SET 2022 Mathematical Science Question Paper II Optional
SET 2022 Mathematical Science Question Paper II Optional
SET 2022 Mathematical Science Question Paper II Optional
10. qfq f^' 3Rq qqqr q^t qj^ qr qwncqqr qqiK q?l ^ ^ ^ ^ qqi ^
^ t^ "^^qftR q^t qiqq? qiqi qfiw I -
11. fq^ft qqqi qq ^ ^ ^'
12. 3:05 "qqiqi ^.qq.3TR. qife qi^ ^ q^^nqf q^ mfq I
Note : Instructions in English is given on the last page of the Booket which may read without
breaking the seal of the Booklet.
^I (Part I)
51. a^b gK 51. If a, e R are two real numbers such
f* ■% a <b+G, Vg>0, cT^ that a<b+G^ V g>0, then,which of
fF#rfW ■^* ^ ^ . the following alternatives is correct ?
■^^Pnr- :
(A) a>b
(A) a > 5
(B) a >6 +—, V « G N
(B) a>6 +—, V « G N
M n
(C) a<b
(C) a<b
(D) Every limit point of interval (a, b)
(D) (a, b) ^
[a, b) t" is in {a, b)
f~ ATtan ' r .^ .,
52. Wm^ TTrdx t :
{l+ x') ■
(A) STORt (A) Divergent
T■ '2'' o T •
53. The value of Lim- — where a>0
(1+ a)
^TRrf^ RRsqr t, ^ rtt t" :" and /? is a real number, is :
(A) oo (A)- oo
■ (B) 0 (B) 0
(C) I (C) 1
{5)S/20/2022/A P.T.O.
. .«» h'«
nuH) F FFF m.
¥-^funii§iF J^xyhs'^derini^suci
lo do-yi'/j^n-jLj ,0o V-.3 ■i-<\ > v^ iM: FT? ; 0 < 3 V 1 3 -^-1\ > ii Tr4
that: ^
pprp" j'fp pV.Fi^f TfT? rf K TTIi-"' HF*F|
V k: p.oviL^ ani//o]lo'i -Jfi?
'V: i7l3
c\>si (01
Then the value of Lebesgue/integral
^■'l kj ' 'i
,, cf^ MH\^^ Lf./(x)tic ^ 1TPT
{<<> ,vjj iBV't'jTni lo j/uoq j!rJ.cri vVy/.^i (v.l)
If|p/(it)'&'ii :((\ .'O (fl)
: I'l -i.) jn 21
(A) 5 (A) 5
the matrix
,/ of-T --
,•-' I ^ I ordered,basis
.i ^ j]
hH $Vl! I
57. WTT^' ^ (c, +, -) ^ ; 57. For any matrix oyer the field ,(c,^+, •) of
■3 ',41 I '. j'i' y l 'h, jfji 1 IA 1
complex numbers-the. diagonal matrix of
jo/i ino'. -4 3 i.:on . jViji ' D) I 77 F '■'•J" "■'' ^3 7 4' r
I the matrix is :
'/'Oiv-. ' ij'-N _ ' . -f. i -4 .3: >.1."
sl'ii ;
-. .■ ( idt: on :■) 4 h'A- AJj s'nr-' y> [j
/-I 0
■;-l 0 '
-.(A), . • '■ >\V N .(ll5 n^-;v(A)-
' ■>, .iP
■o;'ji! i . . It' '• I 'i
] Tir. nO.-:iT .. -, Krc •] r,-c;;r.q7
3 + 4; 0 . f'. .ari' ii-or'] i
3 + 4; 0
(B) 0 3 : (B) 0 3 .d| .,^i [
58. Wi 3Tk W2 V(F) ^ 58. If W| and W2 are subspaces of the
a, cR : vector space V(F), then :
^II (Part II)
61. Rwrdfed : 61. Consider the following statements :
®- 2 (i)
(ii) zz = I z p (ii) zz = I z I
Which of the above statements is/are
correct ?
(C) (i) 3fk (ii) " (C) Both (i) and (ii)
(D) "^T ci) (i)-^ ^ (ii) (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
63. ^
63. The series 5^^
t: absolutely for :
(A) |z|<2* (B) |z|>2"'' (A) |2l<2' '(B) lzl>2'''
(C) |z|<2"' , (D) |z|>2*
(C) |z|<2"* (D) |z|>2'
1 .3rt
64. ^5^ Zw7, . .\n'^
A ^ 37f^TOT0T ^ 64. The radius of convergence of the power
1 3«
t: series S—..z
. .y is :
(A) (10)'^' ' (B) (10) 1/2
{5)S/20/2022/A P.T.O.
iiisS) ff rni-'f
/T\, — = limlfl„ s. . _ I
'^:>hf lA)
(fi) '{ ' CO)
i::s 1I! Cjjj ,1/n ' 'c-.k: TA l/n
f5)S/20/2022/A 6^ Av05.os:.GS^aie/
-• * "J K.Ji
(b) ^ cit (i) 3i[k ^ (ii)' (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
• jrl- to 'jLit^/ •';. ' ! .-"H .A
f : are :
(C) u;= ruj;\ = -ru^ "■ ' '' (C) «, = rMe;.Me = -/■«, .
