SET 2022 Mathematical Science Question Paper II Optional

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RyP/P/S/II/2022 Question Booklet No.

SET A (t^Twsch)
Paper II (Optional)
1^1*^ Chi-5-20

<■ Candidate should write his/her

Roil No. Roll No. in (he given boxes

^ THesn/No. of Printed Pages : 62 ^ ^ THsm/Total No. of Questions: 100

WT/Time: 2 ipJ^/Hours tj^rf^/Total Marks: 200

■qF ^ qNTSff-l^ ^ f1 SPPft ^ ^f I

Tl^ Tiqcn t 1 3inTT (3#T^ qq
f1 ^ -Mqpjd "qr f i ^ ^ TfgqF ti
1 "fbthr 3j?q-Tq (0,r^=i5 f^qq) qn i qftsinqf qit sr^.q^T.snr. fefrq 3i?q-qq
^ qm -^f ^ ^ ^ qfe qi\ q^rrr t q 3i?T-^feiqn qr ^ 3fc ^11l^q
q^q-qqqit^q^^qqqrsR snq^qqrqfqf^" t iq^^qf i;05 ti:"fe^qu^q-qqqi\
■3tk arf^qj^^q^ i fgrnqwr-qq c^f^^IWi) ^ loo qqq f^^iqqq q^q 5i 150 11 ^•
■qq.m "^f q^t^qf "s^q-qq ^pt Wq q?q-qq ^ i mciu q^q srfe q^
^ qfl^qf Tqq T^qr i
TT^ q^ 3Tf^ f I , . .. . M
qrtfiin^ qq ■j.f^q) 1qqq ^^APdehd f "sqqi^ lOO q?q qR^ f "sq^ wr-qq h #t t
I 3Tf^ 11^' 10 q?q f-5i ^ 60 ^ qFT f, ^ II ^ 90 q^ f, 6i iso ^ q^q fjqj qnr
i^ qq t q qPT III "^f 90 q?q f 1^Hqq qFT qt 61 ^ 150 ^ f, q? qiq wrcfUcw
(^i'nStqn) 1^ qq t 1 qft^^ Mq ^qrq f^ qft^qf qm i q ii q^^' 3Tqqi_^ i q in i
(wf^iqft) qq qqq f^ tj
5. q^' ^ sfqr tfth f i q^ ti# "sqr 2 srq? q^R qr^ i qrqwF lyqfqq qq qiqmq q^'
^ 1
^ sn^ ^ qr q^q-^ferqq ^ qJt ^ ^ 1^ qqqit
a tqqfftcT TPsqr "^f ^ ^ t, 31^ ^ ^ ^^ I ^"
7. qqq qrK-qq (3i^.TTq.3TK. ^ffe) qr 1^ q^ qqrnj^ q| qqj^ ^ ^ qq^ arto i
8. ^-qq (3i^.qH-3TT^ ■^) "9^ srmqq? qfqfti qi^', 3pq t^hI qr q^* i
9. qft^qf Tfqt T^ qrpJ q?q-!^Rdq>i ^ -fqqfftq wr qr ^ qjt", spqq qr^* q^* qqr ^-qq (3it.q?T.a7R qr

10. qfq f^' 3Rq qqqr q^t qj^ qr qwncqqr qqiK q?l ^ ^ ^ ^ qqi ^
^ t^ "^^qftR q^t qiqq? qiqi qfiw I -
11. fq^ft qqqi qq ^ ^ ^'
12. 3:05 "qqiqi ^.qq.3TR. qife qi^ ^ q^^nqf q^ mfq I

Note : Instructions in English is given on the last page of the Booket which may read without
breaking the seal of the Booklet.


^I (Part I)
51. a^b gK 51. If a, e R are two real numbers such
f* ■% a <b+G, Vg>0, cT^ that a<b+G^ V g>0, then,which of
fF#rfW ■^* ^ ^ . the following alternatives is correct ?
■^^Pnr- :
(A) a>b
(A) a > 5

(B) a >6 +—, V « G N
(B) a>6 +—, V « G N
M n

(C) a<b
(C) a<b
(D) Every limit point of interval (a, b)
(D) (a, b) ^
[a, b) t" is in {a, b)

f~ ATtan ' r .^ .,
52. Wm^ TTrdx t :
{l+ x') ■
(A) STORt (A) Divergent

(B) (B) Convergent

(C) ^IRna (C) Oscillatory

(D) arrmn^ (D) Absolute convergent

T■ '2'' o T •
53. The value of Lim- — where a>0
(1+ a)
^TRrf^ RRsqr t, ^ rtt t" :" and /? is a real number, is :

(A) oo (A)- oo

■ (B) 0 (B) 0

(C) I (C) 1

(D) ^ ^ (D) None of the above

{5)S/20/2022/A P.T.O.
. .«» h'«

nuH) F FFF m.

¥-^funii§iF J^xyhs'^derini^suci
lo do-yi'/j^n-jLj ,0o V-.3 ■i-<\ > v^ iM: FT? ; 0 < 3 V 1 3 -^-1\ > ii Tr4
that: ^
pprp" j'fp pV.Fi^f TfT? rf K TTIi-"' HF*F|
V k: p.oviL^ ani//o]lo'i -Jfi?
'V: i7l3

0 "^Tf^ 0<x<I^^<'^ (A) 0 ifO<;c<l

/(x) = -l, ^ {l<:c<2}vj{3<:»:<4} /W= 1, if {l<x<2}0'{3^'x'<4}

2, < x< 3}'u{4 'Sx < 5} 2, if {2.<X|<3}u{4<*<5}
W9 V .--^ q < 1> (<j)

c\>si (01
Then the value of Lebesgue/integral
^■'l kj ' 'i
,, cf^ MH\^^ Lf./(x)tic ^ 1TPT
{<<> ,vjj iBV't'jTni lo j/uoq j!rJ.cri vVy/.^i (v.l)
If|p/(it)'&'ii :((\ .'O (fl)
: I'l -i.) jn 21

(A) 5 (A) 5

(B) 6 . ^ •/. nbjv. , • ...

; 2{ "Ait-; . Of' i X^'
■ (C) 0 ■ (C) 0 ' "'' ' '( ':^m)
(D) '^' i/,1 (D) None of the above.
^ ^ \J }

55. r44)crMT ^ 55, Complete the followhgO statement

-m, (choosing in order) ffoln • one of the

correct alternative :''•'" ' " ' ■^
' '"'

^Hy,"<=^4 X HR'nipHQ d "Two metrics d and d' on the same set

0<-. .'^■.. 'V --/PM t :^. ;hO' oi' i~r" !. 'A'O a. "/''A'
d'- r-"4j,^dld t; w (X, ^0 ^ X are said to be ;j if every
set;...:v...;.in (Xt (^Ts.;:v.>....:;ini,(Xv:t/')-"

(A) ■f^^; ■- (A; (A) Equivalent; open; open !j ,

(B) 'i 0'' , (B) Equivalent; open; closed (; i

(C) "^f^; Iq<ja i ^ ■'? (C) Equivalent; closed; open ' ^ ^

(D) ■^; ^ (D) Equivalent; closed; closed' ' ' '


(1i)V^U-q?%.0V«"^ ■ ; Ry ,'r^' iV-'^srpn^FF

B = {(1, 0),(0,l)} ^ 3Ti^ vector space V2(C),'with res^ec^ to ordered
1 1
basis B,^{(l,,p),(0,,l)}^ d

the matrix
,/ of-T --
,•-' I ^ I ordered,basis
.i ^ j]
hH $Vl! I

1 -1 .7 Ci B' = {(V,A(lv-i)l'Wllb6: , ,(j)

'l' 0 0' 2"
(A) (B) _0 0 "1 0" "0 2
0 0
Vj [jlc i'i
a 2 *y jj >S o-iorK; . ;i .
f p. ;0r dO"; .7(P y| iW ' ■0 ;G) V

"0 0" 2 P" "0 o" 2 0"

. u .(c)' 2 rrni-(D) >• .C't ff iff
0 o" 0 t

,; {• , . I' u I .- I • - <■ r ' I

2 "0 _0 0
JO 'I / • >I i "i

57. WTT^' ^ (c, +, -) ^ ; 57. For any matrix oyer the field ,(c,^+, •) of
■3 ',41 I '. j'i' y l 'h, jfji 1 IA 1
complex numbers-the. diagonal matrix of
jo/i ino'. -4 3 i.:on . jViji ' D) I 77 F '■'•J" "■'' ^3 7 4' r

I the matrix is :
'/'Oiv-. ' ij'-N _ ' . -f. i -4 .3: >.1."
sl'ii ;
-. .■ ( idt: on :■) 4 h'A- AJj s'nr-' y> [j
/-I 0
■;-l 0 '
-.(A), . • '■ >\V N .(ll5 n^-;v(A)-
' ■>, .iP
■o;'ji! i . . It' '• I 'i
] Tir. nO.-:iT .. -, Krc •] r,-c;;r.q7
3 + 4; 0 . f'. .ari' ii-or'] i
3 + 4; 0
(B) 0 3 : (B) 0 3 .d| .,^i [

3 + 4/i\ ,1' 0 \ ' :

(C) ■3 + 4r'
0 3-4; (C) 0 3-4;
(D) ^ ^
O'li ■ , ■, ,o'/ (D) None of.the.above..
'' ji 1" ii ,-i n'c {',r

58. Wi 3Tk W2 V(F) ^ 58. If W| and W2 are subspaces of the
a, cR : vector space V(F), then :

(A) L(W,uW2)= W,+ W2 (A) L(W,uW2) = W,+W2

(B) L(W,uW2)= W,^W2- (B) L(W|UW,) = W|-Wj

(C).L(W,nW2)= W,+W2 (C) L(W|nW,) = W,+W2 .

(D) ■L(WinW2) = W,-W. (D) L(W, nW,)= W,-W2

59. V3(R) ^R WT3Tf ^ 59. In V3(R), where R is the field of real

numbers, then the ' vectors
^ -m {(2,1,2), (8, 4, 8)}
{(2,1, 2), (8, 4, 8)} will be :
(A) Umd: (A) Linearly independent

(B) tPmd: "RW (B) Linearly dependent

(C) ^ tRsldid: sfk ^ (C) Neither Linearly independent nor

M<d*^ Linearly dependent

(D) (D) None of the above

60. R2 ^ R2 -qr rdHPdfed ■^* 60. Which of the following functions T

4iQid T tflsT^ <?\Hl*d<^J| igl from R^ into R^ is not a linear
t ? transformation ?

(A) T(a,b) = (b,a) (A) T:{a,b) = (b,a)

(B) r(a,b)^{a + b,a) (B) T{a,b) = {a + b,a)

(C) T(^j,6) = (l + cr,6) (C) T(cr.6) = (l+ a,6)

. (D) ^ (D) None of the above

^II (Part II)
61. Rwrdfed : 61. Consider the following statements :

®- 2 (i)

(ii) zz = I z p (ii) zz = I z I
Which of the above statements is/are

correct ?

