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Food Chemistry: X
journal homepage: www.sciencedirect.com/journal/food-chemistry-x
Keywords: For a long time, food spoilage posed a severe impairment on food safety and public health. Although chemical
Chitosan-ε-polylysine-natamycin compound preservatives are commonly used to inhibit spoilage/ pathogenic microbial growth, the disadvantages of a single
preservatives target, potential toxicity and high dose of use limit the better use of preservatives. In this research, the combi
Antimicrobial mechanisms
nation of natural preservatives: Natamycin (Nat), ε-polylysine (ε-PL), and Chitosan (CS) could achieve an
Microbial diversity
excellent antimicrobial effect including bacteria and fungi, and reduce the usage of a single preservative.
Compound preservatives could destroy microbial morphology and damage the integrity of the cell wall/mem
brane by leakage of protein and alkaline phosphatase (AKP). Besides, high-throughput sequencing revealed that
compound preservatives could decrease microbial diversity and richness, especially, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter,
Fusarium, and Aspergillus. Therefore, the combination of 1/8 × MIC CS, 1/4 × MIC ε-PL, and 1/2 × MIC Nat can
achieve an excellent antibacterial effect, providing new ideas for food preservation.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: zhang78089680@sina.com (M. Zhang).
Those authors equally contributed to this paper.
Received 1 August 2023; Received in revised form 31 August 2023; Accepted 6 September 2023
Available online 9 September 2023
2590-1575/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
antibacterial activity (Bi et al., 2023; Liu, Pei, Han, Feng, & Li, 2015; antimicrobial combinations of CS + ε-PL, CS + Nat, and ε-PL + Nat were
Zheng, Tang, Yang, Ran, & Li, 2023). Besides, chitosan (CS), a natural tested in 96-well microtiter trays. Wells not containing edible bio-
polycationic polysaccharide synthesized by the crustaceans such as preservatives served as controls. The concentration of each edible bio-
shrimp and crabs, possesses the positively charged amino groups (NH+ 3) preservative was ranging from 1/8 × MIC to 2 × MIC. A total of 100
(Chen et al., 2023b). Therefore, due to electrostatic interaction, CS can μL of bio-preservative solution was added to each well. Then, 100 μL of
interact with negatively charged microbial cell membrane and disrupt 107 CFU/mL of bacterial suspension or 105 spores/mL was added to each
the integrity of the microbial membrane, thereby inhibiting the growth well. The well plates were incubated at 37 ◦ C or 27 ℃ for 12 h in con
of microorganisms (Liu, Liao, & Xia, 2023). Therefore, the combination stant temperature and humidity chambers. The microbial growth status
of Nat, ε-PL, and CS not only can make up for the shortcomings of the of each well was observed, and the effect of compound preservatives on
poor antibacterial of Nat but also can enhance the interaction between microbial growth was recorded and compared. Then, two preservatives
preservatives and microbial cells. with a combined effect were selected to be compounded with the third
Recently, with the increasing popularity, the internationalization of preservative. The optimal ratio of compounding preservatives was ob
Chinese cuisines has become more and more common. Scrambled egg tained. The MIC of the compounded preservative was also obtained. The
with tomatoes is one of the representatives of Chinese cuisine. There following formula was used to calculate the compound strength and
fore, based on the theoretical study of the antimicrobial effect and determine the antimicrobial effect of compound preservatives.
mechanism of preservatives, the effect of preservatives on the microbial
MIC of preservative A in combination
diversity of tomato scrambled egg paste was also studied from a prac Compound strength =
MIC of preservative A alone
tical point of view. In detail, Nat, ε-PL, and CS were used as raw mate
MIC of preservative B in combination
rials to prepare compound preservatives. Then, the antibacterial and +
MIC of preservative B alone
antifungal activities of compound preservatives were investigated. Its
efficiency on microbial morphology, alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activ Synergy was defined as a compound strength index ≤ 0.5, additivity
ity, and protein were evaluated. More importantly, the microbial com was defined as a compound strength index > 0.5 to 1, and antagonism
munity of tomato scrambled egg paste were analyzed by next-generation was defined as a compound strength index > 1.
sequencing technology, which can more effectively reflect the effect of
compound preservatives on microbial diversity.
Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of compound preservatives
The antibacterial activity of compound preservatives was verified as
previously described (Kang et al., 2020). In detail, the bacteria in the
exponential growth phase were diluted to 105 ~ 107 CFU/mL. Com
pound preservatives were added to bacterial suspensions to final con
Escherichia coli MC1061 (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus
centration of 1/2, 1, and 2 × MIC. Then, 200 μL of the mix suspensions
ATCC6538 (S. aureus) were obtained from Huayueyang Biotech Co., Ltd.
were added to a 96-well plate and incubation at 37℃ for 24 h in a
(Beijing, China), Alternaria alternata EX2019 (A. alternata) and Botrytis
constant temperature and humidity chamber. The bacterial growth was
cinerea bo501 (B. cinerea) were stored in the laboratory, Chitosan (CS),
measured at 600-nm wavelength by a microplate reader (Bio-Tek
ε-polylysine (ε-PL), Natamycin (Nat) and Potassium sorbate (PS) were ELx800, USA) every two hours. Bacterial suspensions without treatment
provided by Shanghai Macklin Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd., agar
with compound preservatives served as control.
powder, yeast powder, peptone, and 2.5% glutaraldehyde were pro
vided by Solarbio Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China), Potato Dextrose
Agar (Medium) was obtained from Beijing Aoboxing Biotechnology Co. Evaluation of antifungal properties of compound preservatives
Ltd., Total protein content determination kit and AKP test kit were ob
tained from Nanjing Jiancheng Biological Engineering Research Insti The antifungal activities of compound preservatives were deter
tute Co., Ltd. mined using an agar dilution assay. The antimicrobial agents were
diluted in a stepwise concentration by Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA).
Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of edible bio- Antimicrobial agents were added to final concentrations (the concen
preservatives tration of compound preservatives was 1 × MIC, and the concentration
of other preservatives was the maximum use allowed by the GB
The MIC values of CS, ε-PL, and Nat were determined for E. coli, 2760–2014) and then poured into a Petri dish. The diluted spore sus
S. aureus, A. alternata, and B. cinerea using the two-fold dilution method pension of A. alternata and B. cinerea were spread separately onto the
(Kang et al., 2020). The CS, ε-PL, and Nat were diluted at serial two-fold plate and incubated at 27℃ for 3 days in a constant temperature and
concentrations ranging from 0 to 1.25 mg/mL. Different concentrations humidity chamber to evaluate the antifungal activity of edible bio-
of CS, ε-PL, and Nat were prepared in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth with preservatives.
activated E. coli and S. aureus (105-7 CFU/mL), incubation at 37℃ for 24
h in a constant temperature and humidity chamber (Yongguang Medical SEM analysis
equipment Co., Ltd., FCD). The lowest concentration of CS, ε-PL, and Nat
that inhibited microbial growth was identified as the MIC. Similarly, SEM was used to assess the effect of compound preservatives on the
different concentrations of CS, ε-PL, and Nat were prepared in Potato morphology of microorganisms. Bacteria suspensions were suspended in
Dextrose Broth (PDB) with activated A. alternata and B. cinerea (105 PBS (pH = 7.2, 0.01 M/L) to OD600 = 0.5. Then, compound pre
spores/mL). All tubes were incubated at 27℃ for 24 h in a constant servatives with the final concentration of 1 × MIC were added. Bacterial
temperature and humidity chamber (Shanghai Qixin Scientific instru suspensions that were treated with PBS were served as control. Then,
ment Co., Ltd., DHP-9052). The lowest concentration of CS, ε-PL, and PBS was used to wash bacterial cells three times at 8000 rpm for 5 min,
Nat without any visible growth was defined as MIC. followed by fixed at 4 ℃ with 2.5 % glutaraldehyde for 4 h. Then, PBS
was used to wash fixed bacterial cells three times. Subsequently, fixed
Compounding of edible bio-preservatives bacterial cells were dehydrated for 10 min in 30 %, 50 %, 70 %, 80 %, 90
%, 96 %, and 100 % alcohol series, respectively. Bacterial cell
A checkerboard test was used for compounding of edible bio- morphology was observed by SEM. Similarly, the mycelia of A. alternata
preservatives (Bonapace, White, Friedrich, & Bosso, 2000). The and B. cinerea were used to evaluate the effect of compound
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
preservatives on microbial morphology. platform by Majorbio Bio-Pharm Technology Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China).
