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Mechanical Engineering

Third year
Heat and mass transfer (2)

1- A long 8-cm-diameter steam pipe whose external surface temperature is

90°C passes through some open area that is not protected against the
winds. Determine the rate of heat loss from the pipe per unit of its
length when the air is at 1 atm pressure and 7°C and the wind is blowing
across the pipe at a velocity of 50 km/h.
2- A stainless steel ball (8055 kg/m3, Cp 480 J/kg ·°C) of diameter D 15
cm is removed from the oven at a uniform temperature of 350°C. The
ball is then subjected to the flow of air at 1 atm pressure and 30°C with
a velocity of 6 m/s. The surface temperature of the ball eventually drops
to 250°C. Determine the average convection heat transfer coefficient
during this cooling process and estimate how long this process has
3- Assume that a person can be approximated as cylinder of 0.3 m
diameter and 1.8 m height with a surface temperature 24 oC. Calculate
the body heat loss while this person is subjected to a 15 m/s wind
whose temperature is -5oC.
4- A fine wire having a diameter of 0.04 mm placed in an air stream at 25
oC having a flow velocity of 50 m/s perpendicular to the wire. An
electric current is passed through the wire raising its temperature to 50
oC. Calculate the heat loss per unit length.
5- Combustion air in a manufacturing facility is to be preheated before
entering a furnace by hot water at 90ºC flowing through the tubes of a
tube bank located in a duct. Air enters the duct at 15ºC and 1 atm with a
mean velocity of 3.8 m/s, and flows over the tubes in normal direction.
Mechanical Engineering
Third year
Heat and mass transfer (2)

The outer diameter of the tubes is 2.1 cm, and the tubes are arranged in-
line with longitudinal and transverse pitches of SL ST 5 cm. There
are eight rows in the flow direction with eight tubes in each row.
Determine the rate of heat transfer per unit length of the tubes.
6- Repeat the previous problem for staggered arrangement with SL =ST =5
7- Determine the mean heat transfer coefficient for an inline eight row
bank for tubes made up of 40 mm diameter tubes. Mean air temperature
is 300 oC and mean velocity at the narrow cross section is 10 m/s. the
outer surface temperature of the tubes is 30 oC. What would be the heat
transfer coeffient if the tubes were in staggered arrangement.
ST=SL=1.5d in both cases.
8- A tube uses an inline arrangement of 10 mm diameter tubes with
ST=SL= 20 mm. there are 10 rows of tubes with 50 tubes in each row.
Consider an application for which cold water flows through the tubes,
maintaining the outer surface temperature at 27 oC, while flue gases at
427 oC and a velocity of 5 m/s are in cross flow over the tube. The
properties of the flue gases may be approximated as those of the
atmospheric air at 427 oC. What is the total rate of heat transfer per unit
length of the tubes in the bank.
1 A steam pipe is exposed to windy air. The rate of heat loss from the steam is to be determined.√
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Radiation effects are negligible. 3 Air is an ideal gas
with constant properties.
Properties The properties of air at 1 atm and the film temperature of (Ts + T∞)/2 = (90+7)/2 = 48.5°C are
(Table A-15)
k = 0.02724 W/m.°C D = 8 cm
Air Ts = 90°C
υ = 1.784 × 10 -5 m 2 /s V∞ = 50 km/h
Pr = 0.7232 T∞ = 7°C

Analysis The Reynolds number is

V D [(50 km/h)(1000 m/km)/(3600 s/h)](0.08 m)
Re = ∞ = −
= 6.228 × 10 4
υ 1.784 × 10 m /s
5 2

The Nusselt number corresponding to this Reynolds number is

hD 0.62 Re 0.5 Pr 1 / 3 ⎡ ⎛ Re ⎞ 5 / 8 ⎤
Nu = = 0. 3 + ⎢1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
k [
1 + (0.4 / Pr )2 / 3 ]
1/ 4
⎢⎣ ⎝ 282,000 ⎠ ⎥⎦
⎡ ⎛ ⎞
5/8 ⎤
0.62(6.228 × 10 )4 0.5
(0.7232) 1/ 3
⎢1 + ⎜ 6.228 × 10
⎟ ⎥
= 0.3 + = 159.1
[1 + (0.4 / 0.7232) ]2 / 3 1/ 4 ⎢ ⎜⎝ 282,000

