2024 Syllabus
2024 Syllabus
2024 Syllabus
St Cuthbert’s Church, The Tithe Barn, and
St George's United Reformed Church, Carlisle
GENERAL EMAIL ADDRESS: carlislefestival@gmail.com
1. Closing date for all entries is January 20th 2024.
2. This is an Amateur Festival. An amateur is defined as "a person who does not receive a significant proportion of
their income from the performance of the subject in which they wish to compete".
3. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry.
4. All competitors must be ready to take their places on the platform at the appointed time, or they may be
5. For all classes with age limits, the age shall be reckoned as on the first day of the Festival.
6. The Committee reserves the right to withhold an award - either certificate or trophy - if, in the opinion of the
adjudicator, a satisfactory standard has not been reached.
7. Copyright Compliance - A full explanation of the Federation of Festivals’ Copyright Compliance can be found
on our website, but these points listed below are essential information.
● All competitors must purchase their own original copy of the piece which they are to perform. A legible
photocopy of "own choice" piece is allowed for use by the Adjudicator marked "Adjudicator copy. Destroy
after use".
● All Dramatic items (prose and poetry) must be announced with the title and author, and be completed
within the time limit. To qualify for copyright indemnity, the performer must not change words or gender.
● We are unable to allow video or audio recordings of performances.
8. The use of backing tracks, in any form, is not allowed, except in classes 691, 693, 696, 701, 705.
9. The prescribed editions of music must be used by all competitors.
10. "Open Class" means any age.
11. You may now delay your decision to use an Official Accompanist until after the timetable (NOT the programme)
is published; for further information regarding Official Accompanists, please see next page or the Music Festival
website, under the ‘People’ tab.
12. Time limits stipulated for test pieces MUST be observed. The Adjudicator may penalise a performer who
exceeds the time limit.
13. Should any cause for complaint arise, any protest arising therefrom should be made in writing to the appropriate
Festival Coordinator immediately.
14. We wish to bring to your attention that children must at all times be in the charge of their parent, teacher or
guardian. The Festival is not able to take responsibility for their safety. Please see our Child Protection Policy
and Safer Festivals for Everyone information, included in this Syllabus.
15. If there are any special circumstances that you wish to make known to the Festival Adjudicator, please bring a
letter on the day.
16. You are advised that entry information may be published in our Festival Programme. Under the provisions of the
BOPA the Festival is legally required to hold, we are obliged to share information about competitors under the
age of 18 and resident in Cumbria, with Cumberland Council, at their request. Furthermore, you are advised that
entrants have a duty to give or obtain the necessary consents for the competitors (when aged under 18) to take
part in the Festival; for competitors resident in Cumbria this includes consent for absence from school, if aged 16
yrs and under.
1. Covid-19
Our Risk Assessment will continue to address Covid-19, our priority will always be the safety and wellbeing of all
those involved and taking part.
You may wish to use an official accompanist if you do not have your own pianist for your performance. Use of an
official accompanist is free, but please note the following:
- requesting an official accompanist can ONLY be done by post and MUST be accompanied by the sheet music.
Requests without music will not be honoured.
-good sheet music copies, in the version and key you require, can be sent to
Lyn Young
34 Holmehead Way
- all music must be labelled with the participant’s name, and the class number for which it is to be used. You may
also wish to add an approximate metronome marking.
- music must arrive at the above address no later than 7 days after the timetable is published. The timetable is the
brief sheet listing classes, days and times; this is NOT the full detailed programme which will be on sale later. Music
arriving later than 7 days after publication of the timetable will not be accepted.
-photocopies may be sent, but it is your responsibility to ensure copyright laws are obeyed. You CANNOT request
the services of an accompanist without submitting your music at the same time.
- do not request the services of the Official Accompanist unless you are certain you are going to use them. You may
request a rehearsal with your allotted accompanist, but this will be at their convenience and they reserve the right to
charge a fee for their time. Accompanists can expend considerable time learning music and would rather not spend
this time on pieces which are not required.
-for more information, please refer to the guidance on our website, under the ‘People’ tab.
A selection of winners of the major trophies, plus other performances of note, will perform in a GALA CONCERT to be
held in St Cuthbert's Church, 6.30pm on Saturday, March 16th 2024. The major trophies will be presented at this
7. All Adult Vocal Classes (260 - 281) will take place on Saturday, 16th March, 2024.
Cumberland Council has stipulated that to take place, our Festival requires a BOPA (Body of Persons Approval), as a
result of which the Committee has had to adapt entry procedures. We ask your attention for the addition to our
General Regulations (see previous page) under point 16.
