Bibliography Well Being at School
Bibliography Well Being at School
Bibliography Well Being at School
Well-being at school
Well-being at school
Hélène Beaucher
Information specialist
Documentary Resource Center
October 2012
................................................................................................................... 5
Defining and measuring well-being .................................................................... 7
Concepts of well-being and well-being at school ............................................................................. 7
Evaluation of well-being, evaluation of well-being at school .......................................................... 10
International surveys .................................................................................... 15
National and regional studies and surveys ......................................................... 19
Regional studies and surveys .........................................................................................................19
National studies and surveys .........................................................................................................21
Focus on a few themes ................................................................................... 27
School climate and violence at school ........................................................................................... 27
A holistic approach: health-promoting schools ................................................... 35
Case studies ................................................................................................................................. 38
Sitography ................................................................................................... 39
International networks and organizations .................................................................................... 39
National websites .........................................................................................................................40
This bibliography has been produced for the “International Conference on Educational
Monitoring and Evaluation” due to be held at the CIEP on 14th and 15th November 2012. The
theme of this conference is well-being at school and the evaluation of schools.
Defining and measuring well-being
Well-being at school
Well-being in schools: empirical measure, or politician’s dream ?
Oxford Review of Education, 2009, vol. 35, n° 3, p. 281-292
This article shows how well-being has become a significant focus of much educational policy
in the United Kingdom, and explores how this has come about. Different definitions of well-
being are reviewed as is the empirical base on which many of the interventions to improve
well-being have been founded. Some of the major criticisms of this shift in policy are outlined,
and the article includes a consideration of the validity of these criticisms. Finally it is noted
that, while some elements of well-being are based on empirical research, much of the impetus
for the focus on well-being has stemmed from the political agenda in the United Kingdom
over the past decade.
disciplinary perspectives on well-being generally, to conceptions of wellness with particular
salience for adolescents in today’s society, and finally, to theoretical work, empirical research
and educational programs concerned with well-being within the specific context of post-
primary schooling.
Online Document
Promoting Psychosocial Well-being through School Education. Concepts and
In AHONEN Arto, ALERBY Eva, JOHANSEN Ole Martin, et al. Crystals of Schoolchildren’s
Well-Being. Cross-Border Training Material for Promoting Psychosocial Well-Being through
School Education Rovaniemi : University of Lapland, 2008, p. 17-24 Available from Internet:
In this article the discussion focuses on whether schools could take on a more significant role
in promoting health and well-being not only through work by social and health care services,
but also through work done by school education. The article deals with what “promoting
psychosocial well-being” means in a teacher’s educational work by describing some of the
main concepts and principles which it is based on. Of the principles defining the school’s
activity, culture, dialogism, encountering and caring are discussed in this context. These
principles also entail the idea of cooperation with the children’s homes and the community.
Online Document
Evaluation of well-being, evaluation of well-being at school
AWARTANI Marwan, WHITMAN Cheryl Vince, GORDON Jean
Developing Instruments to Capture Young People's Perceptions of How School
as a Learning Environment Affects Their Well-Being
European Journal of Education, March 2008, vol.43, n°1, p. 51-70
This article describes the Universal Education Foundation's (UEF) activities to create
research tools and methodologies that capture the voices of children concerning their
perceptions of the effect of the school learning environment on their well-being. UEF defines
well-being as the realisation of one's physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual
potential. The Voice of Children (VoC) toolkit includes a survey and techniques to conduct
focus groups as ways for young people to share their views. Young people participated in the
development of the pilot instruments and, perhaps more importantly, they are involved as
agents of change, presenting the findings through advocacy events to those who make
decisions about policies and programmes that can have a positive impact on well-being.
Measuring and monitoring the well-being of young children around the world.
Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report
2007. Strong foundations: early childhood care and education
Paris : UNESCO, 2006, 34 p. Available from Internet :
The goal of this paper is to offer a somewhat “new” concept of children’s well-being and its
relevance to measuring and monitoring young children’s lives. This is followed by a focus on
recent shifts in the field, before presenting the history and developments of child well-being
indicators, drawn from an extensive literature review of nearly 200 “state of the child”
reports worldwide published between 1950 and 2005. In section 4 of the paper, the author
discusses the current measures and monitoring efforts of young children’s well-being
indicators, as well as some practical implications for the EFA global monitoring effort.