(A) e^qcn (i) (A) Only(i)

(B) (ii) (B) Only,(ii)

(C) (i) 3fk (ii) " (C) Both (i) and (ii)

(D) "^T ci) (i)-^ ^ (ii) (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)

62. The set of points in the complex plane

fcny. I z —2 l + l z+21=6 ^n*=hq for which |z-2|+|z+ 21 = 6 is the
t: conic :

(A) (B) WOT, (A) Ellipse (B) Parabola

(C) WT ^ (D) aqf^TWOT (C) Straight line (D) Hyperbola

63. ^
63. The series 5^^
t: absolutely for :
(A) |z|<2* (B) |z|>2"'' (A) |2l<2' '(B) lzl>2'''
(C) |z|<2"' , (D) |z|>2*
(C) |z|<2"* (D) |z|>2'
1 .3rt
64. ^5^ Zw7, . .\n'^
A ^ 37f^TOT0T ^ 64. The radius of convergence of the power
1 3«
t: series S—..z
. .y is :
(A) (10)'^' ' (B) (10) 1/2

.1/6 /r»N t.r.\\n

(A) (10)' (B) (10)'
(C) (3)''' (D) 3 (C) (3)"' (D) 3

{5)S/20/2022/A P.T.O.

iiisS) ff rni-'f

65. :a#TOerf^^?^^n'Sinh!2 65. : Zerds^of:hypertK5lic:)functionnsinh2larej^

n+—\ni (A) ^ n + — ni (3j]P-(.2/j+—Itc

(A) (B)s 2) :: 2

(C) nni (P). iM,

(C) nni (DJ' I mf' .f{nl iii)
o'jsVei ovocIb odf^ 1,c«l doidW ete" Xliereqii'ationTtaniz = z\<has
66. -HHlcbiui tanz = z TQcu t -v

(A) «hc<ci "'M (A) Only real roots ' '

li) ylnO (A) (A)
(B) «iq<n qiKTHptqj "'M ' (B) Only imaginay roots
^ ai) YifiO (0) {f\)r>\^ lf\)
(C) qfR<Tf^ ^ (C) Both realj^djiipajgin^propts^
, '. (li) bnr. A) ibtjO (0)
(D) ^ /
(a) •!un {:)-i',d'i-j'^i ((.i) (D) Has no^rbot^ b i.-j r ;cj;
•j'ljdff /'ifara'-) , ,v?i" rd n'lfrsr; 1^,5) ••-i.-LiV Cm
67. W 2^ci„ z ^ 37to7iT ^ 6^''^HadIniard''' femuila' ^fbV^-' ra'dil^ of
:).ili b'f o 1 '.• •r i V tA /bidv/ '[ol r-r-j.. rfv :% _ ! r , . ■ • A r > ~A
■ ' ' convergence ^p- 1 of -the i power ^senes
p^ t :;:; -JincKi « : "IT

fi;od|ii/T L^O 'jsqillri (j /i=0

(A) -■=''„'"i''"r
aoOJi^R'H .'<li -•firl ■Jrb[i;-i;i^ I'J) Pw;^-l^7T^VK0 11//.
(A) p = '™l''"l
?.t!Yi'.(B!) ■ j - Uni| iji. c.-jho'K sJii'l J.d iItJTF DfTFJTfrR; ;o"}«?TH„
P 0;-"
(B) - =N"J
: fb!

/T\, — = limlfl„ s. . _ I
'^:>hf lA)
(fi) '{ ' CO)
i::s 1I! Cjjj ,1/n ' 'c-.k: TA l/n

(D) p = liin|a„| (D) p = lim|^7j

•/Ywoq 'j:lf ]'■} YYicj.Yiovno'j ro .'nilarj vjS'i A<>
68. ^''Thy^Wction'ek,isf:);-q d^p O-
68. 4i<rti ^ r
V (A) Everywhere analytic il y-n',
(A) ^ pi :-sr(Y.-
(B) y.iiRnRiq) qis! ^ (B) Nojwhere^analytic ' » j ,
(C) (C) Analytic at origin
f. {Clj (n CO'
(D) z = \ (D) Analytic at z = 1

f5)S/20/2022/A 6^ Av05.os:.GS^aie/
-• * "J K.Ji


69; .trHHI:fiWB vfa 3II^>(D| t.^^• 69. Suppose function / is analytic in a

■. (Ot 0'{ Rc/

noiia>!fil TIRT DJfi-jiuiia
-loratjiis? "^* hit;;- c!^ f
W^nrP /y ^ ■
(ii) ^1/1 ^/
37^ "iM (ii) If l/lj^s constant in D, then/is
c (hj
constant ^
1 'AM :: p)

i? Which ofthe above statements is correct ?

Jn y; ^/^ ' N ooiioaf/i 'jfir'o'jifbrj^o5-j. ,L\ . fyy?^ ,cT

('(A)f^^){i) (A) Only (i)
■ ^! -_>/Jinnn! tJii)
(B) (ii) (B) Only (ii)
{ - hi ) 0 (A) I - lA; b (A;

(C) #ft" (i) (ii) (C) Both (i) and (ii)

r- (H) 1 ' i'V;

(b) ^ cit (i) 3i[k ^ (ii)' (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
• jrl- to 'jLit^/ •';. ' ! .-"H .A

70. ^ 70. Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar form

i ■-'! O ■■ - - ' • ', ' ■ . i

f : are :

(A) rw, = WeiWe = "^"r (A) ru,=u^\u^ = -ru^

. ■(. ' ~ i
(B) M, = Me;«e=-"r ^'' (B) u^=v^-,u^=-u,

(C) u;= ruj;\ = -ru^ "■ ' '' (C) «, = rMe;.Me = -/■«, .

(D) ra,= ^Uo;.^9=jiru^ (D) ra, =-We;Me=rM,

•j Vj -.' 'A .L\ -.. ... — -

71. C 37^ ^ "OTC -1 1 71. If C is the semicircular arc | ^ ] = 1 from

-1 to 1 above the real axis/frien the
T33^,37^§^ ^ \z\ =l \-dz
' ' ' . i i' ',' • ' ^ f 1^ :y
value of integral ]~^ is :;
17B t 'V'
(A) 7CI (B)-.p7CJ (A) TCI (B) -ni

(C) 0 ' '' ' ' (D)- U' ' ' ' (C) 0 ■ (D) t: ■

(5)S/20/2022/A P.T.O.
72. In region l<|z|<2, the coefficient of
72. ^ l<|z|<2 (l-z)(z-2) 1.
~in Laurent series for the function
1 z
Rny. mI<i 'A' —f 1

t: (l-z)(z-2) ^
(A) 0 (B) 3 (A) 0 (B) 3
•(C) 2 ■ (D) 1 (C) 2 (D) 1

{z-a)[z-b) ^ 73. Residue of the function

{z-a){z-b) at
t: the infinity is :

(A) 0 (B) - 1 (A) 0 (B) - 1

(C) 1 (D)
(C) 1
74. : 74. The value of the integral :

f -^dz;\a\>l
[ ——dz;I a I > 1

^ %: IS :

71 7C

(A) (B) 0 (A) - (B) 0

a a

(C) (D) 2jia (C) jta (D) 27ca

(l+z^P 75. Residue of (i+z^r.; «, k eN at

«, A eN ^ ^=0 "qr .2/1+1

t z =0 is :

^n + k^ ^77+^^ n-^k^
(A) (B) (A) (B)
V "/ 2k V " y . 2it
/ \
n-\-2k^ n ^77+2P
(D) CC) (D)
u, V " / V ^ /

(5)S/20/2022/A 8
or +3 (xz +3
76. TTHT /W = 76. Let /W=(z-l)'
v2 and its residue at

4 t, eft a ^ TTH t : 2= 1 is 4, then the value of a is :

(A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 1 . (B) 2

(C) -1 (D) -2 (C) - 1 (D) - 2

az+ b az-\-b
77. ^MW<ui w = , ^ 77. A transformation w = transforms
CZ + Ci cz+ a
^ ^ 2-^Haci "4 '^* the unit circle in the w-plane into a
VTRTfer %, ^ : - straight line in z-plane of :
(A) |6|=|^| (B) |A|^|^|. (A) |A|=|rf| (B) 16|^|J|
(C) |a|=|c| (D) |i/|?t|c| (C) I fl I = I c I (D) I a I I £71
78. w ~ iz + i, jc>0 ^ 78. The transformation = iz+/ maps the
3TfM%^ ^ ^ t: half-plane ;c>0 onto :
(A) ^shield w > 0 (A) the half-plane w > 0
. (B) v>0 (B) the half-plane v > 0
(C) u>1 (C) the half-plane u > 1
(D) V>1 (D) the half-plane v > 1

79. f{z) c\\z-z^\ = r 37^ afR 79. Let /(z) be analytic inside and on circle
M< iJ.41 4idH 4< 4R 6*:|z-Zy|= r and if |/(z)|<M(/*)., then
|y (z)|<.M(/*), « = U, 1, ^ Idk,: ■ for /7 = 0, 1, 2, :

(A) (A)

(B) |/'h)]£

(D) I/I-)!'"':,''"
(5)S/20/2022/A 9 P.T.O
80. "HMi /(z) G 80. "Suppose that /(z) is analytic in a
|z|<R, /(0)=0 •^^ST^*TfeTT domain G defined by |2|<R with
W t I ^ |/(z)|<M VzeG, f(0) = 0'. If |/(z)|<M VzsG, then
VzgG |/(z)|<M |z|/R" I VzeG, |/(r)|<M |r|/R".'
"3^1^ cb^dldl t :' The above statement is called :

(A) yARlc^l (A) Schwarz's lemma

(B) 3RTfW (B) Cauchy's inequality

(C) (C) Cauchy's integral formula
(D) ^^ (D) None of the above

81. "C,.,+"0, 1TH ^ ; 81. The value of +" will be :

(A) "-'C (B) "C„, (A) "-'C (B) "C„,

(C) "-^'cr+l (D) "*'C (C) "-^'c r+t
(D) "*'C,

82. n =b<^a<l m ^ "4* 82. If n pigeons are assigned to m pigeon

"W eft ^ ^ holes then one of the pigeonholes must
■^* -qifb^ 1 .pigeons.

("-1) /7-1 (n-l) n-1

+1 -hi
(A) m
(B) m
(A) m
(B) m

n («+i) n („+i)
+1 -1 -hi -1
(C) (D) m
(C) (D)
m m m

83. 100 ^ ^ feFTt 83. How many number of primes are less

f ? than 100 ?

(A) 20 (B) 21 (A) 20 (B) 21

(C) 23 (D) 25 (C) 23 (D) 25

(5)S/20/2022/A 10
84. {x,y)= z t 2, X ^ 84. (x, y) = z denotes z is the greatest
tT^ t I ^ {a,b)= l ^ common divisor of x and y. If (a, ^) = 1,
[a + b, a-b) ^ eVii : then the value of (a + b, a-b) will be :
(A) 1 -^TT 2 (B) 1 -EfT 3 (A) 1 or 2 (B) I or 3

(C) 1 -qr 4 (D) 1 5 (C) 1 or 4 (D) 1 or 5

85. t[<si=t) 3x = 4(mod5) ^ 85. The solution of linear congruences

: 3x^4(mod 5) will be :
(A) x = 3+ 5^ / el (A) X = 3 + 5r, / €I

(B) X = 5+ 3/, / e I (B) X = 5 + 3/, r G I

(C) x = 3+ 4/, / G I (C) X = 3 + 4/, / GI

(D) x = 4+3/,/gI (D) x = 4 + 3/, rel

I ^ f I where 1 is set of integers.

