Cup Method Burak+Samsul - PMRes - 2021 - 2
Cup Method Burak+Samsul - PMRes - 2021 - 2
Cup Method Burak+Samsul - PMRes - 2021 - 2
M. Burak Samsul
Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye
Energy efficiency has become more important in every industry and daily life. Designing and building a more efficient
marine vehicle can lead to lower fuel consumption and a longer lifetime for the components of the vehicle.
Erosion caused by cavitation reduces the service life of the propeller and the related components in the propulsion and
maneuvering system. Reducing cavitation leads to a longer life for these components. This paper aims to explain and
investigate propeller blade cup as a cavitation reduction method for marine propellers. A cavitating no-cup propeller
is created and analyzed then the cupped version of this propeller is generated and analyzed to compare with the no-cup
propeller. Cavitation results of these propellers are investigated. In addition, the thrust, torque, and efficiency of the
propellers are compared.
INTRODUCTION the project, engine power and gearbox reduction ratio can
be determined more accurately. Even hull stern shape can be
A propeller is expected to create the required thrust to optimized because the hull-induced velocity distribution has
overcome the ship resistance at a specified speed. The main a critical effect on the propeller [1] [2].
engines supply the torque to the propeller. The torque is limited For the propeller design, the most important goals are
by the engine power and rotational speed of the propeller. satisfying the speed and efficiency expectations based on the
Basic propeller design principles give the designer general operating conditions and requirements of the vessel. For some
ideas for how to design a propeller for a particular vessel. In of the design processes on marine propellers, the operating
most cases, the propulsion system and components design are conditions of the propeller may need to be forced to the
made for building a new ship. A newly designed ship provides limits. This can be a necessity for reaching the design goals.
great flexibility to the Naval Architect to modify most of the Cavitation is a critical design limit for marine propellers.
design inputs. Propeller diameter, pitch, and blade area ratio Operating in the cavitating zone leads to noise, vibration,
can be determined in the design of the propeller. Also, if the and erosion problems, which cause permanent damage to the
propeller design process is started at the very early stages of propeller and on related components [3] [4]. Also, propeller
Fig. 1. Typical pressure distribution on a blade section [13]
Fig. 3. Pressure distribution on cupped and no-cup blade sections [8] The total deflection that is given to the trailing edge of the
blade is defined as a ratio of the diameters of the propeller.
As shown on the cup drop /diameter graph, cup levels are
A propeller cup is simply the deformation of a propeller’s named as very light, light, light medium, medium, medium
trailing edge toward the pressure face. Providing an heavy, and heavy cup. All of these levels are defined as a ratio
additional camber to the blade trailing edge changes the of propeller diameters. Chord deflection is applied to start
pressure distribution along the blade’s chord length, adding from 0.9 C to 1.0 C. That means 00.9 C of the blade section
lift toward the trailing edge. Typically, there is a peak in the is the same as the original section. When a chord deflection
lift distribution around the leading half of the blade. This between 0.91.0 C is applied, propeller thrust and torque
peak lift zone is also the lowest pressure area, in general, for increased at the same advance coefficient. Then, the blade
a conventional Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP). The main purpose angle of attack should be decreased on the applied cup version
is to create a suction side pressure distribution that is above of the propeller to match the effective pitch.
the vapor pressure at the specified condition. It is possible In the following chapters, a cavitating conventional fixed-
to eliminate/reduce the cavitation, which can be achieved pitch propeller is investigated. Then, that specified propeller
by spreading the lowest pressure values (around the peak lift is solved after applying the cup and reducing the blade angle
area on the suction side) to the blade chord. This also means of attack. This study provides an opportunity to compare
spreading the lift distribution on the chord instead of loading cavitation characteristics of two different propellers that have
it around the mid-chord zone [7]. Propeller cupping provides the same thrust, torque, and efficiency values at the same
an opportunity to modify the pressure distribution on the advance coefficient.
J No-Cupped Cupped
0.82 55.1% 56.6%
0.87 56.7% 56.5%
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