Lecture 08 - Indoor Environmental Quality

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Category Six
Indoor Environmental Quality

Ph.D. LEED AP Sara Khalifa

Course Lecturer

B.Sc. LEED GA Mona Abdel-Aziz

Teaching Assistant


German University in Cairo | Winter 2020 | BTECH 907 | LEED to LEAD 2


1. What are the main strategies of reducing the impact of

building life cycle?

2. Mention the difference between pre-consumer and

post-consumer recycled content materials!

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Monday 12/10/2020 Lecture 01- Green Building Basics …..

Monday 19/10/2020 Lecture 02- About LEED Carbon Footprint

Monday 26/10/2020 Excursion

Monday 2/11/2020 Lecture 03- Location & Transportation L&T Q&A

Monday 9/11/2020 Lecture 04- Sustainable Sites SS Q&A
Monday 16/11/2020 Lecture 05- Water Efficiency WE Q&A
Monday 23/11/2020 Lecture 06- Energy & Atmosphere EA Q&A
Monday 30/11/2020 Lecture 07- Materials & Resources M&R Q&A
Monday 7/12/2020 Lecture 08- Indoor Air Quality IAQ Q&A Task sheet
Monday 14/12/2020 Lecture 09- Bonus Credits Bonus Credits Q&A

Monday 21/12/2020 Lecture 10- Synergies Synergies Q&A Draft..5%

Monday 28/12/2020 Research Pinup Final..30%
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Monday 11/1/2021 Revision Lecture …..

German University in Cairo | Winter 2020 | BTECH 907 | LEED to LEAD 4

LEED v4 for BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation
Project Checklist Project Name:

08 Y ? N
Credit Integrative Process 1

0 0 0 Location and Transportation 16 0 0 0 Materials and Resources 13

Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location 16 Y Prereq Storage and Collection of Recyclables Required
Credit Sensitive Land Protection 1 Y Prereq Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning Required
Credit High Priority Site 2 Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction 5
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product
Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses 5 Credit 2
Credit Access to Quality Transit 5 Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials 2
Credit Bicycle Facilities 1 Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients 2
Credit Reduced Parking Footprint 1 Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management 2
Credit Green Vehicles 1
0 0 0 Indoor Environmental Quality 16
0 0 0 Sustainable Sites 10 Y Prereq Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Required
Y Prereq Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required Y Prereq Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Required
Credit Site Assessment 1 Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies 2
Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat 2 Credit Low -Emitting Materials 3
Credit Open Space 1 Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1
Credit Rainw ater Management 3 Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment 2
Credit Heat Island Reduction 2 Credit Thermal Comfort 1
Credit Light Pollution Reduction 1 Credit Interior Lighting 2
Credit Daylight 3
0 0 0 Water Efficiency 11 Credit Quality View s 1
Y Prereq Outdoor Water Use Reduction Required Credit Acoustic Performance 1
Y Prereq Indoor Water Use Reduction Required
Y Prereq Building-Level Water Metering Required 0 0 0 Innovation 6
Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction 2 Credit Innovation 5
Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction 6 Credit LEED Accredited Professional 1
Credit Cooling Tow er Water Use 2
Credit Water Metering 1 0 0 0 Regional Priority 4
Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
0 0 0 Energy and Atmosphere 33 Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
Y Prereq Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Required Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
Y Prereq Minimum Energy Performance Required Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
Y Prereq Building-Level Energy Metering Required
Y Prereq Fundamental Refrigerant Management Required 0 0 0 TOTALS Possible Points: 110
Credit Enhanced Commissioning 6 Certified: 40 to 49 points, Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum : 80 to 110
Credit Optimize Energy Performance 18
Credit Advanced Energy Metering 1
Credit Demand Response 2
Credit Renew able Energy Production 3
Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management 1
Credit Green Pow er and Carbon Offsets 2

German University in Cairo | Winter 2020 | BTECH 907 | LEED to LEAD 5

LEED v4 for BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation

08 Y ? N
Project Checklist

Credit Integrative Process 1

Project Name:

