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Vol-4 Issue-3 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396


Soundhirarajan K1, Ashraf Ali Ahamed S2,
HOD, Structural Engineer, Gnanamani College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India
PG Scholar, Structural Engineering, Gnanamani College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India 3 Author

Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) has tremendous benefits increasing productivity and overall efficiency and
was poised to be very successful since its evolution in Japan (‘80s). However, the cost per cubic metre of SCC
became a deterrent in the matured markets of Australia, Japan; or, the emerging markets of China, India and
ASEAN countries, Hence SCC could never dominate traditional vibratable or pumpable concrete.

In today’s context, almost 65% of the traditional vibratable concrete classes are between 20-32 MPa. By
default, classical SCC requires high fines content and any SCC specified by the consultant and subsequently
produced by the concrete producer is an “overdesign”.

Today, low fines self-consolidating concrete, i.e. <340 – 380 kg / m3 of cementitious content has become a
reality for the lower grades of concrete. Low fines yet self-consolidating concrete. Low fines yet self-consolidating
concrete uses a new state of the art synthetic viscosity modifying agent (VMA) incorporated in special
Polycarboxylate ether (PCE) based hyperplasticizer. This low fines, self-consolidating, sustainable solution will
help boost productivity and efficiency to help engineers, owners, and concrete producers, realize their respective
dreams. Low fines SCC (referred to as smart Dynamic Concrete) realizes a host of benefits – economic (reduction of
fines), enduring (durable), ecological (low fines) and ergonomic (almost negligible vibration)..

SDC: Smart Dynamic Concrete

1. Introduction of SDC

SDC is a special concrete which is highly flowable, non-segregating and by its own weight spread into place and
completely fill the formwork even in the presence of dense reinforcement. SDC offers several economical and
technical benefits. The concept of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) was first developed in Japan in the 1980’s. Its
use in the precast concrete is quite prevalent in several European countries and the USA. In the ready-mixed
concrete industry however, the use of SCC is limited and restricted to specialized projects and applications despite
all the benefits it offers. One of the main reasons why SCC is not commonly employed in the ready mixed industry
is the higher cost associated with such mixes.

1.1 Advantages of SDC

SDC requires minimal to no vibration due to its self-compacting properties, thereby resulting in lower energy and
manpower utilization. Demoulding can done in ust 16 hours and faster rotation of the formwork or in other words,
shorter cycle times resulted in overall cost savings and more importantly, earlier completion times. Excellent surface
finish with no honeycombing and voids is can be achieved with SDC, Hence, the repair costs of concrete members
cast with SDC can be maintained at a low level. Similarly, the need for plastering of exposed faces as is common
practice in most parts of the country prior to painting can be eliminated. SDC reduces the carbon footprint of
concrete and the construction processes because of the lower cementitious content, less energy, lower in-place costs,
better finishability and enhanced durability.
SDC is an attractive proposition for designers, contractors and owners because it is economically viable without
compromising aspects such as the durability of structures.

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Vol-4 Issue-3 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

1.2 VMF and Superplasticisers

Most VMA’s are based on high molecular weight polymers with a high affinity to water. The strength of the three
dimensional structure affects the extent to which the yield point is increased. RHEOBUILD 619 RM As VMF and
GLENIUM SKY 8233 As Super Plasticizer.

Mixing of concrete may be done by hand and machine. Mixing should be done thoroughly so as to have a uniform
distribution of ingredients which can be judged by uniform colour and consistency of concrete.On a clean, hard and
water tight platform cement and sand are mixed. Dry using shovels untill the mixture shows the uniform colour.
Then, aggregates are added thoroughly mixed using shovel untill the ingredients are uniformly mixed.

Mix Base Water (l) Cement (Kg) Fine Coarse VMF kg Super plasticizers
Aggregated Aggregate kg
(kg) (kg)

Weight 197 358 681 1112 3.58 1.79

w/c= 0.55

Ratio Ratio = 1 : 1.9 : 3.1

Table -1 Mix Ratio

2.1 Testing of RCC beam

Placing the R.C. beam on the simply supports, so that the projection beyond the supports are
symmetrical. Fix the LVDT and deflectometer to the center of the beam.

Place the load cell on the top. Do the initial correction so that the dial in the deflect meter read zero, now
the load is applied gradually and respective deflection are measured from deflectometer.

Data is also collected from the computer to regular interval. Three samples of each testing of concrete
were tested to detrmine the 28 days compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensible strength and Test on
RCC beam with Two Point Load application.

Fig-1 Casting of RCC beam


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Vol-4 Issue-3 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

The load frame testing machine with 50 tonnes capacity was used for testing the specimens.For
reinforced concrete beam size of the beam is 1000mm x 100mm x 150mm.

Fig-2 Two Point Load Test

2.2 Ductile Flexural Failure

The steel force remains constant at Asfy with further loading, a slight additional load causes large
elongation of the steel across the flexural cracks, resulting in wide cracking and a large increase in the strain at the
extreme compression fiber of the concrete. This occurred due to yielding of the internal tensile steel reinforcement
followed by concrete crushing at mid span section for control beams. Sagging flexural failure of control beam
occurred as a result of the yielding of the tensile steel reinforcement at the beam mid span.

Load (KN) Deflection(mm)

3 1.4
6 4.2
9 6.6
12 8.4
14.27 Table -1 Load-Deflection. 14.2


Tests are carried out on 1000 x 150 x 100 beams conforming to IS 516: 1959 to obtain the fleural
strength at the age of 28 days in the flexural tests a standard plain concrete beam of rectangular cross section is
simply supported and subjected to central point loading until failure.

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Vol-4 Issue-3 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

Chart -1 Load Deflection Curve

The use of SDC can be extended to “everyday” concrete in the ready-mixed and precast concrete industries.
. SDC is an attractive proposition for designers, contractors and owners because it is economically viable without
compromising aspects such as the durability of structures. SDC can be used as a substitute to normal conventional
concrete because of its zero repair works in post concrete (honey combs causes 15% extra cost for repair/grouting. .
As SDC is homogeneous high viscous mix, it can be poured from the max. 4mt height without any segregation.
Flow of SDC is from 550-650mm. 50% of labour charges can be avoided while placing concrete (as it is self-
flowing and self-compacting concrete, it does not require much man power while placing).

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my Supervisor Mr.K.SOUNDHIRARAJAN M.E., Department of civil
engineering for his constant help and creative ideas over the period of project work.

The author also wishes to express sincere thanks to all staff members, supporting staff members, friends and Family
for their selfless support and cooperation.

1.The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete, May 2005.

2. IS: 10262-2009 Concrete mix proportioning-Guidelines, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

3. Y S Kanade, S S Angalekar on ―Comparative Study of Fresh and Hardened Properties Of Nominal Mix And
Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete‖ in International journal of science, Technology & Management,
volume na. 04, issue no. 06, june 2015.

4. Recommendation for Self-Compacting Concrete – Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Japan, August 1999.

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