GP8 QuickGuide
GP8 QuickGuide
GP8 QuickGuide
Wireless Adapter
Quick Guide
GP8 Can work with 5VDC power supply. Additionaly, GP8 works with
Phantom Standar Gateway receiver, supporting more than 100
sensors at the same time.
Physical Connection
Connect the GP8 to a 5VDC power supply with a 4-pin aviation cable connector from Erbessd Instruments. Then,
connect any of your standard ICP accelerometers, velocimeters and proximeters with a 2VDC peak-peak output with a
BNC connector.
The GP8 have a total of 8 channels, this device has 4 different serial numbers that can be registered on DigivibeMX, each
serial number belongs to two channels. Example:
You can activate and deactivate any channel with the blue switch at the top.
DigivibeMX Registration
To register the GP8 in to a local or cloud database, go to the phantom window and select the wizard tool.
On the wizard, select the add phantom option, register one of the GP8 serial number according to the channel that you
want to configure. Use either the scanner or the manual option.
With the Manual option, type the sensor serial number including the “60” prefix (you don’t have to type the hyphen
With the scaan option, scaan the QR code with your camera and the serial number will be automatically detected.
Once the serial number or the QR code gets detected, you will see the description on the screen, click on at the
On the next window, add the phantom to a group from the list, or create a new group, if necessary, with
On description, you can leave the text as the software show it:
And finally, you can choose to save or not save the GP8 internal
Press next, and on the 3rd step, assign, choose the analysis point where you want to register your device, you can add
each channel on a different point. Click on the channel and then on the analysis point, then the name of the point will
appear next to the channel as is shown below.
Axis configuration, if the device is parallel to the machine axis, then select “axial”, if the device is perpendicular to the
machine axis select “vertical”, if the device point to the horizon the select “horizontal”.
Sensor configuration, select the sensor type that you are going to connect on the channel, you can choose between
an accelerometer, velocimeter or a proximeter.
Sensitivity, set the sensor (accelerometer, proximeter or velocimeter) sensitivity.
Press , and if your done with the configuration, you will see a brief summary of the configurations you made,
click on save phantom to save the configurations
Follow the same procedure to register the other channels, and that is it, you just turn on your GP8 device and measure.