1 s2.0 S1110016815001337 Main
1 s2.0 S1110016815001337 Main
1 s2.0 S1110016815001337 Main
Alexandria University
KEYWORDS Abstract Aluminum impregnated coconut fiber ash (AICFA) was used for removal of fluoride
Coconut fiber; from synthetic fluoride solution. The AICFA showed high specific area and strong affinity toward
Fluoride; fluoride. Synthesized AICFA was characterized by pHZPC, FTIR, SEM and XRD studies. Adsorp-
Adsorption; tion kinetics indicated that the adsorption equilibrium was reached within 60 min and the adsorp-
Desorption; tion process followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model better. The Langmuir isotherm model
Co-ions; could fit the experimental data well. Thermodynamic parameters such as Gibbs free energy (DG),
Thermodynamic parameters enthalpy (DH) and entropy (DS) change of sorption were also evaluated which indicated that the
adsorption process was spontaneous, feasible and exothermic in nature. Furthermore, the coexist-
ing anions had significant effect on fluoride adsorption. Moreover, desorption study with AICFA
showed that nearly 98% of fluoride could be leached out at pH 12. Further, the reusable properties
of the material supported the possibility of its use commercially.
Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
defluoridation demonstrated approximately 97% fluoride deposited on CFA. In this process, the addition of sodium
removal [11]. But the method does not produce large volume hydroxide is very vital and it was controlled by proper check-
of potable water, which is its serious drawback. On the other ing of pH of the mixture. Once the pH of the reaction media
hand, nanofiltration shows remarkable suitability for defluori- reaches the desired value of 5–7, sodium hydroxide addition
dation of water. However, the use of inorganic component was stopped. Finally the resulting adsorbent contains the mix-
such as CaCO3 as filter and membrane produces a smell in ture of sodium sulfate and aluminum hydroxide coated CFA.
the water. In addition, this method requires a huge mainte- Thereafter, the whole slurry was filtered and subsequently
nance cost [12]. Application of precipitation and coagulation dried at 400 K to get the desired adsorbent. However, for fur-
method for defluoridation of water has also been investigated ther use the CFA was thoroughly washed with double distilled
[13,14]. However, the shortcomings of most of these methods water in order to complete removal of sodium sulfate and
are high operational and maintenance costs, secondary pollu- dried in oven at 370 K.
tion (generation of toxic sludge, etc.) and complicated proce-
dure involved in the treatment [15]. 2.2.2. Adsorbent characterization
In comparison with the abovementioned techniques for
defluoridation of water, adsorption is a simple, low cost and The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the adsor-
easily applicable method [16,17]. Literature has reported vari- bent sample are helpful to understand its surface structure. In
ous adsorbents for defluoridation such as egg cell dust, sugar- this study images were recorded by using SEM analyzer
cane rice husk ash, tea ash, leaf biomass, algal biomass, (HITACHI, S-530, Scanning Electron Microscope and ELKO
sugarcane baggies charcoal, bio-char, etc [18–20,16,21,22]. Engineering) at an accelerating voltage of 20.0 kV. Automated
The interest in fluoride removal by biomass based adsor- Mercury Porosimeters (Quantachrome, model Pore Master 60
bents is growing due to their low cost and availability. It is well GT) were used to determine the pore size distribution since this
reported that functional groups such as hydroxyl, carbonyl, method is suitable for determining larger pores such as meso-
amine, amide, carboxyl, sulfhydryl, imidazole, phosphonate, pores or micropores. The FTIR study was done to record the
and phosphodiester present on the biosorbent surface con- potential functional groups involved in the adsorption process
tributed to biosorption [23–25]. Nowadays, it is a great chal- by using FTIR (BRUKER, Tensor 27). The crystalline struc-
lenge in the area of public health to remove fluoride from ture of the adsorbent was characterized using Ni-filtered Cu
drinking water by using low-cost adsorbents at local levels, Ka radiation from a highly stabilized and automated Philips
especially in fluoride affected areas. Moreover, field sample X-ray generator (XRD, PW 1830) operated at 35 kV and
was collected from fluoride affected area of Birbhum district, 25 mA at a scanning speed of 2° min1 from 10° to 70°. The
West Bengal, where plenty of coconut trees are available. With XRD data were matched with standard JCPDS data.
this in perspective, present work was undertaken to explore the
potentiality of aluminum impregnated coconut fiber ash for 2.3. Adsorption experiment
removal of fluoride from synthetic fluoride solution.