0 0 0 Location and Transportation 16 0 0 0 Materials and Resources 13

Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location 16 Y Prereq Storage and Collection of Recyclables Required
Credit Sensitive Land Protection 1 Y Prereq Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning Required
Credit High Priority Site 2 Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction 5
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product
Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses 5 Credit 2
Credit Access to Quality Transit 5 Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials 2
Credit Bicycle Facilities 1 Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients 2
Credit Reduced Parking Footprint 1 Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management 2
Credit Green Vehicles 1
0 0 0 Indoor Environmental Quality 16
0 0 0 Sustainable Sites 10 Y Prereq Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Required
Y Prereq Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required Y Prereq Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Required
Credit Site Assessment 1 Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies 2
Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat 2 Credit Low -Emitting Materials 3
Credit Open Space 1 Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1
Credit Rainw ater Management 3 Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment 2
Credit Heat Island Reduction 2 Credit Thermal Comfort 1
Categories Credit Light Pollution Reduction 1 Credit Interior Lighting 2
Credit Daylight 3
0 0 0 Water Efficiency 11 Credit Quality View s 1
Y Prereq Outdoor Water Use Reduction Required Credit Acoustic Performance 1

Prerequisite Y

Indoor Water Use Reduction
Building-Level Water Metering
Required 0 0 0 Innovation 6
Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction 2 Credit Innovation 5
Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction 6 Credit LEED Accredited Professional 1
Credit Cooling Tow er Water Use 2
Credits Credit Water Metering 1 0 0 0 Regional Priority 4
Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
0 0 0 Energy and Atmosphere 33 Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
Y Prereq Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Required Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
Y Prereq Minimum Energy Performance Required Credit Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1
Y Prereq Building-Level Energy Metering Required
Y Prereq Fundamental Refrigerant Management Required 0 0 0 TOTALS Possible Points: 110
Credit Enhanced Commissioning 6 Certified: 40 to 49 points, Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum : 80 to 110
Credit Optimize Energy Performance 18
Credit Advanced Energy Metering 1
Credit Demand Response 2
Credit Renew able Energy Production 3
Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management 1
Credit Green Pow er and Carbon Offsets 2

German University in Cairo | Winter 2020 | BTECH 907 | LEED to LEAD 6


Category Six:
Indoor Environmental Quality

German University in Cairo | Winter 2020 | BTECH 907 | LEED to LEAD 7

Category 6: IAQ Credits
Prerequisite 1 Minimum IAQ Performance
Prerequisite 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Credit 1 Enhanced IAQ Strategies
Credit 2 Low Emitting Materials
Credit 3 Construction IAQ Management Plan
Credit 4 IAQ Assessment
Credit 5 Thermal Comfort
Credit 6 Interior Lighting
Credit 7 Daylight
Credit 8 Quality Views
Credit 9 Acoustic Performance

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Category 6: IAQ Credits
Prerequisite 1 Minimum IAQ Performance
Prerequisite 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Credit 1 Enhanced IAQ Strategies
Credit 2 Low Emitting Materials
Credit 3 Construction IAQ Management Plan
Credit 4 IAQ Assessment
Credit 5 Thermal Comfort
Credit 6 Interior Lighting
Credit 7 Daylight
Credit 8 Quality Views
Credit 9 Acoustic Performance

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08 Main Concepts

Air quality

comfort Environmental comfort

Visual comfort

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08 Minimum & Enhanced IAQ Performance
• Minimum IAQ Performance
To contribute to the comfort and well-being of building occupants by establishing minimum
standards ( such as ASHRAE 62.1-2010 and CEN EN 15251-2007 for ventilation and
monitoring of indoor air quality (IAQ) in:
Naturally ventilated spaces
Mechanically ventilated spaces
Mixed mode

• Enhanced IAQ Strategies

To enhance occupant comfort by controlling air quality using further strategies such as:
entryway systems
interior cross-contamination prevention
natural ventilation design calculations
mixed-mode design calculations.

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08 Minimum & Enhanced IAQ Performance

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08 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Prohibit smoking except in designated smoking areas

Interior Smoking areas Exterior Smoking areas

 No recirculation, to be  Min. 25 ft. away from
exhausted outside windows, doors, or any air
 Enclosed with impermeable intake
deck-to-deck partition, self-
closing doors
 Negatively pressurized

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08 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

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08 Low Emitting Materials
• To reduce concentrations of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human
health, productivity, and the environment.