Furthermore, in order to satisfy Cumberland Council that we are acting responsibly, with due regard for the
wellbeing of competitors, please complete the fitness to perform statement on the Entry Form. We are also obliged
to record the number of participants from each school. If you do not wish the school attended by the entrant to be
noted in the programme, please tick the appropriate box on the entry form.
THE JOHN LISHMAN MEMORIAL TROPHY (Awarded for an outstanding performance in the Junior Acting Classes)
THE JOAN WALTON MEMORIAL TROPHIES will be awarded for Class 3b and Class 32
Aged 12, she was chosen to perform at the 70th birthday celebrations of Yehudi Menuhin! She
studied at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, with post graduate studies at London’s Royal
College of Music.
Andrea has a glittering international solo career as well as performing with her husband, Gjorde,
who plays classical accordion (you can hear them at Carlisle Music Society’s concert on January
She has given masterclasses as far afield as Serbia, made several CDs, recorded worldwide for
radio and very recently given lessons to Nicola Benedetti, to help the latter regain confidence after
a wrist injury.
For more information please contact: Lyn Young - LYBinns@aol.com - 01228 527139
Name:__________________________________________________ Age:_________________
Anyone attending the Masterclass under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or
other responsible adult. Carlisle and district Music and drama festival cannot be held responsible
for unaccompanied children.
Please feel free to copy this form; it can also be downloaded from our website: www.carlislemusicanddrama.com
Masterclass for Singers
Pat MacMahon was for thirty years one of Scotland’s leading sopranos and for many years senior vocal
tutor at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland; she is now respected internationally as an expert in voice
production and interpretation.
Pat has strong connections with Carlisle, which started with her teacher, Ena Mitchell. She will be giving
advice and instruction to facilitate the development of each singer in a way that will be interesting to all who
The class offers singers the chance to perform a song (lasting no more than 5 minutes) that they will enjoy
singing for Pat and the audience. Numbers are limited and the successful applicants will be informed
shortly after the closing date.
For more information please contact: Lyn Young - LYBinns@aol.com - 01228 527139
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd December 2023
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Two copies of your music should be sent with your application form to:
Lyn Young, Music Coordinator - 34 Holmehead Way, Carlisle CA2 6AJ
The official accompanist for the day will be Avril Tisdall - avriltisdall@gmail.com - 07586 354832
It is assumed that Avril will play for all singers unless we are told otherwise.
Anyone attending the Masterclass under 16yrs of age must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible
adult. Carlisle and District Music and Drama Festival cannot be responsible for unaccompanied children.
Please feel free to copy this form. It can also be downloaded from our website: www.carlislemusicanddrama.com
Masterclass: Understanding and Performing Shakespeare
John fell in love with Shakespeare’s plays while studying “Julius Caesar” for “O” level English Literature.
After gaining an MA in English and Philosophy from Aberdeen University, where he was President of the
Dramatic Society, he worked as an actor in the professional theatre in Scotland before becoming an
English teacher in Carlisle.
He founded Cumbria Teachers’ Theatre in 1974 to present plays set for examination. In 2014 John founded
Cumbria Classic Theatre with Irene Roberts – Green. This company is dedicated to staging plays in the
classical repertoire in support of local charities and preferably in interesting venues.
A Masterclass in understanding and performing Shakespeare led by John promises to be both educational
and hugely enjoyable and will be invaluable preparation for both festival classes and public examinations.
For more information please contact: Kate Lishman - katemlishman@gmail.com - 01768 870973
APPLICATION FORM FOR “Understanding and Performing Shakespeare”
Closing date for applications: Saturday 2nd December 2023
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Anyone under 16 years of age attending the Masterclass must be accompanied by a parent or other
responsible adult. Carlisle and District Music and Drama Festival cannot be held responsible for
unaccompanied children.
Please return the completed form to : Mrs. K. Lishman, Greystone House, Renwick, Penrith, Cumbria CA10
Anyone attending the Masterclass under 16yrs of age must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible
adult. Carlisle and District Music and Drama Festival cannot be responsible for unaccompanied children.
Please feel free to copy this form. It can also be downloaded from our website: www.carlislemusicanddrama.com
ADJUDICATOR: Stephen Owen BA(Hons), BA(Ed), MA, MEd, FRSA, FLCM, LRAM,
THE MOLLY WILSON MEMORIAL CUP will be presented for an outstanding performance in the Verse Speaking
THE JOE WALLACE MEMORIAL SALVER will be presented for an outstanding performance in the Acting Classes.
THE DOREEN SMITH TROPHY will be awarded for an outstanding performance in Bible Reading, Prose Reading
and Verse Reading Classes.