⎠ ⎥

The heat transfer coefficient and the heat transfer rate become
k 0.02724 W/m.°C
h = Nu = (159.1) = 54.17 W/m 2 .°C
D 0.08 m
As = πDL = π (0.08 m)(1 m) = 0.2513 m 2
Q& conv = hAs (Ts − T∞ ) = (54.17 W/m 2 .°C)(0.2513 m 2 )(90 - 7)°C = 1130 W (per m length)
2 A hot stainless steel ball is cooled by forced air. The average convection heat transfer coefficient and
the cooling time are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Radiation effects are negligible. 3 Air is an ideal gas
with constant properties. 4 The outer surface temperature of the ball is uniform at all times.
Properties The average surface temperature is (350+250)/2 = 300°C, and the properties of air at 1 atm
pressure and the free stream temperature of 30°C are (Table A-15)
k = 0.02588 W/m.°C
υ = 1.608 × 10 -5 m 2 /s Air D = 15 cm
−5 V∞ = 6 m/s
μ ∞ = 1.872 × 10 kg/m.s Ts = 350°C
T∞ = 30°C
μ s , @ 300 °C = 2.934 × 10 −5 kg/m.s
Pr = 0.7282 D
Analysis The Reynolds number is
V D (6 m/s)(0.15 m)
Re = ∞ = −
= 5.597 × 10 4
υ 1.57 × 10 m /s
5 2

The Nusselt number corresponding this Reynolds number is determined to be

[ ]
1/ 4
hD ⎛μ ⎞
Nu = = 2 + 0.4 Re 0.5 + 0.06 Re 2 / 3 Pr 0.4 ⎜⎜ ∞ ⎟

k ⎝ μs ⎠
1/ 4

[ ](0.7282) 0 .4 ⎛ ⎞−5
= 2 + 0.4(5.597 × 10 ) 4 0.5
+ 0.06(5.597 × 10 )
4 2/3 ⎜ 1.872 × 10 ⎟ = 145.6
⎜ 2.934 × 10 −5 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.02588 W/m.°C
h = Nu = (145.6) = 25.12 W/m 2 .°C
D 0.15 m
The average rate of heat transfer can be determined from Newton's law of cooling by using average surface
temperature of the ball
As = πD 2 = π (0.15 m) 2 = 0.07069 m 2
Q& ave = hAs (Ts − T∞ ) = (25.12 W/m 2 .°C)(0.07069 m 2 )(300 - 30)°C = 479.5 W
Assuming the ball temperature to be nearly uniform , the total heat transferred from the ball during the
cooling from 350 °C to 250 °C can be determined from
Qtotal = mC p (T1 − T2 )

πD 3 π (0.15 m) 3
where m = ρV = ρ = (8055 kg/m 3 ) = 14.23 kg
6 6
Therefore, Qtotal = mC p (T1 − T2 ) = (14.23 kg)(480 J/kg.°C)(350 - 250)°C = 683,249 J
Then the time of cooling becomes
Q 683,249 J
Δt = = = 1425 s = 23.75 min
Q& 479.5 J/s
hol29362_Ch06 10/15/2008 19:7

4 Heat Transfer from Electrically Heated Wire EXAMPLE 6-8

A fine wire having a diameter of 3.94 × 10−5 m is placed in a 1-atm airstream at 25◦ C having a
flow velocity of 50 m/s perpendicular to the wire. An electric current is passed through the wire,
raising its surface temperature to 50◦ C. Calculate the heat loss per unit length.
We first obtain the properties at the film temperature:
Tf = (25 + 50)/2 = 37.5◦ C = 310 K
νf = 16.7 × 10−6 m2/s k = 0.02704 W/m · ◦ C
Pr f = 0.706

The Reynolds number is

u∞ d (50)(3.94 × 10−5 )
Red = = = 118
νf 16.7 × 10−6

The Peclet number is Pe = Re Pr = 83.3, and we find that Equations (6-17), (6-21), or (6-19) apply.
Let us make the calculation with both the simplest expression, (6-17), and the most complex,
(6-21), and compare results.

