Ludlum Model 2000 Scaler: November 2020 Serial Number 195271 and Succeeding Serial Numbers
Ludlum Model 2000 Scaler: November 2020 Serial Number 195271 and Succeeding Serial Numbers
Ludlum Model 2000 Scaler: November 2020 Serial Number 195271 and Succeeding Serial Numbers
November 2020
Serial Number 195271 and Succeeding
Serial Numbers
November 2020
Serial Number 195271 and Succeeding
Serial Numbers
Ludlum Measurements, Inc. warrants the products covered in this manual to be free of
defects due to workmanship, material, and design for a period of twelve months from
the date of delivery. The calibration of a product is warranted to be within its
specified accuracy limits at the time of shipment. In the event of instrument failure,
notify Ludlum Measurements to determine if repair, recalibration, or replacement is
There are no warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness, which extend beyond the description of the
face there of. If the product does not perform as warranted herein, purchaser’s sole
remedy shall be repair or replacement, at the option of Ludlum Measurements. In no
event will Ludlum Measurements be liable for damages, lost revenue, lost wages, or
any other incidental or consequential damages, arising from the purchase, use, or
inability to use product.
800-622-0828 325-235-5494
FAX 325-235-4672
Getting Started 2
Power 2-1
Operational Check 2-1
THR (Threshold) Setting 2-1
Operating Point 2-2
Determining Instrument Plateau 2-2
Specifications 3
Safety Considerations 5
Environmental Conditions for Normal Use 5-1
Cleaning Instructions and Precautions 5-1
Warning Markings and Symbols 5-2
Replacement of Main Fuse(Back Panel) 5-3
Data Output 6
Software 6-1
Prior to Installation of Software 6-1
Installation of Software 6-1
Button Functions 6-2
RS-232 Commands 6-3
Software License Agreement 6-4
Recycling 7
Parts List 8
he Ludlum Model 2000 Scaler is a self-contained counting instrument
designed for operation with scintillation, proportional, or GM (Geiger-
Mueller) detectors. Counting is displayed as a scaler count on an LED
(light-emitting diode) display. The instrument may be powered by 95-
250 VAC, 50-60 Hz or by four “D” cell batteries. The unit is complete with a
voltage-sensitive preamplifier, linear amplifier, electronic timer, and detector
high-voltage power supply.
Getting Started
Ludlum Measurements, Inc. recommends recalibration at
intervals no greater than one year, assuming that regular
operational checks are performed. Check the appropriate local,
state, and federal regulations to determine required
recalibration intervals.
Select either line (LINE) or battery (BAT) operation with the power switch.
BATTERY operation: The battery lids are located at the rear of the
instrument. Use a coin or screwdriver to open the lids. Place four "D" cell
batteries in the instrument with the terminal “buttons” (positive ends) facing
out. Turn the power switch to the BAT position. Check the battery condition
by pushing the HV BAT selector to BAT. (A downscale reading indicates
battery reversal.) Adequate power is assured when the meter needle is above
the BAT OK mark.
Operational Check
Determine if the instrument is operational by pressing the COUNT button.
The count lamp should illuminate. (This action starts the scaler count.)
Operating Point
The instrument and detector operating point is established by setting the
probe voltage (HV) and instrument sensitivity (THR). Efficiency, background
and noise for a given detector system are fixed by the physical makeup of
the detector and rarely vary from unit to unit. However, the selection of the
operating point makes a marked difference in the apparent contribution of
these three sources of count.
Set the THR control to 1.0 for a scintillation detector or to 0.2 for a
proportional detector.
With the detector shielded from the source, adjust the high-voltage control
by 50 V increments, and take a plot of HV-versus-background count rate
until the detector voltage rating is reached. Return the HV control to zero.
Plot both sets of data and select the operating point to correspond with the
maximum source count and minimum background count. Avoid areas of
very fast count rate changes with small changes in detector voltage. The
optimum operating point for low background detectors is just above the
inflection point (or break-over point) of the plateau curve. If the background
count is irrelevant, shift the operating point to the plateau center for greater
Batteries: four "D" cells with typical life of 120 hours; self contained in
the instrument
Input Sensitivity: voltage sensitive for use with all types of detectors,
including air proportional, GM, and scintillation
Timer Accuracy: Time base for the scaler is crystal controlled and has a
timer accuracy of ±0.2% of the thumb-switch setting.
COUNT switch: resets and starts the scaler counting. The scaler turns
off at the end of the preset time.
THR: a ten-turn control used to set the basic pulse discrimination point
of the scaler. This control is linear in the range of 1.00 through 10.00.
Back Panel
RS-232 connector: a 9 pin “D” connector, allowing output to a
computer or optional printer
The top switch (PC/PRNTR) controls the type of data. In PC mode, data
is bi-directional, allowing the computer to start/stop counting. If the
dipswitch is set to PC, and the push-wheels are all set to zero, the
instrument count time can be changed by the computer through the RS-
232 port. In the PRNTR mode, the scaler count is output only at the end
of each count. If the dipswitch is set to PRNTR, setting the push-wheels
to “000” sets the count time to infinity, allowing for very long count
Internal Controls
Time-base Dipswitch: two-pole dipswitch located on the main circuit
board. This switch allows for selection of a seconds time base, variable from
0 to 999 seconds, with a multiplier switch of ×1 and ×10. Setting all push-
wheels to zero allows the instrument count time to be set by an external
computer through the RS-232 port if the RS-232 back-panel dipswitch is
set to PC. If the RS-232 dipswitch is set to PRNTR, setting the push-wheels
to “000” sets the count time to infinity, allowing for very long count times.
