Work Immersion 2ND Quarter Exam
Work Immersion 2ND Quarter Exam
Work Immersion 2ND Quarter Exam
A: Frederick Winslow
A portfolio is a set of pictures by
EXAM someone, or photographs of examples
Combination format is generally of their work, which they use when
reserved for beginners with less entering competitions or applying for
experience in a particular industry. work. A: True
A: False Functional format is flexible and can be
All employees have the right to have a used for applicants with any level of
______ consecutive hours of rest day experience. A: False
after every 6 days of work. A: Twenty- A resume is a means of not advertising
four yourself to get a job that you want and
When creating a portfolio, go for quantity will give a short impression about you to
not quality. A: False the employers whether you attain their
standards or not. A: False
A: Functional format focuses on your
abilities and skills and is more suitable The duty of every employer to give his
for those with an expert level of employees not less than______ minutes
experience. time-off for their regular meals. A: Sixty
Defined as “the place where work A: Production portfolio can also include
immersion of students is done". budget sheets, idea pitches and
A: Workplace Immersion Venue marketing materials.
The Php 426 combined rate is locally All items need to be clear and easy to
referred to in the Philippines as understand. A: True
“______" due to this regional disparity. If an item is too large to take to the
A: Manila Rate interview you can bring it to show with
Make sure that the portfolio is carefully close ups to elicit details. A: False
laid out and in the correct order. A: True Professional Profile is also the most
Overconfidence is not bad if you are flexible of the three styles as it can be
putting on a performance to formatted as short paragraph of bullet-
demonstrate your ability. A: False point list. A: True
A belief that work, hard work and During interview, asking question is not
diligence has a moral benefit and an wrong because it also gives you the
inherent ability, virtue or value to opportunity to find out if this is the right
strengthen character. A: Work ethic place for you. A: True
The normal hours of work of any Having a solid education section doesn’t
employee. A: Eight helps to display the foundation of your
knowledge and expertise. A: False
Include your GPA from 5.0, round up to
the first decimal place, and use this A written statement of your educational
format: GPA: 3.5/4.0. A: False and work experience. A: Resume