NTRCA Chemistry Lecturer New Syllabus

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক

welq t রসায়ন (Chemistry)

‡KvW t 4১৩
Exam duration: 3 hours
Instructions: There will be seven sections (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and ten (10) questions in
Chemistry. Every question contains 10 marks and may have more than one part like a, b, c. The marks
distribution of a question may be 2+3+5 or 2+2+6 or 3+3+4 or 2+4+4 or 1+4+5 or 4+6 etc.
Candidates have to answer two (2) questions from each section of A, B, C, and one(1) question from
each section of D, E, F, G. Question setter may consider the distribution of lower marks (1 or 2) for
the basic level of questioning (such as to define, classify, explanation) and higher marks (3 or 4 or 5)
for advanced level of questioning (such as apply, calculate, analyze, evaluate, etc.).

Marks distribution
Sections No. of question × Marks = Comments
Total Marks
A. Physical Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20 Out of 2, there will be 1
alternative question
B. Inorganic Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20 Out of 2, there will be 1
alternative question
C. Organic Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20 Out of 2, there will be 1
alternative question
D. Environmental Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
E. Industrial Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
F. Analytical Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
G. Polymer Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
Full marks = 100

Section A: Physical Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Explain the gas laws. 1. Gaseous state 20
 Derive different equations using gas The gas laws, Ideal gas equation,
laws. Kinetic theory and its application to
 Explain gas behavior using postulates of ideal gases, Deviation from ideal
kinetic theory. behavior, van der Waals equation,
Dalton's law of partial pressure; The
 Derive gas laws from kinetic theory.
critical state and critical constants,
 Solve mathematical problems using gas liquefaction of gases.
 Define different terms related to the 2. Solutions and colloids
solution. Solubility, Henry's law, Raoult's law,
 Explain different laws of solution. Ideal and non-ideal solutions,
 Analyze colligative properties of Colligative properties of solutions,
solutions. Effect of electrolytes on colligative
properties, Buffer solutions, and
 Solve mathematical problems using
different laws of solution and solubility
 Explain different colloids and their uses.
 Compare between solution and colloid
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
 Define different terms of 3. Thermochemistry and
thermochemistry and thermodynamics
thermodynamics. /Energetics in chemistry
 Explain different laws of Work and heat, Internal energy, Three
thermochemistry. laws of thermodynamics and their
application, Enthalpy, Enthalpy changes
 Explain the relation between the
in various chemical and physical
spontaneity of process and
processes, Joule-Thomson effect,
enthalpy/entropy/free energy. Entropy, Spontaneity, and reversibility
 Solve mathematical problems using of chemical reaction, Lavoisier and
different laws of thermochemistry. Hess's law and its application, Bond
enthalpy, Free energy.
 Define different terms of phase 4. Phase equilibrium
systems. Phase, Components, and degrees of
 Explain the phase rule. freedom. Phase rule, Application in
 Apply the phase rule in a one- one component system like water and
component system. sulfur, Completely and partially
miscible liquid pairs.
 Apply the phase rule in two
components system.
 Define different terms related to 5. Chemical equilibrium and
chemical equilibrium and chemical chemical kinetics
kinetics. Equilibrium in chemical reactions and
 Explain laws of chemical equilibrium the equilibrium law (law of mass -
and dilute solution. action), Kp, Kc and Kx measurements
and effect of temperature; Pressure of
 Analyze the degree of dissociation and
Kx measurement, Degree of
equilibrium constant.
dissociation, Equilibrium constant.
 Analyze the change of equilibrium with Ostwald dilution law, Concentration
changing reaction conditions. change on the dissociation of solids,
 Explain the pH of different solutions. Le- chatelier principle, Solubility
 Derive the mathematical equation of product, common ion effect, pH and
zero, first, second-order reaction, and buffer solution, buffer action,
effect of temperature on the reaction Henderson equation. Rate equation,
rate. Order of reaction, Molecularity of
 Solve mathematical problems of the reaction, Rate constant, Zero, first and
equilibrium constant, chemical second-order reaction, Effect of
kinetics, and pH. temperature on the rate of reaction.
 Define different terms related to 6. Electrochemistry and conductance
electrochemistry. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes, Ionic
 Explain the terms related to mobility and conductance,
conductance. Electrochemical cells, pH and
 Explain the construction of different Electrode potentials- emf of cells,
Transport number and their
electrodes and cells.
determination, Electrolytic and
 Explain transport number of galvanic cells, Half cells, Different
conductance. types of electrodes, Standard Hydrogen
 Derive the mathematical equation of electrode, Measurements of electrolytic
emf of different electrodes and cells. conductance. Rechargeable Battery,
 Solve mathematical problems of emf Fuel cells.
of different electrodes and cells.
 Explain charging, discharging, and uses