86. ^^^^ 86. Necessary condition to apply. Chinese

^ "H^RFTm ^ Mk^cril #TT Remainder theorem is modulo of
: congruence should be :
(A) (A) Individually prime
(B) 31^1^ (B) Relatively prime
(C) TTf^3J^ ^ 3Tfe*!^ ■^* (C) No restriction on modulo

(D) ^ ^ (D) None of the above

87. (j) ■ "q^ 4>cii ^ m 87. If ([) is a Euler Phi fiinction and m and
n ^4icH4i t, n are relatively prime positive integers,
(t)(/7;?7) ^ ^I'li : then the value of (j)(ww) is :
(A) =(j)(w) + (|)(«) (A) =<^{m) + (^(n)
(B) =(})(/«)■ ({)(«) (B) =(l)(w) •(!)(«)
(C) < 4) (m)+ (})(«) (C) <(!)(/«) + ({)(«)
(D) <(j)(w)-(|)(M) (D) <(l)(m) •(!)(«)
(5)S/20/2022/A 11 P.T.O.
88. 2^^ -1 ^ ^ 88. The smallest prime divisor of the integer

? : 2^'-l is :

(A) 231 (B) 233 (A) 231 (B) 233

(C) 237 (D) "251 (C) 237 (D) 251

S9, p t 89. If p is an odd prime, then incongruent

x^ = l(mod;7) ^ ^t : solutions of x~ = l(mod p) are :

(A) 1 sfk p + 1 (A) 1 and p + 1

(B) 1 sk p + 2 (B) 1 and p + 2

(C) 1 3k p - 1 (C) 1 and p - 1

(D) 1 sk p - 2 (D) 1 and p - 2

90. 82 ^ ^ "ip f ? 90. How many primitive roots are there of

integers 82 ?
(A) 16 (B) 18
(A) 16 (B) 18
(C) 20 (D) 22 (C) 20 (D) 22

91. ^ Zg ^ Z20 -qr ^ 91. The number of group homomorphisms

w^nfcna^' ^ t: from the group Zg to group Z20 is :

(A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 1 (B) 2

(C) 3 (D) 4 (C) 3 (D) 4

92. Sj ■^' 6 ^ 3OT^* 92. The number of elements of order 6 in the

^ t : symmetric group S5 is :

(A) 30 (B) 24 (A) 30 (B) 24

(C) 20 (D) 6 (C) 20 (D) 6

(5)S/20/2022/A 12
93. 15 ^^ G ^ 93. For any groups G of order 15, consider
"qr feR : the following statements :

P: t P : G is cyclic

Q:G t Zi5 ^ Q : G is isomorphic to .

cl^ : Then :

(A) P Q f - (A) Both P and Q are false

(B) P 3Rlcq t Q WT t (B) P is false but Q is true

(C) P WT t Q t (C) P is true but Q is false

'(D) P ^an Q WT t (D) Both P and Q are true

94. TT^ 3T^ TpRT^ -am ■4* ,3T^^* ^ 94. The number of elements of a principal
ideal domain can be :

(A) 15 (B) 25 (A) 15 (B) 25

(C) 35 (D) 36 (C) 35 (D) 36

95. WT Z5 ^ iiU|uj|c|M ^ -^Psqi 95. The number of proper ideals of the ring
t : Z5 is :

(A) 0 (B) 1 (A) 0 (B) 1

(C) 3 (D) 5 (C) 3 (D) 5

96. ^2W/(^' + ^'+l) t : 96. Z2[x]/^x^+x^+l^ is :

(A) 8 3^^^* ^ "0^ ^ (A) A field having 8 elements.
(B) 9 ^ 13;^ (B) A field having 9 elements
(C) ^ 3HcT ^ (C) An infinite field
(D) -q;^ ^ t (D) Not a field

{5)S/20/2022/A 13 P.T.O.
97. Z[x] I Z[x] 97. Consider the polynomial ring Z[x]. In
, x^ + l 'm ipJM^ t: Z[x], the ideal generated by x^+1 is :
(A) 1WT t (A) Maximal but not prime

(B) 3TWI ITWT "=7^ (B) Prime but not maximal

(C) (C) Both maximal and prime

(D) ^ sfk ^ ^ 3T^71^ (D) Neither maximal nor prime

98. R* TppT ^ sRpfe >31^ ^mrf^ 98. Let R* denote the group of non-zero real
^ ^ t, ^ numbers under multiplication. Consider

(j):R*—>R* (|)(x)=|x| "d "RR^irfe the mapping ((>: R* —> R*, defined by
I cT^ : (j)(a:)= IXI. Then :
(A) "^RPT (]) ^HI=hlRcjl ^ t (A) Mapping ([) is not a homomorphism

(B) ■ (j) ^Hl^lRdl t (B) Mapping <j) is a homomorphism

Ker (t> ={l} and Ker <j) ={l}

(C) (f) ^Hl=+ilRdl t cTSTT (C) Mapping (j) is a homomorphism

Ker (t)={0} and Ker (f ={0}

(D) ({) ^^HldilRdl t (D) Mapping (j) is a homomorphism

Ker (i)={l,-l} and Ker <!)= {l, -1}

99. -^0 13^ 200 ^^^ ^ 99. Let G be a group of order 200. Then the
25 ^^ G ^ ^ ^: number ofsubgroups of order 25 of G is :

(A) 8 (B) 5 (A) 8 (B) 5

(C) 4 (D) 1 (C) 4 (D) 1

100. ^felt^Tfa,^>gG ^GR^ 100. Let a,6 G G, where G is a group. Then

^t.^ {aby^ = 6"'a"' ^^"STRIT t: (ab)'^ = b'^a'^ is known as :

(A) f^ (A) Associative law

(B) (B) Closure law

(C) (C) Socks-Shoes property

(D) sft^Rt^ (D) Commutative property

(5)S/20/2022/A 14
dy y
101. fTH (IVP)
IVP f=i'J'(I)=2 has
y{l)= 2 t: (A) No solution

(A) ^
(B) A unique solution
(B) TJ^ ^
(C) Infinite solutions
(C) 3TO ^

(D) "^f ^ ^ (D) None of the above

102. ^ 102. Singular solution of the first order

^41=h<>J| : ordinary differential equation :

p^ +px-y =0 p^ + px-y = ^

^ Mm ^ t : is :

(A) 4x'+27y^ (A) 4x^ + 27/

(B) 4x^ +27/ (B) 4x'+ 27/

(C) 27x^+4/ (C) 27x^ +4/

(D) 27x^+4/ (D) 27x^+4/


103. ^4l4)<u| : 103. The Wronskian of the solution of

differential equation :
dx dx dx d^y _ d^y dy ^ ^
dx dx dx
^ ^ <TrH4)^H t : is :

(A) -6e-^ (B) (A) -6e'" (B) Se"'

(C) -3^2x (D) 3e2x (C) (D) 3^2-

(5)S/20/2022/A 15 P.T.O.
104. (mmu) : 104. Unique solution of initial value problem

D^y-2Dy — 3y = 2e'-10siti x; D^j'-2Dy-3^ = 2e^ -lOsinx;

y{0)= 2, /(0)= 4 y{0)^2, /(0) = 4

is :
^ ^t :

3 1
(A) y = —e^'
+2e'—e'+2sinx-cosx (A) y=—e^'' + 2e''——e'' + 2sinx-cosx
2 2

(Q) + 2£;"^——e""+2sin X -cos X (B) y = —e +2e''—e""+ 2sinx-cosx

2 2

(Q) y = —e'^"+ 2e~'' —I +2sin X-cos X (■Q _y = —e +2^"""-—e' + 2sinx-cosx

(D) y = 32^'^"
3. 1
(D) y =-e
+ 2sinx- cosx + 2 sin x - cos x

105. rHMPeinsId A' 105. Which of the following statements is

% ? true ?

(A) SLP -m (A) The eigen values of the regular SLP

are real.

(B) TT^ Pd^PHd SLP ^ (B) The eigen functions of a regular

■Rpff ^ W 37T^ [a, 6] SLP corresponding to the distinct

eigen values are orthogonal w.r. to
■qr '^K /-(x) ^ ^TT^si
weight function r(x) on [g, 6].

(C) The eigen values of the regular SLP

(C) "q;^ SLP ^ 311^ w\ ^
are simple.
^ t I
(D) All of the above
(D) dM^dd
(5)S/20/2022/A 16
106. rHHPdRsid ^ #T ^^ 106. Which of the following is not a property
t ?
of Green's function ?
(A) arfeta
(A) Uniqueness
(B) W#ra : G(x, ^)= G(^, x)
(B) Symmetry: G(x, ^)= G(^, x)
(C) (x,5) ^ G ^
(C) Continuity of G at (x, ;
G(r,^)= G(^-,^) • g(^\^)=G(^-,^)
(D) x =^ w: — awOTT (D) Jump discontinuity of — at x =^

107. + = ^ lyf 107. The complete integral of {^p^ + q^^y ~ qz

I : is :

(A) ax'+[y+by=z (A) ax^+(^y+ by = z

(B) (x + c/)^+(y+&)" =z
(B) (x-{-ay +[y+by =■ z

(C) (x+bf +/=^ (C) {x + bf + y'^^

(D) x'+{y+ bf=^ (D) x'+{y+bf=- a

108. The partial differential equation of the

108. w ^ z =(A-+;;)+ A(xy) ^ arrf^
• family of surfaces z = (x + j') + A(x;^)
31^^ t ;
(A) xp~yq = 0
(A) xp~yq~0
(B)' xp~yq = x-y (B) xp~yq = x-y
^ (C) xp+yq = x+y (C) xp + yq = x^y

(D) xp + yq =0 (D) xp + yq = Q

(5)S/20/2022/A 17 P.T.O,
109. Y^ctcti<u| ^ 109. By separation of variables the heat equation;
w, = Km^, 0</, 0<x<L u, = Ku^, 0</, 0<x<L
'(HI'MK'JI '^Hn1d ^TRTT : reduces to ordinary differential equations ;
(A) r = KXT,X''= XX (A) T' = KA,T,X" = ?.X

(B) V = KXr,X"= -XX (B) r = KXT,X" = -^X

(cy T'= -KT, X"= -^X (C) T' = -KT, X" = -A,X

(D).T = -KXr, X"= A,X (D) r = -KXT, X" = XX

110. RnfdRsid ^"Ih^hi "ct^ "rofcife 110. Which of the following is an example of
aiff^ 31^^ JHHlch^ui ^ <i<|^{U| t 7 parabolic partial differential equation ?
(A) ^h1^<ui (A) Laplace equation
(B) "^rraTT ^Hl=h<u| (B) Heat equation
(C) OT (C) Wave equation
(D) "4* ^ (D) None of the above

111. ;c =(f)(x) ^ 111. Condition of convergence of iteration

^ ^ 37feTT^ ^ ^ ?lcJ t" : method to solve equation x = (i)(x) is :
(A) |f(x)|= l (B) .|f(x)|<I (A) \^'{x)\ = \ (B) l(t.'(x)|<l
(C) |fW|>l (D) |(t)'(x)|=0 (C) |f(x)|>l (D) IfW 1 = 0

112. ^ 112. The objective of Gauss elimination

WTto^T feFT AX = B ^ ^]yrf^ method is to reduce the coefficient
matrix A of system of linear equations
AX = B into a/an :
(A) n
(A) Upper triangular matrix
(B) fWWrhr AfdcHH ■^*
(B) Lower triangular matrix
■(C) (C) Identity matrix
(D) ^ (D) Null matrix

(5)S/20/2022/A 18
113. ^^ 113. The population of a town was as given

Mt I 2015 ^ ^ wm below. The population of the town in

#Tt ■: year 2015 is nearly equal to :

(^5f^ 3T?T#?H ^ ^ ^) (Using appropriate interpolation formula)

■ar^ ^jR^fw (RH^f ^f) Year Population (in Lakh)

1982 ■ 51 1982 51

1992 71 1992 71

2002 86 2002 86

2012 98 2012 98

2022 106 2022 106

(A) 101 cTT^ (A) 101 Lakh

(B) 105 cTM (B) 105 Lakh

(C) 104 eim (C) 104 Lakh

(D) 99 elT^ (D) 99 Lakh

114. -q^ = 0.1 ^ 114. Using Euler's modified method taking step
Mtr ^ ^ tth size = 0.1, find the approximate value of_y
^ ^ corrected upto three decimal places,
^ I
^=777; ;'{0) = 1 ^ ^ ^ = 0.1 corresponding to x = 0.1 for the initial
^ y ^ 1TR <^^lMeici ^ dy _ y — x
value problem t(0) = 1 :
3 TT^ f :
(A) 1.071 (B) 1.092 . (A) 1.071 (B) 1.092

(C) 1,101 ' (D) 1.152 (C) 1.101 (D) 1.152

{5)S/20/2022/A 19 P.T.O.
115. 115. According to fourth order Runge-Kutta
method, the approximate solution of

3'„+i=3'„+^ t, ^ TIT A t :
^= is =>'„+A:,whereAis ;
(A) = —(^1 + 2^2 +^3 + 2^4) (A) =—(Atj+2^2+A3+2/:4)

(B) =7(2^,+^2+2A3+?t4) (B) = +^2 ^^3 +^4)

D 6

(C) =-(/:|+2^2+2^3+^4) (C) =7(^1 + 2^,+ 2^:3 + ^4)


(D) =-^(2/:,+ ^2+^3+ 2^4)

(D) = 7(2^1
+^3 +2^:4)

116. JiHilc^Pd TJ^ : ■ 116. The Newton-Raphson iteration formula :

-Vi=^^«(3-A.x,^) ^//+i ~ ^tt ~ A.x„j

^ f^iTT *m\ ^ 1^ "SRtI^ w can be.used to compute the :
TT^ t ?
(A) Inverse of A
(A) A ^ ^
(B) Square root of A
(B) A ^ ^ f^
(C) Cube root of A
(C) A ^ ^
(D) A ^ • (D) Inverse square root of A