Online Document
Indicators and Indices of Children’s Well-being: towards a more policy-oriented
European Journal of Education, March 2008, vol. 43, n° 1, p.37-50
This article focuses on the potential and actual use of child social indicators and indices
in the policy-making process. It opens with a brief overview of the child indicators field
and it current development and trends. A discussion of these new developments follows.
The third section focuses on existing knowledge on indicators of children’s well-being
and the information needed to enhance their policy impact. The article turns to discuss
two major efforts to measure and monitor children’s well-being:the UNICEF child well-
being index and the Foundation Child Development (FCD) child well-being index.
Les indicateurs alternatifs du bien-être : dossier
Cahiers statistiques, n° 11, 2006, 8 p. Available from Internet :
This special report examines the different possible components of well-being and tries to
determine whether economic growth indicators can suitably reflect the development and
level of well-being in OECD countries. Well-being is a complex notion generally dealing with
the concepts of prosperity, health and happiness. The authors begin by looking at monetary
indicators before studying diverse non-monetary indicators reflecting, for example, the social
situation and quality of environment and calling into question surveys that subjectively
measure happiness and life satisfaction.
Online Document
Rapport intermédiaire de l’étude sur le bien-être des élèves
Nanterre : Université Paris Ouest La Défense, 2012, 24 p.
This report lists the various tools used during the study of pupil well-being. It presents the
study and its findings. This research enabled different measurements of pupil well-being to
be developed. The author concludes that it is important to distinguish between a pupil’s
general well-being and well-being at school. The level of well-being at school seems to be
fairly low and it is influenced by school level and pupil gender.
Measuring Student Well-Being in the Context of Australian Schooling:
Discussion Paper
ACER : Australian Council for Educational Research, 2004, 54 p . Available from Internet:
Well-being has been a pervasive and extensively researched construct in psychology and
education for over forty years. This has given rise to a great diversity of definitions and
models of well-being. Broadly, well-being has been defined from two perspectives. The
clinical perspective defines well-being as the absence of negative conditions and the
psychological perspective defines well-being as the prevalence of positive attributes. This
report describes a specific measurement model of student well-being in the school
community. Student well-being cannot be viewed in isolation from a broader school context.
School communities provide both the defining context and have the potential to significantly
influence well-being.
Online Document
Nantes : Centre de recherche en éducation de Nantes, Université de Nantes, septembre 2012,
24 p.
This report addresses the research “Evaluation of well-being and quality of life at school”, the
purpose of which is to contribute to the scientific preparations for the 2nd international
encounters on educational monitoring and evaluation due to be held from 14th to 16th
November 2012 at the CIEP in Sèvres. The first part of the report, a bibliographic search, is a
review of the theoretical and empirical research published in the international literature on
the theme of quality of life and well-being at school so as to identify indicators of well-being
at school. It is based on some fifty recent articles from studies conducted in several countries,
including the USA, Netherlands and Australia. The second part of the report addresses the
construction and validation of a questionnaire on the well-being at school of 8 to 12 year-old
Inventaire raisonné des outils d’évaluation de la participation des enfants et des
jeunes. Rapport final
Bruxelles : OEJAJ : Observatoire de l‘Enfance, de la Jeunesse et de l’Aide à la jeunesse, juin
2009, 50 p. disponibles sur le site :
This study was conducted by an independent engineering office, SONECOM, at the request of
the Observatoire de l’Enfance, de la Jeunesse et de l’Aide à la Jeunesse. The objective of this
inventory is to provide a range of tools for evaluating the participation of children and young
people. Participation is defined overall by the ability to give one’s opinion and be listened to.
The research mainly targets other living environments than the family, i.e. the school
environment and “third environment” – which organise services and projects for children
and young people. In order to make a well thought-out choice of the tools to describe, an analysis
was performed of all the 30 tools listed. This threw up three themes relating to three key
questions : What do we evaluate? Where do we evaluate? How do we evaluate? Ten evaluation
tools were chosen for their particularly relevant, innovative and transposable character.