Using Equation (6-17) with C = 0.683 and n = 0.466, we have

Nud = (0.683)(118)0.466 (0.705)1/3 = 5.615

and the value of the heat-transfer coefficient is

k 0.02704
h = Nud = 5.615 = 3854 W/m2 · ◦ C
d 3.94 × 10−5

The heat transfer per unit length is then

q/L = π dh(Tw − T∞ ) = π(3.94 × 10−5 )(3854)(50 − 25)
= 11.93 W/m

Using Equation (6-21), we calculate the Nusselt number as

(0.62)(118)1/2 (0.705)1/3 4/5
Nud = 0.3 + 1/4
1 + (118/282,000)5/8
1 + (0.4/0.705)2/3
= 5.593

h= = 3838 W/m2 · ◦ C
3.94 × 10−5
q/L = (3838)π(3.94 × 10−5 )(50 − 25) = 11.88 W/m

Here, we find the two correlations differing by 0.4 percent if the value from Equation (6-21) is
taken as correct, or 0.2 percent from the mean value. Data scatter of ±15 percent is not unusual
for the original experiments.

# 101675 Cust: McGraw-Hill Au: Holman Pg. No.301 K/PMS 293 DESIGN SERVICES OF

Title: Heat Transfer 10/e Server: Short / Normal / Long

Publishing Services
5 Combustion air is preheated by hot water in a tube bank. The rate of heat transfer to air and the
pressure drop of air are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the tubes is equal to the
temperature of hot water.
Properties The exit temperature of air, and thus the mean temperature, is not known. We evaluate the air
properties at the assumed mean temperature of 20°C (will be checked later) and 1 atm (Table A-15):
k = 0.02514 W/m-K ρ = 1.204 kg/m3
Cp =1.007 kJ/kg-K Pr = 0.7309
μ = 1.825×10-5 kg/m-s Prs = Pr@ Ts = 0.7132
Also, the density of air at the inlet temperature of 15°C (for use in the mass flow rate calculation at the
inlet) is ρi = 1.225 kg/m3.
Analysis It is given that D = 0.021 m, SL = ST = 0.05 m, and V = 3.8 m/s.
Then the maximum velocity and the Reynolds number Ts=90°C
based on the maximum velocity become V=3.8 m/s SL
ST 0.05
Vmax = V= (3.8 m/s) = 6.552 m/s
ST − D 0.05 − 0.021
ρV D (1.204 kg/m 3 )(6.552 m/s)(0.021 m)
Re D = max = = 9075
μ 1.825 × 10 −5 kg/m ⋅ s

The average Nusselt number is determined using

the proper relation from Table 7-2 to be
Nu D = 0.27 Re 0D.63 Pr 0.36 (Pr/ Prs ) 0.25
= 0.27(9075) 0.63 (0.7309) 0.36 (0.7309 / 0.7132) 0.25 = 75.59
This Nusselt number is applicable to tube banks with NL > 16. In our case
the number of rows is NL = 8, and the corresponding correction factor from
Table 7-3 is F = 0.967. Then the average Nusselt number and heat transfer
coefficient for all the tubes in the tube bank become
Nu D, N L = FNu D = (0.967)(75.59) = 73.1

Nu D , N L k 73.1(0.02514 W/m ⋅ °C)

h= = = 87.5 W/m 2 ⋅ °C
D 0.021 m
The total number of tubes is N = NL ×NT = 8×8 = 64. For a unit tube length
(L = 1 m), the heat transfer surface area and the mass flow rate of air
(evaluated at the inlet) are
As = NπDL = 64π(0.021 m)(1 m) = 4.222 m 2

m& = m& i = ρ i V( N T S T L) = (1.225 kg/m 3 )(3.8 m/s)(8)(0.05 m)(1 m) = 1.862 kg/s

Then the fluid exit temperature, the log mean temperature difference, and
the rate of heat transfer become