5 5

117. ^A^y/ =? ^ TTFT t : 117. The value of ^A^Ji = ? is :

/=i i=i

(A) A(/,-/) (B) A(/,-/„) (A) A(/,-y;) (B) A(/,-/„)

(C) A(/,-/„) (D) A{A-f,) (C) A(/,-/„) (D) A{f,-f,)

(5)S/20/2022/A 20
118. 118. Using Picard's' method, the value of
second appoximation of the differential
^= y(0)=:0 ^ dy _ f.
equation =^ '
HM 6*1'II ;
(A) tan"'{;c) (B) tan
(A) tan-'(x) (B) tan"'

r .A \
-I -I -1
(C) tan
(D) tan (C) tan - (D) tan
3 v4. .4,

119. rHHRrlHsId 4HHldi<"J| ■ 119. Using Gauss-Seidel method the second

feFt ^ x,y,z ^ "RR ^ ferk approximate value of x, y, z for the

tipt t : system of equations :

6x + y +z= 20 6x + y+ 2= 20

x +4y — z = 6 x-i-4y~z =6

X-y +5z= 2. ■ x'~y+5z = 7

is :
(A) 2.9916, 1.0104, 1.0038
(A) 2.9916, 1.0104, 1.0038
(B) 2.9121, 1.0072, 1.0937 (B) 2.9121, 1.0072, 1.0937
(C) 3.0172, 1.0528, 1.0705 (C) 3.0172, 1.0528, 1.0705

(D) 3.1004, 1.1637, 1.1021 (D) 3.1004, 1.1637, 1.1021

120.^ ^0 +^8=3, y^+y7=^> 120. If =5, ^2+^6-^,-
.y2+y6 = — > y3+y5 = Y ^ 25
y^+y^ = —,then the value of y^ is :
"^fiT HH eVil :
(where assuming seventh difference is
(Tfm^' 3mT ^ 1^3;) constant).

(A) 2 (B) 2.42 (A) 2. (B) 2.42

(C) 2.5 (D) 3 (C) -2.5 ' (D) 3

(5)S/20/2022/A 21 P.T.O.
121. :
121. The Euler's equation for the variational

^{y(^))=J(2^-^ 7'^ problem l{y{x)) = j(2x-xy~y')y'dx

IS :

^ 3iihq1<. ■HHl=t)<i'l ■§■ :

(A) 2/'-;;= 2 (B) 2/' +;;= 2
■ (A) 2y"~y = 2 (B) 2y" + y = 2
(C) y" + 2y = 0 (D) 2y"-y = 0 (C) y" + 2y=0 (D) 2/'~y=0

122. ■*# ^ 'IfWCT f' : 122. The Hamilton's equation of motion are :
-9H 3H -an an
(A) A » ^Ar (A) A •;^A =
3a '
an , -an , an
(B) A •;^A = (B) A =3—= ^
^ ^ ^Pk ■ ^Qk
aH , an- , an
(C) A
dp. •;^A =
a^, (C) a=^;a=^
-an an
-3H 9H
(D) A •;?A =
a^^ ' dPi (D) A ■; A =
9?i 9a
123. rHHPdR^d -^\=m Wf^ 123. Which of the following is not the form
of Euler's equation for
^(^W) = jf(^' A /)^fe

^ feis: SIFrar ^ t? i(yW)=jF(*, A/)«& ?

=0 ap d ( dY
(A) (A) =0
dy cbc 19/. dy
(B) dx
p /

-f-" p

. ^ -f=»
(C) F +_y'9|L P. / ap
9y' v-» (C)
-ap d -ap d (dv'
\^y'; dy '^dx[dy\ = 0
(5)S/20/2022/A 22
2 fi)
124. ^ ^ Ji /3 , 124. The extremal of Jif ~—dt,
dx dx
^ i(l)= 3, ;c(2)= 18 i= —, a:(1) = 3, x(2) = 18 and using
' O

m^ t : Lagrange's equation is :

15 3 6 15 3 6
(A) x = (B) ^= +7 (A) x = t'+2 (B) ^ = +7
(C) ;c = 5/'-2„ (D) x = 5t'+3 (C) x = 5/'-2 (D) x = 5?^+3

125. H^dPich : 125. The functional :

ll{/f + yy"+'^yV +{kxy'+ y)ydx, J„ {y'f + yy"+^/y"+{k^'+y)ydx,

where ;'(0) = 0; 3^(1) = 1/2; ;''(0) = 1;
^ ;'(0)=0; ;'(l)= l/2; /(0)= 1;
/«= 7 is independent path if k is
/(l)=;^ ^ ^ A: ^ equal to :
HM $Vii :
(A) A = 1 (B) A = 0
(A) jt = 1 ■ (B) A = 0
(C) A = 2 . (D) A = 4 (C) A = 2 (D) A=4

126. 3r^ C| C2 ^ HidPi=h 126. The functional :

I (x))=£(2y +{y'f -2sin a:) ^ Ky{^))= +{y'f -^sinxjdx

;c =i "qr PlHrdRsJd "4* ^ ■^. iTFT has the following extremal with Cj and
C2 as arbitrary constant at a: = - is :

(A) c,-C2 (A) c,-C2

(B) c.e'+c^e-2 (B) CjC^+Cje"^
(C) c,e + c,e-1 (C) CjC + Cje"'

(D) c.e'^" + C2C~'^^ (D) c^e^'^ + c^e-1/2

1/2 .

(5)S/20/2022/A 23 P.T.O,
127. "^Tf^ Wfe 127. The extremum of functional :

;'(0)=0; ;'(l)= l ^ satisfying the condition >'(0) = 0;
t, eft WT ^"qr "HM ^? >^(1) =! is attained on the curve :
(A) :^(:>:)= ;c^ (B) y(x)= x^ (A) y(x) = x^ (B) y{x) = x^
(C) ;;(x)= x'' (D) ;'(x)= :s: (C) >'(x) = x'' (D) >'(x) = x
128. Extremals >' = jy(x) for the variational

problem V (;;(x)) = £ +(y'f ]dx

^ ^= Pi*-ifenRaa ^ f^RT satisfy which one of the differential
37^^ ^ f ? equations ?
(A) Y"+Y =0 (B) Y"-Y =0 (A) Y"+Y = 0 (B) Y<'-Y = 0
(C) Y"+(Y')'=0 (D) Y'+Y =0 (C) Y" +(Y')'=0 (D) Y' + Y=0
129. Wfe l(7(^)) ^ 129. In a Rayligh-Ritz method the value of
^t : functional l(>'(x)] is :
(A) Tir^ ^ (A) taken on arbitrary admissible curve
(B) Mr Mr rt ■ (B) taken on linear combinations
(C) 3; = JC ^ ^ (C) in the form y = x
(D) j' = - X ^ ^ (D)" in the form ^ = - x

130. tinaei ^ f^3^f (x,, _yj) RR 130. The shortest curve following two points

(^2' ^2) ^ fMrft RT^ RRi ■§ : (x,, ^i) and (xj, ^^2) ^ plane is :

(A) (B) (A) Cycloid (B) Catenary

(C) M (D) RR (C) Straight line (D) Circle

(5)S/20/2022/A 24
f f-
131. The solution of the integral equation
i{x-t) - "(') di — yfx is :
(A) u[jc)= Jx (B) «(x)=ji:''^ (A) ii[x)=4x (B) z/(x)= x"^
(C) u{x)=^ (D) u(x)=x~+l (C) it{x)=~ (D) 7/(.v)= a:'+1

132. : 132. For the integral equation


u{x)= Xj{3x~2)lu{t)dt w(x)= ^|(3jc-2)/M(^)flV,

0 0

f^M."f^TR^fecI "^Kpri f^-cJK ; consider the following statements :

P: T^m\ "To "fefhr P : Given integral equation is
t" I homogeneous integral equation of
Q; "HH vm second kind.

t I Q : It has no characteristic value.

^: Then :

(A) P cTS^T Q ^ t (A) Both P and Q are true

(B) P ^ t Q t (B) P is true but Q is false

(C) P t Q ^% (C) P is false but Q is true

(D) P cr£TT Q t (D) Both P and Q are false

133. ^H|ch<ri : 133. The solution of the integral equation :

j ' j '
"{^)=-^+j{x+ t)"{<)'^'
■ 0
^ t" : IS :

(A) z/(x)= 2x4-I (B) u{x)= 2x~6 (A) 7/(x-)= 2.y + I (B) w(a:)= 2a:-6
(C) m(x)= 6a:+3 (D) w(x)= 6;c-3 (C) u{x)= 6x +3 (D) m(x)= 6x-3

(5)S/20/2022/A 25 P.T.O.
134. ^ : 134. If 2/(a:) is the solution of the integral
equation :
u[x)=\~2x-Ax^ +|[3+6(:c-/) X
2/(a:)= 1-2x-4a:^ +j[3+6(a:-/)
-A[x-tf'^u{t)dt, 0

^ m(a:) t", ^ z/(log3) ^ -4{x-l)^'^ii{t)dt,


? : then 2/(log 3) is equal to :

(A) 9 (B) 6 ^ ■ (A) 9 (B) 6

(C) 5 (D) 3- .(C) 5 (D) 3

135. ^Hl=hd ^Hl=b<u| : 135. Which of the following is satisfied by the

solution of the integral equation :
u[x)= \+jii{t)dt X

0 ii[x)-\-\-^u[t)dt 2
PihRiRsiu "4*
(A) 22(1)+ 2/(log 2)= 6'+ 2
t ?
(A) u(l)+ II(log 2)= e + 2 (B) 22(l)+ 2/(log2)= t'-l
(B) It(l)+ u(log 2)= e -1
(C) n(2)+ 2/(log 2)= e+ 2
(C) «(2)+ w(log2)= e + 2
(D) 22(2)+ 2/(log2)= e-2
(D) u(2)+ u(log2)= e-2

136. :
136. The solution of the integral equation :

w(x)= cosx+3JA:(x, t)u[t)di, 2/(a;)= cosA:+3jA(x, t)ii[{)dt,

sinxcos/, 0<x</ sinACOs/, 0<A</
cos;c sin/, l<x<K where k(x,t)-
cos A sin/, /<A<7C
t", ^ t" : IS :

(A) w(A:)= sin3;c (B) 2/(a:)= sin 4a: (A) 22(a)= sin 3a (B) 2/(a)= sin 4a
(C) 2/(a:)= cos3x (D) 2/(a:)= cos 2,v (C) 2/(a)= cos3a (D) 22(a)= cos2a
(5)S/20/2022/A . 26
137. 4j4]c^.<ui 137. The solution of the integral equation


-1+J(x-/)i/{i)di u{x)= l +j{x-l)u(()dt

IS :

(A) cosx (B) sin A' (A) COSA- (B) sinA

(C) sinhj; (D) cosh A (C) sinhA (B) cosh A

138. 4-141ch<u| : 138. The integral equation :

1 I

«{a)= Xjsin(tcx)cos(JT/)w(/)i// II(a)= A.J sin(tia)COS(ir/)u{l)clt

0 0

«siai % : has :

(A) ^ 3Tf^a#T^ TTPT (A) No eigen value

(B) atfro^rirrr^ TTH (B) One eigen value

(C) ^ a#I^^Tfq^ tth (C) Two eigen values

(D) #T ttft (D) Three eigen values

139. "^mfN -IH41414^1 ; . 139. The eigen values of the homogeneous

integral equation :

U(a)= J(/^/A -Xy/t^ II[/)clf 1

U(a)= Va -A>//)II(i)dl

^ ttpt ^ f .
are :
(A) ^ "4 ^R<ri4^
(A) purely real
(B) 14 ^ "4 ctiKrHpich
(B) purely imaginary
(C) rational
(D) 37T4t4^
(D) irrational
(5)S/20/2022/A 27 p.T.O.
140. : 140. The number of linearly independent

/. eigen functions of an integral equation :

w(A-)= A.ojK(.v, h
w(a') = A,oJiC(a-, l)u[()clt
tHsichl^ wRf ^ a

^H*<s4i ch^cniol f : is called :

(A) a#T^^rfTO "RPT ' X(, ^ Mm (A) characteristic of,eigen value Xq

(B) "rr ;\-(j ^ (B) field number of eigen value Xq

(C) "RPT A,p ^;1,9bHf"l=til (C) index of the eigen value Xq

(D) *RH ^ "RfM (D) multiplicity of eigen value

141. PHHrcrlRsId ^ 141. Which of the following statements is

inte ?
t ?
(A) The wall of the gas container is an
(A) ttr M ^
example of a holonomous
^I#TFRT ^ t1

(B) "Q;^ M ^ RST "RT RT RfMR (B) A particle constraints to move along
^ "q;^ rr-wrM -jrfcRR ^ a curve or on a surface is an

t I example of a non-holonomous
(C) ^ ^q; RT Mr
^dcbdl l^TT fw^ TT^ (C) A cylinder rolling without slipping
down a rough inclined plane is an
■^rT^ OT# ^ t I
example of conservative system.
(D) "q;^ Rft^TR^ RK^FRR
(D) A particle sliding down the
^ strM Mwt t.
inner surface of a paraboloid of
f^RRit 378J 3TR '(1-c)
revolution having its axis vertical
^ 3ik "q;^ ^ and its vertex downward is a

•i "^16^.^1 ^ I conservative system.

