Fundamentals of Image Processing
Fundamentals of Image Processing
Fundamentals of Image Processing
Image processing is a fundamental and interdisciplinary field that deals with the
manipulation, analysis, and interpretation of digital images. It encompasses a wide range of
techniques and algorithms aimed at enhancing, understanding, and extracting information
from images. The fundamental concepts of image processing include:
Images are represented as a collection of discrete pixels, where each pixel corresponds to a
specific location in the image and carries intensity values that represent the color or grayscale
value at that point.
2. Image Enhancement:
Image enhancement techniques are used to improve the visual quality of images, making
them easier to interpret or analyze. Common enhancement techniques include contrast
stretching, histogram equalization, and spatial filtering.
3. Image Restoration:
Image restoration focuses on removing noise and others artifacts from images to recover their
original content and improve clarity.Techniques such as filters, denoising algorithms, and
deblurring methods are used for image restoration.
4. Image Transformation:
5. Image Segmentation:
7. Image Compression:
Image compression reduces the size of an image to save storage space and facilitate faster
transmission.Lossy and lossless compression methods are used in image compression.
8. Image Recognition and Object Detection:
Image recognition involves identifying and classifying objects or patterns in images using
machine learning algorithms.Object detection aims to locate and identify specific objects
within an image.
Morphological operations are used to process images based on their shape and
structure.Erosion, dilation, opening, and closing are common morphological operations.
1. Pixel Grid: A digital image is represented as a two-dimensional grid of pixels, where each
pixel corresponds to a specific location in the image.
The grid is organized in rows and columns, and each cell in the grid represents a pixel.
2. Pixel Value: Each pixel in the image is associated with a numerical value, which
represents the intensity or color information at that specific location.
For grayscale images, the pixel value is a single intensity value representing the brightness
level of the pixel.
For color images, each pixel is typically represented as a combination of three colour
channels (Red, Green, and Blue - RGB), and each channel has its numerical value.
3. Image Resolution: The resolution of a digital image refers to the number of pixels in the
image's height and width.Higher resolution images have more pixels and thus contain more
4. Color Depth: Color depth refers to the number of bits used to represent each pixel's color
For example, an 8-bit color depth allows 2 8 (256) possible color values for each channel in
an RGB image, resulting in 16.7 million possible colors overall.
5. Image Formats: Digital images are stored in various formats, such as JPEG, PNG, BMP,
GIF, etc. Each image format has its specific compression and storage properties.
6. Grayscale vs. Color Images: Grayscale images have only one color channel, and each
pixel is represented by a single intensity value. Color images have multiple color channels
(e.g., RGB), and each pixel is represented by a combination of color values.
7. Binary Images: Binary images are a special type of digital image that contains only two
colors (usually black and white) or two intensity values (0 and 1).Binary images are
commonly used for tasks like image segmentation or edge detection. Digital image
representation is the foundation of various image processing operations, including
enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and recognition. By converting visual information
into digital form, images become accessible to computational algorithms and can be analysed
and manipulated using a wide range of image processing techniques.