An artificial fluoride solution was prepared by dissolving
2. Materials and methods 2.21 g sodium fluoride solid granules in 1 L of deionized water
and subsequently diluted to the required concentrations for the
2.1. Collection of adsorbents adsorption experiments. The adjustment for pH was done
using HCl or NaOH. All the experiments were carried out in
The coconut fiber was collected from fruit shops of local mar- 250 mL conical flask, with 100 mL F solutions at different
ket (24°350 000 N latitude and 87°50 2500 E longitude). After collec- experimental temperature. These flasks, along with test solu-
tion it was cut into small pieces and dried in sunlight. After tion and adsorbent, were shaken by the magnetic starrier, to
drying it was burned in muffle furnace at 423 K for one and study various parameter. The percentage of fluoride removal
half hours. The ash was washed with distilled water, dried in (% F) and the amount of F adsorbed per unit weight of adsor-
sunlight and then dried in oven at 353 K for overnight. It bent at time t (qt, mg g1) and at equilibrium (qe, mg g1) were
was sieved through mesh size of 150 mm and kept in plastic calculated using the following equation, respectively:
air tied container for further use. This material considered as
coconut fiber ash (CFA). All chemical reagents were of analyt- C0 Ce
%F ¼ 100 ð1Þ
ical grade. Deionized water was used throughout the C0
Figure 1 Process flow sheet of aluminum hydroxide coating on coconut fiber ash (CFA). (Figure adopted and modified from Ganvir and
Das [26]).
experimental data employing non-linear analysis. The calcu- 1
e ¼ RT ln 1 þ ð8Þ
lated expression for chi-square, v2 may be written as follows: Ce
X ðqe;exp qe;cal Þ2
v2 ¼ ð4Þ 1
qe;cal E ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
where qe,exp is experimental equilibrium capacity data and qe,cal The magnitude of E is useful for estimating the type of
is the equilibrium capacity from a model. If data from the sorption reaction. The calculated free energy values suggested
model are similar to experimental data, v2 will be small and the participation of physical forces during sorption [29,30].
if they differ, v2 will be large.
2.5. Adsorption kinetic studies
2.4. Adsorption isotherm analysis
2.5.1. Kinetic rate parameters
The experimental data obtained at equilibrium isotherm of flu-
oride adsorption by AICFA were fitted to the frequently used
k1 t
models, Langmuir and Freundlich absorption isotherm [27]. logðqe qt Þ ¼ log qe ð10Þ
1 1 1
¼ þ ð5Þ t 1 t
qe q0 bCe q0 ¼ þ ð11Þ
qt k2 t2 qe
log qe ¼ log Kf þ log Ce ð6Þ qt ¼ Kd t1=2 ð12Þ
where qe is the amount of solute adsorbed per unit weight of C 1=2
Df ¼ 0:23 r0 d t ð13Þ
material (mg/g), q0 is the maximum adsorption capacity (mg/g), C
b is the Langmuir constant, Kf is the minimum sorption where qt and qe are the amount of the adsorbed fluoride (mg/g)
capacity (mg/g), n is the adsorption intensity of the Freundlich at time t and at equilibrium time, respectively and Kl and K2
isotherm, and Ce is the equilibrium concentration of fluoride are first order and second order rate constants for adsorption.
(mg/L). The isotherm parameters are shown in Table 1. The Kd is the intraparticle diffusion rate constant (mg g1 min0.5).
applicability of the isotherm equation was compared by evalu- The results are shown in Table 2. The correlation coefficient
ating the correlation co-efficient (R2). It is revealed from the value for the pseudo-second order adsorption model
results that Langmuir isotherm model is the fittest fluoride (R2 = 0.9993) is much higher than that obtained for the
adsorption process on AICFA. The Freundlich isotherm pseudo first order kinetics (R2 = 0.8049). On the other hand
reveals adsorption capacity of 3.14 mg/g for AICFA, which Df is the diffusion coefficient expressed in cm2/s, r0 is the radius
is much higher than for granular red mud, at 0.85 mg/g [28].
of the sorbent expressed in cm, t1=2 is the half-life period in sec,
D–R isotherm is more general than the Langmuir because it
does not assume a homogeneous surface or constant sorption d is the film thickness expressed in cm and CC is equilibrium
potential. D–R model is expressed by Eqs. (15) and (16), where loading of the sorbent.
b is the activity coefficient related to mean sorption energy
(mol2 kJ2); e is the Polanyi potential, R is the ideal gas con- 2.6. Distribution coefficient
stant, T is the absolute temperature and E (kJ mol1) is defined
as the free energy change required to transfer 1 mol of ions A distribution coefficient, KD, reflects the binding ability of the
from solution to the solid surfaces, which equals to the follow- surface for an element and is dependent on pH of the solution
ing equation: and type of surface of the adsorbent. The distribution coeffi-
cient values for fluoride adsorbed on CFD at pH 6.0 were cal-
ln qe ¼ ln qm be2 ð7Þ culated [31] using the following equation:
1276 N.K. Mondal et al.
KD ¼ ðm3 =kgÞ ð14Þ
where Cs is the concentration of fluoride on the solid particles
(mg/kg) and Cw is the equilibrium concentration in solution
E (kJ mol)
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Characterization of AICFA
%T 669.97
1404.46 1102.72
9 1634.73 1580.01
8 2345.59
4400.0 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0
Figure 2a Aluminum impregnated coconut fiber ash (before Figure 3a AICFA before adsorption of fluoride.
fluoride stress) (magnification 500).