THE LANCELYN GREEN TROPHY will be awarded, at the Adjudicator's discretion, for any performance worthy of
THE CUMBERLAND BUILDING SOCIETY CUP will be awarded, at the Adjudicator's discretion, to the most
promising performer in the 2024 Festival.
THE DR KENNETH PICKERING MEMORIAL TROPHY will be presented by Ms Louise Lewis for outstanding
performance in duologue acting.
THE JOHN LISHMAN MEMORIAL TROPHY presented by Mrs Kate Lishman will be awarded for an outstanding
performance in the Junior Acting Classes.
THE WENDY LE HURAY MEMORIAL TROPHY presented by Carys Lewis will be awarded for an outstanding
performance in the Junior Verse Speaking Classes.
The set poems for the Verse Speaking classes must be obtained from the Speech and Drama Co-ordinator. Please
send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request to:
Mrs Kate Lishman, Greystone House, Renwick, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 1JT
Copies of own choice pieces for the adjudicator should be clearly marked with entrant's name and class
number and sent to Kate Lishman to arrive a week before the commencement of the festival.
Poems in the Solo Verse Speaking classes should be spoken, not acted out. Over-reliance on gesture will be
penalised. There are opportunities for acting in other classes.
CLASS 1 SOLO VERSE SPEAKING - Boys and girls 5 yrs and under £4.00
Test: “Grown Out Of” by Tony Mitton
Trophy: The Ellen Wilson Shield presented by Mrs K Lishman
Test: Own choice, not exceeding 5 minutes
Trophy: The Mary Whitehead Cup presented by Mandy Norman
Test: “A Blackbird Singing” by R S Thomas
Trophy: The Jeweller's Workshop Trophy, presented by Mr M McClounie
CLASS 51 PROSE READING – 7 yrs and under £4.00
Test: Own choice from Beatrix Potter, not exceeding 2 minutes
Trophy: A Trophy and a Book Token
CLASS 52 PROSE READING – 9 yrs and under £4.00
Test: Own choice from any work of fiction written for children, not exceeding 3 minutes
Trophy: The Girl Guides' Challenge Cup
All Bible Readings are inclusive. All must be read from the King James 1 Authorised Version of the Bible.
All extracts chosen for the acting classes must be from published works and copies of own choice pieces for the
adjudicator should be clearly marked with entrant's name and class number and sent to Kate Lishman to arrive a
week before the commencement of the festival. Please note the “Copyright Compliance”, Rule 7 in the General
Regulations at the beginning of the syllabus.
CLASS 90 SHORT DRAMATIC SCENE - SOLO - NOT COSTUME - 14yrs and under £4.00
Test: Own choice from a play or dramatised novel, not exceeding 5 minutes
Trophy: The Alice Palmer Memorial Trophy
The speaker may use notes, but the speech must not be written out in full and read
Test: Own choice of topic
Chairman - to introduce the team, team members and the chosen topic, and to give a vote of
thanks at the end
Verse Reader - to read a poem or an extract from a poem on the chosen topic, not exceeding 2
Prose Reader - to read a passage of prose, either fiction or non-fiction, on the chosen topic, not
exceeding 2 minutes
Speaker - to give a short talk on the chosen topic, not exceeding 2 minutes
NB: The total team performance time should not exceed 10 minutes
Trophy: The Spoken Word Challenge Shield
Test: Own choice of topic
Chairman - to introduce the team, team members and the chosen topic, and to give a vote of
thanks at the end
Verse Reader - to read a poem or an extract from a poem on the chosen topic, not exceeding 3
Prose Reader - to read a passage of prose, either fiction or non-fiction, on the chosen topic, not
exceeding 3 minutes
Speaker - to give a short talk on the chosen topic, not exceeding 3 minutes
NB: The total team performance time should not exceed 15 minutes
Trophy: The Spoken Word Challenge Shield
Test: Own choice of topic
Chairman - to introduce the team, team members and the chosen topic, and to give a vote of
thanks at the end
Verse Reader - to read a poem or an extract from a poem on the chosen topic, not exceeding 3
Prose Reader - to read a passage of prose, either fiction or non-fiction, on the chosen topic, not
exceeding 3 minutes
Speaker - to give a short talk on the chosen topic, not exceeding 3 minutes
NB: The total team performance time should not exceed 15 minutes
Trophy: The Spoken Word Challenge Shield
CLASS 202 JUNIOR CHOIRS - Primary Schools; choir consisting of between 12-35 children £6.00
Schools can enter either Class 201 or Class 202, not both. We are flexible about the number of choir
members on the day, but please do let the adjudicator's clerk know before your performance if and
why your number is not in compliance with the class's requirements.
