Et Wat
Et Wat
Et Wat
Amir Shafeeq, Syed Sheraz Daood, Ayyaz Muhammad and Aamir Ijaz
Institute of Chemical Engg. & Tech. University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- This paper investigates the effect of variable reflux The distillation column operation may also be affected
ratio on final product composition in a laboratory scale by vapour flow conditions such as foaming which could be
distillation column. The findings of this study include a due to the expansion of liquid within the vapor flow. Though
minimum reflux ratio at which the highest purity of the it provides high interfacial liquid-vapour contact, excessive
product could be achieved. The experimental setup is a foaming would lead to liquid holdup on trays. Entrainment
Technovate Distillation Column with five sieve plates, a feed is another important factor and refers to the liquid carried
tank, a reboiler, and a condenser. The feed and reflux ratio along with vapor stream. This could be due to high vapor
was varied with the help of flow meters associated with two flow rates. This could reduce the tray efficiency because low
centrifugal pumps. The feed composition was set to 45 percent
ethanol-water mixture. The final composition obtained was
volat l� material could be to a plate holding liquid of higher
volatlitty. It could also result in contaminating the high
95% ethanol in the distillate. The minimum reflux ratio was
purity distillate and would also lead to flooding [4-6].
found to be 60 percent of maximum flow.
Weeping is another term in distillation which could be
Keywords: Binary distillation, Reflux ratio due to low vapor flow. The pressure exerted by the vapour
could not be sufficient for liquid hold up above the tray.
I. INTRODUCTION Hence, liquid starts to perforate through the tray holes.
Excessive weeping could lead to dumping. Dumping is a
Distillation is a process in which a liquid or vapour
. term to show the case when the liquid from all the trays
mIxture of two or more substances is separated into its
would crash (dump) to the base of the column and that could
component fractions using the difference in their boiling
result in the shut down of the distillation column operation.
points. The basis of distillation is that the vapors of a boiling
Weeping could be indicated by a sharp pressure drop in the
mixture would be rich with the components having lower
column. Flooding could be due to excessive vapor flow thus
boiling points. Hence, on cooling, the condensate would be
causing liquid to be entrained in the vapour up the column.
having more volatile components. On contrary, the original
The increased pressure from excessive vapour could also
mixture would be rich in less volatile substance [1,2].
cause an increase in the liquid holdup on the
Amongst the various factors effecting distillation is feed
plate. Depending on the degree of flooding, the maximum
composition that would have an impact on the number of
capacity of the column could be severely reduced. Flooding
stages required for effective separation as well as location of
could be detected by a sharp increase in column differential
the feed tray. To overcome the problems associated with the
pressure and significant decrease in separation efficiency [7-
feed composition, distillation column could be designed to
have more than one feed points. The other most important
The present study has been conducted keeping in view of
factor is reflux ratio. With the increase in reflux ratio, the
all the above factors for a case of binary distillation of a
amount of liquid being rich in the more volatile components
system of ethanol-water mixture. A laboratory scale
would be recycled into the column. This result in good
distillation column shown in Fig. 1 is used for this purpose.
separation and also less number of trays is needed to achieve
The column is operated at different reflux ratios to find the
the same degree of separation. The required number of trays
one that gives optimum performance.
is minimum in case a distillation column would be operated
under total reflux conditions [3].
0 Thermocouple
� Sample Port
Feed Tank
2010 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2010)
Impact of Percent Reflux on Plate Temperature
Water and Ethanol mixture is difficult to separate due to
85 ,-
---, their close boiling points. This could be achieved by making
an azeotrope to change the boiling point of mixture. This
results in the increase of degree of separation. A number of
chemicals could be used for this purpose. Modem
techniques could also be employed which make use of
molecular sieves that would enhance the separation
The authors acknowledge the support provided by
Institute of Chemical Engg. & Tech., University of the
Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan to carry out this study.
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2010 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2010)
[6] B. Peng, X. Li, M. Sheng, S. Song, G. Zhao and X. Li, " Study of
dual temperature control method on cyclic total reflux batch
distillation Chemical Engineering and Processing, Volume 46, Issue
8, Pages 769-772.,August 2007.
[7] R. Van Kaam, I. Rodriguez-Donis and V. Gerbaud," Heterogeneous
extractive batch distillation of chloroform-methanol
water:Feasibility and experiments, Chemical Engineering Science,
Volume 63, Issue I, Pages 78-94 , January 2008.
[8] C. Enweremadu, A.Waheed and JOjediran, "Parametric study of an
ethanol-water distillation column with direct vapour recompression
heat pump" Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 13, Issue
2, Pages 96-105, June 2009.