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
of rechargeable batteries.
 Define different terms related to 7. Surface chemistry
surface chemistry. Solid surfaces and their characterization;
 Explain the technique for the Adsorption on solid surfaces: a
measurement of adsorption from the technique for measurement of adsorption
different phases. from the gas phase and solution;
Langmuir, Freundlich and BET
 Derive the different adsorption
adsorption isotherm: Enthalpy of
isotherms (Langmuir, Freundlich, and
adsorption; Adsorption on the liquid
BET). surface.

 Define different terms related to 8. Quantum chemistry

quantum chemistry. Failure of classical mechanics, black
 Explain different phenomena of basic body radiation, Planck’s quantum
quantum theory. theory, photoelectric effect, Einstein’s
 Derive the different equations related explanation of the photoelectric effect,
Compton effect, heat capacities of solids,
to quantum phenomena.
atomic spectra, de-Broglie’s hypothesis,
diffraction of electrons, consequences of
de Broglie’s concepts, Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle, consequences of
the uncertainty relation. Schrodinger
wave equation.

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry

Assessment Targets Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to...
 Explain an atom and its orbit and 1. Atomic structure 20
orbital. Nuclear model of the atom, Nuclear
 Differentiate between isotope, isobar, structure, Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones,
and isotone. Quantum number and atomic orbital,
 Distribute electrons in different shells Electronic structure of atoms, electron
following some rules. spin and the Pauli exclusion principle,
 Explain the order of energy of orbitals. Hund's rule; Aufbau principle, electronic
 Explain the reason for the exceptional configuration, some exceptional electron
electron distribution of some elements. distributions.
 Make various charts/tables for 2. Periodic table and classification of
elements. elements
 Categorize elements into different The modern periodic tables, Usefulness
groups and assign them to the periodic and, limitations of the periodic tables,
table. Periodic properties, Atomic radius,
 Link up the physical and chemical Ionization energy, Electron affinity, and
properties of elements with periodicity. electronegativity.
 Explain the concept of various chemical 3. Modern concepts of chemical bonds
bonding. and Bonds type
 Relate the function of the electron with Ionic bonds-energy involved in ionic
bonding types. bonding, ionic radii, Covalent bonds,
 Interpret the relationship between Lewis formulas, Co-ordinate covalent
bond length and bond order. bonds, Octet rule, Duet rule, Multiple
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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to...
 Illustrate molecular structure using bonds, Polar covalent bonds-
various theories. electronegativity, Delocalized bonding
resonance, Bond length, Bond order,
Bond energy, Valance bond theory,
Molecular orbital theory, Metallic bond,
Hydrogen bond, Vander Waals forces.
 Explain the repulsion effect of lone pair 4. Structure of molecules
electrons on chemical structure. Valence-shell electron-pair repulsion
 Interpret bonding in a molecule using (VSEPR) theory; dipole moment and
VBT and MOT. molecular geometry; Theories of bonding:
 Sketch the MO diagram of diatomic Valence bond theory (VBT), hybridization
molecules. of bond orbitals, molecular orbital theory
(MOT), bonding and anti-bonding orbitals,
MO diagram of the simple homogeneous
diatomic molecule.
 Explain the reason for being an element 5. Radioactivity, nuclear reactions, and
radioactive. atomic energy
 Differentiate between a chemical Natural and artificial radioactivity,
reaction and a nuclear reaction. radioactive elements, radioactivity
 Evaluate the difference between types, radioactive equilibria, nucleus,
nuclear fission and fusion. nuclides, permanent and temporary
 Calculate the half-life of fossils. particles in the nucleus, nuclear binding
 Apply the concept to nuclear reactions energy, half-life, average life, relation,
to produce electricity. between half-life and average life,
carbon dating, chemical reaction, and
nuclear reaction, nuclear fission and
fusion, H-bomb, Nuclear reactor,
Principle, parts of a nuclear reactor,
research reactor: water reactor, power
reactor, application of nuclear reactor
for electricity generation.
 Define acids and bases from different 6. Acids and Bases
viewpoints. Arrhenius concept, Boronsted-Lowry
 Detect the strength of acids and bases. concept, Lewis concept, Acid-base
 Determine the pH of a solution. strength, Molecular structure, and acid
strength, Self ionization of water, and pH.
 Differentiate clearly between oxidation 7. Oxidation and Reduction
and reduction reactions. oxidation, reduction, oxidation half-
 Assign the role of oxidant/reducing reaction, reduction half-reaction, redox
agents in the redox reaction. reaction, oxidant, deducing agent,
 Complete and balance redox reaction. oxidation number, Redox reaction
 Classify the elements 8. Common elements and their
into different groups. important compounds with applications
 Explain the Hydrogen, Group 1 or IA (The alkali
properties of elements of different metals). Group 2 or IIA (The alkaline earth
groups. metals), Group IIA, Group IVA, Group VA,
 Predict the property Group VIA. Group VIIA (Halogens), The
of an element in a group. noble Gases, Transition Metals.
 Define the terms of 9. Coordination compounds;