(C) 0 ' '' ' ' (D)- U' ' ' ' (C) 0 ■ (D) t: ■
(5)S/20/2022/A P.T.O.
72. In region l<|z|<2, the coefficient of
72. ^ l<|z|<2 (l-z)(z-2) 1.
~in Laurent series for the function
1 z
Rny. mI<i 'A' —f 1
t: (l-z)(z-2) ^
(A) 0 (B) 3 (A) 0 (B) 3
•(C) 2 ■ (D) 1 (C) 2 (D) 1
f -^dz;\a\>l
[ ——dz;I a I > 1
^ %: IS :
71 7C
t z =0 is :
^n + k^ ^77+^^ n-^k^
(A) (B) (A) (B)
V "/ 2k V " y . 2it
/ \
n-\-2k^ n ^77+2P
(D) CC) (D)
u, V " / V ^ /
(5)S/20/2022/A 8
or +3 (xz +3
76. TTHT /W = 76. Let /W=(z-l)'
v2 and its residue at
az+ b az-\-b
77. ^MW<ui w = , ^ 77. A transformation w = transforms
CZ + Ci cz+ a
^ ^ 2-^Haci "4 '^* the unit circle in the w-plane into a
VTRTfer %, ^ : - straight line in z-plane of :
(A) |6|=|^| (B) |A|^|^|. (A) |A|=|rf| (B) 16|^|J|
(C) |a|=|c| (D) |i/|?t|c| (C) I fl I = I c I (D) I a I I £71
78. w ~ iz + i, jc>0 ^ 78. The transformation = iz+/ maps the
3TfM%^ ^ ^ t: half-plane ;c>0 onto :
(A) ^shield w > 0 (A) the half-plane w > 0
. (B) v>0 (B) the half-plane v > 0
(C) u>1 (C) the half-plane u > 1
(D) V>1 (D) the half-plane v > 1
79. f{z) c\\z-z^\ = r 37^ afR 79. Let /(z) be analytic inside and on circle
M< iJ.41 4idH 4< 4R 6*:|z-Zy|= r and if |/(z)|<M(/*)., then
|y (z)|<.M(/*), « = U, 1, ^ Idk,: ■ for /7 = 0, 1, 2, :
(A) (A)
(B) |/'h)]£
(D) I/I-)!'"':,''"
(5)S/20/2022/A 9 P.T.O
80. "HMi /(z) G 80. "Suppose that /(z) is analytic in a
|z|<R, /(0)=0 •^^ST^*TfeTT domain G defined by |2|<R with
W t I ^ |/(z)|<M VzeG, f(0) = 0'. If |/(z)|<M VzsG, then
VzgG |/(z)|<M |z|/R" I VzeG, |/(r)|<M |r|/R".'
"3^1^ cb^dldl t :' The above statement is called :
n («+i) n („+i)
+1 -1 -hi -1
(C) (D) m
(C) (D)
m m m
83. 100 ^ ^ feFTt 83. How many number of primes are less
f ? than 100 ?
(5)S/20/2022/A 10
84. {x,y)= z t 2, X ^ 84. (x, y) = z denotes z is the greatest
tT^ t I ^ {a,b)= l ^ common divisor of x and y. If (a, ^) = 1,
[a + b, a-b) ^ eVii : then the value of (a + b, a-b) will be :
(A) 1 -^TT 2 (B) 1 -EfT 3 (A) 1 or 2 (B) I or 3
87. (j) ■ "q^ 4>cii ^ m 87. If ([) is a Euler Phi fiinction and m and
n ^4icH4i t, n are relatively prime positive integers,
(t)(/7;?7) ^ ^I'li : then the value of (j)(ww) is :
(A) =(j)(w) + (|)(«) (A) =<^{m) + (^(n)
(B) =(})(/«)■ ({)(«) (B) =(l)(w) •(!)(«)
(C) < 4) (m)+ (})(«) (C) <(!)(/«) + ({)(«)
(D) <(j)(w)-(|)(M) (D) <(l)(m) •(!)(«)
(5)S/20/2022/A 11 P.T.O.
88. 2^^ -1 ^ ^ 88. The smallest prime divisor of the integer
? : 2^'-l is :
^ t : symmetric group S5 is :
(5)S/20/2022/A 12
93. 15 ^^ G ^ 93. For any groups G of order 15, consider
"qr feR : the following statements :
P: t P : G is cyclic
cl^ : Then :
94. TT^ 3T^ TpRT^ -am ■4* ,3T^^* ^ 94. The number of elements of a principal
ideal domain can be :
95. WT Z5 ^ iiU|uj|c|M ^ -^Psqi 95. The number of proper ideals of the ring
t : Z5 is :
{5)S/20/2022/A 13 P.T.O.