Safety Considerations
No maximum altitude
Mains supply voltage range of 95-250 VAC, 50/60Hz single phase, 250W
CAUTION (per ISO 3864, No. B.3.1) – designates hazardous live voltage
and risk of electric shock. During normal use, internal components are
hazardous live. This instrument must be isolated or disconnected from the
hazardous live voltage before accessing the internal components. This
symbol appears on the front panel. Note the following precautions:
The operator is strongly cautioned to take the following
precautions to avoid contact with internal hazardous live parts
that are accessible using a tool:
1. Turn the instrument power OFF and disconnect the power
2. Allow the instrument to sit for one minute before accessing
internal components.
The “CE” mark is used to identify this instrument as being acceptable for
use within the European Union. It is located on the rear panel.
The “crossed-out wheelie bin” symbol notifies the consumer that the
product is not to be mixed with unsorted municipal waste when discarding;
each material must be separated. The symbol is placed near the AC
receptacle. See section 7, “Recycling,” for further information.
Data Output
he Ludlum Model 2000 RS-232 serial port can be connected to a
computer or printer for data logging of the scaler count
information. Windows™-based software and cable are supplied
with the instrument. The computer software can control the count
time, start and stop counting, time/data stamp data, and print or save data.
An optional printer may also be purchased to print each scaler reading.
The two-pole dipswitch on the rear chassis underneath the calibration cover
controls the RS-232 data. The bottom switch (PC/PRNTR) controls the type
of data. In PC mode, data is bi-directional, allowing the computer to
start/stop counting. In the PC mode, the count time can also be changed by
the computer, but only if the count time push-wheels are set to “000”. In
the PRNTR mode, the scaler count is output at the end of each count only.
The top switch (RECYC/OFF) allows counting to recycle instead of requiring
a manual push of the COUNT button for each cycle. This mode is useful with
the optional printer for taking many separate counts.
Ensure that both the computer and the Model 2000 are turned OFF.
Connect one end of the supplied RS-232 cable to the Model 2000 and
connect the other end of the cable to any unused serial port on the back of
the computer. (This unused port should be labeled COM1, COM2, COM3,
or COM4.)
Read Count: Click on this button to read the current count as displayed on
the Model 2000 display.
Set Count Time: Click on this button to set the count time. The count time
push-wheels must be set to “000” for this to work.
Read Count Time Left: Click on this button to read the remaining count
time left during a timed count. If a count is not in progress, this returns “0”
After the logging has been stopped, the data may be saved to a comma-
delimited file or printed to a printer. A temporary file called “grid.dat” is
created when logging is started. The format for the file is a comma-
delimited text file.
If the program is closed before the Save or Print button is used, the data
can be retrieved from this file.
Save: Click on this button to save the logged data to a comma-delimited file
for import into a spreadsheet or database program.
Start/Stop a scaler count.
Start/Stop a scaler count. When the count completes, the scaler reading is
automatically sent to the computer.
Read the scaler count
Read the count time left.
Read count time base; returns "0" for minutes and "1" for seconds.
Set count time. Count time is adjustable from 1 to 65535. The count time
pushwheels must be set to "000" for this count time to be active.
Read the current count time. If the count time pushwheels are set to "000",
the PC count time is returned.
udlum Measurements, Inc. supports the recycling of the electronics
products it produces for the purpose of protecting the environment
and to comply with all regional, national, and international agencies
that promote economically and environmentally sustainable
recycling systems. To this end, Ludlum Measurements, Inc. strives to supply
the consumer of its goods with information regarding reuse and recycling of
the many different types of materials used in its products. With many
different agencies – public and private – involved in this pursuit, it becomes
evident that a myriad of methods can be used in the process of recycling.
Therefore, Ludlum Measurements, Inc. does not suggest one particular
method over another, but simply desires to inform its consumers of the
range of recyclable materials present in its products, so that the user will
have flexibility in following all local and federal laws.
Ludlum Measurements, Inc. products that have been placed on the market
after August 13, 2005, have been labeled with a symbol recognized
internationally as the “crossed-out wheelie bin.” This notifies the consumer
that the product is not to be mixed with unsorted municipal waste when
discarding; each material must be separated. The symbol will be placed near
the AC receptacle, except for portable equipment where it will be placed on
the battery lid.
Parts List
Display Board,
Drawing 167 × 276 BOARD Assembled Display Board 5167-337
CAPACITORS C1 47uF, 16V, C 04-5550
C2-C5 0.001uF, 16V, C 04-5519
LED Displays U1-U6 HDSP-E103 07-6342
U7 MAX7219ENG 06-6443
RESISTORS R1-R4 22K, 1/4W, 5% 10-7070
R5 47K, 1/3W, 5% 12-7758
CONNECTOR P15 640456-6 MTA100 13-8095
Wiring Diagram,
Drawing 167 × 433
SWITCHES SW1 MTF206P 08-6780
SW2-SW3 7101-SYZ-QE 08-6658
CONNECTORS P7 RS232 13-8607
J1 640456-4 MTA100 13-8087
J2 UG706/U “C” CONN. 4478-011
J3 640456-3 MTA100 13-8081
J4 640442-3 MTA100 13-8135