Online Document
@ Synergies et Actions
Ce que les enfants entendent par bien-être et les leçons à en tirer pour le choix
et la définition d’indicateurs de bien-être. Rapport final partie 1
Bruxelles : OEJAJ : Observatoire de l‘enfance, de la jeunesse et de l’aide à la jeunesse, 2008,
106 p. disponibles sur le site :
This research follows a new trend in indicators of child well-being. It moves away from the
context of survival (i.e. meeting primary needs), focusing instead on what comes
“afterwards”. Literature in English often uses the term ‘positive well-being’ to refer to the
object of this new research. It gathers the subjective viewpoint of children rather than
objective data. By giving precedence to positive development factors rather than the
reduction of risks, it prioritises the child’s life as a child rather than his or her fate as an
Online Document
@ DILLEY Julia
Research Review: School-based Health Interventions and Academic
Washington : Washington State Board of Health, September 2009, 32 p. Available from
What is the relationship between a student’s health and academic achievement? Are they
competing priorities? Or do healthy students really learn better? This report summarizes
what the research shows about academic achievement and health.
Online Document
@ DIX Katherine L., SLEE Phillip T., LAWSON Michael J., et al.
Implementation quality of whole-school mental health promotion and students’
academic performance
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, vol. 17, n° 1, 2012, pp. 45–51
This paper argues for giving explicit attention to the quality of implementation of school-wide
mental health promotions and examines the impact of implementation quality on academic
performance in a major Australian mental health initiative. Hierarchical linear modelling was
used to investigate change in standardised academic performance across the 2- year
implementation of a mental health initiative in 96 Australian primary schools that was
focused on improving student social-emotional competencies. After controlling for differences
in socioeconomic background, a significant positive relationship existed between quality of
implementation and academic performance. The difference between students in high- and
low-implementing schools was equivalent to a difference in academic performance of up to 6
months of schooling.
Online Document
Relationship influences on students’ academic achievement, psychological
health and well-being at school
Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 27, n° 1, 2010, p. 104-115 Available from Internet:
For this study, data were collected from both students and teachers about students’
social/emotional adjustment and academic achievement and motivation. Data were obtained
for 888 students across Years 5 to 9 from 58 classes in 21 South Australia schools, about their
perceptions of relationships with family, peers and teachers as sources of stress or support at
school. Teachers reported on randomly selected students in each of their classes regarding
their Academic Achievement and Motivation, and their Social/Emotional Adjustment to
school. This analysis confirmed the strength of the connection between the student’s
social/emotional and academic experience of school, and highlighted that both academic and
social/emotional outcomes are unambiguously influenced by the quality of the relationships
between teachers and students which, when compared with that of family and peers, exert
the strongest influence, on well-being and achievement outcomes for students.
Online Document
International surveys
@ European Commission
Child Poverty and Well-Being in the EU – Current status and way forward
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, 246 p.
Available from Internet:
Using commonly agreed indicators, this report identifies the predominant factors affecting
child poverty in each country. Indicators have not been used to name and shame but to group
countries according to the common challenges they face: joblessness, in-work poverty,
insufficient support to families. The report also reviews the national monitoring and
evaluation systems in place and draws 15 recommendations to better assess and monitor
child poverty and the multiple dimensions of child well-being across the EU.
Online Document
@ GABOS András, TOTH István György
Child well-being in the European Union. Better monitoring instruments for
better policies. Report prepared for the State Secretariat for Social Inclusion of
the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
Budapest : TÁRKI Social Research Institute, 2011, 122 p. Available from Internet:
The European Union has always regarded as a primary objective its fight against poverty and
social exclusion and is increasingly turning its focus on the issue of child well-being. As part
of the European cooperation on social protection and social inclusion, the European Union
has expressed its strong political commitment to combating child poverty and promoting
well-being among children, regardless of their social background. The Child well-being in the
European Union - Better monitoring instruments for better policies report commissioned by
the State Secretariat for Social Inclusion of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
builds on these predecessors and aims at contributing to the child mainstreaming process
within the EU. The report is a close follow-up of the previous major outcomes of the child
mainstreaming process.