⎛ Ah ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎟ = 90 − (90 − 15) exp⎜ − (4.222 m )(87.5 W/m ⋅ °C) ⎟ = 28.42°C
2 2
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti ) exp⎜ − s
⎜ m& C p ⎟ ⎜ (1.862 kg/s)(1007 J/kg ⋅ °C) ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

(Ts − Ti ) − (Ts − Te ) (90 − 15) − (90 − 28.42)

ΔTln = = = 68.07°C
ln[(Ts − Ti ) /(Ts − Te )] ln[(90 − 15) /(90 − 28.42)]

Q& = hAs ΔTln = (87.5 W/m 2 ⋅ °C)(4.222 m 2 )(68.07°C) = 25,148 W

For this square in-line tube bank, the friction coefficient corresponding to
ReD = 9075 and SL/D = 5/2.1 = 2.38 is, from Fig. 7-27a, f = 0.22. Also, χ =
1 for the square arrangements. Then the pressure drop across the tube bank

(1.204 kg/m 3 )(6.552 m/s) 2 ⎛ 1N ⎞
ΔP = N L fχ = 8(0.22)(1) ⎜ ⎟ = 45.5 Pa
2 2 ⎜ 1 kg ⋅ m/s 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Discussion The arithmetic mean fluid temperature is (Ti + Te)/2 = (15 + 29.1)/2 = 22.1°C, which is fairly
close to the assumed value of 20°C. Therefore, there is no need to repeat calculations.
6 Combustion air is preheated by hot water in a tube bank. The rate of heat transfer to air and the
pressure drop of air are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the tubes is equal to the
temperature of hot water.
Properties The exit temperature of air, and thus the mean temperature, is not known. We evaluate the air
properties at the assumed mean temperature of 20°C (will be checked later) and 1 atm (Table A-15):
k = 0.02514 W/m-K ρ = 1.204 kg/m3
Cp =1.007 kJ/kg-K Pr = 0.7309
μ = 1.825×10-5 kg/m-s Prs = Pr@ Ts = 0.7132
Also, the density of air at the inlet temperature of 15°C (for use in the mass flow rate calculation at the
inlet) is ρi = 1.225 kg/m3.
Analysis It is given that D = 0.021 m, SL = ST = 0.05 m, and V = 3.8 m/s.
Then the maximum velocity and the Reynolds number based on SL Ts=90°C
the maximum velocity become
V=3.8 m/s
ST 0.05 Ti=15°C
Vmax = V= (3.8 m/s) = 6.552 m/s
ST − D 0.05 − 0.021

since S D > ( ST + D ) / 2 ST

ρVmax D (1.204 kg/m 3 )(6.552 m/s)(0.021 m)

Re D = = = 9075
μ 1.825 × 10 −5 kg/m ⋅ s

The average Nusselt number is determined using the D

proper relation from Table 7-2 to be
Nu D = 0.35( S T / S L ) 0.2 Re 0D.6 Pr 0.36 (Pr/ Prs ) 0.25
= 0.35(0.05 / 0.05) 0.2 (9075) 0.6 (0.7309) 0.36 (0.7309 / 0.7132) 0.25 = 74.55

This Nusselt number is applicable to tube banks with NL > 16. In our case
the number of rows is NL = 8, and the corresponding correction factor from
Table 7-3 is F = 0.967. Then the average Nusselt number and heat transfer
coefficient for all the tubes in the tube bank become
Nu D, N L = FNu D = (0.967)(74.55) = 72.09

Nu D , N L k 72.09(0.02514 W/m ⋅ °C)

h= = = 86.29 W/m 2 ⋅ °C
D 0.021 m
The total number of tubes is N = NL ×NT = 8×8 = 64. For a unit tube length
(L = 1 m), the heat transfer surface area and the mass flow rate of air
(evaluated at the inlet) are

As = NπDL = 64π(0.021 m)(1 m) = 4.222 m 2

m& = m& i = ρ i V( N T S T L) = (1.225 kg/m 3 )(3.8 m/s)(8)(0.05 m)(1 m) = 1.862 kg/s