(5)S/20/2022/A 28
142. #T ^ %IT 142. The number of Hamilton's canonical

^ 1^%cf ^HHlcb<u|T ^ ^: equations for three generalized

coordinates is :
(A) 3 (B) 6
(A) 3 (B) 6
(C) 9 (D) 12
(C) 9 (D) 12

143. 13^ W ^Tmk 'U ^ W4 143. A particle performs uniform circular

"HTIH.f^ ^ t I ^^^ motion with an angular momentum ^U.

■^'■^ 37T^f% "Q;^ mRi'SI "31^ STT?^ If the frequency of particle's motion is
doubled and its kinetic energy is halved,
^ ^ ^ly,, "dt ^dWrt^ ■?! ^TnjjfT :
then the angular momentum becomes :
(A) 2L (B) 4L
(A) 2L (B) 4L
(C) L/2 (D) L/4
(C) L/2 (D) L/4

144, 4qh M,cti ^Hd^ri 144. A uniform solid cylinder is placed with
■qK 7T?n t, W 37^ t its axis horizontal on a plane, whose

?TaTT Pd-Hchl ^a{ ^chM inclination to the horizontal is a. The

least coefficient of friction between it and

a 11 afk ^ -ET^
the plane, so that it way roll and not
^ ^ #TT, -ztR ^
slide, is :
■?T^, ^ fT>^ ?
(A) tan a
(A) tan a
(B) 3 tan a
(B) 3 tan a

(C) -lana (C) ^tana

(D) ^ (D) None of the above

(5)S/20/2022/A 29 P.T.O,
145. ^ 1^ O ^ 145. A rigid body turns about some fixed

\ CO,, 0^ , 0)3 point O. If CO,, 0^ , CO3 are the angular

velocities and A, B, C and the moments
. ^ sfk A, B, C TI^ 37^* OA,
of inertia about the axes OA, OB, OC
OB, OC ^ "51^ 371^ ■^*, Tit respectively, then the kinetic energy of
^ "^TfcR ^ #Tf : the body is :

(A) ^(Acof+Bco^+Ccoa) (A) ^(Acof+BCO2+CCO3)

(B) Aco^ + Bo)2+Cco3 (B) Acof+BCO2+C(03

(C) -(Aw^+Bco^ + CcOj) (C) —(Acof+ BCO2+CCO3)

(D) 3M^cK1 ^ -^T^* (D) None of the above

146. 'm' ^ozmn ^ ^ 146. A particle of mass 'm\ kept in a potential

'1 1
V(jc) = —^-kx^ +~7^^ %, A: 3?^ X V(a:) = —Ax" H—Xx"^, where A: and A, are
^ ^ 2 4
^ ^ 2 4
t, "dt ^ positive constants, undergoes small
3T5f^ ^ ({l^rli 3TTo[|% oscillations about equilibrium point, then
t : the frequency of oscillation is :

I /t ^ —
(A) 2k 2X
(A) 27cJ—
V m V 7«

1 & _1_ X I f2A

2n V /«

147. PlHlelRsid "4' ^^Trrffe^ 147. Which of the following is a Hausdorff

t ? space ?
(A) R ^ TTT^ ^IhIcimI (A) R with the trivial topology
(B) R ^ "^ns^ ■tnTO zhqt^fNt (B) R with the standard topology
(C) ^ eiHieiMl
(C) A set with the discrete topology
(D) ^ ^ (rdPddd)
(D) A set "with the trivial topology

(5)S/20/2022/A 30
148. ilnloiTRiictiQi (X, x^) T^* 148. Two topological spaces (X, x^) and
(y, x^) ("^raWMi) (y, x^) are homeomorphism, if
^ /:X->Y t ^ : /:X.-^ Y be ;
(A) ^Rmi Hxrn (A) continuous function that preserves
(B) yRicnlH aTPc^K^ distances

(B) bijective continuous function with a

continuous inverse
(C) 1%^ "^rg^^RT ■^*
(C) function that maps open sets to
yRiR<*<» H>(ri'i
open sets
- (D) ^ (D) function that maps closed sets to
■ yRjRiH "qi^ closed sets

149. t : 149. Separable space is :

(A) "Wft^ (A) A topological space having a
clHleilf^chtrl "^Rfe ; countable dense subset
(B) wlhT (B) A topological space having a
countable non-dense subset
(C) ^Tcft (C) A topological space having an
dlnloiTPiiqm ^Hpti ■ uncountable dense subset

(D) ^ ^ (D) None of the above

150. ^ X TT^* Y Wfcrqf ^*, eft 150. Let X and Y be connected spaces, then .
Pi^Rinaci ftf ^Tftmr ^8RT ^Te^T f ? which of the following is true ?
(A) X X Y t (A) X X Y is connected

(B) X u Y is connected
(B) XuY t
(C) X n Y is connected
(C) X n Y t
(D) None of the above
(D) "ft* ^ ^ -q^*
(Note : . x-Multiple, u-Union,
(ftt^r : x_-3nTT, U—(Hp^erU, rS-3rfef^qq) n-Intersection)
(5)S/20/2022/A 31 P.T.O.
61. "^THT X %, 61. Let X be a continuous random variable

yiP^chdl "^Ti^ PHHIj.'HK with probability density function given

t: . by:

Ax; 0< X < 1 Ax; 0 < X <1

A; l<x<2 A; l<x<2
/W= -Ax + 3A; 2<x<3
/(•v)= -Ax+ 3 A; 2<x<3
0; srw 0; otherwise

^ A ^ T7FT : Then the value of A is

1 1
(A) 7 (A)

(B) ^ (B)


(D) (D)

62. yiifi "f^^JTfsto A, 62. A problem in statistics is given to tliree

B cT^TT C ^ Hii^ctidik. students A, B and C whose probability
1 3 1 ^ ^ 1 3 1
7. 7 7 ^ I ^^ of solving it are —, — and —
2 4 4

WT^nr ■sFt yiP^chdi ^ respectively. The probability that the

problem will be solved if all of them try
chlP^lJ^I ? independently, is :

J_ (B)
(A) 32 32

HI (C) (D)
(C) (D) 32 32 32

(5)S/20/2022/A 32
63. A and B are two weak students of
63. A 3?k B Tjfm ^ ^ m # 3TR
Mathematics and their probability of
"3^ ^ "R^ ^ ^ ^ solving a problem in Mathematics

urfemr ^^rm: 7- t i -qf^^ 1 I

6 8 eoirecliy are — and - respectively. If
'<HIHI"H ^Id RlRlchclI ^
the probability of their making common
^HM 3T^ "RP^ qfPC^ %'j 'dlcbl 1
mistake is and they obtain the same
ch<*^ ^ Mlf^chdl :
answers, the probability tiiat their answer
is correct, is :
15 16
(A) - (B) -
15 16
(A) - (B) -

\5 16
15 16
16 T? (1^)

64. HHT X 3fk Y Rlf^chdl 64. Let the joint probability density function
^dd PiHiT^d "i" : of X and Y is given by :

Sxy\ 0 < a: < ;^ < 1 , , \Sxy; 0<;c<j<l

/(..)=f; otherwise

Then the marginal density function of X

X 3Hid 4)dd
is :
(A) 4r\0<x<l
(A) 4a-';0<.v<1
(B) 4(1-;c');.0<a-<1
(B) 4(1-a:-);0<.v<I
(C) 4A:(l-A:'j; 0<:a:<1 (C) 4x(l-x-]; 0<x<l
(D) x(l-;c"); 0<jc<l (D) a:(1-x"]; 0<a:<1
(5)S/20/2022/A 33 P.T.O.
65. ^ ^ ^ TF7RR 37^ 65. If the mean and variance of the random

TROT sFWT: ^ 3ifk o' t, ^ ^«41vl^ variables are |.i and respectively, then
smfer rHHlP^d t : Chebyshev's inequality is ;

(A) P[|X-n|>e]<l-J^ (A) p[|X-n|>e]<l-|^

(B) P[|X-n|<e]>|^ (B) P[|X-^ll<e]>|■
(C) P[|X-n|>e]<l-^ (C) P[|X-ti|>€]<l-

(D) P[|X-n|>e]<J (D) P[|X-n|>6]<J

66. ^ X 3^ Y TntecTT 66. Two random variables X and Y have the

■SRc^ -q^ rnHlP+id t ' : followingjoint probability density function :

0<x<l 0<x<l
2-x-y; / N 2-x-y;
/(^% p)= f{x,y) = \ 0<y<\
Oi 3E^2TT 0; otherwise

^ E (XY) ^ "RPT #TT : Then the value of E (XY) is :

(B) i (A)
(B) ^
(C) - (D) (C) 3 (D) -

67. WrfEtT "RT^ ^ 600 "STR W 67. A symmetric die is thrown 600 times.
^ 80 120 ^ ^ 6 ^ The lower bound for the probability of
^ '^'lan "^frRT "qft 3#T^hIT : getting 80 to 120 sixes is :

19 19 19
20 0^) ii ■"
19 19 19 19"
(D) ^

(5)S/20/2022/A 34
68. "Hl^pT^ch 68. A sequence of random variables
XpXj, ,X„' 1^ yiR^^dl XpXj, ,X„ is said to convergence in
37feOT "^rf^ PtJ^I e>o probability to a constant \x if for any
"f^ : G>0 : '

(A) J™J'[l^.-ti|<e]= I , (A) i™P[l>^.-H<e] = l

(B) l.mP[|X„-n|>e]= l (B). i™p[|x„-h|>6]=i
(C) !™p[I>^»-h|^s]=o (C) i"2PD^»-|J-N6] = o
(D) iimPOx„-n|>e]=l (D) ,'™p[I^"-H>6] =|
69. ^ ^ X|,X,, ,X^, 69. If the variables XpX^, ,X„ are
A TTHT % ; uniformly bounded and let :
(X,+X2+ + X„)<oo ^ (X] +X2 + + X,,) < 00.
cR <36d ^V3dl3=if ^ PiMH (WLLN) Then the necessary and sufficient
^^ 3^1c^V■^d, 3TR Tq^rfRT TO condition for Weak Law of Large
^ : Numbers (WLLN) holds is :
(A) H-^w
(B) H-»oo
(A) lim^=0 (B) Iim^=l
(C) iim-5^=.0
H->oo ^
(D) lim-^=l (C) lim^=0 (D) lim^=l
n' "-»« fj

70. Y„ TO ^ P(«) t, TOT rt 70. If Y„ is distributed as Poisson variate

^ "RTTOi f, P (m), where n is the parameter of Poisson
TO "STTO TO limpfx, </7]
/|-»0O J
distribution. Then by using
TO TOT ^Wt :
central limit theorem is equal to :
(A) - (B) 3
(A) I (B) r

(C) (D) -
(C) 7 (D) -

(5)S/20/2022/A 35 P.T.O,
71. ^ ^'iTfech ^ ^: 71. A Markov chain is ergodic if there is :
(A) One communicative class
(A) "q^ ^ i\
(B) Two communicative classes
(B) i\ yquivRef ^
(C) More than two communicative
(C) ^ ^ ^ classes

"(D) ^ y^uiyild ^ ^ ^ (D) No communicative class

72. ^ k -dt rndq? 72. If state k is persistent null, then for

/ ^ fdrq; : every / :

(A) Lim >0 (B) Lim <0 (A) Lim/;';'>0 (B) Limp'"'<0
/»—»oo ^' M—^ns ■'

(C) Lim p'"J

0 (D) Lim H->f» '
-4 1 (C) Limp';'-^0 (D) Lim//;'-^l
H—»" 11—*^

73. "cgd "qfdTqT t : 73. Yule Funy process is :

(A) ^^ qfen (A) Pure birth process

(B) ^ iJfH (B) Pure death process

(C) ^ tt^* (C) Birth and death process

(D) "q qqf qdf (D) None of the above

74. ^ T3:d qtar -q* o{h) t : 74. In birth and death process o{h) is for :

(A) /^2TT {I + h) ^ (A) More than one birth between I and

^ tdrq (/ + /;)

(B) ( (/ -f- /?) ^ q^ "qqr (B) More than one death between / and

^ fdrq (/ +- h)

(C) dtdt' (A) qqr (B)^ fdnr. . - (G) Both (A) and (B)

(D) q ^ (A) STR q ft (B) - ■ ■ ■ (P) Neither (A) nor (B)

(5)S/20/2022/A 36
75. yiRj'-hdi ^ -qr 75. In which probability distribution, the
^ qTT 37T^ ^ ^? moment of order > 1 does not exist ?