Online Document
questions. Does poor health during childhood or adolescence have a significant impact on
educational achievement or performance? Does the engagement of children and adolescents
in unhealthy behaviours determine their educational attainment and academic performance?
Online Document
National and regional studies and surveys
Le bien-être des enfants à l'école maternelle. Comparaison des pratiques
pédagogiques en France et en Allemagne
Informations sociales, n° 160, 2010, p. 46-53. Available from Internet:
This paper seeks to demonstrate the low importance attached to child well-being in French
infant schools through a comparison with German kindergartens which, by contrast, make it
a central component. On the basis of empirical research, this difference is linked to the way
in which learning is conceived. In France, there is a duty to be visible – which turns children
into pupils more quickly. In Germany, learning cannot be conceived without considering the
well-being of the child, which must take priority and be visible.
Online Document
CURCHOD-RUEDI Denise dir., DOUDIN Pierre-André dir. , LAFORTUNE Louise dir., et al.
La santé psychosociale des élèves
Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2011, 350 p. (Collection Education-Intervention)
This paper presents the risks that pupils face and reveals the protection factors that can be
taken on board by the school – particularly in the context of the school and classroom. With
contributions from education sciences, psychology, neuropsychology, medicine and
psychiatry, the paper takes a multidisciplinary approach to pupils’ psychosocial health –
whether it is a matter of preventing stress, violence, at-risk behaviours or psychological
distress. It seeks to be a convergence point of Quebecker, Swiss, French, Belgian and Finnish
specialists. The first part is given over to psychological approaches to pupil health. The
second part focuses on institutional approaches to pupil health. The last part looks at
educational approaches to pupil health.
CORNU Laurence coord.
Le plaisir et l'ennui à l'école
Revue internationale d'éducation Sèvres, septembre 2011, n° 57, 176 p., bibliogr.
Teachers, philosophers, writers, psychoanalysts and sociologists from several countries
(Brazil, France, India, Norway, Portugal, Senegal, UK and USA) have asked themselves what
is expected from school in different parts of the world: what is expected day-to-day and "for
later on", in the school’s raison d’être, and in its daily experience. From one country to
another – what are the "official" ideas of enjoying going to school and studying there?
Surveys, personal stories or literature: what do the pupils, teachers, school heads and parents
have to say in this regard? In practical terms, what is the atmosphere and what are the
teaching practices in classes or schools?
National studies and surveys
organizational context where difficulties build up one after another, supporting young people
and teaching them, whilst protecting one’s own mental health at work, is an occupational
health and safety challenge.
interactions within the school community as being the most rewarding as well as the most
problematic part of their school career.
Online Document
Rapport d'information fait au nom de la commission de la culture de l’éducation
et de la communication par la mission d’information sur le métier d’enseignant
Paris : Sénat, juin 2012, 101 p. Available from Internet :
Given the evident deterioration in teachers’ working conditions and intensified tensions
within French schools, this report provides diagnostic elements of the cause of teacher ill-
being and suggests avenues for reform that might restore confidence in school, particularly
by thoroughly reviewing the training and recruitment system.
Online Document
@ EVANS Maggi
Teaching happiness – A brave new world ?
The Psychologist, vol. 24, n° 5, May 2011, p. 344-347 Available from Internet:
Well-being is firmly on the government agenda and from April 2011 there are plans that
United Kingdom’s well-being will be measured alongside GDP. This will bring numerous
challenges around definition, measurement and interventions. Some of these issues have
already been encountered within the field of education, which under the previous
government had a clear responsibility to increase the well-being of pupils. This article
explores some of the research and issues encountered by this agenda. Whilst the aim of
increasing well-being is admirable, there are many concerns and potential difficulties that
merit full debate. An understanding of the approach in education may help to inform the
government course as they embark on increasing the national well-being.
Online Document
Focus on a few themes
@ CARRA Cécile
Tendances européennes de la recherche sur la violence et les déviances en
milieu scolaire : Acquis, problèmes et perspectives.