97. Z[x] I Z[x] 97. Consider the polynomial ring Z[x]. In
, x^ + l 'm ipJM^ t: Z[x], the ideal generated by x^+1 is :
(A) 1WT t (A) Maximal but not prime
98. R* TppT ^ sRpfe >31^ ^mrf^ 98. Let R* denote the group of non-zero real
^ ^ t, ^ numbers under multiplication. Consider
(j):R*—>R* (|)(x)=|x| "d "RR^irfe the mapping ((>: R* —> R*, defined by
I cT^ : (j)(a:)= IXI. Then :
(A) "^RPT (]) ^HI=hlRcjl ^ t (A) Mapping ([) is not a homomorphism
99. -^0 13^ 200 ^^^ ^ 99. Let G be a group of order 200. Then the
25 ^^ G ^ ^ ^: number ofsubgroups of order 25 of G is :
(5)S/20/2022/A 14
dy y
101. fTH (IVP)
IVP f=i'J'(I)=2 has
y{l)= 2 t: (A) No solution
(A) ^
(B) A unique solution
(B) TJ^ ^
(C) Infinite solutions
(C) 3TO ^
p^ +px-y =0 p^ + px-y = ^
^ Mm ^ t : is :
differential equation :
dx dx dx d^y _ d^y dy ^ ^
dx dx dx
^ ^ <TrH4)^H t : is :
(5)S/20/2022/A 15 P.T.O.
104. (mmu) : 104. Unique solution of initial value problem
is :
^ ^t :
3 1
(A) y = —e^'
+2e'—e'+2sinx-cosx (A) y=—e^'' + 2e''——e'' + 2sinx-cosx
2 2
(Q) y = —e'^"+ 2e~'' —I +2sin X-cos X (■Q _y = —e +2^"""-—e' + 2sinx-cosx
(D) y = 32^'^"
3. 1
(D) y =-e
+ 2sinx- cosx + 2 sin x - cos x
(D) xp + yq =0 (D) xp + yq = Q
(5)S/20/2022/A 17 P.T.O,
109. Y^ctcti<u| ^ 109. By separation of variables the heat equation;
w, = Km^, 0</, 0<x<L u, = Ku^, 0</, 0<x<L
'(HI'MK'JI '^Hn1d ^TRTT : reduces to ordinary differential equations ;
(A) r = KXT,X''= XX (A) T' = KA,T,X" = ?.X
(cy T'= -KT, X"= -^X (C) T' = -KT, X" = -A,X
110. RnfdRsid ^"Ih^hi "ct^ "rofcife 110. Which of the following is an example of
aiff^ 31^^ JHHlch^ui ^ <i<|^{U| t 7 parabolic partial differential equation ?
(A) ^h1^<ui (A) Laplace equation
(B) "^rraTT ^Hl=h<u| (B) Heat equation
(C) OT (C) Wave equation
(D) "4* ^ (D) None of the above
(5)S/20/2022/A 18
113. ^^ 113. The population of a town was as given
1982 ■ 51 1982 51
1992 71 1992 71
2002 86 2002 86
2012 98 2012 98
114. -q^ = 0.1 ^ 114. Using Euler's modified method taking step
Mtr ^ ^ tth size = 0.1, find the approximate value of_y
^ ^ corrected upto three decimal places,
^ I
^=777; ;'{0) = 1 ^ ^ ^ = 0.1 corresponding to x = 0.1 for the initial
^ y ^ 1TR <^^lMeici ^ dy _ y — x
value problem t(0) = 1 :
3 TT^ f :
(A) 1.071 (B) 1.092 . (A) 1.071 (B) 1.092
{5)S/20/2022/A 19 P.T.O.
115. 115. According to fourth order Runge-Kutta
method, the approximate solution of
3'„+i=3'„+^ t, ^ TIT A t :
^= is =>'„+A:,whereAis ;
(A) = —(^1 + 2^2 +^3 + 2^4) (A) =—(Atj+2^2+A3+2/:4)
5 5
(5)S/20/2022/A 20
118. 118. Using Picard's' method, the value of
second appoximation of the differential
^= y(0)=:0 ^ dy _ f.
equation =^ '
HM 6*1'II ;
(A) tan"'{;c) (B) tan
(A) tan-'(x) (B) tan"'
r .A \
-I -I -1
(C) tan
(D) tan (C) tan - (D) tan
3 v4. .4,
6x + y +z= 20 6x + y+ 2= 20
x +4y — z = 6 x-i-4y~z =6
120.^ ^0 +^8=3, y^+y7=^> 120. If =5, ^2+^6-^,-
.y2+y6 = — > y3+y5 = Y ^ 25
y^+y^ = —,then the value of y^ is :
"^fiT HH eVil :
(where assuming seventh difference is
(Tfm^' 3mT ^ 1^3;) constant).