Leakage of protein and alkaline phosphatase activity Statistical and bioinformatics analysis
The bacteria in the logarithmic growth period were washed and then Flash software (Version 1.2.11) and Qiime software (Version 1.9.1)
suspended in sterilized 0.85% NaCl to 1 × 108 CFU/mL. Then, com were utilized to analyze raw statistics. Uparse (Version 7.0.1090) was
pound preservatives with final concentrations of 1/2, 1, and 2 × MIC utilized to cluster operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with a 97%
were added, incubated at 37℃ in a thermostatic shaker (Shanghai similarity cutoff. The Silva (Release 138 https://www.arb-silva.de) and
Zhicheng Analytical instrument Co., Ltd., ZHWY103B), 170 rpm for Unite (Release 8.0 https://unite.ut.ee/index.php) databases were uti
different times and centrifuged at 6000 g, 10 min. After filtration by lized to analyze the taxonomy of each 16S rRNA and ITS rRNA gene
0.22 μm membrane, the leakage of protein and the AKP activity in the sequence, respectively. Mothur software (Version 1.30.2) was utilized to
supernatant was determined by a total protein content determination kit analyze Alpha diversity. R language (Version 3.3.1) was utilized to
and an AKP test kit, respectively. analyze the community bar and community heat map.
All experiments were repeated three times. The results were reported
Measurement of peroxide value of tomato scrambled egg paste during as means ± standard deviation (SD).
Results and discussions
Tomato scrambled egg paste with compound preservatives and po
tassium sorbate were prepared separately using our previous method (Li Antimicrobial activity of preservatives
et al., 2023). Among them, the preservatives were added before bagging.
Samples not containing edible bio-preservatives were used as control. MIC of edible bio-preservatives
All treatment tomato scrambled egg paste were sealed and sterilized in a The antimicrobial activity of CS, ε-PL, and Nat were verified for
water bath (92–95 ℃, 30 min). The peroxide value was determined further compounding of preservatives. The MIC values of CS, ε-PL, and
based on GB 5009.227–2016. Nat were determined for E. coli, S. aureus, A. alternata, and B. cinerea
using the two-fold dilution method. As shown in Table S1, Nat exhibited
Measurement of moisture content of tomato scrambled egg paste during the weakest inhibitory effect on E. coli and S. aureus and the best
storage inhibitory effect on A. alternata and B. cinerea. This is attributed to the
fact that Nat acts specifically on ergosterol in the fungal membrane, so it
The moisture content of tomato scrambled egg paste was determined has no inhibitory effect on bacteria (Saito et al., 2022). By contrast, CS
using an electronic moisture tester. About 5 g of the sample was placed exhibited better antibacterial properties. The possible reason is that
in the sample rack and dried until a constant weight was obtained ac positively charged CS could be more effectively combined with bacteria
cording to the corporate standard Q/XXCJ-JS-2021 of Xinjiang Xiaochu to improve the antibacterial effect (Liu et al., 2023). Among them, ε-PL
Food Co., Ltd. exhibited the best inhibitory effect on both bacteria and fungi. The MIC
to bacteria and fungi was as low as 0.00625 mg/mL. The main reason
(m2 − m1 )
moisture content (%) = × 100% was attributed to not only that ε-PL could destruct microbial cell wall/
membrane and enzymes, but also that ε-PL could stimulated intracel
among them, m2: sample weight before drying, m1: sample weight lular reactive oxygen species accumulation (Li et al., 2019). However,
after drying. the weak mechanical of ε-PL may lead to its poor adsorption on food
products and cannot achieve better preservation (Wang et al., 2021b).
Measurement of tomato scrambled egg paste microorganisms during Therefore, the combination of Nat, ε-PL, and CS was expected to achieve
storage an excellent broad-spectrum antibacterial effect and reduce the dose of a
single preservative used.
Aerobic plate count was measured based on GB 4789.2–2022. Co
liforms were measured based on GB 4789.3–2016. Molds and yeasts Antimicrobial activity of compound preservatives
were measured according to GB 4789.15–2016. Based on broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties of compound
preservatives, the best ratio of the compound preservative was obtained
Sample DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing as 1/8 × MIC CS + 1/4 × MIC ε-PL + 1/2 × MIC Nat (Table. S2-S6). And
this was used as the MIC of the compound preservative. Then, agar
Tomato scrambled egg paste with CS, ε-PL, Nat, compound pre dilution assay was used to prove the antimicrobial activity of compound
servatives and PS were prepared separately using our previous method preservatives against E. coli, S. aureus, A. alternata and B. cinerea. It is
(Li et al., 2023). Among them, the preservatives were added before noteworthy to mention that compound preservatives exhibit excellent
bagging (the final concentration of compound preservatives was 1 × antimicrobial activity compared with single preservative (Fig. 1A).