• To reduce Volatile organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted from building materials such as:

 Adhesive and sealants

 Composite wood which is wood made from several materials
 Paints and coatings
 Flooring
 Furniture and furnishings
 Rooms containing equipment such as copiers

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08 Low Emitting Materials

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08 Construction IAQ Management Plan
To promote the well-being of construction workers and building occupants by minimizing
indoor air quality problems associated with construction and renovation.

 Develop and implement an IAQ management plan

 During construction, meet or exceed all applicable recommended control measures of the
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA) IAQ
 Protect absorptive materials stored on-site and installed from moisture damage.
 Do not operate permanently installed air-handling equipment during construction
 Prohibit the use of tobacco products inside the building and within 25 feet of the building
entrance during construction.

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08 Construction IAQ Management Plan

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08 IAQ Assessment
To establish better quality of indoor air in the building after construction and during occupancy

Flush out Air testing

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08 IAQ Assessment
To establish better quality of indoor air in the building after construction and during occupancy

Flush out
 Perform a building flush-out
by supplying specific air
volume, and with maintaining
specific temperature and

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08 IAQ Assessment
To establish better quality of indoor air in the building after construction and during occupancy

Air testing
 conduct baseline IAQ testing after
construction ends and before
occupancy under typical ventilation
conditions for occupancy.

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08 IAQ Assessment

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08 Thermal Comfort
Meet the requirements for both thermal comfort design and thermal comfort control according
to one of the following:

ASHRAE standard 55-2010

ISO 7739-2005
CEN EN 15251-2007

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08 Thermal Comfort

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08 Thermal Comfort
Köppen Climate Classification

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08 Thermal Comfort
Köppen Climate Classification
• Five major climate groups: A, B, C, D, and E
• Special category of highland (H) climate
• 14 individual climate types

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08 Thermal Comfort
Köppen Climate Classification

Subtypes for Temperature Subtypes for Precipitation

•a-warmest month above or equal to 22 C (for •s -dry season in summer: when 70% or more
C or D climates) of annual precipitation falls in winter (for C
•b -warmest month below 22 C (for C or D climates)
climates) •w-dry season in winter: when 70% or more of
•c-less than four months over 10 C (for C or D annual precipitation falls in summer (for A, C,
climates) or D climates)
•d-same as 'c' but coldest month below -37 C •f-constantly moist: rainfall consistent
(for D climates) throughout the year (for A, C, or D climates)
•h-hot and dry: all months above 0 C (for B •m-monsoon rain: short dry season, use when
climates) precipitation in driest month is less than 6 cm
•k -cool and dry: at least one month below 0 C and total annual precipitation exceeds 125 cm,
(for B climates) when both 'w' and 'm' subtypes are met, 'm'
subtype takes precedence, don't use both
subtypes (for A climates)
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08 Thermal Comfort
Psychrometry –Comfort Zone

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08 Thermal Comfort
Psychrometry –Comfort Zone

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08 Thermal Comfort
Psychrometry –Comfort Zone

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08 Thermal Comfort
Psychrometry –Comfort Zone

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08 Thermal Comfort
Psychrometry –Comfort Zone

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08 Thermal Comfort
Psychrometry –Comfort Zone

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08 Interior Lighting
To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing high-quality lighting
and lighting control.

08 Daylighting
To connect building occupants with the outdoors, reinforce circadian rhythms, and reduce the
use of electrical lighting by introducing daylight into the space through simulation software or

08 Daylighting

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08 Quality Views
To give building occupants a connection to the natural outdoor environment.

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08 Acoustic Performance
To provide workspaces and classrooms that promote occupants’ wellbeing, productivity, and
communications through effective acoustic design through:

Using sound absorbing materials

Consider the geometry of a space.
Avoiding the use of small diameter ducts with high velocity airflow
Designing rooms with privacy and concentration in mind, such as study rooms in libraries
Enclosing or separating spaces where privacy and concentration is important

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08 Acoustic Performance

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