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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to...
complex compounds. structures and Isomers in coordination
 Explain the Coordination compounds, ligands, types
properties of complex compounds. of ligands, the nomenclature of
 Explain the split of coordination compounds, 18-electron rule,
the d-orbital. isomerism in coordination compounds,
types of isomerism, the stereochemistry of
 Justify the stability of
4 and 6- coordination complexes, chelate
6-coordination numbered complexes.
complexes, inner complexes, application
 Illustrate the bonding of coordination complexes.
structure in complex compounds. Bonding in coordination compounds
Coordination bond, Werner postulates and
its limitation, Sidwick’s electronic concept
and its limitation, crystal field theory,
orbital splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral
and square planner complexes, magnitudes
of 10Dq, factors affecting the magnitude
of 10Dq, application of crystal field
theory, failure of CFT, ligand field theory,
spectrochemical series, high spin, and low
spin complexes, Jahn-Taller effect,
magnetic moments, the origin of color,
comparison between VBT and CFT,
molecular orbital theory for octahedral
 Explain nanoscale. 10. Nanochemistry
 Define nanoparticles. Nanoscale, nanotechnology, nanoparticles,
 Classify nanoparticles. size-dependent properties of materials,
 Explain the property of nanomaterials classification of nanomaterials, chemical
and catalytic aspect of nanomaterials
based on catalysis.

Section C: Organic Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Define different terms related to basic 1. Bonding of organic compounds 20
organic chemistry. Atomic orbitals, covalent bonds,
 Explain different phenomena in organic hybridization of orbitals and shapes of
compounds. molecules, functional groups,
 Analyze the stabilities of carbocation’s, homologous series, the nomenclature of
organic compounds, the polarity of
carbanions, free radicals.
molecules, carbocation’s, carbanions- free
 Describe the nomenclature of organic radicals and their stabilities, fission of
compounds. covalent bond, change of electron density
 Analyze the isomerization (structural, and different effects (Inductive,
geometrical, and conformational ) in Mesomeric, Electromeric, and
organic compounds. Hyperconjugation). Resonance,