International Journal of Violence and School, décembre 2009, n° 10, p. 97–110. Available
from Internet :
This article sets out to put into perspective the European research trends concerning violence
at school, the main definitions, favoured methods, underlying issues and type of data
available. It questions the implications while throwing light on the grey areas. It is
particularly based on the national summaries of some ten European countries drawn up as
part of the CRIMPREV initiative, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by
the European Group of Research into Norms (GERN), and also draws from international
Online Document
departments of education, school climate policy, practice guidelines, and teacher education
practice on the other.
Online Document
À l'école des enfants heureux... enfin presque. Une enquête de victimation et
climat scolaire auprès d'élèves du cycle 3 des écoles élémentaires
Paris : Unicef France, 2011, 42 p. Available from Inernet :
This survey was conducted by the Observatoire international de la violence scolaire at Unicef
France’s request. On average, 9 out of 10 pupils claim to feel good at school. However, for a
significant minority of them, it is a place of suffering: 17% say that they have often been hit by
other pupils; the number of victims of verbal or symbolic bullying is estimated to be around
14% of pupils and 10% claim to be victims of physical bullying. These negative findings
demand a response from the public authorities and educational community. The author and
his team of researchers therefore advocate for prevention measures based on training the
teaching staff, raising parental awareness and consideration of the child, in accordance with
the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Online Document
Violence et climat scolaire dans les établissements du second degré en France –
une enquête quantitative auprès des personnels de direction des lycées et
Bordeaux : observatoire international de la violence à l’école, 2010, 54 p. Available from
Internet :
This report presents the main findings of a “victimization and school climate” survey recently
conducted on a significant sample of French national education managerial staff, in four
categories: the conditions in which the staff work, school climate and its trends, victimization
and how violence at school is tackled by disciplinary measures.
Online Document
@ EVRARD Laetitia
Résultats de la première enquête nationale de victimation au sein des collèges
publics au printemps 2011
Note d’information, DEPP : Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance,
octobre 2011, n° 11-14, 8 p. Available from Internet:
In France, 18,000 pupils from 300 state secondary schools answered a questionnaire on
school climate and any attack they could have been victims of. 93% of them claim to be happy
with their school climate. Insults, theft of school supplies and teasing are the most common
forms of attack. Very few pupils declare serious acts of violence such as threats or injuries
with weapons. Overall, 6% of pupils declare a number of victimizations which could indicate
a situation of bullying.
Online Document
Des violences à l’école
Dossier d'actualité Veille et Analyses, n°54, mai 2010, 16 p. Available from Internet :
From a factual point of view, it can be observed that verbal violence is as important as
physical violence, and that these one-off or incessant incidents disturb the atmosphere in the
class and learning conditions, both for teachers and pupils. Standing in the way of preventing
this violence is the difficulty of defining these forms of transgression. What victims (generally
pupils) and witnesses (generally teachers) feel varies from one country to another and
according to the educational and social contexts. Verbal deviance, bullying or attitudes of
withdrawal may begin when children are very young. They are very often related to a feeling
of injustice by pupils and incomprehension by teachers of these acts that do not comply with
educational standards. Whatever the country of origin, research work shows how certain
teaching situations encourage conflicts or, conversely, attenuates them, and how important
the school and class climate is for learning and educational practice.
Online Document
respect to age differences, none were observed in Canada and Norway, but age differences
were seen in Romania.
Online Document
@ MURAT François
Les actes de violence recensés dans les établissements publics du second degré
en 2010-2011
Note d’information, DEPP : Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance,
2011, n° 11.13, 6 p. Available from Internet :
Following the États généraux de la sécurité à l’école (French convention on safety at school)
held in April 2010, major changes have been made to the SIVIS survey (Information and
vigilance system on school safety) to improve detection of acts of violence. These technical
improvements call for caution when interpreting the slight increase observed in state
secondary schools between 2009-2010 (11.2 incidents for 1,000 students) and 2010-2011
(12.6 incidents for 1,000 students). This overall average through the 2010-2011 school year
covers a wide range of situations depending on the school: there are few acts of violence in
general and technological lycées (sixth-form colleges) but considerably more in secondary
schools and most of all in vocational lycées. Boys commit and are victims of violence more
often than girls. They particularly suffer a lot of physical violence. Girls are more concerned
by verbal and sexual violence. The appendix presents the SIVIS survey.