(A) ^ (B) qM (A) Beta (B) Gamma

(C) qWTO (D) (C) Exponential (D) Cauchy

76. qqq qm ife^ qq q^ t ; 76. Distribution of first order statistic is :

(A) (»-!)[1-I'(.v)]"'/(a-) ■ (A) („-l)[l-F(A)f'/W

(B) «[1-F(,v)]""'/(.y) (B) /7[1-F(.y)]" '/(.v)
(C) (/7-1)[|-F(.y)]"/(.v) (C) (,7-i)[i-F(^)]"/(:^;)
(D.) ;,[l-F(.v)]"./(.v) (D) n[l-F(.r)]"/ (jr)

77. qq?-qn q^ q : 77. In Chi-squarc distribution :

(A) qr^q > qmq (A) Mean > Variance

(B) qqqq > qr^q (B) Variance > Mean

(C) qi^q = qqqq (C) Mean = Variance

(D) q q qqf q^' (D) None of the above

78. A- 3TqqrOT3ff ^ q^qrq^, qqq qqrw 78. The probability distribution characterised

qrqr ^ qq fqqqqr qq yiPqqiai .q^ • for ,Y failures proceeding the first success

I is :

(A) q^ (A) Poisson distribution

(B) qiUlkHch f|qq q^ (B) Negative Binomial distribution

(C) ^iPHdiq q^ (C) .Geometric distribution ,

(0) ^l^4<-^lPHd1q' q^ ' (P) Mypergeometric distribution

l5)S/20/2022/A ■. 37 P.T.O.
79. cTT^ -4' H^Rh-mT ^ ^ 79. Number of fishes in a lake can be

1^ ^ fer ^ estimated through which probability

t ? model ?

(A) WiMt (A) Geometric

(B) (B) Hypergeometfic

(C) "^TWT^ f|q^ (C) Negative Binomial

(D) (D) Poisson

80. TijRf ^^ fer yiRjchdi ^^ %TT 80. Lack of memory property is .suited in
ar^^ t ? which probability distribution ? •

(A) ^ (B) TO ■ (A) Beta (B) Gamma

(C)^ (D) ^<yidl=h1 (C) Cauchy (D) Exponential

81. arfe^ ^'qrf^ awro im f : 81. The maximum likelihood estimator is :

(A) anlsdl^ (A) Unique

(B) arfeih ^ (B) Not uniqe

(C) (A) cTSTT (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) aq^Jdd ^^ (D) None of the above

82. 3Tr?TOT7 arrro^ an^?^ ^ 82. Maximum likelihood estimators are nol

: necessarily ;

(A) TO' (A) Consistent

(B) (B) Most efficient

(C) (C) Sufficient

(D) anfTO (D) Unbiased

(5)S/20/2022/A 38
83. ^: 83. For the Cauchy distribution :

/W= /w=
7i[i+{i-e)'] .21 » —< X <00 21 ; —00 < X < CO
7c[l +(Ar-e)']
■^* e ^ ^ t : the consistent estimator for the parameter
0 is : .
(A) "RT^^T
(A) Mean
(B) Median
(C) (C) Mode

(D) ■^' ^ (D) None of the above

84. (a:) ^^0^ 84. An' estimator /„ (x) is asymptotically

"t, limZ? (/ , 0) ^
ll-*oo '
unbiased for 0, if limZ)^, (/,,, 0) with
*„(',,.e) = E[/„(.v)-e] 6) = E['„ W-e] is :
(A) I
(A) 1 ■ , ■
(B) zero
(B) ^
(C) 00 (infinity)
(C) CO (SUtl)
(D) ^ (D) None of the above

85. '-^H (iid) 85. If ^1,-^2, are independently

■R?f^ "f, eft sti^ctJ ■^I'Rsnqil identically distributed (iid) continuous

/[X|,A:2, '^/(]~ [^-^(l)* ^(2)'"">^(n)J random variables, then the order statistics

t: ~ [^(i)» ^{2)'—*'^(rt)] is •
(A) 3nfw (A) Unbiased
(B) ^ (B) Consistent
(C) (C) Sufficient
(D) aM^cKi ^ ^ (D) None of the above
{5)S/20/2022M 39 P.T.O.
86. ^ x^,X2, .v„ TT^ t, 86. If ApA,, ,A'„ is a random sample, Ihen

^ Q(x,,.v% A;;e) -q^ the random variable Q(a-,,a-t ,a-„;0)

^ t, ^ Q(ava-3 ,v,,;0) is a pivotal quantity, if the distribution of

^^ t : Q(a,,A2, ,a;,;0) is :
(A) 0 ^ tcjci'pi .(A) Independent from 0

(B) 0 ^ -qi^ (B) Function of 0

(C) #Tf (A) m (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) ^ (D) None of the above

87. q^fc^=t) qRc+irmi H| ^ 87. The probability of rejecting alternative

yiPqqiai ^ H, '3?^ f, hypothesis H,, when H, is false, is

f : known as :

(A) WK "jfe (A) Type first error

(B) fefRl ^^ (B) Type second error

(C) ^ -^221 (C) Power of the test

(D) "4* ^ ■ (D) None of the above

88. -21ogX ^ appnto - 88. The approximate distribution of -2log X

^*^TTf%?TT ST^qm f, #TT, :, with X as likelihood ratio statistic is :

(A) WRRT ■ ■ (A) Normal

(B) "'^TPI (B) Poisson

(C) q^qiaiqil (C) Exponential

(D) (^2) (D) Chi-square (x^)

{5)S/20/2022/A 40
89. ^ (x^) 89. In order that the Chi-square (x^) test for
goodness of fit is applicable if the
t : constraints on cell frequency should be :

(A) , (A) Non-linear

(B) (B), Linear

(C) ^ (A) 3fk (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) (D) None of the above

90. llWf A B 2x2 arraw 90. For a 2 X 2 contingency table with

-f^-^ m^A ^ attributes A and B, the Yule's coefficient

f: of association is :

ab — bc ab — bc
(A) Q = (A) Q =
ad + bc ad + bc

ad-be ad -be
(B) Q = (B) Q =
ad + bc ad + bc

ac-bd ac-bd
(C) Q = (C) Q =
ac + bd ac+ bd

bd-ac bd — ac
(D) Q = (D) Q =
bd + ac bd + ac

91. aiymRi'^ ff ^ ^ ttht 91. In non-parametric methods, variables are

wm t arr^ f : assumed to come from :

(A) ^^ (A) Continuous distribution

(B) ^^ (B) Discrete distribution

(C) (A) a[k (B) ■ (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) -^f ^ (D) None of the above

(5)S/20/2022/A 41 P.T.O.
92. ^ ^ ^ .fer 92. Test for testing the randomness of

observations is ;

(A) "q^^ (A) Median test

(B) WRT (B) Run test

(C) "qH-lf^ q^w (C) Mann-Whitney test

(D) ^q^ ^ (D) None of the above

93. ^T^-cjlrqiirc4<^ "qwT "qftw "^* qftmif 93. In Wald-Wolfowitz run test, for large
^ 3TOR ?7[ «2(N = Kj + «2) ^ values of sample size «j and W2
^ tth ^ ^ q^™T3fl ^ (N = + ^2), under null hypothesis Hq,
r ^ yPd-^-m ^^ MRdnrmi Hq the sampling distribution of total

^ WT^ "qHRFq ^ t, I^ITOT runs r is approximately normal with

■qr^^ t : mean :

(A) ^+1 (A) ^+1


2«,W2 2W|W2
(B) (B)

(C) (C)

(D) (D)

94. fqiqfefeT T? ^ ^ ^ 1^ q^^ 94. Which of the following distributions is

■^* "^q^ %qT ^ t ? used in the sign test ?
(A) wqpq (B) "^STRff (A) Normal (B) Poisson

(C) ttqq (D) (C) Binomial (D) Geometric

(5)S/20/2022/A 42

-95. ./Hj ^2 '^* 95. If /W[ and m2 are the number of

, Tff%^ -5^ ^ ^ wn f ^ -f^ observations of first and second sample

"f^rfm ?h-MHId "Sf^ ^ ^ srf^ respectively exceeding the median in the

combined ordered sample, then joint

%, ^nfeiRiT ""TTI^ "^TS?! ni2
distribution of and W2 tn the median
^ ^^f :
test is :
(A) ifiH<\ «l'<i'1
(A) Binomial distribution
{■B) "wff
.(B) Poisson distribution

{Q WT?wiAf^ ^ (C) Hypergeometric distribution

(D) <m£cw ^ ^ (D) None of the above

96. ■^- PlHlciRdd ^ OT 1^ "n^n : 96. Rank Correlation was given by :

(A) ^ fr^ (A) Karl Pearson

(B) f^RR ' (B) R.A. Fisher

(C) #.31R. ^ (C) C.R. Rao

(D) (D) Spearman

97. "5^ ^ #iTFf 97. Limits for rank correlation coefficient


^ : are:

(A) - 1 ^ 0 (A) - 1 to 0

(B) 0^+1 (B) 0 to + 1

(C) — OO "^+00 (C) — oo to + oo

(D) - 1 ^ + I (D) - 1 to + 1

(5)S/20/2022/A 43
98. ^ ^ 98. If m is the number of times an item is

m iprf^ p ■^* repeated, then the factor which is added

^ "^5(1^ ^MT chK^ti to ^df in rank correlation coefficient
t : p is :

K-i) 777 (m^-i)
(A) (A)
12 12

m^(..-1) 777 ^777 - 1)

(B) (B)
12 12

[m-\)[m-2) (777-l) (777-2)

(C) (C)
12 12

(D) ^ ^ '■^" (D) None of the above

99. ^ '5=1) "qrtw 99. A non-parametric test alternative to /-test

t ^ is :

(A) 1%lt (A) Sign test

(B) (B) Median test

(C) "qwci (C) Run test

(D) ■qH-[^<ii-fcj'n=t)TcKH'1 U-"q^OT (D) Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U-test

100. "0^1^ yRm^I [ciQi=tjT'Wi 100. In one sample Wilcoxon signed rank test,
•^* ^ MR-^ticrmi Hq under null hypothesis Hq, test statistic T
ypd^vl^ T ^ is approximately normally distributed
"ekr t, *fn«2T t : with mean :

/?(/7 + l) 77(77 +1)

(A) (A)
2 2

/7(« + l) 77(77 + 1)
(B) (B) 4

«(» + l)(/i + 2) 77 (77 + 1) (77+ 2)

(C) (C)
2 2

/7(/7 + 1)(/7 + 2) 77(77 + 1)(77 + 2)

(D) (D)

(5)S/20/2022/A 44
101. -qr sn^TTfcT 101. The common- assumptions based on

^ -q^ ^-41 Tp^j f I Gauss-Markov model are catalogued

here. Which of these is correct ?
^ t ?
(A) In Gauss-Markov models, the
(A) ^ ^^ random error variable consists of a

H sfmcT -9]^ ^ t I mean zero.