 Describe the structure, source, 2. Aliphatic and aromatic

preparation, physical and chemical hydrocarbons
Alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes,
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
properties of aliphatic and aromatic alkynes, classification of hydrocarbons,
hydrocarbons. (structure, source, preparation, physical
 Explain the characteristic reactions in and chemical properties ) of aliphatic and
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. aromatic hydrocarbons, mechanism of
 Identify the saturated and unsaturated reactions, CFC, cis-trans & E-Z systems,
hydrocarbon through chemical reactions. markowikov’s and anti-markowikov’s
rule & application, conjugated dienes, the
 Explain the mechanism of reactions in
acidity of alkynes, etc. Addition reaction
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. in unsaturated hydrocarbons.
 Analyze the markowikov’s and anti-
markowikov’s rule & application. Concept of aromaticity, Huckel’s rule,
 Narrate the Concept of aromaticity and substitution and orientation, activation
Huckel’s rule. and deactivation in aromatic substitutions,
electrophilic substitutions in the aromatic
system: (halogenations, nitration.
sulphonation, alkylation, and acylation).
 Describe the nomenclature of 3. Heterocyclic compounds
heterocyclic compounds. aromaticity of heterocyclic compounds,
 Explain the structure, source, some preparation, and reactions of
preparation, physical and chemical heteroaromatic compounds.
properties of heterocyclic compounds.
 Narrate the concept of aromaticity and
Huckel’s rule of heterocyclic compounds.
 Explain the structure, source, 4. Alkyl halides
preparation, physical and chemical Structure, nomenclature, classification,
properties of alkyl halides. preparations, and properties of alkyl
 Explain the named reactions. halides; mechanism of nucleophilic
substitution reaction and elimination
reactions, Grignard reagent, synthesis and
application-reaction of Grignard reagent,
Wurtz reaction.
 Describe the structure, source, 5. Hydroxy compounds & Ethers
preparation, physical and chemical Alcohol, phenols and ethers, structure,
properties of hydroxy compounds and nomenclature, their physical properties,
ether. synthesis, and reactions including
 Explain the classification of alcohol and classification of alcohols, the distinction
monohydric alcohol. between different types of alcohols,
crown ethers, the acidity of phenol.
 Identify the 1⁰, 2⁰, and 3⁰ alcohol through
chemical reactions.
 Analyze comparative reactivity of –OH
group substitution from aliphatic and
aromatic compounds.
 Describe the structure, source, 6. Carbonyl compounds & Carboxylic
preparation, physical and chemical acids
properties of carbonyl compounds and Structure, nomenclature, orbital picture,
carboxylic acid. preparations, and reactions of aldehydes,
 Identify the carbonyl compound through ketones, and acids including nucleophilic
chemical reactions. addition to carbonyl compounds,
resonance and inductive effects on
 Differentiate between aldehyde and
acidity, Aldol condensation reaction,
ketone through chemical reactions. Canizaro reaction.
 Compare the acidity among different no.

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
of halogen substituted carboxylic acids.
 Explain comparative reactivity of
carbonyl group of aldehyde, ketone, and
carboxylic acid.
 Describe the structure, source, 7. Amines, amino acids, proteins, and
preparation, physical and chemical nucleic acids
properties of Aliphatic, aromatic amines, Aliphatic and aromatic amines,
and amino acids. nomenclature, preparation, and reactions
 Identify the nitrogen in organic including Hofmann degradation,
compounds through chemical reactions. separation of amines, reactions of
diazonium salt, coupling reaction.
 Differentiate between Aliphatic and
Structure, classification, synthesis,
aromatic amines through chemical physical and chemical properties of amino
reactions. acids, isoelectric points of peptides,
 Compare the basicity among ammonia, general nature and assay of polypeptides
1⁰, 2⁰, and 3⁰ aliphatic, aromatic amines. and proteins, nucleic acid, DNA and
RNA structure, peptide bond, nitrogen
 Describe the structure, source, 8. Carbohydrates
preparation, physical and chemical Sources, importance, classification, the
properties of carbohydrates. configuration of aldoses & ketoses,
 Explain the classification of projection formula, reactions of mono-
carbohydrates. saccharides, structure and conformation
of aldohexose, the structure of sucrose,
 Analyze the structure and conformation
maltose & lactose; mutarotation,
of aldohexose, sucrose, maltose &
anomerization, epimerization, glycoside
lactose. bonds.