122. ■*# ^ 'IfWCT f' : 122. The Hamilton's equation of motion are :
-9H 3H -an an
(A) A » ^Ar (A) A •;^A =
3a '
an , -an , an
(B) A •;^A = (B) A =3—= ^
^ ^ ^Pk ■ ^Qk
aH , an- , an
(C) A
dp. •;^A =
a^, (C) a=^;a=^
-an an
-3H 9H
(D) A •;?A =
a^^ ' dPi (D) A ■; A =
9?i 9a
123. rHHPdR^d -^\=m Wf^ 123. Which of the following is not the form
of Euler's equation for
^(^W) = jf(^' A /)^fe
=0 ap d ( dY
(A) (A) =0
dy cbc 19/. dy
(B) dx
p /
-f-" p
. ^ -f=»
(C) F +_y'9|L P. / ap
9y' v-» (C)
-ap d -ap d (dv'
\^y'; dy '^dx[dy\ = 0
(5)S/20/2022/A 22
2 fi)
124. ^ ^ Ji /3 , 124. The extremal of Jif ~—dt,
dx dx
^ i(l)= 3, ;c(2)= 18 i= —, a:(1) = 3, x(2) = 18 and using
' O
m^ t : Lagrange's equation is :
15 3 6 15 3 6
(A) x = (B) ^= +7 (A) x = t'+2 (B) ^ = +7
(C) ;c = 5/'-2„ (D) x = 5t'+3 (C) x = 5/'-2 (D) x = 5?^+3
(5)S/20/2022/A 23 P.T.O,
127. "^Tf^ Wfe 127. The extremum of functional :
;'(0)=0; ;'(l)= l ^ satisfying the condition >'(0) = 0;
t, eft WT ^"qr "HM ^? >^(1) =! is attained on the curve :
(A) :^(:>:)= ;c^ (B) y(x)= x^ (A) y(x) = x^ (B) y{x) = x^
(C) ;;(x)= x'' (D) ;'(x)= :s: (C) >'(x) = x'' (D) >'(x) = x
128. Extremals >' = jy(x) for the variational
130. tinaei ^ f^3^f (x,, _yj) RR 130. The shortest curve following two points
(^2' ^2) ^ fMrft RT^ RRi ■§ : (x,, ^i) and (xj, ^^2) ^ plane is :
(5)S/20/2022/A 24
f f-
131. The solution of the integral equation
i{x-t) - "(') di — yfx is :
(A) u[jc)= Jx (B) «(x)=ji:''^ (A) ii[x)=4x (B) z/(x)= x"^
(C) u{x)=^ (D) u(x)=x~+l (C) it{x)=~ (D) 7/(.v)= a:'+1
^: Then :
(A) z/(x)= 2x4-I (B) u{x)= 2x~6 (A) 7/(x-)= 2.y + I (B) w(a:)= 2a:-6
(C) m(x)= 6a:+3 (D) w(x)= 6;c-3 (C) u{x)= 6x +3 (D) m(x)= 6x-3
(5)S/20/2022/A 25 P.T.O.
134. ^ : 134. If 2/(a:) is the solution of the integral
equation :
u[x)=\~2x-Ax^ +|[3+6(:c-/) X
2/(a:)= 1-2x-4a:^ +j[3+6(a:-/)
-A[x-tf'^u{t)dt, 0
0 ii[x)-\-\-^u[t)dt 2
PihRiRsiu "4*
(A) 22(1)+ 2/(log 2)= 6'+ 2
t ?
(A) u(l)+ II(log 2)= e + 2 (B) 22(l)+ 2/(log2)= t'-l
(B) It(l)+ u(log 2)= e -1
(C) n(2)+ 2/(log 2)= e+ 2
(C) «(2)+ w(log2)= e + 2
(D) 22(2)+ 2/(log2)= e-2
(D) u(2)+ u(log2)= e-2
136. :
136. The solution of the integral equation :
(A) w(A:)= sin3;c (B) 2/(a:)= sin 4a: (A) 22(a)= sin 3a (B) 2/(a)= sin 4a
(C) 2/(a:)= cos3x (D) 2/(a:)= cos 2,v (C) 2/(a)= cos3a (D) 22(a)= cos2a
(5)S/20/2022/A . 26
137. 4j4]c^.<ui 137. The solution of the integral equation
IS :
1 I
«siai % : has :
^ ttpt ^ f .
are :
(A) ^ "4 ^R<ri4^
(A) purely real
(B) 14 ^ "4 ctiKrHpich
(B) purely imaginary
(C) rational
(D) 37T4t4^
(D) irrational
(5)S/20/2022/A 27 p.T.O.
