Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Basic Greetings
- 你好,老师。
(Nǐ hǎo, lǎoshī.)
Translation: Hello, teacher.
- 早上好,同学。
(Zǎoshang hǎo, tóngxué.)
Translation: Good morning, classmate.
Simple Greetings + Nouns
1. 晚上好,司机。 5. 你好,服务员。
Good evening, driver. Hello, waiter/waitress.
2. 你好,医生。 6. 早上好,音乐家。
Hello, doctor. Good morning, musician.
3. 你好,警察。 7. 下午好,演员。
Hello, police officer. Good afternoon, actor/actress.
3. 早上好,护士。
Good morning, nurse.
4. 下午好,工程师。
Good afternoon, engineer.
Simple Greetings + Nouns
1. Sorry, engineer
4. Goodbye, Teacher
Write down the names of your new friends and a fun fact
about each of them. After the activity, share what you've
learned with the class and make new connections!