Then the fluid exit temperature, the log mean temperature difference, and
the rate of heat transfer become
⎛ Ah ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎟ = 90 − (90 − 15) exp⎜ − (4.222 m )(86.29 W/m ⋅ °C) ⎟ = 28.25°C
2 2
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti ) exp⎜ − s
⎜ m& C p ⎟ ⎜ (1.862 kg/s)(1007 J/kg ⋅ °C) ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

(Ts − Ti ) − (Ts − Te ) (90 − 15) − (90 − 28.25)

ΔTln = = = 68.16°C
ln[(Ts − Ti ) /(Ts − Te )] ln[(90 − 15) /(90 − 28.25)]

Q& = hAs ΔTln = (86.29 W/m 2 ⋅ °C)(4.222 m 2 )(68.16°C) = 24,834 W

For this staggered tube bank, the friction coefficient corresponding to ReD
= 9075 and ST/D = 5/2.1 = 2.38 is, from Fig. 7-27ba, f = 0.34. Also, χ = 1
for the square arrangements. Then the pressure drop across the tube bank

(1.204 kg/m 3 )(6.552 m/s) 2 ⎛ 1N ⎞
ΔP = N L fχ = 8(0.34)(1) ⎜ ⎟ = 70.3 Pa
2 2 ⎜ 1 kg ⋅ m/s 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Discussion The arithmetic mean fluid temperature is (Ti + Te)/2 = (15 +28.3)/2 = 21.7°C, which is fairly
close to the assumed value of 20°C. Therefore, there is no need to repeat calculations.
8 KNOWN: Geometry, surface temperature, and air flow conditions associated with a tube bank.
FIND: Rate of heat transfer per unit length.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) Negligible radiation effects and incompressible
flow, (3) Gas properties are approximately those of air.
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air (300K, 1 atm): Pr = 0.707; Table A-4, Air (700K, 1 atm): ν = 68.1 ×
-6 2 3
10 m /s, k = 0.0524 W/m⋅K, Pr = 0.695, ρ = 0.498 kg/m , cp = 1075 J/kg⋅K.
ANALYSIS: The rate of heat transfer per unit length of tubes is
( Ts − Ti ) − ( Ts − To )
q′ = hNπ D ΔTlm = hNπ D .
ln [( Ts − Ti ) / ( Ts − To )]

ST 20 Vmax D 10 m/s × 0.01 m

With Vmax = V= 5 m/s = 10 m/s, Re D,max = = = 1468.
ST − D 10 ν 68.1 × 10
-6 2
m /s

Tables 7.5 and 7.6 give C1 = 0.27, m = 0.63 and C2 = 0.97. Hence from the Zukauskas correlation,

Nu D = C1C2 Re m
D,max Pr
( Pr/ Prs ) = 0.26 (1468 ) ( 0.695) ( 0.695 / 0.707 )
1/ 4 0.63 0.36 1/ 4

Nu D = 22.4 h = Nu D = 0.0524 W/m ⋅ K × 22.4/0.01 m = 117 W/m 2 ⋅ K.
⎛ ⎞
π DNh ⎛ π × 0.01 m × 500 × 117 W/m 2 ⋅ K ⎞
( Ts − To ) = ( Ts − Ti ) exp ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ = −400K exp ⎜− ⎟
⎜ 0.498 kg/m3 ( 5 m/s ) 50 ( 0.02 m ) 1075J / kg ⋅ K ⎟
⎝ ρ VN TST c p ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Ts − To = −201.3K
and the heat rate is
( −400 + 201.3) K
( )
q′ = 117 W/m 2 ⋅ K 500π ( 0.01 m )
ln [( −400 ) / ( −201.3)]
= −532 kW/m <
COMMENTS: (1) There is a significant decrease in the gas temperature as it passes through the tube
bank. Hence, the heat rate would have been substantially overestimated (- 768 kW) if the inlet
temperature difference had been used in lieu of the log-mean temperature difference. (2) The negative
sign implies heat transfer to the water. (3) If the temperature of the water increases substantially, the
assumption of uniform Ts becomes poor. The extent to which the water temperature increases
depends on the water flow rate.

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