140. : 140. The number of linearly independent
(B) "Q;^ M ^ RST "RT RT RfMR (B) A particle constraints to move along
^ "q;^ rr-wrM -jrfcRR ^ a curve or on a surface is an
t I example of a non-holonomous
(C) ^ ^q; RT Mr
^dcbdl l^TT fw^ TT^ (C) A cylinder rolling without slipping
down a rough inclined plane is an
■^rT^ OT# ^ t I
example of conservative system.
(D) "q;^ Rft^TR^ RK^FRR
(D) A particle sliding down the
^ strM Mwt t.
inner surface of a paraboloid of
f^RRit 378J 3TR '(1-c)
revolution having its axis vertical
^ 3ik "q;^ ^ and its vertex downward is a
(5)S/20/2022/A 28
142. #T ^ %IT 142. The number of Hamilton's canonical
■^'■^ 37T^f% "Q;^ mRi'SI "31^ STT?^ If the frequency of particle's motion is
doubled and its kinetic energy is halved,
^ ^ ^ly,, "dt ^dWrt^ ■?! ^TnjjfT :
then the angular momentum becomes :
(A) 2L (B) 4L
(A) 2L (B) 4L
(C) L/2 (D) L/4
(C) L/2 (D) L/4
144, 4qh M,cti ^Hd^ri 144. A uniform solid cylinder is placed with
■qK 7T?n t, W 37^ t its axis horizontal on a plane, whose
(5)S/20/2022/A 29 P.T.O,
145. ^ 1^ O ^ 145. A rigid body turns about some fixed
I /t ^ —
(A) 2k 2X
(A) 27cJ—
V m V 7«
(5)S/20/2022/A 30
148. ilnloiTRiictiQi (X, x^) T^* 148. Two topological spaces (X, x^) and
(y, x^) ("^raWMi) (y, x^) are homeomorphism, if
^ /:X->Y t ^ : /:X.-^ Y be ;
(A) ^Rmi Hxrn (A) continuous function that preserves
(B) yRicnlH aTPc^K^ distances
150. ^ X TT^* Y Wfcrqf ^*, eft 150. Let X and Y be connected spaces, then .
Pi^Rinaci ftf ^Tftmr ^8RT ^Te^T f ? which of the following is true ?
(A) X X Y t (A) X X Y is connected
(B) X u Y is connected
(B) XuY t
(C) X n Y is connected
(C) X n Y t
(D) None of the above
(D) "ft* ^ ^ -q^*
(Note : . x-Multiple, u-Union,
(ftt^r : x_-3nTT, U—(Hp^erU, rS-3rfef^qq) n-Intersection)
(5)S/20/2022/A 31 P.T.O.
61. "^THT X %, 61. Let X be a continuous random variable
1 1
(A) 7 (A)
(B) ^ (B)
(D) (D)
J_ (B)
(A) 32 32
HI (C) (D)
(C) (D) 32 32 32
(5)S/20/2022/A 32
63. A and B are two weak students of
63. A 3?k B Tjfm ^ ^ m # 3TR
Mathematics and their probability of
"3^ ^ "R^ ^ ^ ^ solving a problem in Mathematics
\5 16
15 16
16 T? (1^)
64. HHT X 3fk Y Rlf^chdl 64. Let the joint probability density function
^dd PiHiT^d "i" : of X and Y is given by :
TROT sFWT: ^ 3ifk o' t, ^ ^«41vl^ variables are |.i and respectively, then
smfer rHHlP^d t : Chebyshev's inequality is ;
0<x<l 0<x<l
2-x-y; / N 2-x-y;
/(^% p)= f{x,y) = \ 0<y<\
Oi 3E^2TT 0; otherwise
(B) i (A)
(B) ^
(C) - (D) (C) 3 (D) -
67. WrfEtT "RT^ ^ 600 "STR W 67. A symmetric die is thrown 600 times.
^ 80 120 ^ ^ 6 ^ The lower bound for the probability of
^ '^'lan "^frRT "qft 3#T^hIT : getting 80 to 120 sixes is :
19 19 19
20 0^) ii ■"
19 19 19 19"
(D) ^
(5)S/20/2022/A 34
68. "Hl^pT^ch 68. A sequence of random variables
XpXj, ,X„' 1^ yiR^^dl XpXj, ,X„ is said to convergence in
37feOT "^rf^ PtJ^I e>o probability to a constant \x if for any
"f^ : G>0 : '
(C) (D) -
(C) 7 (D) -
(5)S/20/2022/A 35 P.T.O,
71. ^ ^'iTfech ^ ^: 71. A Markov chain is ergodic if there is :
(A) One communicative class
(A) "q^ ^ i\
(B) Two communicative classes
(B) i\ yquivRef ^
(C) More than two communicative
(C) ^ ^ ^ classes
(A) Lim >0 (B) Lim <0 (A) Lim/;';'>0 (B) Limp'"'<0
/»—»oo ^' M—^ns ■'
74. ^ T3:d qtar -q* o{h) t : 74. In birth and death process o{h) is for :
(B) ( (/ -f- /?) ^ q^ "qqr (B) More than one death between / and
^ fdrq (/ +- h)
(C) dtdt' (A) qqr (B)^ fdnr. . - (G) Both (A) and (B)
(5)S/20/2022/A 36
75. yiRj'-hdi ^ -qr 75. In which probability distribution, the
^ qTT 37T^ ^ ^? moment of order > 1 does not exist ?