(B) TO-'qiq^ tTfe^ "pf ^^ (B) In Gauss-Markov models, the

random error variables are also
qt ■# t r t^#ttt
homoscedastic. So all the variables
n MRpMd aroqR ^ fi
contain finite unequal variance.

(C) "TO-TTRfe -qfe^ Tf 3^k (C) In Gauss-Markov models, all the

fqR ^ ^ -^m f I unique and different error terms are

(D) ^mM -^HdM ^ mw "4* ^
(D) There is no linearity in ordinary
<Rs|ctici| f I
least square assumption.

102. 'iT^-HiqiTci ^U^Jil y = xh + e ^ '^'d4d 102. Under the Gauss-Markov assumption of

^ X'h "qpr^ (U.PwA'^d) y = xb + e^ if X'b is estimable function,

f. 41 X7j qrt qfrfn t ? then what is the nature of X'b ?

(A) 3Tqfqq^ ^ichei<=b (A) Linear Unbiased Estimator

(B) '^'iciH (B) Minimum Variance Unbiased

(MVUE) ^ Estimator (MVUE)

(C) 3#ft^ (C) Biased Estimator-

(D) tfeq? 37qf*pTn (D) Best Linear Unbiased Estimator


(5)S/20/2022/A 45 P.T.O.
103. TROT s^, TROT (j2 ^ 103. The sample variance jg biased
3l|cticrich "I I (y2 ^ SRf^RTcT estimator of population variance (j2 ^^
unbiased estimator of is :

(A) N^2 (A)

(B) (N-I)jVN (B) (N-l)//N
(C) (N+1)//(N-1) (C) (N + l)//(N-'l)
(D) N//(N-1) (D) N^'/(N-1)

104. Pq^qi^cii armM ( 104. Technique of confidence interval was

d=t)i1qi : given by :

(A) ^ (A) Neyman

(B) -pTim ^ (B) R.A. Fisher

(C) ^ ^ (C) Karl Pearson

(D) ^.37R TI^ ^ (D) C.R. Rao

105. "271^ TRTTRPT "RT«^q ^ ^STT 105. If a large sample is drawn from a normal
^ROT t,
population with mean p and variance 0^,
OT ^ %TT 990/0
then 99% confidence interval for p, if
3OT^ (qiir4ii*7H ^dWd) t^
Tffif^ RTSJT 3c : sample mean is x, is :

(A) x +1.96-^ (A) 3C +1.96

J±3 (B) x±3~

(B) -Jn

(C) 3c +2.58-^ (C) jc±2.58-^

yjn yjn

(D) :c±3g (D) J±3a

(5)S/20/2022/A 46
106. Y ^ t afe X 106. If Y is a dependent variable and X is an
Y ^ X ^ W9OT "jpw independent variable, then regression
"qft^TTfer ■^jfRTT "t : coefficient of Y on X is defined as :

(A) ^.='' —
(A) ^' = '-—

(B) A^,=ra,a,, B).

(C) V='-- (C) K='-f^

(D) ^ ^ -qfF (D) None of the above

107. q.=t) STfeq-Hi ■^' [c^qq^ o[^ "^71^ 107.. In a study, subjects are randomly
#T 'W^ ^ -q;^ ^ #71 "TRT t : assigned to one of three groups : control,
r-i#*j|, yqlj|icH=h A ^ qqlqirM^ e i experimental A or experimental B. After
^ ?ftq ^ aSteci sf# treatment, the mean scores for the three
^TTcit t I ^ sfteif ■# groups are compared. The appropriate
^<^'11 qiT^ ^ %TT ^(Rs^chlq statistical test for comparing these means
t : is :

(A) (A) Analysis of variance

(B) (B) Correlation coefficient
(C) (C) Chi-square test
(D) /-q^OT' (D) Mest

108. mrr^ pcj^elqui ^ -qft^ rHMPdRsid ^ 108. Analysis of variance was introduced
"gRT qqr «7t : by: ,
(A) qt. #3TR. TI^ (A) Prof. C.R. Rao "
(B) ■ # fqq# (B) Prof. Karl Pearson
(C) qt. (C) Prof. Cramer
(D) aTR-q;. (D) Prof. R.A. Fisher
(5)S/20/2022/A 47 P.T;0.
109. Tfer) 109. In fixed effect model, the conclusions

about the test of hypothesis regarding the

■4* "3r^ ^ '^' nRc^crMil ^
■ parameters will :
i[m :
(A) apply only to /:-treatments
(A) ^ # % 31^ ■^*
considered in the experiment
t%^«^ t
(B) be valid for all the treatments
(B) ^ <1M^k1* ^ %T
whether included in the experiment
■^* ^R^Rrld t -^TT
or not

(C) chct(vi ^ "f^ ^

(C) be valid for only treatments which
% 3Fk ■^* ^HRHPeld t
are not included in the experiment
(D) <iM^dd "4' ^
(D) None of the above

110. 'HW3rWT (ANOCOVA) 110. Analysis of covariance (ANOCOVA) is

PdHPdPteld ^ Wto t : a combination of :

(A) correlation analysis and regression

(A) sfR ^WT

(B) analysis of variance and regression

(B) 3im^ 3fk "^OTn analysis

(C) analysis of variance and time series

(C) 'm^ Pc^yelNui 3fR w
(D) analysis of variance and demand
(D) 33k kFi

(5)S/20/2022/A 48
111. k-^ TraWRT ^ ^ 111. If the density function of /t-variate
normal distribution is :

j[^Xj, j~ ke

"f, ^ ^ ^ TIPT : then the value of k is given by :

(A) ^\{2ny (B) 4A|(27r)4'' (A) 4a|(27iP (B) 71^(271)4'

(C) 7H(27cp" (D) ^\{2nj T/' (C) 7^(2")"^' (D) 7^(27:)5 I

112. ^ 3TR 112. If W,~ W^,(Z, m,) and Wj- W^(Z,

f STK -^rf^ ; are independent, and

w;+w,~ (z, /», +//^), Wj+W,-W^(S,/77,+/?^),

^W ^ cb6l ^ncTT "I" : then this property in known as :

(A) (A) Additive property

(B) "#1^ ^%TTf (B) Compound property

(C) (C) Multiplicative property

(D) "Shsm (D) Reproductive property

113. ^ X~N^(0, I) ^ tiro ^ X'AX 113. If X^N^(0,I), then necessary and

^ ^ "i", ^ HioiH sufficient condition for a quadratic form
^ 3^ qqfkl TTcf X'AX of rank k to follow Chi-square
t: distribution is :
(A) AI = A (A) AI = A
(B) A2 = A (B) a2=A
(C) a^ = a' (C) a^=a'
(D) AI = a' (D) AI = a'
(5)S/20/2022/A 49 P.T.O.
114. ^ ^ Tjpf TTOTRT 114. Which of the following linear functions
is Fisher's Linear Discriminant function

PtJ^K ^ 4iQH "^TPTT ^jIRIT for discriminating two complete normal

t: populations :

, (A) xX(h"'-h'^')' (A)

(B) X'X(h"'-r'^') (B) X'X(H"'-H'^')


(C) X'i(nW-nP)) (C) X'X(n"'-u'^')

(D) <iM^cKl ^^ (D) None of the above

115. ^ WR t 115. Types of hierarchical methods are :

(A) (A) Agglomerative procedure

(B) yPs^ijiit (B) Divisive procedure

(C) (A) STR (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) -5^^ i{ (D) None of the above

116. ST^qRT MHW t : 116. Likelihood Ratio Criterion is given by

iiia.xL(}i,X) iii.ix L()J,£)

(A) ni:Kl.(|i„.2) (A) niaxL(M,..S)

iinx L((i|,, Z) niaxI.(M„.l)

. X
(B) inaxL(n.I) (B) maxL(p.S)

(C) ^ (A) 3Tk (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) ^ ^ -^T^* (D) None of the above

(5)S/20/2022/A 50
117. Pi*^RriRaci ^ 117. Which of the following multivariate
^ WtW ^ ^ analysis is used to classify the
? observations ?

(A) (A) Discriminant analysis

(B) cftililctici .fq;fci^ui (B) Canonical analysis
(C) "ER^ RiVc^Mui (C) Principal component analysis ■
(D) an^cKi 1^ ^ -^T^' (D) None of the above

118. ^ 3T55pM" ■^* 118. Which of the following measures is used

PiMl^RsJd ^ 1^ -m ^ fen in various applications of cluster

% 7 analysis ?

(A) Euclidean distance

(A) "^ferfepT
(B) Product moment correlation coeffi
(B) "ijuR an^ TpT%

(C) "^Twrfetfer
(C) Mahalanobis D^-statistic
(D) (D) All of the above

119. Rnl^Rsid ^ fei^ 119. Canonical correlation ■ is. the

wiFqfe^ t ? generalization of ■ which of the

following ?
(A) Simple correlation
(B) anf^
(B) Partial correlation
(C) T3^!q^
(C) Multiple correlation

(D) aq^dd ^ ^ (D) None of the above


{5)S/20/2022/A 51 P.T.O.
120.^ U,= V.= 120. If U^=a('''x^'^ and V,. = form
the ith canonical pair and if X^ is the rth
canonical correlation, then which of the
t ? following is true ?


(A) |X„I22S„-^JL„ |aW =0 (A) (^X„i;22E„-XfZ„ja<" = 0

(B) fs„E22E„-;^xlp« = 0

(B) [^Z,,Z22E„-X,^Z,,JP<" =0
(C) (A)3fk (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) ^ (D) None of the above

121. <4l<|r^ch ^Kpui^T ^ ■^* 121. To ascertain the randomness of the series

of random number tables which of the

^PiP^^d ^ ^ %T3;

chM^l "^SiFT PtrMl "^sncfT ^ ? following tests is applied ?

(A) -q^m (B) (A) Frequency test (B) Serial test

(C) tW (D) (C) Gap test (D) All of these

122. -qf^ ^ 122. The name of the sample allocation which

yfd-cli^d ^qR IjqR qRcTT t : provides self-weighting sampling in

stratified sampling is :
(A) Equal allocation
(B) sn^qito fwH
(B) Proportional allocation
(C) froq
(C) Optimum allocation

(D) ^ tWH (D) Neyrhan allocation

(5)S/20/2022/A 52
123. The method to draw a sample in
123. 37TTO 3TT%ITfeT TfTfenn ^ifcT^
probability proportional to size sampling
^^ t:
IS :

(A) Lottery method
(B) ^IdilRd "
(B) Sizeable method

(C) (C) Lahiri's method

(D) (D) Random number table method

124. Circular systematic sampling is used,

124. yPd^-HH ^ wiW
"when :
(A) N is a multiple of n
(A) N "5^ t" « ^ 'jji

(B) N is a whole number
(B) N tpf t
(C) N ■^* '1/7^ (C) N is not divisible by n

(D) N is an odd number

(D) N t

125. 3q¥2T^ ^ 3fR ^|cHild<1 ^ ^ ti?2t

J25. 'If the correlation between study variable
and auxiliary variable is negative, then
ii, eft PdHrdP^d Tft*
dil'UHi ^iididdi "qiT <iM'4Vl Pti-^l "^T^icIT which of the following estimators can be

used ?
t ?