Singing in 2 parts is not obligatory and carries no extra marks
Test: "A Pirate Song" by WR Smith, Banks Music Publications. Available for purchase, from your local high
street or online retailer, or as a digital download
Trophy: The Kingmoor Cup presented by Kingmoor Junior School
CLASS 209 CHILDREN'S ACTION SONGS - Infant Schools - 7yrs and under £6.00
Test: Two songs of own choice, performance in total not exceeding 5 minutes
Trophy: Austin Friars Trophy
CLASS 210 YOUTH CHOIRS - Other than Schools (this class will be held in the evening) £6.00
Test: Two pieces of own choice, music not exceeding 10 minutes in total
Trophy: A Silver Cup
CLASS 214 CHOIRS - OPEN - Mixed voices, 12 or more performers (any combination of voices) £10.00
(This class will be held on Thursday evening)
Test: Two pieces of own choice, music not exceeding 10 minutes in total
Trophy: The Sempre Amabile Trophy
CLASS 215 CHOIRS - OPEN - Mixed voices, 12 or more performers (any combination of voices) £10.00
(This class will be held on Thursday evening)
Test: One piece of Sacred Music of own choice
Trophy: Helen Snowball Cup
Please note: Anyone entering these classes who is aged 18yrs MUST NOT be in Higher or Further Education
CLASS 230 BOYS' VOCAL SOLO - 12yrs and over (for either changed or unchanged voices) £4.00
Test: Any song from "Changing Voices" by Liza Hobbs and Veronica Veysey Campbell, OR "The Boy's
Changing Voice" by Richard Walters
Trophy: A Trophy
This is a qualifying class for the Sam Bellingham Trophy
CLASS 244 CHORISTERS' SOLO - BOYS OR GIRLS - 16yrs and under £4.00
Test: Own choice of religious song, not exceeding 3 minutes
Trophy: A Cup presented by the Carlisle Cathedral Choirs Association
This is a qualifying class for the Sam Bellingham Trophy
CLASS 250 SONGS FROM THE SHOWS - Junior Solo - 14 to 18yrs £4.00
Test: Own choice from Musical Theatre - one song from a film or show; no costume or props; not
exceeding 5 minutes
Trophy: The Clements Memorial Cup
CLASS 251 SONGS FROM THE SHOWS - Junior Solo - 13yrs and under £4.00
Test: Own choice Musical Theatre - one song from a film or show; no costume or props; not exceeding 5
Trophy: The Frank Routledge Memorial Cup
CLASS 252 DISNEY SONGS - Junior Solo - 7 to 11yrs £4.00
Test: Any Disney song
Trophy: The Young Singer Trophy
CLASS 277 GILBERT AND SULLIVAN - SOLO, DUET OR ENSEMBLE (up to 5 singers, any age) £5.00
Test: Own choice from the Savoy Operas (solo) or
Trophy: The Joe Wallace Memorial Trophy £7.00
CLASS 292 VOCAL DUET - any voice - OPEN (this class will be held in an evening) £7.00
Test: Own choice
Trophy: A Trophy presented in memory of the late Mrs A E Snelgar
CLASS 294 VOCAL ENSEMBLES - OPEN (3-11 people) (this class will be held in an evening) £7.00
Test: Own choice, not exceeding 6 minutes
Trophy: The Hilary Hodgson Trophy
CLASS 300 RECITAL SOLO - OPEN - any instrument including voice £5.00
Test: At least two contrasting pieces during a performance of not more than 15 minutes
(approx. grade 7-8)
Trophy: A Trophy presented by Mrs L Young, in memory of Katherine Hopkins
CLASS 320 FAMILY MUSIC-MAKING - OPEN - instrumental and/or vocal (any combination - any instrument, £7.00
any age, any voice)
Test: Own choice, not exceeding 5 minutes
CLASS 325 HANDBELLS (including Belleplates and Hand Chimes) - Junior Schools £5.00
Test: Own choice, not exceeding 6 minutes
Trophy: A trophy presented by Newlaithes Primary School, in memory of Clare Lumby
CLASS 414 PIANOFORTE DUET (4 hands at one piano) 13yrs and under £5.00
Test: Own choice
Trophy: The Caroline McCorry Duet Cup
CLASS 418 PIANOFORTE TRIOS (6 hands at one piano) 18yrs and under £5.00
Test: Own Choice
Trophy: The Caroline McCorry Trophy
CLASS 601 VIOLIN SOLO - 10yrs and under £4.00
Test: Own choice
Trophy: A Winner's Cup
CLASS 675 STRING QUARTET - OPEN - 1 first violin, 1 second violin, 1 viola, 1 violoncello £7.00
Test: Own choice, not exceeding 10 minutes
Trophy: The Jane Fleming Memorial Trophy
The British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech work for amateur
festivals everywhere to help create thousands of educational performance opportunities for children and
young people each year.