Online Document
classes have main and interaction effects on both outcomes. However, the interaction effects
on well-being are limited to a few class-pupil interactions. The results indicate that
achievement and well-being can be considered as two different, distinctive school and class
outcomes and that the school characteristics investigated act differently on these outcomes.
Some school characteristics are always effective independent of the outcome criterium, while
the effectiveness of other school characteristics depends on the criterium considered.
Le harcèlement entre élèves : le reconnaître, le prévenir, le traiter
Paris : Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, 2011, 39 p. Available from Internet:
Bullying concerns around 10 to 15% of school-age children and teenagers in France. The
consequences in terms of mental health and schooling decisions are now better known. The
frequency of this phenomenon is almost identical worldwide. In many countries – United
States, Canada, England, Australia, Poland, Norway, Finland, Israel – the public authorities,
aware of the seriousness of the consequences, have made school bullying prevention a central
concern of their educational policies. This guide is aimed at raising the awareness of the
whole educational community about bullying between pupils and its consequences. It
provides information for understanding and detecting the violence between peers that
bullying constitutes, for the purposes of tackling it and preventing it, including when it
begins or continues on the social networks in the form of cyber-bullying.
Online Document
Refuser l’oppression quotidienne : la prévention du harcèlement à l’école.
Rapport au ministre de l’Education nationale, de la Jeunesse et de la Vie
Bordeaux : Observatoire international de la violence à l’école, avril 2011, 49 p. Available from
Internet :
After a definition and analysis of bullying between peers at school and of its consequences on
pupils’ mental health and academic results, the report presents the reasons for cracking
down on bullying at school and analyses what causes it. The author makes 15 proposals for
combating bullying and cyber-bullying between pupils at school. These proposals are given
under four key objectives: knowing and recognizing bullying between peers, using training as
a solution, setting up collective forms of mobilization and “curbing bullying”.
Online Document
La prévention des violences scolaires
In CURCHOD-RUEDI Denise dir., DOUDIN Pierre-André dir. , LAFORTUNE Louise dir., et
al. La santé psychosociale des élèves, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2011, p. 95-
124 (Collection Education-Intervention)
Ensuring the physical and mental health of pupils and professionals is one of the key
missions of school, often enshrined in law. Without this safety, teaching is very difficult to
carry out and learning is greatly compromised. What’s more, situations of intense insecurity
can have significant negative consequences on pupils’ and teachers’ well-being. This chapter
sets out to consider how professionals working in schools can help to prevent violent
behaviour. Taking a psychosocial approach, the paper tries to determine how the structuring,
organization and running of schools and classes can affect the emotional, cognitive and
motivational processes which in turn will influence individual behaviour.
Relational matters: A review of the impact of school experience on mental
health in early adolescence
Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 27, n° 1, 2010, p. 91-103
The review of this area posited the notion of ‘the supportive school’ as important and one key
element, the notion of school connectedness. This paper explores the part played by
relationships in schools. Relationships between teachers and pupils and pupils’ peer
relationships are identified as the key ones. The main ways in which school-based
relationships impact upon mental health are explored. First, in terms of the relationship to
academic outcomes; second, the relationship between social support, feelings of emotional
well-being or distress, and teacher-pupil relationships; and finally the relationship between
school connectedness and mental health outcomes. The authors argue for greater attention to
be paid to the interconnections between the relationships with young people and their
emotional and academic well-being. The paper concludes with the implications for schools
and teachers of these findings.
