. The research paper More supporting The student provided a
No understanding of the appears more opinion- information is needed on good discussion on the The student
Link between topic was demonstrated. based than informed by the following: following: sufficiently addressed
stress and high- academic sources. Interaction between the Interaction between the the following:
risk behaviour. person, person, Interaction between
Much of the research environment and stress. environment and stress. the person,
Bronfenbrenner’s paper is unclear and Link between stress and Link between stress and environment and
theory. unrelated to the high-risk behaviour. high-risk behaviour. stress.
research question. Bronfenbrenner’s theory. Bronfenbrenner’s theory. Link between stress
Cultural value Cultural value systems Cultural value systems and high-risk
systems and risky The research paper was and risky behaviours. and risky behaviours. behaviour.
behaviours. not written in a coherent Influence of culture on Influence of culture on Bronfenbrenner’s
manner. experience of stress. experience of stress. theory.
Influence of Drug dependency. Drug dependency. Cultural value systems
culture on Culture and social class Culture and social class and risky behaviours.
experience of with regard to substance with regard to substance Influence of culture on
stress. and safety. and safety. experience of stress.
It is evident that most of Drug dependency.
the research paper is
supported by academic Culture and social
sources. class with regard to
substance and safety.
The research paper
could use some work. Academic sources
inform the research

The student
independent thought
and is supported by
academic sources.

9 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024
The research paper
was presented in a
coherent manner.
Academic 0 1 2 3 4
sources No sources have been Only compulsory All compulsory sources All compulsory sources All the compulsory
used or have been cited sources were used. were used AND cited in- were used AND cited in- sources have been
in-text. text. text. used AND cited in-
OR text.
No additional source One (1) irrelevant/non-
Only one (1) compulsory was used. academic source was At least one (1)
source was used. used. additional source has
OR been used AND cited
Irrelevant additional
sources were used.
Referencing 0 1–2 3 4 5
Incorrect use of Boston Incorrect use of Boston Incorrect use of Boston Correct Boston Harvard Correct Boston
Harvard Referencing for Harvard Referencing for Harvard Referencing for Referencing was used Harvard Referencing
the reference list and in- most references in the some references in the for most sources in the was used for the
text citations. reference list and in-text reference list and in-text reference list and in-text reference list AND in-
citations. citations. citations. text citations.
Some of the sections of In-text citations have Every section of the
No in-text citations were the research paper do been made for most of discussion of the
used, and no reference not include in-text the sections in the research paper
list was provided. citations. research paper. includes in-text
Only in-text citations citations.
were included, OR only Some of the references Most of the references
the reference list was have not been added to have been added to the All the references in
included. the reference list. reference list. the reference list are
Only one (1) compulsory The reference list and The reference list and
source was referred to in-text citations do not in-text citations All sources used have
in-text. correspond. correspond. been included in the
reference list.

Only one external

source was used, and
no compulsory source
was used or referred to

Most of the sections in

the research paper do
not include in-text

10 HPSY131-1-Jan-Jun2024-SA2-MS-V2-17012024

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