General Principles of Income Taxation
General Principles of Income Taxation
General Principles of Income Taxation
A: Yes, petitioner is deemed to have 3. The gain must not be excluded by law or
constructively received such rentals. The treaty.
withdrawal in 1958 of the deposits in court
pertaining to the 1957 rental income is no “Income from whatever source
sufficient justification for the non-declaration derived,” defined
of said income in 1957, since the deposit was All income not expressly excluded or
resorted to due to the refusal of petitioner to exempted from the class of taxable
accept the same, and was not the fault of its income, irrespective of the voluntary or
tenants; hence, petitioner is deemed to have involuntary action of the taxpayer in
constructively received such rentals in 1957. producing the said income, and
The payment by the sub-tenant in 1957 regardless of the source of the income, is
should have been reported as rental income taxable (Gutierrez vs. Collector).
in said year, since it is income just the same
Note: Citizens of the Philippines who Residence and Domicile, distinguished: To acquire a new
domicile – a domicile by choice – the following must
marry aliens shall retain their citizenship,
concur: (1) residence or bodily presence in a new locality;
unless by their act or omission, they are (2) an intention to remain there; and (3) an intention to
deemed, under the law to have abandon the old domicile. The intent to remain in or at the
renounced it (Const., Art IV., Sec.4). domicile of choice must be for an indefinite period of time
and the acts of the person must be consistent with this
Residence intent (Mitra vs. Comelec). Residence simply requires
It is the permanent home, the place to bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given place, while
which, whenever absent for business or domicile requires bodily presence in that place and also an
intention to make it one's domicile. No particular length of
time of residence is required though; however, the
residence must be more than temporary (Saludo vs.
American Express).
However, for income tax purposes, only the The term ‘doing business’ includes:
income of the Philippine Branch from sources a. Soliciting orders, service contracts, opening
within the Philippines is subject to income offices, whether called “liaison” offices or
tax and the income of the Philippine branch branches;
as well as that of the foreign head office from b. Appointing representatives or distributors
sources outside the Philippines is exempt domiciled in the Philippines or who, in any
from the Philippine income tax. calendar year, stay in the country for a
period or periods totalling 180 days or more;
Corollary, the gross income from sources c. Participating in the management, supervision
within the Philippines of the foreign head or control of any domestic business, firm,
office is subject to the final income tax that entity or corporation in the Philippines; and
must be withheld and remitted to the BIR by d. Any other act or acts that imply a continuity
the Philippine payor, unless such income of of commercial dealings or arrangements, and
the foreign head office is attributed and thus contemplate to that extent the performance
taxed to the Philippine Branch. of acts or works, or the exercise of some of
the functions normally incident to, and in
Test in Determining Status of Corporations progressive prosecution of, commercial gain
The Philippines adopted the law on or of the purpose and object of the business
incorporation test under which a corporation is organization (R.A No. 7042, Foreign
considered (a) as a domestic corporation, if it is Investment Act of 1991, Sec. 39 (d)).
organized or created in accordance with or under
the laws of the Philippines; or (b) as a foreign In order that a foreign corporation may be
corporation, if it is organized or created in regarded as doing business within a State, there
accordance with or under the laws of a foreign must be a continuity of conduct and intention to
country. establish a continuous business, such as the
appointment of a local agent, and not one of a
Corollary, a domestic corporation may be formed temporary character (CIR vs. British Overseas
or organized by foreigners under the Revised Airways).
Philippine Corporation Code, provided that it is
organized under the laws of the Philippines. An Offline International Air Carrier Selling
Passage Tickets in the Philippines, through a
On the other hand, a corporation established by General Sales Agent, is considered as a Resident
Filipino citizens under the laws of a foreign Foreign Corporation
country will be treated as a foreign corporation, An offline carrier has appointed an agent in the
and the branch that such foreign corporation sets Philippines, through whom, it sells or offers for
up in the Philippines is a resident foreign sale any air transportation is undoubtedly ‘doing
corporation. business’ or ‘engaged in trade or business in the
Philippines,’ therefore considered resident
In other words, the nationality of the owners of foreign corporation (Air Canada vs. CIR).
the corporation has no nearing in ascertaining
SUGGESTED ANS: I will advice A Co. to withhold Suggested Ans: KIA’s position is not tenable. It is
and remit the withholding tax on the dividends. doctrinal that selling airplane tickets through the
While the general rule is that a foreign local agent of a foreign airline is considered doing
corporation is the same juridical entity as its or transacting business in the Philippines.
branch office in the Philippines, when, however, Considering that KIA sold airplane tickets through
the corporation transacts business in the its general agent, PAL, it is taxed as resident
Philippines directly and independently of its foreign corporation subject to regular corporate
branch, the taxpayer would be the foreign rate. It must be stressed that the sale of airplane
corporation itself and subject to the dividend tax tickets in the Philippines is the activity that
similarly imposed on non-resident foreign produced the income. Having enjoyed the
corporation. The dividends attributable to the protection of the Philippine government, the
Home Office would not qualify as dividends income is taxable (CIR vs. BOAC).
earned by a resident foreign corporation, which
is exempt from tax (Marubeni vs. CIR). BAR QUESTION (2012)
Q: Foster Corporation (FC), is a Singapore-based
BAR QUESTION (2009) foreign corporation engaged in construction and
Q: Kenya International Airlines (KIA) is a foreign installation projects. In 2010, Global Oil
corporation, organized under the laws of Kenya. Corporation (GOC), a domestic corporation
It is not licensed to do business in the Philippines. engaged in the refinery of petroleum products,
Its commercial airplanes do not operate within awarded an anti-pollution project to FC, whereby
Philippine Territory, or service passengers FC shall design, supply machinery and
embarking from Philippine airports. The firm is equipment, and install an anti-pollution device
represented in the Philippines by its general for GOC’s refinery in the Philippines, provided
agent, Philippine Airlines (PAL), a Philippine that the installation part of the project may be
corporation. sub-contracted to a local construction company.