78. A- 3TqqrOT3ff ^ q^qrq^, qqq qqrw 78. The probability distribution characterised
qrqr ^ qq fqqqqr qq yiPqqiai .q^ • for ,Y failures proceeding the first success
I is :
l5)S/20/2022/A ■. 37 P.T.O.
79. cTT^ -4' H^Rh-mT ^ ^ 79. Number of fishes in a lake can be
80. TijRf ^^ fer yiRjchdi ^^ %TT 80. Lack of memory property is .suited in
ar^^ t ? which probability distribution ? •
82. 3Tr?TOT7 arrro^ an^?^ ^ 82. Maximum likelihood estimators are nol
: necessarily ;
(5)S/20/2022/A 38
83. ^: 83. For the Cauchy distribution :
/W= /w=
7i[i+{i-e)'] .21 » —< X <00 21 ; —00 < X < CO
7c[l +(Ar-e)']
■^* e ^ ^ t : the consistent estimator for the parameter
0 is : .
(A) "RT^^T
(A) Mean
(B) Median
(C) (C) Mode
/[X|,A:2, '^/(]~ [^-^(l)* ^(2)'"">^(n)J random variables, then the order statistics
t: ~ [^(i)» ^{2)'—*'^(rt)] is •
(A) 3nfw (A) Unbiased
(B) ^ (B) Consistent
(C) (C) Sufficient
(D) aM^cKi ^ ^ (D) None of the above
{5)S/20/2022M 39 P.T.O.
86. ^ x^,X2, .v„ TT^ t, 86. If ApA,, ,A'„ is a random sample, Ihen
^^ t : Q(a,,A2, ,a;,;0) is :
(A) 0 ^ tcjci'pi .(A) Independent from 0
f : known as :
{5)S/20/2022/A 40
89. ^ (x^) 89. In order that the Chi-square (x^) test for
goodness of fit is applicable if the
t : constraints on cell frequency should be :
f: of association is :
ab — bc ab — bc
(A) Q = (A) Q =
ad + bc ad + bc
ad-be ad -be
(B) Q = (B) Q =
ad + bc ad + bc
ac-bd ac-bd
(C) Q = (C) Q =
ac + bd ac+ bd
bd-ac bd — ac
(D) Q = (D) Q =
bd + ac bd + ac
(5)S/20/2022/A 41 P.T.O.
92. ^ ^ ^ .fer 92. Test for testing the randomness of
observations is ;
93. ^T^-cjlrqiirc4<^ "qwT "qftw "^* qftmif 93. In Wald-Wolfowitz run test, for large
^ 3TOR ?7[ «2(N = Kj + «2) ^ values of sample size «j and W2
^ tth ^ ^ q^™T3fl ^ (N = + ^2), under null hypothesis Hq,
r ^ yPd-^-m ^^ MRdnrmi Hq the sampling distribution of total
■qr^^ t : mean :
2«,W2 2W|W2
(B) (B)
(C) (C)
(D) (D)
(5)S/20/2022/A 42
^ : are:
(A) - 1 ^ 0 (A) - 1 to 0
(D) - 1 ^ + I (D) - 1 to + 1
(5)S/20/2022/A 43
98. ^ ^ 98. If m is the number of times an item is
K-i) 777 (m^-i)
(A) (A)
12 12
100. "0^1^ yRm^I [ciQi=tjT'Wi 100. In one sample Wilcoxon signed rank test,
•^* ^ MR-^ticrmi Hq under null hypothesis Hq, test statistic T
ypd^vl^ T ^ is approximately normally distributed
"ekr t, *fn«2T t : with mean :
/7(« + l) 77(77 + 1)
(B) (B) 4
(5)S/20/2022/A 44
101. -qr sn^TTfcT 101. The common- assumptions based on
(D) ^mM -^HdM ^ mw "4* ^
(D) There is no linearity in ordinary
<Rs|ctici| f I
least square assumption.
(5)S/20/2022/A 45 P.T.O.