MIC, and the final concentration of other preservatives was the Furthermore, without compound preservatives, E. coli and S. aureus
maximum use allowed by the GB 2760–2014. With no preservatives showed rapid growth and reached a stabilization stage after incubation
added as control. All treatment tomato scrambled egg paste were sealed 22 and 20 h, respectively (Fig. 1B-C). However, bacterial growth was
and sterilized in a water bath (92–95 ℃, 30 min). After placing the completely inhibited after treated with 1 × MIC compound pre
bulging bag (37 ℃, 6 months), the E.Z.N.A.® soil DNA Kit (Omega Bio- servatives, showing compound preservatives exhibit excellent bacteri
tek, Norcross, GA, U.S.) was used to extract total microbial genomic cidal effect. Besides, 1/2 × MIC compound preservatives also exhibit
DNA. 338F (5′-ACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAG-3′) and 806R (5′-GGAC inhibitory effect on both E. coli and S. aureus. The possible reason was
TACHVGGGTWTCTAAT-3′) served as primer pairs to amplify the hy that electrostatic interaction between CS and microorganisms could
pervariable region V3-V4 of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. The fungal capture more bacteria and fungi (Chen et al., 2023b). Then, ε-PL and Nat
primers ITS1F (5′-CTTGGTCATTTAGAGGAAGTAA-3′) and ITS2R (5′- worked on cell membrane/ wall and ergosterol in the fungal membrane,
GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-3′) were used to amplify the ITS1 region of respectively (Liu et al., 2015; Saito et al., 2022). And ultimately, com
fungal ITS rRNA genes. PE libraries were constructed by TruSeqTM DNA pound preservatives lead the death of both bacteria and fungi. There
Sample Prep Kit (Majorbio Bio-Pharm Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai, fore, the combination of Nat, ε-PL and CS showed excellent broad-
China). Then, PE libraries were sequenced on the Illumina Hiseq spectrum antimicrobial effect.
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
Fig. 1. Antimicrobial activity of compound preservatives: (A) Images of the colonies formed by A. alternata, B. cinerea, E. coli and S. aureus after exposed to pre
servatives. Con: control, CS: chitosan, ε-PL: ε-polylysine, Nat: natamycin, CP: compound preservatives; (B) Effect of compound preservatives on the growth curve of
E. coli; (C) Effect of compound preservatives on the growth curve of S. aureus.
Antimicrobial mechanisms of compound preservatives of compound preservatives, once it comes into contact with compound
preservatives, the cells were distorted and wrinkled membranes
Effect of compound preservatives on microbial morphology (Fig. 2C-D). As well as in bacteria, without the treatment of compound
The morphology of microbial before and after treatment with com preservatives, the mycelia of B. cinerea and A. alternata remained a
pound preservatives was observed by SEM. Without compound pre complete and robust morphology, showing smooth surfaces. On the
servatives, E. coli cells kept a complete and typical rod-like shape contrary, the mycelia of B. cinerea and A. alternata were deformed and
morphology; however, the bacterial cells became rough and wrinkled collapsed after treatment with compound preservatives (Fig. 2E-H). It
after compound preservatives were treated (Fig. 2A-B). And S. aureus was found that Nat, ε-PL, and CS pose different degrees of adverse effects
showed a spherical-shape and intact cell walls without the interference on the cell membrane of microorganisms (Liu et al., 2015; Liu et al.,
Fig. 2. Effect of compound preservatives on microbial morphology: (A) SEM of E. coli; (B) SEM of E. coli treated with compound preservatives; (C) SEM of S. aureus;
(D) SEM of S. aureus treated with compound preservatives; (E) SEM of the mycelia of B. cinerea; (F) SEM of the mycelia of B. cinerea treated with compound pre
servatives; (G) SEM of the mycelia of A. alternata; (H) SEM of the mycelia of A. alternata treated with compound preservatives.
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
2023; Saito et al., 2022). Therefore, compound preservatives showed preservatives and microorganisms (Liu et al., 2023). Accordingly,
excellent antimicrobial activities and exerted their antimicrobial effect various modes of action of Nat, ε-PL, and CS against bacteria and fungi
by destroying the cell membrane and releasing the contents. could encourage antimicrobial activities of compound preservatives.
Fig. 3. Determination of the release of cell contents: Leakage of protein (A) E. coli; (B) S. aureus; (C) B. cinerea; (D) A. alternata.
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
Fig. 4. Determination of the release of cell contents: Alkaline phosphatase activity (A) E. coli; (B) S. aureus; (C) B. cinerea; (D) A. alternata.