(A) 3T5qT?[ d^lchddi (A) Ratio estimator

(B) IjftTWT 3^!d)dch (B) Regression estimator

(C) ■cieMl^ 3i|ct)Crl<=h (C) Product estimator

(D) (B) 3ft^ (C) (D) Both (B) and (C)

(5)S/20/2022/A 53 P.T.O.
126. -^Tf^ y^=y+b[x~x) ^ ^fWpT 126. If _vr = 3^+^(X-A:j is a regression
"I", ^ dTT^i^f^ ^ y^<u( estimator, then variance of this estimator
CVll 4 is given by :

(A) V(^4=^i^s/(l-p^)
(A) V(7,)=^^sy(l-p^)
(B) v(;.,)=^l^S/(l-p^) (B) v(7J =^^S/(l-p^)
(c) v(^.)=^sy(i-p^) (C) vl^'^^srli-p^)
(D) V(;;,)=^^^i^s/(l-p^) (D) v(7,)=^!^t^^S/(l-p^)
127. pps "sfcTWi 1%^ 127. An unbiased estimator of variance of
¥^TT^ 13^ 3FTf^'1d Suc^crl*^ population total in pps sampling without
■ t: replacement, is given by :

<A> ppx

(D) 'fc.)-ra|:{»--t-f (D)

(5)S/20/2022/A 54
128. "f^ Wr 128. The number of possible samples of size
/7, drawn from a population of size N in
simple random sampling without
37T^ N ^ felT t :
replacement is :
(A) (B) N" (A) (B) N"
(C) ^C„ (D) n\ (C) (D) „!

129. arfe ^f^ 129. Ratio estimators are more efficient when

3.0II fiH ^ "JpRcft % : regression line passes through the

following :
(A) TiTsq (B) 1%;^
(A) Mean (B) Origin
(C) (D) (C) Intercept (D) Mode

130. '^fK -3^ %, cfr fFT 130. If the population has linear trend, then
t ? which ofthe following statements is true ?

(A) v(7„)<v(7,„,)<v(7,) (A) v(7„)<v(7.^„)<v(7,)

(B) v(7,.,)<v(7„)<v(7„) (B) v(7,,)<v(7.„)<v(7,)
(C) v(7.„)<v(7,)<v(7,,) (C) v(7,J<v(7,)<v(7.,)
(D) v(7„)<v(7,„)<v(7„) (D) v(7k)<v(7,„,)<v(7,,)
131. "0^ ni X iij ^ arfec^ 131. In a X in Latin Square Design (LSD),
(MSE) ^id>H cfiirk the degrees of freedom for Error Mean
mt ? Sum of Squares is :
(A) /» - 1 (A) m ~ 1
(B) m - 2 (B) m - 2
(C) (/« - 1) (in - 2) (C) (m - 1) (;;; - 2)
(D) /?/ («/ - I) ■ (D) m (m — 1)
(5)S/20/2022/A 55 P.T.O.
132. "^IT 132. For 2^-factorial experiment, what does
'2' and '3' represent here ?
3TfTO?q '2' 3Sk '3' ™ ^ t ?
(A) Number of factors and number of
(A) =t)l<chl

(B) 'klil 3Tk cfjR^ "?R^ (B) Number of levels and number of

factors '
(C) ^ ^ WTT 3fk
(C) Neither number of levels nor
number of factors

(D) ^^ (D) None of the above

133. RRfRcf "R^foRT ■SRjyf «crll=t) 133. In a symmetric BIBD design, the number
(BIBD) '^" ^ ^TT^* ^ ^ ■4' WfFT of treatments common between any two

"iwimil ^ -hVshi "t : blocks is :

(A) V (B) k (A) V (B) ^

(C) X (D) b (C) A, (D) 6

134. ^'^Pcrld 31^ .134. Necessary condition for a symmetric

(symmetric BIBD) t^RT^ v, /•, BIBD with parameters v, r, k, b and A

k, b ^ X t V "RR "RW and V an even number is :

I" , Rit. 3l|q^qct> t :

(A) (r - A) must be a perfect square
(A) (/--A,) ^Fqa -qiRy.
(B) (r-A) must be an even number
(B) (r-^) -m Rtwtl #fl ^dlflTT

(C) [r-X) TRsRI ^ (C) (r - A) must be an odd number

(D) (D) None of the above

(5)S/20/2022/A 56
135. (connected) AficRj 135. In a connected design all the main
'C cRSf ^ t ; diagonal elements of the matrix 'C are :

(A) (A) Negative

(B) ^ (B) Zeroes

(C) (C) Positive

(D) <iM^4d ^^ (D) None of the above

136. 24-4=+elR^d # 2-'^tT^* 136. Given a 2'^-factorial experiment in

«iTdi "TFIT ■§, yc^qi 2-blocks of 8 treatments each as
8-<iMKMT ^ wm\ ^
follows :
t :
BIock-1 Block-II
scllch-I o^|ch-II
(1) c

ac a

cd ab
cd ab

ad d
ad d

b acd b acd

abc bd abc bd

bed be bed be

abd abed abd abed

The confounded effect in the blocks is ;

(A) AB (B) BC
(A)' AB (B) BC
{5)S/20/2022/A 57 P.T.O.
137. ^ ^'chdil-Wdl ^ 137. If hazard rate of a component is given
by: ■
"51^ ^ "nf t :
h[t) = A.; X > 0; / > 0
/;(/)= A,; X>0;/>0
then the survival function of the
eft fcldcti ^ ^
component is :
(A) cA' (B) (A) e'-" (B) 1-,,-^
(C) (D) (C) e-'-' (D) I

138. rHHPdRsld feR ^ SRRTRdT 138. Which of the following is known as

t ?
Inshcr's inequality ?
(A) b>v (B) b<v
(A) b>v (B) b<v
(C) k>r (D) b<r (C) k>r (D) h<r
^dP+i b, k, V, r sfK A. vn'^Ria 3T^ where /?, k, \\ r and X are parameters of
(BIBD)^ Tn^ f I BIBD design.

139. 'll'^ "'jyfcRTT qi-jFcyctiltjja ^rf^che'M'il' 139. The following gives the analysis of
■^ft "3^ TRRq variance table of a fixed effect model of

^ t : a completely randomised design :

"^RRUT ^ WsRTT ^ ^^ TrrSSI F Source of Degress of Sum of Menu F

^ftfe (d.f.) (ss) ss Variation freedom Squares (SS) SS

4 - 10 - Varieties 4 - lo -

iferf - 28 - Enors - 28 -

^ 18 Total 18

yPd^^I^ F ^ RH t : The value of statistic F is :

(A) 10 (B) 7 (A) 10 (B) 7

(C) 6 ■ (D) 5 (C) 6 (D) 5

(5)S/20/2022/A 58
140. -4' 5 140. The following gives the analysis of
"3?^ ^MKH ^ 4 '"3^ ^ variance table for a Randomized block

■^TT^l 4 WT t, "fer^ "SWT design with 5 treatments in 4 blocks each

^m^jt ^^t : treatment replicated 4 times :

^ Wrl^idl "^it ^Tjf ^ tnszr F Source of Degress of Sum of Mean F

^rrft (d.O (SS) SS Variation freedom Squares (SS) SS

26.8 Blocks 26.8

^4KH Treatments

2.5 Errors 2.5


=F[^ 85.3 Total 85.3

^WT ^ ^ (MST) ^ "EIH The value of Mean sum of squares due

: to treatments is :

(A) 1.8 (B) 1.9 (A) 1.8 (B) 1.9

(C) 1.7 (D) 2.7 (C) 1.7 (D) 2.7

141. "Q;^ "^TT^ ■HH147<"J|T ^ trq^ ^ 141. When a set of simultaneous equations
^ ^eidi ^ If : has more variables than constraints :

(A) "I (A) It is a basic set

(B) "^TF ^T^FPf ^ t (B) It is a feasible set

(C) ^Tferk t (C) There is a unique solution

(D) ^ f (D) There are many solutions

(5)S/20/2022/A 59 P.T.O,
142. 142. In the simplex method, a tableau is
f, t (-STteKFTt^niTT optimal only if all the Cj-Zj values are
^ %T) : (for maximization):

(A) "^TT (A) Zero or negative

(B) ^ (B) Zero

(C) Tiiwr^ 3fR (C) Negative and non-zero

(D) ^HlrHcf) 3fR 3T^ (D) Positive and non-zero

143. 3RmFRTT3^' ^ BTftonl- T^*-wr^ ^ 143. In graphical solution of solving LPP to

fcTTi T3;^.'|. ^^ uipHichei convert inequalities into equations, we :
1^', ^ : (A) use slack variables
(A) ^ wiRr ^ t (B) use surplus variables
(B) "HTW ^ WTRt ^ f (C) use artificial surplus variables

(C) ^ f (D) simply assume them to be

(D) ^ ^414)<U| TTPT ^ t equations

144. ^ ^ eTPTcr' 144. The cost coefficient of artificial surplus

1" : variable is :

(A) 0 (B) 1 . (A) 0 (B) 1

(C) M (D) "Q;^ (C) M (D) > 1

145. 3MTBr Tlf^ I^RT^' ^ -BHT "Sfmi f 145. The arrival process in which it is
OT# "tR -qf^ t 35k ^ assumed that the customers arrive at the
^^ ^55^ t, irfOT ^ ^ queuing system and never leave it, the
^jITcTT "I :
process is called :
(A) Pure birth process
(B) ^^ (B) Pure death process

(C) (A) sSk (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) k' "^551 (D) None of the above

(5)S/20/2022/A 60
146. ^ W 146. Customers arrive at the first class ticket

"'TT 12 3Tf^ ^ counter of a theater at the rate of 12 per

^ I cfWT i<=ti 30 Mfd hour. There is one clerk serving the
Wi6<+'1 ^ ^'=i\ H^M '=h<ai % I customers at the rate of 30 per hour.
^ "mtom i ^ -qr ^ tit^ What is the probability that there is no
■qFf t ? customer in the counter ?

(A) 0.4 (B) 0.6 (A) 0.4 (B) 0.6

(C) 1.0 (D) 0.0 (C) 1.0 (D) 0.0

147. "STwit ^ TJ^ fen 147. Queueing system can be described in

^ t : ■ terms of:

(A) 375?7RH (A) Queue discipline

(B) q=KM "Rfen (B) Queueing process
(C) TIT^ "qfclfel (C) Customer behaviour

(D) (D) All of the above

148. hT^cti-I {(7M/m/l)}:{oo/FCFS}, 148. In the model-I {(7m/w/I)}:{oo/FCFS},

■^* ^ ffe wnfer Ticfl^ expected waiting time for a customer in
t : the queue is :

(A) L,= (A) L^ =
(B) L',= (B) L^ =
{p.-X) ili-X)
X' x"-
(C) L = (C) L =
ii{li-x) iL{\l-X)
(D) "3^1^ ^ ^ (D) None of the above

{5)S/20/2022/A 61 P.T.O.
149. {(/«//«/!)}:{~/FCFS},-gifeHiI 149. In the model I |(m / m /')}:{OO /FCFS},
probability that queue is non-empty, is :
t% ^fKlR wft ■=i^' f :

(A) P(">I) =
(A) P(n>l) =

(B) P(«>l) = [^^j (B) P(«>1) =

(C) P(«>l) = (^^j


(C) P(«>l) =l-


(D) P(/7>I)=|- (D) P(«>1) =


150. ^Fte^-rV {(m/m/i)}:{oo/FCFS}, 150. In the model-IV |(mIm! j)}: {oo/FCFS},

^ ^ yc^iRiw Hcftajr expected waiting time of a customer in the
system in the queue is :
Wt t :

(A) W,=-^
(B) W,=^ (B) W„=:^
(C) w, = L,;i (C) W,=L„^,

(D) W, = L,^ (D) W,=L,A,

(5)S/20/2022/A 62
Tq7 ■gTTjJ




T'?' ct)i4 ^ fwy,

1. This Question Booklet is printed in two languages—Hindi and English. Examinees can select
any one of the two languages according to their convenience. ' /"
2. There are two papers in the State EUgibility Test. The first question paper(compulsory question
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Sheet. The booklet number of the second question paper has to be marked in the necessary
entries. The examinee can start second question paper at 1:05 p.m. There are 100 questions in
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the part of Second Question Paper. The examinee himself will be responsible for marking the
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3. All questions are compulsory.
4. Examinee whose optional subject is Mathematical Sciences, they have to answer 100 questions
in total, there are three parts in the question paper,Part I is compulsory, m which there are 10
questions - in the order of51 to 60.Part H has 90 questions numbered 61 to 150. This part is of
Mathematics subject and PartHIhas 90 questions numbered 61 to 150.This partis ofStatistics
subject. Candidates should do either Part I and H or PartI and HI. Examinee clearly mention
in the OMR Sheet whether opted Mathematics or Statistics.
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