103. TROT s^, TROT (j2 ^ 103. The sample variance jg biased
3l|cticrich "I I (y2 ^ SRf^RTcT estimator of population variance (j2 ^^
unbiased estimator of is :
105. "271^ TRTTRPT "RT«^q ^ ^STT 105. If a large sample is drawn from a normal
^ROT t,
population with mean p and variance 0^,
OT ^ %TT 990/0
then 99% confidence interval for p, if
3OT^ (qiir4ii*7H ^dWd) t^
Tffif^ RTSJT 3c : sample mean is x, is :
(A) x +1.96-^ (A) 3C +1.96
(5)S/20/2022/A 46
106. Y ^ t afe X 106. If Y is a dependent variable and X is an
Y ^ X ^ W9OT "jpw independent variable, then regression
"qft^TTfer ■^jfRTT "t : coefficient of Y on X is defined as :
(A) ^.='' —
(A) ^' = '-—
107. q.=t) STfeq-Hi ■^' [c^qq^ o[^ "^71^ 107.. In a study, subjects are randomly
#T 'W^ ^ -q;^ ^ #71 "TRT t : assigned to one of three groups : control,
r-i#*j|, yqlj|icH=h A ^ qqlqirM^ e i experimental A or experimental B. After
^ ?ftq ^ aSteci sf# treatment, the mean scores for the three
^TTcit t I ^ sfteif ■# groups are compared. The appropriate
^<^'11 qiT^ ^ %TT ^(Rs^chlq statistical test for comparing these means
t : is :
108. mrr^ pcj^elqui ^ -qft^ rHMPdRsid ^ 108. Analysis of variance was introduced
"gRT qqr «7t : by: ,
(A) qt. #3TR. TI^ (A) Prof. C.R. Rao "
(B) ■ # fqq# (B) Prof. Karl Pearson
(C) qt. (C) Prof. Cramer
(D) aTR-q;. (D) Prof. R.A. Fisher
(5)S/20/2022/A 47 P.T;0.
109. Tfer) 109. In fixed effect model, the conclusions
(C) 'm^ Pc^yelNui 3fR w
(D) analysis of variance and demand
(D) 33k kFi
(5)S/20/2022/A 48
111. k-^ TraWRT ^ ^ 111. If the density function of /t-variate
normal distribution is :
j[^Xj, j~ ke
(5)S/20/2022/A 50
117. Pi*^RriRaci ^ 117. Which of the following multivariate
^ WtW ^ ^ analysis is used to classify the
? observations ?
% 7 analysis ?
(C) "^Twrfetfer
(C) Mahalanobis D^-statistic
(D) (D) All of the above
{5)S/20/2022/A 51 P.T.O.
120.^ U,= V.= 120. If U^=a('''x^'^ and V,. = form
the ith canonical pair and if X^ is the rth
canonical correlation, then which of the
t ? following is true ?
(B) [^Z,,Z22E„-X,^Z,,JP<" =0
(C) (A)3fk (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)
121. <4l<|r^ch ^Kpui^T ^ ■^* 121. To ascertain the randomness of the series
stratified sampling is :
(A) Equal allocation
(B) sn^qito fwH
(B) Proportional allocation
(C) froq
(C) Optimum allocation
(A) Lottery method
(B) ^IdilRd "
(B) Sizeable method
(B) N is a whole number
(B) N tpf t
(C) N ■^* '1/7^ (C) N is not divisible by n
used ?
t ?
(5)S/20/2022/A 53 P.T.O.
126. -^Tf^ y^=y+b[x~x) ^ ^fWpT 126. If _vr = 3^+^(X-A:j is a regression
"I", ^ dTT^i^f^ ^ y^<u( estimator, then variance of this estimator
CVll 4 is given by :
(A) V(^4=^i^s/(l-p^)
(A) V(7,)=^^sy(l-p^)
(B) v(;.,)=^l^S/(l-p^) (B) v(7J =^^S/(l-p^)
(c) v(^.)=^sy(i-p^) (C) vl^'^^srli-p^)
(D) V(;;,)=^^^i^s/(l-p^) (D) v(7,)=^!^t^^S/(l-p^)
127. pps "sfcTWi 1%^ 127. An unbiased estimator of variance of
¥^TT^ 13^ 3FTf^'1d Suc^crl*^ population total in pps sampling without
■ t: replacement, is given by :
<A> ppx
(5)S/20/2022/A 54
128. "f^ Wr 128. The number of possible samples of size
/7, drawn from a population of size N in
simple random sampling without
37T^ N ^ felT t :
replacement is :
(A) (B) N" (A) (B) N"
(C) ^C„ (D) n\ (C) (D) „!
129. arfe ^f^ 129. Ratio estimators are more efficient when
130. '^fK -3^ %, cfr fFT 130. If the population has linear trend, then
t ? which ofthe following statements is true ?