The Federation, and our member Festivals, are committed to ensuring safe environments for children and
young people and believe that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of
any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a
commitment to recommend best practice which protects them.
This policy applies to our Board of Trustees, paid staff, Adjudicator members, volunteers, students or
anyone working on behalf of the Federation and our member Festivals.
We recognise that:
• the welfare of the child/young person is paramount
• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation
or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
• working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is
essential in promoting young people’s welfare.
The Federation will review this policy each year in November in line with Safe Network guidance or sooner
in light of any changes in legislation or guidance. All changes will be communicated to our member
Festivals in time for the start of the new Festival year.
Return to CDMDF Speech and Drama Coordinator:
Mrs K Lishman, Greystone House, Renwick, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1JT
Closing date is 20th January 2024
Please enclose a sufficiently stamped self-addressed envelope for your receipt and timetable (1 A4 sheet).
When no SAE is enclosed, we will assume receipt and timetable are not required.
Please keep a record of the numbers of the classes you have entered; the
timetable only lists class numbers, not names.
Timetable will be posted online - Facebook and website: www.carlislemusicanddrama.com - as soon as available.
Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I, the undersigned, will adhere to the regulations stated in the Syllabus and on the CDMDF website and
accept as final the decision of the Committee in all questions and disputes arising out of, or not provided for,
in the regulations.
I confirm that I have read the CDMDF Safeguarding Policy for all children under 18 (or vulnerable adults of
any age) & that I understand that the Festival cannot take any responsibility for their safety & that I will convey
this to any parents/guardians/carers of any such competitors.
I give (or have obtained) the necessary consents for the competitors to take part in the Festival.
I confirm that at the time of entry any individuals listed here are fit to take part in the Festival and that a
member of the Committee will be informed if this situation changes.
Please confirm you agree with the above by ticking all the boxes.
Date ...................................................................................................................................................................................
* Copies of own choice pieces for the adjudicator should be clearly marked with entrant's name and class number and sent
to Kate Lishman to arrive a week before the commencement of the Festival.
cheques to be
made payable to
PLEASE NOTE: Copies of own choice pieces for the adjudicator should be clearly marked
with entrant's name and class number and sent to Kate Lishman to arrive a week before the
commencement of the Festival.
* If you are entering a class/group, please give us your best estimate of the number of performers. We would expect to
be notified if this changes radically. Please confirm numbers to the Recording Officer on the day of the performance.
** For participants under the age of 18, please fill in their age at the start of the Festival.
Return to CDMDF Music Coordinator:
Mrs L Young, 34 Holmehead Way, Carlisle CA2 6AJ
Closing date is 20th January 2024
Please enclose a sufficiently stamped self-addressed envelope for your receipt and timetable (1 A4 sheet).
When no SAE is enclosed, we will assume receipt and timetable are not required.
Please keep a record of the numbers of the classes you have entered; the
timetable only lists class numbers, not names.
Timetable will be posted online - Facebook and website: www.carlislemusicanddrama.com - as soon as available.
Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I, the undersigned, will adhere to the regulations stated in the Syllabus and on the CDMDF website and
accept as final the decision of the Committee in all questions and disputes arising out of, or not provided for,
in the regulations.
I confirm that I have read the CDMDF Safeguarding Policy for all children under 18 (or vulnerable adults of
any age) & that I understand that the Festival cannot take any responsibility for their safety & that I will
convey this to any parents/guardians/carers of any such competitors.
I give (or have obtained) the necessary consents for the competitors to take part in the Festival.
I confirm that at the time of entry any individuals listed here are fit to take part in the Festival and that a
member of the Committee will be informed if this situation changes.
Please confirm you agree with the above by ticking all the boxes.
Date ...................................................................................................................................................................................
You may now delay the decision to use an Official Accompanist until the timetable is available. Please check website
for any new Regulations regarding this. If you know at the time of entry that you will require the Official Accompanist,
you should enclose a copy of the music with this form. Music must be labelled with the name of competitor and the
class number it is for.
cheques to be
made payable
* If you are entering a choir/band/group, please give us your best estimate of the number of performers. We would
expect to be notified if this changes radically. Please confirm numbers to the Recording Officer on the day of the
** For participants under the age of 18, please fill in their age at the start of the Festival.