@ TEW Marilyn
Emotional connections: An exploration of the relational dynamics between staff
and students in schools
Educational and Child Psychology, vol. 27, n° 1, 2010, p. 129-142. Available from Internet:
This paper describes the research-based PROGRESS programme that has been developed by
the charity Antidote to help schools create even better learning environments. Starting from
a baseline survey that investigates how capable, listened to, accepted, safe and included, staff
and students feel in all aspects of school life, the programme goes through two phases of data
collection to uncover the hidden factors that impair the relational dynamics of schools and
limit the opportunities for young people to become engaged in their learning. The paper uses
examples of schools in three different phases to show how Antidote uses diagrammatic
pictures to illustrate the interconnected nature of school relationships. It then describes how
the insights provided by the diagrams generate productive conversations about how to
change things. The paper argues that the collaborative, relational energy produced by these
conversations, with an accompanying growth in trust and confidence, have a bigger role to
play in generating profound shifts in teaching, learning and well-being than the
implementation of the strategies themselves.
Online Document
A holistic approach: health-promoting schools
@ BUIJS Goof
Better Schools through Health: networking for health promoting schools in
European Journal of Education, 2009, vol. 44, n°. 4, p. 507-520. Available from Internet:
Education and health have shared interests. Health promoting schools have shown evidence
of improving the health and well-being of the whole school community. At the European
level, the Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) network is one of the most sustainable school
networks in Europe and worldwide. This article explains how health helps to create better
schools. It focuses on the advantages of working as a network at a European level with direct
links with schools, policy makers, practitioners and researchers. It describes the impact of
networking on schools, what changes take place at the school level, and also at the regional
and national level. Some examples of the results of networking are presented, including the
work on developing indicators for health promoting schools within the European context.
The article concludes with a report of the 3rd European Conference on health promoting
schools held in June 2009 in Lithuania, with the Vilnius Resolution as its important
Online Document
findings from national health promoting school projects, with a particular emphasis on the
promotion of mental health.
@ DÉSY Michel
L'école en santé : recension des écrits
Montréal : Direction de santé publique Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de
Montréal, 2009, 100 p. Available from Internet :
This paper presents a report of the documents on the ecological model of young people’s
health in school and seeks to mark out and define the “École en santé” approach (AES). Its
thematic sections are largely given over to presenting the convincing results of actions taken
regarding health prevention and promotion in young people, paying particular attention to
what does or does not work and pinpointing the characteristics specific to the health-
promoting school approach and to the ecological approaches it is similar to. Lastly, the
author looks at three problems that arise from this inventory. The first is support for this
approach in general and how it links with the ecological model. The second concerns the
adaptability of the approach to the populations it has been designed for, and the third is to do
with its specifically participatory aspect.
Online Document
Vers une école saine : éducation à la santé volet 2
Dossier d'actualité Veille et Analyses, n°77, septembre 2012, 18 p. Available from Internet :
After publishing an initial topical report on the relations between education and health, the
French Education Institute (Ife) is presenting a second report on health education. Beyond a
question of curriculum, the researchers think about setting up a holistic approach to health
promotion in the school context. This seeks to act on individual behaviour with regard to
health, to update its expressions and to have a positive influence on academic results. This
also means that the educational community as a whole must adopt this approach and put it
into practice. In practical terms, how can a school adopt this type of programme, and what
does it represent for the educational community and pupils? In presenting a typology of
holistic approaches to health along with some international examples of such approaches,
this report questions their feasibility and effectiveness.
Online Document
Apprendre à mieux vivre ensemble : des écoles en santé pour la réussite de tous
Lyon : Chronique sociale, 2012, 149 p.
The approach to better community living concerns class activities, the school-family
relationship and school climate. It aims at improving the latter as well as well-being at school
with a view to fostering success for all pupils. It seeks to enhance pool and enrich school
practices in the field of health education and citizenship. This involves enabling the
development of knowledge, skills and the common core curriculum in all pupils by giving
them the means to know their body, their health, the behaviours and their effects; developing
their personal, social and civic skills; respecting oneself and others; having confidence in
oneself and asserting oneself constructively; learning how to manage conflict, exchange and
cooperate or acquire the means for a critical perspective of one’s environment.
lessons. The review is confined to school-based interventions that are founded explicitly on
the concept of the health promoting school and employ the concept beyond one school
domain. The authors included nine evaluations in this review. There was evidence that the
health promoting school has some influence on various domains of health for the school
community. It is also possible to integrate health promotion into the school curriculum and
policies successfully. The authors discuss some of the methodological challenges of
evaluating health promoting schools and make suggestions for improving future evaluations.