Section D: Environmental Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Explain the source, causes of pollutants 1. Water pollution 10
of water pollution. Causes of water pollution, different types of
 Describe the different types of water water pollutants (inorganic, organic,
pollutants. nutrients. pesticides, Polychlorinated
 Explain the different parameters of biphenyls (PCBs), Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHC), Benzene
hexachloride (BHC), toxic heavy metal)
 Analyze the impact of water pollution industrial wastewater and municipal water
on the human body and other natural treatment, control, and treatment of water
bodies pollution, measurement parameter pH,
 Describe the composition of the 2. Air pollution
atmosphere. Composition of the atmosphere; nitrogen,
 Explain the components of different oxygen, carbon dioxide, cycles; structure of
levels of the atmosphere. troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere &
 Narrate the source, causes of pollutants ionosphere; criteria and non-criteria
pollutants; Causes of air pollution, primary
of air pollution.
and secondary pollutants; toxic effects of
 Explain the different parameters of various pollutants; acid rain ; photochemical
water. smog; greenhouse gases & greenhouse
 Analyze the impact of air pollution on effects; ozone layer depletion. Control and

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
the human body. treatment of air pollution.
 Describe the source, causes of 3. Soil pollution
pollutants of soil pollution. Composition of soil, different types of soil
 Explain the different parameters of soil. pollutants and their effects, Causes of soil
 Analyze the impact of soil pollution on pollution, sustainable practices, and
the human body. techniques for control of soil pollution.
 Explain the source, causes of pollutants 4. Heavy metal pollution
of heavy metal pollution. Mercury, chromium, arsenic lead pollution,
 Analyze the impact of heavy metal source, biochemical effects, toxicity, control
pollution on the human body. and treatment, Industrial waste and ETP

Section E: Industrial Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Explain the raw materials, 1. Inorganic industries 10
manufacturing process, chemical Raw materials and manufacture of
changes in process, and environmental caustic soda, soda ash, sodium
hazards in inorganic Industries. bicarbonate, environmental hazards
 Explain the general steps of metal of these chemicals; Portland cement,
extraction. classification of cement, manufacture
of Portland cement; raw materials of
 Describe the chemical reactions of the
glass, method of manufacture &
metal extraction process. chemical reactions of the glass
furnace, annealing, special glasses;
basic raw materials and manufacture
of ceramics & refractories raw
material and manufacture of
hydrochloric, sulfuric acids,
concentration and purification of
acids safety and hazards;
fundamentals of metallurgy, ores of
iron, three commercial forms of iron,
blast furnace operation and reactions,
classification of steels. Preparation of
toilet cleaner and glass cleaner.
Phosphate fertilizer, NPK fertilizer.
 Describe the raw materials, 2. Organic industries
manufacturing process, chemical The industrial extraction process of
changes in process, and environmental sugar, management of industrial
hazards in organic Industries. waste of sugar industry; sources of
 Explain the different steps of distillation cellulose, manufacture of paper&
of crude oil. paper board; solid, liquid and gaseous
fuels, analysis & calorific value of
 Explain the chemical reactions of
coal, refining and distillation of crude
petrochemicals industries. oil, hydrocarbon & petroleum,
petroleum refining, petrochemicals
from liquid and gaseous
hydrocarbons, natural gas and its
utilization; natural oil, fat &waxes,
hydrogenation of oils-soybean &
sunflower and their uses; constituents
of paints, varnishes, and their
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
manufacture; raw materials and
manufacture of laundry soap, toilet
soaps & detergents; some
manufacturing steps of leather & its
wastewater treatment. Preparation of
Vinegar from acetic acid, Extraction
of Ghee from milk. Urea fertilizer.

Section F: Analytical Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to
 Explain the basic concept of analytical 1. Basic concepts in analytical chemistry 10
terms. Classical and modern concepts of
 Categorize the cations and anions and analytical detection and quantification,
separate them. sensitivity, selectivity, specificity,
 Consider the necessary parameters for concentration limit, dilution limit, etc. of
chemical reactions, sample containers,
correct analytical calculations.
sample preservation, sampling, sample
dissolution, wet ashing and dry ashing,
reagents and reactions, group separation,
elemental analysis, and analysis of
insoluble materials, precision and
accuracy, mean and median, types of
errors, significant figure convention.
 Evaluate the role of buffer in analytical 2. Volumetric methods of analysis
chemistry. Acid-base reactions: Acid-base equilibria
 Select suitable indicators for acid-base and buffers in analytical chemistry,
titrations. indicators, titrations of acid-base, titration
 Explain the role of solvent choice in in non-aqueous solvents - solvent choice
titration. and advantages.
 Use redox technique in analysis. Redox reactions: Oxidation-reduction
 Choose indicator for redox titration. equilibria in chemical analysis, redox
 Utilize some oxidants for standard titration curve, indicators for oxidation-
titration methods. reduction titrations, KMnO4 as a standard
oxidant, titrations with K2Cr2O7, and
cerium (IV), redox titrations involving
iodine, iodometric and iodometric
 Define the complex metric methods of 3. Complex metric methods of analysis
analysis. Complexes, formation constants, chelates,
 Calculate the step-wise formation EDTA equilibria, the effect of pH on
constant. EDTA equilibria, EDTA titration curves,
 Apply masking and demasking technics types of EDTA titrations, selectivity,
masking, and demasking agents, metal ion
for selective complex formation.
indicators, applications.
 Describe the principle of the 1. 4. Gravimetric methods of analysis
gravimetric method. 2. Principle of the gravimetric method,
 Explain Properties of precipitates. properties of precipitates and
 Evaluate the effect of precipitate- precipitating agents, coagulation and
related conditions on results. peptization of precipitates, treatment of
colloidal precipitates, co-precipitation and