Pursuant to the contract, the design and supply
KIA sells airplane tickets through PAL, and these contracts were done in Singapore by FC, while
tickets are serviced by KIA airplanes outside the the installation works were sub-contracted by
Philippines. The total sales of airline tickets the FC with the Philippine Construction
transacted by PAL for KIA in 1997 amounted to Corporation (PCC), a domestic corporation. The
Corporation excludes:
c. Non-Resident Foreign Corporation (NFRC) – i. General Profession Partnerships22; and
a corporation which is not domestic and not ii. Joint Venture (JV) or consortium23
engaged in trade or business in the formed for the purpose of:
Philippines (Sec. 22 (I), NIRC). a. Undertaking construction projects; or
b. Engaging in petroleum, coal,
BAR QUESTION (2014) geothermal and other energy
Q: Triple Star, a domestic corporation, entered operations pursuant to an operating
consortium agreement under a
into a management service contract with Single
service contract with the government
Star, a non-resident foreign corporation with no (Sec. 22 (B), NIRC).
property in the Philippines. Under the contract,
Single Star shall provide managerial services for 22
‘General Professional Partnership’ are partnerships
Triple Star’s Hongkong branch. All said services formed by persons for the sole purpose of exercising their
shall be performed in Hongkong. Is the common profession, no part of the income of which is
compensation for the services of Single Star derived from engaging in any trade or business (Sec. 22
taxable as income from sources within the (B), NIRC).
Joint Venture and Consortium is generally understood
Philippines? Explain. to mean an organization formed for the execution of a
single transaction and is thus if a temporary nature. While
Suggested Ans: No, the compensation for a corporation cannot generally enter into a contract of
partnership unless authorized by law or its chapter, it has
services rendered by Single Star is considered an
been held that it may enter into a joint venture which is
income derived from sources without the akin to a particular partnership (Philex Mining Corp vs.
The partnership itself is subject to corporate In a co-ownership arising from the death of a
taxation while individual partners are considered decedent, the court clearly establish that
stockholders, and therefore, profits distributed to such co-ownership is automatically
them by the partnership are taxable as dividends terminated upon the partition25 and
distribution of the properties of the estate
The taxable income for a taxable year, after and an unregistered partnership is created
deducting the corporate income tax imposed when the heirs invested the common
therein, shall be deemed to have been actually or properties and income and placed them
constructively received by the partners in the under a single management.
same taxable year and shall be taxed to them in
their individual capacity whether actually
distributed or not (Sec. 73 (D), NIRC).
It must be noted that before partition and distribution of
Note: When the NIRC includes “partnership’ the estate of the deceased, all the income thereof belongs
among the entities subject to the tax on commonly to the heirs. Also, the income of a co-ownership
“corporations”, it must allude to organizations arising from the death of a decedent is not subject to
income tax, if the activities of the co-owners are limited to
which are not necessarily “partnerships” in the the preservation of the property and the collection of the
technical sense of the term. income therefrom (Mamalateo (2019), p. 124).
The source of income is the property, Income from Sources without the
activity, or service that produced the income. Philippines
1. Interest other than derived from sources
Q: Are reinsurance premiums ceded to within the Philippines;
foreign reinsurers considered income from 2. Dividends other than those derived from
Philippine sources? sources within the Philippines;
A: Yes. The source of an income is the
property, activity or service that produced Examples:
the income. The reinsurance premiums a. Dividends received from a foreign
remitted to foreign reinsurer by virtue of the corporation less than 50% of its
reinsurance contracts27, accordingly, had for gross income for the 3 year period
their source the undertaking to indemnify an ending with the close of its taxable
insurance entity against liability. Said year preceding the declaration of
undertaking is the activity that produced the such dividends or such part of such
reinsurance premiums, and the same took period as the corporation has been
place in the Philippines (Howden vs. CIR). in existence is from sources within
the Philippines; and
A contract of reinsurance is one by which an insurer b. Dividends received from a non-
procures a third person to insure him against loss or resident foreign corporation.
liability by reason of such original insurance (Sec. 97,
Insurance Code). It is an agreement between two parties,
called the reinsured (ceding company) and reinsurer,
3. Compensation for labor or personal
respectively, whereby the reinsurer agrees to accept a services performed without the
certain fixed share of the reinsured’s risk upon terms set Philippines;
out in the agreement. The original insurer, who, having
issued a policy to an insured to cover certain risk, desires
to relieve itself of part thereof (Essentials of Insurance
Law, Aquino (2018), p. 287).