%T 21 2373.94
19 1110.66
1420.34 1053.62
16 1583.09
13.9 3443.11
4400.0 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0
39.65 Al(111)
38.472 (JCPDS 04-0787)
400 3.2. Effect of pH
Fig. 4 indicates that maximum fluoride adsorption occurs at
pH 5 which is below the pHzpc of AICFA. Fluoride removal
100 was not satisfactory at pH below 5. This can be attributed to
the distribution of F and HF which are controlled by pH
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
of the aqueous solution [36]. However calculation (Eq. (15))
2 theta (degree)
showed that fluoride ion is the dominated species when pH
of the solution exceeds the pKa (3.16) value of HF [37].
Figure 2c XRD of coconut fiber under aluminum loaded
condition. 1
Pions ¼ ð15Þ
½1 þ 10ðpKa pHÞ
analysis demonstrates that the functional groups such as alco- Results also revealed that F removal significantly reduced
holic groups and unsaturation dominate the surface of when pH of the solution increased to 8 or higher (Fig. 4). This
AICFA. After fluoride adsorption the intensity of hydroxyl might be attributed to the pHzpc of AICFA (Fig. 5). The sur-
carbonate and halide bowls of the adsorbent is reduced com- face charge of the pHzpc is usually assessed by the zero point
pared to that of the adsorbent before adsorption of fluoride. charge (pHzpc = 7.2), and at pH < pHzpc, the surface charge
Strong adsorption band of 3436 cm1 (AOH stretching) was is positive, at pH = pHzpc, the surface charge is neutral, and
shifted to 3443 cm1 after fluoride adsorption. These results at pH > pHzpc, the surface charge is negative [38]. At a pH,
suggest that fluoride interacts with the AOH and ANH groups above pHzpc more of the surface sites are negatively charged
present on AICFA surface. Similar shifting of adsorption band and subsequently electrostatic repulsion occurs between
1278 N.K. Mondal et al.
98 0.98
100 removal
0.97 4
Removal 90
96 0.96
Removal (%)
Removal (%)
qe (mg/g)
qe (mg/g)
94 0.94 2
92 0.92
2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10
pH Initial Con. (mg/L)
Figure 4 Effect of pH on removal of fluoride from water (initial Figure 6 Effect of initial concentration (mg/L) on removal of
conc. = 1 mg/L, adsorbent dosage = 0.05 g/L, contact time = 1 h, fluoride from water (adsorbent dosage = 0.05 g/L, contact
temperature = 313 K). time = 1 h, pH = 6.5, temperature = 313 K).
BMAOH þ F () Mþ . . . . . . :F þ OH ð18Þ Fig. 8 shows fluoride removal at different contact time using
AICFA as an adsorbent. With increasing contact time, fluoride
BMAOH þ Naþ þ OH removal increased rather rapidly, but then dropped at 60 min
þ F () MAO . . . . . . Naþ . . . ::F þ H2 O ð19Þ and approached a more or less constant value denoting attain-
ment of equilibrium. The sorption of fluoride is very rapid in
less than 60 min. This may be the result of the instantaneous
3.3. Effect of adsorbate concentration sorption reaction in which fluoride sorbed quickly on to the
surface of AICFA. Moreover, the sudden rise in removal of
The effect of different concentration of fluoride solution on the fluoride (from 20 min to 40 min) indicates that the adsorption
adsorption process was studied under optimized conditions of of fluoride probably takes place due to the diffusion taking
shaking time and AICFA dose. Fig. 6 shows the proportional place into the pores on the surface of the adsorbent [44]. After
relationship between the fluoride concentration and the 60 min, fluoride removal rate leveled off significantly, denoting
adsorbed amount of fluoride. However, increase in fluoride attainment of equilibrium and the nonavailability of sorption
concentration above 3 mg/L, reduced fluoride removal (4%), sites. The present results are in very good agreement with those
probably due to saturation of adsorption sites on the surface. of Nasr et al. [43]. As no further significant removal of fluoride
Removal of fluoride by coconut fiber 1279
Removal 0.97
qe 0.974
97.5 Removal
96 0.96 qe
0.95 97.0
Removal (%)
Removal (%)
qe (mg/g)
94 0.970
0.93 0.968
92 96.0
0.92 0.966
Figure 7a Effect of adsorbent dose (g) on removal of fluoride Figure 9 Effect of temperature (K) on removal of fluoride from
from water (initial conc. = 1 mg/L, pH = 5, contact time = 0.5 h, water (initial conc. = 1 mg/L, adsorbent dosage = 0.05 g/L,
temperature = 313 K). pH = 5, contact time = 40 min.).
