Problems Unit1

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Course Name: Mining, Energy and Climate Change

Course Code: MNO 501

Numerical (Unit 1)
1.The average home in India uses electricity of about 11,000
kWh/yr. What is the electricity-based carbon footprint of the
average home, in tonnes? Assume 1.5 lbs CO2/kWh.

There are about 115,000,000 households in Delhi. What is the

total electricity-based carbon footprint of Delhi (in tonnes)?
2.A corporate vehicle fleet consumes 90,000 gallons of LNG each
year. How many tonnes of greenhouse gases is the fleet
responsible for each year?

One thousand cubic feet (MCF) = 12.1 gallons of LNG

Emission Factor for LNG = 0.12 lbs/cubic feet

3. A company uses fuel purchase records to determine its
scope I emissions. Last Year, the company purchased 714
gallons of gasoline, 212 gallons of diesel fuel, and 3 million
cubic feet of natural gas. What were the company’s scope 1
emissions this year?

Emission factor for Gasoline = 19.37 lbs CO2/gallon

Emission factor for Diesel = 22.23 lbs CO2/gallon
mission factor for Natural Gas = 0.12 lbs CO2/Cubic Foot
4. A water treatment plant consumes one-kilowatt hour of
electricity for every 900 gallons of water it treats. The plant gets
its electricity from a coal-fired power plant with an emission
factor of 1500 lbs CO2/MWh. If the facility treats 3.4 million
gallons of water each month, how many tonnes of CO2 does it
emit each year?
5. A power plant’s generation mix consists of coal (electric utility
coal) and natural gas. Every day the plant combusts 1600 tonne
of coal and 27,500 Mcf (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas. How
many tonnes of carbon dioxide does the plant emit in one year?

 Emission factor for coal = 4728.82 lbs CO2/tonne

 Emission factor for natural gas = 0.12 lbs CO2/cubic feet
6. The distance between Atlanta airport and Narita airport in
Tokyo, Japan is 6876 miles. A Boeing 747 is estimated to
consume around 5 gallons per mile on a long-haul flight. The
emission coefficient for jet fuel is 9644 gCO2/gal. what is the
carbon footprint for this trip?
7. A 66-acre lined cell landfill contains 2.4 million tons of waste. At
its current level, the landfill emits 2000 metric tons of CO2 and 2000
metric tons of methane per year, with traces of other compounds.
Looking only at the methane and CO2 emissions, what are the total
emissions per year in terms of CO2e? in this example, assume
methane has a GWP of 21.

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