Online Document
success and health than those based mainly on information and implementation solely within
the classroom.
Online Document
Case studies
Online Document
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) is a cross-national research study
conducted in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The study aims to gain
new insight into, and increase our understanding of young people's health and well-being,
health behaviours and their social context.
SHE Network
SHE Network is the Schools for Health in Europe Network. It aims to support organisations
and professionals to further develop and sustain school health promotion in each country by
providing the European platform for school health promotion. It’s a network of National
Coordinators from 43 countries in the European Region. It focus making school health
promotion an integral part of policy development in the European education and health
sectors. The SHE network is the European platform for school health promotion and is
coordinated by NIGZ, as the WHO Collaborating Centre for School Health Promotion. SHE
provides easy access to information, good practices, contacts and exchange of information.
develop a new global ethic for children. The Centre undertakes research to monitor the
changing situation of children, to highlight the chronic and continuing gaps in child-related
data, to support and expand efforts to fill these gaps, and to influence policy decisions in
favour of children.
This website has been created as part of the European Comenius project involving six schools
in five countries: France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and UK. The partner institutions in this
project hope to learn from one another by comparing their positive experiences in the fields
of sport, diet, balance between work and private life, urban environment and integration of
pupils experiencing difficulties of any sort. The pupils undertake research and draw up
strategies enabling them to make the right choices for a better and healthier lifestyle.
National websites
Wellbeing Australia
Wellbeing Australia is a not-for-profit network of people and organizations committed to
developing the healthy relationships that lead to individual and community wellbeing,
especially in education. Wellbeing Australia is a partner in the Australian government's
National Compact for social inclusion. It highlights values such as care, respect,
responsibility, understanding, inclusion and friendship; relationships based on collaboration
and participation. Wellbeing Australia promotes actively social and emotional competencies
for individuals, groups and school organizations; school connectedness for more effective
learning environments; developing resilience; putting positive and community psychology
into practice; dealing respectfully with conflict, challenging situations and difficult behaviour,
including restorative approaches; personal and professional integrity and ethical behavior. It
aims to share information about what is happening in Australasia. The Wellbeing Australia
Network is now across all states in Australia and New Zealand.
This Canadian website is one of the components of the project launched jointly by the
Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) and Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions
(COPA). The “Safe@School” project sets out, firstly, to encourage such innovation and
cooperation and, secondly, to promote exemplary practice through the COPA approach to
preventing violence and the establishment of school and community environments that are
“safe, strong and free”. The website provides teachers and other people working in education
with a directory of resources along with two separate vocational learning modules. These
interactive modules have been developed from the latest research findings and exemplary
practices on the establishment of healthy and safe school environments.
skills: communication, attentiveness, conflict management, mediation, non-violence action,
cooperation and so on.
SchoolWellbeing is a one stop shop aimed at staff in schools or settings who support the
health and wellbeing of children and young people in United Kingdom. The Leeds Healthy
Schools and Wellbeing Service is comprised of an expert team of consultants with an proven
track record of achievements over ten years within Education Leeds. In 2008 they achieved
government beacon status in recognition of the cutting edge work supporting schools to
embed the National Healthy Schools Standard. SchoolWellbeing supports schools with
National Healthy Schools including the Health Behaviour Change Model Emotional health
and targeted mental health, SEAL, Healthy eating, physical activity and prevention of
obesity; PSHE, sex and relationship education (SRE), sexual health, drugs, alcohol and
substance misuse, citizenship, Participation and pupil voice, Sustainable, ecofriendly schools.
A Swiss foundation of public utility that merged with the Swiss foundation for health
education, RADIX’ main themes concern mental health, a healthy body weight and addiction.
The Foundation’s platform contains a wealth of information on health-promoting schools,
particularly on the different programmes managed or coordinated by the Foundation: the
Swiss network of health-promoting schools, the Purzelbaum plus platform, “movement and a
healthy diet for children”, the national programme “Early intervention in the field of
training”, the online platform for young people, and the education + health Swiss
network programme.