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to
post precipitation, drying and ignition of
precipitates, results, and calculation.
 Describe the limitations of the 5. Spectrophotometric analysis
wavelength range of ultraviolet and Ultraviolet and visible radiation,
visible radiation. absorbance, transmittance, absorptivity,
 Describe the advantage and limitations Beer-Lambert's law, limitations of Beer-
of Beer-Lambert's law. Lambert's law, wavelength selection, basic
components of a spectrophotometer,
 Apply Beer-Lambert's law for the
qualitative and quantitative analysis,
determination of metal-ligand
stoichiometric determination of metal-
complexes. ligand complexes, derivative
 Define chromatographic terms. 6. Chromatography
 Know various chromatographic Chromatographic behavior of solute,
techniques. retention behavior, partition coefficient,
 Separate solvents/compounds using column efficiency, resolution, quantitative
chromatographic techniques. analysis, evaluation method, classification
of chromatographic methods.
 Explain the basic principle of HPLC and
(i) Plane chromatography
GC. Principle of paper chromatography (PC)
and thin-layer chromatography (TLC),
nature of mobile phase, stationary phases,
development, location of spot, quantitative
methods, applications.
(ii) Liquid column chromatography
Principles, stationary phases, mobile
phases, and applications.
(iii) Ion-exchange method
Principles, types of resin, structure,
swelling, the effect of pH, separation of
metal ions, action of ion exchange resins,
(iv) High-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC)
Principles, the stationary phase, the
stationary (liquid) phase, carrier gas
(v) Gas chromatography
Principles, the stationary phase, carrier gas

Section G: Polymer Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Define the polymers and classify the 1. Inorganic polymers 10
polymers. A general survey of Inorganic Polymers,
 Differentiate between inorganic the concept of inorganic polymers as
polymers and organic polymers. distinct to organic polymers,
 Classify the inorganic polymers. classification of inorganic
Polymers, the study of some typical
 Explain the chemical properties and uses
inorganic Polymeric Systems.
of inorganic polymers. (i) Silicone Polymers (ii) Silicates
 Analyze the bonding and structure of
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
inorganic polymers. (iii) Phosphonitrilic Polymer
 Explain the environmental hazards of (Phosphazenes) (iv) Boranes (v)
inorganic polymers. Borazines (vi) Shlphur-Nitrogen
Polymers (vii) Sulphanes (viii)
Fluorocarbons (ix) Metal cluster
 Define the organic polymers and classify 2. Organic polymers
them as organic polymers. Addition (Chain reaction) and
 Differentiate among organic polymers. Condensation (Step reaction)
 Explain the preparation, chemical Polymerizations, homopolymers, and
properties, and uses of organic heteropolymers. Low density and high-
density polymers and their properties.
thermoplastic and thermosetting
 Analyze the bonding and structure of polymers and their properties. Fiber and
organic polymers. elastomer. Production of monomer unit,
 Explain the environmental hazards of physical properties, and important uses
organic polymers. of polythene, polyvinylchloride (PVC),
polystyrene, polybutylene, neoprene,
polyvinyl acetate, polyamides: Nylon 6,
nylon 66, nylon 11 and nylon 12, silk
and wool
Phenol-formaldehyde, phenol-urea,
melamine-formaldehyde polymers, their
preparation, and uses.

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