Fig. 5. The alpha diversity of tomato scrambled egg paste: (A) Shannon index of bacteria; (B) Chao index of bacteria; (C) Shannon index of fungi; (D) Chao index of
fungi. Con: control, CP: compound preservatives, Nat: natamycin, CS: chitosan, ε-PL: ε-polylysine, PS: potassium sorbate.
1.99 and 165.18 ± 170.15) and positive control group (PS treatment tomato scrambled egg paste. Similarly, according to fungal Shannon
group). Notably, compared with Nat treatment group, both Shannon index and Chao index (Fig. 5C-D), it was found that compound pre
index and Chao index of compound preservatives treatment group were servatives could decrease the diversity and the richness of fungi
decreased greatly. These results demonstrated that compound pre community.
servatives could reduce the diversity and the richness of bacteria in
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
Comparison of bacterial community in tomato scrambled egg paste in Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter played a vital role in causing food pu
different treatment groups trefaction and deterioration and can create economic havoc via spoiling
The bacterial community composition of tomato scrambled egg paste lots of food products (Pinu, 2016; Sun et al., 2022). It is noteworthy to
was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. At the phylum level, the mention that the abundance of Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter in the
proportion of Actinobacteriota (68.04%), Proteobacteria (23.19%), Fir compound preservatives treatment group was significantly decreased.
micutes (6.06%), and others (1.60%) were the predominant phylum in The possible reasons were that compound preservatives could directly
the tomato scrambled egg paste that not treated with preservatives inhibit the growth of food spoilage, or compound preservatives disrupt
(control) (Fig. 6A). And the proportion of Actinobacteriota (90.64%), the balance of the flora leading to microbial interactions and ultimately
Proteobacteria (5.83%), and Cyanobacteria (1.51%) were the predomi inhibiting spoilage bacteria.
nant phylum in the Nat treatment group. However, in the compound
preservatives treatment group, Actinobacteriota (99.13%) was the pre Comparison of fungal community in tomato scrambled egg paste in different
dominant phylum (Fig. 6A). The results indicated that compound pre treatment groups
servatives could decrease the diversity of bacterial community and In addition to bacteria, fungi also played a determining role on the
bacterial abundance. Notably, the antibacterial effect of the compound quality of food (Bernardi, Garcia, & Copetti, 2019; Fones et al., 2020).
preservatives was the same as that of CS and ε-PL. It was shown that the So, the fungal community composition of tomato scrambled egg paste
combination of Nat, ε-PL, and CS exhibit excellent antibacterial effects was investigated. Basidiomycota and Ascomycota were the main phylum
and could greatly reduce the usage of preservatives. And PS cannot in all the groups (Fig. 6C). A more complicated fungal community of the
inhibit the growth of bacteria compared with compound preservatives. control group was discovered indicating that preservatives could
In addition, the top 20 species in all groups in terms of total abun decrease the number of fungal species. Furthermore, the species of the
dance at the genus level were compared. The compound preservatives top 20 genera in the heat map of the fungal community were selected for
treatment group had the lowest bacterial richness, compared with both analysis. It is not difficult to know that like other preservatives, com
the control group, the Nat group, and the PS group (Fig. 6B). And pound preservatives could reduce the fungal abundance and the di
Rhodococcus was the main genus in all the groups, but in general, Rho versity of the fungal community (Fig. 6D). Among the identified fungal
dococcus is non-pathogenic and Rhodococcus could produce bio species, Apiotrichum was the most dominant fungus in all groups,
surfactants that are applicable in the food-processing industries showing that preservatives used in this research made no effect on
(Cappelletti et al., 2020; Nazari et al., 2022). It’s been discovered that Apiotrichum growth. Notably, Russula, Fusarium, unclassified_f_Nec
Rhodococcus, Pantoea, Pseudomonas, Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, and Aci triaceae, and Aspergillus were expressed a lower level in the compound
netobacter were the top 5 genera in the control group. Among them, preservatives treatment group, compared with control group (Fig. 6D).
Fig. 6. Distribution of spoilage bacterial and fungal microbiota in tomato scrambled egg paste: (A) Percent of bacterial community abundance on phylum level; (B)
Heat map of bacterial community (top 20 genera); (C) Percent of fungal community abundance on phylum level; (D) Heat map of fungal community (top 20 genera).
Con: control, CP: compound preservatives, Nat: natamycin, CS: chitosan, ε-PL: ε-polylysine, PS: potassium sorbate.
W. Wu et al. Food Chemistry: X 19 (2023) 100872
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