3.6. Effect of temperature The isotherm constants were calculated from the slope and
intercept of Langmuir, Freundlich and D–R isotherms and
Fig. 9 shows that temperature exerts striking effect on the are presented in Table 1. The equilibrium parameter RL, which
adsorption process. As temperature increased, the uptake of is defined as RL ¼ 1=ð1 þ bCA0 Þ, in the range of 0 < RL < 1
1280 N.K. Mondal et al.
DH (kJ mol1) DS (kJ mol1) DG (kJ mol1)
Desorption (%)
331 K 333 K 353 K 373 K
34.90 116.29 9.534 9.720 10.202 10.177
with tube well water samples collected from the fluoride con-
taminated village of Nasipur, Birbhum district, West Bengal, 20
3.12. Regeneration
Table 5 Comparison of the defluoridation capacities of
Water purification by adsorption technology is considered eco- different biomass carbon and modified biomass causes.
nomical when the adsorbent is regenerable. Moreover, reuse of Adsorbent pH Adsorption References
adsorbent helps to reduce environmental impacts of disposal capacity
of the used adsorbents. Desorption studies were carried out (mg g1)
with 2 g/L fluoride adsorbed AICFA at varying pH by using Eichhormia crassipes Biomass 5.8 0.52 [62]
0.1 M NaOH. Fig. 12 shows that up to pH 8, there is no fluo- Carbon at 300 °C
ride leaching. However, desorption of fluoride occurs better at Biomass Carbon at 600 °C 1.54 [62]
pH greater than 8 and reaches maximum of 98% at pH 12. The Moringa indica based activated 2.0 0.23 [63]
adsorption capacity of regenerated AICFA reduces from 92% carbon
to 84% in first time and thereafter decreases gradually. It Used tea waste carbon [18]
seems probably that at higher pH, OHA ions accumulated Activated carbon derived from rice 2.0 15.90 [41]
on fluoride loaded AICFA. Therefore, it is necessary to reacti- strand
Pine wood biochar 2.0 7.66 [21]
vate the AICFA under suitable pH medium for further use.
Pine wood biochar 2.0 9.77 [21]
Almost similar regeneration of adsorbent by varying concen-
Ammonium carbonate activated 7.05 22.33 [3]
tration of NaOH solution was reported by Bhaumik and Mon- carbon of Tamarindus indica fruit
dal [42]. However, a further study is needed to assess the shell
potentiality for reuse of AICFA. Zirconium(iv)-impregnated 2.23 [64]
groundnut (Anacardium
3.13. Comparison with other adsorbents occidentale) shell carbon
Cynodon dactylon-based activated 7.0 4.617 [65]
The adsorption isotherms for the removal of fluoride ions from
Zirconium impregnated cashew nut 7.0 1.83 [66]
aqueous solution obtained in the present study were compared (Anacardium occidental) shell
with those reported earlier in the literature (Table 5). However, carbon
direct comparison of AICFA with other adsorbents is difficult, Sugarcane bagasse carbon [16]
Phyllanthus embolic based 7.0 7.014 [67]
thermally activated carbon
Pecan (carya illinoinensis)nut shell 7.0 1.61–2.51 [68]
Table 4 Physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater carbon modified with egg shells
samples. calcium
Scandinavia spruce wood modified 6.9 7.92 [69]
Parameters Nasipur with aluminum and iron oxides
Conductivity (lS/cm) 102 ± 1.01 carbonized at 500 °C
Hardness (mg/L, CaCO3) 180 ± 2.66 Scandinavia spruce wood modified 6.9 5.67 [69]
Carbonate (mg/L) ND with aluminum and iron oxides
Chloride (mg/L) 10.1 ± 0.03 carbonized at 650 °C
Nitrate (mg/L) 8.7 ± 0.61 Scandinavia spruce wood modified 6.9 5.67 [69]
Sulfate (mg/L) 0.88 ± 1.02 with aluminum and iron oxides
Fluoride (mg/L) 6.01 ± 0.11 carbonized at 900 °C
Sodium (mg/L) 106 ± 1.07 Activated bagasse carbon 6.0 1.15 [15]
Calcium (mg/L) 12.5 ± 1.28 Aluminum impregnated coconut 5.0a 3.192a Current
pH 7.80 fiber ash studied
Mean ± SD. Freundlich adsorption capacity.
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