(B) 'klil 3Tk cfjR^ "?R^ (B) Number of levels and number of
factors '
(C) ^ ^ WTT 3fk
(C) Neither number of levels nor
number of factors
133. RRfRcf "R^foRT ■SRjyf «crll=t) 133. In a symmetric BIBD design, the number
(BIBD) '^" ^ ^TT^* ^ ^ ■4' WfFT of treatments common between any two
(5)S/20/2022/A 56
135. (connected) AficRj 135. In a connected design all the main
'C cRSf ^ t ; diagonal elements of the matrix 'C are :
ac a
cd ab
cd ab
ad d
ad d
b acd b acd
abc bd abc bd
bed be bed be
(A) AB (B) BC
(A)' AB (B) BC
{5)S/20/2022/A 57 P.T.O.
137. ^ ^'chdil-Wdl ^ 137. If hazard rate of a component is given
by: ■
"51^ ^ "nf t :
h[t) = A.; X > 0; / > 0
/;(/)= A,; X>0;/>0
then the survival function of the
eft fcldcti ^ ^
component is :
(A) cA' (B) (A) e'-" (B) 1-,,-^
(C) (D) (C) e-'-' (D) I
139. 'll'^ "'jyfcRTT qi-jFcyctiltjja ^rf^che'M'il' 139. The following gives the analysis of
■^ft "3^ TRRq variance table of a fixed effect model of
4 - 10 - Varieties 4 - lo -
iferf - 28 - Enors - 28 -
^ 18 Total 18
(5)S/20/2022/A 58
140. -4' 5 140. The following gives the analysis of
"3?^ ^MKH ^ 4 '"3^ ^ variance table for a Randomized block
^4KH Treatments
141. "Q;^ "^TT^ ■HH147<"J|T ^ trq^ ^ 141. When a set of simultaneous equations
^ ^eidi ^ If : has more variables than constraints :
(5)S/20/2022/A 59 P.T.O,
142. 142. In the simplex method, a tableau is
f, t (-STteKFTt^niTT optimal only if all the Cj-Zj values are
^ %T) : (for maximization):
145. 3MTBr Tlf^ I^RT^' ^ -BHT "Sfmi f 145. The arrival process in which it is
OT# "tR -qf^ t 35k ^ assumed that the customers arrive at the
^^ ^55^ t, irfOT ^ ^ queuing system and never leave it, the
^jITcTT "I :
process is called :
(A) Pure birth process
(B) ^^ (B) Pure death process
(5)S/20/2022/A 60
146. ^ W 146. Customers arrive at the first class ticket
(A) L,= (A) L^ =
(B) L',= (B) L^ =
{p.-X) ili-X)
X' x"-
(C) L = (C) L =
ii{li-x) iL{\l-X)
(D) "3^1^ ^ ^ (D) None of the above
{5)S/20/2022/A 61 P.T.O.
149. {(/«//«/!)}:{~/FCFS},-gifeHiI 149. In the model I |(m / m /')}:{OO /FCFS},
probability that queue is non-empty, is :
t% ^fKlR wft ■=i^' f :
(A) P(">I) =
(A) P(n>l) =
(A) W,=-^
(B) W,=^ (B) W„=:^
(C) w, = L,;i (C) W,=L„^,
(5)S/20/2022/A 62
Tq7 ■gTTjJ
T'?' ct)i4 ^ fwy,
1. This Question Booklet is printed in two languages—Hindi and English. Examinees can select
any one of the two languages according to their convenience. ' /"
2. There are two papers in the State EUgibility Test. The first question paper(compulsory question
paper)is General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude. The second question paper is the
subject selected by the candidate. Only one combined OMR Sheet will be provided for both the
question papers.The Second paper ofoptional subject will be given to the examinee at 1 p.m.The
code ofthe second question paper subject selected by the examinee should be marked in the OMR
Sheet. The booklet number of the second question paper has to be marked in the necessary
entries. The examinee can start second question paper at 1:05 p.m. There are 100 questions in
the second question paper (optional subject). The squence of these questions is 51 to 150. In a
combined O.M.R. Sheet,the examinee should mark the answers of the second question paper m
the part of Second Question Paper. The examinee himself will be responsible for marking the
answer in the wrong order.
3. All questions are compulsory.
4. Examinee whose optional subject is Mathematical Sciences, they have to answer 100 questions
in total, there are three parts in the question paper,Part I is compulsory, m which there are 10
questions - in the order of51 to 60.Part H has 90 questions numbered 61 to 150. This part is of
Mathematics subject and PartHIhas 90 questions numbered 61 to 150.This partis ofStatistics
subject. Candidates should do either Part I and H or PartI and HI. Examinee clearly mention
in the OMR Sheet whether opted Mathematics or Statistics.
5. All questions carry equal marks. 2 marks will be given for each correct answer. There is no
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6. On the cover page the number ofpages is indicated in the Question Booklet. The examinee should
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should ask for another Question Booklet.
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Kindly make necessary entries on the Answer Sheet(OMR Sheet)only at the places mdica^d and
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10. If there is any sort of mistake either of printing or offactual nature in any question,then out of
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Invigilator at the end ofthe examination at 3:05 p.m.